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Gene A of the phi X174 genome codes for two proteins, A and A* (Linney, E.A., and Hayashi, M.N. (1973) Nature New Biol. 245, 6-8) of molecular weights 60,000 and 35,000, respectively. The phi X A* protein is formed from a natural internal initiator site within the A gene cistron while the phi X A protein is the product of the entire A gene. These two proteins have been purified to homogeneity as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Previous studies have shown that the phi X A protein is an endonuclease which specifically introduces a discontinuity in the A cistron of the viral strand of supertwisted phi XRFI DNA. In addition to this activity, the phi X A protein also causes relaxation of supertwisted phi XRFI DNA and formation of a phi XRFH DNA . phi X A protein complex which has a discontinuity in the A cistron of the viral strand. This isolatable complex supports DNA synthesis when supplemented with extracts of uninfected Escherichia coli which lack phi X A protein and phi XRFI DNA. The phi XRFII DNA . phi X A protein complex can be attacked by exonuclease III but is not susceptible to attack by E. coli DNA polymerase I, indicating that the 5'-end of the complex is blocked. Attempts to seal the RFII structure generated from the phi XRFII DNA . phi X A protein complex with T4 DNA ligase in the presence or absence of DNA polymerase were unsuccessful. The phi X A protein does not act catalytically in the cleavage of phi XRFI DNA. Under conditions leading to the quantitative cleavage of phi XRFI DNA, the molar ratio of phi XRFI DNA to added phi X A protein was approximately 1:10. At this molar ratio, cross-linking experiments with dimethyl suberimidate yielded 10 distinct protein bands which were multiples of the monomeric phi X A protein. In the absence of DNA or in the presence of inactive DNA (phi XRFII DNA) no distinct protein bands above a trimer were detected. We found it possible in vitro to form a phi XRFII DNA . phi X A protein complex with wild-type phi XRFI DNA (phi X A gene+) and with phi XRFI DNA isolated from E. coli (su+) infected with phage phi X H90 (an am mutant in the phi X A gene). Thus, in vitro, in contrast to in vivo studies, phi X A protein is not a cis acting protein. The purified phi X A* protein does not substitute for the phi X A protein in in vitro replication of phi XRFI DNA nor does it interfere with the action of the phi X A protein which binds only to supertwisted phi XRFI DNA. In contrast, the phi X A* protein binds to all duplex DNA preparations tested. This property prevents nucleases of E. coli from hydrolyzing duplex DNAs to small molecular weight products.  相似文献   

It is already known that phi X gene A protein converts besides phi X RFI DNA also the RFI DNAs of the single-stranded bacteriophages G4, St-1, alpha 3 and phi K into RFII DNA. We have extended this observations for bacteriophages G14 and U3. Restriction enzyme analysis placed the phi X gene A protein cleavage site in St-1 RF DNA in the HinfI restriction DNA fragment F10 and in the overlapping HaeIII restriction DNA fragment Z7. The exact position and the nucleotide sequence at the 3'-OH end of the nick were determined by DNA sequence analysis of the single-stranded DNA subfragment of the nicked DNA fragment F10 obtained by gelelectrophoresis in denaturing conditions. A stretch of 85 nucleotides of St-1 DNA around the position of the phi X gene A protein cleavage site was established by DNA sequence analysis of the restriction DNA fragment Z7F1. Comparison of this nucleotide sequence with the previously determined nucleotide sequence around the cleavage site of phi X gene A protein in phi X174 RF DNA and G4 RF DNA revealed an identical sequence of only 10 nucleotides. The results suggest that the recognition sequence of the phi X174 gene A protein lies within these 10 nucleotides.  相似文献   

H P Vosberg  F Eckstein 《Biochemistry》1977,16(16):3633-3640
We have synthesized fd and phi X174DNA in the presence of 2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-O-(1-thiotriphosphate) (dATP alpha S) and the corresponding phosphorothioate derivatives of dCTP and dTTP using ether-permeabilized E. coli cells or crude cell extracts of E. coli DNA polymerase I. Reaction rates of enzymes involved in the formation or breakdown of DNA are decreased in the presence of phosphorothioates. The amount of label incorporated with [35S]dATP alpha S suggests that the dAMP has been completely substituted by 2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-0-phosphorothioate (dAMPS). The substituted DNAs have the same sedimentation coefficients, similar buoyant density, infectivity, and thermal stability as the unsubstituted DNAs. The procedure therefore allows specific modification at the 5' position of dA, dC, or dT in the DNA. In view of the recent demonstration of specific binding of Pt2+ complexes to the phosphorothioate analogue of poly[r(A-U)] (Strothkamp, K.G., and Lippard, S.J. (1976), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 73, 2536), the synthesis of phosphorothioate containing DNA may be of use for DNA sequencing by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence of 30 nucleotides which surrounds the origin of viral strand DNA replication is highly conserved amongst the icosahedral single-stranded DNA bacteriophages. The A gene of these phages encodes a protein which is required for initiation and termination of viral strand DNA synthesis and acts as a nicking-closing activity specifically within this 30-nucleotide sequence. A system of purified Escherichia coli host proteins and phi X174 gene A protein has been developed which specifically replicates in vitro the viral strand of phi X174 from RF (replicative form) I template DNA and yields single-stranded circular DNA products (RF leads to SS(c) DNA replication system). Recombinant plasmids carrying inserts derived from phage phi X174 or G4 DNA which range in length from 49 to 1175 base pairs and contain the 30-nucleotide conserved sequence have been shown to support phi X A protein-dependent DNA synthesis in vitro in this replication system. We report here that insertion of the 30-nucleotide sequence alone into pBR322 allows the resulting recombinant plasmids to support phi X A protein-dependent in vitro DNA synthesis as efficiently as phi X174 template DNA in the RF leads to SS(c) replication system. The 30-nucleotide sequence functions as a fully wild type DNA replication origin as determined by the rate of DNA synthesis and the structure of resulting DNA products. Furthermore, the DNA sequence requirements for nicking of RF I DNA by the phi X A protein and for supporting replication origin function have been partially separated. Homology to positions 1, 29, and 30 of the 30-nucleotide conserved sequence are not required for cleavage of RF I DNA by the A protein; homology to position 1 but not 29 or 30 is required for efficient DNA replication.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the gene A and A * proteins of bacteriophage phi X 174 form covalent associations with the 5' ends of the DNA molecules when superhelical phi X replicative form DNA is nicked by a combination of these proteins in vitro. This evidence is: 1, The 5' ends of the DNA molecules nicked by the gene A protein and reacted with bacterial alkaline phosphatase were protected against subsequent phosphorylation by polynucleotide kinase even after treatment of the nicked DNA with SDS and pronase followed by centrifugation on a high-salt neutral sucrose gradient. 2, Iodinated pronase-sensitive material remained attached to the nicked replicative form DNA and could not be removed by exposure to SDS or 2 M NaCl, either by sedimentation through high-salt neutral sucrose gradients, or by CsCl equilibrium centrifugation. 3, Iodinated pronase-sensitive material was detected on DNA that had been nicked during the reaction, but not on unreacted DNA. 4, Electrophoresis of the iodinated pronase-sensitive, DNA-bound material in SDS-polyacrylamide gels after DNAse digestion revealed that it was composed almost entirely polypeptides with electrophoretic mobilities similar to those of the gene A and A * proteins. We speculate that the gene * protein may be essential for normal progeny single-stranded DNA synthesis in vivo.  相似文献   

phi X174-directed DNA and protein syntheses in infected minicells.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Phi X174-infected minicells, produced by Escherichia coli PC2251, synthesized 11 phi X174-encoded polypeptides. The infecting single-stranded viral genome was converted to a double-stranded, closed circular, replicative form (replicative form I). Little, if any, replicative form I replication took place, and synthesis of progeny single-stranded molecules could not be detected.  相似文献   

Supercoiled plasmid bearing two wild-type phi X origin sequences on the same strand supported the phi X A protein-dependent in vitro formation of two smaller single-stranded circles, the lengths of which were equivalent to the distance between the two origins. Additional double origin plasmids were utilized to determine whether origins defective in the initial nicking event (initiation) could support circularization (termination). In all cases tested, the presence of a mutant origin on the same strand with a wild-type origin affected the level of replication in a manner consistent with the previously determined activity of the mutant origin. When a functional mutant origin was present on the same strand as a wild-type origin, the efficiency of replication and the DNA products formed were almost identical to those of the plasmid containing two wild-type origins. Plasmid DNA bearing both a wild-type origin and a mutant origin that did not support phi X A protein binding or nicking activity, on the other hand, supported efficient DNA synthesis of only full-length circular products, indicating that the origin defective for initiation was incapable of supporting termination. In contrast, the presence of a wild-type origin and an origin that did bind the phi X A protein but was not cleaved resulted in a marked decrease in DNA synthesis along with the production of only full-length products. This suggests that the phi X A protein stalls when it encounters a sequence to which it can bind but cannot cleave. Replication of double origin plasmids containing one functional phi X origin on each strand of the supercoiled DNA was also examined. With such templates, synthesis from the wild-type origin predominated, indicating preferential cleavage of the intact origin sequence. Replication of such substrates also produced a number of aberrant structures, the properties of which suggested that interstrand exchange of the phi X A protein had occurred.  相似文献   

Gene A protein of bacteriophage phi X174 plays a role as a site-specific endonuclease in the initiation and termination of phi X rolling circle DNA replication. To clarify the sequence requirements of this protein we have studied the cleavage of single-stranded restriction fragments from phi X and G4 viral DNAs using purified gene A protein. The results show that in both viral DNAs cleavage occurs at the origin and at one additional site which shows striking sequence homology with the origin region. During rolling circle replication the single-stranded viral DNA tail is covered with single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein. Therefore, we have also studied the effect of SSB on phi X gene A protein cleavage. In these conditions only single-stranded fragments containing the complete or almost complete origin region of 30 bases are cleaved, whereas cleavage at the additional sites of phi X or G4 viral DNAs does not occur. A model for termination of rolling circle replication which is based on these findings is presented. Finally, we present evidence that the second product of gene A, the A* protein, cleaves phi X viral DNA at the additional cleavage site in the presence of SSB, not only in vitro but also in vivo. The functional significance of this cleavage in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

Synthetic oligonucleotides, DNA ligase and DNA polymerase were used to construct double-stranded DNA fragments homologous to the first 25, 27 or 30 b.p. of the origin of replication of bacteriophage phi X174 (nucleotides 4299-4328 of the phi X174 DNA sequence). The double-stranded DNA fragments were cloned into the unique SmaI or HindIII restriction sites in the kanamycin-resistance gene of pACYC177 (AmpR, KmR). Recombinant plasmids were picked up by colony hybridization. DNA sequencing showed that not only recombinant plasmids with the expected insert were formed, but also recombinant plasmids with a shorter insert. Recombinant plasmids with an insert homologous to the first 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 or all 30 b.p. of the phi X174 origin region were thus obtained. Supercoiled plasmids containing a sequence homologous to the first 27, 28 or 30 b.p. of the phi X174 origin region are nicked by the phi X174 gene A protein. However, the other supercoiled plasmids are not nicked by the phi X174 gene A protein. These results show that the first 27 b.p. of the phi X174 origin region are sufficient as well as required for the initiation step in phi X174 RF DNA replication, i.e. the cleavage by gene A protein.  相似文献   

Two infectious forms of bacteriophage phi X 174.   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Infectious particles with S values of 114 and 132 were isolated from cells infected with bacteriophage phi chi 174. Electron micrographs of the 132S particle revealed a spherical structure with a diameter of about 40 nm. The 114S particle had spikelike projections and a diameter of about 32 nm. The 132S particles could be converted to 114S particles in vitro. However, pulse and pulse-chase experiments indicated no precursor-product relationship between these two particles in vivo.  相似文献   

J N Doda  D A Clayton 《Plasmid》1981,6(3):354-357
The light strand origin of replication of mouse mitochondrial DNA contains a 30-nucleotide region which is 60% homologous to the 30-nucleotide conserved sequence in φX174 and G4 viral DNAs known to contain the viral gene A protein cleavage site. Gene A protein does not cleave closed circular mouse mitochondrial DNA under conditions in which φX174 closed circular DNA is cleaved.  相似文献   

The A and A* proteins of phage phi X174 are encoded in the same reading frame in the viral genome; the smaller A protein is the result of a translational start signal with the A gene. To differentiate their respective functions, oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis was used to change the ATG start codon of the phi X 174 A* gene, previously cloned into pCQV2 under lambda repressor control, into a TAG stop codon. The altered A gene was then inserted back into phi X replicative form DNA to produce an amber mutant, phi XamA*. Two different Escherichia coli amber suppressor strains infected with this mutant produced viable progeny phage with only a slight reduction in yield. In Su+ cells infected with phi XamA*, phi X gene A protein, altered at one amino acid, was synthesized at normal levels; A* protein was not detectable. These observations indicate that the A* protein increases the replicative efficiency of the phage, perhaps by shutting down host DNA replication, but is not required for replication of phi X174 DNA or the packaging of the viral strand under the conditions tested.  相似文献   

The gene A protein cleaves phi X174 single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). The cleavage appears to be stoichiometric, whereby a gene A protein molecule breaks a phosphodiester bond and binds to the 5' end. The enzyme introduces mostly a single break in a circular ssDNA molecule. However, at high enzyme-to-DNA ratios, more than one break in the DNA could be observed. The cleavage of the ssDNA by gene A protein renders the DNA sensitive to the action of terminal transferase to incorporate [alpha -32P]ATP. Thus, the 3'OH end is free. All attempts to label the 5' end by T4-induced polynucleotide kinase and [gamma-32P]ATP failed. The formation of a gene A-ssDNA complex was demonstrated directly by using 3H-labeled gene A protein and 32P-labeled ssDNA in the reaction. Such a complex is resistant to treatments with 0.2 M NaOH, banding in CsCl, and boiling in 2.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Only treatment with a nuclease released the bound protein. Also, after cleaving [32P]ssDNA by gene A protein, followed by either DNase I or micrococcal nuclease digestion, a fraction of the 32P label remained resistant to nuclease treatment and comigrated with gene A protein on polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

The gene A protein of bacteriophage phi X 174 initiates replication of super-twisted RFI DNA by cleaving the viral (+) strand at the origin of replication and binding to the 5' end. Upon addition of E. coli rep protein (single-stranded DNA dependent ATPase), E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein and ATP, complete unwinding of the two strands occurs. Electron microscopic analyses of intermediates in the reaction reveal that the unwinding occurs by movement of the 5' end into the duplex, displacing the viral strand in the form of a single-stranded loop. Since unwinding will not occur in the absence of either gene A protein or rep protein, it is presumed that the rep protein interacts to form a complex with the bound gene A protein. Single-stranded DNA binding protein facilitates the unwinding by binding to the exposed single-stranded DNA. Further addition of the four deoxyribotriphosphates and DNA polymerase III holoenzyme to the reaction results in synthesis of viral (+) single-stranded circles in amounts exceeding that of the input template. A model describing the role of gene A protein and rep protein in duplex DNA replication is presented and other properties of gene A protein discussed.  相似文献   

In the preceeding paper (Brown, D. R., Roth, M. J., Reinberg, D., and Hurwitz, J. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 10545-10555), it was shown that following bacteriophage phi X174 (phi X) DNA synthesis in vitro using purified proteins, the phi X A protein could be detected covalently linked to nascent 32P-labeled DNA. This phi X A protein-[32P]DNA complex was the product of the reinitiation reaction. The phi X A protein-[32P]DNA complex could be trapped as a protein-32P-oligonucleotide complex by the inclusion of ddGTP in reaction mixtures. In this report, the structure of the phi X A protein-32P-oligonucleotide complex has been analyzed. The DNA sequence of the oligonucleotide bound to the phi X A protein has been determined and shown to be homologous to the phi X (+) strand sequence immediately adjacent (3') to the replication origin. The phi X A protein was directly linked to the 5' position of a dAMP residue of the oligonucleotide; this residue corresponded to position 4306 of the phi X DNA sequence. The phi X A protein-32P-oligonucleotide complex was exhaustively digested with either trypsin or proteinase K and the 32P-labeled proteolytic fragments were analyzed. Each protease yielded two different 32P-labeled peptides in approximately equimolar ratios. The two 32P-labeled peptides formed after digestion with trypsin (designated T1 and T2) and with proteinase K (designated PK1 and PK2) were isolated and characterized. Digestion of peptide T1 with proteinase K yielded a product which co-migrated with peptide PK2. In contrast, peptide T2 was unaffected by digestion with proteinase K. These results suggest that the phi X A protein contains two active sites that are each capable of binding covalently to DNA. The peptide-mononucleotide complexes T1-[32P]pdA and T2-[32P]pdA were isolated and subjected to acid hydrolysis in 6.0 N HCl. In each case, the major 32P-labeled products were identified as [32P] phosphotyrosine and [32P]Pi. This indicates that each active site of the phi X A protein participates in a phosphodiester linkage between a tyrosyl moiety of the protein and the 5' position of dAMP.  相似文献   

Incubation of phi X174 replication form I DNA with the A* protein of phi X174 in the presence of MN2+ results in the formation of three different types of DNA molecules: open circular form DNA (RFII), linear form DNA (RFIII) and the relaxed covalently closed form DNA (RFIV). The RFII and RFIII DNAs are shown to be A* protein-DNA complexes by electron microscopy using the protein labeling technique of Wu and Davidson (1). The linear double-stranded RFIII DNA molecule carries at one end a covalently attached A* protein whereas at the other end of the molecule the single-stranded termini are covalently linked to each other. The structure of the RFIII DNA shows its way of formation. The described properties of the A* protein indicate the way the larger A protein functions in the termination step of the rolling-circle type of phi X174 DNA replication.  相似文献   

The influence of the bacteriophage phi X174 (phi X) C protein on the replication of bacteriophage phi X174 DNA has been examined. This small viral protein, which is required for the packaging of phi X DNA into proheads, inhibits leading strand DNA synthesis. The inhibitory effect of the phi X C protein requires a DNA template bearing an intact 30-base pair (bp) phi X origin of DNA replication that is the target site recognized by the phi X A protein. Removal of nucleotides from the 3' end of this 30-bp conserved origin sequence prevents the inhibitory effects of the phi X C protein. Leading strand replication of supercoiled DNA substrates containing the wild-type phi X replication origin results in the production of single-stranded circular DNA as well as the formation of small amounts of multimeric and sigma structures. These aberrant products are formed when the termination and reinitiation steps of the replication pathway reactions are skipped as the replication fork moves through the origin sequence. Replication carried out in the presence of the phi X C protein leads to a marked decrease in these aberrant structures. While the exact mechanism of action of the phi X C protein is not clear, the results presented here suggest that the phi X C protein slows the movement of the replication fork through the 30-bp origin sequence, thereby increasing the fidelity of the termination and reinitiation reactions. In keeping with the requirement for the phi X C protein for efficient packaging of progeny phi X DNA into proheads, the phi X C protein-mediated inhibition of leading strand synthesis is reversed by the addition of proteins essential for phi X bacteriophage formation. Incubation of plasmid DNA substrates bearing mutant 30 base pair phi X origin sequences in the complete packaging system results in the in vitro packaging and production of infectious particles in a manner consistent with the replication activity of the origin under study.  相似文献   

The A* protein of phi X174 is an inhibitor of DNA replication   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Extracts prepared from phi X174 infected E. coli cells inhibited in vitro RF replication The inhibition was dependent upon the presence of A* protein in the reaction and served as an assay to highly purify the A* protein. Purified A* protein bound tightly to duplex DNA as well as single-stranded DNA. The binding of the A* protein to duplex DNA inhibited (I) its single-stranded DNA specific endonucleolytic activity; (II) in vitro synthesis of viral (+) single stranded DNA on an A-RFII DNA complex template; (III) ATP hydrolysis by rep protein and unwinding of the strands of RF DNA. We propose that this inhibitory activity is responsible in vivo for the shut off of E. coli chromosome replication during phi X174 infection, and has a role in the transition from semiconservative RF DNA replication to single-stranded DNA synthesis in the life cycle of phi X174.  相似文献   

A mutant (designated mec(-)) has been isolated from Escherichia coli C which has lost DNA-cytosine methylase activity and the ability to protect phage lambda against in vivo restriction by the RII endonuclease. This situation is analogous to that observed with an E. coli K-12 mec(-) mutant; thus, the E. coli C methylase appears to have overlapping sequence specificity with the K-12 and RII enzymes; (the latter methylases have been shown previously to recognize the same sequence). Covalently closed, supertwisted double-standed DNA (RFI) was isolated from C mec(+) and C mec(-) cells infected with bacteriophage phiX174. phiX. mec(-) RFI is sensitive to in vitro cleavage by R.EcoRII and is cut twice to produce two fragments of almost equal size. In contrast, phiX.mec(+) RFI is relatively resistant to in vitro cleavage by R.EcoRII. R.BstI, which cleaves mec(+)/RII sites independent of the presence or absence of 5-methylcytosine, cleaves both forms of the RFI and produces two fragments similar in size to those observed with R. EcoRII. These results demonstrate that phiX.mec(+) RFI is methylated in vivo by the host mec(+) enzyme and that this methylation protects the DNA against cleavage by R.EcoRII. This is consistent with the known location of two mec(+)/ RII sequences (viz., [Formula: see text]) on the phiX174 map. Mature singlestranded virion DNA was isolated from phiX174 propagated in C mec(+) or C mec(-) in the presence of l-[methyl-(3)H]methionine. Paper chromatographic analyses of acid hydrolysates revealed that phiX.mec(+) DNA had a 10-fold-higher ratio of [(3)H]5-methylcytosine to [(3)H]cytosine compared to phiX.mec(-). Since phiX.mec(+) contains, on the average, approximately 1 5-methylcytosine residue per viral DNA, we conclude that methylation of phiX174 is mediated by the host mec(+) enzyme only. These results are not consistent with the conclusions of previous reports that phiX174 methylation is mediated by a phage-induced enzyme and that methylation is essential for normal phage development.  相似文献   

Lytic action of cloned phi X174 gene E.   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
The phi X174 lysis gene E was placed under control of the lac promoter by cloning into the multicopy plasmid pBH20. Other phi X174 gene sequences were removed by nuclease digestion. Expression of gene E was shown to be necessary and sufficient to produce lysis phenomena exhibited by infection with intact phage. Lysis, its inhibition by MgSO4 and spermine, its progression through a spheroplasting stage, and its dependence on an early chloramphenicol-sensitive step were reproduced in clones induced for expression of the E gene product. Escherichia coli clones carrying the E gene not under lac control, and clones under lac control but only minimally induced for gene E expression, exhibited morphological aberrations consistent with the view that the mechanism by which gene E mediates cell lysis is related to host cell division processes.  相似文献   

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