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Recent molecular studies have indicated that phylogeographical history of Japanese biota is likely shaped by geohistory along with biological events, such as distribution shifts, isolation, and divergence of populations. However, the genetic structure and phylogeographical history of terrestrial Annelida species, including leech species, are poorly understood. Therefore, we aimed to understand the genetic structure and phylogeographical history across the natural range of Haemadipsa japonica, a sanguivorous land leech species endemic to Japan, by using nine polymorphic nuclear microsatellites (nSSR) and cytochrome oxidase subunit one (COI) sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Analyses using nSSR revealed that H. japonica exhibited a stronger regional genetic differentiation among populations (G'ST = 0.77) than other animal species, probably because of the low mobility of land leech. Analyses using mtDNA indicated that H. japonica exhibited two distinct lineages (A and B), which were estimated to have diverged in the middle Pleistocene and probably because of range fragmentation resulting from climatic change and glacial and interglacial cycles. Lineage A was widely distributed across Japan, and lineage B was found in southwestern Japan. Analyses using nSSR revealed that lineage A was roughly divided into two population groups (i.e., northeastern and southwestern Japan); these analyses also revealed a gradual decrease in genetic diversity with increasing latitude in lineage A and a strong genetic drift in populations of northeastern Japan. Combined with the largely unresolved shallow polytomies from the mtDNA phylogeny, these results implied that lineage A may have undergone a rapid northward migration, probably during the Holocene. Then, the regional genetic structure with local unique gene pools may have been formed within each lineage because of the low mobility of this leech species.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA amounts in angiosperms: progress, problems and prospects   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
BACKGROUND: The nuclear DNA amount in an unreplicated haploid chromosome complement (1C-value) is a key diversity character with many uses. Angiosperm C-values have been listed for reference purposes since 1976, and pooled in an electronic database since 1997 (http://www.kew.org/cval/homepage). Such lists are cited frequently and provide data for many comparative studies. The last compilation was published in 2000, so a further supplementary list is timely to monitor progress against targets set at the first plant genome size workshop in 1997 and to facilitate new goal setting. SCOPE: The present work lists DNA C-values for 804 species including first values for 628 species from 88 original sources, not included in any previous compilation, plus additional values for 176 species included in a previous compilation. CONCLUSIONS: 1998-2002 saw striking progress in our knowledge of angiosperm C-values. At least 1700 first values for species were measured (the most in any five-year period) and familial representation rose from 30 % to 50 %. The loss of many densitometers used to measure DNA C-values proved less serious than feared, owing to the development of relatively inexpensive flow cytometers and computer-based image analysis systems. New uses of the term genome (e.g. in 'complete' genome sequencing) can cause confusion. The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative C-value for Arabidopsis thaliana (125 Mb) was a gross underestimate, and an exact C-value based on genome sequencing alone is unlikely to be obtained soon for any angiosperm. Lack of this expected benchmark poses a quandary as to what to use as the basal calibration standard for angiosperms. The next decade offers exciting prospects for angiosperm genome size research. The database (http://www.kew.org/cval/homepage) should become sufficiently representative of the global flora to answer most questions without needing new estimations. DNA amount variation will remain a key interest as an integrated strand of holistic genomics.  相似文献   

Fundulus notatus and Fundulus olivaceus are two closely related topminnow species that exhibit similar ecological niches and broad, largely overlapping, North American ranges extending throughout much of the Mississippi River drainage as well as the coastal drainages of the Gulf of Mexico. Previous studies have suggested that these two species are reproductively compatible despite cytogenetic differences and will hybridize when syntopic. We used nuclear and mtDNA loci to assess levels of hybridization and test for introgression in syntopic populations of these two species in four drainages in southern Illinois. Although hybridization was detected in all syntopic populations, an assessment of the proportion of hybrid individuals indicated a deficiency of hybrids relative to expectations under random mating. We determined that, although mtDNA introgression was prevalent and extended beyond the zones of contact, evidence of nuclear introgression was limited to the zone of sympatry.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We examined genetic variation at 21 polymorphic allozyme loci, 15 nuclear DNA loci, and mitochondrial DNA in four spawning populations of sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) from Cook Inlet, Alaska, to test for differences in the patterns of divergence among different types of markers. We were specifically interested in testing the suggestion that natural selection at allozyme loci compromises the effectiveness of these markers for describing the amount and patterns of gene flow among populations. We found concordance among markers in the amount of genetic variation within and among populations, with the striking exception of one allozyme locus ( sAH ), which exhibited more than three times the amount of among-population differentiation as other loci. A consideration of reports of discordance between allozymes and other loci indicates that these differences usually result from one or two exceptional loci. We conclude that it is important to examine many loci when estimating genetic differentiation to infer historical amounts of gene flow and patterns of genetic exchange among populations. It is less important whether those loci are allozymes or nuclear DNA markers.  相似文献   

Slate J  Phua SH 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(3):597-608
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a widely employed molecular tool in phylogeography, in the inference of human evolutionary history, in dating the domestication of livestock and in forensic science. In humans and other vertebrates the popularity of mtDNA can be partially attributed to an assumption of strict maternal inheritance, such that there is no recombination between mitochondrial lineages. The recent demonstration that linkage disequilibrium (LD) declines as a function of distance between polymorphic sites in hominid mitochondrial genomes has been interpreted as evidence of recombination between mtDNA haplotypes, and hence nonclonal inheritance. However, critics of mtDNA recombination have suggested that this association is an artefact of an inappropriate measure of LD or of sequencing error, and subsequent studies of other populations have failed to replicate the initial finding. Here we report the analysis of 16 ruminant populations and present evidence that LD significantly declines with distance in five of them. A meta-analysis of the data indicates a nonsignificant trend of LD declining with distance. Most of the earlier criticisms of patterns between LD and distance in hominid mtDNA are not applicable to this data set. Our results suggest that either ruminant mtDNA is not strictly clonal or that compensatory selection has influenced patterns of variation at closely linked sites within the mitochondrial control region. The potential impact of these processes should be considered when using mtDNA as a tool in vertebrate population genetic, phylogenetic and forensic studies.  相似文献   

A SNP/microsatellite genetic linkage map of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A first genetic linkage map of the Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ) was produced, based on segregation data from 12 full-sib families of Norwegian origin. The map contained 174 single nucleotide polymorphism markers and 33 microsatellites, distributed on 25 linkage groups and had a length of 1225 cM. A significant difference in recombination rates between sexes was found, the average ratio of female:male recombination rates being 1.78 ± 1.62 (SD).  相似文献   

唐鱼(Tanichthys albonubes)是为数不多的几种原产中国的世界性观赏鱼类之一。自2003年以来, 多个唐鱼野生种群相继被发现, 其濒危状态和等级由野外灭绝降为极危。为研究唐鱼养殖种群与广州附近野生种群之间的遗传关系, 本文分析了唐鱼3个代表性养殖种群和4个野生种群, 共计186个样本的Cyt b基因、2个核基因(ENC1RAG1)以及13个微卫星位点数据。基于K2P模型的遗传距离结果显示, 唐鱼野生种群间的遗传距离在0.005-0.015之间, 养殖种群间的遗传距离为0.001-0.009。系统发育分析表明, 唐鱼养殖种群包含4个单倍型谱系分支, 其中2个分别与广州附近2个野生种群聚在一起, 另外2个分别独立成支。单倍型网络亲缘关系分析显示, 清远种群只有1个单倍型且与芳村养殖种群共享, 芳村养殖种群拥有最多的单倍型。基于微卫星数据的STRUCTURE分析表明, 所有种群最佳分簇数为2, 清远种群与养殖种群聚为一簇, 良口和石门种群聚为另一簇。主成分分析结果显示, 养殖种群高度重叠并能与野生种群分开, 清远种群与养殖种群存在部分重叠。利用IMa3的基因流分析表明, 存在清远种群至芳村养殖种群的单向基因流。综合本文结果, 作者认为唐鱼养殖种群应起源于广州附近多个野生种群。清远种群来源于养殖种群中的芳村养殖种群。建议在未来唐鱼的保护策略中, 应禁止不规范的放流活动并且禁止将不同野生种群补充至养殖种群, 同时加强唐鱼养殖种群和野生种群的遗传资源管理和持续监测。  相似文献   

Genomewide screens of genetic variation within and between populations can reveal signatures of selection implicated in adaptation and speciation. Genomic regions with low genetic diversity and elevated differentiation reflective of locally reduced effective population sizes (Ne) are candidates for barrier loci contributing to population divergence. Yet, such candidate genomic regions need not arise as a result of selection promoting adaptation or advancing reproductive isolation. Linked selection unrelated to lineage‐specific adaptation or population divergence can generate comparable signatures. It is challenging to distinguish between these processes, particularly when diverging populations share ancestral genetic variation. In this study, we took a comparative approach using population assemblages from distant clades assessing genomic parallelism of variation in Ne. Utilizing population‐level polymorphism data from 444 resequenced genomes of three avian clades spanning 50 million years of evolution, we tested whether population genetic summary statistics reflecting genomewide variation in Ne would covary among populations within clades, and importantly, also among clades where lineage sorting has been completed. All statistics including population‐scaled recombination rate (ρ), nucleotide diversity (π) and measures of genetic differentiation between populations (FST, PBS, dxy) were significantly correlated across all phylogenetic distances. Moreover, genomic regions with elevated levels of genetic differentiation were associated with inferred pericentromeric and subtelomeric regions. The phylogenetic stability of diversity landscapes and stable association with genomic features support a role of linked selection not necessarily associated with adaptation and speciation in shaping patterns of genomewide heterogeneity in genetic diversity.  相似文献   

The goal of captive breeding programmes is often to maintain genetic diversity until re‐introductions can occur. However, due in part to changes that occur in captive populations, approximately one‐third of re‐introductions fail. We evaluated genetic changes in captive populations using microsatellites and mtDNA. We analysed six populations of white‐footed mice that were propagated for 20 generations using two replicates of three protocols: random mating (RAN), minimizing mean kinship (MK) and selection for docility (DOC). We found that MK resulted in the slowest loss of microsatellite genetic diversity compared to RAN and DOC. However, the loss of mtDNA haplotypes was not consistent among replicate lines. We compared our empirical data to simulated data and found no evidence of selection. Our results suggest that although the effects of drift may not be fully mitigated, MK reduces the loss of alleles due to inbreeding more effectively than random mating or docility selection. Therefore, MK should be preferred for captive breeding. Furthermore, our simulations show that incorporating microsatellite data into the MK framework reduced the magnitude of drift, which may have applications in long‐term or extremely genetically depauperate captive populations.  相似文献   

Efficient discovery of DNA polymorphisms in natural populations by Ecotilling   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
We have adapted the mutation detection technology used in Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes (TILLING) to the discovery of polymorphisms in natural populations. The genomic DNA of a queried individual is mixed with a reference DNA and used to amplify a target 1-kbp region of DNA with asymmetrically labeled fluorescent primers. After heating and annealing, heteroduplexes are nicked at mismatched sites by the endonuclease CEL I and cut strands are visualized using Li-cor gel analyzers. Putative polymorphisms detected in one fluorescence channel can be verified by appearance of the opposite cut strand in the other channel. We demonstrated the efficiency of this technology, called Ecotilling, by the discovery in 150+ individuals of 55 haplotypes in five genes, ranging from sequences differing by a single nucleotide polymorphism to those representing complex haplotypes. The discovered polymorphisms were confirmed by sequencing and included base-pair changes, small insertions and deletions, and variation in microsatellite repeat number. Ecotilling allows the rapid detection of variation in many individuals and is cost effective because only one individual for each haplotype needs to be sequenced. The technology is applicable to any organism including those that are heterozygous and polyploid.  相似文献   

We analysed the population genetic diversity of AvrStb6, the first avirulence gene cloned from the wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici, using 142 Z. tritici strains sampled from four wheat fields growing on three continents. Although AvrStb6 was located in a recombination hotspot, it was found in every strain, with 71 polymorphic sites that produced 41 distinct DNA haplotypes encoding 30 AvrStb6 protein isoforms. An AvrStb6 homologue was found in the closest known relative, Z. pseudotritici, but not in three other closely related Zymoseptoria species, indicating that this gene has emerged in Zymoseptoria quite recently. Two AvrStb6 homologues with nucleotide similarities greater than 70% were identified on chromosome 10 in all Z. tritici isolates, suggesting that AvrStb6 belongs to a multigene family of candidate effectors that has expanded recently through gene duplication. The AvrStb6 sequences exhibited strong evidence for non‐neutral evolution, including a large number of non‐synonymous mutations, with significant positive diversifying selection operating on nine of the 82 codons. It appears that balancing selection is operating across the entire gene in natural field populations. There was also evidence for co‐evolving codons within the gene that may reflect compensatory mutations associated with the evasion of recognition by Stb6. Intragenic recombination also appears to have affected the diversity of AvrStb6.  相似文献   

The selection coefficient, s, quantifies the strength of selection acting on a genetic variant. Despite this parameter's central importance to population genetic models, until recently we have known relatively little about the value of s in natural populations. With the development of molecular genetic techniques in the late 20th century and the sequencing technologies that followed, biologists are now able to identify genetic variants and directly relate them to organismal fitness. We reviewed the literature for published estimates of natural selection acting at the genetic level and found over 3000 estimates of selection coefficients from 79 studies. Selection coefficients were roughly exponentially distributed, suggesting that the impact of selection at the genetic level is generally weak but can occasionally be quite strong. We used both nonparametric statistics and formal random‐effects meta‐analysis to determine how selection varies across biological and methodological categories. Selection was stronger when measured over shorter timescales, with the mean magnitude of s greatest for studies that measured selection within a single generation. Our analyses found conflicting trends when considering how selection varies with the genetic scale (e.g., SNPs or haplotypes) at which it is measured, suggesting a need for further research. Besides these quantitative conclusions, we highlight key issues in the calculation, interpretation, and reporting of selection coefficients and provide recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA from representative animals of 13 different cattle breeds was assayed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) to determine phylogenetic relationships and levels of variation among breeds; 16 different mitotypes were found, described by 20 polymorphisms. Within these 16 mitotypes two major lineages were apparent: an Afro-European and an Asian type. These were found to differ at over 2.3% of sites surveyed. None of the mitotypes found in the Asian lineage was detectable in the Afro-European lineage and vice versa. Within each of the major mitotypes there were no further significant differences within or among breeds. Using rates of mitochondrial evolution estimated from other species, the two lineages were estimated to have diverged between 575000 and 1150000 years ago; well outside the 10000 years bp timeframe postulated by a single domestication hypothesis. The results presented are concordant with those generated in other studies and provide strong evidence for an independent domestication of Asian Bos indicus. Furthermore, the grouping of all African indicine populations within the clade containing all Bos taurus lineages points to the hybrid origins of the humped cattle of that continent.  相似文献   

This study describes complete control region sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 117 Ethiopian cattle from 10 representative populations, in conjunction with the available cattle sequences in GenBank. In total, 79 polymorphic sites were detected, and these defined 81 different haplotypes. The haplotype and nucleotide diversity of Ethiopian cattle did not vary among the populations studied. All mtDNA sequences from Ethiopian cattle converged into one main maternal lineage (T1) that corresponds to African Bos taurus cattle. According to the results of this study, no zebu mtDNA haplotypes have been found in Ethiopia, where the most extensive hybridization took place on the African continent.  相似文献   

The oriental fruit moth (OFM) Grapholita molesta is one of the most destructive orchard pests. Assumed to be native to China, the moth is now distributed throughout the world. However, the evolutionary history of this moth in its native range remains unknown. In this study, we explored the population genetic structure, dispersal routes and demographic history of the OFM in China and South Korea based on mitochondrial genes and microsatellite loci. The Mantel test indicated a significant correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance in the populations. Bayesian analysis of population genetic structure (baps ) identified four nested clusters, while the geneland analysis inferred five genetic groups with spatial discontinuities. Based on the approximate Bayesian computation approach, we found that the OFM was originated from southern China near the Shilin area of Yunnan Province. The early divergence and dispersal of this moth was dated to the Penultimate glaciation of Pleistocene. Further dispersal from southern to northern region of China occurred before the last glacial maximum, while the expansion of population size in the derived populations in northern region of China occurred after the last glacial maximum. Our results indicated that the current distribution and structure of the OFM were complicatedly influenced by climatic and geological events and human activities of cultivation and wide dissemination of peach in ancient China. We provide an example on revealing the origin and dispersal history of an agricultural pest insect in its native range as well as the underlying factors.  相似文献   

Pigs have been one of the most important sources of meat for humans, and their productivity has been substantially improved by recent strong selection. Here, we present whole-genome resequencing analyses of 55 pigs of five breeds representing Korean native pigs, wild boar and three European origin breeds. 1,673.1 Gb of sequence reads were mapped to the Swine reference assembly, covering ∼99.2% of the reference genome, at an average of ∼11.7-fold coverage. We detected 20,123,573 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), of which 25.5% were novel. We extracted 35,458 of non-synonymous SNPs in 9,904 genes, which may contribute to traits of interest. The whole SNP sets were further used to access the population structures of the breeds, using multiple methodologies, including phylogenetic, similarity matrix, and population structure analysis. They showed clear population clusters with respect to each breed. Furthermore, we scanned the whole genomes to identify signatures of selection throughout the genome. The result revealed several promising loci that might underlie economically important traits in pigs, such as the CLDN1 and TWIST1 genes. These discoveries provide useful genomic information for further study of the discrete genetic mechanisms associated with economically important traits in pigs.  相似文献   

The genus Diplodus presents multiple cases of taxonomic conjecture. Among these the D. cervinus complex was previously described as comprising three subspecies that are now regarded as separate species: Diplodus cervinus, Diplodus hottentotus and Diplodus omanensis. Diplodus hottentotus exhibits a clear break in its distribution around the Benguela Current system, prompting speculation that Angolan and South African populations flanking this area may be isolated and warrant formal taxonomic distinction. This study reports the first integrated genetic [mitochondrial (mt)DNA and nuclear microsatellite] and morphological (morphometric, meristic and colouration) study to assess patterns of divergence between populations in the two regions. High levels of cytonuclear divergence between the populations support a prolonged period of genetic isolation, with the sharing of only one mtDNA haplotype (12 haplotypes were fully sorted between regions) attributed to retention of ancestral polymorphism. Fish from the two regions were significantly differentiated at a number of morphometric (69·5%) and meristic (46%) characters. In addition, Angolan and South African fish exhibited reciprocally diagnostic colouration patterns that were more similar to Mediterranean and Indian Ocean congeners, respectively. Based on the congruent genetic and phenotypic diversity we suggest that the use of hottentotus, whether for full species or subspecies status, should be restricted to South African D. cervinus to reflect their status as a distinct species‐like unit, while the relationship between Angolan and Atlantic–Mediterranean D. cervinus will require further demo‐genetic analysis. This study highlights the utility of integrated genetic and morphological approaches to assess taxonomic diversity within the biogeographically dynamic Benguela Current region.  相似文献   

A heterokaryon is a tissue type composed of cells containing genetically different nuclei. Although heterokaryosis is commonly found in nature, an understanding of the evolutionary implications of this phenomenon is largely lacking. Here, we use the filamentous ascomycete Neurospora tetrasperma to study the interplay between nuclei in heterokaryons across vegetative and sexual developmental stages. This fungus harbours nuclei of two opposite mating types (mat A and mat a) in the same cell and is thereby self-fertile. We used pyrosequencing of mat-linked SNPs of three heterokaryons to demonstrate that the nuclear ratio is consistently biased for mat A-nuclei during mycelial growth (mean mat A/mat a ratio 87%), but evens out during sexual development (ratio ranging from 40 to 57%). Furthermore, we investigated the association between nuclear ratio and expression of alleles of mat-linked genes and found that expression is coregulated to obtain a tissue-specific bias in expression ratio: during mycelial extension, we found a strong bias in expression for mat A-linked genes, that was independent of nuclear ratio, whereas at the sexual stage we found an expression bias for genes of the mat a nuclei. Taken together, our data indicate that nuclei cooperate to optimize the fitness of the heterokaryon, via both altering their nuclear ratios and coregulation genes expressed in the different nuclei.  相似文献   

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