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A sediment trap deployment was made at a station (64°42'S, 139°59'E) at five depths (537, 796, 1,259, 1,722, 2,727 m) in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) of the Antarctic Ocean during a summer productive period from 26 December 1994 to 20 January 1995. This aim of the study was to reveal a possible occurrence of a sporadic bloom in surface layers and to evaluate the role of fast-sinking particles in transportation processes of bloom-derived material down to mesopelagic and bathypelagic layers. During the observation, a marked flux increase (70.5 mg C m-2 day-1, 7.7 mg N m-2 day-1) was observed at the depth of 537 m on 7-9 January. The increased flux at 537 m decreased with depth and time. The same mass of sinking particles forming the flux maximum at each depth sank down from the shallowest trap (537 m) to the deepest trap (2,727 m) within 4-11 days, indicating that these particles were transported downward to the bottom with the sinking rate of >200 m day-1. Collected particles were composed of two major particle fractions; one was dominated by fecal pellets of macrozooplankton (mainly Euphausia superba) with relatively fast sinking rates (FSP; fast-sinking particles) and the other by minute diatoms of Fragilariopsis curta with slow sinking rates (SSP; slowly sinking particles). According to the comparison of time depth changes of these two fractions, the SSP had unexpectedly faster sinking rates comparable with the FSP during the periods of maximum fluxes, probably indicating the SSP were transformed from the FSP during sinking. The present result strongly suggests that a local bloom of F. curta and intensified zooplankton grazing activities occurred in surface layers in a few days in the MIZ, and then the egested fecal pellets were rapidly transported downward with fragmentation processes into small-sized minute particles in mesopelagic and bathypelagic layers.  相似文献   

Since the first decades of the last century, several hypotheses have been proposed on the role of phytoplankton morphology in maintaining a favorable position in the water column. Here, by an extensive review of literature on sinking rate and cell volume, we firstly attempted to explore the dependency of sinking rate on morphological traits using the allometric scaling approach. We found that sinking rate tends to increase with increasing cell volume showing the allometric scaling exponent of 0.43, which is significantly different than the Stokes’ law exponent of 0.66. The violation of the 2/3 power rule clearly indicates that cell shape changes as size increases. Both size and shape affect how phytoplankton sinking drives nutrient acquisition and losses to sinking. Interestingly, from an evolutionary perspective, simple and complex cylindrical shapes can get much larger than spherical and spheroidal shapes and sink at similar rates, but simple and complex cylindrical shapes cannot get small enough to sink slower than small spherical and spheroidal shapes. Cell shape complexity is a morphological attribute resulting from the combination of two or more simple geometric shapes. While the effect of size on sinking rate is well documented, this study deepens the knowledge on how cell shape or geometry affect sinking rates that still needs further consideration.  相似文献   

NAADP (nicotinic acid-adenine dinucleotide phosphate) is fast emerging as a new intracellular Ca2+-mobilizing messenger. NAADP induces Ca2+ release by a mechanism that is distinct from IP3 (inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate)- and cADPR (cADP-ribose)-induced Ca2+ release. In the present study, we demonstrated that micromolar concentrations of NAADP trigger Ca2+ release from rat hepatocyte microsomes. Cross-desensitization to IP3 and cADPR by NAADP did not occur in liver microsomes. We report that non-activating concentrations of NAADP can fully inactivate the NAADP-sensitive Ca2+-release mechanism in hepatocyte microsomes. The ability of thapsigargin to block the NAADP-sensitive Ca2+ release is not observed in sea-urchin eggs or in intact mammalian cells. In contrast with the Ca2+ release induced by IP3 and cADPR, the Ca2+ release induced by NAADP was completely independent of the free extravesicular Ca2+ concentration and pH (in the range 6.4-7.8). The NAADP-elicited Ca2+ release cannot be blocked by the inhibitors of the IP3 receptors and the ryanodine receptor. On the other hand, verapamil and diltiazem do inhibit the NAADP- (but not IP3- or cADPR-) induced Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

The residence time of a sinking particle in the euphotic layer is usually defined as the time taken by this particle to reach for the first time the bottom of the euphotic layer. According to this definition, the concept of residence time does not take into account the fact that many cells leaving the euphotic layer at some time can re-enter the euphotic layer at a later time. Therefore, the exposure time in the surface layer, i.e. the total time spent by the particles in the euphotic layer irrespective of their possible excursions outside the surface layer, is a more relevant concept to diagnose the effect of diffusion on the survival of phytoplankton cells sinking through the water column.While increasing the diffusion coefficient can induce both a decrease or an increase of the residence time, the exposure time in the euphotic layer increases monotonically with the diffusion coefficient, at least when the settling velocity does not increase with depth. Turbulence is therefore shown to increase the total time spent by phytoplankton cells in the euphotic layer.The generalization of the concept of exposure time to take into account the variations of the light intensity with depth or the functional response of phytoplankton cells to irradiance leads to the definition of the concepts of light exposure and effective light exposure. The former provides a measure of the total light energy received by the cells during their cycling through the water column while the latter diagnose the potential growth rate.The exposure time, the light exposure and the effective light exposure can all be computed as the solution of a differential problem that generalizes the adjoint approach introduced by Delhez et al. (2004) for the residence time. A general analytical solution of the 1D steady-state version of this equation is derived from which the properties of the different diagnostic tools can be obtained.  相似文献   

Striatal dopamine plays key roles in our normal and pathological goal-directed actions. To understand dopamine function, much attention has focused on how midbrain dopamine neurons modulate their firing patterns. However, we identify a presynaptic mechanism that triggers dopamine release directly, bypassing activity in dopamine neurons. We paired electrophysiological recordings of striatal channelrhodopsin2-expressing cholinergic interneurons with simultaneous detection of dopamine release at carbon-fiber microelectrodes in striatal slices. We reveal that activation of cholinergic interneurons by light flashes that cause only single action potentials in neurons from a small population triggers dopamine release via activation of nicotinic receptors on dopamine axons. This event overrides ascending activity from dopamine neurons and, furthermore, is reproduced by activating ChR2-expressing thalamostriatal inputs, which synchronize cholinergic interneurons in vivo. These findings indicate that synchronized activity in cholinergic interneurons directly generates striatal dopamine signals whose functions will extend beyond those encoded by dopamine neuron activity.  相似文献   

Developing efficient controlled release system of insecticide can facilitate the better use of insecticide. We described here a first example of photo-controlled release of an insecticide by linking fipronil with photoresponsive coumarin covalently. The generated coumarin-fipronil (CF) precursor could undergo cleavage to release free fipronil in the presence of blue light (420 nm) or sunlight. Photophysical studies of CF showed that it exhibited strong fluorescence properties. The CF had no obvious activity against mosquito larvae under dark, but it can be activated by light inside the mosquito larvae. The released Fip from CF by blue light irradiation in vitro retained its activity to armyworm (Mythimna separate) with LC50 value of 24.64 μmol L?1. This photocaged molecule provided an alternative delivery method for fipronil.  相似文献   

This study describes a hyporheic zone that exists beneath a river-dominated estuary in North Wales, and which spans the freshwater/saltwater boundary. A series of 72 cores was taken from the Aber Estuary, in September, at depths from 10–60 cm below the bed surface. Site 1 was above the extreme high water mark and therefore was never inundated by salt water. Site 5 was the furthest downstream and was inundated twice daily by incoming tides. Substrates contained more gravel at the upstream sites and closer to the bed surface, with more sand and silt at downstream sites and at depth. Salinity of interstitial water increased both with distance away from Site 1 and with increasing depth into the zone, reaching a maximum of 15‰ at 60 cm at Site 5, as measured at low tide. Longitudinal and vertical zonations of the invertebrate taxa were evident, and densities were greater in the top 40 cm than below. Nematodes were especially abundant from 10–60 cm, and genera differed along the estuary. Oligochaetes were well represented at most sites, with the less saline sites yielding Naididae, Enchytraeidae, Aeolosomatidae and Tubificidae; Site 5 was dominated by Tubifex costatus. Chironomid larvae were most abundant to 40 cm at Sites 1 and 2 (primarily Brillia modesta, Corynoneura sp., Tanytarsus sp., and unidentified Tanypodinae), but they were also found at Site 3 (to 60 cm), and at 10 cm at Site 5 (Orthocladius sp.). Nymphs of mayflies and caddisfly larvae were found primarily at Site 1, but small stonefly nymphs and elmid beetle larvae were taken at Site 2 depths where the interstitial water was brackish. The most saline sediments were populated by the triclad Uteriporus vulgaris, the polychaete Nereis sp., and snails (Hydrobia sp.). Site, salinity, pH, and sand and silt contents appeared to influence species distribution most; together, these explained 37.8% of the variance (CANOCO). There was an overall negative relationship between silt content of the sediments and total invertebrate density. The hyporheic zone of the Aber Estuary is thus not only influenced by surface water and, presumably, estuarine groundwater exchanges, but is further complicated, biologically, by having a salinity gradient running through it. The term `brackishwater hyporheic zone' (BHZ) is proposed to describe this and similar systems.  相似文献   

1. During recent decades, Gonyostomum semen populations have spread in northern temperate regions forming dense blooms that may dominate the phytoplankton assemblage for extended periods. In this study, we investigate the effects of G. semen blooms in boreal brown water lakes with special emphasis on phytoplankton, fish and benthic invertebrate assemblages using data from 10 boreal lakes sampled annually over a 10‐year period. 2. Significant differences in phytoplankton and benthic invertebrate assemblages were found between lakes with high (3.01 mm3 L?1; >80% phytoplankton biomass) and lakes with low G. semen biomass (0.03 mm3 L?1; <5% phytoplankton biomass). In particular, high G. semen lakes had lower biomass of smaller, edible phytoplankton and a higher abundance and biomass of benthic invertebrates, especially Chaoborus flavicans, and perch than low G. semen lakes. 3. The length distribution of fish also suggested a tendency towards large and older fish and a lower recruitment success in high G. semen lakes, as denoted by lower abundances of fish shorter than 10 cm and higher biomass and abundance of fish longer than 15 cm in high G. semen lakes. 4. This study shows that high G. semen lakes are characterised by less edible phytoplankton, dominance by a few species and enhanced benthic secondary and fish production. Hence, the conjecture that high biomasses of G. semen create a bottleneck in the energy transfer to higher trophic levels seems less likely in boreal lakes.  相似文献   

14C-labeled extracellular organic carbon (EOC) released by the phytoplankton in a Danish Estuary was shown immediately to form particles (>0.2m) when the products were added to a natural water sample. About 14%–20% of the added activity could be recovered as particles. Any bacterial assimilation of the extracellular products was thus masked. The abiotic origin of the particulate EOC was verified, and it was shown that the particle formation was due to some factors present in the estuarine water with a nominal diameter >0.2m. Precaution must be taken to avoid misinterpretations in studies concerning carbon flow from algae to bacteria.  相似文献   

The present study characterized the rate of production of extracellularlyreleased organic carbon (ROC) by phytoplankton, its molecularweight distribution, subsequent utilization and transformationby bacterioplankton in situ. Primary production rate of phytoplanktonwas high during the study due to continuous blooms of smalldinoflagellates and ranged from 59.8 to 298.7µg CI–1h–1. The rate of organic carbon release varied from 1.3to 123.7 µg CI–1 h–1 and constituted from4.0 to 68.9% of the total carbon fixed in photosynthesis. TheROC was fractionated on molecular weight (MW) basis. A low MWfraction less than 500 daltons (18.5% of ROC), a fraction ofMW 10 000–30 000 daltons (30% of ROC), and high MW fractionof > 300 000 daltons (15.4% of ROC), were the most dominantin ROC. Bacterioplankton utilized a significant portion of ROC,ranging from 18 to 77%. Part of the utilized ROC incorporatedby the bacterioplankton (31 – 56%), and the remainderwas respired (mineralized). ROC not utilized by bacteria wascomposed of high MW compounds. The dynamics of the in situ utilizationof ROC and its role as a link between autotrophic and heterotrophicprocesses in the estuary are described. 1Present address: Department of Environmental Microbiology,Institute of Microbiology, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland  相似文献   

Abstract The behavioral pattern of Vibrio parahaemolytics during the winter season (December 1988 to March 1989) in the water column, sediment, plankton and sinking particles was determined in a eutrophic marine environment. A total of 15 environmental parameters and seven microbial characteristics were examined. This halophile was isolated sporadically from bottom water and plankton materials, whereas it was undetectable in the surface water and sediment samples. However, V. parahaemolyticus was isolated from the sinking particles continuously throughout the sampling period with highest counts during February 1989. Out of 195 strains identified, 10 Vibrio spp. and 3 Listonella spp. were observed of which V. alginolyticus was predominantly isolated irrespective of the samples tested. Simple correlation and multiple regression analyses show that the occurrence of V. parahaemolyticus is not governed by any single biotic or abiotic factor of the environment. Possibly, the cumulative effect of all these environmental parameters on the distribution of V. parahaemolyticus is conceivable.  相似文献   

Construction of spawning beds by the exotic cichlid fish, Sarotherodon aurea, produces numerous small-scale disturbances in shallow Florida lakes. Two experimental methods were used to simulate these disturbances (containers filled with defaunated sediment and disturbed natural substratum) and to determine benthic invertebrate recolonization patterns and rates.Recolonization of experimental containers was rapid and densities of macroinvertebrates reached equilibrium with the control habitat by Day 6 following disturbance. However, Chironomidae and miscellaneous taxa usually were more abundant (p < 0.05) in the experimental containers, and Oligochaeta always were more abundant (p < 0.01) in the control. Species of the planktonically dispersed insects either attained equilibrium rapidly or showed significantly higher densities in the experimental containers (i.e. opportunistic species).In the second experimental approach, disturbance of natural substratum removed 91% of the benthic invertebrates. The common species of chironomids reached equilibrium by Day 6 but the two predominant oligochaetes, Limnodrilus and Pristina, reached equilibrium at 9 and 15 days respectively. For the entire community, similarity on Day 6 was 87.1% and over the remainder of the sample period averaged 86.8%. Chironomid instar analyses showed significantly higher proportions of early instars in the disturbed patch indicating that colonization is principally by younger organisms. Thus, small-scale disturbance in freshwater benthic communities may be more important in ordering the biomass or age-group structure than the numerical abundance.  相似文献   

S Paradis  S T Sweeney  G W Davis 《Neuron》2001,30(3):737-749
Homeostatic mechanisms regulate synaptic function to maintain nerve and muscle excitation within reasonable physiological limits. The mechanisms that initiate homeostasic changes to synaptic function are not known. We specifically impaired cellular depolarization by expressing the Kir2.1 potassium channel in Drosophila muscle. In Kir2.1-expressing muscle there is a persistent outward potassium current ( approximately 10 nA), decreased muscle input resistance (50-fold), and a hyperpolarized resting potential. Despite impaired muscle excitability, synaptic depolarization of muscle achieves wild-type levels. A quantal analysis demonstrates that increased presynaptic release (quantal content), without a change in quantal size (mEPSC amplitude), compensates for altered muscle excitation. Because morphological synaptic growth is normal, we conclude that a homeostatic increase in presynaptic release compensates for impaired muscle excitability. These data demonstrate that a monitor of muscle membrane depolarization is sufficient to initiate synaptic homeostatic compensation.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or Ca2+ overload can trigger depolarization of mitochondrial inner membrane potential (DeltaPsim) and cell injury. Little is known about how loss of DeltaPsim in a small number of mitochondria might influence the overall function of the cell. Here we employ the narrow focal excitation volume of the two-photon microscope to examine the effect of local mitochondrial depolarization in guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Remarkably, a single local laser flash triggered synchronized and self-sustained oscillations in DeltaPsim, NADH, and ROS after a delay of approximately 40s, in more than 70% of the mitochondrial population. Oscillations were initiated only after a specific threshold level of mitochondrially produced ROS was exceeded, and did not involve the classical permeability transition pore or intracellular Ca2+ overload. The synchronized transitions were abolished by several respiratory inhibitors or a superoxide dismutase mimetic. Anion channel inhibitors potentiated matrix ROS accumulation in the flashed region, but blocked propagation to the rest of the myocyte, suggesting that an inner membrane, superoxide-permeable, anion channel opens in response to free radicals. The transitions in mitochondrial energetics were tightly coupled to activation of sarcolemmal KATP currents, causing oscillations in action potential duration, and thus might contribute to catastrophic arrhythmias during ischemia-reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) compose an important pool of particulate organic matter (POM) in aquatic systems. However, no studies of TEP contribution to C export to sediment exist for freshwaters. We quantify the contribution of TEP to C sinking fluxes in an oligotrophic reservoir (Quéntar, Southern Spain) by monitoring TEP in the water column and TEP, particulate organic carbon (POC) and dry weight in sedimentation traps. TEP sinking fluxes ranged from 0.73 to 183.23 mg C m?2 day?1 and from 0.51 to 177.04 mg C m?2 day?1 at the surface and at the bottom layer, respectively. These values represent that, over an annual basis, 5.59 Ton TEP-C (over 61.32 Ton POC) are exported, on an average, from the water column to the sediment of Quentar reservoir. TEP concentrations (average = 48.0 μg XG eq l?1) were lower than the scarce data reported for freshwaters. No significant relationships between TEP and Chl a concentrations or BA were observed. Average value for daily sedimentation flux (6.63 g Dry Weight m?2 day?1) in the study reservoir was higher than that documented for low productive natural aquatic ecosystems as a consequence of the high amount of allochthonous material input characterizing reservoirs. TEP contributed to C export to sediment with a value that range from 0.02 to 31%. Our results show that even in man-made systems, which are predominantly controlled by allochthonous inputs, TEP may be relevant for explaining POM settling fluxes.  相似文献   

Mortola E  Roy P 《FEBS letters》2004,576(1-2):174-178
Virus-like particles (VLPs) produced by recombinant expression of the major viral structural proteins could be an attractive method for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) control. In this study, using the baculovirus system, we generated recombinant viruses that expressed S, E, M and N structural proteins of SARS-CoV either individually or simultaneously. The expression level, size and authenticity of each recombinant SARS-CoV protein were determined. In addition, immunofluorescence and FACS analysis confirmed the cell surface expression of the S protein. Co-infections of insect cells with two recombinant viruses demonstrated that M and E could assemble readily to form smooth surfaced VLPs. On the other hand, simultaneous high level expression of S, E and M by a single recombinant virus allowed the very efficient assembly and release of VLPs. These data demonstrate that the VLPs are morphological mimics of virion particles. The high level expression of VLPs with correct S protein conformation by a single recombinant baculovirus offers a potential candidate vaccine for SARS.  相似文献   

In order to reduce the toxicity and increase the efficacy of drugs, there is a need for smart drug delivery systems. Liposomes are one of the promising tools for this purpose. An ideal liposomal delivery system should be stable, long-circulating, accumulate at the target site and release its drug in a controlled manner. Even though there have been many developments to this end, the dilemma of having a stable liposome during circulation but converting it into a leaky structure at the target site is still a major challenge. So far, most attempts have focused on destabilizing the liposome in response to a specific stimulus at a target site, but with limited success. Our approach is to keep the stable liposome but build in a remote-controlled valve as a new release mechanism, instead. The valve is a pore-forming bacterial membrane protein. It has been engineered such that, after being reconstituted into the liposomes, its opening and closing can be controlled on command by the ambient pH, light or a combination of both. In addition, a much higher degree of flexibility for fine-tuning of the liposome's response to its environment is achieved.  相似文献   

Calcium ions, present inside all eukaryotic cells, are important second messengers in the transduction of biological signals. In mammalian cells, the release of Ca(2+) from intracellular compartments is required for signaling and involves the regulated opening of ryanodine and inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors. However, in budding yeast, no signaling pathway has been shown to involve Ca(2+) release from internal stores, and no homologues of ryanodine or IP3 receptors exist in the genome. Here we show that hyperosmotic shock provokes a transient increase in cytosolic Ca(2+) in vivo. Vacuolar Ca(2+), which is the major intracellular Ca(2+) store in yeast, is required for this response, whereas extracellular Ca(2+) is not. We aimed to identify the channel responsible for this regulated vacuolar Ca(2+) release. Here we report that Yvc1p, a vacuolar membrane protein with homology to transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, mediates the hyperosmolarity induced Ca(2+) release. After this release, low cytosolic Ca(2+) is restored and vacuolar Ca(2+) is replenished through the activity of Vcx1p, a Ca(2+)/H(+) exchanger. These studies reveal a novel mechanism of internal Ca(2+) release and establish a new function for TRP channels.  相似文献   

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