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We have studied the influence of anoxia and respiratory deficiency (RD) in yeast on the cytotoxic and recombinogenic effects of 5 direct-acting alkylating agents, namely N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), methylnitrosourea (MNU), ethylnitrosourea (ENU), methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS). We found that the effects of both conditions parallel each other for MMS, MNNG, MNU and ENU. Both anoxia and RD did not modify the effects of MMS to any significant extent. On the other hand, anoxic and respiratory-deficient cells were found to be more resistant than euoxic and respiratory-proficient cells respectively for MNNG, MNU and ENU. In the case of EMS, which is similar to MMS in its chemical reaction with DNA, the respiratory-deficient cells were found to be more sensitive than the respiratory-proficient ones. These studies indicate that the response of anoxic and respiratory deficient cells cannot be predicted solely on the basis of the chemical reactivity pattern of the alkylating agents. The physiological state which exists under these conditions may exert considerable influence on the cellular response.  相似文献   

Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir are among the direct-acting antiviral (DAA) medications prescribed for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) virus infection as combination therapy with other antiviral medications. DAA-based therapy achieves high cure rates, reaching up to 97% depending on the genotype of the causative hepatitis C virus (HCV). While DAAs have been approved as an efficient and well-tolerated therapy for CHC, emerging concerns about adverse cardiac side effects, higher risk of recurrence and occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and doubts of genotoxicity have been reported. In our study, we investigated in detail physiological off-targets of DAAs and dissected the effects of these drugs on cellular organelles using budding yeast, a unicellular eukaryotic organism. DAAs were found to disturb the architecture of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the mitochondria, while showing no apparent genotoxicity or DNA damaging effect. Our study provides evidence that DAAs are not associated with genotoxicity and highlights the necessity for adjunctive antioxidant therapy to mitigate the adverse effects of DAAs on ER and mitochondria.  相似文献   

E M Faustman  Z Kirby  D Gage  M Varnum 《Teratology》1989,40(3):199-210
Five direct-acting alkylating agents were examined qualitatively and quantitatively for their ability to produce developmental toxicity in rodent postimplantation embryos. These agents were structurally related and were capable of donating either a methyl (methylnitrosourea, MNU; methylnitronitrosoguanidine, MNNG; methyl methanesulfonate, MMS) or ethyl (ethylnitrosourea, ENU; ethyl methanesulfonate, EMS) group to nucleophiles. These agents' reactivities were known to differ. In day 10 rat embryos in vitro a single, 2-hour exposure was shown to be sufficient to elicit dose-dependent increases in embryo lethality and malformations. Qualitatively, the patterns of embryo malformations reported in treated embryos paralleled those observed in in vivo studies, especially in regard to adverse effects on central nervous system and craniofacial systems. Quantitatively, the order of potency of these agents in vitro was: MNNG greater than MNU greater than ENU greater than MMS greater than EMS. In vivo studies reported a different order of potency. In vitro, methylating agents were consistently more potent than ethylating agents. Other chemical properties such as nucleophilic reactivity or half-life under physiological conditions could not explain observed potency relationships. Future investigation of other chemical properties of these agents such as specific alkylation and carbamylation reactivities may expand these initial structure-activity observations.  相似文献   

The influence of the industrially used mutagenic agents β-propiolactone (BPL), propylene oxide (PO) and butylene oxide (BO) on the structure of DNA in vitro was studied. The heat denaturation of DNA and its reversibility were used as a criterion of the structural change in the DNA molecule. The rate constants for the reaction of the different compounds with DNA were determined. The effects were correlated with the degree of alkylation. Butylene oxide and propylene oxide caused a decrease of the reversibility of the heat denaturation at a degree of alkylation at which the melting temperature was only slightly decreased. β-propiolactone had no influence on the reversibility, but decreased the melting temperature of DNA as a function of the degree of alkylation.  相似文献   

Many metals have been shown to alter the function of a wide range of enzyme systems, including those involved in DNA repair and replication. To assess the impact in vivo of such metal actions a "Microtitre" fluctuation assay was used to examine the ability of Ni(II) to act as a comutagen with simple alkylating agents. In E. coli, Ni(II) chloride potentiated the mutagenicity of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in polymerase-proficient strains (WP2+ and WP2-), but not in polA- strains (WP6 and WP67) or in lexA- (CM561) or recA- (CM571) strains. The absence of UV excision repair (WP2- and WP67) had little, if any, effect. An extended lag phase was seen at 2-4 h in the polA- strains following treatment with Ni(II) chloride and MMS, but normal growth resumed thereafter. Results suggested that mutations induced by MMS were fixed during log phase growth and that more than 2 h of exposure were necessary for potentiation by Ni(II) to be observed. Thus, the extended lag phase probably cannot explain the lack of potentiation. RecA-dependence of the comutagenic effect was corroborated with S. typhimurium TA1535 and TA100. Only in the pKM101 containing strain, TA100, was potentiation of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) and MMS by Ni(II) chloride evident. The mucAB genes carried on pKM101 increase the sensitivity of TA100 to a variety of mutagens, providing there is a functional recA gene product. Taken together, the data suggest that Ni(II) acts indirectly, as a comutagen, in bacterial systems, possibly affecting processes involving recA- and/or polA-dependent function(s).  相似文献   

Transgenic systems, both cell lines and mice with gain or loss of function, are being used in order to modulate the expression of DNA repair proteins, thus allowing to assess their contribution to the defense against genotoxic mutagens and carcinogens. In this review, questions have been addressed concerning the use of transgenic systems in elucidating critical primary DNA lesions, their conversion into genotoxic endpoints, low-dose effects, and the relative contribution of individual cellular functions in defense. It has been shown that the repair protein alkyltransferase (MGMT) is decisive for protection against methylating and chloroethylating compounds. Protection pertains also to tumor formation, as revealed by the response of MGMT transgenic and knockout mice. Overexpression of genes involved in base excision repair (N-methylpurine-DNA glycosylase, apurinic endonuclease, DNA polymerase β) is in most cases not beneficial in increasing the protection level, whereas their down-modulation or inactivation increases cellular sensitivity. This indicates that non-repaired base N-alkylation lesions and/or repair intermediates possess genotoxic potential. Modulation of mismatch repair and poly(ADP)ribosyl transferase has also been shown to affect the cellular response to alkylating agents. Furthermore, the role of Fos, Jun and p53 in cellular defense against alkylating mutagens is discussed.  相似文献   

The base alterations induced by four alkylating agents, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), N-nitroso-N-methylurea (MNU), and N-nitroso-N-ethylurea (ENU), have been determined at the URA3 locus in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The mutagen treatment was carried out on yeast cells in the logarithmic phase of growth. The mutants were selected by their resistance to 7.3 mM-5-fluoroorotic acid at pH 3.8. DNA sequence analysis was carried out by the dideoxy chain termination method. The alkylating agents were selected for their widely differing Swain-Scott substrate constants (s values), which are as follows: MMS, s = 0.83; EMS, s = 0.67; MNU, s = 0.42; ENU, s = 0.26. A higher s value is correlated with a higher ratio of 7-alkylguanine to O6-alkylguanine in native DNA in vitro. 125 forward mutations from URA3----ura3 were sequenced with marked differences in the mutational spectra being observed as the s value changed. Five hotspots were recorded for the four alkylating agents. They were all G.C----A.T transition mutations. There was one common hotspot for all of them; there were two additional ones for the two ethylating agents (ENU and EMS) and two different ones for MNU. Four of the five hotspots have the 5'-GG-3' sequence with the 3'-guanine mutated. It was seen that MMS, which has the highest Swain-Scott substrate constant, yielded the widest array of mutational types. As the substrate constants decreased, the types of mutations became more and more restricted to the G.C----A.T transitions and the A.T----T.A transversions. The transitions are consistent with the concept that mutations arise from O6-alkylation of guanine and alkylation of thymine. The transversions are consistent with the notion of N1-alkylation of adenosine or adenylic acid.  相似文献   

Kaina B  Christmann M  Naumann S  Roos WP 《DNA Repair》2007,6(8):1079-1099
O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) plays a crucial role in the defense against alkylating agents that generate, among other lesions, O(6)-alkylguanine in DNA (collectively termed O(6)-alkylating agents [O(6)AA]). The defense is highly important, since O(6)AA are common environmental carcinogens, are formed endogenously during normal cellular metabolism and possibly inflammation, and are being used in cancer therapy. O(6)AA induced DNA damage is subject to repair, which is executed by MGMT, AlkB homologous proteins (ABH) and base excision repair (BER). Although this review focuses on MGMT, the mechanism of repair by ABH and BER will also be discussed. Experimental systems, in which MGMT has been modulated, revealed that O(6)-methylguanine (O(6)MeG) and O(6)-chloroethylguanine are major mutagenic, carcinogenic, recombinogenic, clastogenic and killing lesions. O(6)MeG-induced clastogenicity and cell death require MutS alpha-dependent mismatch repair (MMR), whereas O(6)-chloroethylguanine-induced killing occurs independently of MMR. Extensive DNA replication is required for O(6)MeG to provoke cytotoxicity. In MGMT depleted cells, O(6)MeG induces apoptosis almost exclusively, barely any necrosis, which is presumably due to the remarkable ability of secondarily formed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) to trigger apoptosis via ATM/ATR, Chk1, Chk2, p53 and p73. Depending on the cellular background, O(6)MeG activates both the death receptor and the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. The inter-individual expression of MGMT in human lymphocytes is highly variable. Given the key role of MGMT in cellular defense, determination of MGMT activity could be useful for assessing a patient's drug sensitivity. MGMT is expressed at highly variable amounts in human tumors. In gliomas, a correlation was found between MGMT activity, MGMT promoter methylation and response to O(6)AA. Although the human MGMT gene is inducible by glucocorticoids and genotoxins such as radiation and alkylating agents, the role of this induction in the protection against carcinogens and the development of chemotherapeutic alkylating drug resistance are still unclear. Modulation of MGMT expression in tumors and normal tissue is currently being investigated as a possible strategy for improving cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Low-temperature induction of respiratory deficiency in yeast mutants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Previous studies have indicated that the alkylating agent, 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-(3-[ethyl-2-chloroethyl]aminopropylamino)acridine dihydrochloride (ICR-170), induces much more killing and mutation in conidia of Neurospora crassa treated in an atmosphere of N2 than in an atmosphere of O2. It was desirable to determine if a similar effect--more killing and mutation in N2 than in O2--could be observed with two other known alkylating agents, beta-propiolactone (BPL) and ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), in the same test system. Conidia of a heterokaryotic strain of N. crassa were bubbled with N2 or O2 during treatment with BPL or EMS. Forward-mutation was measured in the ad-3 region by a direct method. The results indicate that N2 or O2 do not influence the lethal and mutagenic activities of BPL or EMS during treatment of conidia. Hence the influence of N2 or O2 on the lethal and mutagenic activites of ICR-170 is different from the influence of these gases on BPL or EMS using the ad-3 test system in N. crassa.  相似文献   

The simple eukaryotic organism baker's yeast allows demonstration of primary DNA lesions in parallel with measurement of mutagenicity and lethality after treatment with alkylating chemicals. Several anti-cancer drugs formed cross-linked DNA molecules and were genetically active. The mutagenicity and lethality of these drugs varied substantially and were dependent on the function of some processes of DNA dark-repair.  相似文献   

Visible light of 5,000 lux intensity has been shown to photokill yeast cells at 12 degrees C. In the present report some of isogenic respiratory deficient mit- and nuclear mutants were compared for their sensitivity to light. No close correlation between the cytochromes spectra and light resistance was observed. Although, the nuclear and rho- mutants which lack cytochromes a + a3 and b are as a rule light resistant. Photokilling effect in yeast seems to be dependent both on the sufficiency of respiratory chain and on protein synthesis probably on cytoplasmic level.  相似文献   

F Bex  A A Sels 《Biochimie》1977,59(1):79-84
A mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, unable to grow at the expense of non fermentable carbon sources at 37 degrees C, has been selected; at 25 degrees C the mutant strain behaves like the parental wild strain. Evaluations of respiration rates during aerobic growth at restrictive temperature on one hand, enzymatic and/or spectral evaluations of the individual components of the respiratory chain on the other hand show that the respiratory deficiency is specifically correlated with a reduced level of cytochrome oxidase. The decrease of enzyme activity is the direct consequence of a lowering of hemoprotein (a,a3) concentration. Temperature-activity relationship of cytochrome oxidase elaborated at the permissive temperature by the mutant strain is modified as far as the particulate enzyme is concerned, but no difference is observed after partial solubilization of the enzyme by non ionic surfactant. Genetic analysis shows that the mutant phenotype results from a nuclear gene mutation.  相似文献   

Folic acid deficiency acts synergistically with alkylating agents to increase DNA strand breaks and mutant frequency at the hprt locus in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. To elucidate the mechanism of this synergy, molecular analyses of hprt mutants were performed. Recently, our laboratory showed that folate deficiency increased the percentage of clones with intragenic deletions after exposure to ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) but not N-nitroso-N-ethylurea (ENU) compared to clones recovered from folate replete medium. This report describes molecular analyses of the 37 hprt mutant clones obtained that did not contain deletions. Folate deficient cells treated with EMS had a high frequency of G>A transitions at non-CpG sites on the non-transcribed strand, particularly when these bases were flanked on both sides by G:C base pairs. Thirty-three percent of these mutations were in the run of six G's in exon 3. EMS-treated folate replete cells had a slightly (but not significantly) lower percentage of G>A transitions, and the same sequence specificity. Treatment of folate deficient CHO cells with ENU resulted in predominantly T>A transversions and C>T transitions relative to the non-transcribed strand. These findings suggest a model to explain the synergy between folate deficiency and alkylating agents: (1) folate deficiency causes extensive uracil incorporation into DNA; (2) greatly increased utilization of base excision repair to remove uracil and to correct alkylator damage leads to error-prone DNA repair. In the case of EMS, this results in more intragenic deletions and G:C to A:T mutations due to impaired ligation of single-strand breaks generated during base excision repair and a decreased capacity to remove O6-ethylguanine. In the case of ENU additional T>A transversions and C>T transitions are seen, perhaps due to mis-pairing of O2-ethylpyrimidines. Correction of folate deficiency may reduce the frequency of these types of genetic damage during alkylator therapy.  相似文献   

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