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Energy regulation by traplining hummingbirds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. A published model of constant diurnal energy accumulation by territorial hummingbirds does not accurately reflect the temporal distribution of feeding behaviour of traplining hummingbirds, Phaethornis longirostris (Long-Tailed Hermit Hummingbirds).
2. In an enclosure study, gross nectar intake by P . longirostris decreased through the day, mirroring nectar production rates in its natural food-flowers and mimicking its natural foraging patterns.
3. Using a simulation model, the energetic consequences of constant and decreasing net energy intake rates for traplining hummingbirds are compared.
4. Given natural patterns of nectar production, model birds with decreasing diurnal net intake rates met their energetic needs with fewer flowers than those with constant net intake, and spent less time foraging.
5. It is concluded that P . longirostris do not satisfy the physiological assumptions of the published model, and that in this way they are different from the territorial species on which the model has previously been tested.  相似文献   

Can grazing sheep compensate for a daily foraging time constraint?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. Theoretical studies of large herbivore foraging assume that total daily grazing time is a key constraint on daily intake and diet choice. We experimentally tested this assumption and investigated the effects of food availability on the ability of grazing sheep to compensate for restriction of available daily grazing time.
2. Foraging behaviour, intake and diet digestibility by sheep, were measured on grass pastures in a replicated 2 × 2 factorial experiment, in which overnight access to pasture was varied (restricted overnight and continuous access) on two sward heights (5·5 and 3·0 cm), representing high and low food availability.
3. Regardless of food availability, the overnight-restricted sheep fed for almost all of the available grazing time by grazing for fewer, longer foraging bouts, but still had much shorter total daily grazing time than the continuous access sheep.
4. In response to overnight penning, the sheep had a significantly higher instantaneous rate of intake achieved mainly via larger bites. The continuous access sheep were hence not maximizing their short-term rate of intake, whilst grazing according to the daily schedule considered normal for sheep.
5. The behavioural responses to overnight food restriction were able to counteract the reduction in daily grazing time only where food availability was high. In contrast on short swards overnight grazing restriction led to a reduction in total daily intake. We suggest that the interactions between the factors considered as constraints on foraging behaviour of herbivores are, as yet, only poorly quantified.  相似文献   

Abstract. I. An investigation of the effects of position of food in the gut (gut state), time since feeding, meal size and environmental temperature on the detection of prey using the electrophoretic separation of proteins with esterase activity was undertaken. The waterbug Notonecta glauca Linn (Hemiptera/Heteroptera) was used as the model predator.
2. Seven easily recognizable gut states can be identified at different times since commencement of a meal.
3. Specific prey esterase 'fingerprint' bands can be detected whilst food remains in the foregut.
4. Meal size and environmental temperature (affecting digestion and assimilation rates) both affect the rate of filling and emptying of the foregut, and hence the time period over which prey proteins can be detected by electrophoresis following a meal. Small meals and high temperatures lead to quite rapid changes in gut state with time and thus reduce the time period over which prey can be identified from gut contents (20 h). Large meals and low temperatures extend this period (48 h).
5. Predator gut state is the most important parameter in prey detectability from gut contents, and from a visual examination of the gut state it is immediately evident whether or not prey detection by electrophoresis will be possible.
6. There is further evidence in support of a twocompartment food processing model for Nofoonecru , and the significance of this type of processing in relation to gut content analysis of sucking predators is discussed.  相似文献   

The foraging activity of intertidal chitons and gastropods livingon rocky shores has been investigated by many authors by usingmicrophones or piezoelectric transducers to obtain audio-recordingsof radular grazing on various algae. However, the lack of automaticdevices for recording the noise associated with radular activityhas made the assessment of the spatial and temporal organizationof foraging of these animals difficult and labour intensive.A new technique is described that permits automatic recordingon computer and the analysis of grazing noises produced by limpetswhile foraging. The apparatus consists of three parts: a transducingpre-amplifying section (on limpets, or free in the field asa reference); an amplifying, filtering and digital-encodingsection (a free standing device) and a data acquiring and storingsection (on computer). Recordings of Patella caendta Linnaeusobtained in the laboratory during spring and summer 1993–1994,were analysed using a standard procedure to investigate grazingactivity. Each grazing bout is recorded on computer as a sequenceof 2–6 unit events, lasting about 0.4–0.8 sec, separatedby 1–3 sec. Each foraging phase consisted of a sequenceof several grazing bouts (maximum frequency about 1500–2000grazing bouts per hour), concentrated during high tides, witha distinct preference for nocturnal periods. The results ofthe automatic analysis were consistent with those obtained bydirect audiblescoring of the corresponding audio-recordings.The software used also permitted discrimination of true grazingactivity from other noises produced by the limpets, such asshell rubbing on the substrate while moving. This new techniquehasa number of advantages with respect to previous methods. Themost important characteristic is that the apparatus is ableto resolve automatically the grazing activity of shelled molluscsat different time scales, from msec to hours and days, accordingto an integrating constant that can be set on the apparatus. (Received 27 October 1994; accepted 28 December 1994)  相似文献   

1. Within the broad field of optimal foraging, it is increasingly acknowledged that animals often face digestive constraints rather than constraints on rates of food collection. This therefore calls for a formalization of how animals could optimize food absorption rates. 2. Here we generate predictions from a simple graphical optimal digestion model for foragers that aim to maximize their (true) metabolizable food intake over total time (i.e. including nonforaging bouts) under a digestive constraint. 3. The model predicts that such foragers should maintain a constant food retention time, even if gut length or food quality changes. For phenotypically flexible foragers, which are able to change the size of their digestive machinery, this means that an increase in gut length should go hand in hand with an increase in gross intake rate. It also means that better quality food should be digested more efficiently. 4. These latter two predictions are tested in a large avian long-distance migrant, the Bewick's swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii), feeding on grasslands in its Dutch wintering quarters. 5. Throughout winter, free-ranging Bewick's swans, growing a longer gut and experiencing improved food quality, increased their gross intake rate (i.e. bite rate) and showed a higher digestive efficiency. These responses were in accordance with the model and suggest maintenance of a constant food retention time. 6. These changes doubled the birds' absorption rate. Had only food quality changed (and not gut length), then absorption rate would have increased by only 67%; absorption rate would have increased by only 17% had only gut length changed (and not food quality). 7. The prediction that gross intake rate should go up with gut length parallels the mechanism included in some proximate models of foraging that feeding motivation scales inversely to gut fullness. We plea for a tighter integration between ultimate and proximate foraging models.  相似文献   

1. We present a statistical model for the prediction of handling times for different diet items of herbivores foraging in heterogeneous environments, based on the distribution of time intervals between bites.
2. We propose the gamma distribution as a convenient and appropriate model for foraging data and illustrate its use with field observations of foraging Nubian ibex ( Capra ibex nubiana Linnaeus 1758) in the Negev Desert of Israel.
3. Specifically, we demonstrate how to estimate handling times from skewed frequency data of intervals between bites within patches.
4. We compared two mathematically equivalent gamma models and found a pronounced difference in the numerical results in fitting empirical data.
5. Estimated handling times varied with bite size, but not with plant category or sex of the foraging animal.
6. Fitting a gamma model to foraging data allows the efficient estimation of minimum handling constraints, mean handling times and within-patch cropping rates, which should be useful for models of the herbivore foraging process.  相似文献   

1. The nature of the diet can affect the gut retention time of food consumed by an animal, and a theoretical framework has been developed to explain this in terms of optimal digestion rates. However, diets may differ in a number of different attributes, all of which may separately affect the optimal length of time that they are retained in the gut.
2. Here an attempt is made to elucidate which of these features are important in determining gut retention time of different fish species when fed to nine north Atlantic seabird species, and discuss the different potential optimization criteria for retention time in seabirds.
3. Retention times of Lesser Sandeel ( Ammodytes marinus Raitt.) were shortest, and this species was also rapidly broken down in vitro . Sprat ( Sprattus sprattus (L.)) took longer to be broken down in vitro than Whiting ( Merlangius merlangus (L.)), and also had a high energy and lipid content, which might be expected to result in slow digestion; yet retention times of the two species were similar.
4. Meal size also had an important effect on gut retention times, large meals being retained for longer in the gut than small meals, apparently because of an upper limit on the peak excretion rate.
5. Diet and meal-size related characteristics are important factors influencing prey profitability, prey selection and foraging patterns in seabirds.  相似文献   

The brooding gastropod Crepipatella dilatata can feed by scraping the substrate with the radula and by suspension-feeding, which also requires use of the radula. There is a “division of labour” for the radula among three discrete tasks associated with feeding: (1) removing mucous balls from the food pouch; (2) transferring the mucous cord from the neck channel to the mouth (both components of suspension-feeding); (3) scraping the substrate. We hypothesised that the proportion of time used for each feeding activity varies according to environmental conditions. Total radular activity in females was greatest at high tide and in summer. The rate of radular extrusion for ingesting the mucous cord varied seasonally and between brooding and non-brooding females. Non-brooding females exhibited higher rates of radular extrusion for ingesting the mucous cord and for scraping the substrate than did brooders. In females, radular activity in removing the mucous ball from the food pouch was strongly influenced by the tidal cycle during winter, reaching minimum values at low tide. Differences were recorded in substrate scraping among seasons and within tidal cycles, and among males, brooding females and non-brooding females. Brooding females displayed less rasping than non-brooders, since the area available for grazing was restricted by the egg mass. Throughout the year, including low salinity periods, males allocated a greater proportion of total radular activity to rasping than to removing the mucous ball or ingesting the mucous cord. The feeding behaviour of both males and females is modulated by salinity, but the principal determinants of radular activity are the mode of reproduction (brooding in females) and, in males, motility.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Two species of parasitoids (Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) and Heterospilus prosopidis Vier) attacking the bruchid beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.), show marked inverse density dependent relationships between per cent parasitism and host density per patch.
2. These patterns are well described quantitatively using data on the spatial distribution of searching time by the parasitoids and their attack rates on patches of different host density.
3. A model of optimal foraging predicts just the opposite (i.e. density dependent) patterns of parasitism.
4. Both density dependent and inversely density dependent spatial patterns of parasitism can be explained mechanistically in terms of (a) the allocation of searching time in patches of different host density and (b) the maximum attack rate per parasitoid that constrains the extent of host exploitation within a patch.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Individually foraging desert ants, Cataglyphis bicolor , exhibit short foraging lives (half lifetime, i.e. half-time of the exponential decay function: 4.5 days), in which they perform 3.7 ± 1.9 foraging runs per day.
2. During their short lifetime foraging period the ants increase the duration of their foraging round trips (up to 40.0 ± 24.6 min per run), the maximal distance of individual foraging runs (up to 28.2 ± 4.1 m), and their foraging success, i.e. the ratio of successful runs to the total number of runs (up to 0.70).
3. The parameter that increases most dramatically during a forager's lifetime is direction fidelity, i.e. the tendency to remain faithful to a particular foraging direction.
4. A model based on some simple behavioural rules is used to describe the experimental findings that within an isotropic food environment individual ants develop spatial foraging idiosyncrasies, and do so at a rate that increases with the food densities they encounter.
5. Finally, it is argued that in functional terms direction fidelity is related to the navigational benefits resulting from exploiting familiar (route-based) landmark information, and hence reduces round-trip time and by this physiological stress and predatory risk.  相似文献   

1. Laboratory experiments were performed to determine whether flight initiation by lotic mayfly larvae of Baetis tricaudatus exposed to the longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ) is affected by an individual's size and its physiological state.
2. We used a three factorial ANOVA design to test whether flight initiation distances (FIDs) were affected by Baetis size (small, large), starvation level (low, high), and the length of a predator-free foraging period (short, long).
3. FIDs were significantly affected by the interaction between Baetis size and starvation level, and the main level effects of starvation and Baetis size. FIDs of small larvae were unaffected by starvation level and the length of the predator-free feeding period, whereas starvation reduced FIDs of large larvae 2-fold.
4. Subsequent experiments showed that size-dependent differences in FIDs could not be attributed to size-specific differences in the economics of rates of food intake or gut evacuation. For both small and large larvae, food intake rates declined with increasing time spent foraging and both small and large larvae consumed the majority (70–75%) of food within the first 3 h of the 12-h feeding period. Similarly, gut evacuation declined with increasing starvation time and rates of evacuation did not differ between small and large larvae. These data suggest that size-dependent differences in flight initiation by Baetis larvae do not involve the energetics of food intake or processing.  相似文献   

The impact of fire on the foraging behaviour of impala (Aepyceros melampus), was studied in the Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Two indices of foraging efficiency were used to establish differences in feeding behaviour in burnt and unburnt control areas. These are acceptable grass/browse abundance (AGA/ABA), expressed in terms of feeding time achieved per 50 steps and food ingestion rate (FIR), expressed as the cumulative percentage. Accumulation of above ground grass biomass was also measured in burnt and control areas. After burning, the grazing efficiency remains constant throughout the dry season, while the browsing time achieved per 50 steps decreases drastically. In the control areas AGA decreased with increasing length of the dry season while ABA increased. When expressed in terms of cumulative percentage (FIR), the results show a significant increase of 31% in foraging time spent grazing and a 24% decrease in foraging time spent browsing, in burnt areas. The results confirm the classification of impalas as intermediate or mixed feeders with a distinct preference for grass. Impala foraging patterns after burning are discussed and compared with investigations on the effect of burning on the behaviour of impalas and Buffon's kob (Kobus kob kob) in other areas of Africa.  相似文献   

1. Laboratory experiments were performed to determine whether flight initiation by lotic mayfly larvae of Baetis tricaudatus exposed to the longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ) is affected by an individual's size and its physiological state.
2. We used a three factorial ANOVA design to test whether flight initiation distances (FIDs) were affected by Baetis size (small, large), starvation level (low, high), and the length of a predator-free foraging period (short, long).
3. FIDs were significantly affected by the interaction between Baetis size and starvation level, and the main level effects of starvation and Baetis size. FIDs of small larvae were unaffected by starvation level and the length of the predator-free feeding period, whereas starvation reduced FIDs of large larvae 2-fold.
4. Subsequent experiments showed that size-dependent differences in FIDs could not be attributed to size-specific differences in the economics of rates of food intake or gut evacuation. For both small and large larvae, food intake rates declined with increasing time spent foraging and both small and large larvae consumed the majority (70–75%) of food within the first 3 h of the 12-h feeding period. Similarly, gut evacuation declined with increasing starvation time and rates of evacuation did not differ between small and large larvae. These data suggest that size-dependent differences in flight initiation by Baetis larvae do not involve the energetics of food intake or processing.  相似文献   

绵羊的采食行为与草场空间异质性关系   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
在中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站,于1993年6月,7月9月,分别对放牧率为4羊/hm^2的围栏放牧草场上绵羊采集行为与草场空间异质性的关系进行了定量研究,结果表明,绵羊的采食运动模式与草场空间异质性密切相关,采食区域和卧息及反刍地点相对稳定,对草场的利用依植物群落种类组成的变化有不同的采集顺序,一般地,多选择大针茅,寸草苔,星毛萎陵菜较少的平地上采食,饮水点对采食路线和目标的选择有一定的  相似文献   

1. We examined selected aspects of the nutritional ecology of larval Ptychoptera paludosa and their role in nutrient cycling in the Breitenbach, a first-order stream in Hesse, Germany.
2. Food preference experiments demonstrated significant preference for sediments with a high organic matter content and live bacteria.
3. pH was circumneutral in all sections of the gut.
4. Enzymatic activity (β-glucosidase and amino-peptidase) in different parts of the gut was measured using 4-methylumbelliferyl-β- D -glucopyranoside (MUF-Glc) and leucine-4-methylcoumarinyl-7-amide (Leu-MCA). β-glucosidase activity was highest in the hindgut.
5. The mean larval gut passage time was between 7 and 8 h.
6. The egestion rate of last instar larvae was about 0.35 mg dry weight (DW) faeces per larva h–1 and about 1.25 mg ash-free dry weight (AFDW) faeces per mg larval AFDW day–1.
7. Larval faeces contained at least 4–18 times more organic matter than the average in the sediments in which they were feeding, that is, larvae fed selectively, extracting organic matter from sediments.
8. P. paludosa larvae are important in the dynamics of detritus in slow-flowing reaches of the Breitenbach. They gather organic material from the sediment to a depth of 3 cm, and release it as faeces onto the sediment surface. A total of 770 g DW faeces m–2 yr–1, comprising about 16% organic matter, was produced by the Ptychoptera population.  相似文献   

Domestic cattle generally graze during the day although some night-time grazing also occurs. However, questions remain as to the effect of management on circadian grazing patterns. This study provides for the first time a quantification of seasonal, circadian and animal variation in grazing behaviour and grazing time in cattle in semi-wild conditions.The objectives of the study were to examine how daily grazing times and the temporal distribution of grazing activity changed with season and to examine the extent to which grazing patterns were influenced by day-length. A group of 12 heifers of the Kerry breed continuously grazed a lowland field of 4.7ha. The old permanent pasture sward was dominated by Holcus spp. and Agrostis spp. Feed availability was never limiting. Length and periodicity of grazing were recorded using vibracorders attached to the necks of seven animals.Results showed that daily grazing times remained constant over most of the grazing season (circa 10-11h per day), however, some variation occurred late in the season. The temporal distribution of grazing activity changed as the season advanced so that by October grazing patterns became significantly different to those of July. The time interval between grazing bouts at dawn and dusk decreased with decreasing day-length. An increased percentage of night-time grazing occurred at shorter day-lengths.It is concluded that there is a significant seasonal effect of day-length on temporal distribution of grazing activity with night-time grazing featuring more as day-length decreases. The maintenance of similar total daily grazing times in the face of changing day-length (with the exception of late in the season) suggests that daily grazing times are a function of the attainment of a relatively constant nutritional requirement by the animal.  相似文献   

Generalist predators are capable of selective foraging, but are predicted to feed in close proportion to prey availability to maximize energetic intake especially when overall prey availability is low. By extension, they are also expected to feed in a more frequency‐dependent manner during winter compared to the more favourable foraging conditions during spring, summer and fall seasons. For 18 months, we observed the foraging patterns of forest‐dwelling wolf spiders from the genus Schizocosa (Araneae: Lycosidae) using PCR‐based gut‐content analysis and simultaneously monitored the activity densities of two common prey: springtails (Collembola) and flies (Diptera). Rates of prey detection within spider guts relative to rates of prey collected in traps were estimated using Roualdes’ cst model and compared using various linear contrasts to make inferences pertaining to seasonal prey selectivity. Results indicated spiders foraged selectively over the course of the study, contrary to predictions derived from optimal foraging theory. Even during winter, with overall low prey densities, the relative rates of predation compared to available prey differed significantly over time and by prey group. Moreover, these spiders appeared to diversify their diets; the least abundant prey group was consistently overrepresented in the diet within a given season. We suggest that foraging in generalist predators is not necessarily restricted to frequency dependency during winter. In fact, foraging motives other than energy maximization, such as a more nutrient‐focused strategy, may also be optimal for generalist predators during prey‐scarce winters.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Cellulose baits are commonly used for semi-quantitative sampling of subterranean wood-feeding termites, with a single food choice sampling programme implemented most often. In most situations, however, the composition and feeding preferences of the subterranean termite assemblage remain unknown.
2. The diversity, frequency, foraging activity, and intensity of attack of termites were assessed regularly at 144 baits representing 12 different bait choices over 8.5 months, in two northern Australian tropical savanna sites that differed in vegetation structure (closed vs open). Baits differed in type (paper rolls, cardboard, wooden stakes), position (surface, buried), and moisture status at installation (wet, dry).
3. Sixteen species were recorded, including 11 wood-feeders. Average species diversity, foraging activity, and bait consumption were greater at buried baits than at surface baits. Wooden baits were most attractive early in the experiment, and paper baits more attractive later. Mean species diversity was greatest at wooden stakes in the closed site. Species frequency of occurrence varied across bait choices.
4. A composite bait sampling protocol of stakes and paper rolls installed above and below ground gave an accurate assessment of the activity, diversity, and structure of the termite guild sampled across all baits over 8.5 months.
5. The choice of bait, its presentation, and time of examination are critical to the success of a termite baiting programme. If the aim is to characterise the structure and foraging activity of the subterranean termite assemblages that are attracted to baits, composite baiting protocols should be implemented.  相似文献   

Summary A glasshouse experiment was conducted to determine the effect of plant age on critical phosphorus concentration in apical tissue ofStylosanthes hamata cv. Verano. Cut and non-cut treatments were included to simulate grazing and non-grazing situations. The critical concentration declined rapidly in both treatments during the 18 weeks following germination and remained relatively constant thereafter. The results are consistent with a higher phosphorus requirement for grazed plants compared with ungrazed plants.  相似文献   

捕食者与猎物的关系研究对了解物种捕食行为及种群空间格局具有重要意义。采用Avisoft Bioacoustics超声波仪录制马铁菊头蝠自然状态下的声波以确定其捕食活动强度,用灯诱法、扫网法和飞行阻隔法相结合采集昆虫,搜集蝙蝠粪便并分析其食物组成。结果表明,马铁菊头蝠在8月份活动最频繁,昆虫丰富度在8月份最丰富,马铁菊头蝠捕食活动与鳞翅目丰富度呈显著正相关。马铁菊头蝠主要以鳞翅目和鞘翅目为食,但食性存在明显的月份变化。卡方检验结果表明,马铁菊头蝠捕食的猎物与环境中可利用的昆虫猎物存在显著差异。在食物资源丰富时,马铁菊头蝠选择性地捕食营养丰富的鞘翅目昆虫。  相似文献   

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