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The temporal and spatial sequence of nuclear disappearance during the terminal differentiation of lens fiber cells could be due to an impairment of the DNA repair pathways or to the appearance of an active DNA degradation process. The results presented here favor the second hypothesis. A single-stranded DNA nuclease activity and a double-stranded DNA nuclease activity have been found in chick embryo fiber cells. Moreover, there is a good correspondence between the variations of the nuclease activity and the stages of differentiation of the different samples analyzed.  相似文献   

The electrical current pattern around the developing Xenopus laevis embryo was mapped with a vibrating probe. Current (taken as the movement of positive charge) was found to leave the emerging hind limb bud and to enter the gill region of the stage 47 embryo. The magnitude of the current leaving the limb was about 7 μA/cm2 and the current entering the gill was about 60 μA/cm2. Other regions of smaller outward current were found between the limb and gill. At stage 43, prior to the appearance of the limb bud, a highly localized region of outward current existed in the general area from which the bud would later emerge. The inward current was localized to the gill bud, as in the older embryo. The ionic basis of the currents could not be determined. In about one-third of the cases studied, the inward current was sodium sensitive since the removal of external sodium or the addition of amiloride reversably blocked the current. In the remaining cases, however, removal of sodium did not change (or else increased) the current. No other external ion (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+) could be identified as the current-carrying ion; the possibility of an outward movement of some anion such as Cl? or HCO?3 remains.  相似文献   

Decay of inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSC) was analyzed in dissociated culture of chick embryo spinal cord. Differences in the kinetic characteristics of low-amplitude and giant IPSC were revealed. Decay of currents in the first group was single-exponential, while decay in the second group was double-exponential. The time constant of single-exponential current decay increased during membrane depolarization and decreased during rise in temperature of the solution. Decay of the double-exponential currents depended little on potential, while temperature changes acted only on its slow component. Strychnine in submaximum concentrations produced not only a decrease in amplitude of giant IPSC, but also a deceleration of decay due to the slow component. The regularity of these phenomena suggests that decay of giant IPSC, as distinguished from that of low-amplitude currents, is determined by removal of transmitter from the synaptic cleft.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 427–435, July–August, 1991.  相似文献   

This study aimed to reveal the influence of brief DC electric stimulation on neurite outgrowth and outgrowth rates after application. Chick embryo dorsal root ganglia neurite outgrowth, rates, and overall alignment to EF were measured before stimulation and at two time points after stimulation. The presence of a 25 V/m EF for 10 min increased overall neurite outgrowth over controls for up to 48 h after stimulation and all growth was symmetric. These results demonstrate that even 10 min of stimulation, which is approximately 80% shorter than previous studies, promotes enhanced nerve growth.  相似文献   

The accumulation of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the changes in AChE-specific activity and in AChE molecular form distribution were studied in slow-tonic anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) and in fast-twitch posterior latissimus dorsi (PLD) muscles of the chick embryo. From stage 36 (day 11) to stage 42 (day 17) of Hamburger and Hamilton, the AChE-specific activity decreased, while the relative proportion of asymmetric A 12 and A 8 forms increased. Repetitive injection of curare resulted at stage 42 (day 17) in a decrease in AChE-specific activity, in the accumulation of the synaptic AChE and in the expression of AChE asymmetric forms. Electrical stimulation at a relatively high frequency (40 Hz) of curarized ALD and PLD muscles resulted in a normal increase in AChE asymmetric forms, whereas a lower frequency (5 Hz) resulted in a dominance of globular forms. Both patterns of stimulation partly prevented the loss in synaptic AChE accumulations. These results suggest that in chick embryo muscles, muscle activity and its rhythms are involved in the normal evolution of AChE.  相似文献   

We have tested directly the hypothesis that the endogenous electrical field in the chick embryo plays a causal role in development. Conductive implants, which shunt currents out of the embryo and thus alter the internal field, were placed under the dorsal skin at the mid-trunk level of stage 11-15 embryos. Currents leaving the posterior intestinal portal (p.i.p.) of these embryos were reduced by an average of 30%. Control embryos receiving non-conductive implants showed no change in p.i.p. currents. In the group receiving current shunts, 92% of the embryos exhibited some developmental abnormality. Only 11% of the control group displayed defects. The most common defect in the experimental group (81%) was in tail development. Tail defects ranged from complete absence to the formation of a normal length, but morphologically abnormal tail. Internally, tail structures (neural tube, notochord and somites) were frequently absent or aberrantly formed. In 33% of the experimental embryos, the notochord continued lengthening in the absence of any other tail development. This led to the formation of ourenteric outgrowths from the hindgut. Defects in limb bud and head development were also found in experimentally treated embryos, but at a much lower frequency than tail defects. The abnormalities observed in experimental embryos were very similar to those produced naturally in rumpless mutant chicks. A vibrating probe analysis of these mutants (from both dominant and recessive strains) showed that currents leaving the p.i.p. were significantly lower in phenotypically abnormal mutants than in wild-type and phenotypically normal mutant embryos from both strains. There was no apparent correlation between the average transepithelial potential (TEP) of these mutants and the development of tail abnormalities. The possible role of endogenous electrical fields in chick tail development is discussed.  相似文献   

Erythropoiesis in the developing chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The types of erythroid cells of chick embryos developing in ovo have been correlated with the hemoglobins of the embryos. Prior to 5 days, when primitive cells constitute the only erythroid cells, two hemoglobins can be resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The two adult hemoglobins and a minor hemoglobin found only in embryos and young chicks first appear simultaneously with initiation of definitive erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans were extracted from 14-day chick embryo brains, which had been labelled in vitro with [35S]sulfate or 3H-labelled amino acids. 4.0 M guanidinium chloride (containing proteinase inhibitors) extracted 94% of the 35S-labelled glycoconjugates. Following cesium chloride equilibrium centrifugation, the proteoglycans in each fraction were characterized by chromatography on Sepharose CL-2B. The most dense fraction (D1), which contained no detectable non-proteoglycan proteins, contained a large, aggregating chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan in addition to small chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate proteoglycans. The less dense fractions (D2-D6) contained both small chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Removal of hyaluronate from the D1 sample by digestion with Streptomyces hyaluronidase in the presence of proteinase inhibitors showed that aggregation of the large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan is hyaluronate-dependent. Aggregation was restored by re-addition of hyaluronate. Reduction and alkylation, which blocked aggregation of a cartilage A1 proteoglycan, did not interfere with aggregation of the large brain proteoglycan.  相似文献   

Ion channels are proteins expressed in the plasma membrane of electrogenic cells. In the zygote and blastomeres of the developing embryo, electrical modifications result from ion currents that flow through these channels. This phenomenon implies that ion current activity exerts a specific developmental function, and plays a crucial role in signal transduction and the control of embryogenesis, from the early cleavage stages and during growth and development of the embryo. This review describes the involvement of ion currents in early embryo development, from marine invertebrates to human, focusing on the occurrence, modulation, and dynamic role of ion fluxes taking place on the zygote and blastomere plasma membrane, and at the intercellular communication between embryo cell stages. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 108:6–18, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

1. The absence of creatine was demonstrated enzymically in the hen's-egg yolk and in the albumin contrary to former reports. 2. A comparison of the results obtained by enzymic and colorimetric methods to measure creatine is presented. 3. Creatine phosphate was not detected in the yolk extracts. 4. The content of free arginine enzymically assayed was 15.7mumol in the yolk and 3.38mumol in the albumin. Arginine amounts to practically all of the guanidine compounds in the yolk and one-half of those in the albumin. 5. No glycine amidinotransferase activity was found in the egg-yolk homogenates. 6. The heart of the chick embryo does not receive creatine from the egg and the creatine kinase activity present in this organ starting from the 27th hour of incubation suggests that the enzyme is a constitutive one working probably as an adenosine triphosphatase in a way similar to the kinase isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle. 7. Liver glycine amidinotransferase activity appeared clearly after day 5 of incubation. The specific activity reached a maximum at day 12 and then declined; however, the activity per total mass of liver increased steadily during all the prenatal period. Concomitantly with this steady increase a rise in the creatine content of the whole embryo was observed. An analogous increasing relationship between total liver amidinotransferase activity and liver creatine content was also detected during the postnatal period. 8. Repression of amidinotransferase by creatine cannot be accepted as occurring under physiological conditions since an inverse relationship between the two parameters was not observed. 9. Repression of liver amidinotransferase is observed only when pharmacological concentrations of the exogenous creatine are present in the chick liver.  相似文献   

Ovaries from 10- to 18-day-old chick embryos hypophysectomized by partial decapitation were cultured in vitro and their estradiol secretion was compared to that of ovaries from control embryos. The production of estradiol was not less in the decapitated than in the control embryos at 15-18 days, neither per ovary nor on the basis of ovarian weight. However, the difference was significant at 10-11 days. These results suggest that the hypophysis controls estradiol secretion by the chick embryo ovary in the early stages, but not in the later ones.  相似文献   

V M Barabanov 《Ontogenez》1985,16(2):118-126
The appearance and localization of immunoreactive prolactin in the adenohypophysis of chick embryos and chickens was studied by antisera to the bovine prolactin. Immunoreactive prolactin was found in the chick embryos from the 15th day of development on using the methods of indirect immunofluorescence and of unlabelled antibodies with a complex PAP. In the chick embryos and in chickens during the first 10 days of life, the prolactin-containing cells were distributed, mainly, in the cephalic part of adenohypophysis; in the chickens, scarce cells were also found in the caudal part. These results suggest that in the domestic fowl the immunoreactive prolactin, similar by immunochemical specificity with the mammalian prolactin, is a late appearing marker of the adenohypophysis differentiation.  相似文献   

The developmental profile of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were examined by cellulose acetate electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography in the early chick embryo from late blastula (stage XIII+) to early somite developmental stages (stage HH7-9). Sulphated GAGs were present from the earliest stages. They were more abundant than the non-sulphated forms and showed stage-related changes. Chondroitin sulphate and especially dermatan sulphate appeared to be the predominant GAGs in embryos at stage XIII+. Dermatan sulphate was about three times as abundant as chondroitin sulphate at stage XII+. In contrast, embryos at the definitive streak stage (stage HH4) produced about twice as much chondroitin sulphate as dermatan sulphate. At the head process stage (stage HH5), the level of chondroitin sulphate was reduced and its relative content in the embryo was about the same as dermatan sulphate. Levels of dermatan sulphate were more than five times those of heparan sulphate from stage XIII through to stage HH5 and three times more at stage HH7-9. The 4- and 6- sulphation of chondroitin sulphate increased 14- and 10-fold respectively, from stage XIII+ to stage HH 7-9. The sulphation pattern of chondroitin sulphate had a delta(di)-4S:delta(di)-6S molar ratio ranging from 4 to 8:1 and a delta(di)-4S:delta(di)-OS molar ratio ranging from 9 to 16:1 and was developmentally regulated. Thus, chondroitin sulphate in the early chick embryo was sulphated predominately in the 4-position in all stages studied. The presence of both 4- and 6-sulphated disaccharides in chondroitin sulphate indicated that both 4 and 6 sulfotransferases were active in the early embryo. Hyaluronate and sulphated GAG content increased markedly at gastrulation when the first major cellular migrations and tissue interactions begin.  相似文献   

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