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中国灯心草属植物的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文通过对国产灯心草属植物的研究,提出了一个中国灯心草属分类系统排列,首次确认我国产6亚属,14组(包括10个新组),4个系(包括3个新系),77种(包括14个新种),l亚种(新亚种)和10变种(包括4个新变种),对其中一些种类作了归并及处理。  相似文献   

铁线莲属研究随记(Ⅱ)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
(1)对铁线链属以下诸种Clematis potaninii Maxim., C.heynei Rau,C.trichotoma Nakai,C.apiculata Hook.f.&; Thoms., C.theobromina Dunn,C.hedysarifolia DC.和C.dissecta Baker的系统位置进行了讨论,提出了新见解;(2)过去一些作者或不承认C.trifida Hook.,C.pimpinellifolia Hook.,C.oligophylla Hook.,和Clematopsis lineariloba Hutch诸种,或进行降级,作为种下分类群处理。本文作者在研究了有关标本之后认为上述4种有明显区别特征,均应成立;(3)对裂叶铁线莲Clematis parviloba Gardn.&; Champ.的5个变种,短毛铁线莲C.puberula Hook.f.&; Thoms.的4个变种和丝铁线莲组sect.Naraveliopsis Hand.-Mazz.的20个种做出新的分类安排;(4)归并了subsect.Potanimianae W.T.Wang,C.heynei M.Johnson,C.petelotii Gagnep.以及其他几个学名;(5)描述了2新亚组,4新系,3新种和3新变种;(6)做出了3个新等级,4个新组合。  相似文献   

菱科(Trapaceae)仅菱属(Trapa L.)1属,该属是典型的水生多型植物,中国乃至全球以往的分类处理分歧很大。基于文献查阅、野外采集、标本鉴定和栽培观察,对菱属植物分类的主要形态性状作了系统评价。果体大小和果冠变异稳定,可以用于属内种的划分,果喙大小和角的数目则可以用于种下变种的划分。在此基础上,对中国菱属作了分类处理,承认了细果野菱(T. incisa)和欧菱(T. natans)2个种,并将欧菱划分为6个变种,对其中4个变种作了新的组合。将10个种名和12个变种名处理为异名,并对5个名称(Trapa amurensis,T. bispinosa,T. dimorphocarpa,T. japonica,T. manchurica)作了后选模式标定。  相似文献   

杉科植物的分类学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于永福 《植物研究》1994,14(4):369-384
本文对杉科植物的研究历史作了回顾,根据分支分类结果和表征分类结果,提出了一个新的分类系统.以形态学为依据,结合其他学科的研究成果,对杉科的分类作了订正。作者承认杉科植物共9属、12种及3变种,将杉木、厚皮杉木、德昌杉木和米德杉木归并,支持柳杉作为日本柳杉的变种、台湾杉木作为杉木的变种、秃杉和台湾杉归并的观点。  相似文献   

中国是世界上淡水蟹物种多样性最高的国家。然而, 迄今为止还没有一个系统的、涵盖全国范围的淡水蟹分类和分布名录。本文收集了涉及中国淡水蟹分类和分布的文献, 采用国际上更新的短尾下目淡水蟹类高级阶元分类系统, 通过系统梳理, 汇编成中国淡水蟹分类与分布名录。该名录共收录了截至2018年1月记述的所有中国淡水蟹类, 共计2科45属311种。其中, 拟地蟹科(Gecarcinucidae Rathbun, 1904) 1属28种; 溪蟹科(Potamidae Ortmann, 1896) 44属283种及亚种; 中国特有属共计38属, 占总数的84%; 特有种共计302种, 占97%。对各省淡水蟹的分布分析发现, 云南是中国淡水蟹物种多样性最丰富的省份, 已记述16属50种; 其次为台湾(4属41种)。本名录首次全面概括了中国淡水蟹类的分类和分布, 可为深入开展全国范围的淡水蟹类生物多样性保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

四川乌头属的修订   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
四川是我国乌头属Aconitum L.植物的重要分布区。本文对该地区的乌头属植物进行了分类修订。通过文献查阅、野外观察和标本室研究,对乌头属的形态性状在居群间和居群内的变异式样进行了比较分析,发现叶分裂程度、上萼片的形状和花梗毛被等性状是较为可靠的分种依据,但是在个别情况,这些性状也会在同一种的同一居群内或不同居群间发生变化。花瓣和种子的特征对于属下划分有重要意义。本文承认四川乌头属植物有46种11变种,另有2种和1变种暂存疑。29种和22变种降为异名;作出新组合2个,其中包括1个改级新组合。紫乌头A. delavayi Franch.和保山乌头A. nagarum Stapf为四川新分布记录。对康定乌头A. tatsienense Finet &; Gagnep.、川鄂乌头A. henryi Pritz.和狭裂乌头A. refractum (Finet &; Gagnep.) Hand.-Mazz.进行了后选模式的标定。初步澄清了东俄洛乌头A. tongolense Ulbr.和狭裂乌头等种类中长期存在的名实混乱。还给出了各个种的形态描述、地理分布以及分亚属、分系和分种检索表。  相似文献   

蓝钟花属的系统学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文对蓝钟花属Cyananthus及整个狭义的桔梗科Campanulaceae(s.str.)的花粉、染色体和形态性状作了深入的系统研究,表明蓝钟花属是该科的最原始类群,它的亲缘属有党参属Codonopsis和细钟花属Leptocodon。 对蓝钟花属中各个种及它的亲缘属的地理分布分析,揭示了该属是典型的中国-喜马拉雅区系的成分,横断山地区是该属的频度和多样性中心;认为中国西南部及其邻近地区至少是桔梗科原始属的保留中心,甚至可能是该科的起源中心。作者最后对蓝钟花属各个种的性状作了生物统计分析,在此基础上对全属进行了全面的分类修订,把原有的26个种9个变种归并为19种(包括2亚种);对该属的次级分类也作了修订。首次报道了该属的染色体数目和细钟花属的花粉形态。  相似文献   

玉兰新分类系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者对多年来采集的玉兰植物标本进行了分类、整理和研究。结果表明,玉兰是个野生和栽培兼有、形态多样性的复合型种群,并首次提出玉兰种下新分类系统。该新系统是:种—亚种—变种,其中包括2亚种(1新组合亚种)、6变种(1新变种和3新改隶组合变种)。为进一步深入开展玉兰形变理论、新品种选育和开发利用等研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

在研究了我国西南地区(滇、黔、川、藏)小奥德蘑属Oudemansiella的标本后,作者认为Pegler et Young(1986)所提出的本属的分类系统较为合理。本文报道该属10种4变种,其中3新种、1新变种和1新组合。新分类群是云南小奥德蘑Oudemansiella yunnanensisZ.L.Yang et Zang、粘小奥德蘑假根变种Oudemansiella mucida(Schrad:Fr.)v.Hoehn.vat.pseudorhiza z.L.Yang et Zang、膜被小奥德蘑Oudemansiella velata z.L.Yang etZang、杏仁形小奥德蘑Oudemansiella amygdaliformis Z.L.Yang et Zang;新组合是长根小奥德蘑双孢变种Oudemansiella radicata(Relh.:Fr.)Singer vat.bispora(Redhead,Ginns et Shoemaker)Z.L.Yang et Zang。新分类群有拉丁文及汉文描述,并有附图。全部标本存中国科学院昆明植物研究所隐花植物标本馆(HKAS)。我国西南小奥德蘑属的种类相当丰富,约占世界已知种的1/3,除产于南美的刺孢组Sect.Dactylosporina外,其余各组在本区均有代表。区系组成主要以北温带成分为主,也有个别泛热带成分,而云南小奥德蘑、膜被小奥德蘑等可能是在喜马拉雅隆起、横断山脉形成和云贵高原抬升过程中逐步演化出来的特殊而年青的种类。  相似文献   

中国豆科植物分类系统概览   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱相云 《植物研究》2004,24(1):20-27
豆科是被子植物中继兰科和菊科之后的第三大科,其中包括三个亚科:即云实亚科、含羞草亚科和蝶形花亚科.本文根据最新资料,整理出世界豆科有42族、634属、17 834种,中国有33族、169属、1 518种(另外含15亚种、167变种和41变型),其中外来种158种(含亚种和变种,隶属于73属).为建立中国豆科植物数据库,本文在Polhill豆科植物分类系统的基础上,结合一些新的资料,提出中国豆科植物系统概要.文中按分类等级进行排序,每一属含有世界和中国种数及分布.  相似文献   

Nine species of the genus Neodendrocoelum from Lake Ohrid, five from sublittoral and four from littoral regions, have a diploid chromosome complement 2n=32 and show a marked resemblance in their karyotypes, comprising four large pairs (group L), seven medium pairs (group M) and five small pairs (group S). Polymorphism has only been found in groups S. Variations in chiasma frequency in the species of this genus indicate that their meiotic systems are different. In these species the number of quadrivalent were found to be different in metaphase I. The process of speciation of this genus was manifested in the diploidization of autotetraploid species.  相似文献   

红豆杉科次生韧皮部的比较解剖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在光学显微镜及扫描电镜下,比较观察了红豆杉科Taxaceae5属即红豆杉属Taxus,白豆杉属Pseudotaxus、穗花杉属Amentotaxus,榧树属Torreya和澳洲红豆杉属8种植物茎次生韧皮部的结构。其主要结果为:红豆杉科植物茎次生皮部由轴向系统和径向系统两部分构成。轴向系统由筛胞,韧皮薄壁组织细胞,蛋白细胞及韧皮纤维组成;径向系统由韧皮射线构成,但是,在横切面上,各个组成分子的层次有  相似文献   

The occurrence of flavonoid glycosides and hydroxycinnamic acid esters has been examined in the fronds of 58 species of Adiantum , covering the morphological and geographical range of the genus. The genus may be divided into five sections on the basis of their flavonoid patterns. The correspondence of these patterns with the major existing systems of classification is discussed. The A. capillus-veneris group is the least homogeneous, both morphologically and chemically, and requires further study. However, the flavonoid patterns of extracts of the fronds of thirteen samples of the cosmopolitan species A. capillus-veneris from different geographical areas were found to be qualitatively similar, suggesting this species has probably spread relatively recently. Adiantum species which are restricted to the Old World have a basically different flavonoid pattern from those species which are exclusive to the New World. The phytogeographical and phylogenetic implications of these results are outlined and it is concluded that the Old World species represent more ancient stocks than those in the New World.  相似文献   

斑腿蝗科10属NOR定位及其细胞分类学意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文以银染技术对我国斑腿蝗科10个属的代表种类进行了核仁组织者区域(NOR)定位研究。结果表明:NOR位置在同属内不同种间显示出种间相似性,而不同属间则有差别,揭示了属内同源性。  相似文献   

A central problem in evolutionary biology is identifying factors that promote the evolution of reproductive isolation. Among mosses, biogeographic evidence indicates that the potential for migration is great, suggesting that biological factors other than geographic isolation may be critical for speciation in this group. The moss Physcomitrella patens (Funariaceae) has long been used as a model for interspecies hybridization and has recently emerged as an important model system for comparative genomics. We report genealogical analyses of six loci from several populations of P. patens and related species in the genus Physcomitrium. These results unambiguously indicate that the so-called genus Physcomitrella arose at least three times from distinct ancestors within the genus Physcomitrium. In spite of the evidence for natural hybridization in the Physcomitrella–Physcomitrium complex, genealogical and experimental hybridization data indicate that the taxonomically defined species are reproductively isolated. However, these analyses suggest that Physcomitrium eurystomum was formed from a hybridization event between two early diverging lineages in the complex, and that the ancestral population size of these lineages was much smaller than the current population sizes. We discuss these findings in the context of the inferred mating system in the Physcomitrella–Physcomitrium complex and patterns of speciation and diversification.  相似文献   

Insect-plant interactions have played a prominent role in investigating phylogenetic constraints in the evolution of ecological traits. The patterns of host association among specialized insects have often been described as highly conservative, yet not all specialized herbivorous insect lineages display the same degree of fidelity to their host plants. In this paper, we present an estimate of the evolutionary history of the leaf beetle genus Oreina. This genus displays an amazing flexibility in several aspects of its ecology and life history: (1) host plant switches in Oreina occurred between plant families or distantly related tribes within families and thereby to more distantly related plants than in several model systems that have contributed to the idea of parallel cladogenesis; (2) all species of the genus are chemically defended, but within the genus a transition between autogenous production of defensive toxins and sequestration of secondary plant compounds has occurred; and (3) reproductive strategies in the genus range from oviparity to viviparity including all intermediates that could allow the gradual evolution of viviparity. Cladistic analysis of 18 allozyme loci found two most parsimonious trees that differ only in the branching of one species. According to this phylogeny estimate, Oreina species were originally associated with Asteraceae, with an inclusion of Apiaceae in the diet of one oligophagous species and an independent switch to Apiaceae in a derived clade. The original mode of defense appears to be the autogenous production of cardenolides as previously postulated; the additional sequestration of pyrrolizidine alkaloids could have either originated at the base of the genus or have arisen three times independently in all species that switched to plants containing these compounds. Viviparity apparently evolved twice in the genus, once without matrotrophy, through a retention of the eggs inside the female's oviducts, and once in combination with matrotrophy. We hypothesize that the combination of autogenous defense and a life history that involves mobile externally feeding larvae allowed these beetles to switch host plants more readily than has been reported for highly conservative systems.  相似文献   

中国绣球属植物的修订   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
卫兆芬   《广西植物》1994,14(2):101-121
中国绣球属植物的修订卫兆芬(中国科学院华南植物研究所,广州510650)AREVLSIONOFTHEGENUSHYDRANGEAIMCHINA¥WeiChaofen(SouthChinaInstituteofBotany,AcademiaSinica...  相似文献   

田螺科五种螺的核型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以早期胚胎细胞为材料,用火焰干燥法制片,对分布于我国湖北省武汉市近郊的常见田螺科(Viviparidae)五种螺的核型进行了分析。结果:两种圆田螺的染色体数和国外报道的同一属的种类的一致。而三种环棱螺的染色体数,则较国外报道的另两种的少得多。在铜锈环棱螺的核型中,其m组的第一对和sm组的第四对染色体上,具有明显的随体,出现频率甚高。  相似文献   

于国内五个常见白蚁种肠道内共记录到十七个鞭毛虫种。鞭毛虫种群具特异性和稳定性。群落相的变异度反映了宿主白蚁亲缘关系的离散度。异域同种白蚁肠道鞭毛虫群落显示稳定的同一相,同属异种白蚁的鞭毛虫群落部分相同;异科异属或同科异属白蚁的鞭毛虫群落绝然相异。 鉴于传统的生物分类法已明显地显示出其片面性及局限性,为此,人们正试图从其它学科领域,各个不同角度去探索能更客观反映各物种在系统发生上关系的新分类法。迄今,精确定性的生化分类、免疫分类和以群体力对象的定量的数量分类等已倪露头角,从而为以形态描述为主的经典生物分类学注入了新的活力。 本文试图通过对白蚁肠道鞭毛虫群落及种群的研究而借以探讨其在宿主白蚁系统分类研究中的潜在意义。  相似文献   

The evolution of breeding systems was studied in the genus Acer, with special attention to the origin of androdioecy and dioecy, using a phylogenetic approach. Parsimony and maximum-likelihood techniques were used to infer the ancestral character state and trends in the evolution of breeding systems. Information on breeding systems was obtained from the literature, and phylogenetic relationships were taken from three published phylogenies. Although a general trend from duodichogamy to dioecy through heterodichogamy has been proposed for the genus Acer, our results show that a general trend is not detected when phylogenetic relationships are taken into account. Dioecy appeared as a derived state that evolved at least three times and never reversed towards other states. Three different paths to dioecy have been followed in the genus Acer: from heterodichogamous androdioecy; from heterodichogamous trioecy; and from dichogamous subdioecy. Therefore, although the best documented cases of evolution of androdioecy indicate that this breeding system evolves from dioecy, in the genus Acer the opposite situation occurs (androdioecy leading to dioecy). Here we discuss the role of inbreeding avoidance and sexual specialization as selective forces driving the evolution of dioecy in the genus Acer.  相似文献   

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