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Several lines of evidence including allozyme analysis, restriction digest patterns and sequencing of mtDNA as well as mini- and micro-satellite allele frequencies indicate that Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from North America and Europe are genetically distinct. These observations are supported by karyotype analysis, which revealed that North American Atlantic salmon have 27 pairs of chromosomes whereas European salmon have 29 pairs. We set out to construct a linkage map for a North American Atlantic salmon family and to compare this map with the well developed map for European Atlantic salmon.


We used microsatellite markers, which had previously been mapped in the two Atlantic salmon SALMAP mapping families from the River Tay, Scotland, to carry out linkage analysis in an Atlantic salmon family (NB1) whose parents were derived from the Saint John River stock in New Brunswick, Canada. As large differences in recombination rates between female and male Atlantic salmon have been noted, separate genetic maps were constructed for each sex. The female linkage map comprises 218 markers in 37 linkage groups while the male map has 226 markers in 28 linkage groups. We combined 280 markers from the female and male maps into 27 composite linkage groups, which correspond to the haploid number of chromosomes in Atlantic salmon from the Western Atlantic.


A comparison of the composite NB1 and SALMAP linkage maps revealed the reason for the difference in the chromosome numbers between European and North American Atlantic salmon: Linkage groups AS-4 and AS-32 in the Scottish salmon, which correspond to chromosomes Ssa-6 and Ssa-22, are combined into a single NB1 linkage group as are linkage groups AS-21 and AS-33 (corresponding to chromosomes Ssa-26 and Ssa-28). The comparison of the linkage maps also suggested some additional chromosomal rearrangements, but it will require finer mapping, potentially using SNPs, to test these predictions. Our results provide the first comparison of the genomic architecture of Atlantic salmon from North America and Europe with respect to chromosome organization.  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate the level of genetic differentiation in northern European populations of Atlantic salmon, to establish the genetic relationship among major salmon populations in Russia and North Norway, and to compare these to populations from the western Atlantic lineage. Samples were collected along an east—west axis, from Pechora River in Russia to Restigouche River in Quebec, Canada. A total of 439 individual salmon were collected from seven rivers (sample sizes from 50 to 84 individuals). The samples were analysed for variation at four microsatellite loci; Ssa13.37, Ssa14, Ssa171 and Ssa171. Significant differences were found between most of the European populations, and the populations from the Tana and Pechora Rivers were most distinct. The samples from the Rivers Mezenskaya Pizhma and Emtsa in Arkhangelsk oblast in Russia were not significantly different from each other in an exact test of population differences. All other river pairs were significantly different. These results confirmed the deep genetic divergence between American and European salmon populations demonstrated in earlier studies, with alleles specific to continent found in three of the microsatellites.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Geographical isolation has generated a distinct difference between Atlantic salmon of European and North American Atlantic origin. The European Atlantic salmon generally has 29 pairs of chromosomes and 74 chromosome arms whereas it has been reported that the North American Atlantic salmon has 27 chromosome pairs and an NF of 72. In order to predict the major chromosomal rearrangements causing these differences, we constructed a dense linkage map for Atlantic salmon of North American origin and compared it with the well-developed map for European Atlantic salmon. RESULTS: The presented male and female genetic maps for the North American subspecies of Atlantic salmon, contains 3,662 SNPs located on 27 linkage groups. The total lengths of the female and male linkage maps were 2,153 cM and 968 cM respectively, with males characteristically showing recombination only at the telomeres. We compared these maps with recently published SNP maps from European Atlantic salmon, and predicted three chromosomal reorganization events that we then tested using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. The proposed rearrangements, which define the differences in the karyotypes of the North American Atlantic salmon relative to the European Atlantic salmon, include the translocation of the p arm of ssa01 to ssa23 and polymorphic fusions: ssa26 with ssa28, and ssa08 with ssa29. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified major chromosomal differences between European and North American Atlantic salmon. However, while gross structural differences were significant, the order of genetic markers at the fine-resolution scale was remarkably conserved. This is a good indication that information from the International Cooperation to Sequence the Atlantic salmon Genome, which is sequencing a European Atlantic salmon, can be transferred to Atlantic salmon from North America.  相似文献   

New specific primers for the mtDNA segments ND1, ND3/4 and ND5/6 designed from the rainbow trout sequence, improved PCR amplification for salmonid fishes. RFLP analysis revealed restriction site variation for all three segments in Atlantic salmon. Eleven haplotypes were detected in a screening of 30 individuals from four European populations.  相似文献   

Two adult Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, were netted in 2015 and 2017 during a study conducted in the terminal stretch of the Douro River, after more than 20 years without confirmed records of the species occurrence in the southern limit of its European range. According to professional fisherman operating in the area, a few adult Atlantic salmon are caught every year in this river stretch. Further work should be conducted to assess if the species is reproducing in the Douro River and the overall status of its populations in the North of Iberia.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon straying from the River Imsa   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Mean estimated straying rate for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. leaving the River Imsa as smolts during 1976–1999 was 15% for hatchery fish and 6% for wild conspecifics. Hatchery Atlantic salmon selected for production traits during four or more generations strayed >50%. The straying rate was higher for Atlantic salmon staying 2 rather than 1 year at sea before attaining maturity. For spawning, 96% of the strays entered streams within 420 km from the River Imsa, and c . 80% entered streams within 60 km of the mouth of the River Imsa, whether the fish were wild or hatchery released. Within the 60 km zone, the number of strays caught in a river increased with the Atlantic salmon catch in that river, but there was no significant relationship between straying rate and water discharge or distance from the river to the River Imsa. The observed straying rate of hatchery Atlantic salmon decreased with increasing number of fish entering the River Imsa. Sexual maturation as parr did not influence the tendency to stray. The results suggest that the establishment of temporary zones, free of fish farms, outside important Atlantic salmon rivers by the fisheries authorities in Norway should be large, whole fjords, to be effective.  相似文献   

All anadromous fishes, including juvenile salmon, encounter estuarine habitats as they transition from riverine to marine environments. We compare the estuarine use between juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Penobscot River estuary and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Columbia River estuary. Both estuaries have been degraded by anthropogenic activities. Atlantic and Pacific salmon populations in both basins rely heavily on hatchery inputs for persistence. Pacific salmon, as a group, represent a continuum of estuarine use, from species that move through rapidly to those that make extensive use of estuarine habitats. While Atlantic salmon estuarine use is predominantly similar to rapidly moving Pacific salmon, they can exhibit nearly the entire range of Pacific salmon estuarine use. Both slow and rapidly migrating Atlantic and Pacific salmon actively feed in estuarine environments, consuming insect and invertebrate prey. Interactions between juvenile salmon and estuarine fish communities are poorly understood in both estuaries, although they experience similar avian and marine mammal predators. Estuaries are clearly important for Atlantic and Pacific salmon, yet our understanding of this use is currently insufficient to make informed judgments about habitat quality or overall estuary health. This review of salmonid migration through and residency within estuaries identifies actions that could hasten restoration of both Atlantic and Pacific salmon populations.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses of two unknown but putative Atlantic salmon Salmo salar captured in the Copper River drainage, Alaska, demonstrated the need for validation of morphologically unusual fishes. Mitochondrial DNA sequences (control region and cytochrome b) and data from two nuclear genes [first internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) sequence and growth hormone (GH1) amplification product] indicated that the fish caught in fresh water on the Martin River was a coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch , while the other fish caught in the intertidal zone of the Copper River delta near Grass Island was an Atlantic salmon. Determination of unusual or cryptic fish based on limited physical characteristics and expected seasonal spawning run timing will add to the controversy over farmed Atlantic salmon and their potential effects on native Pacific species. It is clear that determination of all putative collections of Atlantic salmon found in Pacific waters requires validation. Due to uncertainty of fish identification in the field using plastic morphometric characters, it is recommended that genetic analyses be part of the validation process.  相似文献   

Natural hybrids between Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) and European trout ( S. trutta L.) have been detected in a sample of 4431 fish which appeared to be Atlantic salmon. The methods of analysis for serum protein, serum esterase and serum lactic dehydrogenase are given. The possible occurrence of hybrids having the appearance of European trout and the effect of introgression on salmon stocks are discussed.  相似文献   

Three tagged Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were recaptured as subadults or adults (1·4–3 kg) between 70·5 and 78° N in the western Barents Sea, two of which originated from the Alta Fjord region in northern Norway and one from the Drammen River, south-eastern Norway. An additional tag was recovered from the stomach of a Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides captured south-west of Bear Island at >600 m depth; this tag was from a smolt released in the River Alta 1 month earlier. These are the northernmost tag recoveries reported for Atlantic salmon, and indicate that Norwegian Atlantic salmon, especially the fish from northern populations, may use the northern Barents Sea as a feeding area during part of their life cycle.  相似文献   

The 30 year time series analyses revealed large temporal variation in the return rates and a recent increase in abundance of previous spawning Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in the River Teno, northern Scandinavia. The mean proportion of repeat spawners was 7 and 4% in the total Atlantic salmon catch and 9 and 22% in multi‐sea‐winter (MSW) catch component for females and males, respectively. Previous spawners constituted on the average 7% of the catch in mass but up to 20%(31 t) and 30%(19 t) in 2003 and in 2004, respectively. In 1975–2000, the proportion of previous spawners varied between 1 and 6%(3–12% of MSW Atlantic salmon), whereas in 2001–2004, they accounted for 8–21%(16–35% of MSW Atlantic salmon) of the total Atlantic salmon catch. The number of previous spawners in the catch correlated significantly with the preceding numbers of respective 1–3 sea‐winter (SW) maiden Atlantic salmon 2 years earlier. The recent increase in the numbers of 1S1 and 2S1 (1 or 2 years at sea followed by first spawning and 1 year reconditioning period at sea) alternate spawning Atlantic salmon was a consequence of higher numbers of maiden 1SW and 2SW Atlantic salmon in the catches and increased sea temperatures. Similarly, the return rate of 1SW Atlantic salmon to second spawning has improved in recent years. Most previous spawners ascended and were captured early in the fishing season. The smolt and sea‐age combinations of repeat spawners comprised 68 age groups contributing with the annual mean of 15 age groups to the great diversity of the River Teno Atlantic salmon population complex.  相似文献   

Downstream movements of young-of-the-year fish in Catamaran Brook and the Little Southwest Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada were monitored by drift sampling during June and July of 1994, 1995 and 1996. Atlantic salmon Salmo salar , white sucker Catostomus commersoni , Cyprinidae, and sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus , were the most commonly captured taxa. All taxa moved downstream almost exclusively at night. Movement was greatest near midnight then declined towards dawn. Drift abundances peaked in mid-June for Atlantic salmon, late June for white sucker, and early July for Cyprinidae. Dates of peak movement were earlier in the Little Southwest Miramichi River than in Catamaran Brook for all taxa. Salmon fry captured in drift samplers were shorter than salmon fry captured by electrofishing near the sampling sites. Salmon fry captured in Catamaran Brook drift samplers were heavier at length than those captured in Little Southwest Miramichi River drift samplers. Results suggest that Catamaran Brook provides relatively better habitat for Atlantic salmon fry growth and relatively poorer habitat for larval white sucker growth than the Little Southwest Miramichi River.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (n = 1682) from 27 anadromous river populations and two nonanadromous strains ranging from south-central Maine, USA to northern Spain were genotyped at 12 microsatellite DNA loci. This suite of moderate to highly polymorphic loci revealed 266 alleles (5-37/locus) range-wide. Statistically significant allelic and genotypic heterogeneity was observed across loci between all but one pairwise comparison. Significant isolation by distance was found within and between North American and European populations, indicating reduced gene flow at all geographical scales examined. North American Atlantic salmon populations had fewer alleles, fewer unique alleles (though at a higher frequency) and a shallower phylogenetic structure than European Atlantic salmon populations. We believe these characteristics result from the differing glacial histories of the two continents, as the North American range of Atlantic salmon was glaciated more recently and more uniformly than the European range. Genotypic assignment tests based on maximum-likelihood provided 100% correct classification to continent of origin and averaged nearly 83% correct classification to province of origin across continents. This multilocus method, which may be enhanced with additional polymorphic loci, provides fishery managers the highest degree of correct assignment to management unit of any technique currently available.  相似文献   

The extent of genetic variation in wild Atlantic salmon parr, Sulmo salur L., from river systems in Ireland, Iceland and eastern Canada, was investigated using starch gel electrophoresis. Within Ireland, seven polymorphic enzyme loci ( sAAT-4 *, GPI-1 *, IDDH-1 *, IDDH-2 *, IDHP-3 *, MDH-3 * and mMEP-2 *) were screened in nine different rivers and nine tributaries from the River Blackwater. Significant heterogeneity in gene frequencies occurred between riverine samples and between samples from tributaries of the River Blackwater. Variation between tributaries was as great as between rivers elsewhere in the country. Levels of population differentiation were comparable to those found in other regions throughout the range of the species, and temporal stability in gene frequencies was apparent when the results were compared with previously published data. Screening of riverine samples from Iceland and eastern Canada (Newfoundland and New Brunswick) allowed the Irish results to be considered in a broader context. Irish salmon cluster in the western European group, to which may be added Icelandic populations. Salmon from eastern Canada show a high level of genetic distinctiveness from the European group.  相似文献   

The increasing exploitation of Atlantic salmon as a food source and sport fish demands a better understanding of salmon genetics and the dynamics of Atlantic salmon populations. Surveys of salmon populations for protein electrophoretic variation reveal that the average heterozygosity in Salmo salar is low and that four gene loci account for more than 95% of the total electrophoretically detectable variation. Populations that have been studied by this means fall into one of three groups: Western Atlantic, Eastern Atlantic or Baltic. However, biochemical genetics involving starch gel electrophoresis cannot be used routinely to identify the continent of origin of an Atlantic salmon, let alone its native river. The mitochondrial genome can be used to identify North American or European salmon with the aid of restriction endonucleases that have six base pair recognition sites. Restriction endonucleases that recognize four base pairs appear to be able to identify salmon from a particular river system. There has been a move from protein variation to mitochondrial DNA variation and this will inevitably lead to more extensive studies on the nuclear genome. Chromosomal studies suggest differences between salmon from Europe and North America but these have been hampered by lack of good banding procedures. Preliminary studies using cloned segments of salmonid genomes suggest that repeated sequences such as the genes for ribosomal RNA will be most useful for identifying specific stocks of Atlantic salmon. The need for continued genetic studies on the Atlantic salmon and the relevance and importance of the results of this research for stock identification, enhancement programmes, aquaculture and basic science are discussed.  相似文献   

A synthesis of results from two projects was assessed to analyse possible influence of sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis on marine Atlantic salmon Salmo salar survival. During the years 1992–2004, trawling for wild migrating post-smolts was performed in Trondheimsfjord, a fjord in which no Atlantic salmon aquaculture activity is permitted. Prevalence and intensity of sea lice infections on migrating wild post-smolts differed between years. A correlation analysis between 1 sea-winter (SW) Atlantic salmon catch statistics from the River Orkla (a Trondheimsfjord river) and sea lice infections on the migrating smolts in the Trondheimsfjord was not significant. Up to 2% reduction in adult returns due to sea-lice infection was expected. In addition, experimental releases from 1996 to 1998 with individually tagged groups of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon smolts given protection against sea-lice infection was performed. Higher recaptures of adult Atlantic salmon from 1998 treated smolts compared to the control group may correspond to high abundance of sea lice found on the wild smolt, and may indicate influence on post-smolt mortality. These studies indicate that post-smolt mortality in Trondheimsfjord is marginally influenced by sea lice infection; however, the methods for assessing wild smolt mortality might be insufficient. Higher infections of sea lice farther out in the fjord may indicate more loss in Atlantic salmon returns in some years.  相似文献   

Variation at four microsatellite loci was examined for three populations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from the Conne River, Newfoundland. Samples of wild parr were collected from the mainstem Conne River during 4 years, and from tributaries Twillick Brook and Bernard Brook during 2 years. No significant temporal variation was observed in allele frequencies at the Ssal4, Ssal97, Ssa202, and Ssa289 loci. No difference in allele frequencies was observed between parr from Bernard and Twillick brooks at any locus, but allele frequencies of mainstem Conne River parr were significantly different from those of the tributaries at Ssal4 and Ssa202, indicative of differentiation among local populations. Atlantic salmon from the Conne River system were well differentiated from those in Nova Scotia, Canada and from those in Europe.  相似文献   

We report genetic differences for resistance to the pathogen Listonella anguillarum within and among one cultured and two wild Canadian populations of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, using a common-garden experimental protocol. Following exposure to the causative agent for vibriosis, parr originating from the endangered Stewiacke River population experienced significantly higher mortality than cultured parr, four generations removed from the Saint John River population, and wild parr from Tusket River. Pathogen resistance differed between sexes; males consistently experienced higher survival than females. There was no evidence that maturity influenced pathogen resistance in male parr. The population and sex differences in pathogen resistance documented here have implications for risk assessments of the demographic consequences of interbreeding between wild and farmed Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Current data on the Y-specific sex-determining region of salmonid fishes from genera Salvelinus, Salmo, and Oncorhynchus indicate variable polymorphisms in the homologous chromosomal locations of the sex-specific determining region. In the majority of the Atlantic lineage Arctic charr, including populations from the Fraser River, in Labrador Canada, as well as Swedish and Norwegian strains, the sex-determining locus maps to linkage group AC-4. Previously, sex-linked polymorphisms (i.e., variation in the associated sex-linked markers on AC-4) have been described in Arctic charr. Here, we report further evidence for intraspecific sex linkage group polymorphisms in Arctic charr (i.e., the detection of the SEX locus on either the AC-1 or AC-21 linkage group) and a possible conservation of a sex linkage arrangement in Icelandic Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon, involving sex-linked markers on the AC-1/21 homeologs and the European AS-1/6 homeologous linkage groups in Atlantic salmon. The evolutionary origins for the multiple sex-determining regions within the salmonid family are discussed. We also relate the variable sex-determining regions in salmonids to their ancestral proto-teleost karyotypic origins and compare these findings with what has been observed in other teleost species in general.  相似文献   

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