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Precambrian fossils are crucial for our understanding of the evolution of early organisms. Megascopic body fossils are more important because they potentially represent macroorganisms. However, the Precambrian fossil record is sparse and dominated by microfossils and microbial structures. Here we show a new type of megascopic fossils recovered from the Xingmincun Formation (probably Neoproterozoic age), northeastern China. The specimens are flat, flexible (easily corrugated) and discoidal in outline. Concentric or spiral ridges are preserved on both sides. Petrographical thin section examination indicates that the specimen consist of a thin layer of microcrystalline quartz grains (about 20–30 μm thick) wrapped by an outer sheath, composed primarily of chlorites. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) coupled with an x-ray energy dispersive spectrometer system (EDX) analysis shows microstructures and relative element abundance of the fossils, but contributes little in solving their biological affinities. The fossils have previously been linked to discoidal impressions of the Ediacara biota. Close examination on new materials indicates that they are radically different from either the Ediacara impressions or any other Precambrian megascopic remains. Concentric or spiral ridges may result from rhythmic growth and the presence of twin specimens may suggest that the organisms undergo asexual reproduction or inhibition of growth in one direction. Referring them to any known fossil or living group has proved to be difficult. We conclude that they represent a distinct group of Precambrian megascopic organisms regardless of their affinities remaining problematic.  相似文献   

Abstract: The hypothesis that the Ediacara biota were giant protozoans is tested by considering the external morphology, internal organization, suggested fossil representatives and molecular phylogeny of the xenophyophores. From this analysis, we find no case to support a direct relationship. Rather, the xenophyophores are here regarded as a group of recently evolved Foraminifera and are hence unlikely to have a record from the Ediacaran Period. Further from the growth dynamics of Foraminifera, they are also unlikely to be related to the Palaeopascichnus organism. We also find significant distinctions in the growth dynamics of Palaeopascichnus and organisms usually referred to the Ediacara biota, such as Charnia and Dickinsonia. Developmental analysis of the Palaeopascichnus– central to the xenophyophore hypothesis – reveals unusual, protozoan features, including evidence for chaotic repair structures, for mergence of coeval forms, as well as complex bifurcations. These observations suggest that Palaeopascichnus is a body fossil of an unidentified protozoan but is unrepresentative of Ediacaran body construction, in general.  相似文献   

The latest Neoproterozoic extinction of the Ediacara biota has been variously attributed to catastrophic removal by perturbations to global geochemical cycles, ‘biotic replacement’ by Cambrian-type ecosystem engineers, and a taphonomic artefact. We perform the first critical test of the ‘biotic replacement’ hypothesis using combined palaeoecological and geochemical data collected from the youngest Ediacaran strata in southern Namibia. We find that, even after accounting for a variety of potential sampling and taphonomic biases, the Ediacaran assemblage preserved at Farm Swartpunt has significantly lower genus richness than older assemblages. Geochemical and sedimentological analyses confirm an oxygenated and non-restricted palaeoenvironment for fossil-bearing sediments, thus suggesting that oxygen stress and/or hypersalinity are unlikely to be responsible for the low diversity of communities preserved at Swartpunt. These combined analyses suggest depauperate communities characterized the latest Ediacaran and provide the first quantitative support for the biotic replacement model for the end of the Ediacara biota. Although more sites (especially those recording different palaeoenvironments) are undoubtedly needed, this study provides the first quantitative palaeoecological evidence to suggest that evolutionary innovation, ecosystem engineering and biological interactions may have ultimately caused the first mass extinction of complex life.  相似文献   

The role of O2 in the evolution of early animals, as represented by some members of the Ediacara biota, has been heavily debated because current geochemical evidence paints a conflicting picture regarding global marine O2 levels during key intervals of the rise and fall of the Ediacara biota. Fossil evidence indicates that the diversification the Ediacara biota occurred during or shortly after the Ediacaran Shuram negative C‐isotope Excursion (SE), which is often interpreted to reflect ocean oxygenation. However, there is conflicting evidence regarding ocean oxygen levels during the SE and the middle Ediacaran Period. To help resolve this debate, we examined U isotope variations (δ238U) in three carbonate sections from South China, Siberia, and USA that record the SE. The δ238U data from all three sections are in excellent agreement and reveal the largest positive shift in δ238U ever reported in the geologic record (from ~ ?0.74‰ to ~ ?0.26‰). Quantitative modeling of these data suggests that the global ocean switched from a largely anoxic state (26%–100% of the seafloor overlain by anoxic waters) to near‐modern levels of ocean oxygenation during the SE. This episode of ocean oxygenation is broadly coincident with the rise of the Ediacara biota. Following this initial radiation, the Ediacara biota persisted until the terminal Ediacaran period, when recently published U isotope data indicate a return to more widespread ocean anoxia. Taken together, it appears that global marine redox changes drove the rise and fall of the Ediacara biota.  相似文献   

Despite their abundance and ecological importance in a wide variety of shallow and deep water marine communities, octocorals (soft corals, sea fans, and sea pens) are a group whose taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships remain poorly known and little studied. The group is currently divided into three orders (O: Alcyonacea, Pennatulacea, and Helioporacea); the large O. Alcyonacea (soft corals and sea fans) is further subdivided into six sub-ordinal groups on the basis of skeletal composition and colony growth form. We used 1429bp of two mitochondrial protein-coding genes, ND2 and msh1, to construct a phylogeny for 103 octocoral genera representing 28 families. In agreement with a previous 18S rDNA phylogeny, our results support a division of Octocorallia into two major clades plus a third, minor clade. We found one large clade (Holaxonia-Alcyoniina) comprising the sea fan sub-order Holaxonia and the majority of soft corals, and a second clade (Calcaxonia-Pennatulacea) comprising sea pens (O. Pennatulacea) and the sea fan sub-order Calcaxonia. Taxa belonging to the sea fan group Scleraxonia and the soft coral family Alcyoniidae were divided among the Holaxonia-Alcyoniina clade and a third, small clade (Anthomastus-Corallium) whose relationship to the two major clades was unresolved. In contrast to the previous studies, we found sea pens to be monophyletic but nested within Calcaxonia; our analyses support the sea fan family Ellisellidae as the sister taxon to the sea pens. We are unable to reject the hypothesis that the calcaxonian and holaxonian skeletal axes each arose once and suggest that the skeletal axis of sea pens is derived from that of Calcaxonia. Topology tests rejected the monophyly of sub-ordinal groups Alcyoniina, Scleraxonia, and Stolonifera, as well as 9 of 14 families for which we sampled multiple genera. The much broader taxon sampling and better phylogenetic resolution afforded by our study relative to the previous efforts greatly clarify the relationships among families and sub-ordinal groups within each of the major clades. The failure of these mitochondrial genes as well as previous 18S rDNA studies to resolve many of the deeper nodes within the tree (including its root) suggest that octocorals underwent a rapid radiation and that large amounts of sequence data will be required in order to resolve the basal relationships within the clade.  相似文献   

Plaster impressions and sand casts of extant medusae, a chondrophoran, and a pennatulid share basic structural characteristics with fossils in the Upper Proterozoic Ediacara assemblage. Impressions of extant medusae and Proterozoic circular impressions show general similarities in arrangement and position of radial and concentric structures and a central raised boss. However, annular rings and radial grooves are more numerous in the Proterozoic fossils and strongly folded or deformed fossils are rare as compared with impressions of modem medusae. Recent pennatulids yield impressions that are more deformed and irregular than the Proterozoic genus Charniodiscus. The greater frequency of deformation of most simulated fossil medusoids relative to Precambrian circular impressions implies that Proterozoic medu-soids were substantially stiffer than many modern taxa of comparable sizes. Many fossils with abundant circular rings have no constructional counterparts among the extant forms studied here and their medusoid affinities should remain in doubt. The structural simplicity of impressions of Ediacara organisms and extant cnidarians suggests that their mutual similarities may be due to convergence. However, there is no compelling morphological reason to reject the claim that some Proterozoic fossils may share affinities with living cnidarians. □ Taphonomy. Ediacara biota, cnidarians, phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Sandy ocean beaches are iconic assets that provide irreplaceable ecosystem services to society. Despite their great socioeconomic importance, beaches as ecosystems are severely under‐represented in the literature on climate‐change ecology. Here, we redress this imbalance by examining whether beach biota have been observed to respond to recent climate change in ways that are consistent with expectations under climate change. We base our assessments on evidence coming from case studies on beach invertebrates in South America and on sea turtles globally. Surprisingly, we find that observational evidence for climate‐change responses in beach biota is more convincing for invertebrates than for highly charismatic turtles. This asymmetry is paradoxical given the better theoretical understanding of the mechanisms by which turtles are likely to respond to changes in climate. Regardless of this disparity, knowledge of the unique attributes of beach systems can complement our detection of climate‐change impacts on sandy‐shore invertebrates to add rigor to studies of climate‐change ecology for sandy beaches. To this end, we combine theory from beach ecology and climate‐change ecology to put forward a suite of predictive hypotheses regarding climate impacts on beaches and to suggest ways that these can be tested. Addressing these hypotheses could significantly advance both beach and climate‐change ecology, thereby progressing understanding of how future climate change will impact coastal ecosystems more generally.  相似文献   

In this article, the variability of physical settings of anchialine systems in Indonesia is discussed together with the consequences these settings have for the environment and biota within the systems. Exploration in two karstic areas (Berau, East Kalimantan and Raja Ampat, West Papua) has resulted in the discovery of 20 previously unknown anchialine systems in Indonesia. Based on parameters such as bathymetry, size, coastline, salinity, water temperature, pH, degree of connection to the sea, and the presence-absence of selected key taxa we distinguish three types of (non-cave) anchialine systems in the Indo-Pacific: (1) Marine lakes with large and deep basins containing brackish to almost fully marine waters. Marine lakes show a range in the degree of connection to the sea with the result that the higher the connection the more the lake resembles a lagoon in both water chemistry and biota, while the more isolated lakes have brackish water and contain unique species that are rarely found in the adjacent sea. (2) Anchialine pools with small and shallow basins containing brackish water and low diversity of macrofauna. (3) Blue pools in chasms that contain water with a clear halocline and are possibly connected to anchialine caves. Study of the many unique features of anchialine systems will enhance our understanding of the physical and ecological processes responsible for diversification in tropical shallow marine environments.  相似文献   

The Ediacara biota are an enigmatic group of Neoproterozoic soft-bodied fossils that mark the first major radiation of complex eukaryotic and macroscopic life. These fossils are thought to have been preserved via pyritic “death masks” mediated by seafloor microbial mats, though little about the chemical constraints of this preservational pathway is known, in particular surrounding the role of bioavailable iron in death mask formation and preservational fidelity. In this study, we perform decay experiments on both diploblastic and triploblastic animals under a range of simulated sedimentary iron concentrations, in order to characterize the role of iron in the preservation of Ediacaran organisms. After 28 days of decay, we demonstrate the first convincing “death masks” produced under experimental laboratory conditions composed of iron sulfide and probable oxide veneers. Moreover, our results demonstrate that the abundance of iron in experiments is not the sole control on death mask formation, but also tissue histology and the availability of nucleation sites. This illustrates that Ediacaran preservation via microbial death masks need not be a “perfect storm” of paleoenvironmental porewater and sediment chemistry, but instead can occur under a range of conditions.  相似文献   

The Precambrian is the cradle of life. With a time span of about 4 Billion years it represents the largest part of earth history. Life changed the planet during the Precambrian by a lot of interactions with plate tectonics and raised into better qualities. A special milestone was the release of free oxygen by the stromatolithes at about 2.5 Billion years. An extreme bottleneck for the evolution of life was the Snowball Earth representing the freezing of the entire earth surface and the covering by an ice sheet. Plate tectonic processes were responsible for the melting of the ice sheet. In the aftermath of that glaciation the rapid radiation of the first complex higher life forms begun. These were represented by the so‐called Ediacara Biota, which occurred in the time span of about 630 and 543 Million years before today. The Ediacara Biota are unique in the evolution of life and existed in a close interaction with a leather‐like biomat at the sea‐floor which provided stability, hide and food. Among the Ediacara Biota the first primitive arthropods, the molluscs and the anthozoans occurred. In addition, in the fossil record are reported a lot of mystic life forms without a good or any classification. The Ediacara Biota represent the critical evolutionary step to pave the way for the explosion‐like radiation of life during the Cambrian that started at 542 Million years before present.  相似文献   

Laflamme, M., Schiffbauer, J.D., Narbonne, G.M., & Briggs, D.E.G. 2011: Microbial biofilms and the preservation of the Ediacara biota. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 203–213. The terminal Neoproterozoic Ediacaran Period is typified by the Ediacara biota (ca. 579–542 Ma), which includes the first morphologically complex macroscopic organisms. Both the taphonomic setting that promoted the preservation of the soft‐bodied Ediacara biota in coarse‐grained sediments, and the influence of associated microbial coatings on this process, have generated debate. Specimens of Ediacaran discs (Aspidella) from the Fermeuse Formation of Newfoundland, Canada, were analysed using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and focused ion beam electron microscopy (FIB‐EM) to determine the relationship between the fossil specimens and the surrounding sediment. The presence of chemically distinct (Al–Mg–Fe–K‐ and to a lesser extent S‐rich), finer‐grained sediment (with organized iron sulphides) surrounding the upper and lower margins of the Ediacaran fossils is consistent with elemental analyses of well preserved bacterial biofilms from other localities. ESEM analyses reveal a contrast in the composition of the sediment bound within the discs, which contains a higher concentration of Al, Ca and K, and the purer Si‐rich sediment that forms the surrounding matrix. This suggests that the coarse grained sediment was incorporated into the organism during life. Ediacaran discs were likely surrounded by a bacterial biofilm or thin microbial mat composed primarily of extracellular polymeric substances (or exopolysaccharide) during life, which added structural stability to these frond holdfasts, and facilitated their fossilization. Microbially mediated preservation in Fermeuse‐style Ediacaran taphonomy provides an explanation for the dominance of Aspidella holdfasts in these settings, and suggests that preservation of Ediacaran fossils in the round may be much more prevalent than previously recognized. We suggest that the overwhelming dominance of circular to bulbous forms such as Aspidella in Ediacaran biotas around the world is a direct result of the interplay between microbial ecology and microbially mediated taphonomy. □Aspidella, Ediacaran preservation, environmental scanning electron microscopy, focused ion beam electron microscopy, palaeoecology, taphonomic bias.  相似文献   

Many filamentous organisms, such as fungi, grow by tip-extension and by forming new branches behind the tips. A similar growth mode occurs in filamentous bacteria, including the genus Streptomyces, although here our mechanistic understanding has been very limited. The Streptomyces protein DivIVA is a critical determinant of hyphal growth and localizes in foci at hyphal tips and sites of future branch development. However, how such foci form was previously unknown. Here, we show experimentally that DivIVA focus-formation involves a novel mechanism in which new DivIVA foci break off from existing tip-foci, bypassing the need for initial nucleation or de novo branch-site selection. We develop a mathematical model for DivIVA-dependent growth and branching, involving DivIVA focus-formation by tip-focus splitting, focus growth, and the initiation of new branches at a critical focus size. We quantitatively fit our model to the experimentally-measured tip-to-branch and branch-to-branch length distributions. The model predicts a particular bimodal tip-to-branch distribution results from tip-focus splitting, a prediction we confirm experimentally. Our work provides mechanistic understanding of a novel mode of hyphal growth regulation that may be widely employed.  相似文献   

三维土壤异质性对种子萌发影响的实验研究 土壤生物通过植物-土壤的反馈作用调控植物间相互作用和外来植物入侵。因此,探明植物-土壤反馈作用种间差异的形成原因,对于预测土壤生物在植物入侵过程中的作用具有重要价值。近期的研究发现,植物性状可以用于预测植物-土壤反馈作用。同时,研究发现植物入侵也与植物的一些性状相关联,暗示植物-土壤反馈作用通过植物性状与外来植物入侵之间存在关联,但尚缺乏实验证明。鉴于此,本研究选取了3对近缘入侵和本土植物为对象,比较了其植物-土壤反馈作用,探讨了植物-土壤反馈作用与植物根部性状的关联性。首先,通过种植实验植物3个月,驯化采自于田间的土壤。之后,将实验植物种植于对照和灭菌处理的同种或近缘(同科或同属)种驯化过的土壤中,评价同种或近缘种根际土壤生物对植物生长的净反馈作用(与灭菌土比较),并比较了两类土壤生物对植物的反馈作用。总体而言,同种或近缘种根际土壤生物对入侵与本土植物的净反馈作用无显著差异,两类土壤生物对入侵和本土植物的反馈作用亦无显著差异。土壤反馈作用的强度和种植于对照土壤中植物细根生物量比存在正相关关系,且入侵与本土植物细根生物量比无显著差异。这一发现表明:相似的细根生物量比可能是导致入侵与本土植物间土壤反馈作用无差异的一个重要原因。为提升人们对土壤生物在植物入侵过程中 作用的认识,亟需选取更多入侵与本土植物(尤其是亲缘关系较远的物种)开展实验研究,进一步探明植物性状、土壤反馈作用和外来植物入侵之间的关联性。  相似文献   

Abstract: Ediacaran structures known as ‘pizza discs’ or Ivesheadia have long been considered enigmatic. They are amongst the oldest known members of the Ediacara biota, apparently restricted to the Avalonian successions of Newfoundland and the UK, c. 579–560 Ma. Here, we suggest that these impressions are taphomorphs, resulting from the post‐mortem decay of the frondose Ediacaran biota. Ediacaran fossils range from well‐preserved, high‐fidelity variants to almost completely effaced specimens. The effaced specimens are inferred to have undergone modification of their original morphology by post‐mortem microbial decay on the sea floor, combined with sediment trapping and binding. In this style of preservation, morphological details within the organism became variously subdued as a function of the extent of organic decay prior to casting by overlying sediments. Decay and effacement were progressive in nature, producing a continuum of grades of preservation on Ediacaran bedding planes. Fossils preserved by such ‘effaced preservation’ are those that have suffered these processes to the extent that only their gross form can be determined. We suggest that the lack of detailed morphology in effaced specimens renders such fossils unsuitable for use as type material, as it is possible that several taxa may, upon degradation and burial, generate similar morphological taphomorphs. We here reinterpret the genus Ivesheadia as a taphomorph resulting from extensive post‐mortem decay of frondose organisms. Blackbrookia, Pseudovendia and Shepshedia from beds of comparable age in England are likewise regarded as taphomorphs broadly related to Charnia or Charniodiscus spp. To reflect the suggestion that such impressions are likely to be taphomorphs, and not taxonomically discrete, we propose the term ivesheadiomorphs to incorporate all such effaced taphonomic expressions of Ediacaran macrofossil taxa in Avalonian assemblages. Our recognition of effaced preservation has significant implications for Ediacaran taxonomy, and consequently for measures of Ediacaran diversity and disparity. It is implied that Avalonian assemblages preserve both organisms that were alive and organisms that were already dead at the time of burial. As such, the fossil assemblages cannot be taken to represent census populations of living organisms, as in prior interpretations.  相似文献   

Recent studies predict that the Arctic Ocean will have ice-free summers within the next 30 years. This poses a significant challenge for the marine organisms associated with the Arctic sea ice, such as marine mammals and, not least, the ice-associated crustaceans generally considered to spend their entire life on the underside of the Arctic sea ice. Based upon unique samples collected within the Arctic Ocean during the polar night, we provide a new conceptual understanding of an intimate connection between these under-ice crustaceans and the deep Arctic Ocean currents. We suggest that downwards vertical migrations, followed by polewards transport in deep ocean currents, are an adaptive trait of ice fauna that both increases survival during ice-free periods of the year and enables re-colonization of sea ice when they ascend within the Arctic Ocean. From an evolutionary perspective, this may have been an adaptation allowing success in a seasonally ice-covered Arctic. Our findings may ultimately change the perception of ice fauna as a biota imminently threatened by the predicted disappearance of perennial sea ice.  相似文献   

Ediacara fossils document an important evolutionary episode just before the Cambrian explosion and hold critical information about the early evolution of macroscopic and complex multicellular life. They also represent an enduring controversy in paleontology. How are the Ediacara fossils related to living animals? How did they live? Do they share any evolutionary patterns with other life forms? Recent developments indicate that Ediacara fossils epitomize a phylogenetically diverse biosphere, probably including animals, protists, algae, fungi and others. Their simple ecology is dominated by epibenthic osmotrophs, deposit feeders and grazers, but few if any predators. Their evolution started with an early morphospace expansion followed by taxonomic diversification within confined morphospace, and concluded by extinction of many taxa at the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary.  相似文献   

Sea lice infestations have become a major health problem for farmed salmonids throughout the world including Chile. In southern Chile, 6 geographical areas, divided into 22 geographical zones with a total of 127 salmon farming centers and 1519 sea pens, were regularly sampled from December 1999 to April 2002. A linear mixed-effects model (LME) approach was used to describe the infestations of adult forms of sea lice on 3 salmonid species farmed in southern Chile. The variables fish species, water temperature, water salinity, fish weight, juvenile parasite count, pen shape, treatment status in previous month and the interaction of previous and current month treatments were found to be statistically significant fixed effects for the population sampled. The most susceptible species to sea lice infestation was rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, while the least susceptible species was coho salmon O. kisutch. Fishes in pens treated in the previous month with avermectins were associated with the smallest sea lice count compared to fishes in pens not treated or treated with other products. The variability in sea lice infestations in areas and zones within areas was not statistically significant when controlling for the previously mentioned fixed variables. The variability between centers, the within-pen variability, and the interaction between within-pen effect and the date of measurement were statistically significant and not explained by the fixed effects. Potential sources for this variability are discussed. We conclude that the epidemiology of sea lice infestations in farmed salmonids in southern Chile is complex and in need of further study.  相似文献   

Biological stoichiometry provides a mechanistic theory linking cellular and biochemical features of co‐evolving biota with constraints imposed by ecosystem energy and nutrient inputs. Thus, understanding variation in biomass carbon : nitrogen : phosphorus (C : N : P) stoichiometry is a major priority for integrative biology. Among various factors affecting organism stoichiometry, differences in C : P and N : P stoichiometry have been hypothesized to reflect organismal P‐content because of altered allocation to P‐rich ribosomal RNA at different growth rates (the growth rate hypothesis, GRH). We tested the GRH using data for microbes, insects, and crustaceans and we show here that growth, RNA content, and biomass P content are tightly coupled across species, during ontogeny, and under physiological P limitation. We also show, however, that this coupling is relaxed when P is not limiting for growth. The close relationship between P and RNA contents indicates that ribosomes themselves represent a biogeochemically significant repository of P in ecosystems and that allocation of P to ribosome generation is a central process in biological production in ecological systems.  相似文献   

The early Cambrian Sirius Passet fauna of northernmost Greenland (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3) contains exceptionally preserved soft tissues that provide an important window to early animal evolution, while the surrounding sediment holds critical data on the palaeodepositional water‐column chemistry. The present study combines palaeontological data with a multiproxy geochemical approach based on samples collected in situ at high stratigraphic resolution from Sirius Passet. After careful consideration of chemical alterations during burial, our results demonstrate that fossil preservation and biodiversity show significant correlation with iron enrichments (FeHR/FeT), trace metal behaviour (V/Al), and changes in nitrogen cycling (δ15N). These data, together with Mo/Al and the preservation of organic carbon (TOC), are consistent with a water column that was transiently low in oxygen concentration, or even intermittently anoxic. When compared with the biogeochemical characteristics of modern oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), geochemical and palaeontological data collectively suggest that oxygen concentrations as low as 0.2–0.4 ml/L restricted bioturbation but not the development of a largely nektobenthic community of predators and scavengers. We envisage for the Sirius Passet biota a depositional setting where anoxic water column conditions developed and passed over the depositional site, possibly in association with sea‐level change, and where this early Cambrian biota was established in conditions with very low oxygen.  相似文献   

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