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Breeding for Salinity Tolerance in Plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Accumulation of high levels of salts in the soil is characteristic of arid and semi-arid regions. Although different curative and management measures are being used to render salt-affected soils fit for agriculture, they are extremely expensive and do not provide permanent solutions to overcome the salinity problem. In contrast, a biotic approach for overcoming salinity stress has gained considerable recognition within the past few decades in view of the vast experimental evidence from what has happened in nature concerning the evolution of highly salt-tolerant ecotypes of different plant species, and also from the remarkable achievements that have been made in improveing different agronomic traits through artificial selection.

Considerable improvements in salt tolerance of important crop species have been achieved in the past 2 decades using barley, rice, pearl millet, maize, sorghum, alfalfa, and many grass species. Such achievements relied solely on assessment of the phenotypic expression of the features involved. Knowledge of the underlying physiological mechanisms producing those salt-tolerant individuals was not clearly known. The present review highlights the relationships between different physiological/biochemical variables being recommended as selection criteria, and salt tolerance of different plant species. This paper also lists different sources of genetic variation for salt tolerance since it is evident that for successful improvement in a character there must be a great amount of genetic variation present in the gene pool of a species.  相似文献   

In cereals, soil-borne viruses transmitted by the plasmodiophorid Polymyxa graminis (e.g., Barley mild mosaic virus , Barley yellow mosaic virus or Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus ), have increased in importance due to the increase of the acreage infested and because yield losses cannot be prevented by chemical measures. Due to global warming, it is also expected that insect transmitted viruses vectored by aphids (e.g., Barley yellow dwarf virus , Cereal yellow dwarf virus ), leafhoppers ( Wheat dwarf virus ) or mites (e.g., Wheat streak mosaic virus ), will become much more important even in cooler regions. The environmentally most sound and also most cost effective approach to prevent high yield losses caused by these viruses is breeding for resistance. Therefore, in contrast to other reviews on cereal viruses, this study briefly reviews present knowledge on cereal-infecting viruses and emphasizes especially the sources of resistance or tolerance to these viruses and their use in molecular breeding schemes.  相似文献   

耐盐转基因植物研究进展   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
高盐是限制作物生长、发育和产量的最严重的非生物胁迫之一。长期以来,改善作物的耐盐性一直是一个伟大的目标。然而,由于耐盐反应是一个极为复杂的过程,过去,通过传统的育种和遗传工程取得的成功有限。近十年来,由于分子生物学的发展,发现了一些与耐盐相关的新基因,对于这些基因的表达方式及其在耐盐反应中的作用已逐步得到了解,这为转基因工程提供了新的材料。通过控制耐盐相关基因在植物体内的表达,已获得了一些提高耐盐性的转基因植物,展示了诱人的前景,但该领域研究仍然存在许多困难和问题,文章重点讨论耐盐转基因植物的进展。  相似文献   

Recent Advances in Genetics of Salt Tolerance in Tomato   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Salinity is an important environmental constraint to crop productivity in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Most crop plants, including tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., are sensitive to salinity throughout the ontogeny of the plant. Despite considerable research on salinity in plants, there are only a few instances where salt-tolerant cultivars have been developed. This is due in part to the complexity of the trait. A plant's response to salt stress is modulated by many physiological and agronomical characteristics, which may be controlled by the actions of several to many genes whose expressions are influenced by various environmental factors. In addition, salinity tolerance is a developmentally regulated, stage-specific phenomenon; tolerance at one stage of plant development is often not correlated with tolerance at other stages. Specific ontogenic stages should be evaluated separately for the assessment of tolerance and the identification, characterization, and utilization of useful genetic components. In tomato, genetic resources for salt tolerance have been identified largely within the related wild species, and considerable efforts have been made to characterize the genetic controls of tolerance at various developmental stages. For example, the inheritance of several tolerance-related traits has been determined and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with tolerance at individual developmental stages have been identified and characterized. It has been determined that at each stage salt tolerance is largely controlled by a few QTLs with major effects and several QTLs with smaller effects. Different QTLs have been identified at different developmental stages, suggesting the absence of genetic relationships among stages in tolerance to salinity. Furthermore, it has been determined that in addition to QTLs which are population specific, several QTLs for salt tolerance are conserved across populations and species. Research is currently underway to develop tomatoes with improved salt tolerance throughout the ontogeny of the plant by pyramiding QTLs through marker-assisted selection (MAS). Transgenic approaches also have been employed to gain a better understanding of the genetics of salt tolerance and to develop tomatoes with improved tolerance. For example, transgenic tomatoes with overexpression of a single-gene-controlled vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport protein, transferred from Arabidopsis thaliana, have exhibited a high level of salt tolerance under greenhouse conditions. Although transgenic plants are yet to be examined for field salt tolerance and salt-tolerant tomatoes are yet to be developed by MAS, the recent genetic advances suggest a good prospect for developing commercial cultivars of tomato with enhanced salt tolerance in near future.  相似文献   

The need to accelerate breeding for increased yield potential and better adaptation to drought and other abiotic stresses is an issue of increasing urgency. As the population continues to grow rapidly, the pressure on resources (mainly untouched land and water) is also increasing, and potential climate change poses further challenges. We discuss ways to improve the efficiency of crop breeding through a better physiological understanding by both conventional and molecular methods. Thus the review highlights the physiological basis of crop yield and its response to stresses, with special emphasis on drought. This is not just because physiology forms the basis of proper phenotyping, one of the pillars of breeding, but because a full understanding of physiology is also needed, for example, to design the traits targeted by molecular breeding approaches such as marker-assisted selection (MAS) or plant transformation or the way these traits are evaluated. Most of the information in this review deals with cereals, since they include the world's main crops, however, examples from other crops are also included. Topics covered by the review include the conceptual framework for identifying secondary traits associated with yield potential and stress adaptation, and how to measure these secondary traits in practice. The second part of the review deals with the real role of molecular breeding for complex traits from a physiological perspective. This part examines current developments in MAS and quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection as well as plant transformation. Emphasis is placed on the current limitations of these molecular approaches to improving stress adaptation and yield potential. The essay ends by presenting some ideas regarding future avenues for crop breeding given the current and possible future challenges, and on a multidisciplinary approach where physiological knowledge and proper phenotyping play a major role.  相似文献   

耐非生物胁迫转基因水稻的培育——现在和未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境胁迫严重降低了作物产量,日益减少的耕地和膨胀的人口对世界粮食安全造成了威胁。长期以来,改善作物的抗逆性一直是农业生产的主要目标。水稻是重要的粮食作物之一,培育具有抗逆性的水稻品种对全球的粮食生产将产生重要影响。在改善水稻的抗逆性方面,转基因比传统方法更有发展潜力。近年来,已有许多抗逆相关基因转入水稻并获得了一些提高抗逆性的转基因植株,文章重点讨论了耐非生物胁迫转基因水稻的研究进展。  相似文献   

HAL1基因转化番茄及耐盐转基因番茄的鉴定   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
采用PCR方法 ,从啤酒酵母中扩增得到可调节植物细胞离子均衡的HAL1基因 ,克隆后序列分析表明 :其开放读码框全长 879bp ,编码一个 294个氨基酸的多肽 (分子量32kD)。构建含HAL1和NptⅡ嵌合基因的植物表达框架pRH ,三亲杂交后经农杆菌介导的叶圆盘法转化番茄 (中蔬 5号 ) ,在含卡那霉素的培养基上进行转化体的筛选。转基因番茄的PCR、Southern杂交、RT PCR检测以及鲜重、干重和Na+ 、K+ 含量的测定表明 :HAL1基因确已整合到一些转基因番茄的基因组中 ;且转基因植株的耐盐性提高。  相似文献   

Improving resource use efficiency   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

转基因烟草的甘露醇合成和耐盐性   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
土壤的盐碱性是世界许多地区限制植物生长和作物产量的主要制约因素。长期的研究发现:在高盐或干旱环境下,大多数植物在细胞质中开始积累一些低分子量的代谢物,如脯氨酸、甜菜碱、糖醇等。这些物质通过维持高的细胞质渗透压,有利于植物在高盐或干旱条件下的水分吸收。通过基因工程手段,影响或改变植物体内的生理代谢途径,使得植物细胞产生和积累不同的低分子量有机化合物,能够  相似文献   

植物耐盐的生理机制及基因工程新进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在各种环境胁迫中,盐胁迫是造成作物减产的严重环境因素之一。主要从耐盐的生理机制和一些下游调节过程入手,包括:离子区隔化、渗透调节、激素调节、去毒化作用、光合途径的改变等,讨论了植物耐盐工程的新进展;同时还讨论了分子水平育种的影响因子。  相似文献   

The eating and cooking qualities of rice are heavily emphasized in breeding programs because they determine market values and they are the appealing attributes sought by consumers. Conventional breeding has developed traditional varieties with improved eating and cooking qualities. Recently, intensive genetic studies have pinpointed the genes that control eating and cooking quality traits. Advances in genetic studies have developed molecular techniques, thereby allowing marker-assisted breeding (MAB) for improved eating and cooking qualities in rice. MAB has gained the attention of rice breeders for the advantages it can offer that conventional breeding cannot. There have been successful cases of using MAB to improve the eating and cooking qualities in rice over the years. Nevertheless, MAB should be applied cautiously given the intensive effort needed for genotyping. Perspectives from conventional breeding to marker-assisted breeding will be discussed in this review for the advancement of the eating and cooking qualities of fragrance, amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC) and gelatinization temperature (GT) in rice. These four parameters are associated with eating and cooking qualities in rice. The genetic basis of these four parameters is also included in this review. MAB is another approach to rice variety improvement and development in addition to being an alternative to genetic engineering. The MAB approach shortens the varietal development time, and is therefore able to deliver improved rice varieties to farmers within a shorter period of time.  相似文献   

A within-family marker-assisted selection scheme was designed for typical aquaculture breeding schemes, where most traits are recorded on sibs of the candidates. Here, sibs of candidates were tested for the trait and genotyped to establish genetic marker effects on the trait. BLUP breeding values were calculated, including information of the markers (MAS) or not (NONMAS). These breeding values were identical for all family members in the NONMAS schemes, but differed between family members in the MAS schemes, making within-family selection possible. MAS had up to twice the total genetic gain of the corresponding NONMAS scheme. MAS was somewhat less effective when heritability increased from 0.06 to 0.12 or when the frequency of the positive allele was < 0.5. The relative efficiency of MAS was higher for schemes with more candidates, because of larger fullsib family sizes. MAS was also more efficient when male:female mating ratio changed from 1:1 to 1:5 or when the QTL explained more of the total genetic variation. Four instead of two markers linked to the QTL increased genetic gain somewhat. There was no significant difference in polygenic genetic gain between MAS and NONMAS for most schemes. The rates of inbreeding were lower for MAS than NON-MAS schemes, because fewer full-sibs were selected by MAS.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲盐碱地条件下不同甘薯品种耐盐性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用北方薯区当前生产上广泛种植的甘薯新品种,在黄河三角洲盐碱地上开展种植试验,以期选育耐盐甘薯品种。对每个测试品种的重要农艺性状及盐离子含量进行分析。结果表明不同甘薯品种的耐盐性存在差异。除叶片数、分枝数、分枝长度无显著性差异外,其他农艺性状如总鲜重、鲜薯产量、薯块干率、薯干产量、薯块数等都在不同品种中达到显著水平,建议耐盐性的评价指标应以鲜薯和薯干产量为主。对甘薯新生叶片、成熟叶片、须根、块根等不同器官进行Cl-、Ca2+、Na+和K+的含量分析,结果表明不同品种其不同器官中各种盐离子含量差异显著,暗示不同基因型耐盐机制存在差异。基于对鲜薯和薯干产量的比较,筛选出耐盐碱的品种,主要有‘泰中9号’、‘苏薯7号’、‘龙薯1号’、‘徐薯18’等。同时,对甘薯种植前后的土壤总盐分和营养成分的分析显示:甘薯收获后,土壤中的含盐量显著降低。本研究为沿海滩涂培育和种植耐盐碱甘薯新品种进行了有益的尝试,同时也为盐碱地改良和生物质能原材料种植提供了思路。  相似文献   

Rice is a major cereal crop, negatively impacted by soil-salinity, both in terms of plant growth as well as productivity. Salinity tolerant rice varieties have been developed using conventional breeding approaches, however, there has been limited success which is primarily due to the complexity of the trait, low yield, variable salt stress response and availability of genetic resources. Furthermore, the narrow genetic base is a hindrance for further improvement of the rice varieties. Therefore, there is a greater need to screen available donor germplasm in rice for salinity tolerance related genes and traits. In this regard, genomics based techniques are useful for exploring new gene resources and QTLs. In rice, the vast allelic diversity existing in the wild and cultivated germplasm needs to be explored for improving salt tolerance. In the present review, we provide an overview of the allelic diversity in the Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) like Saltol, qGR6.2, qSE3 and RNC4 as well as genes like OsHKT1;1, SKC1 (OsHKT1;5/HKT8) and OsSTL1 (salt tolerance level 1 gene) related to salt tolerance in rice. We have also discussed approaches for developing salt-tolerant cultivars by utilizing the effective QTLs or genes/alleles in rice.  相似文献   

高度耐盐双价转基因烟草的研究   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
随着全球性人口的增长和土地退化的加剧,开发利用广阔盐碱地和干旱土地的需要日益迫切。植物生物技术的日臻完善,为培育高效耐盐植物迎来了一丝曙光。在高渗条件下,耐盐的微生物或植物细胞通过增加胞内一些相溶性溶质的浓度来维持渗透压的平衡。这些可溶性溶质包括无机离子、糖类、多元醇、氨基酸和生物碱等。通过基因工程手段,使细胞内积累脯氮酸⑴、甜菜碱⑵、甘露醇⑶、海藻糖⑷,能够不同程度地提高转基因烟草的耐盐性。多元醇含有多个羟基,亲水性能强,能有效维持细胞内水活度。山梨醇、甘露醇等己糖分子结构、理化性质和生理功能相近。故此.我们认为:不同糖醇在转基因烟草中的积累.可能具有协同(或累加)效应,有希望更大地提高植物耐盐性。我们在获得大肠杆菌mtlD基因(编码l-磷酸甘露醇脱氢酶)和gutD基因(编码6-磷酸山梨醇脱氢酶)克隆⑸的基础上,获得了分别表达mtlD和gutD基因的单价转基因烟草,并首次证实了gucD基因的表达,能显著地提高转基因烟草的耐盐性⑹。本文工作进一步报道同时表达大肠杆菌mtlD和gutD基因双价转基因烟草的高效高度耐盐性。  相似文献   

水稻OsAQP是实验室前期从cDNA文库中筛选的功能未知的水通道蛋白质编码基因。本文采用DNA重组技术构建其植物过表达载体,并对拟南芥进行了遗传转化,筛选获得转基因拟南芥。采用50、100、125和150 mmol/L梯度盐胁迫处理,结果显示,转基因拟南芥的发芽率、根长以及鲜重分别比对照至少高17%、40.8%和14.29%,且差异达到显著水平(P<0.05)。在正常条件下,转基因植株叶片中抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性显著高于WT;经300 mmol/L NaCl处理,转基因拟南芥叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、APX酶活性均升高,与处理前相比分别提高7.37倍、30.87倍和1.77倍,且与WT的酶活性差异达到显著水平(P<0.05);丙二醛(MDA)含量也在处理后上升,但在转基因植株中的含量低于WT,分别是WT的0.74倍、0.68倍和0.62倍,差异同样达到显著水平(P<0.05)。本研究提示,OsAQP过表达不仅能够促进拟南芥种子萌发和根系生长,而且在盐胁迫下通过提高拟南芥内源抗氧化酶活性、降低膜脂过氧化程度,增强了转基因植株对一定程度盐胁迫的耐受性。  相似文献   

DNA markers have enormous potential to improve the efficiency and precision of conventional plant breeding via marker-assisted selection (MAS). The large number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping studies for diverse crops species have provided an abundance of DNA marker-trait associations. In this review, we present an overview of the advantages of MAS and its most widely used applications in plant breeding, providing examples from cereal crops. We also consider reasons why MAS has had only a small impact on plant breeding so far and suggest ways in which the potential of MAS can be realized. Finally, we discuss reasons why the greater adoption of MAS in the future is inevitable, although the extent of its use will depend on available resources, especially for orphan crops, and may be delayed in less-developed countries. Achieving a substantial impact on crop improvement by MAS represents the great challenge for agricultural scientists in the next few decades.  相似文献   

以玉米(Zea mays L.)骨干自交系DH4866、齐319和鲁原16106的胚性愈伤组织为材料,采用农杆菌介导法将AtNHX1和hpt因转入玉米培养细胞,经筛选获得了抗潮霉素的愈伤组织并再生植株.经PCR检测和Southernblot验证,确定了22.8%的再生植株为转基因植株.农杆菌液浓度、愈伤组织基因型及共培养时间对转化率均有明显影响.外源基因在转基因植株后代中的分离呈多样性,在部分株系中表现出孟德尔遗传规律.耐盐筛选表明,一些转基因植株及其后代具有很好的耐盐性,部分株系可在0.8%-1.0%NaCl溶液浇灌下萌发和生长.Northern杂交表明,植株耐盐性提高与AtNHX1基因的转录水平相一致.  相似文献   

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