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Proteolytic processing of Alzheimer's disease amyloid precursor protein (APP) by beta-secretase leads to A4CT (C99), which is further cleaved by the as yet unknown protease called gamma-secretase. To study the enzymatic properties of gamma-secretase independently of beta-secretase, A4CT together with an N-terminal signal peptide (SPA4CT) may be expressed in eukaryotic cells. However, in all existing SPA4CT proteins the signal peptide is not correctly cleaved upon membrane insertion. Here, we report the generation of a mutated SPA4CT protein that is correctly cleaved by signal peptidase and, thus, identical to the APP-derived A4CT. This novel SPA4CT protein is processed by gamma-secretase in the same manner as APP-derived A4CT and might be valuable for the generation of transgenic animals showing amyloid pathology.  相似文献   

Chagas disease is a vector-borne parasitic disease that infects mammals, including humans, through much of Latin America. This work presents a mathematical model for the dynamics of domestic transmission in the form of four coupled nonlinear differential equations. The four equations model the number of domiciliary vectors, the number of infected domiciliary vectors, the number of infected humans, and the number of infected domestic animals. The main interest of this work lies in its study of the effects of insecticide spraying and of the recovery of vector populations with cessation of spraying. A novel aspect in the model is that yearly spraying, which is currently used to prevent transmission, is taken into account. The model's predictions for a representative village are discussed. In particular, the model predicts that if pesticide use is discontinued, the vector population and the disease can return to their pre-spraying levels in approximately 5–8 years.  相似文献   

Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is a potentially life-threatening illness caused by the protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi. The main mode of transmission of this disease in endemic areas is through an insect vector called triatomine bug. Triatomines become infected with T. cruzi by feeding blood of an infected person or animal. Chagas disease is considered the most important vector borne infection in Latin America. It is estimated that between 16 and 18 millions of persons are infected with T. cruzi, and at least 20,000 deaths each year. In this work we formulate a model for the transmission of this infection among humans, vectors and domestic mammals. Our main objective is to assess the effectiveness of Chagas disease control measures. For this, we do sensitivity analysis of the basic reproductive number R? and the endemic proportions with respect to epidemiological and demographic parameters.  相似文献   

Mexico - the northernmost country of Latin America - has long been thought to have an unusually low prevalence of Chagas disease compared with other Latin American countries. This has seemed unusual because of the large number of vector species and subspecies reported from the country, and the social and ecological conditions that seem to parallel those in other countries where Chagas disease is recognized as a major public health priority. This review seeks to clarify the question, and suggests that the epidemiological, parasitological, and entomological pattern of Chagas disease in Mexico may also parallel that of other endemic regions, but has been masked by poor awareness of the disease both at local and institutional levels.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a mathematical model for Chagas disease with infection-age-dependent infectivity. The effects of vector and blood transfusion transmission are considered, and the infected population is structured by the infection age (the time elapsed from infection). The authors identify the basic reproduction ratio R0 and show that the disease can invade into the susceptible population and unique endemic steady state exists if R0 > 1, whereas the disease dies out if R0 is small enough. We show that depending on parameters, backward bifurcation of endemic steady state can occur, so even if R0 < 1, there could exist endemic steady states. We also discuss local and global stability of steady states.  相似文献   

In spite of the growing knowledge obtained about immune control of Trypanosoma cruzi infection, the mechanisms responsible for the variable clinico-pathological expression of Chagas disease remain unknown. In a twist from previous concepts, recent studies indicated that tissue parasitism is a pre-requisite for the development of chronic myocarditis. This fundamental concept, together with the realization that T. cruzi organisms consist of genetically heterogeneous clones, offers a new framework for studies of molecular pathogenesis. In the present article, we will discuss in general terms the possible implications of genetic variability of T. cruzi antigens and proteases to immunopathology. Peptide epitopes from a highly polymorphic subfamily of trans-sialidase (TS) antigens were recently identified as targets of killer T cell (CTL) responses, both in mice and humans. While some class I MHC restricted CTL recognize epitopes derived from amastigote-specific TS-related antigens (TSRA), others are targeted to peptide epitopes originating from trypomastigote-specific TSRA. A mechanistic hypothesis is proposed to explain how the functional activity and specificity of class I MHC restricted killer T cells may control the extent to which tissue are exposed to prematurely released amastigotes. Chronic immunopathology may be exacerbated due the progressive accumulation of amastigote-derived antigens and pro-inflammatory molecules (eg. GPI-mucins and kinin-releasing proteases) in dead macrophage bodies.  相似文献   

Beta-lactamase is a well established reporter for monitoring cellular events while chemiluminescence is the preferred read-out mode in high throughput screens. Here, we report the first chemiluminescent assay for beta-lactamase using beta-galactosidase based enzyme fragment complementation technology. The enzyme fragment complementation technology employs a large protein fragment called the enzyme acceptor and a small peptidic fragment called an enzyme donor. These fragments are inactive separately but recombine rapidly in solution to yield active beta-galactosidase detected by chemiluminescence or fluorescence. A cyclic enzyme donor comprising a substituted cephalosporin moiety is used as the lactamase substrate. The cyclic substrate does not complement with enzyme acceptor to yield active beta-galactosidase, but upon cleavage with lactamase yields the linear enzyme donor which complements readily with enzyme acceptor. This methodology has been exploited in a simple, sensitive, homogeneous cell based reporter gene assay to monitor G-protein coupled receptor activation in a microtitre plate with a chemiluminescent read out.  相似文献   

A critical review on Chagas disease chemotherapy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this "Critical Review" we made a historical introduction of drugs assayed against Chagas disease beginning in 1912 with the works of Mayer and Rocha Lima up to the experimental use of nitrofurazone. In the beginning of the 70s, nifurtimox and benznidazole were introduced for clinical treatment, but results showed a great variability and there is still a controversy about their use for chronic cases. After the introduction of these nitroheterocycles only a few compounds were assayed in chagasic patients. The great advances in vector control in the South Cone countries, and the demonstration of parasite in chronic patients indicated the urgency to discuss the etiologic treatment during this phase, reinforcing the need to find drugs with more efficacy and less toxicity. We also review potential targets in the parasite and present a survey about new classes of synthetic and natural compounds studied after 1992/1993, with which we intend to give to the reader a general view about experimental studies in the area of the chemotherapy of Chagas disease, complementing the previous papers of Brener (1979) and De Castro (1993).  相似文献   

The Andean Countries' Initiative (ACI) for controlling Chagas disease was officially created in 1997 within the framework of the Hipolito Unanue Agreement (UNANUE) between the Ministries of Health of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Its objective was to interrupt transmission via vector and transfusion in the region, taking into account that there are 12.5 million people at risk in the four Andean countries forming the initiative in the area and around 3 million people are infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. The progress of control activities for the vector species present in the Andean sub-region, for different reasons, has been slow and control interventions have still not been installed in all geographical areas occupied by the target species. This has been partly due to lack of knowledge about these vector populations' biological characteristics, and consequent uncertainty about which are the appropriate control measures and strategies to be implemented in the region. The main vector species present important similarities in Venezuela and Colombia and in Ecuador and Northern Peru and they can be approached in a similar way throughout the whole regions, basing approaches on and adapting them to the current strategies being developed in Venezuela during the 1960s which have been progressively adopted in the Southern Cone and Central-American region. Additional measures are needed for keeping endemic areas free from Rhodnius prolixus silvatic populations, widely spread in the Orinoco region in Colombia and Venezuela. Regarding aetiological treatment, it is worth mentioning that (with the exception of Colombia) none of the other countries forming the ACI have registered medicaments available for treating infected young people. There are no suitable follow-up programmes in the sub-region or for treating cases of congenital Chagas disease. An integral and integrated programme encompassing all the aspects including transmission by transfusion which seems to have achieved extremely encouraging results in all countries, are urgently needed.  相似文献   

The possibility that cardiac autoimmunity contributes to the pathogenesis of Chagas heart disease is controversial. In this paper, we address the following questions regarding the genesis of autoimmunity in Chagas heart disease: (i) What mechanism(s) are potentially responsible for the generation of self-directed antibodies and lymphocytes? (ii) What is the evidence that any of these mechanisms actually can occur? (iii) What are the implications of the presence of autoimmunity for other mechanisms of cardiac inflammation?  相似文献   

We investigated the efficacy and the residual effect of fipronil(R) against two species of triatomine bugs, Triatoma infestans and Rhodnius neglectus, in laboratory conditions measuring concentration-response and residual activity on different surfaces (dried mud and lime coated mud). Lethal concentrations (LC50,90) were determined on filter paper. The higher insecticide efficacy against R. neglectus when compared to T. infestans may be partially attributed to the differences in their biological cycles and genetic structures. Comparison with lambdacyhalothrin wettable powder showed that fipronil mortality rates (above 50%) were observed on mud blocks and lime-coated mud blocks up to 3 months when fipronil was sprayed at 100 and 200 mg a.i./m2. Residual effect deeply decayed after 3 months; and at 6 months post treatment mortality was not observed. In contrast, lambdacyhalothrin showed a long lasting residual effect on both surfaces up to 6 months. Also, it should be mentioned that fipronil had a slow, but lethal activity on the triatomine bugs when wettable formulations were used on porous surfaces.  相似文献   

The nonapeptide DTDSEEEIR, corresponding to amino acid residues 78-86 of calmodulin, was synthesized, and its kinetics of phosphorylation by casein kinase 2 was examined. In the presence of 4 microM polylysine, the phosphorylation rate by casein kinase 2 was 16 times greater than that of synthetic substrate peptide RRREEETEEE reported previously, and almost 1 mol of 32p was incorporated per mol of nonapeptide in 60 min at 37 degrees C. The peptide was not phosphorylated by any other protein kinase. The Thr residue was phosphorylated by casein kinase 2, but Ser was not. The Km value of casein kinase 2 for the nonapeptide was 60 microM, comparable to that of casein, and Vmax for the nonapeptide was 4 times greater than that for casein. Addition of polylysine did not affect the Km value but markedly increased Vmax.  相似文献   

A cost-benefit analysis of Chagas disease control.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chagas disease transmission can be effectively interrupted by insecticidal control of its triatomine bug vectors. We present here a simple model comparing the costs and benefits of such a programme, designed to eliminate domestic populations of Triatoma infestans throughout its known area of distribution over the seven southernmost countries of Latin America. The model has been simplified to require only four financial estimates relating to the unit cost of housing spraying and benefits due to avoidance of premature death in the acute phase of the disease, avoidance of supportive treatment and care in the chronic phase of the disease, and avoidance of corrective digestive and cardiac surgery. Except for these direct medical costs, all other potential benefits have been ignored. Nevertheless, the model shows that the direct financial benefits of such a programme would far outweigh the costs, and the project would support a remarkably high internal rate of return under the least optimistic estimates.  相似文献   

The main clinical forms of Chagas disease (acute, indeterminate and chronic cardiac) present strong evidences for the participation of the immune system on pathogenesis. Although parasite multiplication is evident during acute infection, the intense acute myocarditis of this phase exhibits clear ultrastructural signs of cell-mediated immune damage, inflicted to parasitized and non-parasitized myocardiocytes and to the endothelium of myocardial capillaries (microangiopathy). Inflammation subsides almost completely when immunity decreases parasite load and suppressor factors modulate host reaction, but inflammation does not disappear when the disease enters the indeterminate phase. Inflammation becomes mild and focal and undergoes cyclic changes leading to complete resolution. However, the process is maintained because the disappearance of old focal lesions is balanced by the upsurge of new ones. This equilibrium allows for prolonged host survival in the absence of symptoms or signs of disease. The chronic cardiac form is represented by a delayed-type, cell-mediated diffuse myocarditis, that probably ensues when the suppressive mechanisms, operative during the indeterminate phase, become defaulted. The mechanism responsible for the transition from the indeterminate to the cardiac form, is poorly understood.  相似文献   

The home is an important protective element for the health of its inhabitants - but these inhabitants often include not only the householders but also domestic pests and vectors of disease. This is particularly so in Latin America where domestic triatomine bugs thrive in many of the poorer quality rural houses, emerging from their crevices at night to feed and transmit Trypanosoma cruzi in their faeces. At the public health level, there is neither drug nor vaccine suitable for controlling T. cruzi - causative agent of Chagas disease - but transmission can be interrupted by control of the domestic vectors. Traditionally, vector control has involved spraying houses with residual insecticides, but a more long-term solution, with many colateral benefits, is to improve rural housing in such a way that colonization by triatomine bugs is inhibited. Such an approach involves development of low-cost techniques for house construction, and mobilization of rural communities to make use of them. In this, Venezuela has played a leading role, as Roberto Briceno-Leon reports.  相似文献   

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