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丝裂原活化蛋白激酶激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase,MAPKK或MKK)是丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activatedproteinkinase,MAPK)级联的重要组成部分,在植物的生长发育和胁迫应答过程中发挥重要作用。目前,已在多种植物中鉴定了MKK基因家族,但在十字花科植物小拟南芥(Arabidopsis pumila)中MKK基因家族的系统鉴定与分析尚未见报道。为了探索小拟南芥MKK基因家族的进化和功能,本研究通过全基因组分析鉴定了小拟南芥中16个MKK基因,散布于小拟南芥的10条染色体上。基于系统发育分析和多重序列比对,将这些基因分为5个亚族:A亚族(5个)、B亚族(2个)、C亚族(4个)、D亚族(3个)和E亚族(2个)。分子进化和共线性分析表明小拟南芥中存在7对复制基因,分别是ApMKK1-1/1-2、ApMKK2-1/2-2、ApMKK3-1/3-2、ApMKK4-1/4-2、ApMKK5-1/5-2、ApMKK9-1/9-2和ApMKK10-1/10-2,其中ApMKK1-1/1-2在复制事件之后发生了加速进化。结合ApMKKs启动子区的顺式元件分布和ApMKKs在成熟叶片、茎、花和果实以及盐胁迫下的表达模式,结果发现复制基因的表达具有组织特异性和功能多样性。部分复制基因在组织中的表达模式存在差异,但在盐胁迫下的表达模式却基本相同。本研究结果为解析MKK介导的小拟南芥发育过程和非生物胁迫信号转导通路的复杂机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Elicitation of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. suspension cultures with the bacterial protein harpin (from Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae) induced the activation of two kinases of 39 and 44 kDa, as demonstrated by in-gel kinase assays using myelin basic protein (MBP) as a substrate. Both these kinases appeared to be tyrosine-phosphorylated upon activation, as demonstrated by treatment with tyrosine phosphatase and immunoprecipitation using an anti-phosphotyrosine monoclonal antibody. An inhibitor of mammalian mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation, PD98059, inhibited harpin-induced MBPK activation, but did not inhibit the activity of these kinases. PD98059 also inhibited harpin-induced programmed cell death and defence gene expression, suggesting the involvement of harpin-induced MAPKs in defence responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Received: 23 February 1999 / Accepted: 22 July 1999  相似文献   

Plants perceive UV-B radiation as an informational signal by a pathway involving UVR8 as UV-B photoreceptor, activating photomorphogenic and acclimation responses. In contrast, the response to UV-B as an environmental stress involves mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling cascades. Whereas the perception pathway is plant specific, the UV-B stress pathway is more broadly conserved. Knowledge of the UV-B stress-activated MAPK signalling pathway in plants is limited, and its potential interplay with the UVR8-mediated pathway has not been defined. Here, we show that loss of MAP kinase phosphatase 1 in the mutant mkp1 results in hypersensitivity to acute UV-B stress, but without impairing UV-B acclimation. The MKP1-interacting proteins MPK3 and MPK6 are activated by UV-B stress and are hyperactivated in mkp1. Moreover, mutants mpk3 and mpk6 exhibit elevated UV-B tolerance and partially suppress the UV-B hypersensitivity of mkp1. We show further that the MKP1-regulated stress-response MAPK pathway is independent of the UVR8 photoreceptor, but that MKP1 also contributes to survival under simulated sunlight. We conclude that, whereas UVR8-mediated acclimation in plants promotes UV-B-induced defence measures, MKP1-regulated stress signalling results when UV-B protection and repair are insufficient and damage occurs. The combined activity of these two mechanisms is crucial to UV-B tolerance in plants.  相似文献   

Intracellular release of calcium ions belongs to the earliest events in cellular stress perception. The molecular mechanisms integrating signals from different environmental cues and translating them into an optimized response are largely unknown. We report here the functional characterization of CIPK1, a protein kinase interacting strongly with the calcium sensors CBL1 and CBL9. Comparison of the expression patterns indicates that the three proteins execute their functions in the same tissues. Physical interaction of CIPK1 with CBL1 and CBL9 targets the kinase to the plasma membrane. We show that, similarly to loss of CBL9 function, mutation of either CBL1 or CIPK1 renders plants hypersensitive to osmotic stress. Remarkably, in contrast to the cbl1 mutant and similarly to the cbl9 mutant, loss of CIPK1 function impairs abscisic acid (ABA) responsiveness. We therefore suggest that, by alternative complex formation with either CBL1 or CBL9, the kinase CIPK1 represents a convergence point for ABA-dependent and ABA-independent stress responses. Based on our genetic, physiological and protein-protein interaction data, we propose a general model for information processing in calcium-regulated signalling networks.  相似文献   

Flagellin, the main protein of the bacterial flagella, elicits defence responses and alters growth in Arabidopsis seedlings. Previously, we identified the FLS1 locus, which confers flagellin insensitivity in Ws-0. To identify additional components involved in flagellin perception, we screened for flagellin insensitivity mutants in the flagellin-sensitive accession La-er. Here, we describe the identification of a new locus, FLS2, by a map-based strategy. The FLS2 gene is ubiquitously expressed and encodes a putative receptor kinase. FLS2 shares structural and functional homologies with known plant resistance genes and with components involved in the innate immune system of mammals and insects.  相似文献   

The MAPKK Byr1 is an essential component of a Ras-dependent MAPK module required for sexual differentiation in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here we describe the genetic and molecular characterization of a highly conserved protein, Bob1, which was identified from a two-hybrid screen for Byr1-interacting proteins. Byrl and Bobl proteins coprecipitate from S. pombe cell lysates, and both proteins localize to the tips and septa of S. pombe cells. S. pombe bob1 null (bob1delta) mutants lack obvious growth defects but exhibit a significant mating deficiency, which can be suppressed by overexpression of Byrl. Overexpression of Bob1 also leads to inhibition of mating in S. pombe, and this defect is likewise suppressed by Byrl overexpression. Bob1 is highly homologous in structure to the mammalian MM-1/Pfd5 and budding yeast Gim5/Pfd5-Sc proteins, which have been implicated as regulators of actin and tubulins. Similar to budding yeast gim5/pfd5-Sc mutants, S. pombe bob1delta cells have cytoskeletal defects, as judged by hypersensitivity to cytoskeletal disrupting drugs. byr1delta mutants do not share this characteristic with bob1delta mutants, and byr1delta bob1delta mutants are not significantly more sensitive to cytoskeletal disrupting drugs than cells carrying only the bob1delta mutation. Taken together, our results suggest that Bob1 has Byr1-related function(s) required for proper mating response of S. pombe cells and Byrl-independent function(s) required for normal cytoskeletal control. We show that the human MM-1/Pfd5 protein can substitute for its counterpart in fission yeast, providing evidence that the functions of Bob1-related proteins have been highly conserved through evolution. Our results lead us to propose that Bob1-related proteins may play diverse roles in eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

The specificity and efficiency of cell signaling is largely governed by the complex formation of signaling proteins. The precise spatio-temporal control of the complex assembly is crucial for proper signaling and cell survival. Protein phosphorylation is a key mechanism of signal processing in most of cell signaling networks. Phosphatases, along with kinases, control the phosphorylation state of many proteins and thus play a critical role in the precise regulation of signaling at each stage such as activation, propagation, and adaptation. Identification and functional analysis of pathway-specific phosphatase is, therefore, crucial for the understanding of cell signaling mechanisms. Here, we have developed a novel screening strategy to identify pathway-specific phosphatases, in which the entire repertoire of cell’s phosphatases was tethered to a signaling complex and the changes in signaling response were monitored. As a model target, we have chosen the mating MAP kinase pathway in the budding yeast, which is composed of three kinases and Ste5 scaffold protein. Using this strategy, a putative Ser/Thr phosphatase, Ppq1, was identified to be mating-specific. Results show that Ppq1 down-regulates mating signaling by targeting at or upstream of the terminal MAP kinase Fus3 in the cascade. The catalytic activity of Ppq1 as a phosphatase was confirmed in vitro and is necessary for its function in the regulation of mating signaling. Overall, the data suggest that Ppq1 functions as a negative regulator of mating MAPK pathway by dephosphorylating target pathway protein(s) and plays a key role in the control of the background signaling noise.  相似文献   

Pollen formation and pollen tube growth are essential for the delivery of male gametes into the female embryo sac for double fertilization. Little is known about the mechanisms that regulate the late developmental process of pollen formation and pollen germination. In this study, we characterized a group of Arabidopsis AGC kinase proteins, NDR2/4/5, involved in pollen development and pollen germination. The NDR2/4/5 genes are mainly expressed in pollen grains at the late developmental stages and in pollen tubes. They function redundantly in pollen formation and pollen germination. At the tricellular stages, the ndr2 ndr4 ndr5 mutant pollen grains exhibit an abnormal accumulation of callose, precocious germination and burst in anthers, leading to a drastic reduction in fertilization and a reduced seed set. NDR2/4/5 proteins can interact with another group of proteins (MOB1A/1B) homologous to the MOB proteins from the Hippo signaling pathway in yeast and animals. The Arabidopsis mob1a mob1b mutant pollen grains also have a phenotype similar to that of ndr2 ndr4 ndr5 pollen grains. These results provide new evidence demonstrating that the Hippo signaling components are conserved in plants and play important roles in sexual plant reproduction.  相似文献   

Plant roots respond to environmental stresses or the exogenous plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) by undergoing marked physiological and morphological changes. We show here that PERK4 , a gene that encodes a member of the Arabidopsis thaliana proline-rich extensin-like receptor kinase family, plays an important role in ABA responses. Mutation of PERK4 by T-DNA insertion decreased sensitivity to ABA with respect to seed germination, seedling growth and primary root tip growth. The effect on root growth was due to enhanced cell elongation rather than cell division. The cytosolic free calcium concentration and Ca2+ channel currents were lower in perk4 root cells than in wild-type cells in the presence of ABA. Root growth was similar in wild-type and perk4 plants after the application of a Ca2+ channel blocker. PERK4 localised to the plasma membrane, and was shown to be an ABA- and Ca2+-activated protein kinase. Our data suggest that the receptor-like kinase encoded by PERK4 functions at an early stage of ABA signalling to inhibit root cell elongation by perturbing Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

Plants are under constant attack from a variety of disease‐causing organisms. Lacking an adaptive immune system, plants repel pathogen attack via an array of pathogen recognition machinery. Receptor‐like kinases (RLKs) are involved in the recognition of pathogen‐associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and activate resistance pathways against broad classes of pathogens. We have identified powdery mildew‐resistant kinase 1, an Arabidopsis gene encoding an RLK that is highly induced by chitin at early time points and localizes to the plasma membrane. Knockout mutants in pmrk1 are more susceptible to both Golovinomyces cichoracearum and Plectosphaerella cucumerina. Our data show that PMRK1 is essential in early stages of defence against fungi and provide evidence that PMRK1 may be unique to chitin‐induced signalling pathways. The results of this study indicate that PMRK1 is a critical component of plant innate immunity against fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

The arabinose-sensitive ara1-1 mutant of Arabidopsis is deficient in arabinose kinase activity. A candidate for the ARA1 gene, ISA1, has been previously identified through the Arabidopsis genome sequencing initiative. Here we demonstrate that (1) the ARA1 gene coincides with ISA1 in a positional cloning strategy; (2) there are mutations in the ISA1 gene in both the ara1-1 mutant and an intragenic suppressor mutant; and (3) the ara1-1 and suppressor mutant phenotypes can be complemented by the expression of the ISA1 cDNA in transgenic plants. Together these observations confirm that ISA1 is the ARA1 gene. ARA1 is a member of the galactose kinase family of genes and represents a new substrate specificity among this and other families of sugar kinases. A second gene with similarities to members of the galactose kinase gene family has been identified in the EST database. A 1.8 kb cDNA contained an open reading-frame predicted to encode a 496 amino acid polypeptide. The GAL1 cDNA was expressed in a galK mutant of Escherichia coli and in vitro assays of extracts of the strain expressing GAL1 confirmed that the cDNA encodes a galactose kinase activity. Both GAL1 and ARA1 cross-hybridise at low stringency to other sequences suggesting the presence of additional members of the galactose kinase gene family.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MKK4), as an upstream activator of c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK), plays a critical role in response to cellular stresses and pro-inflammatory cytokines. In this study, we investigated the subcellular localization and activation of MKK4 in response to global cerebral ischemia. Our results indicated that MKK4 had two activation peaks in both the cytosol and the nucleus, and translocated from the cytosol to the nucleus at 30 min and 6 h of reperfusion. We also detected the interaction of JNK-interacting protein 3 (JIP3) and MKK4, which reached a maximum at 6 h of reperfusion. To elucidate the mechanism of translocation and activation, we administered N-acetylcysteine, an antioxidant reagent, and a glutamate receptor 6 C-terminus-containing peptide (Tat-GluR6-9c) to rats. The data showed that N-acetylcysteine limited the translocation and activation at 30 min of reperfusion; however, the peptide perturbed the subcellular localization and activation at 6 h of reperfusion, and subsequently provided a protective role against delayed neuronal cell death. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the translocation and activation of MKK4 during early reperfusion are closely associated with reactive oxygen species, whereas, at late reperfusion, MKK4 activation may be involved in brain ischemic injury.  相似文献   

Normal physiology relies on the precise coordination of intracellular signaling pathways that respond to nutrient availability to balance cell growth and cell death. The canonical mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway consists of the RAF-MEK-ERK signaling cascade and represents one of the most well-defined axes within eukaryotic cells to promote cell proliferation, which underscores its frequent mutational activation in human cancers. Our recent studies illuminated a function for the redox-active micronutrient copper (Cu) as an intracellular mediator of signaling by connecting Cu to the amplitude of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling via a direct interaction between Cu and the kinases MEK1 and MEK2. Given the large quantities of molecules such as glutathione and metallothionein that limit cellular toxicity from free Cu ions, evolutionarily conserved Cu chaperones facilitate efficient delivery of Cu to cuproenzymes. Thus, a dedicated cellular delivery mechanism of Cu to MEK1/2 likely exists. Using surface plasmon resonance and proximity-dependent biotin ligase studies, we report here that the Cu chaperone for superoxide dismutase (CCS) selectively bound to and facilitated Cu transfer to MEK1. Mutants of CCS that disrupt Cu(I) acquisition and exchange or a CCS small-molecule inhibitor were used and resulted in reduced Cu-stimulated MEK1 kinase activity. Our findings indicate that the Cu chaperone CCS provides fidelity within a complex biological system to achieve appropriate installation of Cu within the MEK1 kinase active site that in turn modulates kinase activity and supports the development of novel MEK1/2 inhibitors that target the Cu structural interface or blunt dedicated Cu delivery mechanisms via CCS.  相似文献   

The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38) is activated in the heart during ischemia-reperfusion. However, it is not clear whether the activation of p38 is the protective response or the kinase mediates the cellular damage by ischemia-reperfusion. We examined the role of p38alpha in ischemia-reperfusion injury by studying p38alpha(+/-) mice. The p38alpha protein level in the p38alpha(+/-) heart was 50+/-8.7% compared with that in the p38alpha(+/+) heart. Upon reperfusion following ischemia for 25min, p38alpha activity was transiently increased. The maximum level of p38 activity in p38alpha(+/-) was 60+/-10.5% compared with that in p38alpha(+/+). In the p38alpha(+/+) heart, 25min ischemia and 2h reperfusion resulted in necrotic injury (37.1+/-2.7% of the area at risk), whereas infarct size was drastically reduced to 7.2+/-0.7% in the p38alpha(+/-) heart. These suggested that p38alpha plays a pivotal role in the signal transduction pathway mediating myocardial cell death caused by ischemia-reperfusion.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades play pivotal roles in plant defense against phytopathogens downstream of immune receptor complexes. The amplitude and duration of MAPK activation must be strictly controlled, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here, we identified Arabidopsis CPL1 (C-terminal domain phosphatase-like 1) as a negative regulator of microbe-associated molecular pattern (MAMP)-triggered immunity via a forward-genetic screen. Disruption of CPL1 significantly enhanced plant resistance to Pseudomonas pathogens induced by the bacterial peptide flg22. Furthermore, flg22-induced MPK3/MPK4/MPK6 phosphorylation was dramatically elevated in cpl1 mutants but severely impaired in CPL1 overexpression lines, suggesting that CPL1 might interfere with flg22-induced MAPK activation. Indeed, CPL1 directly interacted with MPK3 and MPK6, as well as the upstream MKK4 and MKK5. A firefly luciferase-based complementation assay indicated that the interaction between MKK4/MKK5 and MPK3/MPK6 was significantly reduced in the presence of CPL1. These results suggest that CPL1 plays a novel regulatory role in suppressing MAMP-induced MAPK cascade activation and MAMP-triggered immunity to bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

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