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Up to now, mechanisms of neurovisceral integration are not clear. The main objective of the present investigation consisted in studying cortical concomitants of sympathetic activity during emotional perception. The 62-channel EEG and skin conductance response (SCR) were recorded while right-handed healthy participants (n-33) viewed sequentially presented neutral, pleasant, and unpleasant pictures. The event-related synchronization (ERS) and desynchronization were measured in different frequency bands. Relying on median split of SCR amplitudes elicited by the presented stimuli the participants were segregated into groups with low (SCR-) and high (SCR+) autonomous activity. In was revealed that group differences were associated with power changes in the low (4-6 Hz) theta band only. For both groups in the early test period (up to 1 s after stimulus onset), emotional vs. neutral stimuli induced larger theta-ERS over posterior cortical regions with greater impact on the right parieto-temporo-occipital regions. At the later phases (2-6 s after stimulus onset), only the SCR group retained emotion-related greater right hemisphere synchronization. It is concluded that the right parieto-temporo-occipital cortex mediates mechanisms of motivated attention and sympathetic activation.  相似文献   

To investigate the activity of cortical regions in the control of movement, we studied event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ERD/ERS), event-related coherence (ERC), and phase coherence in 29-channel EEGs from 9 subjects performing self-paced movements of the right index finger. Movement preparation and execution produced ERD over the sensorimotor areas at 10 Hz and 20 Hz, followed by ERS. ERD corresponded spatiotemporally to an increase in coherence over the frontocentral areas. For both frequency bands, ERD began over the left sensorimotor areas and became bilateral at the time of movement onset. The coherence increase with frontal areas began in the left central areas and became symmetrical after EMG onset. The ERD and coherence increase was longer at 10 Hz than at 20 Hz. Phase coherence at 10 Hz showed a lead of anterior regions to posterior regions throughout the time period, and at 20 Hz showed a tendency toward zero phase delay corresponding with the movement. EEG desynchronization parallels functional coupling over sensorimotor and frontal areas. Event-related coherence and phase coherence findings implicate the frontal lobes in control of movement planning and execution. The involvement of different frequency bands with different timings may represent parallel changes in the cortical network.  相似文献   

Event-related desynchronization (ERD) and synchronization (ERS) in response to neutral, positive and negative emotional IAPS stimuli were measured in narrow theta, alpha-1, alpha-2 and alpha-3 frequency bands in 22 healthy Ss. A high resolution 62-channel EEG was recorded while subjects viewed a sequence of pictures. The effects of valence discrimination related to hemispheric asymmetries are associated with increased theta and alpha-3 synchronization. Theta ERS revealed a significant valence by hemisphere interaction for anterior temporal leads in the time window of 100-700 ms after stimulus onset indicating a relatively greater right hemisphere ERS for negative and a left hemisphere ERS for positive stimuli in comparison to neutral those. In the alpha-3 band, negative stimuli induced a left hemisphere ERS increase (F7 site) in the time window of 800-1200 ms not observed for neutral and positive stimuli. The results obtained along with the earlier observations on EEG correlates of affective processing challenge the notion that effective anterior hemispheric asymmetries are reflected mainly in the wide alpha frequency band.  相似文献   

Differences of EEG synchronization between normal old and young people during a working memory (WM) task were investigated. The synchronization likelihood (SL) is a novel method to assessed synchronization in multivariate time series for non-stationary systems. To evaluate this method to study the mechanisms of WM, we calculated the SL values in brain electrical activity for both resting state and task state. EEG signals were recorded from 14 young adults and 12 old adults during two different states, respectively. SL was used to measure EEG synchronization between 19 electrodes in delta, theta, alpha1, alpha2 and beta frequency bands. Bad task performance and significantly decreased EEG synchronization were found in old group compared to young group in alpha1, alpha2 and beta frequency bands during the WM task. Moreover, significantly decreased EEG synchronization in beta band in the elder was also detected during the resting state. The findings suggested that reduced EEG synchronization may be one of causes for WM capacity decline along with healthy aging.  相似文献   

Event-related synchronization (ERS) and desynchronization (ERD) in delta, theta1, theta2, alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, beta3, and gamma were measured in 20 healthy right-handed subjects in response to IAPS stimuli with low, moderate, and high arousal reactions. The 62-channel EEG was simultaneously recorded while subjects viewed sequentially presented pictures and subjectively rated them after each presentation. The results show that emotionally loaded stimuli induced higher ERS in the delta, theta1, theta2, beta1, beta3, and gamma bands along with combined ERD and ERS effects in alpha2 band. As to hemispheric asymmetries, the effects of emotional arousal were restricted not only to right parietal (theta1 and theta2 ERS, alpha2 ERD) but also to left frontal (theta2 ERS) regions. In terms of affective chronometry, lower theta was the first to catch the affective salience of incoming stimuli (time window 0-600 ms after the stimulus input). For theta2, alpha2, and gamma bands this process was delayed to 600-1000 ms.  相似文献   

The goal of the pilot study was to analyze the characteristics of changes in short EEG segments recorded from 32 sites during perception of musical melodies by healthy subjects depending on logical (recognition) and emotional (pleasant/unpleasant) estimation of the melody. For this purpose, the changes in event-related synchronization/desynchronization and the indices of wavelet synchrony of EEG responses were compared in 31 healthy subjects (18 to 60 years old). It has been shown that melody recognition during logical estimation of music is accompanied by event-related desynchronization in the left frontal-parietal-temporal area. Emotional estimation of a melody is characterized by event-related synchronization in the left frontal-temporal area for pleasant melodies, desynchronization in the temporal area for unpleasant melodies, and desynchronization in the occipital area for melodies inducing no emotional response. The analysis of EEG wavelet synchronization characterizing reactive changes in the interaction between cortical areas shows that the most distinct topographic differences are associated with the type of music processing: logical (familiar/unfamiliar) or emotional (pleasant/unpleasant). The changes in interhemispheric connections between the associative cortical areas (central, frontal, temporal) are greater during emotional estimation, while the changes in inter- and intrahemispheric connections between the projection areas of the acoustic analyzer (temporal area) are greater during logical estimation. It is assumed that the revealed event-related synchronization/desynchronization is most likely to reflect the activation component of musical fragment estimation, whereas wavelet analysis provides insight into the character of musical stimulus processing.  相似文献   

Using a cognitive set to emotional facial expression as a model, induced synchronization/desynchronization of the cortical theta- and alpha-activities were studied in adult healthy people under conditions of increased load on the working memory (additional task of the verbal stimuli recognition). A correlation was found between behavioral (increase in the set rigidity) and electrophysiological (decrease of the induced theta-rhythm synchronization) data. A hypothesis is suggested that the earlier revealed increase in the tonic prestimulus theta-activity and suppression of the poststimulus phasic activation of the cortico-hippocampal system are one of the mechanisms of the decrease in plasticity of the cognitive function of the emotional facial expression recognition under conditions of the increased load on the working memory. Reciprocal relations between two functional systems of the brain activity integration (cortico-hippocampal and fronto-thalamic) in the process of recognition of emotional facial expression are discussed.  相似文献   

Gender-related differences in EEG patterns during creative visual thinking were investigated in 10 men and 10 women. The spectral power density was analyzed in the range of 4-30 Hz. Gender differences in the hemispheric asymmetry of theta1-rhythm desynchronization were found: females demonstrated greater desynchronization in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere, whereas no asymmetry was revealed in males. Only in women numerous negative correlations between creativity indices and task-induced theta1 desynchronization were found.  相似文献   

Prestimulus EEG was recorded in the state of "operative rest" after the instruction and at the stages of formation, actualization, and extinction of unconscious visual set to perception of unequal circles. Two motivation conditions were used: (1) subjects were promised to be rewarded with a small money price for each correct response (a "general" rise of motivation) and (2) only correct assessments of stimuli of a certain kind were rewarded (a "selective" rise of motivation). In both conditions, additional motivation of subjects to the results of their performance led to an increase in EEG coherence most pronounced in the theta and alpha 1 frequency ranges in the left temporal area of the cortex. During the "general" rise of motivation the EEG coherence (as compared to the control group) was higher in a greater number of derivation pairs than during the "selective" rise. EEG coherence in "motivated" subjects was increased already at the stage of operative rest. Later on, at the set stages, no significant changes were revealed. Thus, the realized set formed by the verbal instruction, which increased motivation of subjects to the results of their performance, produced substantially more prominent changes in coherence of cortical potentials than the unconscious set formed during perception of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Event-related desynchronization (ERD) was studied in 10 young (mean age = 19.1) and 10 older (mean age = 62.8) subjects during two recognition tasks: verbal and visuo-spatial. The difficulty of these tasks varied according to the difficulty to distinguish between targets and distractors. EEGs recorded from 29 electrodes were used to compute ERDs from 14 source derivations in 125 msec intervals. Thereafter, they were displayed as spatio-temporal maps. The results show that desynchronization was more widespread in the visuo-spatial compared to the verbal task. This was observed in the two age groups, although it was more pronounced in the young subjects. The effect of task complexity was also influenced by the kind of material to be remembered: more differences between the two levels of difficulty were observed during the verbal task.The results revealed significant influences of the task and time variables on the ERD patterns. A distinct time course of the desynchronization phenomenon was observed to be related to the kind of recognition task. Age and task complexity interacted with the other variables.  相似文献   

The 62-channel EEG was recorded while control non-alexithymic (n = 21) and alexithymic (n = 20) participants viewed sequentially presented neutral, pleasant and unpleasant pictures and subjectively rated them after each presentation. The event-related synchronization (ERS) to these stimuli was assessed in the theta-1 (4-6 Hr) and theta-2 (6-8 Hz) frequency bands. The obtained findings indicate that alexithymia influences perception of only emotional stimuli. In the upper theta over anterior cortical regions alexithymia vs control individuals in response to both pleasant and unpleasant stimuli manifested decreased left hemisphere ERS in the early test period of 0-200 ms along with enhanced ERS in response to negative vs positive and neutral stimuli in the right hemisphere at 200-600 ms after stimulus onset. The findings provide the first EEG evidence that alexithymia construct, associated with a cognitive deficit in initial evaluation of emotion, is indexed by disrupted early frontal synchronization in the upper theta band that can be best interpreted to reflect disregulation during appraisal of emotional stimuli.  相似文献   

The power spectra of cortical potentials of baseline activity during interstimulus intervals (4 s; Fourier transform in the frequency band of 1–60 Hz) and short-term (0.8 s) induced responses to facial stimuli (wavelet transform in the 15–60 Hz band) were assessed during the study of the visual cognitive set to facial expression. Significant differences between groups of subjects with different set plasticities were observed only at the set-testing stage. Estimation of short-term (0.8 s) induced responses of wavelet spectra in the group with the plastic set revealed an increase in the power (compared to the power of background activity) of the γ2 band (41–60 Hz) in the temporal, central and occipital areas of the left hemisphere, whereas in the group with the rigid set these power spectra decreased. At the same time, the power in the γ1 band (21–40 Hz) was significantly lower (at the same level with the rigid form), indicating the discrete nature and functional selectivity in the γ frequency band.  相似文献   

In order to determine more accurately the EEG markers of different types of attention (AT) of a healthy adult, 14 young healthy subjects (aged 18–30 years) were subjected to spectral coherent analysis of the electrical activity of the brain in the baseline state and during activation of different forms of AT (the orienting response to the sound tone and opening of the eyes, involuntary and voluntary visual AT). In the last two cases, specially developed computer-aided techniques were used. The quantitative differences in the states were assessed on the basis of nonparametric (the Mann-Whitney test) and parametric (Student’s t test) statistics. In three subjects, EEG and fMRI comparisons of the brain response to opening of the eyes were made. It was shown that the activation of different forms of AT in healthy subjects is accompanied by considerable diffuse nonspecific changes in the EEG spectral coherent characteristics (a decrease in the average spectral frequency and power, as well as in coherence) in combination with more local, more often oppositely directed shifts in the region of the cortical representation of the working analyzer. Complex systemic rearrangements of the brain activity involving all components of the activating system, as well as the specifics of different forms of AT connected with the rearrangement of activity between its divisions, are reflected in the diffuse changes of intercentral interaction. For example, marked reactivity of the symmetrical frontopolar (F p1-F p2) and the anterotemporal (F 7-F 8) cortical areas with unidirectional maximum shifts during voluntary AT is likely to reflect the responses of the frontothalamic component of the activating system. The reciprocity of the behavior of interhemispheric frontopolar and temporal relationships seems to be determined by the activity of its different components: frontothalamic and hippocampal. The local component of the EEG response to opening of the eyes in the form of increased α coherence in the occipital areas is coupled with increased oxygenation of blood in the cortical representation of the visual analyzer (the +BOLD effect of the fMRI response).  相似文献   

Specific features of EEG coherence of a man-operator were revealed before the erroneous actions ("false alarm" and "signal omission") in the process of training to recognize masked visual stimuli. In persons with expressed alpha-rhythm at rest the "false alarms" were associated with the highest level of beta-frequency correlation in the frontal areas. Errors of the "signal omission" type were observed against the background of increased alpha-coherence in the frontal and occipital derivations. These features were more pronounced in the right brain hemisphere. The results suggest that the erroneous actions are predetermined by a specific state of the frontal brain regions, which participate in decision making, and are probably related with inadequate information transmission from the caudal regions to the frontal ones.  相似文献   

Animals and humans learn to approach and acquire pleasant stimuli and to avoid or defend against aversive ones. However, both pleasant and aversive stimuli can elicit arousal and attention, and their salience or intensity increases when they occur by surprise. Thus, adaptive behavior may require that neural circuits compute both stimulus valence--or value--and intensity. To explore how these computations may be implemented, we examined neural responses in the primate amygdala to unexpected reinforcement during learning. Many amygdala neurons responded differently to reinforcement depending upon whether or not it was expected. In some neurons, this modulation occurred only for rewards or aversive stimuli, but not both. In other neurons, expectation similarly modulated responses to both rewards and punishments. These different neuronal populations may subserve two sorts of processes mediated by the amygdala: those activated by surprising reinforcements of both valences-such as enhanced arousal and attention-and those that are valence-specific, such as fear or reward-seeking behavior.  相似文献   

Averaged evoked potentials (AEP) to verbal (letters) and nonverbal (random shapes) stimuli exposed in the left and right visual fields were registered in healthy subjects with normal vision. Analysis of the later AEP latencies pointed to asymmetry in the temporal parameters of the interhemispheric interaction. The late AEP latency is shorter in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere. The difference is more pronounced in responses to nonverbal stimuli. The earlier development of the evoked potential in the right hemisphere (or the later one in the left hemisphere) accounts for the interhemispheric difference in the temporal parameters of the late AEP components. Comparison of the latency of the component P300 to verbal and nonverbal stimuli presented in the ipsilateral or the contralateral visual fields reveals a transfer of the results of the cortical processing of visual information in the course of interhemispheric interaction.  相似文献   

Power spectra of cortical potentials of baseline activity during interstimuli intervals (4 s; Fourier transform in the frequency band of 1-60 Hz) and short-term (0.8 s) induced responses to facial stimuli (wavelet transform in the 15-60 Hz band) were assessed in the study of the visual cognitive set to facial expression. Significant differences between groups of subjects with different set rigidity were observed only at the set-testing stage. Estimation of the short-term (0.8 s) induced responses of the wavelet spectra in the group with plastic set revealed an increase in the power (in comparison with the power of background activity) of the gamma2 band (41-60 Hz) in the left hemisphere of the temporal, central and occipital areas, whereas in the group with rigid set these power spectra decreased. At the same time the power in the gamma1 band (21-40 Hz) was significantly lower (at the same level with the rigid form), indicating a discrete nature and functional selectivity in the gamma frequency band.  相似文献   

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