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Heroux MS  Mohan AD  Olsen KW 《IUBMB life》2011,63(3):214-220
The truncated hemoglobin of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt-trHbO) is a small heme protein belonging to the hemoglobin superfamily. Truncated hemoglobins (trHbs) are believed to have functional roles such as terminal oxidases and oxygen sensors involved in the response to oxidative and nitrosative stress, nitric oxide (NO) detoxification, O?/NO chemistry, O? delivery under hypoxic conditions, and long-term ligand storage. Based on sequence similarities, they are classified into three groups. Experimental studies revealed that all trHbs display a 2-on-2 α-helical sandwich fold rather than the 3-on-3 α-helical sandwich fold of the classical hemoglobin fold. Using locally enhanced sampling (LESMD) molecular dynamics, the ligand-binding escape pathways from the distal heme binding cavity of Mt-trHbO were determined to better understand how this protein functions. The importance of specific residues, such as the group II and III invariant W(G8) residue, can be seen in terms of ligand diffusion pathways and ligand dynamics. LESMD simulations show that the wild-type Mt-trHbO has three diffusion pathways while the W(G8)F Mt-trHbO mutant has only two. The W(G8) residue plays a critical role in ligand binding and stabilization and helps regulate the rate of ligand escape from the distal heme pocket. Thus, this invariant residue is important in creating ligand diffusion pathways and possibly in the enzymatic functions of this protein.  相似文献   

Mukai M  Savard PY  Ouellet H  Guertin M  Yeh SR 《Biochemistry》2002,41(12):3897-3905
A new truncated hemoglobin (HbO) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been expressed and purified. Sequence alignment of HbO with other hemoglobins suggests that the proximal F8 residue is histidine and the distal E7 and the B10 positions are occupied by alanine and tyrosine, respectively. The highly conserved residue at the CD1 position, surprisingly, is tyrosine, making HbO the first exception in the hemoglobin family that does not contain phenylalanine at this position. Resonance Raman data suggest that a strong hydrogen bonding network, involving the B10 Tyr and the CD1 Tyr, stabilizes the heme-bound O2 and CO as evidenced by the relatively low frequency of the Fe-O2 stretching mode (559 cm(-1)) and the high frequency of the Fe-CO stretching mode (527 cm(-1)). The presence of this hydrogen bonding network is supported by mutagenesis studies with the B10 tyrosine or the CD1 tyrosine mutated to phenylalanine. Taken together, these data demonstrate a rigid and polar distal pocket in HbO, which is significantly different from that of HbN, the other hemoglobin from M. tuberculosis. The distinct features in the heme active site structures and the temporal expression patterns of HbO and HbN suggest that these two hemoglobins may have very different physiological functions.  相似文献   

Mukai M  Ouellet Y  Ouellet H  Guertin M  Yeh SR 《Biochemistry》2004,43(10):2764-2770
The resonance Raman spectra of the NO-bound ferric derivatives of wild-type HbN and the B10 Tyr --> Phe mutant of HbN, a hemoglobin from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, were examined with both Soret and UV excitation. The Fe-N-O stretching and bending modes of the NO derivative of the wild-type protein were tentatively assigned at 591 and 579 cm(-1), respectively. Upon B10 mutation, the Fe-NO stretching mode was slightly enhanced and the bending mode diminished in amplitude. In addition, the N-O stretching mode shifted from 1914 to 1908 cm(-1). These data suggest that the B10 Tyr forms an H-bond(s) with the heme-bound NO and causes it to bend in the wild-type protein. To further investigate the interaction between the B10 Tyr and the heme-bound NO, we examined the UV Raman spectrum of the B10 Tyr by subtracting the B10 mutant spectrum from the wild-type spectrum. It was found that, upon NO binding to the ferric protein, the Y(8a) mode of the B10 Tyr shifted from 1616 to 1622 cm(-1), confirming a direct interaction between the B10 Tyr and the heme-bound NO. Furthermore, the Y(8a) mode of the other two Tyr residues at positions 16 and 72 that are remote from the heme was also affected by NO binding, suggesting that NO binding to the distal site of the heme triggers a large-scale conformational change that propagates through the pre-F helix loop to the E and B helices. This large-scale conformational change triggered by NO binding may play an important role in regulating the ligand binding properties and/or the chemical reactivity of HbN.  相似文献   

Truncated hemoglobins (trHb's) form a family of low molecular weight O2 binding hemoproteins distributed in eubacteria, protozoa, and plants. TrHb's branch in a distinct clade within the hemoglobin (Hb) superfamily. A unique globin gene has recently been identified from the complete genome sequence of Mycobacterium leprae that is predicted to encode a trHb (M. leprae trHbO). Sequence comparison and modelling considerations indicate that monomeric M. leprae trHbO has structural features typical of trHb's, such as 20-40 fewer residues than conventional globin chains, Gly-based sequence consensus motifs, likely assembling into a 2-on-2 alpha-helical sandwich fold, and hydrophobic residues recognized to build up the protein matrix ligand diffusion tunnel. The ferrous heme iron atom of deoxygenated M. leprae trHbO appears to be hexacoordinated, like in Arabidopsis thaliana trHbO-3 (A. thaliana trHbO-3). Accordingly, the value of the second-order rate constant for M. leprae trHbO carbonylation (7.3 x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1)) is similar to that observed for A. thaliana trHbO-3 (1.4 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1)) and turns out to be lower than that reported for carbon monoxide binding to pentacoordinated Mycobacterium tuberculosis trHbN (6.7 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)). The lower reactivity of M. leprae trHbO as compared to M. tuberculosis trHbN might be related to the higher susceptibility of the leprosy bacillus to toxic nitrogen and oxygen species produced by phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the causative agent of human tuberculosis, one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in the world. Its genome hosts the glbN and glbO genes coding for two proteins, truncated hemoglobin N (trHbN) and truncated hemoglobin O (trHbO), that belong to different groups (I and II, respectively) of the recently discovered trHb family of hemeproteins. The different expression pattern and kinetics rates constants for ligand association and NO oxidation rate suggest different functions for these proteins. Previous experimental and theoretical studies showed that, in trHbs, ligand migration along the internal tunnel cavity system is a key issue in determining the ligand-binding characteristics. The X-ray structure of trHbO has been solved and shows several internal cavities and secondary-docking sites. In this work, we present an extensive investigation of the tunnel/cavity system ofM. tuberculosis trHbO by means of computer-simulation techniques. We have computed the free-energy profiles for ligand migration along three found tunnels in the oxy and deoxy w.t. and mutant trHbO proteins. Our results show that multiple-ligand migration paths are possible and that several conserved residues such as TrpG8 play a key role in the ligand-migration regulation.  相似文献   

The structure of oxygenated trHbN from Mycobacterium tuberculosis shows an extended heme distal hydrogen‐bond network that includes Tyr33(B10), Gln58(E11), and the bound O2. In addition, trHbN structure shows a network of hydrophobic cavities organized in two orthogonal branches. In the present work, the structure and the dynamics of oxygenated and deoxygenated trHbN in explicit water was investigated from 100 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Results show that, depending on the presence or the absence of a coordinated O2, the Tyr33(B10) and Gln58(E11) side chains adopt two different configurations in concert with hydrogen bond network rearrangement. In addition, our data indicate that Tyr33(B10) and Gln58(E11) control the dynamics of Phe62(E15). In deoxy‐trHbN, Phe62(E15) is restricted to one conformation. Upon O2 binding, the conformation of Gln58(E11) changes and residue Phe62(E15) fluctuates between two conformations. We also conducted a systematic study of trHbN tunnels by analyzing thousands of MD snapshots with CAVER. The results show that tunnel formation is the result of the dynamic reshaping of short‐lived hydrophobic cavities. The analyses indicate that the presence of these cavities is likely linked to the rigid structure of trHbN and also reveal two tunnels, EH and BE, that link the protein surface to the buried distal heme pocket and not present in the crystallographic structure. The cavities are sufficiently large to accomodate and store ligands. Tunnel dynamics in trHbN was found to be controlled by the side‐chain conformation of the Tyr33(B10), Gln58(E11), and Phe62(E15) residues. Importantly, in contrast to recently published works, our extensive systematic studies show that the presence or absence of a coordinated dioxygen does not control the opening of the long tunnel but rather the opening of the EH tunnel. In addition, the data lead to new and distinctly different conclusion on the impact of the Phe62(E15) residue on trHbN tunnels. We propose that the EH and the long tunnels are used for apolar ligands storage. The trajectories bring important new structural insights related to trHbN function and to ligand diffusion in proteins. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium leprae GlbO has been proposed to represent merging of both O(2) uptake/transport and scavenging of nitrogen reactive species. Peroxynitrite reacts with M. leprae GlbO(II)-NO leading to GlbO(III) via the GlbO(III)-NO species. The value of the second order rate constant for GlbO(III)-NO formation is >1x10(8)M(-1)s(-1) in the absence and presence of CO(2) (1.2x10(-3)M). The CO(2)-independent value of the first order rate constant for GlbO(III)-NO denitrosylation is (2.5+/-0.4)x10(1)s(-1). Furthermore, peroxynitrite reacts with GlbO(II)-O(2) leading to GlbO(III) via the GlbO(IV)O species. Values of the second order rate constant for GlbO(IV)O formation are (4.8+/-0.5)x10(4) and (6.3+/-0.7)x10(5)M(-1)s(-1) in the absence and presence of CO(2) (=1.2x10(-3)M), respectively. The value of the second order rate constant for the peroxynitrite-mediated GlbO(IV)O reduction (= (1.5+/-0.2)x10(4)M(-1)s(-1)) is CO(2)-independent. These data argue for a role of GlbO in the defense of M. leprae against nitrosative stress.  相似文献   

The potent nitric oxide dioxygenase (NOD) activity (trHbN-Fe2?-O? + (?)NO → trHbN-Fe3?-OH? + NO??) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin N (trHbN) protects aerobic respiration from inhibition by (?)NO. The high activity of trHbN has been attributed in part to the presence of numerous short-lived hydrophobic cavities that allow partition and diffusion of the gaseous substrates (?)NO and O? to the active site. We investigated the relation between these cavities and the dynamics of the protein using solution NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD). Results from both approaches indicate that the protein is mainly rigid with very limited motions of the backbone N-H bond vectors on the picoseconds-nanoseconds time scale, indicating that substrate diffusion and partition within trHbN may be controlled by side-chains movements. Model-free analysis also revealed the presence of slow motions (microseconds-milliseconds), not observed in MD simulations, for many residues located in helices B and G including the distal heme pocket Tyr33(B10). All currently known crystal structures and molecular dynamics data of truncated hemoglobins with the so-called pre-A N-terminal extension suggest a stable α-helical conformation that extends in solution. Moreover, a recent study attributed a crucial role to the pre-A helix for NOD activity. However, solution NMR data clearly show that in near-physiological conditions these residues do not adopt an α-helical conformation and are significantly disordered and that the helical conformation seen in crystal structures is likely induced by crystal contacts. Although this lack of order for the pre-A does not disagree with an important functional role for these residues, our data show that one should not assume an helical conformation for these residues in any functional interpretation. Moreover, future molecular dynamics simulations should not use an initial α-helical conformation for these residues in order to avoid a bias based on an erroneous initial structure for the N-termini residues. This work constitutes the first study of a truncated hemoglobin dynamics performed by solution heteronuclear relaxation NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Due to its mostly isolated living environment, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is generally believed to be highly clonal, and thus recombination between different strains must be rare and is not critical for the survival of the species. To investigate the roles recombination could have possibly played in the evolution of M. tuberculosis, an analysis was conducted on previously determined genotypes of 36 synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 3,320 M. tuberculosis isolates. The results confirmed the predominant clonal structure of the M. tuberculosis population. However, recombination between different strains was also suggested. To further resolve the issue, 175 intergenic SNPs and 234 synonymous SNPs were genotyped in 37 selected representative strains. A clear mosaic polymorphic pattern ahead of the MT0105 locus encoding a PPE (Pro-Pro-Glu) protein was obtained, which is most likely a result of recombination hot spot. Given that PPE proteins are thought to be critical in host-pathogen interactions, we hypothesize that recombination has been influential in the history of M. tuberculosis and possibly a major contributor to the diversity observed ahead of the MT0105 locus.  相似文献   

Truncated hemoglobin O (trHbO) is one of two trHbs in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Remarkably, trHbO possesses two novel distal residues, in addition to the B10 tyrosine, that may be important in ligand binding. These are the CD1 tyrosine and G8 tryptophan. Here we investigate the reactions of trHbO and mutants using stopped-flow spectrometry, flash photolysis, and UV-enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy. A biphasic kinetic behavior is observed for combination and dissociation of O(2) and CO that is controlled by the B10 and CD1 residues. The rate constants for combination (<1.0 microM(-1) s(-1)) and dissociation (<0.006 s(-1)) of O(2) are among the slowest known, precluding transport or diffusion of O(2) as a major function. Mutation of CD1 tyrosine to phenylalanine shows that this group controls ligand binding, as evidenced by 25- and 77-fold increases in the combination rate constants for O(2) and CO, respectively. In support of a functional role for G8 tryptophan, UV resonance Raman indicates that the chi((2,1)) dihedral angle for the indole ring increases progressively from approximately 93 degrees to at least 100 degrees in going sequentially from the deoxy to CO to O(2) derivative, demonstrating a significant conformational change in the G8 tryptophan with ligation. Remarkably, protein modeling predicts a network of hydrogen bonds between B10 tyrosine, CD1 tyrosine, and G8 tryptophan, with the latter residues being within hydrogen bonding distance of the heme-bound ligand. Such a rigid hydrogen bonding network may thus represent a considerable barrier to ligand entrance and escape. In accord with this model, we found that changing CD1 or B10 tyrosine for phenylalanine causes only small changes in the rate of O(2) dissociation, suggesting that more than one hydrogen bond must be broken at a time to promote ligand escape. Furthermore, trHbO-CO cannot be photodissociated under conditions where the CO derivative of myoglobin is extensively photodissociated, indicating that CO is constrained near the heme by the hydrogen bonding network.  相似文献   

The survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis requires detoxification of host *NO. Oxygenated Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin N catalyzes the rapid oxidation of nitric oxide to innocuous nitrate with a second-order rate constant (k'(NOD) approximately 745 x 10(6) m(-1) x s(-1)), which is approximately 15-fold faster than the reaction of horse heart myoglobin. We ask what aspects of structure and/or dynamics give rise to this enhanced reactivity. A first step is to expose what controls ligand/substrate binding to the heme. We present evidence that the main barrier to ligand binding to deoxy-truncated hemoglobin N (deoxy-trHbN) is the displacement of a distal cavity water molecule, which is mainly stabilized by residue Tyr(B10) but not coordinated to the heme iron. As observed in the Tyr(B10)/Gln(E11) apolar mutants, once this kinetic barrier is lowered, CO and O(2) binding is very rapid with rates approaching 1-2 x 10(9) m(-1) x s(-1). These large values almost certainly represent the upper limit for ligand binding to a heme protein and also indicate that the iron atom in trHbN is highly reactive. Kinetic measurements on the photoproduct of the *NO derivative of met-trHbN, where both the *NO and water can be directly followed, revealed that water rebinding is quite fast (approximately 1.49 x 10(8) s(-1)) and is responsible for the low geminate yield in trHbN. Molecular dynamics simulations, performed with trHbN and its distal mutants, indicated that in the absence of a distal water molecule, ligand access to the heme iron is not hindered. They also showed that a water molecule is stabilized next to the heme iron through hydrogen-bonding with Tyr(B10) and Gln(E11).  相似文献   

The crystallographic structure of oxygenated trHbN from Mycobacterium tuberculosis showed an extended heme distal site hydrogen-bonding network that includes Y(B10), Q(E11), and the bound O(2) (Milani, M., et al. (2001) EMBO J. 20, 3902-3909). In the present work, we analyze the effects that substitutions at the B10 and E11 positions exert on the heme and its coordinated ligands, using steady-state resonance Raman spectroscopy, absorption spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Our results show that (1) residues Y(B10) and Q(E11) control the binding and the ionization state of the heme-bound water molecules in ferric trHbN and are important in keeping the sixth coordination position vacant in deoxy trHbN; (2) residue Q(E11) plays a role in maintaining the integrity of the proximal Fe-His bond in deoxy trHbN; (3) in wild-type oxy-trHbN, the size and hydrogen-bonding capability of residue E11 is important to sustain proper interaction between Y(B10) and the heme-bound O(2); (4) CO-trHbN is in a conformational equilibrium, where either the Y(B10) or the Q(E11) residue interacts with the heme-bound CO; and (5) Y(B10) and Q(E11) residues control the conformation (and likely the dynamics) of the protein matrix tunnel gating residue F(E15). These findings suggest that the functional processes of ligand binding and diffusion are controlled in trHbN through the dynamic interaction of residues Y(B10), Q(E11), F(E15), and the heme ligand.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of human tuberculosis, is forced into latency by nitric oxide produced by macrophages during infection. In response to nitrosative stress M. tuberculosis has evolved a defense mechanism that relies on the oxygenated form of "truncated hemoglobin" N (trHbN), formally acting as NO-dioxygenase, yielding the harmless nitrate ion. X-ray crystal structures have shown that trHbN hosts a two-branched protein matrix tunnel system, proposed to control diatomic ligand migration to the heme, as the rate-limiting step in NO conversion to nitrate. Extended molecular dynamics simulations (0.1 micros), employed here to characterize the factors controlling diatomic ligand diffusion through the apolar tunnel system, suggest that O2 migration in deoxy-trHbN is restricted to a short branch of the tunnel, and that O2 binding to the heme drives conformational and dynamical fluctuations promoting NO migration through the long tunnel branch. The simulation results suggest that trHbN has evolved a dual-path mechanism for migration of O2 and NO to the heme, to achieve the most efficient NO detoxification.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated the reaction of ferric Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin O (trHbO) with hydrogen peroxide. Stopped-flow spectrophotometric experiments under single turnover conditions showed that trHbO reacts with H(2)O(2) to give transient intermediate(s), among which is an oxyferryl heme, different from a typical peroxidase Compound I (oxyferryl heme pi-cation radical). EPR spectroscopy indicated evidence for both tryptophanyl and tyrosyl radicals, whereas redox titrations demonstrated that the peroxide-treated protein product retains 2 oxidizing eq. We propose that Compound I formed transiently is reduced with concomitant oxidation of Trp(G8) to give the detected oxoferryl heme and a radical on Trp(G8) (detected by EPR of the trHbO Tyr(CD1)Phe mutant). In the wild-type protein, the Trp(G8) radical is in turn reduced rapidly by Tyr(CD1). In a second cycle, Trp(G8) may be reoxidized by the ferryl heme to yield ferric heme and two protein radicals. In turn, these migrate to form tyrosyl radicals on Tyr(55) and Tyr(115), which lead, in the absence of a reducing substrate, to oligomerization of the protein. Steady-state kinetics in the presence of H(2)O(2) and the one-electron donor 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) indicated that trHbO has peroxidase activity, in accord with the presence of typical peroxidase intermediates. These findings suggest an oxidation/reduction function for trHbO and, by analogy, for other Group II trHbs.  相似文献   

【目的】结核分枝杆菌同源重组效率很低,突变株的构建需要半年之久。本研究的目的在于构建一种用于在结核分枝杆菌中进行基因快速敲除、且易于筛选的高效同源重组系统。【方法】野生型结核分枝杆菌转化含有SacB反向选择标记、且能诱导表达两种同源重组酶gp60和gp61的质粒pSL002。然后分别将靶基因的两个同源臂克隆入到含有hyg(潮霉素)抗性基因和gfp(绿色荧光蛋白)基因的重组质粒pSL001中,再将靶基因同源臂-loxP-hyg-gfp-loxP片段从pSL001切下,转化含有pSL002的野生型结核分枝杆菌,一步得到双交换突变株。再将含有SacB反向选择标记、且表达Cre重组酶的质粒pSL003转化入结核分枝杆菌双交换突变株中,切除两个loxP之间的hyg抗性基因和gfp基因,得到无痕缺失突变株。最后利用含有2%蔗糖的琼脂糖平板去除含有SacB反向选择标记的质粒pSL002和pSL003。【结果】在结核分枝杆菌中成功构建了高效同源重组系统,利用该系统构建了rv1364c、pstP跨膜区、pstP胞外区三个突变株,得到双交换突变株的效率为25%-62.5%,从双交换突变株得到无痕缺失突变株的效率为100%。通过gfp作为荧光标记基因,利用NightSea BlueStar蓝光手电筒和滤光眼镜,可以对平板上的基因缺失株直接进行快速判定。【结论】该同源重组系统利用gp60和gp61重组酶,在时间上将在结核分枝杆菌中无痕缺失突变株的构建从6个月缩短到3个月。这是目前为止在结核分枝杆菌中构建突变株最快且效率最高的方法,为加速分枝杆菌功能基因组的研究提供了新的遗传工具。  相似文献   

Genetic studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been greatly hampered by the inability to introduce specific chromosomal mutations. Whereas the ability to perform allelic exchanges has provided a useful method of gene disruption in other organisms, in the clinically important species of mycobacteria, such as M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis, similar approaches have thus far been unsuccessful. In this communication, we report the development of a shuttle mutagenesis strategy that involves the use of long linear recombination substrates to reproducibly obtain recombinants by allelic exchange in M. tuberculosis. Long linear recombination substrates, approximately 40 to 50 kb in length, were generated by constructing libraries in the excisable cosmid vector pYUB328. The cosmid vector could be readily excised from the recombinant cosmids by digestion with PacI, a restriction endonuclease for which there exist few, if any, sites in mycobacterial genomes. A cosmid containing the mycobacterial leuD gene was isolated, and a selectable marker conferring resistance to kanamycin was inserted into the leuD gene in the recombinant cosmid by interplasmid recombination in Escherichia coli. A long linear recombination substrate containing the insertionally mutated leuD gene was generated by PacI digestion. Electroporation of this recombination substrate containing the insertionally mutated leuD allele resulted in the generation of leucine auxotrophic mutants by homologous recombination in 6% of the kanamycin-resistant transformants for both the Erdman and H37Rv strains of M. tuberculosis. The ability to perform allelic exchanges provides an important approach for investigating the biology of this pathogen as well as developing new live-cell M. tuberculosis-based vaccines.  相似文献   

Truncated hemoglobins (trHbs) constitute a distinct lineage in the globin superfamily, distantly related in size and fold to myoglobin and monomeric hemoglobins. Their phylogenetic analyses revealed that three groups (I, II, and III) compose the trHb family. Group I and II trHbs adopt a simplified globin fold, essentially composed of a 2-on-2 alpha-helical sandwich, wrapped around the heme group. So far no structural data have been reported for group III trHbs. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of the group III trHbP from the eubacterium Campylobacter jejuni. The 2.15-A resolution crystal structure of C. jejuni trHbP (cyano-met form) shows that the 2-on-2 trHb fold is substantially conserved in the trHb group III, despite the absence of the Gly-based sequence motifs that were considered necessary for the attainment of the trHb specific fold. The heme crevice presents important structural modifications in the C-E region and in the FG helical hinge, with novel surface clefts at the proximal heme site. Contrary to what has been observed for group I and II trHbs, no protein matrix tunnel/cavity system is evident in C. jejuni trHbP. A gating movement of His(E7) side chain (found in two alternate conformations in the crystal structure) may be instrumental for ligand entry to the heme distal site. Sequence conservation allows extrapolating part of the structural results here reported to the whole trHb group III.  相似文献   

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