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In order to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling agronomic trait variation and their consistency under Mediterranean conditions in barley, a progeny of 167 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) and the parents Tadmor and Er/Apm, originating from the Mediterranean basin, were grown under Mediterranean conditions in 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1999. For the 2 first years (M95 and G96), one replicate was grown, but for the latter (M97 and M99) two rainfed (rain) and two irrigated (ir) replicates were produced. M95, G96, M97rain, M97ir, M99rain and M99ir were considered as six different environments and were compared in terms of their meteorological conditions and water supply. Grain yield and yield components were assessed, as well as heading date and plant height. Highly significant differences were noted between environments. QTLs were obtained from each environment separately and from a multiple environment analysis (simple interval mapping and simplified composite interval mapping). Despite heterogeneity between environments, numerous QTLs were common to several environments. This was particularly true for traits like plant height and thousand-grain weight. The most reliable QTLs which explained the largest part of the phenotypic variation were obtained for plant height on chromosomes 3 (3H) and 6 (6H). The multiple-environment analysis provided an opportunity to identify consistent QTLs for agronomic traits over six Mediterranean environments. A total of 24 consistent QTLs were detected. Out of these, 11 presented main effects, seven presented QTL×E interaction, and six presented both effects. In addition, 18 of the consistent QTLs were common to other published work and six seemed specific to this study. These latter QTLs could be involved in Mediterranean adaptive specificities or could be specific to the studied genetic background. Finally, when the rainfed and the irrigated environments of M97 were considered separately, a total of 16 QTLs presenting main effects over the two water conditions were identified, whereas five QTLs seemed dependent on the water conditions. Received: 31 January 2001 / Accepted: 19 February 2001  相似文献   

 We report results from a breeding strategy designed to accumulate favorable QTL alleles for grain yield identified in the SteptoeבMorex’ (SM) barley germplasm. Two map lines (SM73 and SM145) from the original mapping population were selected based on their marker genotype and QTL structure. When crossed, these lines would be expected to produce progeny with most favorable QTL alleles. One hundred doubled haploid (DH) lines from the F1 hybrid of this cross were genotyped with ten RFLP markers and one morphological marker defining grain yield to monitor QTL segregation. A subset of 24 lines representing various combinations of putatively favorable and unfavorable QTL alleles, together with Steptoe, ‘Morex’, SM73, and SM145, were phenotyped for grain yield in five environments. Multiple regression procedures were used to explore phenotype and genotype relationships. Most target QTLs showed significant effects. However, significance and magnitude of QTL effects and favorable QTL allele phase varied across environments. All target QTLs showed significant QTL-by-environment interaction (QTL×E), and the QTL on chromosome 2 expressed alternative favorable QTL alleles in different environments. Digenic epistatic effects were also detected between some QTL loci. For traits such as grain yield, marker-assisted selection efforts may be better targeted at determining optimum combinations of QTL alleles rather than pyramiding alleles detected in a reference mapping population. Received: 2 June 1998 / Accepted: 17 September 1998  相似文献   

By using a high-density AFLP marker linkage map, six QTLs for partial resistance to barley leaf rust (Puccinia hordei) isolate 1.2.1. have been identified in the RIL offspring of a cross between the partially resistant cultivar ’Vada’ and the susceptible line L94. Three QTLs were effective at the seedling stage, and five QTLs were effective at the adult plant stage. To study possible isolate specificity of the resistance, seedlings and adult plants of the 103 RILs from the cross L94×’Vada’ were also inoculated with another leaf rust isolate, isolate 24. In addition to the two QTLs that were effective against isolate 1.2.1. at the seedling stage, an additional QTL for seedling resistance to isolate 24 was identified on the long arm of chromosome 7. Of the eight detected QTLs effective at the adult plant stage, three were effective in both isolates and five were effective in only one of the two isolates. Only one QTL had a substantial effect at both the seedling and the adult plant stages. The expression of the other QTLs was developmental-stage specific. The isolate specificity of the QTLs supports the hypothesis of Parlevliet and Zadoks (1977) that partial resistance may be based on a minor-gene-for-minor-gene interaction. Received: 16 February 1999 / Accepted: 20 February 1999  相似文献   

 Osmotic adjustment (OA) was previously demonstrated to be an important adaptive mechanism of drought tolerance in cereals. In order to determine which genomic regions are involved in OA variation, 187 barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between Tadmor (drought tolerant) and Er/Apm (susceptible) were studied in a growth chamber for their OA capacity (through correlated traits and by calculation), at an early growth stage and under two water treatments (soil moisture of 14% and 100% of field capacity). The continuous distribution of the traits and their broad-sense line heritabilities, ranging from 0.04 to 0.44, indicated that OA and related traits should have a polygenic nature. A subset of 167 RILs were also genotyped using 78 RFLP, 32 RAPD and three morphological markers and a linkage map was constructed. Despite strong environmental effects acting on the traits, interval mapping and single-marker ANOVA allowed the detection of three QTLs for relative water content (RWC), four QTLs for osmotic potential (ψπ), two QTLs of osmotic potential at full turgor (ψπ100) and one QTL for osmotic adjustment at a soil moisture of 14% field capacity. For the irrigated treatment, only two QTLs were detected: one for RWC and one for ψπ100. Two chromosomal regions were involved in several OA-related trait variations and could be considered as regions controlling OA; these were present on chromosome 1 (7H) and chromosome 6 (6H), whereas other regions were specific for one trait. No major QTL was found. However, the genomic region involved in OA-related traits on chromosome 1 (7H) in barley seemed to be conserved for OA variation among cereals. Epistatic effects, with or without additive effects, acted on the traits. Received: 15 July 1997 / Accepted: 29 October 1997  相似文献   

Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum, the wild progenitor of barley, is a potential source of useful genetic variation for barley breeding programs. The objective of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in an advanced backcross population of barley. A total of 207 BC3 lines were developed using the 2-rowed German spring cultivar Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare 'Brenda' as a recurrent parent and the H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum accession HS584 as a donor parent. The lines were genotyped by 108 simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers and evaluated in field tests for the measurement of grain yield and its components, such as ear length, spikelet number per spike, grain number per spike, spike number, and 1000-grain mass, as well as heading date and plant height. A total of 100 QTLs were detected. Ten QTLs with increasing effects were found for ear length, spikelet number, and grain number per spike. Three QTLs contributed by HS584 were found to significantly decrease days to heading across all years at 2 locations. In addition, 2 QTLs from HS584 on chromosomes 2H and 3H were associated with resistance to leaf rust. Based on genotypic data obtained from this population, 55 introgression lines carrying 1 or 2 donor segments were selected to develop a set of doubled-haploid lines, which will be used to reconfirm and investigate the effects of 100 QTLs for future genetic studies.  相似文献   

Advanced backcross (AB)-quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis has been successfully applied for detecting and transferring QTLs from unadapted germplasm into elite breeding lines in various plant species. Here, we describe the application of a modified AB breeding scheme to spring barley. A BC3-doubled haploid (DH) population consisting of 181 lines derived from the German spring barley cultivar Brenda (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare) as the recurrent parent and the wild species line HS213 (H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum) as the donor line was evaluated for yield and its components as well as malting quality traits. A set of 60 microsatellite markers was used to genotype the population, and phenotypic data were collected at two locations in Germany in continuous years. Altogether, 25 significant QTLs were detected by single-marker regression analysis and interval mapping. Most positive QTLs originated from the recurrent parent Brenda. A QTL, Qhd2.1, on chromosome 2HS from Brenda explained 18.3% and 20.7% of the phenotypic variation for yield and heading date, respectively. Due to the small percentage of donor-parent genome of 6.25%, the BC3-DH lines could be directly used for the extraction of near-isogenic lines (NILs) for Qhd2.1. Consequently, it was possible to determine the precise location of the locus hd2.1 within a region of 6.5 cM, using an F2 population consisting of 234 individuals developed from a cross between an NIL containing a defined donor segment at this locus and Brenda. The location of this QTL was consistent with the presence of a major photoperiod response gene, Ppd-H1, previously reported in this region, which is associated with pleiotropic effects on yield components. In summary, the analysis of a BC3-DH population in barley provides a compromise between the analysis of QTLs by means of an AB scheme and the generation of defined substitution lines. Several lines carrying defined different donor segments for only one single chromosome or trait in the genetic background of Brenda could be selected for further genetic studies.  相似文献   

 An intervarietal molecular-marker map was used for the detection of genomic regions influencing crossability between wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) and rye (Secale cereale L.). Analysis of deviance and logistic marker-regression methods were conducted on data from doubled haploid lines from a cross between “Courtot” and “Chinese Spring”. A major quantitative trait locus (QTL) involved in crossability, associated with the marker Xfba367-5B, was detected on the short arm of chromosome 5B. An additional locus, Xwg583-5B, was indicated on the long arm of chromosome 5B. This minor QTL might correspond to Kr1 which was presumed to be the major gene controlling crossability. Another locus of the genome, Xtam51-7A on chromosome 7A, was significantly associated with this trait. Alleles of “non-crossability” were contributed by the non-crossable cultivar “Courtot”. The three-marker model explains 65% of the difference in crossability between the two parents. The present results are discussed in relation to those previously carried out to locate the Kr genes by using the telocentric mapping technique. Received: 27 February 1998 / Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   

The ability of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeders to deliver germplasm that combine elite malt quality characteristics, disease resistances, and important agronomic traits has been greatly enhanced by the use of molecular marker technologies. These technologies facilitate the rapid transfer of desirable traits from diverse, elite, germplasm into locally adapted varieties. This present study sought to obtain an additive genetic effect by combining favourable alleles associated with the malting quality of two elite donor parents (Harrington and Morex) such that the resultant progeny would possess quality superior to either parent. Analysis of genetic diversity, based on whole-genome profiling with 700 DArT markers, showed clear separation of the BC6F1-derived doubled haploid lines from existing malting barley germplasm, indicating they represent a distinctly different source population for genetic improvement. Micro-malting quality results of the BC-derived lines showed substantial quality improvements, compared with the recurrent parent. Malt extract levels were increased by 1.5–2.0%, while diastase levels increased from approximately 320 WKE to 400–460 WKE. Similarly, α-amylase levels were increased from 160 units to between 218 and 251 units, and wort viscosities lowered from 1.90 cps to 1.72–1.82 cps. Other quality improvements include increases in β-glucanase levels from 375 to between 447 and 512 units, and reductions in wort β-glucan levels by 30–60%. Whilst the genetic gains compared to the recurrent parent were impressive, quality of the derived lines were largely equivalent to the levels now available in the recently released varieties, Buloke and Flagship. In a few cases, the backcross-derived lines also showed similarities to the original donors, Harrington and Morex, but in none of the cases did quality of these lines exceed those of either Harrington or Morex.  相似文献   

 The partial resistance to leaf rust in barley is a quantitative resistance that is not based on hypersensitivity. To map the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for partial resistance to leaf rust, we obtained 103 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) by single-seed descent from a cross between the susceptible parent L94 and the partially resistant parent Vada. These RILs were evaluated at the seedling and adult plant stages in the greenhouse for the latent period (LP) of the rust fungus, and in the field for the level of infection, measured as area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). A dense genetic map based on 561 AFLP markers had been generated previously for this set of RILs. QTLs for partial resistance to leaf rust were mapped using the “Multiple Interval Mapping” method with the putative QTL markers as cofactors. Six QTLs for partial resistance were identified in this population. Three QTLs, Rphq1, Rphq2 and Rphq3, were effective at the seedling stage and contributed approximately 55% to the phenotypic variance. Five QTLs, Rph2, Rphq3, Rphq4, Rphq5, and/or Rphq6 contributed approximtely. 60% of the phenotypic variance and were effective at the adult plant stage. Therefore, only the QTLs Rphq2 and Rhpq3 were not plant-stage dependent. The identified QTLs showed mainly additive effects and only one significant interaction was detected, i.e. between Rphq1 and Rphq2. The map positions of these QTLs did not coincide with those of the race-specific resistance genes, suggesting that genes for partial resistance and genes for hypersensitive resistance represent entirely different gene families. Also, three QTLs for days to heading, of which two were also involved in plant height, were identified in the present recombinant inbred population. These QTLs had been mapped previously on the same positions in different populations. The perspectives of these results for breeding for durable resistance to leaf rust are discussed. Received: 15 July 1997 / Accepted: 30 December 1997  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been revealed for characters in a segregating population from a spring barley cross between genotypes adapted to North-West Europe. Transgressive segregation was found for all the characters, which was confirmed by the regular detection of positive and negative QTLs from both parents. A QTL for all the agronomic, yield and grain characters measured except thousand grain weight was found in the region of the denso dwarfing gene locus. There were considerable differences between the location of QTLs found in the present study and those found in previous studies of North American germ plasm, revealing the diversity between the two gene pools. Thirty-one QTLs were detected in more than one environment for the 13 characters studied, although many more were detected in just one environment. Whilst biometrical analyses suggested the presence of epistasis in the genetic control of some characters, there was little evidence of interactions between the QTLs apart from those associated with yield. QTLs of large effect sometimes masked the presence of QTLs of smaller effect.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) and QTL x environment (E) interaction effects for agronomic and malting quality traits were measured using a 123-point linkage map and multi-environment phenotype data from an F1-derived doubled haploid population of barley (Hordeum vulgare). The QTL × E interactions were due to differences in magnitude of QTL effects. Highly significant QTL effects were found for all traits at multiple sites in the genome. Yield QTL peaks and support intervals often coincided with plant height and lodging QTL peaks and support intervals. QTL were detected in the vicinity of a previously mapped Mendelian maturity locus and known function probes for- and-amylase genes. The average map density (9.6 cM) should be adequate for molecular marker-assisted selection, particularly since there were few cases of alternative favorable alleles for different traits mapping to the same or adjacent intervals.Oreg Agric Exp Stn J No. 10150  相似文献   

Although F2s are the most informative populations for genetic analysis, it has been difficult to use F2 populations directly for QTL analysis because it is usually difficult to assess the reliability of the data, due to an inability to estimate the experimental errors. In this study, we performed a QTL analysis for yield and yield-component traits of an F2 population based on data from replicated field trials over 2 years using vegetative shoots of ratooned plants, making use of the ratooning habit of rice. The objective of this study was to explore the possibility of conducting QTL analyses directly based on an F2 population by means of ratooning plants. The experimental population was from a cross between ’Zhenshan 97’ and ’Minghui 63’, the parents of ’Shanyou 63’, an elite rice hybrid widely grown in China. A genetic linkage map containing 151 molecular markers was constructed for QTL mapping. A total of 20 distinct QTLs were detected; eight of these were detected in both years and remaining 12 in only 1 year. Compared with the results of our previous analysis of the F2:3 families from the same cross, it was shown that most of the QTLs detected in the ratooned F2 population were also detected in the F2:3 population. However, the estimates of both additive and dominant types of genetic effects for many of the QTLs based on F2 ratoons were substantially larger than those based on F2:3 families. The results indicate that vegetatively ratooned F2 populations may have considerable utility in the mapping of QTLs, especially if dominant types of gene actions are of concern, although there were certain technical limitations in making use of such populations in the experiments. Received: 11 November 1999 / Accepted: 24 November 1999  相似文献   

 Genome-analysis tools are useful for dissecting complex phenotypes and manipulating determinants of these phenotypes in breeding programs. Quantitative trait locus (QTL)-analysis tools were used to map QTLs conferring adult plant resistance to stripe rust (caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp. hordei) in barley. The resistance QTLs were introgressed into a genetic background unrelated to the mapping population with one cycle of marker-assisted backcrossing. Doubled-haploid lines were derived from selected backcross lines, phenotyped for stripe-rust resistance, and genotyped with an array of molecular markers. The resistance QTLs that were introgressed were significant determinants of resistance in the new genetic background. Additional resistance QTLs were also detected. The susceptible parent contributed resistance alleles at two of these new QTLs. We hypothesize that favorable alleles were fixed at these new QTLs in the original mapping population. Genetic background may, therefore, have an important role in QTL-transfer experiments. A breeding system is described that integrates single-copy and multiplex markers with confirmation of the target phenotype in doubled-haploid lines phenotyped in field tests. This approach may be useful for simultaneously producing agronomically useful germplasm and contributing to an understanding of quantitatively inherited traits. Received: 6 May 1997 / Accepted: 1 September 1997  相似文献   

QTLs for salt-tolerance(ST)related traits at the seedling and tillering stages were identified using 99 BC2F8 introgression lines(IL)derived from a cross between IR64(indica)as a recurrent parent and Binam(japonica)from Iran as the donor parent.Thirteen QTLs affecting survival days of seedlings(SDS), score of salt toxicity of leaves(SST),shoot K concentration(SKC)and shoot Na concentration(SNC) at the seedling stage and 22 QTLs underlying fresh weight of shoots(FW),tiller number per plant(TN) and plant height(PH)at the tillering stage were identified.Most QTLs detected at the tillering stage showed obvious differential expression to salt stress and were classified into three types based on their differential behaviors.Type I included 11 QTLs which were expressed only under the non-stress condition.Type II included five QTLs expressed in the control and the salt stress conditions,and three of them(QPh5,QPh8 and QTn9)had similar quantity and the same direction of gene effect,suggesting their expression was less influenced by salt stress.Type III included six QTLs which were detectable only under salt stress,suggesting that these QTLs were apparently induced by the stress.Thirteen QTLs affecting trait difference or trait stability of ILs between the stress and non-stress conditions were identified and the Binam alleles at all loci except QPh4,QTn2 and QFw2a decreased trait difference.The three QTLs less influenced by the stress and 13 QTLs affecting trait stability were considered as ST QTLs which contributed to ST.Comparing the distribution of QTLs detected at the seedling and tillering stages,most(69%)of them were genetically independent.Only four were the same or adjacent regions on chromosomes 1,2,8 and 11 harboring ST QTLs detected at the two stages,suggesting that partial genetic overlap of ST across the two stages occurs.It is likely,therefore,to develop ST rice variety for both stages by pyramiding of ST QTLs of different stages or selection against the overlapping QTLs between the two stages via marker-assisted selection(MAS).  相似文献   

The identification and location of sources of genetic resistance to plant diseases are important contributions to the development of resistant varieties. The combination of different sources and types of resistance in the same genotype should assist in the development of durably resistant varieties. Using a doubled haploid (DH), mapping population of barley, we mapped a qualitative resistance gene (Rpsx) to barley stripe rust in the accession CI10587 (PI 243183) to the long arm of chromosome 1(7H). We combined the Rpsx gene, through a series of crosses, with three mapped and validated barley stripe rust resistance QTL alleles located on chromosomes 4(4H) (QTL4), 5(1H) (QTL5), and 7(5H) (QTL7). Three different barley DH populations were developed from these crosses, two combining Rpsx with QTL4 and QTL7, and the third combining Rpsx with QTL5. Disease severity testing in four environments and QTL mapping analyses confirmed the effects and locations of Rpsx, QTL4, and QTL5, thereby validating the original estimates of QTL location and effect. QTL alleles on chromosomes 4(4H) and 5(1H) were effective in decreasing disease severity in the absence of the resistance allele at Rpsx. Quantitative resistance effects were mainly additive, although magnitude interactions were detected. Our results indicate that combining qualitative and quantitative resistance in the same genotype is feasible. However, the durability of such resistance pyramids will require challenge from virulent isolates, which currently are not reported in North America.Communicated by J.W. SnapeOregon Agricultural Experiment Station paper No. 11953  相似文献   

Summary The triple test cross analysis of Jinks and Perkins (1970) was used to study different components of genetic variation in four barley F2 populations, C 164x IB 226, C 164xJyoti, IB 226xP 113 and DL 3xP 113, for final plant height, spike length, 100-kernel weight, grain yield per plant and harvest index. The overall epistasis (i type) was, in general, a minor component but the j & 1 type epistasis was an important element for all five characters in cross 3 (IB 226xP 113). Both the additive (D) and dominance (H) components were highly significant for all the five characters in all four crosses. The dominance was directional in all cases except for 100-grain weight in crosses 1 (C 164xIB 226), 2 (C 164xJyoti) and 4(DL 3xP 113).  相似文献   

An RFLP map constructed from 99 doubled haploid lines of a cross between two spring barley varieties (Blenheim × Kym) was used to localize quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling grain yield and yield components by marker regression and single-marker analysis. Trials were conducted over three years. Genotype-by-year interaction was detected for plant grain weight and ear grain weight so they were analysed separately for each year. None was detected for thousand-grain weight and ear grain number so data were pooled over years. A total of eleven QTL were detected for plant grain weight over two years and fourteen for ear grain weight over three years. Seven QTL were detected for plot yield. The locus with the largest effect was on chromosome 2(2H)L and accounted for 19% of the variation in the progeny. Eight QTL were detected for thousand-grain weight and five for ear grain number. Many of the QTL detected were in comparable positions in each year. Yield and yield components were only partly correlated. Comparisons based on common RFLP markers showed that some QTL were found in positions similar to those identified in other studies. For a number of QTL the identification of linked markers provided suitable opportunities for marker-assisted selection and improvement of barley and reference markers with which to analyse the homoeologous chromosome regions of wheat and other cereals.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, leaf rust, and Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) are important diseases of barley (Hordeum vulgare L). Using 94 doubled-haploid lines (DH) from the cross of Shyri x Galena, multiple disease phenotype datasets, and a 99-marker linkage map, we determined the number, genome location, and effects of genes conferring resistance to these diseases. We also mapped Resistance Gene Analog Polymorphism (RGAP) loci, based on degenerate motifs of cloned disease resistance genes, in the same population. Leaf rust resistance was determined by a single gene on chromosome 1 (7H). QTLs on chromosomes 2 (2H), 3 (3H), 5 (1H), and 6 (6H) were the principal determinants of resistance to stripe rust. Two- locus QTL interactions were significant determinants of resistance to this disease. Resistance to the MAV and PAV serotypes of BYDV was determined by coincident QTLs on chromosomes 1 (7H), 4 (4H), and 5 (1H). QTL interactions were not significant for BYDV resistance. The associations of molecular markers with qualitative and quantitative disease resistance loci will be a useful information for marker-assisted selection. Received: 2 February 1999 / Accepted: 30 December 1999  相似文献   

Wu B  Han ZM  Li ZX  Xing YZ 《遗传》2012,34(2):215-222
普通野生稻(Oryza Rufipogon)是重要的遗传资源,发掘其优良等位基因将对水稻遗传改良产生重要影响。文章从以珍汕97为轮回亲本,普通野生稻为供体的BC2F1群体中选择一个与珍汕97表型明显不同的单株BC2F1-15,经过连续自交获得回交重组自交系BC2F5群体。均匀分布于12条染色体的126个多态性SSR(Simplesequence repeats)标记基因型分析,发现BC2F1-15单株在30%的标记位点为杂合基因型;利用该群体共检测到4个抽穗期、3个株高、4个每穗颖花数、2个千粒重和1个单株产量QTL。在第7染色体RM481-RM2区间,检测到抽穗期、每穗颖花数和产量QTL,野生稻等位基因表现增效作用;其他3个每穗颖花数QTL位点,野生稻等位基因也均具有增效作用。结果表明野生稻携带有增产相关的等位基因,这些有利等位基因无疑是水稻遗传改良可资利用的新资源。  相似文献   

Grain yield and plant height of 80 recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSLs) of barley were measured in six environments with contrasting available moisture profiles. Two environments were in OR, USA (Moro and Pendleton) during one growing season (2004), and four in Chile (Cauquenes and Santa Rosa) during two growing seasons (2004/2005 and 2007/2008). From the yield data obtained in the different environments, yield adaptability (Finlay–Wilkinson slope) and stability (deviations from regression) were calculated. Two commercial cultivars (Harrington and Baronesse) were used as checks in all environments. Marker-quantitative trait associations were identified using 47 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and the general linear model (GLM) implemented in TASSEL. The mean plant height and grain yield of the 80 RCSLs differed greatly across environments, reflecting differences in water availability. In all environments, there were significant differences (P < 0.05) in grain yield among RCSLs. There was also abundant variation in yield adaptability, indicating a differential response of the RCSLs to environmental conditions across environments. Using principal component analysis, it was possible to identify genotypes with better agronomic performance than the recurrent parent cv. Harrington. The association analysis revealed 21 chromosomal regions that were highly correlated with differences in grain yield, plant height and/or yield adaptability (Finlay–Wilkinson slope). In approximately one-fourth of the cases, the H. spontaneum donor contributed favorable alleles. The associations were referenced to the quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the same traits reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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