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Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) was transported together with H+ inC4 mesophyll chloroplasts. Medium alkalization and stromal acidificationdue to pyruvate uptake into maize mesophyll chloroplasts inthe light were partially inhibited by adding PEP. Thus, theH+ taken up by H+/pyruvate cotransport into mesophyll chloroplastsis released together with PEP in vivo. (Received August 5, 1994; Accepted October 3, 1994)  相似文献   

The mechanism of light-dependent active transport of pyruvatein C4 mesophyll chloroplasts has not been clarified, particularlyin Na+-type C4 species, in which the pyruvate uptake into mesophyllchloroplasts is enhanced by illumination or by making a Na+gradient (Na+-jump) across the envelope in the dark. We re-investigatedhere the effect of Na+ on the active transport of pyruvate inmesophyll chloroplasts of Panicum miliaceum, a Na+-type C4 species,by comparing the rate of pyruvate uptake at various externalpHs under four conditions; in the light and dark together with/withoutNa+-jump: (1) At neutral pH, the rate of pyruvate uptake inthe dark was enhanced by Na+-jump but scarcely by illumination.(2) While the enhancement effect by Na+-jump was independentof external pH, that by illumination increased greatly at pHover 7.4, and the effects of light and Na+ at the alkaline pHwere synergistic. (3) The light-enhanced pyruvate uptake wasrelated to stromal alkalization induced by illumination. Infact, pyruvate uptake was induced by H+-jump in the medium frompH 8.0 to 6.7. (4) Stromal pH was lowered by the addition ofK+-pyruvate and more by Na+-pyruvate into the medium at pH 7.8in the light. (5) However, the pH and ATP levels in the stromawere not affected by Na+-jump. Thus, we discussed possibility that besides pyruvate/Na+ cotransportat neutral pH in the medium, pyruvate/H+ cotransport enhancedby the presence of Na+ operates in mesophyll chloroplasts ofNa+-type C4 species at alkaline medium. 1Present address: Biological Resources Division, Japan InternationalResearch Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Ministryof Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2-1 Ohwashi, Tsukuba,305 Japan  相似文献   

Thirty-eight C4 species including both mono- and dicotyledonswere surveyed for light-enhanced pyruvate uptake into mesophyllchloroplasts and tested whether this enhancement could be mimickedby either a "sodium jump" or a "proton jump" of the medium inthe dark. The majority of species responded to a sodium jump,while only species of the Andropogoneae and the Arundinelleaefrom the Gramineae responded to a proton jump. (Received April 17, 1992; Accepted June 18, 1992)  相似文献   

Light-dependent active uptake of pyruvate was reported in mesophyllchloroplasts of a C4 plant, Panicum miliaceum [Ohnishi and Kanai(1987) Plant Cell Physiol. 28: 1]. The present study tried toclarify the energy source of this active uptake. Preilluminationof the mesophyll chloroplasts increased over tenfold their pyruvateuptake in the light and dark. This indicates that light itselfis not essential for the enhancement. The pyruvate uptake capacity(the initial uptake rate) of the mesophyll chloroplasts increasedon illumination and reached a steady-state level after a fewminutes; this rise was faster under higher light intensities.When the chloroplasts were returned to darkness, the uptakecapacity decayed with a half-life of about 1 min; this was independentof the light intensity of preillumination. Illumination of thechloroplasts also increased the stromal pH from about 7 to 8and the stromal ATP level from about 5 to 15–25 nmol.(mg chl)–1. The change of the former during dark-to-lightand light-to-dark transitions occurred within 2 to 5 min, whilethe change of the latter took place much faster within 1 min.The steady-state levels of the pyruvate uptake capacity andstromal pH were saturated at a light intensity of 3 µE.m–2.s–1,while the ATP level increased with a further increase in thelight intensity. The former two parameters also showed similarsensitivity to the inhibition by carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone,while a higher concentration of the inhibitor was needed toreduce the ATP level. Nitrite at 4 mM inhibited the light-dependentpyruvate uptake and stromal alkalization but had little effecton the stromal ATP level, while 2 mM arsenate decreased thestromal ATP without significant effects on pyruvate uptake andstromal pH. The good correlation of pyruvate uptake and stromalpH suggests that the active pyruvate uptake by the mesophyllchloroplasts is primarily driven by the pH gradient across theenvelope. (Received August 15, 1986; Accepted December 8, 1986)  相似文献   

Intact chloroplasts were isolated from mesophyll and bundlesheath protoplasts of a C4 plant, Panicum miliaceum L., to measurethe uptake of [1-14C]pyruvate into their sorbitol-impermeablespaces at 4?C by the silicone oil filtering centrifugation method.When incubated in the dark, both chloroplasts showed similarslow kinetics of pyruvate uptake, and the equilibrium internalconcentrations were almost equal to the external levels. Whenincubated in the light, only mesophyll chloroplasts showed remarkableenhancement of the uptake, the internal concentration reaching10–30 times of the external level after 5 min incubation.The initial uptake rate of the mesophyll chloroplasts was enhancedabout ten fold by light and was saturated with increasing pyruvateconcentration; Km and Vmax were 0.2–0.4 mM and 20–40µmol(mg Chl)–1 h–1, respectively. The lightenhancement was abolished by DCMU and uncoupling reagents suchas carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone and nigericin. Theseresults indicate the existence of a light-dependent pyruvatetransport system in the envelope of mesophyll chloroplasts ofP. miliaceum. The uptake activity of mesophyll chloroplastsboth in the light and the dark was inhibited by sulfhydryl reagentssuch as mersalyl and p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate, but thebundle sheath activity was insensitive to the reagents. Thesefindings are further evidence for the differentiation of mesophylland bundle sheath chloroplasts of a C4 plant with respect tometabolite transport. (Received July 3, 1986; Accepted October 8, 1986)  相似文献   

Mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts were isolated by differential grinding from the leaves of two NADP-ME C4 plants, Setaria italica Beauv. cv. H-1, Pennisetum typhoides S & H. cv. AKP-2, and a NAD-ME C4 species Amaranthus paniculatus L. The mesophyll chloroplasts of C4 plants possessed slightly lower Km for ADP and Pi than those of bundle sheath chloroplasts. The Hill reaction activities and noncyclic photophosphorylation rates of the bundle sheath chloropiasts from S. italica and P. typhoides were less than one-fifth of those by the mesophyll chloroplasts. But the bundle sheath chloroplasts of A. paniculatus exhibited high rates of Hill reaction, cyclic as well as noncyclic photophosphorylation. The pigment- and eyiochrome composition suggested a relative enrichment of PS 1 in bundle sheath chloroplasts of S. italica and P. typhoides. The chain exists in both mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts. As much as 35–52% of leaf chlorophyll was located in the bundle sheath chloroplasts. The photochemical activities of bundle sheath chloroplasts are significant though a major part of leaf photochemical potential is associated with the mesophyll chloroplasts.  相似文献   

In C4 plants phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) of the C4 cycle may betransported on a chloroplast transporter which also transports3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) and triosephosphates. In C3 plantsPEP is not considered to be effectively transported on the chloroplastphosphate translocator. The influences of certain organic phosphates,having a similar structure to either PEP or triose-phosphates,on 3-PGA dependent O2 evolution by C4 (Digitaria sanquinalisL. Scop.) and C3 (Hordeum vulgare L.) mesophyll chloroplastswere investigated. In the C4 mesophyll chloroplasts phosphoglycolatewas a competitive inhibitor (Ki = 2.1 mM) of 3-PGA dependentO2 evolution, and was as effective as previously reported forPEP. 2-Phosphoglycerate was also a competitive inhibitor (Kt= 8.6 mM) of O2 evolution in the C4 mesophyll chloroplasts with3-PGA as substrate, while phospholactate was a weak inhibitorand glyphosate had no effect. Neither PEP, phosphoglycolatenor 2-phosphoglycerate were effective inhibitors of 3- PGA dependentO2 evolution in the C3 chloroplasts. Phosphohydroxypyruvatewas a competitive inhibitor of 3-PGA dependent O22 evolutionin both chloroplast types. The selectivity in inhibition ofO2 evolution with 3-PGA as substrate suggests that the C4 mesophyllchloroplasts can recognize certain organic phosphates with thephosphate in the C-2 or C-3 position but that the C4 mesophyllchloroplasts can only effectively recognize certain organicphosphates with the phosphate in the C-3 position. The resultsalso support the view that 3-PGA and PEP are transported onthe same phosphate translocator in C4 mesophyll chloroplasts. 1 Current address: Department of Horticulture, 2001 Fyffe Court,The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1096. (Received March 24, 1987; Accepted April 16, 1987)  相似文献   

Pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase (EC [EC] ) was activatedin the light and inactivated following a dark treatment in intactmaize mesophyll chloroplasts. Addition of catalase (100–250units/ml) to the assay medium was necessary to obtain good activationand to keep the enzyme in an active state during illumination.Arsenate and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl-hydrazone, uncouplersof photophosphorylation, inhibited the activation. Pyruvate,which has been proposed to have a critical role in supportingthe light activation of pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase, actuallyinhibited the activation. The pyruvate level in the chloroplastsuspension decreased when the enzyme was light-activated. Measurementsof adenylates and pyruvate in the chloroplasts indicated thatthe energy state of the chloroplasts was more important forthe light activation than was the level of pyruvate. 1Present address: Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science,Saitama University, 255, Shimo-Okubo, Urawa, 338 Japan 2Present address: National Institute of Agrobiological Resources,Yatabe, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305 Japan (Received May 2, 1989; Accepted October 2, 1989)  相似文献   

In C4 plants, bundle sheath (BS) chloroplasts are arranged inthe centripetal position or in the centrifugal position, althoughmesophyll (M) chloroplasts are evenly distributed along cellmembranes. To examine the molecular mechanism for the intracellulardisposition of these chloroplasts, we observed the distributionof actin filaments in BS and M cells of the C4 plants fingermillet (Eleusine coracana) and maize (Zea mays) using immunofluorescence.Fine actin filaments encircled chloroplasts in both cell types,and an actin network was observed adjacent to plasma membranes.The intracellular disposition of both chloroplasts in fingermillet was disrupted by centrifugal force but recovered within2 h in the dark. Actin filaments remained associated with chloroplastsduring recovery. We also examined the effects of inhibitorson the rearrangement of chloroplasts. Inhibitors of actin polymerization,myosin-based activities and cytosolic protein synthesis blockedmigration of chloroplasts. In contrast, a microtubule-depolymerizingdrug had no effect. These results show that C4 plants possessa mechanism for keeping chloroplasts in the home position whichis dependent on the actomyosin system and cytosolic proteinsynthesis but not tubulin or light.  相似文献   

A new extraction procedure and an LDH-coupled assay method are presented for the study of pyruvate kinase (PK) in leaf crude extracts from Cynodon dactylon(L.) Pers and other C4plants. Extraction at pH 6.8 and assay at pH 6.2 facilitated the measuring of PK activity by eliminating phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase interference more effectively than the thermal inactivation or chemical inhibition previously used. The method suggested did not affect the kinetic properties of PK as compared to the purified enzyme from C. dactylon.  相似文献   

Chloroplast envelopes were isolated from chloroplasts purifiedfrom Spinacea oleracea L. (C3), Panicum miliaceum L. (NAD-malicenzyme-type C1), Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. (NADP-malicenzyme-type C4), Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet et Perrier (constitutiveCAM), and from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. (inducible CAM)performing either C3 photosynthesis or Crassulacean acid metabolism(CAM). For each species, methods were developed to isolate chloroplastenvelopes free of thylakoid contamination. The polypeptidesof ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase which has been consistentlyreported in envelope preparations of spinach were not foundin envelope preparations of C4 mesophyll chloroplasts. Silverstaining of envelope polypeptides resolved electrophoreticallyon sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gradient slab gels produceda more complex profile than did Coomassie staining which haspreviously been used with C3 envelope preparations, even thoughsilver reacted poorly with polypeptides corresponding to thesubunits of RuBP carboxylase. All of the plants examined possesseda major polypeptide of 27 to 29 kilodaltons (kD) which was previouslysuggested to be the phosphate translocator in spinach. WithC3 M. crystallinum, the 29 kD polypeptide stained most intensely.After induction of CAM, a 32 kD polypeptide also stained intensely,giving a profile similar to that obtained with the constitutiveCAM species. A 32 kD polypeptide was also prominent in C4 envelopepreparations, suggesting that a 32 kD polypeptide may be a translocatorprotein which is required in Crassulacean acid metabolism andC4 photosynthesis, but not in C3 photosynthesis. (Received April 25, 1983; Accepted July 9, 1983)  相似文献   

Mode of photosynthesis in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum changesfrom C3 to Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) when the plantswere stressed with high salinity. [14C]Pyruvate uptake for 30s into intact chloroplasts isolated from leaves of the CAM modeof M. crystallinum was enhanced more than 5-fold in the lightcompared with that in the dark. The stromal concentration ofpyruvate in the light reached to more than 2.5 times of themedium. In contrast, little or no pyruvate uptake occurred inchloroplasts from C3 leaves in either light or dark condition.The initial uptake rate (10 s incubation at 4°C) into theCAM chloroplasts in the light was about 3-fold higher than therate in the dark. Km and Vmax of the initial uptake in the lightwere 0.54 mM and 8.5 µmol (mg Chl)–1 h–1 respectively.These suggest that pyruvate was actively incorporated into theCAM chloroplasts against its concentration gradient across theenvelope in the light. When hydroponically grown M. crystallinumwere stressed by 350 mM NaCl, the capacity of chloroplasts forpyruvate uptake was induced in 6 d corresponding to the inductionof the activities of PEP-carboxylase and NAD(P)+-malic enzymesin response to salt stress. (Received October 12, 1995; Accepted January 19, 1996)  相似文献   

A procedure is described for isolating and purifying mesophyll protoplasts and bundle sheath protoplasts of the C4 plant Panicum miliaceum. Following enzymic digestion of leaf tissue, mesophyll protoplasts and bundle sheath protoplasts are released and purified by density centrifugation. The lower density of mesophyll protoplasts allowed rapid separation of the two protoplast types. Evidence for separation of mesophyll protoplasts and bundle sheath protoplasts (up to 95% purity) is provided from light microscopy (based on size difference in both chloroplasts and protoplasts), levels of marker enzymes in the preparations (i.e. pyruvate, Pi dikinase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase for mesophyll and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase for bundle sheath), and differences in substrate-dependent O2 evolution by chloroplasts isolated from protoplasts.  相似文献   

When intact mesophyll chloroplasts of Zea mays var Kelvedon Glory were illuminated, activation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase occurred. Activity declined rapidly on darkening. Light activation of the enzyme was very much greater in the presence of pyruvate (~10- to 20-fold) than with the electron acceptors 3-phosphoglycerate or oxaloacetate present (~2-fold). Following preillumination in the presence of pyruvate, addition of 3-phosphoglycerate, oxaloacetate, or nitrite substantially diminished the activity of NADP-malate dehydrogenase. In these circumstances, with pyruvate and 3-phosphoglycerate present, activity could be restored by the addition of nigericin or dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Nigericin also restored activity with both oxaloacetate and pyruvate present. The effect of nitrite was more marked in the presence of low concentrations of DCMU.

These observations are discussed in terms of the dependence of enzyme activity upon the redox state of ferredoxin and electron carriers; the redox state of the latter was estimated by analysis of the DCMU-induced relaxation kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching in the presence of different substrates.


Immunological Studies on Pyruvate Orthophosphate Dikinase in C3 Plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK) was detected in someC3 plants, wheat, barley, rice and tobacco, by protein blottingusing an antibody against maize PPDK, although the amounts weremuch lesser than those of C4 plants. The PPDK activity in immaturegrains of rice was specifically immunoprecipitated by the anti-(maize)PPDK antibody. The molecular weight of the subunit of PPDK inall tested C3 plants was similar (ca. 95 kD) to that of maizePPDK, and the fragment patterns of the C3 PPDKs in peptide mappingwere also similar to that of maize PPDK. These results suggestthat C3 PPDKs have a primary structure similar to that of maizePPDK. In order to obtain information about the expression of PPDKin C3 plants, changes in the enzyme activity and in the amountof PPDK protein were investigated during the greening of riceseedlings. PPDK, which was found in the etiolated seedlings,decreased temporarily in an early stage of greening and thenincreased. The mechanism of this variation is discussed. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. (Received December 9, 1986; Accepted March 12, 1987)  相似文献   

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex from Chloroplasts of Pisum sativum L   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is associated with intact chloroplasts and mitochondria of 9-day-old Pisum sativum L. seedlings. The ratio of the mitochondrial complex to the chloroplast complex activities is about 3 to 1. Maximal rates observed for chloroplast pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity ranged from 6 to 9 micromoles of NADH produced per milligram of chlorophyll per hour. Osmotic rupture of pea chloroplasts released 88% of the complex activity, indicating that chloroplast pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is a stromal complex. The pH optimum for chloroplast pyruvate dehydrogenase complex was between 7.8 and 8.2, whereas the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex had a pH optimum between 7.3 and 7.7. Chloroplast pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity was specific for pyruvate, dependent upon coenzyme A and NAD and partially dependent upon Mg2+ and thiamine pyrophosphate.  相似文献   

C4光合关键酶基因转化C3植物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍C4光合关键酶和转运蛋白基因转化C3植物的研究进展。  相似文献   

Mesophyll chloroplasts were isolated from leaves of a Na+-requiringNAD-malic enzyme type, dicotyledonous C4 plant, Amaranthus tricolorL. The chloroplasts converted pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvateunder illumination, and the conversion was stimulated by Na+.This observation may explain the requirement for Na+ of someC4 plants. 2 Present address: Institute for Life Science Research, NihonNohyaku Co., Ltd., Kawachi-Nagano, Osaka, 586 Japan  相似文献   

Distribution of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein (LHCII) and its mRNA within bundle sheath and mesophyll cells of maize (Zea mays L.) was studied using in situ immunolocalization and hybridization, respectively. In situ hybridization with specific LHCII RNA probes from maize and Lemna gibba definitively shows the presence of high levels of mRNA for LHCII in both bundle sheath cells and mesophyll cells. In situ immuno-localization studies, using an LHCII monoclonal antibody, demonstrate the presence of LHCII polypeptides in chloroplasts of both cell types. The polypeptide composition of LHCII and the amount of LHCII in bundle sheath cells are different from those in mesophyll cells. Both mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts can take up, import and process the in vitro transcribed and translated LHCII precursor protein from L. gibba. Although bundle sheath chloroplasts incorporate LHCII into the pigmented light-harvesting complex, the efficiency is lower than that in mesophyll chloroplasts.  相似文献   

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