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Acne vulgaris is a very common skin disorder affecting human beings. There is a paucity of report on the role of heavy metals—lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd)—globally, and trace metals—zinc (Zn) and copper (Cd)—particularly in Nigeria in the development/severity of acne vulgaris. This study is aimed to determine the blood levels of some heavy metals—cadmium and lead—and trace metals—zinc and copper—in acne vulgaris sufferers in a Nigerian population. Venous blood samples were collected from a total number of 90 non-obese female subjects consisting of 30 mild, 30 moderate and 30 severe acne vulgaris sufferers for blood Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn determination. They were age-matched with 60 females without acne vulgaris who served as the control subjects. Acne sufferers had significantly higher blood Cd and Pb (P = 0.0143 and P = 0.0001 respectively) and non-significantly different blood levels of Cu and Zn (P = 0.910 and P = 0.2140 respectively) compared to controls. There were significant progressive increases in blood levels of Cd and Pb (P = 0.0330 and P = 0.0001 respectively) and non-significant differences in the mean blood level of Cu and Zn (P = 0.1821 and P = 0.2728 respectively) from mild to moderate and severe acne vulgaris sufferers. Increases in blood Cd and Pb may play critical roles in the pathogenesis/severity of acne vulgaris, while Cu and Zn seem to play less significant roles in the development of this disorder in this environment.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate and compare the antioxidant, anti-tyrosinase, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory activities of 16 herbal extracts for topical application in cosmetic/cosmeceutical products. Herbal plant materials were extracted by infusion in boiled water for 15 min. The total phenolic content and total flavonoid content of each extract were investigated by the Folin-Ciocalteu and aluminum chloride methods, respectively. Antioxidant activities were investigated using 2,2’-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and a ferric reducing antioxidant power assay. Anti-tyrosinase and anti-aging activities were investigated using an in vitro enzymatic-spectrophotometric method. Anti-inflammatory activities were investigated using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The findings show that the Stevia rebaudiana extract has the most significant levels of both phenols and flavonoids (p<0.05). The S. rebaudiana, Rosa damascene, and Phyllanthus emblica extracts possessed the most significant antioxidant activities (p<0.05) and a promising whitening effect with moderate anti-tyrosinase activities. Furthermore, the Echinacea purpurea extract possessed the most significant anti-collagenase (78.5±0.0 %), anti-elastase (69.0±1.4 %), and anti-hyaluronidase activity (64.2±0.3 %). The Morus alba extract possessed the most significant anti-inflammatory activity since it could inhibit the secretion of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α (p<0.05). Therefore, these herbal extracts have promising skin benefits and have potential for use as active ingredients in cosmetic/cosmeceutical products.  相似文献   

The potential for stimulating microbial U(VI) reduction as an in situ bioremediation strategy for uranium-contaminated groundwater was evaluated in uranium-contaminated sediment from the FRC, Oak Ridge, TN. Sediment was at low pH (pH 4) and contained high (55 mM) concentrations of nitrate. The addition of organic electron donors resulted in a slow removal of ca. 20% of the nitrate over 120 days with a concurrent increase in pH. Uranium precipitated during nitrate reduction. This precipitation of U(VI) was not due to its reduction to U(IV) because over 90% of the uranium in the sediments remained as U(VI). Studies in which the pH of the sediments was artificially raised suggested that an increase in pH alone could not account for the precipitation of the U(VI) during nitrate reduction. Metal-reducing bacteria were recovered from the sediments in enrichment cultures, but molecular analysis of the sediment demonstrated that the addition of electron donors did not stimulate the growth of these metal reducers. Thus, although U(VI) was precipitated from the groundwater with the simple addition of electron donors, most of the uranium in the sediments was in the form of U(VI), and thus was not effectively immobilized.  相似文献   

We have determined the trace element composition of Jingi, a common remedy used in traditional Chinese medicine, using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). The concentration of the trace elements analyzed in this medicine decreases in the order: zinc > manganese > chromium > magnesium > copper > iron > lead > nickel > vanadium. We suggest that these trace elements may play a direct or indirect role in the hypoglycemic properties of Jinqi. The three plants used as main ingredients in the preparation of this recipe should be planted in a lead-free soil rich in zinc, manganese, chromium, magnesium, and vanadium.  相似文献   

Fresh Mashui orange samples were pretreated with microwave digestion using an HNO3-H2O2 system. The levels of Mg, K, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb in the seeds, pulp, and peel were then determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) combined with collision cell technology (CCT) and kinetic energy discrimination (KED). The standard curve coefficient of determinations of the ten tested elements were between 0.9995 and 0.9999. The instrument detection limit was between 0.112 ng/L and 3.05 ng/mL. The method detection limit was between 0.0281 and 763 ng/g. The average recovery rate was between 85.0 and 117%. The current results showed that Mashui oranges are rich in three elements, namely Mg, K, and Ca. The concentrations of K and Ca were significantly higher than that of Mg in the peel. The content of K was the highest in the seeds. Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn had the second highest concentrations, and Fe was the highest in the seeds, while Cu was the lowest in the peel. As, Cd, and Pb (hazardous elements) had the lowest concentrations of all the tested elements.  相似文献   

We investigated the in situ spatial organization of ammonia-oxidizing and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in domestic wastewater biofilms and autotrophic nitrifying biofilms by using microsensors and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) performed with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. The combination of these techniques made it possible to relate in situ microbial activity directly to the occurrence of nitrifying bacterial populations. In situ hybridization revealed that bacteria belonging to the genus Nitrosomonas were the numerically dominant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in both types of biofilms. Bacteria belonging to the genus Nitrobacter were not detected; instead, Nitrospira-like bacteria were the main nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in both types of biofilms. Nitrospira-like cells formed irregularly shaped aggregates consisting of small microcolonies, which clustered around the clusters of ammonia oxidizers. Whereas most of the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were present throughout the biofilms, the nitrite-oxidizing bacteria were restricted to the active nitrite-oxidizing zones, which were in the inner parts of the biofilms. Microelectrode measurements showed that the active ammonia-oxidizing zone was located in the outer part of a biofilm, whereas the active nitrite-oxidizing zone was located just below the ammonia-oxidizing zone and overlapped the location of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, as determined by FISH.  相似文献   

One of the transgenic mice carrying a chicken δ-crystallin gene was found to be mosaic with regard to the distribution of the exogenous gene. Taking advantage of the exogenous DNA sequences as a cell lineage marker detectable by histological in situ hybridization technique, we studied cellular mosaicism in mouse 7–5. This mouse carried the exogenous gene in 20–40% of its cells, probably reflecting chromosomal integration of the exogenous DNA which occurred in a blastomere of around the 4-cell stage. The cells carrying the gene contributed to virtually any kind of tissue and their distribution varied from one tissue to another. For instance, in the neural retina, gene-positive cells formed columns several cells wide, indicating that migration of the cells derived from the founder cells is mainly along the radial axis. However, in other tissues we examined, clusters of the marked cells were less obvious, indicating the occurrence of extensive cell mixing during histogenesis. Thus, mosaic analysis of cell lineage in mouse ontogeny appears meaningful in early developmental stages or when clonal outgrowth takes place in a tissue.  相似文献   

Proper trace element level and antioxidant enzyme activity are crucial for the brain in maintaining normal neurological functions. To our knowledge, alteration of lipid peroxidation status, trace element level, and antioxidant activity in the homogenates of brain cortex after cerebral ischemia in gerbil, however, has not been investigated so far. Male Mongolian gerbils were divided into control and ischemic subjects. Cerebral ischemia was induced by occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery and right common carotid artery for 1 h. Experimental results showed that a significant increase (P?<?0.01) of the malondialdehyde level was found in the ischemic brain as compared with the control group. Trace element analysis indicated that a remarkable elevation (P?<?0.01) of the level of iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), and a statistical decrease of selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) (P?<?0.05) concentration were observed in the ischemic brain as compared with the control subject. No significant change (P?>?0.05) of the copper (Cu) level was found in both experimental groups. Additionally, antioxidant activity of superoxide dismutase (P?<?0.01) and catalase (P?<?0.05) was significantly decreased in the ischemic brain as compared with the control subject. Taking all results together, it is conceivable to manifest the experimental findings that cerebral ischemia not only may result in an enhanced oxidative stress but also may lead to further oxidative injury. Moreover, disturbance of trace element level combined with declined antioxidant activity seems to play a significant role in responsible for the etiology of cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes has found widespread application for analyzing the composition of microbial communities in complex environmental samples. Although bacteria can quickly be detected by FISH, a reliable method to determine absolute numbers of FISH-stained cells in aggregates or biofilms has, to our knowledge, never been published. In this study we developed a semiautomated protocol to measure the concentration of bacteria (in cells per volume) in environmental samples by a combination of FISH, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and digital image analysis. The quantification is based on an internal standard, which is introduced by spiking the samples with known amounts of Escherichia coli cells. This method was initially tested with artificial mixtures of bacterial cultures and subsequently used to determine the concentration of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in a municipal nitrifying activated sludge. The total number of ammonia oxidizers was found to be 9.8 × 107 ± 1.9 × 107 cells ml−1. Based on this value, the average in situ activity was calculated to be 2.3 fmol of ammonia converted to nitrite per ammonia oxidizer cell per h. This activity is within the previously determined range of activities measured with ammonia oxidizer pure cultures, demonstrating the utility of this quantification method for enumerating bacteria in samples in which cells are not homogeneously distributed.  相似文献   

Biological Trace Element Research - The study was conducted to investigate the effects of copper sources and levels on lipid profiles, immune parameters, antioxidant defenses, and trace element...  相似文献   

A combined system has been developed in which epidermal cell turgor, leaf water potential, and gas exchange were determined for transpiring leaves of Tradescantia virginiana L. Uniform and stable values of turgor were observed in epidermal cells (stomatal complex cells were not studied) under stable environmental conditions for both upper and lower epidermises. The changes in epidermal cell turgor that were associated with changes in leaf transpiration were larger than the changes in leaf water potential, indicating the presence of transpirationally induced within-leaf water potential gradients. Estimates of 3 to 5 millimoles per square meter per second per megapascal were obtained for the value of within-leaf hydraulic conductivity. Step changes in atmospheric humidity caused rapid changes in epidermal cell turgor with little or no initial change in stomatal conductance, indicating little direct relation between stomatal humidity response and epidermal water status. The significance of within-leaf water potential gradients to measurements of plant water potential and to current hypotheses regarding stomatal response to humidity is discussed.  相似文献   

植物的无机元素分布特征对植物生理过程具有重要的指标作用, 可揭示营养物质分布、代谢途径及毒理耐受性等多种生命过程。用微区XRF技术测试样品中无机元素的分布, 具有原位无损、可进行较大面积样品连续成像分析以及前处理过程简单等诸多优势。将微区XRF技术应用于植物样品不同器官的无机元素分布检测, 旨在探讨该技术在植物样品测试中的仪器参数选择、样品前处理方法和数据后处理手段等对测试结果的影响。为得到可靠的实验结果, 对不同含水量的器官进行不同的前处理, 并比较不同驻留时间、测试腔体真空与否等仪器条件对测试结果的影响, 同时对数据处理方法进行探索, 包括对获得的数据进行图像叠加及对不同元素浓度比例进行半定量分析。研究结果表明, 微区XRF技术测试植物样品中无机元素分布具有一定的技术优势。  相似文献   

Biophysical understanding of membrane domains requires accurate knowledge of their structural details and elasticity. We report on a global small angle x-ray scattering data analysis technique for coexisting liquid-ordered (Lo) and liquid-disordered (Ld) domains in fully hydrated multilamellar vesicles. This enabled their detailed analysis for differences in membrane thickness, area per lipid, hydrocarbon chain length, and bending fluctuation as demonstrated for two ternary mixtures (DOPC/DSPC/CHOL and DOPC/DPPC/CHOL) at different cholesterol concentrations. Lo domains were found to be ∼10 Å thicker, and laterally up to 20 Å2/lipid more condensed than Ld domains. Their bending fluctuations were also reduced by ∼65%. Increase of cholesterol concentration caused significant changes in structural properties of Ld, while its influence on Lo properties was marginal. We further observed that temperature-induced melting of Lo domains is associated with a diffusion of cholesterol to Ld domains and controlled by Lo/Ld thickness differences.  相似文献   

The trace elements and minerals in Terminalia pallida fruit ethanolic extract (TpFE) were determined by the instrument inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and the cardioprotection of TpFE against isoproterenol (ISO)-administered rats was studied. Rats were pretreated with TpFE (100, 300, and 500 mg/kg bw) for 30 days, with concurrent administration of ISO (85 mg/kg bw) for two consecutive days. The levels of trace elements and minerals in TpFE were below the permitted limits of World Health Organization standards. ISO administration significantly increased the heart weight and cardiac marker enzymes in serum, xanthine oxidase, sodium, and calcium in the heart, whereas significantly decreased body weight, reduced glutathione, glutathione-S-transferase, superoxide dismutase, and potassium in the heart. Oral pretreatment of TpFE significantly prevented the ISO-induced alterations. This is the first report that revealed the determination of trace elements and mineral nutrients of TpFE by ICP-MS which plays a principal role in the herbal drug discovery for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

中药及其水煎液中微量元素含量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用火焰原子吸收光谱法(flame atomic absorption spectrometry,FAAS)测定了黄芪、白术、防风及玉屏风散各次水煎液中铁、铜、锰、铅4种微量元素的含量。结果表明,中药各次水煎液中微量元素的浸出率各不相同,应合理用药,以更好地发挥中药的疗效。  相似文献   

The antioxidants in Okara Koji (OK), an okara (OC) fermented by Aspergillus oryzae, γ-tocopherol, δ-tocopherol, genistin, daizein, genistein, and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid were identified by HPLC. OK’s extract with 80% methanol strongly inhibited linoleate peroxidation, much more than other OK’s extracts with hexane or hot water. The methanol extract accelerated 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid formation in membrane lipids at 10?3 concentration, but inhibited the formation at higher concentrations than 10?3 ex vivo. To confirm the total effect of all components of OK on lipid peroxidation in vivo, rats fed food deficient in vitamin E were put on diets containing OK or OC with oxidized oil. In rats fed the OK diet, no effect of oxidized oil feeding on the body weight gain, of the TBA value in plasma, or of glutathione peroxidase activities of plasma and liver was observed. But in rats fed the OC diet, the effect of oxidized oil feeding was apparently observed on all of those values. These results suggested that OK would scavenge lipid peroxides in vivo.  相似文献   

Even though the blood-sucking mosquito Aedes aegypti is one of the most important disease vectors, relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying processes involved in the temporal pattern of its activity and host seeking behavior. In this study, we analyzed the expression of the cycle (cyc) gene, one of the core components of the circadian clock, in Ae. aegypti brains by in situ hybridization at two different time points in light-dark conditions and compared the results with those obtained using a quantitative PCR assay (qPCR). Within the brain, differential labeling was detected according to distinct areas empirically pre-defined. Six out of seven of these areas showed significantly higher staining at ZT3 (three hours after light-on) compared to ZT11 (one before light-off), which is consistent with the qPCR data. Predominant staining was observed in three of those areas which correspond to positions of the optical and antennal lobes, as well as the region where the neurons controlling activity rhythms are presumably localized.  相似文献   

Classical antipsychotics can produce motor disturbances like tardive dyskinesia in humans and orofacial dyskinesia in rodents. These motor side effects have been associated with oxidative stress production in specific brain areas. Thus, some studies have proposed the use of natural compounds with antioxidant properties against involuntary movements induced by antipsychotics. Here, we examined the possible antioxidant activity of Bauhinia forficata (B. forficata), a plant used in folk medicine as a hypoglycemic, on brain lipid peroxidation induced by different pro-oxidants. B. forficata prevented the formation of lipid peroxidation induced by both pro-oxidants tested. However, it was effective against lipid peroxidation induced by sodium nitroprusside (IC50 = 12.08 μg/mL) and Fe2+/EDTA (IC50 = 41.19 μg/mL). Moreover, the effects of B. forficata were analyzed on an animal model of orofacial dyskinesia induced by long-term treatment with haloperidol, where rats received haloperidol each 28 days (38 mg/kg) and/or B. forficata decoction daily (2.5 g/L) for 16 weeks. Vacuous chewing movements (VCMs), locomotor and exploratory activities were evaluated. Haloperidol treatment induced VCMs, and co-treatment with B. forficata partially prevented this effect. Haloperidol reduced the locomotor and exploratory activities of animals in the open field test, which was not modified by B. forficata treatment. Our present data showed that B. forficata has antioxidant potential and partially protects against VCMs induced by haloperidol in rats. Taken together, our data suggest the protection by natural compounds against VCMs induced by haloperidol in rats.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins are small (length, about 100 ± 25 amino acids), cysteine-rich, hydrophobic proteins that are present in large amounts in fungal cell walls, where they form part of the outermost layer (rodlet layer); sometimes, they can also be secreted into the medium. Different hydrophobins are associated with different developmental stages of a fungus, and their biological functions include protection of the hyphae against desiccation and attack by either bacterial or fungal parasites, hyphal adherence, and the lowering of surface tension of the culture medium to permit aerial growth of the hyphae. We identified and isolated a hydrophobin (fruit body hydrophobin 1 [Fbh1]) present in fruit bodies but absent in both monokaryotic and dikaryotic mycelia of the edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus. In order to study the temporal and spatial expression of the fbh1 gene, we determined the N-terminal amino acid sequence of Fbh1. We also synthesized and cloned the double-stranded cDNA corresponding to the full-length mRNA of Fbh1 to use it as a probe in both Northern blot and in situ hybridization experiments. Fbh1 mRNA is detectable in specific parts of the fruit body, and it is absent in other developmental stages.  相似文献   

This low magnification stereomicrowear study samples a broad range of chalicotheres (Perissodactyla, Chalicotherioidea), including basal chalicotheres and the two chalicotheriid subfamilies Schizotheriinae and Chalicotheriinae, primarily including species from North America and Europe, but also some from Asia. The schizotheriines Moropus, Tylocephalonyx, and Metaschizotherium and the chalicotheriines Anisodon and Chalicotherium are best represented. Paleodiets are interpreted via discriminant analysis, using comparison of microwear variables from fossil chalicothere teeth with those from a database of extant ungulates with known diets. The results suggest that all of the chalicotheres in the study were browsers, with no evidence of significant grass consumption. Basal chalicotheres, like basal equids, seem to have been standard fruit-dominated browsers. Stereomicrowear agrees with mesowear results by Schulz et al. (2007) and Schulz and Fahlke (2009) for Metaschizotherium bavaricum, Metaschizotherium fraasi, Anisodon grande, and Chalicotherium goldfussi in showing a highly abrasive aspect to the diet. In these species, hard food objects such as fibrous fruits, seeds, pits, and nuts may have abraded the teeth (based on high pit counts, the presence of large puncture pits, and many individuals with coarse to hypercoarse scratches). Anisodon grande and C. goldfussi, despite their relatively short, brachydont teeth, show the highest degree of abrasion within the studied sample. Moropus and Tylocephalonyx from North America show somewhat different but also abrasive microwear; in these taxa the resistant foods may have been twigs and bark (large pits common, but gouging more prevalent than puncture pits). A preliminary comparison of stereomicrowear on DP4, the deciduous upper fourth premolar, with that on molars suggests that juveniles consumed similar foods as adults but without the most abrasive elements. Some important methodological differences regarding the scoring of microwear features by different low-magnification microwear methodologies are discussed.  相似文献   

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