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Fishing with the aid of plant toxins was formerly very common in tropical Africa. Today this easy method of fishing is still practised in remote areas. The method is simple: the poisonous ingredients are pounded and thrown into a pool or dammed-up sections of a small river. After a short time the fish begin to rise to the surface and can then readily be taken by hand. The fish can be eaten without health problems. The main active compounds are saponins, rotenoids and diterpene esters. Such biologically active plants are of great interest to scientists of various disciplines. Some of these plants provide important insecticides, many play an important part in traditional medicine and in preparation or arrow poisons. 258 fish-poisoning plants are presented, based on 25 years of field research by the author in tropical Africa and evaluations of herbarium notes. 10–20 per cent of the fishing poisons are probably still unknown. They are spread among 167 plant genera and 60 families. The evaluation shows a clear dominance of the Leguminosae (Caesalpiniaceae, Mimosaceae, Papilionaceae) in the hierarchy of the fish poisoning plants. It is also remarkable that a great proportion are in the Euphorbiaceae.  相似文献   

As in most peasant cultures medicinal plants are a very important resource for the Nahua of the Sierra de Zongolica (Mexico). Documentation of the current indigenous medicinal uses of 203 plants in this region was conducted during 18 months of fieldwork. The 816 individual reports documented were divided into nine groups of indigenous uses. The frequency of usage of the individual plants reported was employed in the analysis of the ethnobotanical importance of the respective plants. Plants cited more frequently in a group of indigenous uses are regarded as of greater ethnobotanical importance than those cited only by a few informants. Data on phytochemistry, pharmacology and ethnobotany from the scientific literature were used to evaluate possible biological or pharmacological and toxicological effects of some particularly important plants. For most plants detailed studies on these actions are still lacking, which would allow a conclusive evaluation. This ethnobotanical evaluation forms the basis for such studies which have been started on some plants, and for better understanding their potential as minor economic products of the region. These uses may also give incentives to the conservation of the local biodiversity.  相似文献   

In southern Brazil, the biodiversity is great and the traditional use of medicinal plants for wound healing has been documented in ethnobotanical studies and pharmacological studies have assessed their wound properties and phytochemistry. Therefore, this study evaluated ethnobotanical surveys regarding medicinal plants used in southern Brazil for wound healing and studies about the healing properties of these plants published between 2000 and 2022. To retrieve articles related to the study, Web of Science, PubMed (NLM), Open Access Journals, Scielo, Lilacs, and Google Scholar, with keywords including medicinal plants, wound healing, and South of Brazil, have been used. As a result, 73 medicinal plants belonging to 39 families were found in ethnobotanical surveys as a traditional resource used for wound healing in southern Brazil, 15 of which were cited more than once. Besides, 14 of these 15 plants were also used as healing agents worldwide. The most cited plant with healing actions in southern Brazil was Symphytum officinale L. (comfrey). From 2000 to date, 44 articles scientifically demonstrated the wound-healing effects of the southern Brazilian plants found in ethnobotanical surveys reviewed. The folk medicine of southern Brazil presents a variety of medicinal plants for wound-healing purposes, and scientific data were found for some of those plants. However, the wound-healing properties of many plants have yet to be investigated, and the current literature still needs more phytochemical information about the plants studied. Aside from this, the future focus should be on the standardization of herbal extracts, and further research is required to investigate the pharmacological mechanisms. Clinical research in this area remains in its infancy and warrants more robust further clinical studies.  相似文献   

Abstract: Medicinal plants are an important local resource for the Washambaa of the Western Usambara Mountains in Tanzania. In this study the Washambaa medicinal plants are inventoried. It is based on ethnobotanical fieldwork carried out over 15 months. This study presents for the first time an analysis of medicinal plants used in Africa with a ranking of these taxa by the frequency of their reported use. A total of 328 taxa were collected and yielded 2260 individual use reports. The most popular species are Myrica salicifolia and Toddalia asiatica. Subsequently, the use reports were arranged into 9 groups of medicinal uses based on the types of illness treated. The F actor of I nformant C onsensus (FIC) is used in order to evaluate the ethnobotanical importance of the plants. The largest number of plants and of use reports are in the group of gastrointestinal disorders. For the most commonly used taxa, an ethnopharmacological evaluation was performed. Studies to evaluate the Washambaa therapeutic claims as well as toxicological data are still lacking for many of the species. This study will form the basis for pharmacological and phytochemical research on selected Washambaa medicinal plants.  相似文献   

Botanists are an overlooked group of informants in ethnobotanical studies. The aim of this study was to assess their potential as sources of original ethnobotanical information. Wild food plants remembered by Polish botanists from their childhood were freelisted by 71 botanists. The results were compared with several ethnobotanical studies: three from the 21st century and one from the mid‐20th century. The botanists listed 123 species (mean of 9.3 species per individual). Although the average number of personal freelists was slightly lower for botanists than for local key informants in two of the other studies (11 and 13, respectively), the total list of species was longer than in any other Polish ethnobotanical study. Two of the ethnobotanical studies supplied richer material on past famine plants, whereas the botanists mentioned many alien plants and plants from urban habitats not mentioned in the ethnographical study. It can be concluded that botanists are possibly the best source of information for studies of contemporary or new uses of plants, but are inadequate for uses that are dying out. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 334–343.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the documentation of traditional plant usage among Kichwa, the indigenous people from Canton Loreto, Ecuador. The relationship between people, plants and the natural environment is demonstrated in an ethnobotanical garden at the Capacity Building Centre of the town. The construction site for the ethnobotanical garden is a 1.5 ha secondary forest. The forest was analyzed with a local key informant and 150 different useful species were found. The plant species recorded are mainly used for medicinal purposes, followed by edible plants, and finally by food sources for animals. Open-ended interviews were conducted with the aim of identifying the most commonly used plant species among the Kichwas. The results showed that Ilex guayusa ranked most popular, followed by Myroxylon balsamum, Cedrela odorata, Banisteriopsis caapi, and Urera caracasana. Focus groups were held and the most important plant applications were evaluated. The collected data illustrated that Kichwas attach great importance to medicinal and ritual plants, followed by plants used for handcraft. Edible plants rank afterwards, followed by dye plants and plants used for hunting. The above findings serve as the backbone of the design for the ethnobotanical garden. The garden acts as a tool to preserve and promote the knowledge of plants, focusing mainly on medicinal plants. The growing areas for the plant species were determined according to their importance to the Kichwas. The concept of the ethnobotanical garden conveys the holistic picture drawn from the investigation on people and plants of the Kichwas.  相似文献   

Wild plants in the diet of arhorchin mongol herdsmen in inner mongolia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arhorchin Mongol herdsmen are one of the tribal and regional groups of the Mongol nationality still engaged in traditional animal husbandry in the grassland areas of eastern Inner Mongolia at present. There are 77 species of wild plants used in their diet. An ethnobotanical inventory is presented, which includes the botanical names, folk names, parts used, usage, and the numbers of voucher specimens. Distinctive national features of the use of wild plants in their diet are expressed in the aspects that the Arhorchin Mongol herdsmen integrate to wild plants with their traditional diet and bromatherapy. Traditional usage may be used to exploit patterns of wild food plants in grassland areas.  相似文献   

结合民族植物学和药理学的研究方法,对西双版纳地区傣族、哈尼族和基诺族等3个少数民族民间利用番石榴(Psidium guajava)、余甘子(Phyllanthus emblica)和水柳(Homonoia riparia)的传统知识进行调查研究及体外抗菌活性实验。结果表明:番石榴和余甘子在村寨中较为常见,当地少数民族将其种植于庭院中,常作为果蔬食用,食用番石榴嫩叶可缓解拉肚子的症状,治疗腹痛、腹泻。水柳生长在水边,傣族会将其叶作为腌酸鱼的配料之一。根据文献记载,番石榴、余甘子和水柳的叶部位作为药使用时,常煎水外洗,治疗皮肤瘙痒。对这3种药用植物叶部位采用80%乙醇浸泡制备的提取物进行体外抗菌实验,结果显示番石榴、余甘子和水柳3种药用植物对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠埃希菌均有较好的抑菌和杀菌活性,其最小抑菌浓度MIC在98~390μg·mL~(-1)之间,最小杀菌浓度MBC在98~781μg·mL~(-1)之间。番石榴和水柳叶对铜绿假单胞菌有一定抑菌和杀菌活性,其MIC和MBC范围均为6 250~12 500μg·mL~(-1)。由此可见,这3种药用植物的民间利用具有一定的合理性和药用开发价值。  相似文献   

This is an ethnobotanical study of Atlantic Forest coastal communities located at Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Atlantic Forest remnants are top priority conservation areas, and include native communities that depend on fish and small-scale agriculture. We conducted fieldwork in the community of Calhaus (Jaguanum Island) from 1989 to 1991, and interviewed adults on their use of plants. We examined the diversity of medicinal plants used among communities of different islands and found results similar to previous research at Gamboa (Itacuruçá Island); communities living in smaller islands and on islands further from the coast use a lower diversity of plants. Also, older islanders show a deeper knowledge of medicinal plants than younger islanders.  相似文献   

The application of ecological concepts to ethnobotanical studies, in particular of diversity, is analyzed. Diversity indices are important tools that may help in understanding human-environment interactions. Those indices allow comparisons on the use of plants by different populations in different environments. A review on recent major ethnobotanical journals was carried out, and 10 studies (7 from Latin America, 2 from Asia and 1 from Europe) were selected based on available data to calculate diversity indices. The Shannon-Wiener indices and rarefaction curves were obtained. High diversity on plant uses were found for studies carried out at Peru, Mexico, Brazil and Thailand. A low diversity was found for Tonga, and island biogeography theory is used to discuss these results. Sampling effort is evaluated through rarefaction curves. The estimation of the diversity of resources used by native populations may be useful when planning conservation areas and their management.  相似文献   

During the formative period of ethnobotanical studies in the Southwest, Edward Palmer established a standard for reporting useful plants that continues today and Frank. H. Cushing wrote a classic ethnobotany from an anthropological perspective,Z uni Breadstuff. Since these beginnings single tribal studies and, more recently, archaeobotanical investigations have received emphasis. Linguistic studies of plant names and their classification have lagged and synthetic summaries and interpretative explanations of plant use are still demanded. Anthropology’s unique contribution to Southwestern ethnobotany is relating socially shared plant taxonomies and cultural rules for behaving with plants to explain why certain plants are used and others are ignored.  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical review of wild edible plants in Spain   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper compiles and evaluates the ethnobotanical data currently available on wild plants traditionally used for human consumption in Spain. Forty-six ethnobotanical and ethnographical sources from Spain were reviewed, together with some original unpublished field data from several Spanish provinces. A total of 419 plant species belonging to 67 families was recorded. A list of species, plant parts used, localization and method of consumption, and harvesting time is presented. Of the seven different food categories considered, green vegetables were the largest group, followed by plants used to prepare beverages, wild fruits, and plants used for seasoning, sweets, preservatives, and other uses. Important species according to the number of reports include: Foeniculum vulgare , Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum , Origanum vulgare , Rubus ulmifolius , Silene vulgaris , Asparagus acutifolius , and Scolymus hispanicus . We studied data on the botanical families to which the plants in the different categories belonged, overlapping between groups and distribution of uses of the different species. Many wild food plants have also been used for medicinal purposes and some are considered to be poisonous. This review highlights the rich traditional knowledge on edible plants that has remained in rural Spain. Until recently, many wild plants were used as dietary supplements. However, most of this knowledge survives only in the memory of the elderly, and will probably disappear in a few decades.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 27–71.  相似文献   

This study is focused on ethnobotanical usages of wild plants growing within the Afyonkarahisar province districts of Sinanpaşa, Hocalar and Dazkırı. Ninety local informants in 11 villages were interviewed. A total of 129 different usages of wild plants in the study area were recorded. Out of 650 plant species commonly present, 93 plant taxa (14.3%) belonging to 43 families were used for medicinal (52 citations), foodstuff (37 citations), fodder (14 citations), dye (six citations), firewood (five citations), construction materials (four citations) and miscellaneous purposes (11 citations). At least 15% of the information regarding ethnobotanical uses of wild plants was obtained by showing herbarium voucher samples to the informants. It was noted that Sideritis leptoclada and Verbascum stenostachyum are endemic to Turkey and their endangered status has markedly increased in recent years because of increased collecting for ethnobotanical purposes. Informants indicate that members of the younger generation have a much reduced interest in ethnobotanical knowledge and that this is a danger to the continued use of local plants.  相似文献   

侗族人民千百年来,一直从事侗布的染制。该文对湖南通道的侗布染制进行了详细的民族植物学研究,发现侗布的染制工艺繁杂,不同的人所用的植物有较大差异。侗布染制共涉及野生及栽培植物16种,分属14科16属。这些植物都有一定的药用功效,有些植物在染布中属首次报道。侗布染制的民族植物学知识在各个村寨流失严重,需要加强挖掘和整理。  相似文献   

We analyze the floristic and ecological diversity of plants traditionally used in the Arribes del Duero Natural Park (Central Western Spain, Iberian Peninsula). We identified all plant species used by the local people and classified them in 10 general use-categories. All the ethnobotanical data used derive from global ethnobotanical research carried out from 2005 to 2009. The results are analyzed with respect to the total flora of the area and to the ecological diversity of the species in their habitats. The conservation and management of these taxa are also analyzed. We discuss the implications of their harvesting for the development and conservation of their natural populations and habitats.  相似文献   

西双版纳传统利用的野生药食两用植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年3月至2011年7月对西双版纳少数民族传统利用的药食两用植物进行民族植物学调查,通过访谈和野外调查工作, 收集并记录了关于当地社区传统利用药食两用植物的传统知识以及其他相关信息,并选择了其中20种植物进行抗菌活性的筛选。共调查统计了43科95种西双版纳传统利用的药食两用植物,从分类学角度来看,以茄科(6种)和唇形科(6种)最多,其中草本植物占了最大比例,为495%。对其中20种植物的抗菌活性筛选结果显示,只有马蓝(Baphicacanthus cusia)和旋花茄(Solanum spirale)对金黄色葡萄球菌有抑菌活性。从调查中可以看出:药食两用植物的利用在当地人的日常生活中仍占有相当重要的分量。但随着近年来经济快速发展导致的传统知识的急剧流失和森林的大面积砍伐,很多植物已经逐渐从人们的生活中淡出,如何保护这些传统知识并使其能够可持续发展下去是一个值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

An ethnobotanical survey was carried out to collect information on the use of medicinal plants by the Lisu people who live in the mountainous areas of the Nujiang Canyon (Salween River Valley) in Nujiang Prefecture, northwestern Yunnan Province, China. A total of 52 medicinal plants, belonging to 32 families, were reported as being used locally for the treatment of human ailments. The scientific and Lisu names, parts used, and preparation of the plants are presented. Most of these species are wild (80%), while others are domesticated (8%) or semi-cultivated (12%). Among the 52 species, 11 species (21.2%) were reported as rare and 16 were widely commercialized in the region. Over-exploitation and deforestation are the main causes for the depletion of medicinal plants in this area. The Lisu people still mostly depend on medicinal plants for their health care. The loss and endangered status of these plants will, to a certain extent, impede their existing health care system; conservation and sustainable harvest of medicinal plants in the area are urgently needed.  相似文献   

An ethnobotanical survey of practicing dyers in the biodiversity rich ecosystems of Sierra Leone and of the literature was conducted on the common plant species used to produce natural dyes. In addition, the methods used to obtain these dyes and to dye fabric, together with the techniques used to produce various patterns on fabric were investigated. Although the thriving dye industry is now predominantly serviced by synthetic dyes, the knowledge of the plants used still survives among some dyers, who use plant dyes to some extent. However this indigenous knowledge is rapidly being lost as increasingly less of it is being passed on to succeeding generations. Several plants used in the dyeing process are documented, together with their taxonomic characteristics; local names; how the dyes are produced and fabric dyed; the colors obtained; in addition to how various patterns are designed. Sustainable utilization of this important renewable natural resource is discussed.  相似文献   

An ethnobotanical study was conducted through interview and field work during 20103-20117 to determine the wild medicine food plants used by the local people of Xishuangbanna, southwest Yunnan, China. All information provided on the uses of medicine food plants by local communities was documented. In addition, the disk diffusion method was used to test the antibacterial activities of some plants. A total of 95 plant species belonging to 43 families were reported as medicine food plants, with Solanaceae (6 species) and Lamiaceae (6 species) being the most represented families. Most plants used were herbs (495%), of which 20 were screened for antibacterial activities. Baphicacanthus cusia and Solanum spirale showed moderate antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus. Our interviews revealed that in the study area wild plants are still commonly used for food and medicinal purposes by people in their daily lives. However, there is a gradual loss of traditional knowledge about these plants due to a decline in inter generational transmission of knowledge. Loss of this precious knowledge is a major concern.  相似文献   

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