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建莲 Nelumbo nucifera cv.是我国栽培子莲的优良品种 ,因其主产于福建省建宁县而得名。建莲花、叶可观赏 ,藕可食用或加工藕粉 ,子实称莲子 ,是滋补佳品和食品加工的重要原料。建莲是当地重要的水生经济作物 ,种植广泛。在生产上 ,常见建莲植株受害虫为害严重 ,导致植株枯萎 ,叶片缺刻 ,子粒腐烂 ,对莲子产量和品质影响很大。为弄清建莲虫害种类及发生为害情况 ,于 1 998- 2 0 0 0年在建宁县各乡镇主要产莲区 ,对建莲虫害进行调查研究。调查发现建莲虫害共 1 5种 ,其中为害叶片害虫 8种 ,为害花和子实的害虫 5种 ,蛀杆害虫 1种 ,地下害虫 … 相似文献
2009年12月至2013年3月,调查了广东省国兰虫害种类及其危害,调查结果表明:在广东为害国兰的节肢动物有:半翅目的牡蛎蚧Lepidosaphinae、褐软蜡蚧Coccus hesperidum (Linnaeus)和蚜虫Aphidae、缨翅目的兰花蓟马Dichromothrips corbetti (Priesner)、直翅目的Locustoidea、螽斯Tettigoniidae、鳞翅目的蓑蛾Psychidae以及软体动物蜗牛和蛞蝓等9种(类)有害生物,并对国兰虫害的为害状和发生情况进行了简要描述,以期为国兰虫害的诊断和预防提供指导。 相似文献
南京地区药用植物资源调查 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对南京地区的药用植物资源进行了初步调查,据植物分类学统计,南京地区有药用植物107科281属357种,其中蕨类植物12科12属12种,种子植物95科269属345种.对数种江苏特产和稀有的药用植物进行了介绍. 相似文献
本溪地区大型真菌资源的调查与分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本溪地区位于辽宁东部,属中山丘陵地貌,面积8348km2,山地面积占全区面积的80%。气候为中温带湿润型气候,年均温6.2℃,年降水860mm;植被属长白植物区系,森林覆被率为61.3%,林、灌、草种类丰富,森林类型复杂,该区优越的自然环境为各类大型... 相似文献
为进一步了解武功山地区油脂植物情况,通过野外调查、标本采集鉴定并结合文献的方法,对该区的油脂植物进行统计分析。结果表明武功山地区共有野生油脂植物88科213属383种;形成以樟科、豆科、蔷薇科等为主的优势科类群,以胡椒属、卫矛属、花椒属等为主的优势属类群;生活习性以木本为主。区系地理成分复杂多样,科以热带成分为主,属以温带成分为主,种的地理成分以中国特有分布最多;在分布格局上,垂直方向海拔在400~499 m范围内最多,水平方向以安福县分布油脂植物种类最多。武功山地区含油率超过30%的油脂植物高达116种,体现出该区的油脂植物具有较大的应用开发潜力。 相似文献
根据实际调查结果,统计出常州地区共有野生有毒维管植物69科、132属、179种,对它们的生活型进行了划分和讨论,并对部分常见有毒植物进行了重点介绍. 相似文献
四川甘孜地区是一个特殊的生态地理区域,经笔者在甘孜地区工作30多年的调查,有锰禽,隼形目鹗科1种,鹰科19种,Huan形目鸱科10种。对这些猛禽资源要加强保护。 相似文献
吸血蠓类对人畜危害较大,不仅是多种疾病的传播媒介,而且刺叮吸血骚扰性很大。1988年我们在辽宁省丹东地区东沟和风城二县郊区进行了采集和生态习性的调查,现将结果报道如下。材料和方法器材由军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所提供的诱蠓帐、捕虫网和吸虫器。调查方法 相似文献
Gary J. Puterka 《BioControl》1999,44(2):183-209
This paper reviews the research on entomopathogenic fungi in orchard systems and presents research on a mycoinsecticidal approach to an important pest of pear, the pear psylla. The review identifies the host-pathogen relationships that have been examined to date, the microbial formulation and application strategies that have been used, and the results that were obtained. The mycoinsecticides used in the pear psylla research were based on conidia of Beauveria bassiana (ARSEF #2860) and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (ARSEF #2658). These were formulated into sprayable solutions containing water, 0.1% or 0.5% Ultrafine Sunspray oil (paraffinic oil) in water, or 0.1% acrylic polymer (StressguardTM) in water. Final spray solutions that contained 6 × 106 conidiospores/ml were applied to psylla nymph infested trees at a rate of 5.39 × 1013 conidiospores/ha during the 1993--1995 seasons. In addition, two commercial formulations of B. bassiana, GHA from Mycotech and Naturalis L from Fermone Corp., were mixed in water at the same conidiospore application rates as the other fungal isolates. Single applications of the ARSEF fungal strain/formulation combinations produced psylla nymphal mortalities that ranged from 18.2--37.1%, but the results varied with formulation. Conidia formulated with acrylic polymers in water caused significantly higher mortalities several days earlier than either the water or water and oil combination in 1993. However, no significant differences among pathogen/formulation combinations occurred in 1994 or 1995. The performance of Naturalis L was comparable to the ARSEF fungal strain/formulation combinations with peak nymphal mortalities of 34.1%, while GHA produced a significantly lower peak mortality of only 10.8%. However, because of the low conidiospore concentrations in the Naturalis L formulation, final spray solutions contained nearly 25% of the oil-like carrier. Thus, psylla mortalities may not have been entirely attributed to mycosis. Based on the results from the ARSEF fungal formulations, a mycoinsecticidal approach to pear psylla management could be a useful component in an integrated pest management program for pear. 相似文献
Apple is one of the most important fruits in China, and both yield and quality are greatly affected by insect pests. According to surveys, there are more than 200 species of natural enemies in apple orchards. Few, however, have been closely studied. Major natural enemies including parasitoids, predators and pathogens are briefly described in this review, especially focusing on two parasitoids of Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura and Aphelinus mali Haldeman, predatory mites and a pathogenic fungus of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin as case studies. Augmentation, one important strategy of biological control, supplements the natural control provided by the existing natural enemy community in apple orchards, and greatly increases their efficiency in controlling pests. Conservation biological control is also widely applied in four major apple-producing areas. Based on habitat manipulation, the ground cover planting system helps regulate the microclimate and enhance the biodiversity of apple orchards, effectively conserving the richness and diversity of beneficial insect species. Certain achievements have been made in the main biological control strategies including successful introduction of some exotic natural enemies such as A. mali and Typhlodromus occidentalis Nesbitt, augmentative production and application of biological control agents such as T. dendrolimi, B. bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis, and further research in conservation of establishing adaptive ground cover planting patterns to local environment. Challenges, however, still exist. Biological control of insect pests in apple orchards is an important part of integrated pest management programs, requiring more research and application in China. 相似文献
枣园生态系统中害虫与天敌群落演替规律的研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
通过对太谷地区枣园害虫天敌群落的系统调查,并应用最优分割法.主分量分析法和1维和2维排序法,探讨了引起枣园害虫和天敌群落演替的主要类群及其演变规律.结果表明,群落具有明显的主导因子和时序演替格局,枣园害虫和天敌群落在前3个主分量上的变动较大,且跟随效应明显;枣园害虫和天敌群落的演替在时间过程中明显分为4个阶段:枣树发芽前、枣树展叶开花期、枣树结果期、枣果着色成熟期;利用主分量分析法,明确了主要害虫及其天敌的种类. 相似文献
不同年份油桃园三种主要害虫与其天敌的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了科学施药,合理保护和利用自然天敌进行油桃害虫的综合防治,用灰色系统分析方法、生态位分析方法和空间格局聚集强度指数分析方法,对2008年及2009年春-夏季油桃园桃蚜、小绿叶蝉和山楂叶螨与其主要捕食性天敌在数量、时间和空间格局等方面关系进行分析,两年春-夏季综合排序的结果是,桃蚜主要捕食性天敌依次是黑带食蚜蝇、异色瓢虫、三突花蟹蛛;小绿叶蝉主要捕食性天敌依次为三突花蟹蛛、锥腹肖蛸和草间小黑蛛;山楂叶螨主要捕食性天敌依次为草间小黑蛛、八斑球腹蛛和三突花蟹蛛。2008年秋季桃蚜的主要天敌依次是八斑球腹蛛、中华草蛉和锥腹肖蛸;小绿叶蝉的主要天敌依次是草间小黑蛛、锥腹肖蛸和黑带食蚜蝇;山楂叶螨的主要天敌依次为八斑球腹蛛、异色瓢虫和中华草蛉。两年春-夏季之间3种害虫及天敌数量差异均不显著。 相似文献
入侵性害虫——苹果绵蚜田间种群数量的调查方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2007年6月中旬到10底在山东省莱阳市对苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum(Hausmann)的田间发生数量进行调查研究。在田间定点调查5株苹果树上苹果绵蚜虫落数量和虫落面积,并在其它苹果树上随机选择20个虫落,计数每个虫落中苹果绵蚜的活体数,从而计算单位面积虫落中苹果绵蚜的平均数量。分析指出,以计算法求得的虫落中苹果绵蚜的实际数量为指标,既考虑了苹果绵蚜虫落的数量和大小,也考虑了单位面积虫落中苹果绵蚜活体数,并且把被苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂寄生的僵蚜排除在外,能较客观地反映出田间实际情况,是一种比较准确的表示苹果绵蚜田间数量的方法。 相似文献
我国和世蓝浆果的发展前景 总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22
蓝浆果是具独特保健作用、生食加工皆宜的适于我国红黄壤地区开发的新兴经济作物。通过对美国一些研究机构和苗圃的考察及参加在智利举行的第七届国际蓝浆果研讨会,对目前世界蓝浆果的发展状况、趋势及一些最新研究成果作了概述,对我国发展蓝浆果的前景、方向等进行了讨论。 相似文献