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Mayfly species richness and abundance were investigated at 52 Swedish river rapids. These were either unregulated, or regulated with or without reduced discharge. Sites impacted by regulation had lower mayfly richness and abundances than unregulated reference sites. The relative importance of reduced discharge, daily fluctuations in flow, flow constancy, and the distance to nearest rapid (as a measure of isolation) was evaluated in multiple regression analyses. These indicated negative effects of diel fluctuations on both abundance and richness, whereas flow constancy was favourable for richness. Neither the distance to nearest rapid nor reduced flow were significantly related to mayfly richness and abundance. In total, 26 mayfly species were recorded. Only Baetis rhodani was found at all sites, but another five species were present at more than 40 sites. The strongest effects were found for species within the Heptageniidae. Nineteen of 20 mayfly species present in both the regulated (with unreduced flow) and unregulated reference rapids were on average more common in the unregulated ones. Mayfly assemblage structure was primarily influenced by regional factors and nutrient status, although daily fluctuations in flow together with rapids dimensions also had a significant influence. No rare species appears to be threatened by hydropower regulation though it is conceivable that depressed abundances in regulated rivers indirectly influence predators and periphyton.  相似文献   

As the first taxonomic and faunistic report of Nanomis Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty, 1999 for Venezuela, we describe a new species, N. rasmusseni sp. n., based on material from Andean streams. Comparisons of the nymphal and imaginal stages of N. rasmusseni with those of N. galera Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty, 1999 – the only species currently known for this genus – are done in detail. Further, additional morphological characters are discussed to delineate the genus from the other baetid genera. Likewise, ecological data and distribution of N. rasmusseni in the Andean highlands of Venezuela are provided, which improves knowledge of the richness and distribution of the genus in South America.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C9DF3936-101F-4240-B067-AC5DF394C805  相似文献   

In the present paper, based on material from Brazil, we present a contribution to the taxonomy of the Neotropical two-winged Leptophlebiidae. The male imago of Perissophlebiodes Savage is described, in addition to a new species of Askola Peters from Amazonas. Askola emmerichi Domínguez, Molineri and Mariano, so far recorded from Venezuela, is reported from Brazil and compared to the new species herein described. Askola yanoman, sp. nov. can be separated from other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: (1) general colouration yellowish brown with areas washed with greyish brown; (2) dorsal portion of eyes brown, eyes meet on meson of head; (3) penis yellowish brown with darker margin, extending beyond the posterior margin of the styliger plate.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical factors were studied in 34 lentic waterbodies distributed along a steep altitudinal gradient ranging from tropical (77 m) to high alpine (up to 4,980 m) environments in Nepal. Bicarbonate and calcium were dominant among anions and cations, respectively, reflecting a strong influence of carbonate weathering and watershed area, rather than altitudinal climate. The relative patterns of dominant ions were similar among lakes in all altitudinal regions, although total concentrations increased with decreasing altitude. Total suspended solids were relatively high in the study lakes, as is also typical of rivers in the Ganges watershed. Suspended solids had a greater influence on water transparency than did algal biomass in the study lakes. In general, high‐altitude waterbodies were oligotrophic, while those at low altitude were eutrophic. The productivity of high‐altitude study lakes appeared to be limited by both available phosphorus and nitrogen, while lowland ones were nitrogen‐limited. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Aim The main drainages of the Plata Basin – the Paraná, Paraguay and Uruguay rivers – begin in tropical latitudes and run in a north–south direction into subtropical–temperate latitudes. Consequently, the biota of these rivers has tropical elements that contrast with temperate biomes through which the rivers run. We apply a panbiogeographical approach, to test whether the large rivers of the Plata Basin have a differential influence on distributional patterns of tropical snakes in subtropical and temperate latitudes of South America. Location Subtropical and temperate sections of the major Plata Basin rivers, South America. Methods We compared the individual tracks of 94 snake taxa. The track analysis consisted of: (1) plotting the localities of each taxon on maps, (2) connecting the localities of each taxon using a minimal geographical proximity determinant of the ‘individual tracks’, and (3) superimposing the individual tracks to determine generalized tracks. To detect tropical snakes that reach higher latitudes through the rivers we used the preferential direction of distribution concept. For each taxon we measured the angular deviations between the line of its individual track and the course of the rivers in a 100 × 100 km scaled grid. Average angular values < 45° indicated a positive association with the rivers. Results Thirty‐five of 94 taxa showed distributions associated with the major rivers of the Plata Basin, including fauna from distinct biogeographical lineages, supported by the occurrence of five generalized tracks as follows: (1) the Paraguay–Middle Paraná, (2) the Paraguay–Paraná fluvial axis, Upper Paraná and Middle Paraná to Upper Delta, (3) the Lower Paraguay, Paraná and Uruguay rivers, excluding the sectors High Paraná and High Uruguay, (4) the Uruguay River and Upper Paraná, and (5) the High Paraná. The Atlantic species occurred with significantly higher frequency in the Uruguay River and High Paraná river sections, the Amazon species were found with significantly higher frequency in the Paraguay and Middle Paraná sections, and the species with a Pantanal distribution were found in all sections. Main conclusions The observed distributional patterns may be explained by the interaction of ecological, geographical and historical factors. Previous authors have developed ecological (hydrological or environmental similarity) or dispersalist (effect of rivers as migration routes) explanations. The coincidence between generalized tracks and past geomorphological events that caused displacements and changed relationships between the Paraguay, Paraná and Uruguay river sections supports hypotheses involving the strong influence of historical factors in the present configuration of tropical snake distribution in temperate latitudes.  相似文献   

The disappearance of amphibian populations from seemingly pristine upland areas worldwide has become a major focus of conservation efforts in the last two decades, and a parasitic chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, is thought to be the causative agent of the population declines. We examined the altitudinal distribution of chytrid infections in three stream‐dwelling frog species (Litoria wilcoxii, L. pearsoniana and L. chloris) in southeast Queensland, Australia, and hypothesized that if B. dendrobatidis were responsible for the disappearance of high‐altitude frog populations, infection prevalence and intensity would be greatest at higher altitudes. Overall, 37.7% of the 798 adult frogs we sampled were infected with B. dendrobatidis, and infections were found in all the populations we examined. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, we found no consistent evidence that high‐altitude frogs were more likely to be infected than were lowland frogs. Further, the intensity of fungal infections (number of zoospores) on high‐altitude frogs did not differ significantly from that of lowland frogs. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis appears to be capable of infecting frogs at all altitudes in the subtropics, suggesting that all populations are at risk of decline when conditions favour disease outbreaks. We did find evidence, however, that chytrid infections persist longer into summer in upland as compared with lowland areas, suggesting that montane amphibian populations remain susceptible to disease outbreaks for longer periods than do lowland populations. Further, we found that at high altitudes, temperatures optimal for chytrid growth and reproduction coincide with frog metamorphosis, the life‐stage at which frogs are most susceptible to chytrid infections. While these altitudinal differences may account for the differential population‐level responses to the presence of B. dendrobatidis, the reason why many of southeast Queensland's montane frog populations declined precipitously while lowland populations remained stable has yet to be resolved.  相似文献   

Aim The large rivers of the Neotropics are considered areas of high diversity and endemism, which play an important role in the distribution patterns and evolution of Neotropical biota. Several methods have been proposed for prioritizing terrestrial conservation areas, but there has been little effort to develop models for river systems. We propose a panbiogeographical approach to identify priority areas for conservation along rivers. Location The Plata Basin rivers. Methods We compared the individual tracks (IT) of 96 snake taxa and identified the species associated with rivers using the concept of preferential direction of distribution. For each taxon, we measured the angular deviations between the line of its IT and the course of the rivers on a 100 × 100 km scaled grid. Average angular values < 45° indicated a positive association with rivers. We detected 35 taxa associated with rivers, and their IT were used to determine the generalized tracks (GT) and nodes. We applied a complementarity algorithm to identify the minimum set of nodes required to represent all species. Results Six nodes were found. The region where the High and Upper Paraná Rivers converge (Node 1) is of first priority, with 60 of 96 species. The second priority is the Lower Paraguay River and northern section of Middle Paraná River (Node 2). The third is the High Paraná, which together with Nodes 1 and 2, comprises 94% of the total species. The fourth and fifth are the High and Middle Uruguay, and the western section of the Upper Paraná and Iberá Marsh system, respectively. These five nodes include all species. Main conclusions Our results highlight the areas of particular interest for the conservation of rivers and provide a biogeographical algorithm for detecting priority conservation areas. The nodes are a biogeographical approach that allows evolutionary and ecological traits to be included in conservation assessment.  相似文献   

J. Green 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):75-84
The altitudinal distributions of planktonic Cladocera in Africa in three latitudinal bands: 0–10 °, 10–20 ° and 28–31 ° are described. Some species have altitudinal ranges of 2000 m within a latitudinal band of 10 °. It is possible to distinguish tropical species which do not extend up to high altitudes, particularly at higher latitudes. At the lowest latitudes, some species are found only at high altitudes, but occur at progressively lower altitudes with increasing latitude: Daphnia pulex and D. obtusa are good examples. A study in South America, with a smaller database, gives similar results.  相似文献   

Impoundment of rivers affects the mayfly (Ephemeroptera) fauna inhabiting such water bodies, especially with respect to their distribution and abundance. A two‐year study of the mayfly fauna and some of the physicochemical parameters of the Opa stream–reservoir revealed that there are two mayfly genera inhabiting it, Cloeon and Caenis. The number of Cloeon larvae collected was 10,930 while the number of Caenis larvae was 450. It was observed that although both genera occurred at all the sampling stations, their numbers were reduced in the stream below the dam due to increased water current velocity. There were significant differences in the abundance of Cloeon among the stations, but none for Caenis. Submerged aquatic plants and water current velocity were found to be the major factors responsible for the significant differences. There were significant correlations between the number of Cloeon larvae and pH as well as between dissolved oxygen concentration and Caenis. These findings are discussed with reference to inter‐specific differences in patterns of response to environmental parameters. A species‐specific approach is suggested for studies on the strategies that enable mayfly species maintain their populations in stressed and unstable aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Altitudinal difference increases the complexity of the response of tree growth to climate change in the mountainous areas, and may change the carbon sequestration capacity of forests under the ongoing warming climate. In this work, four tree-ring width chronologies from Pinus henryi Mast. growing at different altitudes of Shiyan, the northern subtropical China were developed. Results of Pearson correlation analysis, factor analysis and redundancy analysis indicate that tree growth-climate response models can be divided into two types according to the altitudinal gradient: the high-altitude model, represented by SWDH and WDSH above 1330 m a.s.l., and the low-altitude model, represented by WDSL and DDZL less than 1070 m a.s.l. The biggest difference between the two models is that tree growth at the low altitudes shows significantly negative response to temperature in the previous September–December and current April–May, and positive response to moisture conditions from the previous September to current May, April–May in particular; while the high-altitude ones show consistently positive responses to temperature in current February–April, but no significant response to seasonal moisture condition. The existence of a temperature-related altitudinal threshold between 1070 m a.s.l. to 1330 m a.s.l. may change the hydro-thermal combination models above and below the threshold, thus lead to the change of climatic response models along altitude gradient. 30-yr moving correlation analysis reveals that the relationships between tree growth and the limiting climatic factors present evident altitudinal difference: gradually strengthened at the high altitudes but weakened at the low altitudes. It is distinct that water availability and demand are critical for the growth of low-altitude trees, and high-altitude trees show a stronger positive response to climate warming, therefore could be an important carbon sink in the future. In addition, future forest management should focus on the low altitudes and formulate effective protection strategies.  相似文献   

Whilst the biological traits composition of invertebrate assemblages has been successfully used to monitor temperate rivers, it has been seldom tested in tropical areas. We compared the trait composition of Ephemeroptera assemblages (five traits, 21 modalities) in three categories of headwater streams of FG: reference (undisturbed) sites, sites formerly impacted by gold-mining, and sites currently impacted by gold-mining. Differences in macroinvertebrate assemblage according to environmental characteristics and disturbance were evaluated using correspondence analysis and MANOVA. Among the considered traits, food acquisition, respiration and locomotion detected both past and current disturbance associated with gold-mining in headwaters. A fuzzy correspondence analysis showed a significant segregation of currently gold-mined, formerly gold-mined, and reference sites according to species traits. Shifts in trait composition were mostly related to changes in assemblage composition. Interestingly, no significant decline in diversity indices was observed in formerly gold-mined sites compared to the reference sites, 2 years after abandonment, while the taxonomic and trait composition of communities changed at these sites. These results support the case for further fundamental quantification of species traits, and for the inclusion of sensitive, trait-related metrics in upcoming multimetric indices for the assessment of river health.  相似文献   

A total of 1136 Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera were caught from March 1993 to March 1994 at the Weidlingbach, a first to fourth order forest brook near Vienna. Austria, using pyramid-type emergence traps at tree sampling stations (390, 360 and 260 m above sea level). Five species comprised 67.1 % of the catch: the ephemeropterans Paraleptophlebia submarginata (Stephens), Habroleptoides confusa Sartori and Jacob and Habrophlebia lauta Eaton, and the plecopterans Nemoura flexuosa Aubert and Leuctra hippopus Kempny. Most taxa emerged from April to August, but the plecopterans Leuctra prima Kempny and Capnia bifrons (Newman) were caught early in the year (January to April), and Leuctra digitata Kempny (Plecoptera), Chaetopteryx fusca Brauer and Chaetopteryx major McLachlan (Trichoptera) emerged in September and October. In Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera, similarities between species groups were highest at the two upstream sampling stations; in Plecoptera and in pooled taxa, however, similarities were highest at the middle and downstream sites. Except in Trichoptera, diversity was highest at the middle station situated at 360 m above sea level.  相似文献   

Guadalgenus franzi (Aubert) is a large perlodine stonefly distributed exclusively over the central and south areas of the Iberian Peninsula. In two seasonal streams of the Sierra Morena Mountains, near the southern edge of its range, monthly aquatic samples were taken during two consecutive years. The species had a semivoltine cycle. The adults emerged in late March and April. Larvae were found from December to May. Growth of junior and senior cohorts were recorded throughout the winter and spring until some weeks before the flow was interrupted or until emergence, respectively. Although a wide range of size was present during the winter, there was a resynchronization of both cohorts during the spring. Mature female larvae were larger than males.  相似文献   

The egg chorion ultrastructures of the Hermanella-Traverella (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) species complex were studied from a comparative point of view and used for the first time in a cladistic analysis. Egg characters, along with other nymphal and adult morphological characters, were used to assess the phylogenetic relationships of the species complex. In order to test the value of egg characters, analyses were performed on three matrices: 1) egg characters alone, 2) adult and nymphal characters, and 3) adult, nymphal, and egg characters. The computer program Pee-Wee was used to carry out the analysis. The cladistic analysis confirmed the value and potential of egg chorionic characters in assessing the phylogenetic relationships among ephemeropteran species. Egg characters, when added to the nymphal and adult character matrix, provided extra support to the monophyletic nature of the Hermanella-Traverella complex. Previously weakly defined clades were also resolved based on the new evidence. In the species studied the egg chorionic structures as well as their shape did not change after oviposition or water immersion, remaining constant through the different maturation stages of each species (mature nymph, subimago, and imago). For this reason, the eggs are a valuable source of information to unambiguously identify and associate a nymph to its correspondent adult stage when rearing is not possible.  相似文献   

Two new genera of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera), Scutoptilum gen. n. and Echinopus gen. n., are described to accommodate three new species from Madagascar: Scutoptilum verrucosum sp. n., Echinopus giboni sp. n., Echinopus minutus sp. n.. They all share a unique apomorphy; they possess a subapico-transverse arc of long setae on the outer margin of femora. Scutoptilum presents important adaptations to fast flowing waters and mouthparts modified for scraping. Moreover, Scutoptilum shows an unusual general habitus with a prothorax broadly expanded laterally, forewing pads extremely developed and shape of the head subrectangular. Echinopus appears less derived and possesses more plesiomorphic features. Both genera are closely related to the Afrotropical genus Afroptilum and belong to the Centroptiloides complex.  相似文献   

The larvae of Caenis (Caenidae) and Tricorythodes (Tricorythidae), once considered to be confamilial, have notable morphological and behavioural similarities. Univariate and multivariate (discriminant analysis) techniques were used to determine which environmental variables best characterized the larval habitats of Caenis and Tricorythodes at 40 sample sites on 29 rivers within the Interior Plains of Alberta, Canada. River width, depth and substrate type distinguished riverine habitats of the two genera. Larvae of Tricorythodes occurred in wide rivers of varying depths that possessed coarse substrates. Although larvae of Caenis occurred in a variety of habitats, they were found more frequently on stable substrates in narrow, deep rivers.  相似文献   

We explored mechanisms determining the upper altitudinal limit of ephemeropterans from two different genera: Leptohyphes Eaton, 1882 Eaton, A.E. (1882), ?An Announcement of New Genera of the Ephemeridae?, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 18, 207208. [Google Scholar] (Leptohyphidae) and Lachlania Hagen, 1868 Hagen, H.A. (1868), ?On Lachlania Abnormis: A New Genus and Species from Cuba Belonging to the Ephemerina?, Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 11, 372375. [Google Scholar] (Oligoneuriidae). For this, we (1) surveyed the two taxa in 165 stream sites along a wide altitudinal gradient; (2) sampled benthic fauna at short altitudinal intervals along a stream, from 2780 to 3150 m above sea level; (3) collected adults at the lowest and highest sites; and (4) transplanted nymphs from the lowest to the highest study site in our stream to determine survival over time. Densities of the two taxa declined gradually with altitude and both disappeared between 2950 and 3080 m a.s.l. The upper altitudinal limit in the stream seemed to be most closely related to mean oxygen saturation, temperature, and current velocity. Adults were collected where the nymphs were found, but not at the upstream site where the nymphs were absent, implying limited upstream dispersal of adults and some of the altitudinal constraint lying at the adult stage. Short-term survival of transplanted nymphs was lower than that of controls, suggesting that the distribution was limited at the juvenile stage, and that at least some of the altitudinal constraint is related to the abiotic stream environment.  相似文献   

The migratory Rufous‐thighed Kite Harpagus diodon is widely distributed in South America, and a recent spatiotemporal analysis of its distribution that was largely based on citizen science data concluded that it breeds (almost) exclusively in the Atlantic Forest, constituting a ‘hidden endemism’, and that it is a complete migrant, overwintering in the eastern Amazonian lowlands. However, that study missed key data from large areas that would have resulted in a different biogeographical pattern. Here, we reject the ‘hidden endemism’ hypothesis and show that the Rufous‐thighed Kite is a more widespread breeder. We propose that to uncover Wallacean shortfalls of migratory birds correctly, (1) citizen science data must be integrated with thorough bibliographical searches and specimen examination and (2) life‐cycle categories should be critically determined: failing to recognize the importance of these two key issues can undermine the ability of researchers to uncover the true extent of breeding ranges and timing of migration, resulting in erroneous ecogeographical patterns. By proposing and following a set of recommendations, and using previously unpublished and published documented records mostly from the southwestern portion of the distribution of Rufous‐thighed Kite, we here show that this species breeds in the Cerrado of eastern Bolivia and is present during the austral spring and summer in the Austral Yungas but largely absent during the austral autumn and winter, mirroring the seasonality of the species in the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

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