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E Grenet  G Fonty  J Jamot    F Bonnemoy 《Applied microbiology》1989,55(9):2360-2364
Three cows with fistulated rumens, duodenums, and ceca were fed five different diets: lucerne hay, lucerne hay plus whey (40:60), lucerne hay plus beets (50:50), corn silage plus monensin (40 ppm [40 g/kg] of dry matter intake), and lucerne hay plus monensin (80 ppm of dry matter intake). The fungal population was observed in the rumen, duodenum, cecum, and rectum and varied with diet; it was most abundant with lucerne hay alone and with corn silage plus monensin. The proportion of particles colonized by fungi in the duodenum, the cecum, and feces was measured by microscopic observation and varied from 5 to 50%, depending on the diet. The further sporangia attached to the plant particles were from the rumen, the more likely they were to be devoid of spores. Results confirmed the influence of diet on the development of the ruminal fungal population and showed that monensin does not eliminate these microorganisms. They also confirmed the presence of anaerobic fungi in the ruminant intestine. It is likely that anaerobic fungi leave the rumen attached to plant particles. However, large colonies of nonrhizoidal-type fungi were observed in cecum samples and in feces; at these sites, environmental conditions are perhaps more favorable for this type of fungus than they are in the rumen.  相似文献   

The presence of Methanobrevibacter smithii altered the susceptibility of the anaerobic fungi Neocallimastix frontalis and Piromonas communis to the carboxylic ionophores monensin and lasalocid. The ionophores depressed growth (measured by chitin accretion), the uptake of glucose and the production of H2, formate and acetate by the fungi growing axenically in semi-solid medium. In the presence of M. smithii , the sensitivity of the fungi to monensin and lasalocid was decreased. For example, the uptake of glucose by N. frontalis strain RE1 in the culture was reduced to 50% of the control value by monensin at 0.5 mUg/ml. In the presence of M. smithii strain PS, approximately three tunes as much monensin was needed to bring about the same effect. In similar tests, the sensitivity of strain RE1 to lasalocid was decreased about nine-fold in the presence of M. smithii. The effect was not observed if the methanogens were killed by autoclaving before inoculation. It is suggested that the enhanced resistance to ionophores in the presence of M. smithii is a consequence of changes in the energy metabolism of the fungi growing in co-culture.  相似文献   

The presence of Methanobrevibacter smithii altered the susceptibility of the anaerobic fungi Neocallimastix frontalis and Piromonas communis to the carboxylic ionophores monensin and lasalocid. The ionophores depressed growth (measured by chitin accretion), the uptake of glucose and the production of H2, formate and acetate by the fungi growing axenically in semi-solid medium. In the presence of M. smithii, the sensitivity of the fungi to monensin and lasalocid was decreased. For example, the uptake of glucose by N. frontalis strain RE1 in the culture was reduced to 50% of the control value by monensin at 0.5 microgram/ml. In the presence of M. smithii strain PS, approximately three times as much monensin was needed to bring about the same effect. In similar tests, the sensitivity of strain RE1 to lasalocid was decreased about nine-fold in the presence of M. smithii. The effect was not observed if the methanogens were killed by autoclaving before inoculation. It is suggested that the enhanced resistance to ionophores in the presence of M. smithii is a consequence of changes in the energy metabolism of the fungi growing in co-culture.  相似文献   

Abstract Tolerance of anaerobic fungi in the faeces and rumen digesta of cattle to drying in air at approx. 20°C or 39°C was investigated. Anaerobic fungi were able to survive in dried faeces, but no significant survival was observed in digesta collected from five different regions of the rumen. Anaerobic fungi in faeces also survived when samples were dried in the presence of rumen digesta. When dried in the presence of sterile faeces, however, anaerobic fungi in rumen digesta failed to survive the drying process. The most plausible explanation for these results is that, during passage from the rumen to the rectum, anaerobic fungi undergo a transition to a dormant form resistant to air-drying.  相似文献   

Fiber degradation in the ruminant digestive process is a major activity accomplished by rumen microbes, a process in which the role of fungi is important. Therefore, the present study was conducted to establish the community structure of anaerobic rumen fungi in cattle fed on a high fiber diet using molecular approaches. Total community DNA was extracted, and the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 region was amplified, cloned, and sequenced. The resulting nucleotide sequences were used to construct a phylogenetic tree. A total of 52 clones were analyzed, revealing 31 different ITS1 gene phylotypes. Of these, 12 belonged to the genus Orpinomyces (48 % of clones), followed by uncultured Neocallimastigale clones (29 %), Cyllamyces spp. (9 %) and Anaeromyces spp. (8 %). Our results indicate that genus Orpinomyces dominates the rumen fungal community in Indian crossbred Karan Fries cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to ascertain if a daily niacin supplementation of 6 g/cow to lactating dairy cow diets can compensate for the decrease in rumen microbial fermentation due to a negative rumen nitrogen balance (RNB). A total of nine ruminally and duodenally fistulated lactating multiparous German Holstein cows was used. The diets consisted of 10 kg dry matter (DM) maize silage and 7 kg DM concentrate and differed as follows: (i) Diet RNB- (n = 6) with energy and utilisable crude protein (CP) at the duodenum (uCP) according to the average requirement of the animals, but with a negative RNB (-0.41 g N/MJ metabolisable energy [ME]); (ii) Diet RNB0 (n = 7) with energy, uCP, and RNB (0.08 g N/MJ ME) according to the average requirement of the animals; and (iii) Diet NA (nicotinic acid; n = 5), which was the same diet as RNB-, but supplemented with 6 g niacin/d. The negative RNB affected the rumen fermentation pattern and reduced ammonia content in rumen fluid and the daily duodenal flows of microbial CP (MP) and uCP. Niacin supplementation increased the apparent ruminal digestibility of neutral detergent fibre. The efficiency of microbial protein synthesis per unit of rumen degradable CP was higher, whereby the amount of MP reaching the duodenum was unaffected by niacin supplementation. The number of protozoa in rumen fluid was higher in NA treatment. The results indicated a more efficient use of rumen degradable N due to changes in the microbial population in the rumen when niacin was supplemented to diets deficient in RNB for lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

The effect of rumen chitinolytic bacteria on cellulolytic anaerobic fungi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J. KOPEČNÝ, B. HODROVÁ AND C. S. STEWART. 1996. The polycentric anaerobic fungus Orpinomyces joyonii A4 was cultivated on microcrystalline cellulose alone and in association with the rumen chitinolytic bacterium Clostridium sp. strain ChK5, which shows strong phenotypic similarity to Clostridium tertium . The presence of strain ChK5 significantly depressed the solubilization of microcrystalline cellulose, the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and the release of endoglucanase by the fungus. Co-culture of the monocentric anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix frontalis strain RE1, Neocallimastix sp. strain G-1 and Caecomyces sp. strain SC2 with strain ChK5 also resulted in depressed fungal cellulolysis. Cell-free supernatant fluids from strain ChK5 inhibited the release of reducing sugars from carboxymethylcellulose by cell-free supernatant fluids from O. joyonii strain A4. Strain 007 of the cellulolytic anaerobe Ruminococcus flavefaciens was also shown to produce small amounts of soluble products upon incubation with colloidal chitin. Mixtures of culture supernates from this bacterium and from O. joyonii strain A4 showed cellulase activity that was less than that of the component cultures. It is suggested that the ability of some rumen bacteria to hydrolyse or transform chitin may be an important factor in the interactions between bacteria and fungi in the rumen.  相似文献   

Aims: Understanding factors that influence the composition of microbial populations of the digestive system of dairy cattle will be key in regulating these populations to improve animal performance. Although rumen microbes are well studied, little is known of the dynamics and role of microbial populations in the small intestine of cows. Comparisons of fingerprints of microbial populations were used to investigate the effects of gastrointestinal (GI) segment and animal on community structure. Methods and Results: Samples from four lactating dairy cows with ruminal, duodenal and ileal cannulae were collected. Terminal‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (T‐RFLP) comparisons of small subunit rRNA genes revealed differences in microbial populations between GI segments (P < 0·05). No significant differences in either methanogen populations or microbial community profiles between animals were observed. Quantitative PCR was used to assay relative changes in methanogen numbers compared to procaryote rRNA gene numbers, and direct microscopic counts were used to enumerate total procaryote numbers of the duodenal and ileal samples. Conclusions: T‐RFLP comparisons illustrate significant changes in microbial diversity as digesta passes from one segment to another. Direct counts indicate that microbial numbers are reduced by eight orders of magnitude from the rumen, through the abomasum, and into the duodenum (from c. 1012 to c. 3·6 × 104 cells per ml). Quantitative PCR analyses of rRNA genes indicate that methanogens are present in the duodenum and ileum. Significance and Impact of the Study: The contribution of microbial populations of the small intestine to the nutrition and health of cattle is seldom addressed but warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The isolation of 12 strains of cellulolytic fungi from the rumen of a roughage-fed steer is described. These represented three different genera, including one new genus and species (Orpinomyces bovis). The organisms were indistinguishable on the basis of fermentation products from cellulose, and their fermentation patterns were very similar to those of rumen fungi isolated in other countries. Mycoplasmas were found to be associated with 7 of the 12 isolates. The ecological role of the association of the mycoplasmas with rumen fungi is still unknown.  相似文献   

A total of 20 fungal cultures were isolated from the rumen of cattle fed a high fibre-containing diet. All of the isolates showed polycentric growth patterns and were identified as different strains of Orpinomyces and Anaeromyces. Enzyme assays of most of the isolates showed the highest carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) and xylanase activities after 96 h of growth and highest avicelase activity after 120 h. Among all enzymes tested, xylanase activity was the highest, followed by CMCase and avicelase. The results of the in vitro fibre digestibility and rumen fermentation analyses revealed that the addition of fungal cultures significantly increased acetate, in vitro dry matter digestibility, partition factor values and microbial biomass synthesis levels. Overall, Orpinomyces spp. were found to be the better enzyme producers and fibre degraders than Anaeromyces spp.  相似文献   

对分离自山羊瘤胃的真菌分离培养液中甲烷菌进行16SrDNA扩增、DGGE分析、RFLP及测序分析,研究共存于真菌分离培养液中甲烷菌的种类及其多样性。DGGE结果显示:从厌氧真菌分离至第45代,甲烷菌多样性指数由1·32降至0·99,相似性最低为34·7%;第45代至62代,多样性指数由0·99升至1·15,相似性最低为89·2%。RFLP多态性分析69个克隆共得到5个操作分类单元,选择其中6个具有代表性的序列进行测序。序列及系统进化分析表明,属于其中3个操作分类单元的克隆最相似菌都是UnculturedarchaealsymbiontPA202,相似性均为95%,没有与这些克隆相似性较高的已培养甲烷菌;属于另外2个操作分类单元的克隆最相似菌都是Unculturedrumenmethanogen956,相似性均为97%,最相似已知菌为Methanobrevibactersp.NT7,相似性为97%。结果表明,真菌培养液中存在目前尚未分离培养的瘤胃甲烷菌。  相似文献   

In vitro study of the proteolytic activity of rumen anaerobic fungi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract To better define the antigenic structure of the outer cell membranes of Legionellae, a panel of 6 monoclonal antibodies was raised against partially purified outer membranes of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, Corby strain. This study describes the purification and characterization of one of these monoclonal antibodies reacting with a 135-kDa protein, which was shown to be common to all 14 serogroups of Legionella pneumophila . It shows no cross-reactivity with 20 other Legionella species, or 9 other Gram-negative species tested by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting procedures. The epitope would appear to be predominantly surface exposed and, from preliminary detergent extraction studies, not peptidoglycan-associated.  相似文献   

The growth of mixed rumen fungi in vitro was suppressed by both ionophore antibiotics (salinomycin, monensin and portmicin) and polyoxins (polyoxin B and D: inhibitors of chitin synthesis). The fungistatic effect of the ionophores on a Piromonas spp. was more pronounced than on a Neocallimastix spp. The polyoxins, however, were more potent fungistatically against the Neocallimastix spp. than the Piromonas spp. Higher concentrations of the polyoxins were required to elicit the same effect as that observed with the ionophores. Salinomycin administration decreased fungal count in the rumen of sheep, but fungal count increased after the cessation of the feeding of the antibiotic. Polyoxin D also suppressed the growth of fungi in vivo, but the effect was short-lived. Nevertheless, both bacterial and protozoal counts tended to increase during and after the administration of polyoxin D. Total volatile fatty acid concentrations in the rumen tended to increase during the period of polyoxin D administration. This increasing tendency was maintained for 10 d after the cessation of antibiotic administration. Offering polyoxin D to sheep increased production of propionate ( P < 0·05), while decreasing that of acetate. The results indicate that the rumen fungi are sensitive to chitin synthesis inhibitors as well as ionophores, and are essential members of microbes in the rumen ecosystem.  相似文献   

Aim: To develop an automated ribosomal intergenic spacer region analysis (ARISA) method for the detection of anaerobic rumen fungi and also to demonstrate utility of the technique to monitor colonization and persistence of fungi, and diet‐induced changes in community structure. Methods and Results: The method could discriminate between three genera of anaerobic rumen fungal isolates, representing Orpinomyces, Piromyces and Neocallimastix species. Changes in anaerobic fungal composition were observed between animals fed a high‐fibre diet compared with a grain‐based diet. ARISA analysis of rumen samples from animals on grain showed a decrease in fungal diversity with a dominance of Orpinomyces and Piromyces spp. Clustering analysis of ARISA profile patterns grouped animals based on diet. A single strain of Orpinomyces was dosed into a cow and was detectable within the rumen fungal population for several weeks afterwards. Conclusions: The ARISA technique was capable of discriminating between pure cultures at the genus level. Diet composition has a significant influence on the diversity of anaerobic fungi in the rumen and the method can be used to monitor introduced strains. Significance and Impact of the Study: Through the use of ARISA analysis, a better understanding of the effect of diets on rumen anaerobic fungi populations is provided.  相似文献   

The effect of glycerol on the growth, adhesion, and cellulolytic activity of two rumen cellulolytic bacterial species,Ruminococcus flavefaciens andFibrobacter succinogenes subsp.succinogenes, and of an anaerobic fungal species,Neocallimastix frontalis, was studied. At low concentrations (0.1–1%), glycerol had no effect on the growth, adhesion, and cellulolytic activity of the two bacterial species. However, at a concentration of 5%, it greatly inhibited their growth and cellulolytic activity. Glycerol did not affect the adhesion of bacteria to cellulose. The growth and cellulolytic activity ofN. frontalis were inhibited by glycerol, increasingly so at higher concentrations. At a concentration of 5%, glycerol totally inhibited the cellulolytic activity of the fungus. Thus, glycerol can be added to animal feed at low concentrations.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes survived in meat, cheese and egg ravioli stored at 5°C for 14 d. Ravioli were considered edible for the first 9 d of storage. Initial L. monocytogenes populations of 3 × 105 cfu/g of ravioli were reduced to non-detectable levels after heat treatment simulating that which would be used by the consumer.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative rumen bacteria Fibrobacter succinogenes S85, Prevotella ruminicola M384 and Veillonella parvula L59 were grown in media containing successively increasing concentrations of the ionophores, monensin and tetronasin. All three species became more resistant to the ionophore with which they were grown. Increased resistance to one ionophore caused increased resistance to the other, and cross-resistance to another ionophore—lasalocid—and an antibiotic—avoparcin. Recovery of tetronasin-resistant bacteria from the rumen of monensin-fed sheep increased and vice versa, indicating that similar cross-resistance occurred in vivo.  相似文献   

Three morphologically different anaerobic fungi, a Neocallimastix sp. strain (LM-1), a Piromonas sp. strain (SM-1), and a Sphaeromonas sp. strain (NM-1), were isolated from the rumens of sheep. Growth studies were conducted with each isolate in batch cultures by using an anaerobic semidefined medium that lacked ruminal fluid and contained 0.5% cellobiose. Cultures were incubated for periods of up to 10 days, and fungal growth was assessed at regular intervals by dry weight measurements. Samples of fungal biomass were also analyzed for cell-associated protein and, after acid hydrolysis, for chitin as hexosamine. The isolates produced similar yields of dry weight and contained similar amounts of protein. However, strain LM-1 grew at a higher rate and contained less than half the level of chitin compared with the other two isolates. There were high positive correlations between chitin and protein for all three fungi, but comparisons of these parameters with dry weights were affected by the presence of variable amounts of storage carbohydrate. The amount of storage carbohydrate reached maximum levels in strain LM-1 during mid-growth phase and then quickly declined thereafter. When dry weight yields for strain LM-1 were adjusted for changes in storage carbohydrate, high positive correlations were obtained between dry weight and protein or chitin. The storage carbohydrate was probably an alpha-1,4-glucan with alpha-1,6 branches.  相似文献   

Abstract Isolates of anaerobic fungi obtained from the rumen, duodenum and faeces of sheep were identified as Piromyces mae based on their morphological characteristics observed using light microscopy. There was no significant morphological variation among the isolates of P. mae from the rumen, duodenum and faeces. Isozymes of 12 isolates of P. mae (one each from the rumen, duodenum and faeces from 4 different sheep) were analysed by PAGE. A total of 12 isozymes were studied and 5 isozyme loci were successfully typed. They were malic enzyme, malate dehydrogenase, shikimate dehydrogenase, α-esterase and β-esterase. All the isolates of P. mae regardless of whether they were from the rumen, duodenum or faeces or from different animals produced very similar isozyme banding patterns for each of the enzyme systems. The similar isozyme profiles of the isolates indicate that they are of the same species although they exist in different regions of the alimentary tract.  相似文献   

Effect of monensin on rumen metabolism in vitro.   总被引:23,自引:16,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of Monensin (Rumensin, Eli Lilly & Co.) in incubations with mixed rumen microorganisms metabolizing carbohydrate or protein substrates was investigated. Monensin partly inhibited methanogenesis and increased propionate production, although the effect was not always statistically significant. Incubations with substrates specific for methane bacteria suggest that inhibition of methanogenesis by Monensin was not due to a specific toxic action on the methanogenic flora, but rather to an inhibition of hydrogen production from formate. Total and net microbial growth were considerably decreased by addition of Monensin, although the amount of substrate fermented was not altered, resulting in lowered values of microbial growth efficiency. In incubations with casein, Monensin lowered protein degradation in line with a lowered ammonia production, whereas a slight accumulation of alpha-amino nitrogen was observed. The results suggest that besides an influence of Monensin on the rumen carbohydrate fermentation pattern, another reason for the beneficial effects observed in vivo might be decreased food protein degradation in the rumen, altering the final site of protein digestion in the animal. Also, the possibility of a decrease in rumen microbial growth efficiency has to be considered when using Monensin as a food additive.  相似文献   

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