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The localization of D-amino acid oxidase (D-AAOX) in rat liver and kidney has been investigated using the cerium technique for electron microscopy and a recent modification of it for light microscopy. In the liver a mosaic pattern with strongly and weakly stained cells together with some completely negative hepatocytes is observed. The staining is stronger and more uniform in periportal than in perivenous regions of the liver lobule. In the kidney the reaction is confined to the proximal tubules of the renal cortex with the rest of the nephron being negative. At the ultrastructural level in both liver and kidney a marked heterogeneity is observed in the intensity of reaction in peroxisomes of some neighbouring cells. Moreover, in some cells heavily and weakly stained peroxisomes are seen side by side. When Pipes buffer is used in the incubation medium the D-AAOX reaction in kidney peroxiosomes is aggregated in the central region of the matrix with weaker staining of the periphery. A similar result is obtained when the enzyme is localized by immunocytochemistry confirming a recent report by Usuda et al. (1986). The heterogeneous staining of peroxisomes for D-AAOX suggests that subpopulations of this organelle with specialized functions may exist not only in different tissues and cells but even within the same cell.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular localization ofd-amino acid oxidase in rat kidney and liver has been investigated using the indirect immunogold postembedding technique. Different fixation and embedding conditions for optimal preservation of antigenicity and fine structure have been tested. Immunolabelling was possible only in tissues embedded in polar resins (glycol methacrylate and Lowicryl K4M). In kidney the enzyme was demonstrable only in the peroxisomes of the proximal tubule, where it was associated with the peroxisome core. The enzyme was present in all the peroxisomes of the proximal tubule and appeared to be codistributed with catalase. Control experiments and quantitative analysis confirmed the specificity of thed-amino acid oxidase immunolocalization. All the other cells in kidney failed to demonstrate any labelling. In liver, the immunolabelling was present in the matrix of the hepatocyte peroxisomes, whereas no traces of the enzyme were found in the nucleoid. The intensity of the immunolabelling in liver peroxisomes was lower than in kidney. No specific labelling was observed in cells other than hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The Klüver-Barrera procedure, using luxol fast blue and cresyl violet for a combined nissl and myelin stain, was adapted to unfixed cryostat sections. Neuronal nucleoli appeared as distinct dark blue structures. The color contrast between violet Nissl substance and the nucleoli facilitated their recognition in human and in rat central nervous systems. This modified staining procedure enabled us to combine a counting of nerve cells with a histochemical investigation by applying each technique to a different set of sections cut from the same block of unfixed, frozen brain tissue.  相似文献   

The histochemical method for the demonstration of D-amino acid oxidase activity in rat liver, based on the use of cerium ions and the diaminobenzidine-cobalt-hydrogen peroxide procedure, was improved by the application of unfixed cryostat sections and a semipermeable membrane interposed between section and gelled incubation medium. The amount of final reaction product precipitated in a granular form was about four times higher with this technique in comparison with conventional procedures using fixed sections and aqueous incubation media. The specificity of the reaction was proven by the 70% reduction of the amount of final reaction product when incubating in the presence of substrate and D,L-beta-hydroxybutyrate, a specific inhibitor of D-amino acid oxidase activity. Cytophotometric analysis of liver sections revealed that the specific test minus control reaction was linear with incubation time and section thickness. The Km value of the enzyme of 10.3 +/- 2.7 mM, as determined in periportal areas, is about five times the value found with biochemical methods in liver cell homogenates. The enzyme activity in periportal areas is about five times the activity in pericentral areas. Fasting (24 and 48 hr) induced a significant decrease in D-amino acid activity in periportal and pericentral areas. The possible physiological role of the enzyme in liver is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Glycogen phosphorylase activity has been demonstrated at the ultrastructural level in liver and heart tissue of fasted rats. Unfixed cryostat sections were incubated by mounting them on a semipermeable membrane stretched over a gelled incubation medium. The medium contained a high concentration of glucose 1-phosphate which enables indirect detection of glycogen phosphorylase activity on the basis of the synthesis of glycogen. Tissue fixation, dehydration and embedding for electron microscopical study were performed after the incubation had been completed. The ultrastructure of both liver and heart tissue was rather well preserved. Glycogen granules resulting from glycogen phosphorylase activity were found in the cytoplasmic matrix of both hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes; no relationship with membranous structures could be detected. It is concluded that the semipermeable membrane method is well suited for localizing cytosolic enzyme activities at the ultrastructural level without prior tissue fixation; this opens further perspectives for correlations between histochemical and biochemical data.  相似文献   

We report the presence of a new subcompartment in rat liver peroxisomal matrix in which only D-amino acid oxidase is localized and other matrix enzymes are absent. By electron microscopic observation, the rat liver peroxisome has generally been considered to consist of a single limiting membrane, an electron-dense crystalline core, and a homogeneous matrix. Immunohistochemical staining for D-amino acid oxidase by the protein A-gold technique revealed the presence of a small area in the matrix that was immunoreactive for the enzyme and was less electron-dense than the surrounding matrix. The localization of D-amino acid oxidase in this small area of the peroxisomal matrix was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy on freeze-substituted tissues processed without chemical fixation. To analyze the characteristics of the electron-lucent area, immunoreactivity for various peroxisomal enzymes, including catalase, acyl-CoA oxidase, enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase bifunctional protein, 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, L-alpha-hydroxy acid oxidase (isozyme B), and glycolate oxidase (isozyme A), was assayed. The electron-lucent area was negative for all of these. By double staining for D-amino acid oxidase and catalase, using colloidal gold particles of different sizes, these enzymes were shown to be located in separate areas in the matrix.  相似文献   

1. An appreciable amount of D-amino acid oxidase was found in the extract of mouse liver by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). 2. The content of the enzyme in the kidney and heart extracts was also measured by the assay.  相似文献   

Summary The validity of the histochemical procedure for demonstrating catalase activity in cryostat sections of rat liver at the light-and electron-microscopical level was studied cytophotometrically. Incubations in the presence of 5 mm diaminobenzidine, 44 mm hydrogen peroxide and 2% polyvinyl alcohol performed on fixed cryostat sections resulted in the highest amounts of final reaction product precipitated in a fine granular form which was specific for catalase activity. Serial sections processed for electron microscopy indicated that the osmiophilic final reaction product was exclusively localized in the matrix and core of peroxisomes. The relationship between incubation time and the amounts of final reaction product generated by catalase activity as measured at 460 nm in mid-zonal areas of liver lobules showed non-linearity for the test-minus-control reaction because first-order inactivation of the enzyme occurred during incubation. Linearity of the test-minus-control reaction and section thickness was observed up to 8 m. Catalase in rat liver showed a Km value of 2.0 mm for its substrate hydrogen peroxide when the diaminobenzidine concentration was 5 mm. It is concluded that the procedure for demonstrating catalase activity in serial cryostat sections of rat liver at the light- and electron-microscopical level is specific and can be applied to quantitative purposes. This approach may be useful in pathology, when only small biopsies are available, when the tissue is heterogeneous, and when other histochemical markers also need to be studied in the same material.  相似文献   

Cathepsin B activity is demonstrated histochemically with a post-coupling method using Z-Arg-Arg-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide as substrate and Fast Blue BB as coupling reagent in unfixed and undecalcified cryostat sections of whole rat knee joints. Sections were attached to transparent tape to keep the integrity of the tissue intact, such attachment being essential for precise precipitation of the final reaction product at sites of enzyme activity. Also essential was inclusion of polyvinyl alcohol in the enzyme incubation medium. High cathepsin B activity was found in osteoclasts, chondrocytes, fibroblasts, synovial cells, and bone marrow cells in knee joints after induction of arthritis. The final reaction product was precipitated as fine cytoplasmic granules probably corresponding to lysosomes. The reaction was specific because addition to the incubation medium of selective inhibitors of cathepsin B-like activity completely blocked the activity. The amount of final reaction product in synovium and in bone marrow cells was analyzed cytophotometrically. Specific formation of final reaction product was linear with incubation time up to 60 min at 37 degrees C and with section thickness up to 12 microns. Variation of the substrate concentration in the incubation medium revealed a KM value of 1.86 +/- 0.36 mM in synovial cells and 2.48 +/- 0.51 mM in bone marrow cells and Vmax values (expressed as mean integrated absorbance) of 1.18 +/- 0.10 in synovial cells and 1.02 +/- 0.11 in bone marrow cells. Both KM and Vmax values were significantly different in synovial cells and bone marrow cells (p less than 0.01) which could be owing to the presence of different isoenzymes in these tissues. We conclude that the described post-coupling method is sufficient to yield precise localization and that the method is valid for quantitative purposes.  相似文献   

In the present study, we demonstrate the activity of several phosphatases ultrastructurally in long-term (up to 24 months) cold-stored (−80°C) rat tissues. Phosphatase activity was histochemically studied with the use of unfixed cryostat sections in combination with low temperature (4° C) incubation conditions in order to prevent inactivation of enzyme activity and to limit the loss of ultrastructure. 5′-Nucleotidase activity was observed at plasma membranes, mainly at bile canalicular membranes of hepatocytes in liver. Thiamine pyrophosphatase activity was detected not only intrans side cisternae but also in medial andcis side cisternae of Golgi complexes in the parotid gland. Glucose-6-phosphatase activity was localized in endoplasmic reticulum as well as at the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. Acid phosphatase reaction product was found in lysosomes. Furthermore, the localization patterns of 5′-nucleotidase and thiamine pyrophosphatase activity were compared with those obtained after different fixation procedures such as immediate chemical fixation of tissues or fixation of tissues after freezing and thawing. The results showed similar localization patterns of these enzymes after the different pretreatments. However, with respect to the ultrastructural morphology, some damage was observed in unfixed material after incubation. It can be concluded that the procedure described here enables ultrastructural localization of activity of phosphatases in long-term cold-stored tissues. This procedure will be useful for a retrospective study on archival material when histochemical parameters are needed.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of storage of unfixed cryostat sections from rat liver for 4 h, 24 h, 3 days and 7 days at -25°C was studied on the activities of lactate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, xanthine oxidoreductase, glutamate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase (all demonstrated with tetrazolium salt procedures), glucose-6-phosphatase (cerium-diaminobenzidine method), 5-nucleotidase (lead salt method), dipeptidyl peptidase II, acid phosphatase (both simultaneous azo coupling methods), d-amino acid oxidase (cerium-diaminobenzidine-cobalt-hydrogen peroxide procedure) and catalase (diaminobenzidine method). The effect of drying of the cryostat sections at room temperature for 5 and 60 min was investigated as well. The enzyme activities were quantified by cytophotometric measurements of test and control reactions. The test minus control reaction was taken as a measure for specific enzyme activity. It was found that the activities of all the enzymes investigated, with one exception, were affected neither by storage of the cryostat sections at -25°C for up to 7 days, nor by drying of the sections at room temperature for up to 60 min. The exception was xanthine oxidoreductase, whose activity was reduced by 20% after 5 min drying of sections or after 4 h storage. Therefore, only incubations for xanthine oxidoreductase activity have to be performed immediately after cutting cryostat sections, whereas for the other enzymes a considerable margin appears to exist.  相似文献   

Summary Small tissue blocks of various organs of the rat were incubated for gradually increasing times in a neutral buffer-sucrose medium modelling the main parameters of the histochemical incubations. Following incubation the blocks were fixed in paraformaldehydeosmium and embedded in Durcupan. The electron microscopic study revealed that even after 40 minutes of incubation prior to fixation, fine structure is preserved satisfactorily from the histochemical point of view. With consideration to further advantages of such a proceeding, the incubation of unfixed tissue blocks for electron-histochemistry is recommended.  相似文献   

A new method of colorimetric determination of d-amino acid oxidase and urate oxidase using catalase and 4-amino-3-hydrazino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole is reported. This method is based on the combination of two steps of enzyme reactions and colorimetric procedure. The values obtained by this method are satisfactorily correlated with those obtained by the dinitrophenylhydrazine method for d-amino acid oxidase activity and the ultraviolet method for urate oxidase activity and showed good reproducibility and accuracy. It is considered that the method can be useful as a method of activity determination for studying enzyme kinetics and the reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary A method has been developed for freezing, drying and embedding of unfixed monolayer cultures for electron microscopic autoradiography (EM ARG). Experimental results showed: a) Aclar 33 C was a more suitable substrate than the plastic of petri dishes, b) cultures pressed rapidly against the polished face of a large copper cylinder chilled in liquid nitrogen had better cellular morphology than did cultures dipped in Freon 12 chilled in liquid nitrogen, and c) cultures embedded in Epon alone had finer extracellular ice spaces and lower background grain densities than did cultures embedded in Epon with 1% silicone.This method has been used to evaluate the effect of fixation on the localization of the neurotransmitter, 3H-gamma-aminobutyric acid (3H-GABA), in neurons of dispersed cell cultures. EM ARG results showed that the neuronal cell bodies and vesicle elements were present in similar numbers in both glutaraldehyde fixed and freeze-dried cultures.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for freezing, drying and embedding of unfixed monolayer cultures for electron microscopic autoradiography (EM ARG). Experimental results showed: a) Aclar 33 C was a more suitable substrate than the plastic of petri dishes, b) cultures pressed rapidly against the polished face of a large copper cylinder chilled in liquid nitrogen had better cellular morphology than did cultures dipped in Freon 12 chilled in liquid nitrogen, and c) cultures embedded in Epon alone had finer extracellular ice spaces and lower background grain densities than did cultures embedded in Epon with 1% silicone. This method has been used to evaluate the effect of fixation on the localization of the neurotransmitter, 3H-gamma-aminobutyric acid (3H-GABA), in neurons of dispersed cell cultures. EM ARG results showed that the neuronal cell bodies and vesicle elements were present in similar numbers in both glutaraldehyde fixed and freeze-dried cultures.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of facilitative glucose transporters (GLUT), namely the erythroid/brain-type GLUT 1 and the liver-type GLUT 2, were demonstrated in native cryostat sections of normal rat liver and brain by immunofluorescence and a very sensitive immunoalkaline phosphatase reaction. Fixation with 0.1% alcoholic periodic acid resulted in an excellent localization of GLUT 2 in liver and GLUT 1 in brain. GLUT 1 in liver, however, could successfully be demonstrated after fixation with 1% alcoholic formaldehyde. GLUT 2 occurred in all hepatocytes as a basolateral membrane protein with a gradient of high expression in the periportal area and a lower one in the perivenous part. The first layer of hepatocytes adjacent to the hepatic vein coexpressed GLUT 1. In addition, GLUT 1 could be detected in the smooth muscle layer of the portal vein and in the apical and lateral plasma membrane of the bile duct epithelium. In brain, GLUT 1 showed a high expression in the microvessels, the ependyma and in the basal plasma membrane of choroid plexus epithelial cells. The blood capillaries associated with the choroidal epithelium were, however, negative for GLUT 1. The importance of the new findings in this study for the physiological role of the respective facilitative glucose transport proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

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