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2009年12月至2010年12月,经过一个年周期的调察与统计,共记录雅安市区林地鸟类79种,隶属于8目32科。通过多样性指数与均匀度指数的测算发现,春秋两季大于夏冬两季,农田类型明显低于次生林、人工林及其他生境。在所有鸟类中,灰喉鸦雀(Paradoxornis alphonsianus)、白头鹎(Pycnonotussinensis)、红头长尾山雀(Aegithalos concinnus)、白颊噪鹛(Garrulax sannio)在不同季节均具有较高的优势度,发冠卷尾(Dicrurus hottentottus)、松鸦(Garrulus glandarius)、大山雀(Parus major)、绿背山雀(P.monticolus)具有最高的生态位宽度值。自20世纪60年代,雅安市区鸟类物种组成及栖息地随城市化进程均发生了较大变化。  相似文献   

萎吻属绦虫三新种和本属分类的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1959—1964年间作者采集鸟类绦虫标本时,曾先后解剖大山雀(Parus major commixtus)百余只、红隼(Falco tinnunculus saturatus)十余只和栗背短脚鹎(Hypsipetes flavala canipennis)八只,获得萎吻属(Unciunia)绦虫三种。经形态比较研究后认为均系新种。现分别记述如次。 一、中华萎吻绦虫Unciunia sinensis sp. nov.(图版Ⅰ,图1—7)  相似文献   

2002年12月~2004年12月,对成都市区公共绿地的野生鸟类进行了调查,获见野生鸟类167种,加上文献记载的共有247种;其中白头鹎、红头长尾山雀、白颊噪鹛、麻雀为优势种.与20年前相关调查比较,增加了22种新纪录种.市区植被多样性、食源丰富以及市民保护鸟类的文明行为,对野生鸟类数量的增加起重要作用.  相似文献   

本文研究了小龙门林区夏季鸟类群落物种组成和多样性及其在 1999年~ 2 0 0 3年时间段内的变化。通过野外设置8块样地 ,采用网捕环志、望远镜观察、鸣叫识别三种方法统计 ,得到了以下结论 :山雀科 (Paridae)、长尾山雀科 (Aegithalidae)、翁鸟科 (Muscicapidae)为该地区的优势科 ,银喉长尾山雀 (Aegithaloscaudatus)、大山雀 (Parusmajor)、褐头山雀 (Parusmontanus)、冠纹柳莺 (Phylloscopusreguloides)为该地区的优势种 ;林区鸟类物种及生物多样性丰富 ,且在研究阶段内呈现逐渐增长的趋势 ;另外 ,通过分析也发现林区内空间距离是决定不同森林生境类型间鸟类群落相似程度的主要因素 ,这些结论对于太行山生态恢复工程如何继续实施有重要意义。  相似文献   

生境斑块化对食果鸟类的移动行为产生影响,进而影响其对植物种子的传播格局和效率。南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var.mairei)是我国一级保护植物,在南方山区多因人为干扰而呈斑块状分布。2011年,2012年10月底到12月中,以分布于福建梅花山国家级自然保护区红豆杉生态园中南方红豆杉种群为对象,研究斑块生境中鸟类对南方红豆杉种子的取食和传播行为,并评估专性鸟类和泛性鸟类的传播效率。结果发现:南方红豆杉源斑块共吸引22种食果鸟类取食红豆杉种子,并与13种鸟类形成了种子传播关系。不同年间,黑短脚鹎(Hypsipetes leucocephalus)都是植物的主要传播鸟类,而其他鸟类传播者种类具有一定的年间变化。生境斑块化导致专性鸟类黑短脚鹎和泛性鸟类红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)种子传播效率差异。与红嘴蓝鹊相比,黑短脚鹎飞行的平均距离较短((16.3±11.0)m,Mean±SD,n=125),传播距离相对较近;且它们取食后偏好在源斑块中活动,喜栖息在同种成树、甜楮(Castanopsis eyrei)及其他阔叶树等栖树上。红嘴蓝鹊取食后常在斑块间移动,常停歇在同种成树和毛竹(Phyllostachys heterocycla)上,传播距离相对较远((24.9±20.0)m,Mean±SD,n=95)。空间一致性结果表明,黑短脚鹎移动距离对幼苗更新距离的空间一致性程度高;而红嘴蓝鹊偏好生境与幼苗更新生境一致性程度高。结果表明,斑块生境中植物能与专性鸟类、泛性鸟类之间形成种子传播互惠关系,且种子传播效率受到专性鸟类和泛性鸟类传播距离和传播生境的影响。  相似文献   

巢址选择对鸟类的巢捕食率具有重要影响,研究鸟类的巢址特征与巢捕食率之间的关系有利于揭示不同巢址特征对鸟类成功繁殖的作用。本研究以2014至2017年在河南董寨国家级自然保护区观察的红头长尾山雀(Aegithalos concinnus)为研究对象,分析了红头长尾山雀在卵期(产卵及孵卵期)(n = 124巢)及育雏期(n = 119巢)被捕食巢和成功巢的日存活率与发现巢的时间和营巢植物种类之间的关系,同时还根据其巢址的总体特征对其巢址安全性进行评级,以探究研究者评估的巢址安全等级对预测巢存活率的有效性。结果显示:在卵期,营巢于竹类植物(如箬竹Indocalamus tessellatus和刚竹属Phyllostachys sp.植物)、茶(Camellia sinensis)、灌草类植物(如蔷薇Rosa spp.和禾本科Gramineae植物)和杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)上的红头长尾山雀巢的日存活率皆显著高于在松柏类植物(如油松Pinus massoniana、侧柏Platycladus orientalis和圆柏Juniperus chinensis)上的巢;在育雏期,营巢于灌草类植物上巢的日存活率显著低于竹类、杉木和茶树上巢的日存活率。卵期巢的日存活率随巢日龄的增加而显著降低,但育雏期巢的日存活率不随巢日龄显著变化。此外,巢的日存活率与发现巢的日期之间没有显著关系,研究者评估为巢址安全等级不同的巢,其日存活率也无显著差异。综上所述,本研究的结果表明,营巢于某些特定植物有助于降低红头长尾山雀面临的巢捕食风险,说明营巢植物种类对鸟类的繁殖成功率具有重要影响。  相似文献   

黑[短脚]鹎Hypsipetes madagascariensis(Muller)在中国东南诸省广泛分布、亚种分化繁杂。中国过去记录有9个亚种,除Mayr(1941)作过专题研究外,其后涉及到黑[短脚]鹎的分类研究,多沿用前人的结沦。这一方面由于标本数量少且分散各地、研究困难;二是有些地区标本过去很长时间仅存国外。这次趁写全国动物志之机,将中国黑[短脚]鹎各亚种在各地区的分化进行了对比研究。 实际上Mayr的专题只不过指出了黑[短脚]鹎的多种颜色差异现象,对产生这些现象的原因,它们在地理分布上的状况未能述及,当然也不可能述及。因为他们所研究的标本、绝大多数是冬季收到的。 研究结果:笔者认为独龙亚种ambiens应是滇西亚种sinensis的同物异名;丽江亚种stresemanni是四川亚种leuco  相似文献   

长尾山雀是山雀大家族中的一个小小类群,全世界共有7种,分布于欧亚大陆,留鸟;与山雀家族其他成员的明显区别在于:腹部没有黑色的纵带。它们尾长而体形娇小,尽管没有冠羽,但头顶的羽毛丰满、蓬松,看起来就像是戴着一顶"帽子"。我国常见的有4种,即:银喉长尾山雀、红头长尾山雀、银脸长尾山雀、黑眉长尾山雀。  相似文献   

南方红豆杉的天然更新格局及食果鸟类对其种子的传播   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年9-12月,在皖南仙寓山对南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var.mairei)天然更新种群的分布格局及食果鸟类对其种子的传播作用进行了研究.结果表明:天然更新种群集中分布于仙寓山海拔540 m以上面积约1.1 hm2的山坡上,与毛竹混生.共统计红豆杉1 331株,其中高度30 cm以下的幼苗1 167株,占总数的87.68%.该红豆杉种群为缓慢增长型种群,空间水平格局呈聚集分布.经过对结实母树的定点连续观察,记录到10种鸟类取食红豆杉种子,其中红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)、栗背短脚鹎(Hemixos castanonotus)和绿翅短脚鹎(Hypsipetes mcclellandii)为主要的取食者和传播者.食果鸟类吞入种子后,消化果肉(假种皮)后,种子随粪便排出而得以传播.野外调查中,在鸟类经常活动的地点发现带有红豆杉种子新鲜的鸟类粪便,每个含有1~2颗种子.未被鸟类取食的落果自然掉落于树冠下,假种皮被昆虫取食或腐烂,种子在母树下能正常萌发,但存活率几乎为零.因此,鸟类在该红豆杉天然种群形成中起到了重要作用,它们将种子传播至适宜萌发和生长的环境中.  相似文献   

长尾山雀是山雀大家族中的一个小小类群,全世界共有7种,分布于欧亚大陆,留鸟;与山雀家族其他成员的明显区别在于:腹部没有黑色的纵带。它们尾长而体形娇小,尽管没有冠羽,但头顶的羽毛丰满、蓬松,看起来就像是戴着一顶"帽子"。我国常见的有4种,即:银喉长尾山雀、红头长尾山雀、银脸长尾山雀、黑眉长尾山雀。  相似文献   

湖南省雀形目鸟类新纪录4种   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2011年5月~2012年6月,作者在湖南壶瓶山国家级自然保护区进行鸟类资源调查和种群监测的过程中,拍摄到4种雀形目鸟类,经分类鉴定为灰翅鸫(Turdus boulboul)、蓝喉仙鹟(Cyornis rubeculoides)、灰眉岩鹀(Emberiza godlewskii)和银脸长尾山雀(Aegithalos fuliginosus),均为湖南省鸟类新纪录。  相似文献   

于2008和2010年每年5~7月在秦岭东段南坡的商洛地区商南、山阳、柞水和洛南4县根据海拔和植被类型选择样点,并采用样线法和网捕法相结合的方法对繁殖鸟类群落进行了调查。共观察记述鸟类159种,农田和栽培植物带(215~650 m)有鸟类96种,其中优势种是山麻雀(Passer rutilans),低山阔叶林带(650~1 200 m)鸟类种数最多,有135种,其中优势种是绿背山雀(Parus monticolus),针阔混交林带(1 200~2 200 m)有73种,其中优势种是橙翅噪鹛(Garrulax elliotii);秦岭东段南坡鸟类群落与中段南坡以及西段南坡和巴山北坡鸟类群落有较高的相似性,但是和秦岭北坡、巴山南坡的鸟类群落相似性较小,反映出秦岭和巴山对鸟类物种组成的阻隔作用和该地区鸟类区系组成的过渡性。和30年前相比,秦岭东段南坡鸟类物种增加了64种,但是有8种鸟类在2008和2010年的调查中未见到。总体上,秦岭东段南坡的繁殖鸟类群落组成在过去的30年里已经发生了明显的变化。  相似文献   

We examined foraging behaviors of four insectivorous bird species (Great Tit Parus major, Varied Tit P. varius, Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus and Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonica) on the two oak species (Q. serrata and Q. variabilis) in relation to fine-scale foliage structures, abundance, and distribution of folivorous insects and physical and chemical characteristics of leaves. There was no difference in the mean number of insects for each oak species, but there was a significant difference in the mean biomass. The distance from twigs or branches to leaf tips or blade-petiole junctions showed that leaves of Q. variabilis were more dispersed than those of Q. serrata. The different size distribution of insects influenced insect sizes selected and foraging maneuvers used by each bird species. Parus major and P. varius fed on beetles (low energy gain) with perch-gleaning (the most energy-saving maneuver) from the upper side of leaves on Q. variabilis, whereas they fed on large lepidopteran larvae (high energy gain) from the lower side of leaves on Q. serrata using a variety of maneuvers (including energy-consuming ones). Both A. caudatus and Z. japonica fed on insects from the lower side of leaves by hang-gleaning and reach-gleaning, respectively. These species appeared to be morphologically adapted to the energy-consuming but more effective maneuvers used to take preys from the undersides of leaves. We hypothesize that differences in foliage structures between closely related species of trees have evolved as a balance between defense against folivorous insects and attraction of insectivorous birds.  相似文献   

Alien plants with abundant and nutritious fruits may compete more effectively for avian dispersal services than native shrubs. This premise was examined by comparing daily foraging activity (visitation frequency, foraging bird number and foraging period) by four frugivorous bird species of different size on fruits of two native and two alien shrub species co-occurring at four different sites. Also, the quantities of seeds consumed daily by each of the four birds species from fruits of the four shrub species were measured and compared with the numbers of fruits and seeds, and the mass of fruits present in the shrub canopies as well as with their fruit monosaccharide concentrations. The quantities of seed consumed daily by four different size bird species (Columba arquatrix, Colius striatus, Pycnonotus capensis, Zosterops pallidus subsp capensis) were positively correlated with the numbers of seeds per m2 of canopy area and with fruit mass and fruit monosaccharide content per m2 of canopy area, as well as with the monosaccharide concentration of individual fruits, except in the C. arquatrix (African olive pigeon). All four bird species displayed the highest daily visitation frequencies on fruits of the alien Solanum mauritianum which were more abundant and nutritious than fruits of the other alien Lantana camara and fruits the natives Olea europaea subsp africana and Chrysanthemoides monilifera. They also all consumed greater quantities of seed daily from fruits of the alien S. mauritianum than from fruits of the other shrub species. These results corroborate proposals that frugivorous birds concentrate their foraging activities on those alien plants with the most abundant and nutritious fruits.  相似文献   

Most endangered plant species in a fragmented forest behave as a unique source population, with a high dependence on frugivorous birds for recruitment and persistence. In this study, we combined field data of dispersal behavior of birds and GIS information of patch attributes to estimate how frugivorous birds could affect the effective dispersal pattern of Chinese yew (Taxus chinensis) in a fragmented and disturbed forest. Nine bird species were observed to visit T. chinensis trees, with Urocissa erythrorhyncha, Zoothera dauma and Picus canus being the most common dispersers. After foraging, six disperser species exhibited different perching patterns. Three specialist species, P. canus, Turdus hortulorum, and Z. dauma stayed in the source patch, while three generalist species, U. erythrorhyncha, Hypsipetes mcclellandii, and H. castanonotus, could perch in bamboo patches and varied in movement ability due to body size. As a consequence of perching, dispersers significantly contributed to the seed bank, but indirectly affected seedling recruitment. Moreover, the recruitment of T. chinensis was also affected by patch attributes in a fragmented forest (distances to source patch, patch type, size). Our results highlighted the ability of unique source population regeneration of T. chinensis in a fragmented forest, with high dependence on both frugivorous birds and patch attributes, which should be considered in future planning for forest management and conservation.  相似文献   

The composition of plant species in fragmented landscapes may be influenced by the pattern of visitation by birds to fruiting trees and by the movement of seeds among and within fragments. We compared bird visitation patterns to two tree species (Dendropanax arboreus, Araliaceae; Bursera simaruba, Burseraceae) in continuous forest and remnants of riparian vegetation in a region dominated by pasture in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. We quantified frequency of visitation, fruit consumption, consistency of visitation (percentage of total tree observation periods during which a given bird species was recorded), and species composition of birds at individuals of both tree species in continuous forest and riparian remnants. Bird visitation rate, species richness, and fruit consumption rates were similar within both tree species in the two habitats. Species assemblages at D. arboreus were different between continuous forest and remnants. Species assemblages at B. simaruba did not differ by habitat. Our results demonstrate that habitat disturbance may influence avian visitation patterns, which may in turn affect subsequent recruitment patterns in some tree species. Our results, however, were not consistent between the tree species, suggesting that it is difficult to generalize concerning the effects of forest disturbance on avian species assemblages in fruiting trees.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖都昌候鸟自然保护区丰水期和枯水期鸟类多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009年12月和2010年5月,利用样线法和同步调查法对江西省鄱阳湖都昌候鸟自然保护区的鸟类开展了调查,分析了丰水期和枯水期鸟类群落结构的特征及其差异.野外调查共记录到鸟类14目43科169种.丰水期鸟类有36科96种,枯水期鸟类36科135种.其中,国家重点保护鸟类17种.结合保护区日常监测到白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)、灰鹤(G.grus)、白头鹤(G.monacha)和白枕鹤(G.vipio)的分布记录,该保护区鸟类累计达173种.保护区枯水期鸟类以雀形目、鹆形目和雁形目为主,分别占枯水期鸟类种类总数的47.4%、13.3%和9.6%;丰水期鸟类以雀形目、鸻形目和鹳形目为主,分别占鸟类种类总数的58.3%、8.3%和10.4%.枯水期和丰水期鸟类物种组成存在明显的季节性变换.枯水期农田生境鸟类多样性最高,其次是草洲、沼泽和水体,泥滩生境鸟类多样性最低;丰水期农田和水体生境鸟类多样性基本相同.都昌候鸟自然保护区枯水期的优势种为八哥(Acridotheres cristatellus)、白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、灰椋鸟(Sturnus cineraceus)、麻雀(Passer montanus)和山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis),丰水期为白鹭(Egretta garzetta)和八哥.  相似文献   

Mistletoes are hemiparasitic flowering plants that function as keystone resources in forests and woodlands of temperate regions, where a positive relationship between mistletoe density and avian species richness has been observed. Mistletoes have been less studied in tropical regions and the relationship between birds and mistletoes has seldom been explored in tropical agricultural systems. Therefore, we studied the presence of infected trees and infection prevalence (i.e., number of parasitized trees/total number of trees) by Psittacanthus (Loranthaceae) mistletoes in 23 hedgerows located in an agricultural landscape of central Mexico during the dry and rainy seasons, and investigated the relationship between bird species richness and abundance and the abundance of mistletoes. We found a mean of 74 mistletoe plants per 100-m transect of only one species, Psittacanthus calyculatus. Thirty-one percent of the trees surveyed were infected and tree species differed in infection prevalence, mesquite (Prosopis laevigata) being the most infected species with 86% of the surveyed trees infected. For both seasons, we found a positive and significant association between bird species richness and number of mistletoe plants. The same pattern was observed for total bird abundance. Many resident and Neotropical migratory birds were observed foraging on mistletoes. Our results show that mistletoes are important in promoting a higher bird species richness and abundance in tropical agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1987,35(3):794-806
Over the course of one winter, the food supply of birds living in a deciduous woodland in southern England was supplemented and unsupplemented during alternating periods. In the presence of substantial predation pressure from hawks, the sociality of blue tits, Parus caeruleus, and great tits, P. major, showed significant partial correlations with several weather and temporal factors when the woodland was unsupplemented. Such correlations between social behaviour and abiotic factors diminished significantly when the birds had access to extra food. Blue tits and great tits without access to supplemental food flocked significantly more often with other species while foraging than when they were food-supplemented. Long-tailed tits, Aegithalos caudatus, ignored the artificial food and foraged in mixed-species flocks to the same extent in both unsupplemented and food-supplemented periods. Results disprove the hypothesis that mixed-species foraging groups are caused by increased predation protection alone, and they support the hypotheses that mixed-species foraging groups are caused by increased foraging efficiency alone or by a combination of increased foraging efficiency and increased protection from predators.  相似文献   

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