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We show that human Cdc14A phosphatase interacts with interphase centrosomes, and that this interaction is independent of microtubules and Cdc14A phosphatase activity, but requires active nuclear export. Disrupting the nuclear export signal (NES) led to Cdc14A being localized in nucleoli, which in unperturbed cells selectively contain Cdc14B (ref. 1). Conditional overproduction of Cdc14A, but not its phosphatase-dead or NES-deficient mutants, or Cdc14B, resulted in premature centrosome splitting and formation of supernumerary mitotic spindles. In contrast, downregulation of endogenous Cdc14A by short inhibitory RNA duplexes (siRNA) induced mitotic defects including impaired centrosome separation and failure to undergo productive cytokinesis. Consequently, both overexpression and downregulation of Cdc14A caused aberrant chromosome partitioning into daughter cells. These results indicate that Cdc14A is a physiological regulator of the centrosome duplication cycle, which, when disrupted, can lead to genomic instability in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

In yeast, the protein phosphatase Cdc14 promotes chromosome segregation, mitotic exit, and cytokinesis by reversing M-phase phosphorylations catalyzed by Cdk1. A key feature of Cdc14 regulation is its sequestration within the nucleolus, which restricts its access to potential substrates for much of the cell cycle. Mammals also possess a nucleolar Cdc14 homolog, termed Cdc14B, but its roles during mitosis and cell division remain speculative. Here we analyze Cdc14B’s subcellular dynamics during mitosis and rigorously test its functional contributions to cell division through homozygous disruption of the Cdc14B locus in human somatic cells. While Cdc14B is initially released from nucleoli at the start of mitosis, the phosphatase quickly redistributes onto segregating sister chromatids during anaphase. This relocalization is mainly driven by Cdk1 inactivation, as pharmacologic inhibition of Cdk1 in prometaphase cells redirects Cdc14B onto chromosomes. However, in sharp contrast to yeast cdc14 mutants, human Cdc14BΔ/Δ cells were viable and lacked defects in spindle assembly, anaphase progression, mitotic exit, and cytokinesis, and continued to segregate ribosomal DNA repeats with near-normal proficiency. Our findings reveal substantial divergence in mitotic regulation between yeast and mammalian cells, as the latter possess efficient mechanisms for completing late M-phase events in the absence of a nucleolar Cdc14-related phosphatase.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid segregation in anaphase of mitosis is initiated through cleavage of cohesin by the protease separase. Two studies now show that this view is valid for most chromosomal DNA, but not for the highly repetitive ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and telomeres. The disjunction of these regions of the chromosome occurs in mid-anaphase, long after cohesin cleavage, and is regulated by the conserved phosphatase Cdc14.  相似文献   

During meiosis, DNA replication is followed by two consecutive rounds of chromosome segregation. Cells lacking the protein phosphatase CDC14 or its regulators, SPO12 and SLK19, undergo only a single meiotic division, with some chromosomes segregating reductionally and others equationally. We find that this abnormal chromosome behavior is due to an uncoupling of meiotic events. Anaphase I spindle disassembly is delayed in cdc14-1, slk19Delta, or spo12Delta mutants, but the chromosome segregation cycle continues, so that both meiotic chromosome segregation phases take place on the persisting meiosis I spindle. Our results show that Cdc14, Slk19, and Spo12 are not only required for meiosis I spindle disassembly but also play a pivotal role in establishing two consecutive chromosome segregation phases, a key feature of the meiotic cell cycle.  相似文献   

Cdc37 has been shown to be required for the activity and stability of protein kinases that regulate different stages of cell cycle progression. However, little is known so far regarding interactions of Cdc37 with kinases that play a role in cell division. Here we show that the loss of function of Cdc37 in Drosophila leads to defects in mitosis and male meiosis, and that these phenotypes closely resemble those brought about by the inactivation of Aurora B. We provide evidence that Aurora B interacts with and requires the Cdc37/Hsp90 complex for its stability. We conclude that the Cdc37/Hsp90 complex modulates the function of Aurora B and that most of the phenotypes brought about by the loss of Cdc37 function can be explained by the inactivation of this kinase. These observations substantiate the role of Cdc37 as an upstream regulatory element of key cell cycle kinases.  相似文献   

Polarisation of the actin cytoskeleton must cease during cytokinesis, to support efficient assembly and contraction of the actomyosin ring at the site of cell division, but the underlying mechanisms are still understood poorly in most species. In budding yeast, the Mitotic Exit Network (MEN) releases Cdc14 phosphatase from the nucleolus during anaphase, leading to the inactivation of mitotic forms of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) and the onset of septation, before G1-CDK can be reactivated and drive re-polarisation of the actin cytoskeleton to a new bud. Here, we show that premature inactivation of mitotic CDK, before release of Cdc14, allows G1-CDK to divert the actin cytoskeleton away from the actomyosin ring to a new site of polarised growth, thereby delaying progression through cytokinesis. Our data indicate that cells normally avoid this problem via the MEN-dependent release of Cdc14, which counteracts all classes of CDK-mediated phosphorylations during cytokinesis and blocks polarised growth. The dephosphorylation of CDK targets is therefore central to the mechanism by which the MEN and Cdc14 initiate cytokinesis and block polarised growth during late mitosis.  相似文献   

Mitosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae depends on IPL1 kinase, which genetically interacts with GLC8. The metazoan homologue of GLC8 is inhibitor-2 (I-2), but its function is not understood. We found endogenous and ectopic I-2 localized to the spindle, midzone, and midbody of mitotic human epithelial ARPE-19 cells. Knockdown of I-2 by RNA interference produced multinucleated cells, with supernumerary centrosomes, multipolar spindles and lagging chromosomes during anaphase. These defects did not involve changes in levels of protein phosphatase-1 (PP1), and the multinuclear phenotype was rescued by overexpression of I-2. Appearance of multiple nuclei and supernumerary centrosomes required progression through the cell cycle and I-2 knockdown cells failed cytokinesis, as observed by time-lapse microscopy. Inhibition of Aurora B by hesperadin produced multinucleated cells and reduced H3S10 phosphorylation. I-2 knockdown enhanced this latter effect. Partial knockdown of PP1Cα prevented multiple nuclei caused by either knockdown of I-2 or treatment with hesperadin. Expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein-I-2 or hemagglutinin-I-2 made cells resistant to hesperadin. We propose that I-2 acts to enhance Aurora B by inhibiting specific PP1 holoenzymes that dephosphorylate Aurora B substrates necessary for chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. Conserved together throughout eukaryotic evolution, I-2, PP1 and Aurora B function interdependently during mitosis.  相似文献   

Cdc14 phosphatases antagonize cyclin-dependent kinase-directed phosphorylation events and are involved in several facets of cell cycle control. We investigate the role of the fission yeast Cdc14 homologue Clp1/Flp1 in cytokinesis. We find that Clp1/Flp1 is tethered at the contractile ring (CR) through its association with anillin-related Mid1. Fluorescent recovery after photobleaching analyses indicate that Mid1, unlike other tested CR components, is anchored at the cell midzone, and this physical property is likely to account for its scaffolding role. By generating a mutation in mid1 that selectively disrupts Clp1/Flp1 tethering, we reveal the specific functional consequences of Clp1/Flp1 activity at the CR, including dephosphorylation of the essential CR component Cdc15, reductions in CR protein mobility, and CR resistance to mild perturbation. Our evidence indicates that Clp1/Flp1 must interact with the Mid1 scaffold to ensure the fidelity of Schizosaccharomyces pombe cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis separates cells by contraction of a ring composed of filamentous actin (F-actin) and type II myosin. Iqg1, an IQGAP family member, is an essential protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae required for assembly and contraction of the actomyosin ring. Localization of F-actin to the ring occurs only after anaphase and is mediated by the calponin homology domain (CHD) of Iqg1, but the regulatory mechanisms that temporally restrict actin ring assembly are not well defined. We tested the hypothesis that dephosphorylation of four perfect cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) sites flanking the CHD promotes actin ring formation, using site-specific alanine mutants. Cells expressing the nonphosphorylatable iqg1-4A allele formed actin rings before anaphase and exhibited defects in myosin contraction and cytokinesis. The Cdc14 phosphatase is required for normal cytokinesis and acts on specific Cdk phosphorylation sites. Overexpression of Cdc14 resulted in premature actin ring assembly, whereas inhibition of Cdc14 function prevented actin ring formation. Cdc14 associated with Iqg1, dependent on several CHD-flanking Cdk sites, and efficiently dephosphorylated these sites in vitro. Of importance, the iqg1-4A mutant rescued the inability of cdc14-1 cells to form actin rings. Our data support a model in which dephosphorylation of Cdk sites around the Iqg1 CHD by Cdc14 is both necessary and sufficient to promote actin ring formation. Temporal control of actin ring assembly by Cdk and Cdc14 may help to ensure that cytokinesis onset occurs after nuclear division is complete.  相似文献   

Chromosomal passenger proteins associate with chromosomes early in mitosis and transfer to the spindle at ana/telophase. Recent results show that aurora B/AIM-1 (aurora and Ipl1-like midbody-associated protein kinase), which is responsible for mitotic histone H3 phosphorylation, INCENP (Inner Centromere protein) and Survivin/BIR are in a macromolecular complex as novel chromosomal passenger proteins. Aurora B/AIM-1 can bind to Survivin and the C-terminal region of INCENP, respectively, and colocalizes with both proteins to the centromeres, midzone and midbody. Disruption of either aurora B/AIM-1 or INCENP function leads to sever defects in chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. Moreover, the formation of the central spindle through anaphase to cytokinesis is also disrupted severely. These data suggest that chromosomal passenger complex is required for proper chromosome segregation by phosphorylating histone H3, and cytokinesis by ensuring the correct assembly of the midzone and midbody microtubule. Chromosomal passenger protein complex may couple chromosome segregation with cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Two forms of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) mediate the degradation of critical cell cycle regulators. APC(Cdc20) promotes sister-chromatid separation by ubiquitinating securin, whereas APC(Cdh1) ubiquitinates mitotic cyclins, allowing the exit from mitosis. Here we show that phosphorylation of human Cdh1 (hCdh1) by cyclin B-Cdc2 alters the conformation of hCdh1 and prevents it from activating APC. A human homologue of yeast Cdc14, human Cdc14a (hCdc14a), dephosphorylates hCdh1 and activates APC(Cdh1). In contrast, hCdc14a does not affect the activity of APC(Cdc20). hCdc14a is a major phosphatase for hCdh1 and localizes to centrosomes in HeLa cells. Therefore, hCdc14a may promote the activation of APC(Cdh1) and exit from mitosis in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Spindle assembly, establishment of kinetochore attachment, and sister chromatid separation must occur during mitosis in a highly coordinated fashion to ensure accurate chromosome segregation. In most vertebrate cells, the nuclear envelope must break down to allow interaction between microtubules of the mitotic spindle and the kinetochores. It was previously shown that nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB) is not coordinated with centrosome separation and that centrosome separation can be either complete at the time of NEB or can be completed after NEB. In this study, we investigated whether the timing of centrosome separation affects subsequent mitotic events such as establishment of kinetochore attachment or chromosome segregation. We used a combination of experimental and computational approaches to investigate kinetochore attachment and chromosome segregation in cells with complete versus incomplete spindle pole separation at NEB. We found that cells with incomplete spindle pole separation exhibit higher rates of kinetochore misattachments and chromosome missegregation than cells that complete centrosome separation before NEB. Moreover, our mathematical model showed that two spindle poles in close proximity do not "search" the entire cellular space, leading to formation of large numbers of syntelic attachments, which can be an intermediate stage in the formation of merotelic kinetochores.  相似文献   

The Cdc14 family of serine-threonine phosphatases antagonizes CDK activity by reversing CDK-dependent phosphorylation events. It is well established that the yeast members of this family bring about the M/G1 transition. Budding yeast Cdc14 is essential for CDK inactivation at the end of mitosis and fission yeast Cdc14 homologue Flp1/Clp1 down-regulates Cdc25 to ensure the inactivation of mitotic CDK complexes to trigger cell division. However, the functions of human Cdc14 homologues remain poorly understood. Here we have tested the hypothesis that Cdc14A might regulate Cdc25 mitotic inducers in human cells. We found that increasing levels of Cdc14A delay entry into mitosis by inhibiting Cdk1-cyclin B1 activity. By contrast, lowering the levels of Cdc14A accelerates mitotic entry. Biochemical analyses revealed that Cdc14A acts through key Cdk1-cyclin B1 regulators. We observed that Cdc14A directly bound to and dephosphorylated Cdc25B, inhibiting its catalytic activity. Cdc14A also regulated the activity of Cdc25A at the G2/M transition. Our results indicate that Cdc14A phosphatase prevents premature activation of Cdk1 regulating Cdc25A and Cdc25B at the entry into mitosis.  相似文献   

Comment on: Chiesa M, et al. Cell Cycle 2011; 10:1607-17.  相似文献   

The Cdc14 family of dual specificity phosphatases regulates key mitotic events in the eukaryotic cell cycle. Although extensively characterized in yeast, little is known about the function of mammalian Cdc14 family members. Here we report a genetic substrate-trapping system designed to identify substrates of the human Cdc14A (hCdc14A) phosphatase. Using this approach, we identify RN-tre, a GTPase-activating protein for the Rab5 GTPase, as a novel physiological target of hCdc14A. As a Rab5 GTPase-activating protein, RN-tre has previously been implicated in control of intracellular membrane trafficking. We find that RN-tre forms a stable complex with the catalytically inactive hCdc14A C278S mutant but not with the wild type protein in human cells, indicative of a substrate/enzyme interaction. In support, we show that RN-tre is regulated by cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation peaking at mitosis, which can be antagonized by hCdc14A activity in vitro as well as in vivo. Furthermore, we show that RN-tre phosphorylation is critical for efficient hCdc14A association and that RN-tre binding can be displaced by tungstate, a competitive inhibitor that binds to the active site of hCdc14A. Consistent with the preference of hCdc14A for phosphorylations mediated by proline-directed kinases, we find that RN-tre is a direct substrate of cyclin-dependent kinase. Finally, phosphorylation of RN-tre appears to finely modulate its catalytic activity. Our findings reveal a novel connection between the cell cycle machinery and the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Gray CH  Good VM  Tonks NK  Barford D 《The EMBO journal》2003,22(14):3524-3535
The Cdc14 family of dual-specificity protein phosphatases (DSPs) is conserved within eukaryotes and functions to down-regulate mitotic Cdk activities, promoting cytokinesis and mitotic exit. We have integrated structural and kinetic analyses to define the molecular mechanism of the dephosphorylation reaction catalysed by Cdc14. The structure of Cdc14 illustrates a novel arrangement of two domains, each with a DSP-like fold, arranged in tandem. The C-terminal domain contains the conserved PTP motif of the catalytic site, whereas the N-terminal domain, which shares no sequence similarity with other DSPs, contributes to substrate specificity, and lacks catalytic activity. The catalytic site is located at the base of a pronounced surface channel formed by the interface of the two domains, and regions of both domains interact with the phosphopeptide substrate. Specificity for a pSer-Pro motif is mediated by a hydrophobic pocket that is capable of accommodating the apolar Pro(P+1) residue of the peptide. Our structural and kinetic data support a role for Cdc14 in the preferential dephosphorylation of proteins modified by proline-directed kinases.  相似文献   

gamma-Tubulin is a conserved essential protein required for assembly and function of the mitotic spindle in humans and yeast. For example, human gamma-tubulin can replace the gamma-tubulin gene in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. To understand the structural/functional domains of gamma-tubulin, we performed a systematic alanine-scanning mutagenesis of human gamma-tubulin (TUBG1) and studied phenotypes of each mutant allele in S. pombe. Our screen, both in the presence and absence of the endogenous S. pombe gamma-tubulin, resulted in 11 lethal mutations and 12 cold-sensitive mutations. Based on structural mapping onto a homology model of human gamma-tubulin generated by free energy minimization, all deleterious mutations are found in residues predicted to be located on the surface, some in positions to interact with alpha- and/or beta-tubulins in the microtubule lattice. As expected, one class of tubg1 mutations has either an abnormal assembly or loss of the mitotic spindle. Surprisingly, a subset of mutants with abnormal spindles does not arrest in M phase but proceeds through anaphase followed by abnormal cytokinesis. These studies reveal that in addition to its previously appreciated role in spindle microtubule nucleation, gamma-tubulin is involved in the coordination of postmetaphase events, anaphase, and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

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