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Maintenance of the shape and diameter of biological tubules is a critical task in the development and physiology of all metazoan organisms. We have cloned the exc-9 gene of Caenorhabditiselegans, which regulates the diameter of the single-cell excretory canal tubules. exc-9 encodes a homologue of the highly expressed mammalian intestinal LIM-domain protein CRIP, whose function has not previously been determined. A second well-conserved CRIP homologue functions in multiple valves of C. elegans. EXC-9 shows genetic interactions with other EXC proteins, including the EXC-5 guanine exchange factor that regulates CDC-42 activity. EXC-9 and its nematode homologue act in polarized epithelial cells that must maintain great flexibility at their apical surface; our results suggest that CRIPs function to maintain cytoskeletal flexibility at the apical surface.  相似文献   

Pattern formation along the proximal-distal (PD) axis in the developing limb bud serves as a good model for learning how cell fate and regionalization of domains, which are essential processes in morphogenesis during development, are specified by positional information. In the present study, detailed fate maps for the limb bud of the chick embryo were constructed in order to gain insights into how cell fate for future structures along the PD axis is specified and subdivided. Our fate map revealed that there is a large overlap between the prospective autopod and zeugopod in the distal limb bud at an early stage (stage 19), whereas a limb bud at this stage has already regionalized the proximal compartments for the prospective stylopod and zeugopod. A clearer boundary of cell fate specifying the prospective autopod and zeugopod could be seen at stage 23, but cell mixing was still detectable inside the prospective autopod region at this stage. Detailed analysis of HOXA11 AND HOXA13 expression at single cell resolution suggested that the cell mixing is not due to separation of some different cell populations existing in a mosaic. Our findings suggest that a mixable unregionalized cell population is maintained in the distal area of the limb bud, while the proximal region starts to be regionalized at the early stage of limb development.  相似文献   

The regional distribution of myogenic cells in developing chick leg buds has been investigated using an in vitro clonal assay. Leg buds were embedded in gelatin and sectioned at intervals of 100–300 μm utilizing a vibratome, and cells dissected from prospective myogenic areas were analyzed for their ability to form colonies containing multinucleated myotubes. The results show that muscle colony-forming (MCF) cells from stage 23 ( to 4-day incubation) are exclusively of the early morphological type, and are found in the proximal two-thirds of the bud. Late-type MCF cells are first obtained from the proximal sections of stage 24–25 (4- to day) buds; in succeeding stages (26–29), late MCF cells supercede the early MCF cell type in the proximal regions, and extend into progressively more distal sections in a graded fashion. Results from sequential sections suggest that early and late MCF cells are located within the same muscle groups. The proportion of late MCF cells continues to increase throughout this period, until by stage 31 (7 days) only the most distal myogenic regions (the toe muscle regions) have an appreciable proportion of early MCF cells. Clonal plating efficiencies increase throughout the period of analysis, and by stage 31 precisely dissected myogenic regions yield plating efficiencies as high as 36% with greater than 95% of these colonies differentiating as muscle.  相似文献   

 Recent advances in developmental genetics of Drosophila have uncovered some of the key molecules involved in the positioning and outgrowth of the leg primordia. Although expression patterns of these molecules have been analyzed in several arthropod species, broad comparisons of mechanisms of limb development among arthropods remain somewhat speculative since no detailed studies of limb development exist for crustaceans, the postulated sister group of insects. As a basis for such comparisons, we analysed limb development in a primitive branchiopod crustacean, Triops longicaudatus. Adults have a series of similar limbs with eight branches or lobes that project from the main shaft. Phalloidin staining of developing limbs buds shows the distal epithelial ridge of the early limb bud exhibits eight folds that extend in a dorsal ventral (D/V) arc across the body. These initial folds subsequently form the eight lobes of the adult limb. This study demonstrates that, in a primitive crustacean, branched limbs do not arise via sequential splitting. Current models of limb development based on Drosophila do not provide a mechanism for establishing eight branches along the D/V axis of a segment. Although the events that position limbs on a body segment appear to be conserved between insects and crustaceans, mechanisms of limb branching may not. Received: 28 February 1996/Accepted: 24 June 1996  相似文献   

Borkhvardt VG 《Ontogenez》2000,31(3):192-200
The development of the fin and limb buds involves a balance of centrifugal (active) and centripetal (passive) mechanical forces, the first of which acts to move the walls of these structures away from each other and the second holds them together. When the volume of the mesodermal core increases, the generated force meets with the resistance of the basal membrane, and as a result, the limb bud has a tendency to acquire cylindrical shape. Collagen fibers, individual mesenchymal cells, and their groups hold together the dorsal and the ventral wall of the limb bud, prevent the movement of these walls away from each other, and in this way direct bud growth along the proximodistal and the anteroposterior axes. The balance of the forces, which stretch the ectodermal layer, and those, which constrain it, have also been observed in the development of other body parts.  相似文献   

The ectoderm of the vertebrate limb and feather bud are epithelia that provide good models for epithelial patterning in vertebrate development. At the tip of chick and mouse limb buds is a thickening, the apical ectodermal ridge, which is essential for limb bud outgrowth. The signal from the ridge to the underlying mesoderm involves fibroblast growth factors. The non-ridge ectoderm specifies the dorsoventral pattern of the bud and Wnt7a is a dorsalizing signal. The development of the ridge involves an interaction between dorsal cells that express radical fringe and those that do not. There are striking similarities between the signals and genes involved in patterning the limb ectoderm and the epithelia of the Drosophila imaginal disc that gives rise to the wing. The spacing of feather buds involves signals from the epidermis to the underlying mesenchyme, which again include Wnt7a and fibroblast growth factors.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the ectoderm on the dorsal and ventral faces of the limb bud plays a part in controlling the pattern of cartilage differentiation. To test this, the dorsal wing bud ectoderm in the chick embryo was destroyed by irradiation with ultraviolet light at stage 17-19, at the very beginning of limb bud development, but the apical ectodermal ridge was spared. The irradiated ectoderm disappeared within 24 hr (by stage 23-24) and did not regenerate thereafter; thus the dorsal surface of the limb bud was kept denuded throughout most of the period of skeletal pattern formation. By 6 or 7 days after the irradiation (stage 35), when the rudiments of all the adult skeletal elements are normally present in recognizable form, the irradiated wings could be placed into two categories, those that were approximately normal in shape and those that had curled dorsally. All of these limbs were reduced in size, to varying degrees, when compared to their controls and lacked dorsal soft tissues. The limbs that were normal in shape, however, even though sometimes denuded over practically the whole extent of their dorsal surface, almost always had a complete and normally proportioned cartilage pattern, suggesting that ectoderm (other than the apical ectodermal ridge) does not exert any direct control over the development of the limb cartilage pattern. However, many of those limbs that had curled as a result of the irradiation did have major pattern deformities, suggesting that the topology of cartilage differentiation does depend on the shape of the limb bud.  相似文献   

The positional signal model for specification of the cartilaginous elements in limb development has been tested by examining the effect on the humerus of grafting a polarizing region to different positions along the anteroposterior axis of the limb bud at stage 16. The humerus between the host and grafted polarizing region was largely normal though there were variations in width, particularly the distal epiphysis. The humerus often showed mirror-image symmetry along the anteroposterior axis. When the grafted polarizing region was in a very anterior position, there were a few cases where a second humerus developed. Anterior to the graft an additional humerus often developed. This was associated with the splitting of the bud into two domains. It is suggested that these results are not consistent with a positional signal model and that an additional mechanism involving an isomorphic prepattern may be involved in the specification of the cartilaginous elements.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between bud size and position and bud fate through time is crucial for identifying and subsequently modeling the mechanisms underlying tree architecture. However, there is a lack of information on how bud size drives crown architectural patterns in coexisting tree species. We studied bud demography in two coexisting Mediterranean oak species with contrasting leaf habit (Quercus ilex, evergreen; Q. faginea, deciduous). The main objective was to analyse the effect of bud size on the fate of buds with different positions along the shoot (apical, leaf axillary and scale-cataphyll axillary buds). The number, length and position of all buds and stems were recorded in marked branches during 4 years. Study species presented different strategies in bud production and lifespan. The evergreen species showed greater mortality rate than the deciduous one, which produced larger buds. Bud size and position were highly related since apical buds where longer than axillary ones and bud length declined basipetally along the stem. Apical buds had also higher chances of bursting than axillary ones. Within positions, longer buds presented a higher probability of bursting than shorter ones, although no absolute size threshold was found below which bud bursting was impaired. In Q. ilex, four-year-old buds were still viable and able to burst, whereas in Q. faginea practically all buds burst in their first year or died soon after. Such different bud longevities may indicate contrasting strategies in primary growth between both species. Q. ilex is able to accumulate viable buds for several ages, whereas Q. faginea seems to rely on the production of large current-year buds with high bursting probability under favourable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Cartilage specific macromolecules are known to be synthesized in the mesenchyme of the embryonic chick limb bud, especially in areas of prechondrogenic condensations (Shinomura et al, 1984). Even though the mesenchyme seems homogeneous according to histological criteria, studies in the past have suggested the presence of different cell populations with different chondrogenic potential (Solursh et al, 1982; Swalla et al, 1984). In this study we have investigated by means of flow cytometry, the synthesis of proteoglycan core protein during early development of the chick limb bud in order to identify the different chondrocyte progenitor cells. We were able to identify by virtue of different size and density a cell population which synthesizes core protein extensively at stage 24 and stage 25 of development. This cell population synthesizes core protein predominantly at the proximal half of the limb bud at stage 24. However at stage 25 the same population synthesizes core protein predominantly at the distal half of the limb bud. These observations indicate that the distal half of stage 25 limb bud is mostly homogeneous with prechondrogenic cells and is in agreement with in vitro experiments that show high chondrogenic potential of the mesenchymal cells from this stage.  相似文献   

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