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Avoidance behaviour can play an important role in structuring ecosystems but can be difficult to uncover and quantify. Remote cameras have great but as yet unrealized potential to uncover patterns arising from predatory, competitive or other interactions that structure animal communities by detecting species that are active at the same sites and recording their behaviours and times of activity. Here, we use multi-season, two-species occupancy models to test for evidence of interactions between introduced (feral cat Felis catus) and native predator (Tasmanian devil Sarcophilus harrisii) and predator and small mammal (swamp rat Rattus lutreolus velutinus) combinations at baited camera sites in the cool temperate forests of southern Tasmania. In addition, we investigate the capture rates of swamp rats in traps scented with feral cat and devil faecal odours. We observed that one species could reduce the probability of detecting another at a camera site. In particular, feral cats were detected less frequently at camera sites occupied by devils, whereas patterns of swamp rat detection associated with devils or feral cats varied with study site. Captures of swamp rats were not associated with odours on traps, although fewer captures tended to occur in traps scented with the faecal odour of feral cats. The observation that a native carnivorous marsupial, the Tasmanian devil, can suppress the detectability of an introduced eutherian predator, the feral cat, is consistent with a dominant predator – mesopredator relationship. Such a relationship has important implications for the interaction between feral cats and the lower trophic guilds that form their prey, especially if cat activity increases in places where devil populations are declining. More generally, population estimates derived from devices such as remote cameras need to acknowledge the potential for one species to change the detectability of another, and incorporate this in assessments of numbers and survival.  相似文献   



Predator attraction to prey social signals can force prey to trade-off the social imperatives to communicate against the profound effect of predation on their future fitness. These tradeoffs underlie theories on the design and evolution of conspecific signalling systems and have received much attention in visual and acoustic signalling modes. Yet while most territorial mammals communicate using olfactory signals and olfactory hunting is widespread in predators, evidence for the attraction of predators to prey olfactory signals under field conditions is lacking.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To redress this fundamental issue, we examined the attraction of free-roaming predators to discrete patches of scents collected from groups of two and six adult, male house mice, Mus domesticus, which primarily communicate through olfaction. Olfactorily-hunting predators were rapidly attracted to mouse scent signals, visiting mouse scented locations sooner, and in greater number, than control locations. There were no effects of signal concentration on predator attraction to their prey''s signals.


This implies that communication will be costly if conspecific receivers and eavesdropping predators are simultaneously attracted to a signal. Significantly, our results also suggest that receivers may be at greater risk of predation when communicating than signallers, as receivers must visit risky patches of scent to perform their half of the communication equation, while signallers need not.  相似文献   

Freshwater Copepods and Rotifers: Predators and their Prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three main groups of planktonic animals inhabit the limnetic zone of inland waters and compete for common food resources: rotifers, cladocerans and copepods. In addition to competition, their mutual relationships are strongly influenced by the variable, herbivorous and carnivorous feeding modes of the copepods. Most copepod species, at least in their later developmental stages, are efficient predators. They exhibit various hunting and feeding techniques, which enable them to prey on a wide range of planktonic animals from protozoans to small cladocerans. The rotifers are often the most preferred prey. The scope of this paper is limited to predation of freshwater copepods on rotifer prey. Both cyclopoid and calanoid copepods (genera Cyclops, Acanthocyclops, Mesocyclops, Diacyclops, Tropocyclops, Diaptomus, Eudiaptomus, Boeckella, Epischura and others) as predators and several rotifer species (genera Synchaeta, Polyarthra, Filinia, Conochilus, Conochiloides, Brachionus, Keratella, Asplanchna and others) as prey are reported in various studies on the feeding relationships in limnetic communities. Generally, soft-bodied species are more vulnerable to predation than species possessing spines or external structures or loricate species. However, not only morphological but also behavioural characteristics, e.g., movements and escape reactions, and temporal and spatial distribution of rotifer species are important in regulating the impact of copepod predation. The reported predation rates are high enough to produce top-down control and often achieve or even exceed the reproductive rates of the rotifer populations. These findings are discussed and related to the differences between the life history strategies of limnetic rotifer species, with their ability to quickly utilize seasonally changing food resources, and adjust to the more complicated life strategies of copepods.  相似文献   

Horizontal transfer (HT) of genes between multicellular animals, once thought to be extremely rare, is being more commonly detected, but its global geographic trend and transfer mechanism have not been investigated. We discovered a unique HT pattern of Bovine-B (BovB) LINE retrotransposons in vertebrates, with a bizarre transfer direction from predators (snakes) to their prey (frogs). At least 54 instances of BovB HT were detected, which we estimate to have occurred across time between 85 and 1.3 Ma. Using comprehensive transcontinental sampling, our study demonstrates that BovB HT is highly prevalent in one geographical region, Madagascar, suggesting important regional differences in the occurrence of HTs. We discovered parasite vectors that may plausibly transmit BovB and found that the proportion of BovB-positive parasites is also high in Madagascar where BovB thus might be physically transported by parasites to diverse vertebrates, potentially including humans. Remarkably, in two frog lineages, BovB HT occurred after migration from a non-HT area (Africa) to the HT hotspot (Madagascar). These results provide a novel perspective on how the prevalence of parasites influences the occurrence of HT in a region, similar to pathogens and their vectors in some endemic diseases.  相似文献   

Understanding how prey capture rates are influenced by feeding ecology and environmental conditions is fundamental to assessing anthropogenic impacts on marine higher predators. We compared how prey capture rates varied in relation to prey size, prey patch distribution and prey density for two species of alcid, common guillemot (Uria aalge) and razorbill (Alca torda) during the chick-rearing period. We developed a Monte Carlo approach parameterised with foraging behaviour from bird-borne data loggers, observations of prey fed to chicks, and adult diet from water-offloading, to construct a bio-energetics model. Our primary goal was to estimate prey capture rates, and a secondary aim was to test responses to a set of biologically plausible environmental scenarios. Estimated prey capture rates were 1.5±0.8 items per dive (0.8±0.4 and 1.1±0.6 items per minute foraging and underwater, respectively) for guillemots and 3.7±2.4 items per dive (4.9±3.1 and 7.3±4.0 items per minute foraging and underwater, respectively) for razorbills. Based on species'' ecology, diet and flight costs, we predicted that razorbills would be more sensitive to decreases in 0-group sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) length (prediction 1), but guillemots would be more sensitive to prey patches that were more widely spaced (prediction 2), and lower in prey density (prediction 3). Estimated prey capture rates increased non-linearly as 0-group sandeel length declined, with the slope being steeper in razorbills, supporting prediction 1. When prey patches were more dispersed, estimated daily energy expenditure increased by a factor of 3.0 for guillemots and 2.3 for razorbills, suggesting guillemots were more sensitive to patchier prey, supporting prediction 2. However, both species responded similarly to reduced prey density (guillemot expenditure increased by 1.7; razorbill by 1.6), thus not supporting prediction 3. This bio-energetics approach complements other foraging models in predicting likely impacts of environmental change on marine higher predators dependent on species-specific foraging ecologies.  相似文献   

Feit  Benjamin  Feit  Anna  Letnic  Mike 《Ecosystems》2019,22(7):1606-1617
Ecosystems - The mesopredator release hypothesis (MRH) predicts that the removal of apex predators should lead to increased abundance of smaller predators through relaxation of suppressive,...  相似文献   

Spatial coherence between predators and prey has rarely been observed in pelagic marine ecosystems. We used measures of the environment, prey abundance, prey quality, and prey distribution to explain the observed distributions of three co-occurring predator species breeding on islands in the southeastern Bering Sea: black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia), and northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus). Predictions of statistical models were tested using movement patterns obtained from satellite-tracked individual animals. With the most commonly used measures to quantify prey distributions - areal biomass, density, and numerical abundance - we were unable to find a spatial relationship between predators and their prey. We instead found that habitat use by all three predators was predicted most strongly by prey patch characteristics such as depth and local density within spatial aggregations. Additional prey patch characteristics and physical habitat also contributed significantly to characterizing predator patterns. Our results indicate that the small-scale prey patch characteristics are critical to how predators perceive the quality of their food supply and the mechanisms they use to exploit it, regardless of time of day, sampling year, or source colony. The three focal predator species had different constraints and employed different foraging strategies – a shallow diver that makes trips of moderate distance (kittiwakes), a deep diver that makes trip of short distances (murres), and a deep diver that makes extensive trips (fur seals). However, all three were similarly linked by patchiness of prey rather than by the distribution of overall biomass. This supports the hypothesis that patchiness may be critical for understanding predator-prey relationships in pelagic marine systems more generally.  相似文献   

Micrococcus luteus cells died relatively rapidly when they were added to natural soil. Microscopic observation showed that the cells were being physically destroyed by bacterial predators in the soil. Two of these predators were responsible for the initial, main attack, and they were isolated. The isolates on laboratory media lysed M. luteus cells in a manner similar to the attacks that occurred in soil. Neither predator was obligate, however, nor were they nutritionally fastidious. One of these bacteria produced mycelium and conidia. Under nutritionally poor conditions it used slender filaments of mycelium to seek out host cells. It had at least some of the characteristics of a Streptoverticillium species. The other bacterium was a short, gram-negative rod that did not easily fit into any of the known groups of gram-negative bacteria. It attached to host cells, but its mechanism of lysing these cells is not known.  相似文献   

Predator–prey interactions are important in maintaining the structure and dynamics of ecological communities. Both predators and prey use cues from a range of sensory modalities to detect and assess one another; identification of these cues is necessary to understand how selection operates to shape predator–prey interactions. Mud-dauber wasps (Sphecidae) provision their larval nests with paralyzed spiders, and different genera of wasps specialize on particular spider taxa. Sceliphron caementarium (Drury 1773) wasps preferentially capture spiders that build two-dimensional (2D) webs, rather than those that construct three-dimensional (3D) webs, but the basis of this preference is not clear. Wasps may choose spiders based on an assessment of their web architecture, as 3D webs may provide better defenses against wasp predation than do 2D webs. However, because many hymenopterans use chemical cues to locate and recognize prey, it is also possible that mud-dauber wasps rely on chemical cues associated with the spider and/or the web to assess prey suitability. When we offered foraging S. caementarium wasps 2D and 3D spiders both on and off their webs, we found that in both cases the wasps took 2D spiders and avoided 3D spiders, demonstrating that the web itself is not the impediment. Results of a series of behavioral choice assays involving filter paper discs containing spider cues and chemically manipulated spiders or spider dummies corroborated the importance of spider chemical cues in mediation of prey recognition by mud-dauber wasps. We also discuss the relative importance of visual and chemical cues for prey recognition by wasps, examine the anti-predator behaviors of 2D and 3D spiders, and consider the role of wasp predation in spider diversification.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented for the dynamics of predator-prey interactions when predators do not consume prey (or clumps of prey) in their entirety. Using a combination of analytical and numerical methods, I demonstrate that predator-mediated changes in the distribution of intact and partially consumed prey can affect the outcome of competition between predators in unexpected ways. In some cases, two predators can coexist on a single prey species owing to tradeoffs between the ability to consume prey completely and other competitive abilities. In other cases, predators exhibit frequency-dependent dynamics in which the first predator to occupy the habitat can prevent the other from invading. Conditions for stable coexistence usually expand if the larger predator scatters uneaten prey parts, if prey renewal includes both small and large items, or if the predator with the smaller retrieval capacity is poor at catching intact prey relative to the other predator.  相似文献   

Four piscine predator species were observed repeatedly attacking large (> 100,000) schools of flat-iron herring, Harengula thrissina. The predators could be categorized into two groups. Stalking predators (two species) were slow-moving, predominantly solitary hunters attacking from positions beneath the school. Attacks were directed at individual prey and the sequence of events was orient-approach-strike. Although the stalking species were seen most often and were responsible for the majority of the attacks, capture success was low. The remaining two species were fast-moving, pelagic hunters regularly occurring in groups of up to 8 individuals. These predators were extremely proficient at capturing prey, either by orienting on individuals (stragglers) or accelerating into the school and ramming their prey (impact attacks). Group size was positively associated with capture success, but not significantly so. Because stalking predators orient towards individual prey, they may suffer from the effect of confusion when attacking schooling prey. Use of the impact strategy, by comparison, may allow predators to overcome the confusion effect either by attacking prey already separated from the school, or by orienting towards aggregated prey rather than particular individuals.  相似文献   

Copepod nauplii are either ambush feeders that feed on motile prey or they produce a feeding current that entrains prey cells. It is unclear how ambush and feeding-current feeding nauplii perceive and capture prey. Attack jumps in ambush feeding nauplii should not be feasible at low Reynolds numbers due to the thick viscous boundary layer surrounding the attacking nauplius. We use high-speed video to describe the detection and capture of phytoplankton prey by the nauplii of two ambush feeding species (Acartia tonsa and Oithona davisae) and by the nauplii of one feeding-current feeding species (Temora longicornis). We demonstrate that the ambush feeders both detect motile prey remotely. Prey detection elicits an attack jump, but the jump is not directly towards the prey, such as has been described for adult copepods. Rather, the nauplius jumps past the prey and sets up an intermittent feeding current that pulls in the prey from behind towards the mouth. The feeding-current feeding nauplius detects prey arriving in the feeding current but only when the prey is intercepted by the setae on the feeding appendages. This elicits an altered motion pattern of the feeding appendages that draws in the prey.  相似文献   

研究脉冲捕获捕食者与食饵具阶段结构的捕食-食饵模型.利用频闪映射理论,得到食饵灭绝的周期解是全局吸引的;运用时滞脉冲微分方程理论,证明了此系统是持久的.本文的结论为生态保护提供了可靠的策略依据.  相似文献   

The outcome of predator-prey encounters is determined by a number of factors related to the locomotor and sensory performance of the animals. Escape responses can be triggered visually, i.e. by the magnifying retinal image of an approaching object (i.e. a predator), called the looming effect, and calculated as the rate of change of the angle subtended by the predator frontal profile as seen by the prey. A threshold of looming angle (ALT, the Apparent Looming Threshold) determines the reaction distance of a startled fish, which is proportional to the attack speed of the predator and its apparent frontal profile. Optimal tactics for predator attacks as well as consideration on their functional morphology are discussed in relation to ALT. Predator optimal attack speeds depend on predator morphology as well as the prey ALT. Predictions on the scaling of ALT suggest that ALT may increase (i.e. implying a decrease in reaction distance) with prey size in cases in which predator attack speeds are high (i.e. > 4 L/s in a 1-m long predator), while it may be relatively independent of prey size when predators attack at lower speeds. The issue of scaling of ALT is discussed using examples from field and laboratory studies. While the timing of the escape is a crucial issue for avoiding being preyed upon, the direction of escape manoeuvres may also determine the success of the escape. A simple theoretical framework for optimal escape trajectories is presented here and compared with existing data on escape trajectories of fish reacting to startling stimuli.  相似文献   

Predator diet is known to influence antipredator behaviour in prey. Yet, it is not clear how antipredator behaviour is affected by diet changes of the predator. We studied the effect of previous and present diet of a predatory mite Typhlodromips swirskii on the antipredator response of its prey, the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. An earlier study showed that adult female whiteflies that had experienced predators, had learned to avoid ovipositing on plants with predators whose previous and present diet consisted of whitefly eggs and immatures. Here, we investigate whether adult whiteflies also avoid plants with predators whose present and/or previous diet consisted of a non-whitefly food source. Adult whiteflies were found not to avoid plants with predators whose present diet consisted of pollen and whose previous diet had consisted of either pollen or whitefly eggs and larvae. They did avoid plants with predators whose present diet consisted of whiteflies and whose previous diet had consisted of pollen, but to a lesser extent than when previous and present diet consisted of whiteflies. In a choice experiment, whiteflies discriminated between plants with predators whose present diet consisted of whiteflies, but that differed in previous diet. Our results show that both previous and present diets of predators are important in eliciting antipredator behaviour.  相似文献   

Invasive species cause catastrophic alterations to communities worldwide by changing the trophic balance within ecosystems. Ever since their introduction in the mid 1980''s common red lionfish, Pterois volitans, are having dramatic impacts on the Caribbean ecosystem by displacing native species and disrupting food webs. Introduced lionfish capture prey at extraordinary rates, altering the composition of benthic communities. Here we demonstrate that the extraordinary success of the introduced lionfish lies in its capacity to circumvent prey risk assessment abilities as it is virtually undetectable by prey species in its native range. While experienced prey damselfish, Chromis viridis, respond with typical antipredator behaviours when exposed to a common predatory rock cod (Cephalopholis microprion) they fail to visibly react to either the scent or visual presentation of the red lionfish, and responded only to the scent (not the visual cue) of a lionfish of a different genus, Dendrochirus zebra. Experienced prey also had much higher survival when exposed to the two non-invasive predators compared to P. volitans. The cryptic nature of the red lionfish has enabled it to be destructive as a predator and a highly successful invasive species.  相似文献   

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