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Examination of a collection of selenopid spiders from Southeast Asia resulted in recognition of a new genus, Siamspinops gen. nov., which is erected to accommodate four new Southeast Asian species. Siamspinops spinosissimus sp. nov. (the type species; the male and female are described), S. spinosus sp. nov. (female) and S. allospinosus sp. nov. (female) are recorded from Thailand, S. spinescens sp. nov. (female) from the Malay Peninsula.  相似文献   

Wu Dai  Chris H. Dietrich 《ZooKeys》2012,(239):95-102
Tardrabassus pakneunensis, n. gen. & sp. is described and illustrated. The new genus shows morphological affinities to three leafhopper subfamilies, Tartessinae, Deltocephalinae, and Iassinae, but is tentatively placed in Iassinae based on the position of the ocelli, the reduced lateral frontal sutures, the leg chaetotaxy, and the structure of the male genitalia.  相似文献   

Engel MS  Gonzalez VH 《ZooKeys》2011,(101):51-80
A new subgenus, Alocanthedon Engel and Gonzalez subgen. n., is described for five species of unusual Southeast Asian bees in the genus Chalicodoma Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau (Megachilinae: Megachilini). The subgenus is most noteworthy for the deep postgenal depression or furrow in males (bordered outwardly near the base of the mandible by a protuberant, thick lamella) and the presence of a dense patch of black setae posteriorly in the forewing medial cell (except in one species) [resembling the dense patch of setae among the submarginal cells of Thrinchostoma Saussure (Halictidae: Halictinae: Halictini)]. The subgenus is characterized and distinguished from the related Callomegachile Michener. A key to the following five species presently included in the subgenus is provided: Chalicodoma aterrimum (Smith), Chalicodoma atratiforme (Meade-Waldo) comb. n., Chalicodoma memecylonae Engel sp. n., Chalicodoma odontophorum Engel sp. n., and Chalicodoma apoicola Engel sp. n.Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) atratiforme sininsulae (Cockerell) is newly placed in synonymy with C. (C.) fulvipenne (Smith). Species have been collected from Memecylaceae (Myrtales) and Fabaceae (Fabales). The phylogenetic relationships of Alocanthedon among other Megachilini are briefly elaborated upon.  相似文献   

Liu Z J  Chen L J  Liu K W  Li L Q  Ma X Y  Rao W H 《农业工程》2008,28(6):2433-2444
Chenorchis, a new orchid genus belonging to C. singchii with tropical orchid features, was found in subtropical regions of Gaoligong Mountain in Yunnan Province, China. This taxon undoubtedly belongs to Trib. Vandeae due to its comparatively advanced epiphytic and monopodial characteristics with very hard pollinia and long stipe. It is akin to Ascocentrum and Holcoglossum, from which it differs by its lip lacking appendage, side-lobes arising from both sides of the mid-lobe rather than the entrance to the spur; large stigmatic cave; very large rostellum, conspicuously broader than the column, spreading downward; pollinia each with a distinct caudicle attached to the incurved subterminal portion of a common stipe. Phylogenetic analysis shows that it may be of tropical region originally and evolve into a new genus due to changed environment, indicating that the main motivation of angiosperm differentiation is to bring forth more ecological opportunities. A further examination of reproductive ecology, especially pollination mechanism and breeding system, proved that this species has formed many mechanisms to promote selfing and inbreeding, such as symbiosis with ants (Temnothorax sp.), utilization of ants for short-distant pollination, opening of flowers simultaneously to increase the frequency of geitonogamy, efficient dispersal and growth of seeds, and crowded communities to improve the possibility of inbreeding. All the adaptive changes above turn into necessary conditions for their survival in subtropical regions. The reproductive strategy of this unique life history shows that this immigrant species autonomously passes the genes on to future generations to remain their adaptability, by quickly occupying the habitat. It is a successful strategy in habitat expansion that inflorescence produces a lot of flowers to facilitate geitonogamy, whose significance may extend to provide evidence that the occurrence of plants' sex results from the trade-offs of the fluctuation of habitat in evolution.  相似文献   

窄瓣兜兰,中国云南兰科一新种   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在兰科兜兰属Paphiopedilum的宽瓣亚属subgenusBrachypetalum中,全部已知种类都具有宽阔的花瓣,其宽度一般都能达到长度的 1/2以上。有些种类的花瓣甚至比唇瓣还要宽阔,如巨瓣兜兰P.bellatullum(Rchb.f.)Stei  相似文献   

Filibryum, a new genus of the family Hypnaceae, is described to include three species from East Asia. Filibryum ogatae and F. yakoushimae are transferred to it from the genus Glossadelphus, while F. deguchianum is a newly described species. The genus is distinguished by the absence of a central strand in the stem, prorate leaf cells, and heteroblastic and deciduous stem leaves. Molecular data suggest that the genus is closely related to Taxiphyllum and the phylogenetic position of the new genus in the Hypnaceae is supported by an approximately unbiased (AU) test.  相似文献   

刘仲健    陈利君    刘可为  李利强    麻学勇    饶文辉   《生态学报》2008,28(6):2433-2433~2444
在云南的高黎贡山的亚热带区域发现了具热带兰科种类特征的兰科新属心启兰属(Chenorchis)(属模式种心启兰C. singchii).该属种具有附生、单轴生长,花粉团坚硬,粘盘柄存在等兰科较为进化的特征无疑是热带万代兰族(Trib. Vandeae)的成员,与鸟舌兰属(Ascocentrum)和槽舌兰属(Holcoglossum)有亲缘关系.区别点在于新属的唇瓣不具附属物;侧裂片生于中裂片两侧而非距口两侧;柱头腔大;蕊喙甚大,明显宽于蕊柱,向下伸展;花粉团具明显的柄,附着于一个共同的粘盘柄近顶端内弯处.系统学分析结果显示其祖先可能来自热带,因环境改变演化为新属种,体现了被子植物分化的主要动力可能是开拓了更多的生态学机遇;进一步的繁殖生态学特别是传粉机制和繁育系统的检测表明,该物种发展出多个促进自交或近交的机制,如选择有切胸蚁(Temnothorax sp.)栖息的生境,利用蚂蚁近距离传粉;花朵同时开放增加同株异花授粉发生机率;种子有效的就近散播和生长,产生局域拥挤效应以增加近亲繁殖的可能,这些适应性改变成为它们在亚热带生存下来的必要条件,特殊的生活史(繁殖)策略展示了它作为迁移种通过迅速增长抢占生境,自动地将遗传基因传递给后代以保持对当地的适应性,花序进化出大量花并同时开放便于同株异花传粉是成功开拓生境的一种对策,其意义的延伸可能为植物的性的产生是进化上应对生境波动的权衡提供一个证据.  相似文献   

该文报道了在泰国北部和中国西南部的菊科一个新归化属——苹果蓟属(Centratherum Cass.)。依据所采集的标本,详细描述了该属在东南亚大陆的唯一代表亚种苹果蓟 [Centratherum punctatum Cass. Subsp. fruticosum(S. Vidal)K. Kirkman ex Shih H. Chen, M. J. Wu & S. M. Li],并配以插图。苹果蓟与其所在属的其他种的区别在于该亚种叶片菱形至椭圆形,叶缘具不规则锯齿,先端微尖,总苞片基部硬化,先端无芒。文中还提供了苹果蓟的分布图,并讨论了其可能的传播途径。  相似文献   

Cucuba gen. n. is described with the type species Cucuba arenicola sp. n. The wide frons, elongate 1st flagellomere with elongate 1st and 2nd aristomeres, reclinate inner vertical bristle, bare prosternum, propleura and katepimeron (barette), scutellum with strong, long subapical and short apical bristles, hind tibiae with a strong and long posteroventral bristle indicate that the new genus belongs to the tribe Triarthriini of the subfamily Tachininae. Characters distinguishing Cucuba gen. n. from known Palaearctic genera of Triarthriini are given.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科新记录种——革叶石豆兰,它的主要特征是:无假鳞茎;叶小,出自根状茎的节上;总状花序短缩呈球形,具8-15朵密生的小花;花淡黄绿色,花瓣极小,唇瓣肉质,舌状。凭证标本保存在中国科学院植物研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

Ventoplagia gen. n. is described, with the type species Ventoplagia brevirostris sp. n. The frontal bristles extending only to the base of the pedicel, 2+3 dorsocentral bristles, 0+2 intraalar bristles, the absence of prealar bristle, the short and fine anepimeral (pteropleural) bristle, the scutellum without lateral bristles, and the welldeveloped posteroventral bristle of the hind tibia indicate that the new genus belongs to tribe Minthoini. Ventoplagia gen. n. is closely related to the genus Palmonia Kugler. The characters distinguishing these genera are given.  相似文献   

Poroleprieuria gen. nov. is described and illustrated to accommodate P. rogersii in the Xylariaceae, Xylariales. This ascomycete, known only from the type collection, is characterized by reniform, light brown, smooth ascospores with a germ pore; cylindrical, persistent asci lacking an apical apparatus, septate persistent paraphyses, and erumpent, erect, dark brown, fragile, subcylindrical stromata. The characteristics of this xylariaceous fungus were compared with those of some other ascomycetes having superficially similar cylindrical stromata or ascospores with germ pores.  相似文献   

A new proteocephalidean cestode is described from spot pangasius, Pangasius larnaudii (Siluriformes: Pangasiidae), from Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia and a new genus, Pangasiocestus , is proposed to accommodate it. The genus is placed in the Gangesiinae because its scolex possesses a large rostellum-like apical organ and its genital organs (testes, ovary, vitellarium, and uterus) are situated in the medulla, with some vitelline follicles paramuscular. Pangasiocestus romani n. gen. and n. sp., the type and only species of the new genus, is characterized mainly by its rosette-like scolex composed of 4 lobes bearing a small sucker in their center, and the apical part with a large, discoidal, rostellum-like apical organ devoid of hooks, by weakly developed inner longitudinal musculature formed by very few isolated muscle fibers, uneven size of testes in immature and mature proglottids, with lateral testes smaller and more dense than median ones, by very narrow lateral bands of vitelline follicles, formed usually by single follicles, and by the vagina anterior to the cirrus sac. This is the first proteocephalidean cestode from a pangasiid catfish identified to the species level (proteocephalidean cestodes from 3 Pangasius spp. reported in an unpublished account from Vietnam, misidentified as Proteocephalus osculatus (Goeze, 1782) [?= Glanitaenia osculata ], are not considered).  相似文献   

Pietro Ornodeo 《Hydrobiologia》1996,334(1-3):11-15
Kathrynella guyanae gen. n., sp. n. from a limicolous habitat in Guyana is described. It is distinguished from the known genera of Alluroididae by having testes in XI, male pores in XIV, and one pair of spermathecae opening laterally at 6/7. The circulatory apparatus appears remarkably developed. The diagnosis of the family is emended to include the new species.  相似文献   

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