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The characteristics of 86Rb+ fluxes through conductive channels in basolateral-membrane vesicles isolated from pars convoluta of rabbit proximal tubule were investigated. In KCl loaded vesicles a transient accumulation of 86Rb+ was observed which was inhibited by BaCl2. The accumulation was driven by an electrical diffusion potential, as shown in experiments using membrane vesicles loaded with Li2SO4 and an outwardly directed Li+ gradient established with a Li(+)-ionophore. The vesicles containing the channel showed a cation selectivity with the order K+ = Rb+ much greater than Li+ greater than or equal to Na+ greater than choline+. The 86Rb+ flux was dependent on intravesicular Ca2+. Increasing concentrations of Ca2+ gradually decreased the 86Rb+ uptake.  相似文献   

Characteristics of 22Na+ fluxes through Na+ channels in luminal-membrane vesicles isolated from either pars recta or pars convoluta of rabbit proximal tubule were studied. In NaCl-loaded vesicles from pars recta, transient accumulation of 22Na+ is observed, which is inhibited by amiloride. The isotope accumulation is driven by an electrical diffusion potential as shown in experiments using either these membrane vesicles loaded with different anions, or an outwardly directed K+ gradient with a K+ ionophore valinomycin. The vesicles containing the channel show a cation selectivity with the order Li+ greater than Na+ greater than K+. The amiloride-sensitive 22Na+ flux is dependent on intravesicular Ca2+. In NaCl-loaded vesicles from pars convoluta, no overshoot for 22Na+ uptake is observed. Furthermore, addition of amiloride to the incubation medium did not influence the uptake of 22Na+ in these vesicle preparations. It is concluded that Na+ channels are only present in pars recta of rabbit proximal tubule.  相似文献   

The characteristics of renal transport of L-alanine by luminal-membrane vesicles from proximal straight tubules (pars recta) of rabbit kidney were investigated. The following picture emerges from transport studies. Two electrogenic and Na+ requiring systems confined to this region of the nephron exist for the transport of L-alanine. In addition to Na+, the transport of L-alanine was influenced by H+. However, H+ does not substitute for Na+, but instead potentiates the Na+ effect. Modification of histidyl residues of the intact luminal-membrane vesicles by diethylpyrocarbonate (DEP), completely abolished the transient renal accumulation of L-alanine. Substrate and Na+-protection experiments suggest that histidyl residues may be at or close to the active site of the L-alanine transporter in membrane vesicles from pars recta.  相似文献   

Uptake of D-alanine against a concentration gradient has been shown to occur with isolated luminal-membrane vesicles from pars convoluta or pars recta of rabbit proximal tubule. Renal D-alanine transport systems, displaying the following characteristics, were shown: (1) In vesicles from pars convoluta, the uptake of D-alanine was mediated by both Na+-dependent and Na+-independent transport processes. It was found that an inwardly directed H+-gradient could drive the transport of D-alanine into the vesicles both in the presence and absence of Na+. Thus, in addition to Na+, the transport of D-alanine is influenced by the H+-gradient. (2) In vesicles from pars recta, the transient accumulation of D-alanine was strictly dependent on Na+, since no 'overshoot' was ever observed in the absence of Na+. Although the Na+-dependent uptake of D-alanine was stimulated at acid pH, H+ did not substitute for Na+, as it apparently does in pars convoluta, but instead potentiated the Na+ effect. (3) Addition of L-alanine to vesicle preparations, both from pars convoluta and from pars recta, specifically inhibited renal uptake of D-alanine. A comparison between the transport characteristics of D- and L-alanine indicated that these two isomers of alanine probably share common transport systems located along the proximal tubule of rabbit kidney.  相似文献   

The characteristics of 86Rb+ fluxes through conductive channels in basolateral-membrane vesicles isolated from pars recta of rabbit kidney proximal tubule were investigated. In RbCl-, KCl- and NaCl-loaded vesicles a transient and almost equal accumulation of 86Rb+ was observed. The uptakes of 86Rb+ were inhibited to the same extent by 10 mM-BaCl2 in all loadings. The accumulation was driven by an electrical diffusion potential. The 86Rb+ flux was dependent on intravesicular Ca2+. Increasing concentrations of Ca2+ gradually decreased the 86Rb+ uptake. At 10 microM-Ca2+ the radioisotope flux was below 20% of control. The vesicles containing the channel showed very low selectivity among the univalent cations K+, Rb+, Li+, Na+ and choline+.  相似文献   

The GTP-binding proteins on luminal and basolateral membrane vesicles from outer cortex (pars convoluta) and outer medulla (pars recta) of rabbit proximal tubule have been examined. The membrane vesicles were highly purified, as ascertained by electron microscopy, by measurements of marker enzymes, and by investigating segmental-specific transport systems. The [35S]GTP gamma S binding to vesicles, and to sodium cholate-extracted proteins from vesicles, indicated that the total content of GTP-binding proteins were equally distributed on pars convoluta, pars recta luminal and basolateral membranes. The membranes were ADP-ribosylated with [32P]NAD+ in the presence of pertussis toxin and cholera toxin. Gel electrophoresis revealed, for all preparations, the presence of cholera toxin [32P]ADP-ribosylated 42 and 45 kDa G alpha s proteins, and pertussis toxin [32P]ADP-ribosylated 41 kDa G alpha i1, 40 kDa G alpha i2 and 41 kDa G alpha i3 proteins. The 2D electrophoresis indicated that Go's were not present in luminal nor in basolateral membranes of pars convoluta or pars recta of rabbit proximal tubule.  相似文献   

Summary The apical membrane K+ permeability of the newt proximal tubular cells was examined in the doubly perfused isolated kidney by measuring the apical membrane potential change (V a change) during alteration of luminal K+ concentration and resultant voltage deflections caused by current pulse injection into the lumen.V a change/decade for K+ was 50 mV at K+ concentration higher than 25mm, and the resistance of the apical membrane decreased bt 58% of control when luminal K+ concentration was increased from 2.5 to 25mm. Ba2+ (1mm in the lumen) reducedV a change/decade to 24 mV and increased the apical membrane resistance by 70%. These data support the view that Ba2+-sensitive K+ conductance exists in the apical membrane of the newt proximal tubule. Furthermore, intracellular K+ activity measured by K+-selective electrode was 82.4 ± 3.6 meq/liter, which was higher than that predicted from the Nernst equation for K+ across both cell membranes. Thus, it is concluded that cell K+ passively diffuses, at least in part, through the K+ conductive pathway of the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of tight junctions of the renal proximal tubule was studied comparing the pars convoluta and pars recta of rat, golden hamster, rabbit, cat, dog and tupaia. Though some interspecies variations were observed, the convoluted portions of the proximal tubules revealed quite uniformly very leaky tight junctions with mainly 1–2 strands.Along the whole proximal tubule of the rabbit kidney including the pars recta only minor differences of the zonulae occludentes were found. By contrast, the tight junctions of the pars recta in other species were much more elaborate, especially in cat and tupaia, having up to 6 strands and an overall depth of more than 150 nm. The implications of these findings are discussed with special regard to the functional differences between the pars convoluta and pars recta of the proximal tubule.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

The patch-clamp technique was used to investigate ionic channels in the apical membrane of rabbit proximal tubule cells in primary culture. Cell-attached recordings revealed the presence of a highly selective K+ channel with a conductance of 130 pS. The channel activity was increased with membrane depolarization. Experiments performed on excised patches showed that the channel activity depended on the free Ca2+ concentration on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane and that decreasing the cytoplasmic pH from 7.2 to 6.0 also decreased the channel activity. In symmetrical 140 mM KCl solutions the channel conductance was 200 pS. The channel was blocked by barium, tetraethylammonium and Leiurus quinquestriatus scorpion venom (from which charybdotoxin is extracted) when applied to the extracellular face of the channel. Barium and quinidine also blocked the channel when applied to the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. Another K+ channel with a conductance of 42 pS in symmetrical KCl solutions was also observed in excised patches. The channel was blocked by barium and apamin, but not by tetraethylammonium applied to the extracellular face of the membrane. Using the whole-cell recording configuration we determined a K+ conductance of 4.96 nS per cell that was blocked by 65% when 10 mM tetraethylammonium was applied to the bathing medium.  相似文献   

Na+-H+-exchanger activity of pars convoluta and pars recta luminal-membrane vesicles prepared from the proximal tubule of acidotic and control rabbits were assayed by a rapid-filtration technique and an Acridine Orange method. Both experimental approaches revealed the existence of an antiporter, sensitive to metabolic acidosis, in pars convoluta membrane vesicles. Kinetic data, obtained with the pH-sensitive dye, showed that the Km for Na+ transport was unchanged by acidosis, whereas Vmax. for exchanger activity was increased, on an average, by 44%. The fluorescence method, in contrast with the rapid-filtration technique, was able to detect exchanger activity in pars recta membrane vesicles. The Km value for the antiporter located in pars recta is comparable with that calculated for pars convoluta membrane vesicles. By contrast, the Vmax. of this exchanger is only about 25% of that found for pars convoluta. Furthermore, metabolic acidosis apparently does not increase Na+-H+-exchanger activity of pars recta luminal-membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

The effect of Ca2+, Cd2+, Ba2+, Mg2+ and pH on the renal epithelial Na(+)-channel was investigated by measuring the amiloride-sensitive 22Na+ fluxes into luminal membrane vesicles from pars recta of rabbit proximal tubule. It was found that intravesicular Ca2+ as well as extravesicular Ca2+ substantially lowered the channel-mediated flux. Amiloride sensitive Na+ uptake was nearly completely blocked by 10 microM Ca2+ at pH 7.4. The inhibitory effect of Ca2+ was dependent on pH. Thus, 10 microM Ca2+ produced 90% inhibition of 22Na+ uptake at pH 7.4, and only 40% inhibition at pH 7.0. The tracer fluxes measured in the absence of Ca2+ were pH independent over the range from 7.0 to 7.4. All the cations Ca2+, Cd2+, Ba2+ except Mg2+ inhibited the 22Na+ influx drastically when added extravesicularly in millimolar concentrations. The cations Cd2+, Ba2+ and Mg2+ in the same concentrations intravesicularly inhibited the 22Na+ influx only slightly. A millimolar concentration of Ca2+ intravesicularly blocked the amiloride-sensitive 22Na+ flux completely. The data indicate that Ca2+ inhibits Na+ influx specifically by binding to sites composed of one or several deprotonated groups on the channel proteins.  相似文献   

The uptake of taurine by luminal membrane vesicles from pars convoluta and pars recta of rabbit proximal tubule was examined. In pars convoluta, the transport of taurine was characterized by two Na(+)-dependent (Km1 = 0.086 mM, Km2 = 5.41 mM) systems, and one Na(+)-independent (Km = 2.87 mM) system, which in the presence of an inwardly directed H(+)-gradient was able to drive the transport of taurine into these vesicles. By contrast, in luminal membrane vesicles from pars recta, the transport of taurine occurred via a dual transport system (Km1 = 0.012 mM, Km2 = 5.62 mM), which was strictly dependent on Na+. At acidic pH with or without a H(+)-gradient, the Na(+)-dependent flux of taurine was drastically reduced. In both kind of vesicles, competition experiments only showed inhibition of the Na(+)-dependent high-affinity taurine transporter in the presence of beta-alanine, whereas there was no significant inhibition with alpha-amino acids, indicating a beta-amino acid specific transport system. Addition of beta-alanine, L-alanine, L-proline and glycine, but not L-serine reduced the H(+)-dependent uptake of taurine to approx. 50%. Moreover, only the Na(+)-dependent high-affinity transport systems in both segments specifically required Cl-. Investigation of the stoichiometry indicated 1.8 Na+: 1 Cl-: 1 taurine (high affinity), 1 Na+: 1 taurine (low affinity) and 1 H+: 1 taurine in pars convoluta. In pars recta, the data showed 1.8 Na+: 1 Cl-: 1 taurine (high affinity) and 1 Na+: 1 taurine (low affinity).  相似文献   

P Y Chen  A S Verkman 《Biochemistry》1988,27(2):655-660
The mechanisms for Cl transport across basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMV) isolated from rabbit renal cortex were examined by using the Cl-sensitive fluorescent indicator 6-methoxy-N-(3-sulfopropyl)quinolinium (SPQ). The transporters studied included Cl/base exchange, Cl/base/Na cotransport, K/Cl cotransport, and Cl conductance. Initial rates of chloride influx (JCl) were determined from the measured time course of SPQ fluorescence in BLMV following inwardly directed gradients of Cl and gradients of other ions and/or pH. For a 50 mM inwardly directed Cl gradient in BLMV which were voltage and pH clamped (7.0) using K/valinomycin and nigericin, JCl was 0.80 +/- 0.14 nmol S-1 (mg of vesicle protein)-1 (mean +/- SD, n = 8 separate preparations). In the absence of Na and CO2/HCO3 in voltage-clamped BLMV, JCl increased 56% +/- 5% in response to a 1.9 pH unit inwardly directed H gradient; the increase was further enhanced by 40% +/- 3% in the presence of CO2/HCO3 and inhibited 30% +/- 8% by 100 microM dihydro-4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid. Na gradients did not increase JCl in the absence of CO2/HCO3; however, an outwardly directed Na gradient in the presence of CO2/HCO3 increased JCl by 31% +/- 8% with a Na KD of 7 +/- 2 mM. These results indicate the presence of Cl/OH and Cl/HCO3 exchange, and Cl/HCO3 exchange trans-stimulated by Na. There was no significant effect of K gradients in the presence or absence of valinomycin, suggesting lack of significant K/Cl cotransport and Cl conductance under experimental conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to testthe hypothesis that local Ca2+ release events(Ca2+ sparks) deliver high local Ca2+concentration to activate nearby Ca2+-sensitiveK+ (BK) channels in the cell membrane of arterial smoothmuscle cells. Ca2+ sparks and BK channels were examined inisolated myocytes from rat cerebral arteries with laser scanningconfocal microscopy and patch-clamp techniques. BK channels had anapparent dissociation constant for Ca2+ of 19 µM and aHill coefficient of 2.9 at 40 mV. At near-physiological intracellularCa2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i; 100 nM) and membrane potential (40 mV), the open probability of a singleBK channel was low (1.2 × 106). A Ca2+spark increased BK channel activity to 18. Assuming that 1-100% of the BK channels are activated by a single Ca2+ spark, BKchannel activity increases 6 × 105-fold to 6 × 103-fold, which corresponds to ~30 µM to 4 µM sparkCa2+ concentration.1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acidacetoxymethyl ester caused the disappearance of all Ca2+sparks while leaving the transient BK currents unchanged. Our resultssupport the idea that Ca2+ spark sites are in closeproximity to the BK channels and that local[Ca2+]i reaches micromolar levels to activateBK channels.


Brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from rabbit kidney proximal tubule cells, prepared with different internal solute concentrations (cellobiose buffer 13, 18 or 85 mosM) developed an hydrostatic pressure difference across the membrane of 18.7 mosM, that causes a membrane tension close to 5 × 10−5 N cm−1. When subjected to several hypertonic osmotic shocks an initial delay of osmotic shrinkage (a lag time), corresponding to a very small change in initial volume was apparent. This initial osmotic response, which is significantly retarded, was correlated with the initial period of elevated membrane tension, suggesting that the water permeability coefficient is inhibited by membrane stress. We speculate that this inhibition may serve to regulate cell volume in the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

The interaction of Ca2+ and Ba2+ with a Ca2+-activated K+ channel from rabbit skeletal muscle membranes is studied in planar lipid bilayers. At [Ca2+] greater than or equal to 100 microM in the cis side (the side to which the vesicles are added) and at positive voltages, the channel kinetics consisted of bursts of activity interrupted by long periods of quiescence. We found that the reciprocal of the mean burst time increases linearly with [Ca2+], whereas the mean time for the quiescent (closed) periods is independent of [Ca2+]. The number of quiescent periods is reduced by increasing [K+]. Micromolar amounts of cis Ba2+ do not activate the channel, but induce similar "slow" closings. Also, in this case, the mean burst time is inversely proportional to the [Ba2+] and the mean closed time is independent of [Ba2+]. Raising [K+] either symmetrically or only in the trans side relieved the Ba2+ effect. trans Ba2+ also induces changes in the slow kinetics, but in millimolar amounts. These results suggest that the quiescent periods correspond to a channel blocked by a Ba ion. The voltage dependence of the cis blockade indicates that the Ba2+ binding site is past the middle of the membrane field. The similarities in the slow kinetics induced by Ca2+ and Ba2+ suggest that Ca2+ blocks the channel by binding to the same site. However, binding of Ca2+ to the site is 10(5)- fold weaker.  相似文献   

Summary Addition of glucose or the nonmetabolizable analogue -methyl-d-glucoside to rabbit proximal tubules suspended in a glucoseand alanine-free buffer caused a sustained increase in intracellular Na+ content (+43±7 nmol · (mg protein)–1) and a concomitant but larger decrease in K+ content (–72±11 nmol· (mg protein)–1). A component of the net K+ efflux was Ba2+ insensitive, and was inhibited by high (1mm) but not low (10 m) concentrations of the diuretics, furosemide and bumetanide. The increase in intracellular Na+ content is consistent with the view that the increased rates of Na+ and water transport seen in the proximal tubule in the presence of glucose can be attributed (at least in part) to a stimulation of basolateral pump activity by an increased [Na+] i .  相似文献   

A specific dicarboxylic acid binding protein was isolated by solubilizing highly purified renal luminal-membrane vesicles with the non-ionic detergent C12E8 , followed by affinity chromatographic procedures. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the samples containing dicarboxylic acid binding protein showed a single sharp band of an apparent molecular weight of 50 000. After treatment with mercaptoethanol the protein was split in two subunits of apparent molecular weights of 35 000 and 15 000. By analytical ultracentrifugation the minimal molecular weight of the dicarboxylic acid binding protein preparation was calculated to be 54 000. Binding of the radioactive succinate and L-malate to the dicarboxylic acid binding protein preparation as studied by equilibrium dialysis showed saturation phenomenon and was specifically inhibited by addition of D-malate. The dissociation constants for succinate (0.18 mM) and L-malate (0.33 mM) calculated from the binding data agree extremely well with the apparent Km values for these organic acids found in transport studies utilizing intact luminal-membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

Summary The cellular mechanisms by which nephrotoxic heavy metals injure the proximal tubule are incompletely defined. We used extracellular electrodes to measure the early effects of heavy metals and other sulfhydryl reagents on net K+ and Ca2+ transport and respiration (QO2) of proximal tubule suspensions. Hg2+, Cu2+, and Au3+ (10–4 m) each caused a rapid net K+ efflux and a delayed inhibition of QO2. The Hg2+-induced net K+ release represented passive K+ transport and was not inhibited by barium, tetraethylammonium, or furosemide. Both Hg2+ and Ag+ promoted a net Ca2+ uptake that was nearly coincident with the onset of the net K+ efflux. A delayed inhibition of ouabainsensitive QO2 and nystatin-stimulated QO2, indicative of Na+, K+-ATPase inhibition, was observed after 30 sec of exposure to Hg2+. More prolonged treatment (2 min) of the tubules with Hg2+ resulted in a 40% reduction in the CCCP-uncoupled QO2, indicating delayed injury to the mitochondria. The net K+ efflux was mimicked by the sulfhydryl reagents pCMBS and N-ethylmaleimide (10–4 m) and prevented by dithiothreitol (DTT) or reduced glutathione (GSH) (10–4 m). In addition, both DTT and GSH immediately reversed the Ag+-induced net Ca2+ uptake. Thus, sulfhydryl-reactive heavy metals cause rapid, dramatic changes in the membrane ionic permeability of the proximal tubule before disrupting Na+, K+-ATPase activity or mitochondrial function. These alterations appear to be the result of an interaction of the metal ions with sulfhydryl groups of cell membrane proteins responsible for the modulation of cation permeability.  相似文献   

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