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We have shown previously that specific Ag presentation is prevented by the inhibition of protein synthesis but nonspecific presentation is not. In the present paper, Ag presentation by Ag-specific B cells was examined for sensitivity to brefeldin A (BFA), which blocks protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum. A20-HL B lymphoma expressing surface receptors specific for TNP was used as a B cell, and TNP-OVA was used as a specific Ag. The presence of BFA during pulsing of A20-HL cells with TNP-OVA inhibited the ability of the pulsed cells to stimulate 42-6A T cell clone, specific for OVA323-339 and Iad. The inhibition was not due to nonspecific toxicity of BFA, because the presence of BFA during pulsing of A20-HL cells with OVA323-339 did not affect their APC function. Ag binding to the receptor on A20-HL cells and internalization by the cells were observed in the presence of BFA. Thus, BFA might inhibit intracellular processing of specific Ag or intracellular complex formation of antigenic peptide from specific Ag with MHC class II molecules. Nonspecific Ag presentation by A20-HL cells, however, was resistant to BFA. A20-HL cells pulsed with OVA in the presence of BFA, even after fixation, could stimulate 42-6A cells to produce IL-2, although the IL-2 production was lower than that induced by A20-HL cells pulsed in the absence of BFA. These results suggest that the processing pathways for specific Ag and nonspecific Ag are different from each other, at least partly, in A20-HL cells.  相似文献   

MHC class II-restricted presentation of intracellular antigen.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
S Weiss  B Bogen 《Cell》1991,64(4):767-776
An endogenously produced immunoglobulin light chain (lambda 2(315] is processed and presented to T cells in association with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. Using transfectants producing variant forms of lambda 2(315) that are neither expressed on the cell surface nor secreted, we demonstrate that intracellular lambda 2(315), which has never been exported outside of the cell, is the source of processed lambda 2(315) idiotype. This challenges the currently accepted paradigm that endogenous antigens are only presented by MHC class I molecules. Variants of lambda 2(315) protein that are retained in the endoplasmic recticulum (ER) are also presented. Variants that are expressed in the cytosol as well as those that are transported into the nucleus rather than the ER are not presented. Thus, the ER is likely to be the processing compartment.  相似文献   

To analyze the nature of the HLA class II-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response to measles virus, murine fibroblasts were transfected with expressible cDNA clones for human HLA-DR antigen and for measles virus matrix or nucleocapsid proteins. DR-positive murine fibroblasts transfected with measles virus matrix or nucleocapsid genes were lysed by class II-restricted measles virus-specific CTL lines. Lysis was as efficient as with infected autologous B-cell lines, even though the measles virus cytoplasmic proteins were undetectable by antibodies in the transfected target cells. These results demonstrate that cytoplasmic viral antigens can be presented to CTL in the context of HLA class II antigens and that measles virus matrix and nucleocapsid proteins contribute to class II-restricted measles virus-specific CTL responses. These results also show that endogenously synthesized measles virus proteins can be efficiently presented by class II antigens. The implications of these findings for measles virus pathogenesis and for antigen processing are discussed.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus (VV), currently used in humans as a live vaccine for smallpox, can interfere with host immunity via several discrete mechanisms. In this study, the effect of VV on MHC class II-mediated Ag presentation was investigated. Following VV infection, the ability of professional and nonprofessional APC to present Ag and peptides to CD4+ T cells was impaired. Viral inhibition of class II Ag presentation could be detected within 1 h, with diminished T cell responses dependent upon the duration of APC infection and virus titer. Exposure of APC to replication-deficient virus also diminished class II Ag presentation. Virus infection of APC perturbed Ag presentation by newly synthesized and recycling class II molecules, with disruptions in both exogenous and cytoplasmic Ag presentation. Virus-driven expression of an endogenous Ag, failed to restore T cell responsiveness specific for this Ag in the context of MHC class II molecules. Yet, both class II protein steady-state and cell surface expression were not altered by VV. Biochemical and functional analysis revealed that VV infection directly interfered with ligand binding to class II molecules. Together, these observations suggest that disruption of MHC class II-mediated Ag presentation may be one of multiple strategies VV has evolved to escape host immune surveillance.  相似文献   

CD4(+) T cells are activated upon recognition of peptide antigen in the context of MHC class II molecules, expressed by specialized APC. In this study, we show that CD4(+) T cells cross-compete for antigenic complexes on the surface of APC, inhibiting activation of other potentially reactive T cells of the same and differing specificities. T cells with either a higher affinity receptor for antigen or which have undergone prior activation compete more efficiently than low affinity or resting T cells. This implies that T-cell avidity for the APC is primarily responsible for the competitive advantage. We also provide evidence that the mechanism for competition is steric hindrance of the surface of the APC, rather than T-cell-mediated sequestration or internalization of antigenic complexes. This is because removal of competing T cells restores the antigenic potential of the APC, and APC fixation does not abrogate competition. Demonstration that competition for access to APC can also occur in vivo suggests that this process may represent a physiologically important mechanism for influencing the quality and quantity of CD4(+) T-cell responses.  相似文献   

The presentation of protein Ag with MHC class II proteins involves the uptake of the protein Ag by endocytosis followed by processing, probably proteolysis, in an intracellular acidic compartment. However, there remains considerable controversy as to the precise route taken by the antigen and the MHC class II protein during this process. The unusual stability of Ag-MHC class II protein complexes has led to speculation that antigen can only associate with newly synthesized MHC class II molecules. An alternate possibility is that the MHC class II binding site can be regenerated within the cell during internalization and recycling of MHC class II proteins. To address these possibilities, three different murine B lymphoma lines were tested for their ability to process and present native protein Ag in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide or the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide or the protein export inhibitor, Brefeldin A. Both agents blocked the presentation of native OVA or native hen egg lysozyme to Ag-specific T cell hybridomas. No effect was seen on peptide presentation or on presentation to allo- or autoreactive T cells. Inasmuch as Brefeldin A has been previously shown to block protein export without affecting protein internalization or protein degradation in the endocytic pathway, the simplest interpretation of these data is that antigenic fragments generated in the APC after uptake by the endocytic pathway, preferentially associate with newly synthesized rather than mature MHC class II proteins.  相似文献   

We studied the mechanisms of antigen presentation of CD4 T cell epitopes of the capsular Caf1 antigen of Yersinia pestis using murine bone marrow macrophages as antigen presenting cells and T cell hybridomas specific for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-restricted epitopes distributed throughout the Caf1 sequence. The data revealed diversity in the pathways used and the degrees of antigen processing required depending on the structural context of epitopes within the Caf1 molecule. Two epitopes in the carboxyl-terminal globular domain were presented by newly synthesized MHC class II after low pH-dependent lysosomal processing, whereas an epitope located in a flexible amino-terminal strand was presented by mature MHC class II independent of low pH and with no detectable requirement for proteolytic processing. A fourth epitope located between the two regions of Caf1 showed intermediate behavior. The data are consistent with progressive unfolding and cleavage of rCaf1 from the amino terminus as it traverses the endosomal pathway, the availability of epitopes determining which pool of MHC class II is preferentially loaded. The Caf1 capsular protein is a component of second generation plague vaccines and an understanding of the mechanisms and pathways of MHC class II-restricted presentation of multiple epitopes from this candidate vaccine antigen should inform the choice of delivery systems and adjuvants that target vaccines successfully to appropriate intracellular locations to induce protective immune responses against as wide a T cell repertoire as possible.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ability of murine T cell lines to induce neonatal tolerance to Mlsa (minor lymphocyte stimulating). Mlsb mice were injected within 24 hr of birth with MHC (major histocompatibility complex) identical T cell lines generated by culturing responders from Mlsa strains with stimulators from Mlsb strains. Injected mice were tested at 6 to 8 weeks of age for responses in either primary mixed leukocyte reaction or IL-2 limiting dilution analysis. Mlsa specific responses by injected tolerant mice relative to noninjected controls were reduced by 92-98% in MLR and by 2- to 10-fold in IL-2 LDA. In contrast, responses against third-party MHC antigens by either the injected or the noninjected mice were identical. Fifty percent of all mice injected with the T cell lines were tolerant to Mlsa. These results strongly suggest that murine T cells express the Mlsa gene product.  相似文献   

The use of mutant mice expressing a normal MHC class II molecule surface level but a severely restricted self-peptide diversity (H-2Malpha(-/-)) previously revealed that T cells carrying the Ealpha(52-68)-I-A(b) complex-specific 1H3.1 TCR rely on self-peptide(s) recognition for both their peripheral persistence in irradiated hosts and their intrathymic positive selection. Here, we identify Ealpha(52-68) structurally related self-peptide(s) as a major contributor to in vivo positive selection of 1H3.1 TCR-transgenic thymocytes in I-A(b+)/I-Ealpha(-) mice. This is demonstrated by the drastic and specific reduction of the TCR high thymocyte population in 1H3.1 TCR-transgenic (Tg) mice treated with the Ealpha(52-68)-I-A(b) complex-specific Y-Ae mAb. Self-peptide(s) recognition is also driving the maturation of T cells carrying a distinct MHC class II-restricted specificity (the Ealpha(6) alphass TCR), since positive selection was also deficient in Ealpha(6) TCR Tg H-2Malpha(-/-) thymi. Such a requirement for recognition of self-determinants was mirrored in the periphery; Ealpha(6) TCR Tg naive T cells showed an impaired persistence in both H-2Malpha(-/-) and I-A(b)ss(-/-) irradiated hosts, whereas they persisted and slowly cycled in wild-type recipients. This moderate self-peptide(s)-dependent proliferation was associated with a surface phenotype intermediate between those of naive and activated/memory T cells; CD44 expression was up-regulated, but surface expression of other markers such as CD62L remained unaltered. Collectively, these observations indicate that maturation and maintenance of naive MHC class II-restricted T cells are self-oriented processes.  相似文献   

Both exogenously derived and endogenously derived Ag generally require processing for their optimal binding and presentation by class I and class II major histocompatibility proteins. It is not known whether steps involved in Ag processing also affect the recognition of alloreactive T cells. We have recently described B cell mutants which have general defects in the processing and presentation of a variety of exogenous Ag to class II restricted T cells. In this report we have studied the ability of these processing mutants to stimulate a set of anti-DR3-specific alloreactive T cells clones. These processing/presentation mutants express normal MHC class II molecules, both in terms of primary sequence and cell surface abundance, but they appear unable to generate effective peptide-MHC complexes. When tested for their ability to stimulate MHC class II alloreactive T cell clones, only one of four T cell clones was stimulated by these mutants; the other three alloreactive T cell clones were not stimulated by either of two different mutants. Both of these mutants express normal levels of the accessory molecules, LFA-3 and ICAM-1. The inability of these mutants to stimulate three of four alloreactive clones indicates that the capacity to be recognized by many alloreactive T cells is linked to the Ag processing capacity of a stimulator cell.  相似文献   

The novel class Ib molecule MR1 is highly conserved in mammals, particularly in its alpha1/alpha2 domains. Recent studies demonstrated that MR1 expression is required for development and expansion of a small population of T cells expressing an invariant T cell receptor (TCR) alpha chain called mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells. Despite these intriguing properties it has been difficult to determine whether MR1 expression and MAIT cell recognition is ligand-dependent. To address these outstanding questions, monoclonal antibodies were produced in MR1 knock-out mice immunized with recombinant MR1 protein, and a series of MR1 mutations were generated at sites previously shown to disrupt the ability of class Ia molecules to bind peptide or TCR. Here we show that 1) MR1 molecules are detected by monoclonal antibodies in either an open or folded conformation that correlates precisely with peptide-induced conformational changes in class Ia molecules, 2) only the folded MR1 conformer activated 2/2 MAIT hybridoma cells tested, 3) the pattern of MAIT cell activation by the MR1 mutants implies the MR1/TCR orientation is strikingly similar to published major histocompatibility complex/alphabetaTCR engagements, 4) all the MR1 mutations tested and found to severely reduce surface expression of folded molecules were located in the putative ligand binding groove, and 5) certain groove mutants of MR1 that are highly expressed on the cell surface disrupt MAIT cell activation. These combined data strongly support the conclusion that MR1 has an antigen presentation function.  相似文献   

The binary logic of antigen processing and presentation to T cells.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
J W Yewdell  J R Bennink 《Cell》1990,62(2):203-206

CD4+ T cells play a central role in orchestrating host immune responses against cancer as well as autoimmune and infectious diseases. Identification of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-restricted helper T peptides is important for development of effective vaccines. The lack of effective methods to identify such T-cell peptides is a major hurdle in the use of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells in cancer vaccines. Here we describe a genetic targeting expression system for cloning genes encoding for MHC class II-restricted tumor antigens recognized by tumor-reactive CD4+ T cells. Helper T peptides are subsequently identified by using synthetic peptides to test their ability to stimulate CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

Macrophages and T cells do not express Mlsa determinants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In order to test the tissue distribution of Mlsa determinants, we have generated highly purified stimulator cell populations. First, Mlsa expression in bone marrow derived macrophages (M phi) of Mlsa genotype was tested in primary MLR and on Mlsa-specific T cell hybridomas (THy). Second, a similar experimental approach was used to analyze thioglycolate, peptone or Con A elicited peritoneal M phi. In all cases, these M phi cell populations were able to generate an excellent alloresponse, whereas no functional Mlsa determinants could be detected. Third, to further investigate whether the expression of Mlsa is lymphocyte specific, but dependent on expression of class II molecules, we have transfected I-Ek alpha and beta cDNA into a panel of thymomas of Mlsa genotype. Although we achieved a high level of surface I-Ek expression in all of these T cell tumors, none of them was able to trigger the Mlsa-specific THy. These results strongly suggest that Mlsa expression is limited to B cells. It is likely that Mlsa is a tissue-specific self-peptide that associates with class II molecules.  相似文献   

Cloned L3T4a+ antigen-specific, class II-restricted T cells can be subdivided by function and by cytokine production. All cloned T cell lines produce T cell growth factors that can be distinguished by the ability of monoclonal antibodies to inhibit the proliferation of cytokine-dependent T cell lines induced by these T cell growth factors. From these types of analyses, it has been shown that all cloned T cells that help hapten-specific B cells secrete immunoglobulin, produce interleukin 4 (IL 4). Those cloned T cells that fail to help for anti-hapten responses produce neither IL 4 nor interleukin 2 (IL 2), yet release an activity that induces the proliferation of the cytokine-dependent T cell line, HT-2. Additional analysis of the HT-2 stimulating activity has shown that it is indistinguishable from granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF)--this activity being produced by all cloned T cells tested. Thus GM-CSF is a product of all cloned L3T4a+ T cell lines tested thus far, and can serve as a T cell growth factor for HT-2, as well as a co-factor for in vivo derived T cells.  相似文献   

NK T cells are a T cell subset in the human that express an invariant alpha-chain (V alpha 24invt T cells). Because of the well-described immunomodulation by glucocorticoids on activation-induced cell death (AICD), the effects of dexamethasone and anti-CD3 stimulation on V alpha 24invt T cell clones and CD4+ T cell clones were investigated. Dexamethasone significantly enhanced anti-CD3-mediated proliferation of V alpha 24invt T cells, whereas CD4+ T cells were inhibited. Addition of neutralizing IL-2 Ab partially abrogated dexamethasone-induced potentiation of V alpha 24invt T cell proliferation, indicating a role for autocrine IL-2 production in corticosteroid-mediated proliferative augmentation. Dexamethasone treatment of anti-CD3-stimulated V alpha 24invt T cells did not synergize with anti-Fas blockade in enhancing proliferation or preventing AICD. The V alpha 24invt T cell response to dexamethasone was dependent on the TCR signal strength. In the presence of dexamethasone, lower doses of anti-CD3 inhibited proliferation of V alpha 24invt T cells and CD4+ T cells; at higher doses of anti-CD3, which caused inhibition of CD4+ T cells, the V alpha 24invt T cell clones proliferated and were rescued from AICD. These results demonstrate significant differences in TCR signal strength required between V alpha 24invt T cells and CD4+ cells, and suggest important immunomodulatory consequences for endogenous and exogenous corticosteroids in immune responses.  相似文献   

The differentiation of monocytes into dendritic cells (DC) is a key mechanism by which the innate immune system instructs the adaptive T cell response. In this study, we investigated whether leukocyte Ig-like receptor A2 (LILRA2) regulates DC differentiation by using leprosy as a model. LILRA2 protein expression was increased in the lesions of the progressive, lepromatous form vs the self-limited, tuberculoid form of leprosy. Double immunolabeling revealed LILRA2 expression on CD14+, CD68+ monocytes/macrophages. Activation of LILRA2 on peripheral blood monocytes impaired GM-CSF induced differentiation into immature DC, as evidenced by reduced expression of DC markers (MHC class II, CD1b, CD40, and CD206), but not macrophage markers (CD209 and CD14). Furthermore, LILRA2 activation abrogated Ag presentation to both CD1b- and MHC class II-restricted, Mycobacterium leprae-reactive T cells derived from leprosy patients, while cytokine profiles of LILRA2-activated monocytes demonstrated an increase in TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, and IL-10, but little effect on TGF-beta. Therefore, LILRA2 activation, by altering GM-CSF-induced monocyte differentiation into immature DC, provides a mechanism for down-regulating the ability of the innate immune system to activate the adaptive T cell response while promoting an inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) capture Ags or viruses in peripheral tissue to transport them to lymphoid organs to induce cellular T cell responses. Recently, a DC-specific C-type lectin was identified, DC-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN), that functions as cell adhesion receptor mediating both DC migration and T cell activation. DC-SIGN also functions as an HIV-1R that captures HIVgp120 and facilitates DC-induced HIV transmission of T cells. Internalization motifs in the cytoplasmic tail of DC-SIGN hint to a function of DC-SIGN as endocytic receptor. In this study we demonstrate that on DCs DC-SIGN is rapidly internalized upon binding of soluble ligand. Mutating a putative internalization motif in the cytoplasmic tail reduces ligand-induced internalization. Detailed analysis using ratio fluorescence imaging and electron microscopy showed that DC-SIGN-ligand complexes are targeted to late endosomes/lysosomes. Moreover, ligands internalized by DC-SIGN are efficiently processed and presented to CD4+ T cells. The distinct pattern of expression of C-type lectins on DCs in situ and their nonoverlapping Ag recognition profile hint to selective functions of these receptors to allow a DC to recognize a wide variety of Ags and to process these to induce T cell activation. These data point to a novel function of the adhesion receptor DC-SIGN as an efficient DC-specific Ag receptor that can be used as a target to induce viral and antitumor immunity.  相似文献   

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