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We studied the demography of Viola elatior, V. pumila, and V. stagnina, three rare and endangered Central European floodplain species, to (i) analyse variation in life-cycles among congeners and between regions (Dyje-Morava floodplains, Czech Republic; Upper Rhine, Germany), (ii) to define sensitive stages in the life-cycles, and (iii) to identify possible threats for population viability and species conservation. Matrix models were based on the fate of marked individuals from a total of 27 populations over two years. We analysed population growth rate (λ), stage distribution, net reproductive rate (R 0), generation time, age at first reproduction, and elasticity and calculated a life table response experiment (LTRE). Most populations were declining and λ did not differ between species or regions during the observed interval. Despite higher probabilities for survival and flowering in the Dyje populations, R 0 was higher in the Rhine populations. Also other demographic traits showed consistent differences between regions and/or species. Complex life-cycles and large variation in λ precluded unequivocal identification of sensitive stages or vital rates for conservation. Variation between regions may be a consequence of differences in habitat quality. Our results suggest that deterministic processes such as reduced management, succession, habitat destruction, and lack of disturbance through reduced or eliminated flooding present the strongest threat for the viability and persistence of populations of the three floodplain violets as compared with stochastic processes. However, the persistent seed bank of the species may buffer populations against environmental variation and represents a reservoir for recovery after resumption of suitable land-use management.  相似文献   

Cortinarius elatior var.albipes var. nov., found in the deciduous forest is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from the type variety by having a white stipe and longer spores. The differences betweenCortinarius elatior var.albipes and similar taxa are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Salikhova  Z. Z.  Sokolova  R. B.  Yusupova  D. V. 《Microbiology》2000,69(6):659-662
The culture liquid and periplasm of Proteus mirabilis contained nuclease, an enzyme with DNase and RNase activities. The nuclease was most actively synthesized in the early exponential and stationary growth phases. Nuclease synthesis was regulated by nucleic acids (induction by substrate) and inorganic phosphate (end-product inhibition). The synthesis and secretion of nuclease by P. mirabilis was induced by mitomycin C, an inducer of the SOS functions of cells. This suggests the involvement of SOS-response proteins in the regulation of nuclease synthesis.  相似文献   

Cells of Proteus mirabilis, previously grown in nutrient broth (NB), exhibited an increase in urease activity during subsequent incubation in mineral medium even when protein biosynthesis was inhibited. During growth in NB, degradation of amino acids obviously led to the formation of nickel-complexing metabolites, and nickel ions were therefore inavailable for maximal expression of enzymatically active urease; this inhibition of urcase biosynthesis was overcome by the addition of nickel to the growth medium, and also by added glucose. Experiments concerning the incorporation of radioactive nickel into urease finally indicated that the observed increase in urease activity was caused by posttranslational insertion of nickel into preformed apourease.  相似文献   

Jane Robb  Barbara Lee 《Protoplasma》1986,135(2-3):102-111
Summary The most prominent ultrastructural characteristics of the cyst ofHaptoglossa mirabilis are a large centrally-placed nucleus which is partially ringed by three or four parallel cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (r-ER), a centriole pair and single large Golgi complex which occupy the anterior end of the cell, and a population of provacuoles which occupies the posterior. During germination these organelles migrate into a narrow germ tube which subsequently expands to form the gun cell initial. The extracellular components of the attack apparatus (i.e. missile and injection tube) are formed entirely in the developing gun cell; indirect evidence suggests that both the Golgi complex and r-ER are involved in their synthesis. The intra-cellular component of the attack apparatus comprises the posterior, anterior and apical vacuoles. The posterior vacuole forms by fusion and expansion of the original cyst provacuoles; the formation of the anterior and apical vacuoles occurs late in gun cell differentiation and involves fusion of Golgi-derived vesicles.  相似文献   

This is the first report of the mycorrhizal status of Welwitschia mirabilis, a gymnosperm endemic to the Namib Desert. Like all other gymnosperms except the Pinaceae and Gnetaceae, W. mirabilis is associated with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi. Mycorrhizal colonization of roots and the diversity and abundance of VAM species were determined at seven sites. Six sites received annual rainfall of 0–100 mm, varying widely from year to year. The seventh site experienced more predictable annual rainfall of 150–200 mm. Perennial vegetation was sparse at the six low-rainfall sites. Dry annual grasses from previous rain events were present at only three of these six sites and mean mycorrhizal colonization levels of W. mirabilis at these three sites were as high as 18%. W. mirabilis was not mycorrhizal at sites where grasses were absent. The seventh site, receiving higher rainfall, supported small trees and annual grasses in addition to W. mirabilis. Mycorrhizal colonization levels of W. mirabilis at this site were significantly higher than at the other six sites, closely paralleling those of the surrounding annual grasses. The mycorrhizal flora of W. mirabilis consisted of four Glomus species. These taxa were not unique to W. mirabilis, having been found with Stipagrostis and Cladoraphis grasses throughout the Namib and Kalahari deserts.  相似文献   

Isolated membranes of the cell wall-less stable protoplast L-form of Proteus mirabilis were characterized by density gradient centrifugation and by assay for their major chemical constituents, proteins, phospholipids and lipopolysaccharide, and for some specific marker enzymes of the cytoplasmic membrane. In most of the analyzed properties the L-form protoplast membrane resembled the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, with some notable modifications. considerable amounts of lipopolysaccharide, normally an exclusive constituent of the outer membrane, were found. Furthermore, the L-form membranes contained the functions of the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidase system, of d-lactate dehydrogenase (EC and of succinate dehydrogenase (EC at specific activities comparable to, or in some cases considerably higher than, those present in cytoplasmic membranes of the bacterial form. Of two peptidoglycan DD-carboxypetidase/transpeptidases (EC and EC, which are normally present in the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterial form of P. mirabilis, the membrane of the protoplast L-form contained only one. Electron microscopy of thin sectioned L-form protoplasts showed extensive heterogeneity of membraneous structures. In addition to the single membraneous integument, internal membrane-bounded vesicles and multiple stacks of membranes were present, as the result of unbalanced growth and membrane synthesis in the L-form state.  相似文献   

We compared the general ecology and population profiles of Jatropha standleyi and J. chamelensis, two ecologically similar, dioecious forest trees in order to illuminate why they differ in range size, an important measure of relative commonness and rarity. Jatropha standleyi is widespread throughout the tropical deciduous forest in Mexico and the endangered J. chamelensis is restricted to a small region on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Using data collected over the same time period from a site central to the distributions of both species, we found significant differences in population size distributions and seedling mortality, but no discernible differences in seedling or adult growth rates, local abundance or local distribution. The observed difference in relative rarity could be explained by a number of hypotheses depending on whether the populations are at a stable equilibrium or not. The high ratio of pre-reproductive individuals may indicate a growing, rather than stable, population for J. chamelensis. Jatropha standleyi is more widespread and has a significantly lower ratio of pre-reproductive to mature individuals. Alternatively, both populations may be at equilibrium with J. chamelensis restricted to its limited range by large-scale environmental constraints or niche differences not elucidated in this study. In either case however, the greater and less variable seed output of the J. standleyi population will also mean a greater number of rare long-distance dispersal events and a better chance of establishing a persistent remote population for J. standleyi than for J. chamelensis. The dioecy to be found in both these species would exacerbate the limiting effects of low seed production on the ability of a species to travel successfully. A more extensive field investigation of mortality and factors contributing to mortality in sub-canopy and pre-reproductive individuals would allow more light to be shed on relative population processes in these species.  相似文献   

A murein-associated outer membrane protein from Proteus mirabilis has been isolated. Since the protein carries ester- as well as amide-linked fatty acids it can be classified as a second outer membrane lipoprotein. An apparent molecular weight of 15,000 for this protein was determined from amino acid analysis and sodium dodecylsulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The amino acid composition, however, does not show similarities with the amino acid composition of the lipoprotein covalently linked to murein, which has a molecular weight of 7,300 as described previously in Proteus mirabilis.Abbreviation SDS sodium dodecylsulfate  相似文献   

Self-transmissible plasmids carryinghis andnif genes fromKlebsiella pneumoniae have been introduced into threehis mutants ofProteus mirabilis: strains 5006-1, WR19 and WR20. Expression ofhis by the transconjugants was unequivocal, if slightly temperature-sensitive, but none was Nif+ when tested for acetylene reduction in anaerobic glucose medium using inocula from rich or glucose-minimal aerobic agar cultures. Succinate or pyruvate in place of glucose, low glucose, lower temperature or elevated Na2MoO4 did not allownif expression and no nitrogenase MoFe-protein peptide was detected immunologically after exposure to conditions in which diazotrophic enterobacteria, normal or genetically constructed, derepressnif.One strain,P. mirabilis WR19, carrying thehis nif Kmr plasmid pMF250 was examined in detail. Thenif activator genenifA was introduced on the plasmid pCK1. Such derivatives remained Nif- when tested, after aerobic growth on rich agar media, with normal or low glucose, with succinate or with elevated Mo. However, pre-conditioning by aerobic growth on glucose-minimal agar led to subsequent anaerobic expression ofnif in glucose medium from pMF250 in WR19 carrying pCK1. NH 4 + or proline could serve as N-source in the glucose-minimal agar. Maximum activity was about 5% of that ofK. pneumoniae in our assay conditions. Material cross-reacting with anti-serum to the nitrogenase MoFe protein was formed. Nitrogenase activity was not switched off by NH 4 + .P. mirabilis WR19 (pCK1) showed NH 4 + -constitutive temperature-sensitive kanamycin resistance (anif-related phenotype of this plasmid) in aerobic glucose minimal medium. Expression ofnif inP. mirabilis WR19 (pCK1, pMF250) was NH 4 + -repressible despite the constitutivenifA character of pCK1 and introduction of thentrA + plasmid pMM17 did not alter this phenotype. However, pCK1 did not give rise to NH 4 + -constitutive diazotrophy in the wild-typeK. pneumoniae M5al. A construct of WR19 carrying pMF250 and constitutiventrC plasmid (pMD45) remained Nif- even after pre-growth on glucose-minimal media.We conclude (a) thatP. mirabilis forms a gene product functionally equivalent to that ofntrA inK. pneumoniae, (b) that it forms no functional equivalent of thentrC product in our growth conditions. The need for pre-conditioning on aerobic glucose media remains perplexing.Non-common abbreviation NFDM Nitrogen-free-Davis-Mingioli medium  相似文献   

The functional localization of the cytochromes b found in anaerobically grown Proteus mirabilis was investigated. From light absorption spectra, scanned during uninhibited and HQNO-inhibited electron transport to various electron acceptors, it was concluded that all cytochromes b function between two HQNO inhibition sites, or more probably in a Q- or b-cycle.Abbreviation HQNO= 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline-N-oxide  相似文献   

The gene encoding catalase from the psychrophilic marine bacterium Vibrio salmonicida LFI1238 was identified, cloned and expressed in the catalase-deficient Escherichia coli UM2. Recombinant catalase from V. salmonicida (VSC) was purified to apparent homogeneity as a tetramer with a molecular mass of 235 kDa. VSC contained 67% heme b and 25% protoporphyrin IX. VSC was able to bind NADPH, react with cyanide and form compounds I and II as other monofunctional small subunit heme catalases. Amino acid sequence alignment of VSC and catalase from the mesophilic Proteus mirabilis (PMC) revealed 71% identity. As for cold adapted enzymes in general, VSC possessed a lower temperature optimum and higher catalytic efficiency (k cat/K m) compared to PMC. VSC have higher affinity for hydrogen peroxide (apparent K m) at all temperatures. For VSC the turnover rate (k cat) is slightly lower while the catalytic efficiency is slightly higher compared to PMC over the temperature range measured, except at 4°C. Moreover, the catalytic efficiency of VSC and PMC is almost temperature independent, except at 4°C where PMC has a twofold lower efficiency compared to VSC. This may indicate that VSC has evolved to maintain a high efficiency at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase A has been solubilized from purified cytoplasmic membranes by extraction with terl-amyl alcohol. The resulting aqueous solution contained monomeric reductase which polymerized slowly to dimers and tetramers with sedimentation coefficients of respectively 10.5, 16 and 23 Svedbergunits. The polymerization could be stopped to some extent by addition of a small amount of Triton X-100. These distinct entities of nitrate reductase A were separable on electro-focusing, DEAE-column chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and have been proved to consist of similar subunits with molecular weights of 104000, 63000, and 56000 daltons. The molecular weights of monomeric nitrate reductase A was found to be about 240000 daltons.Chlorate reductase C has been solubilized by a similar procedure, resulting in only monomeric enzyme. Chlorate reductase C exhibited a sedimentation coefficient of 7.7 Svedbergunits, an isoelectric point of pH=4.55 and a molecular weight of approx. 180000 daltons. It was found to consist of three subunits with molecular weights of 75000, 63000 and 56000 daltons. The latter two subunits are most probably common in nitrate reductase A and chlorate reductase C.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts of Proteus mirabilis were able to reconstitute NADPH-dependent assimilatory nitrate reductase in crude extracts of the Neurospora crassa mutant strain nit-1, lacking molybdenum cofactor. Molybdenum cofactor was formed in the cytoplasm of the bacterium even in the presence of oxygen during growth though under these conditions no molybdo enzymes are formed. As a consequence no cofactor could be released by acid treatment from membranes of cells grown aerobically. The amount of cofactor released from membranes of cells grown anaerobically under various conditions was proportional to the amount of molybdo enzymes formed. During growth in the presence of tungstate a cofactor, which lacks molybdenum, was found in the cytoplasm. For detection of this so-called demolybdo cofactor the presence of molybdate during reconstitution was essential. Moreover, the cytoplasmic cofactor pool in cells grown in the presence of tungstate appeared to be two to three times higher than in cells grown under similar conditions without tungstate. After anaerobic growth in the presence of tungstate, the inactive demolybdo reductases were shown to contain partly no cofactor and partly a demolybdo cofactor. The P. mirabilis chlorate resistant mutant S 556 did not contain molybdenum cofactor. In two other chl-mutants the cofactor activity was the same as in the wild type.  相似文献   

Summary In the young ovule of Welwitschia mirabilis the nucellar apex is dome shaped and starch begins to accumulate near the female gametophyte. With the degeneration of the cells of the nucellar apex, a pollen chamber is formed, which contains the micropylar fluid. Starch storage increases considerably in the upper part of the nucellus. Pollen drop emission is not a rhythmic process, and pollination does not produce the rapid withdrawal of droplets. The micropylar drop consists almost entirely of sugars, uronic acids and a very small amount of free amino acids and enzymes. The mechanism of micropylar drop secretion and its probable role in the process of pollination is discussed.This work was supported by a grant from MURST 40%  相似文献   

Viola stoloniflora Yokota et Higa (Violaceae) is newly described from Okinawa Island, the Ryukyus. This species is characterized by the procumbent stolons, the almost round leaf blades, the densely pilose petioles, the ebarbate white petals with violet veins, and the chromosome number of 2n=22. The present species belongs to Sect.Nomimium, Subsect.Serpentes and is closely related to theV. iwagawai group of Sect.Nomimium, Subsect.Adnatae.  相似文献   

Heavy metal-contaminated sites are excellent areas to examine the antioxidative machinery responsible for physiological adaptations of many plant species.Superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxide (GPX), ascorbate peroxide (APX), catalase (CAT) activity and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content were analyzed in leaves and roots of Viola tricolor (Viola) from contaminated soils (‘Bukowno’, ‘Saturn’, ‘Warpie’ heaps), and non-contaminated soil (‘Zakopane meadow’) to examine the level of oxidative stress and antioxidative response.In leaves, six isoforms of SOD were recognized. Roots possessed two additional bands, named manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD)-like form (MnSODI) and Cu/ZnSOD-like form (Cu/ZnSODIV). The H2O2 content in leaves ranged from 554 to 5 098 μmol H2O2/g f.w. and was negatively correlated with CAT activity. The non-contaminated population was characterized by the lowest CAT activity combined with the highest H2O2 concentration. Two isoforms of CAT, CAT-1 and CAT-2, were recognized in leaves of plants from non-contaminated and contaminated sites, respectively. In roots of individuals from two heaps (‘Warpie’ and ‘Saturn’), two distinct bands for each CAT isoform were observed. A slower migrating band may be an aggregate, exhibiting CAT and MnSODs activities. Both peroxidases (APX and GPX) presented the same pattern of activity, depending on the organ, indicating that in leaves and roots APX and GPX were regulated in parallel.Differences in enzyme activities and H2O2 content between plants from different contaminated sites were statistically significant, but were tightly maintained at a very similar level. Prolonged and permanent heavy metal stress evoked a very similar mode of antioxidative response in specimens of analyzed metalliferous populations not causing measurable oxidative stress. Thus, our results clearly indicate that V. tricolor is a taxon well adapted to heavy metal-contaminated soils, and that differences in enzyme activities and H2O2 content result from adjustment of plants to a variety of conditions.  相似文献   

Molybdenum cofactor was extracted from membranes of Proteus mirabilis by three methods: acidification, heat treatment and heat treatment in the presence of sodium-dodecylsulphate (SDS). Extracts prepared by the latter method contained the highest concentration of molybdenum cofactor. In these extracts molybdenum cofactor was present in a low molecular weight form. It could not penetrate an YM-2 membrane during ultrafiltration suggesting a molecular weight above 1000. During aerobic incubation of cofactor extracts from membranes at least four fluorescent species were formed as observed in a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system. The species in the first peak was inhomogeneous while the species in the others seem to be homogenous. In water, all fluorescent products had an excitation maximum at 380 nm and an emission maximum at 455 nm. Their absorption spectra showed maxima at around 270 nm and 400 nm. Fluorescent compounds present in the first peak could penetrate an YM-2 membrane during ultrafiltration, whereas the compounds in the other peaks hardly did. Using xanthine oxidase from milk as source of molybdenum cofactor apparently identical cofactor species were found. Cytoplasmic nor membrane extracts of the chlorate resistant mutant chl S 556 of P. mirabilis could complement nitrate reductase of Neurospora crassa nit-1 in the presence of 20 mM molybdate. However, fluorescent species with identical properties as found for the wild-type were formed during aerobic incubation of extracts from membranes of this mutant.Non-common Abbreviations HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - I.D. internal diameter - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

Plasmid pRD1, an R plasmid of the P incompatibility group which carries his and nif genes from Klebsiella pneumoniae in addition to drug resistance markers derived from RP4, was transferred to His- mutants of Serratia marcescens, Erwinia herbicola and Proteus mirabilis. His+ transconjugants were obtained at low but different frequencies according to recipient genus. Transconjugants all acquired the drug resistance, and were Nif+ in S. marcescens and E. herbicola, having acetylene-reducing activities of the same order of magnitude as the parent K. pneumoniae and fixing 15N2. No evidence for nif expression in P. mirabilis transconjugants was obtained though the nif genes were present.  相似文献   

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