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IF1 is an endogenous inhibitor protein of mitochondrial ATP synthase. It is evolutionarily conserved throughout all eukaryotes and it has been proposed to play crucial roles in prevention of the wasteful reverse reaction of ATP synthase, in the metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis, in the suppression of ROS (reactive oxygen species) generation, in mitochondria morphology and in haem biosynthesis in mitochondria, which leads to anaemia. Here, we report the phenotype of a mouse strain in which IF1 gene was destroyed. Unexpectedly, individuals of this IF1-KO (knockout) mouse strain grew and bred without defect. The general behaviours, blood test results and responses to starvation of the IF1-KO mice were apparently normal. There were no abnormalities in the tissue anatomy or the autophagy. Mitochondria of the IF1-KO mice were normal in morphology, in the content of ATP synthase molecules and in ATP synthesis activity. Thus, IF1 is not an essential protein for mice despite its ubiquitous presence in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The isolated epsilon subunit of F(1)-ATPase from thermophilic Bacillus PS3 (TF(1)) binds ATP [Y. Kato-Yamada, M. Yoshida, J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 36013]. The obvious question is whether the ATP binding concern with the regulation of ATP synthase activity or not. If so, the epsilon subunit even in the ATP synthase complex should have the ability to bind ATP. To check if the ATP binding to the epsilon subunit within the ATP synthase complex may occur, the gammaepsilon sub-complex of TF(1) was prepared and ATP binding was examined. The results clearly showed that the gammaepsilon sub-complex can bind ATP.  相似文献   

The bioenergetics of IF1 transiently silenced cancer cells has been extensively investigated, but the role of IF1 (the natural inhibitor protein of F1F0-ATPase) in cancer cell metabolism is still uncertain. To shed light on this issue, we established a method to prepare stably IF1-silenced human osteosarcoma clones and explored the bioenergetics of IF1 null cancer cells. We showed that IF1-silenced cells proliferate normally, consume glucose, and release lactate as controls do, and contain a normal steady-state ATP level. However, IF1-silenced cells displayed an enhanced steady-state mitochondrial membrane potential and consistently showed a reduced ADP-stimulated respiration rate. In the parental cells (i.e. control cells containing IF1) the inhibitor protein was found to be associated with the dimeric form of the ATP synthase complex, therefore we propose that the interaction of IF1 with the complex either directly, by increasing the catalytic activity of the enzyme, or indirectly, by improving the structure of mitochondrial cristae, can increase the oxidative phosphorylation rate in osteosarcoma cells grown under normoxic conditions.  相似文献   

The classical view of oxidative phosphorylation is that a proton motive force (PMF) generated by the respiratory chain complexes fuels ATP synthesis via ATP synthase. Yet, under glycolytic conditions, ATP synthase in its reverse mode also can contribute to the PMF. Here, we dissected these two functions of ATP synthase and the role of its inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) under different metabolic conditions. pH profiles of mitochondrial sub‐compartments were recorded with high spatial resolution in live mammalian cells by positioning a pH sensor directly at ATP synthase’s F1 and FO subunits, complex IV and in the matrix. Our results clearly show that ATP synthase activity substantially controls the PMF and that IF1 is essential under OXPHOS conditions to prevent reverse ATP synthase activity due to an almost negligible ΔpH. In addition, we show how this changes lateral, transmembrane, and radial pH gradients in glycolytic and respiratory cells.  相似文献   

In this work, we present evidence of Fe2+ transport by rat heart mitochondrial F1Fo ATP synthase. Iron uptake by the vesicles containing the enzyme was concentration- and temperature-dependent, with an optimum temperature of 37 °C. Both ATP and ADP stimulated iron uptake in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas AMP, AMPPCP, and mADP did not. Inhibitors of the enzyme, oligomycin, and resveratrol similarly blocked iron transport. The iron uptake was confirmed by inhibition using specific antibodies against the α, β, and c subunits of the enzyme. Interestingly, slight transport of common divalent and trivalent metal ions such as Mg+2, Ca+2, Mn+2, Zn+2, Cu+2, Fe+3, and Al+3 was observed. Moreover, Cu+2, even in the nM range, inhibited iron uptake and attained maximum inhibition of approximately 56%. Inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the medium exerted an opposite effect depending on the type of adenosine nucleotide, which was suppressed with ATP, but enhanced with ADP. A similarly stimulating effect of ATP and ADP with an inverse effect of Pi suggests that the activity of ATPase and ATP synthase may be associated with iron uptake in a different manner, probably via antiport of H+.  相似文献   

Josef Houštěk  Stanislav Kmoch 《BBA》2009,1787(5):529-532
An increasing number of patients with nuclear genetic defects of mitochondrial ATP synthase have been identified in recent years. They are characterized by early onset, lactic acidosis, 3-methylglutaconic aciduria, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and encephalopathy and most cases have a fatal outcome. Patient tissues show isolated defect of the ATP synthase complex and its content decreases to ≥ 30% of normal due to altered enzyme biosynthesis and assembly. Gene mapping and complementation studies have identified mutations in TMEM70 gene encoding a 30kD mitochondrial protein of unknown function as the cause of the disease. An altered synthesis of this new ancillary factor in ATP synthase biogenesis was found in most of the known patients with decreased ATP synthase content. As revealed by phylogenetic analysis, TMEM70 is specific for higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfoxide [Me2SO, 30% (v/v)] promotes the formation of ATP from ADP and phosphate catalyzed by soluble mitochondrial F1-ATPase. The effects of this solvent on the interaction of beef-heart mitochondrial F1 with the immobilized ATP of Agarose-hexane-ATP were studied. In the presence of Me2SO, F1 bound less readily to the immobilized ATP, but once bound was more difficult to elute with exogenous ATP. This suggests that not only was the binding affinity for adenine nucleotide at the first binding site affected but that adenine nucleotide binding affinity at the second and/or third sites, which interact cooperatively with the first site to release bound nucleotide, was also affected. A reduction in the binding of [3H]ADP to these sites was shown. A change in the conformation of F1 in 30% (v/v) Me2SO was demonstrated by crosslinking and by the increased resistance of the enzyme to cold denaturation.  相似文献   

How biological systems make ATP has intrigued many scientists for well over half the 20th century, and because of the importance and complexity of the problem it seems likely to continue to be a source of fascination to both senior and younger investigators well into the 21st century. Scientific battles fought to unravel the vast secrets by which ATP synthases work have been fierce, and great victories have been short-lived, tempered with the realization that more structures are needed, additional subunits remain to be conquered, and that during ATP synthesis, not one, but several subunits may undergo either significant conformational changes, repositioning, or perhaps even physical rotation similar to bacterial flagella(1,2). In this introductory article, the author briefly summarizes our current knowledge about the complex substructure of ATP synthases, what we have learned from X-ray crystallography of the F1 unit, and current evidence for subunit movements.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ATP synthases shares many structural and kinetic properties with bacterial and chloroplast ATP synthases. These enzymes transduce the energy contained in the membrane's electrochemical proton gradients into the energy required for synthesis of high-energy phosphate bonds. The unusual three-fold symmetry of the hydrophilic domain, F1, of all these synthases is striking. Each F1 has three identical subunits and three identical subunits as well as three additional subunits present as single copies. The catalytic site for synthesis is undoubtedly contained in the subunit or an , interface, and thus each enzyme appears to contain three identical catalytic sites. This review summarizes recent isotopic and kinetic evidence in favour of the concept, originally proposed by Boyer and coworkers, that energy from the proton gradient is exerted not directly for the reaction at the catalytic site, but rather to release product from a single catalytic site. A modification of this binding change hypotheses is favored by recent data which suggest that the binding change is due to a positional change in all three subunits relative to the remaining subunits of F1 and F0 and that the vector of rotation is influenced by energy. The positional change, or rotation, appears to be the slow step in the process of catalysis and it is accelerated in all F1F0 ATPases studied by substrate binding and by the proton gradient. However, in the mammalian mitochondrial enzyme, other types of allosteric rate regulation not yet fully elucidated seem important as well.  相似文献   

Probing conformations of the beta subunit of F0F1-ATP synthase in catalysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A subcomplex of F0F1-ATP synthase (F0F1), alpha3beta3gamma, was shown to undergo the conformation(s) during ATP hydrolysis in which two of the three beta subunits have the "Closed" conformation simultaneously (CC conformation) [S.P. Tsunoda, E. Muneyuki, T. Amano, M. Yoshida, H. Noji, Cross-linking of two beta subunits in the closed conformation in F1-ATPase, J. Biol. Chem. 274 (1999) 5701-5706]. This was examined by the inter-subunit disulfide cross-linking between two mutant beta(I386C)s that was formed readily only when the enzyme was in the CC conformation. Here, we adopted the same method for the holoenzyme F0F1 from Bacillus PS3 and found that the CC conformation was generated during ATP hydrolysis but barely during ATP synthesis. The experiments using F0F1 with the epsilon subunit lacking C-terminal helices further suggest that this difference is related to dynamic nature of the epsilon subunit and that ATP synthesis is accelerated when it takes the pathway involving the CC conformation.  相似文献   

Yakov M. Milgrom 《BBA》2010,1797(10):1768-1774
The effect of inorganic phosphate (Pi) on uni-site ATP binding and hydrolysis by the nucleotide-depleted F1-ATPase from beef heart mitochondria (ndMF1) has been investigated. It is shown for the first time that Pi decreases the apparent rate constant of uni-site ATP binding by ndMF1 3-fold with the Kd of 0.38 ± 0.14 mM. During uni-site ATP hydrolysis, Pi also shifts equilibrium between bound ATP and ADP + Pi in the direction of ATP synthesis with the Kd of 0.17 ± 0.03 mM. However, 10 mM Pi does not significantly affect ATP binding during multi-site catalysis.  相似文献   

A modified ‘cold chase’ technique was used to study tight [14C]ADP and [14C]ATP binding to noncatalytic sites of chloroplast ATP synthase (CF0F1). The binding was very low in the dark and sharply increased with light intensity. Dissociation of labeled nucleotides incorporated into noncatalytic sites of CF0F1 or CF1 reconstituted with EDTA-treated thylakoid membranes was also found to be light-dependent. Time dependence of nucleotide dissociation is described by the first order equation with a k d of about 5 min−1. The exposure of thylakoid membranes to 0.7–24.8 μM nucleotides leads to filling of up to two noncatalytic sites of CF0F1. The sites differ in their specificity: one preferentially binds ADP, whereas the other – ATP. A much higher ATP/ADP ratio of nucleotides bound at noncatalytic sites of isolated CF1 dramatically decreases upon its reconstitution with EDTA-treated thylakoid membranes. It is suggested that the decrease is caused by conformational changes in one of the α subunits induced by its interaction with the δ subunit and/or subunit I–II when CF1 becomes bound to a thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F1FO-ATP synthase of chlorophycean algae is a complex partially embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane that is isolated as a highly stable dimer of 1600 kDa. It comprises 17 polypeptides, nine of which (subunits Asa1 to 9) are not present in classical mitochondrial ATP synthases and appear to be exclusive of the chlorophycean lineage. In particular, subunits Asa2, Asa4 and Asa7 seem to constitute a section of the peripheral stalk of the enzyme. Here, we over-expressed and purified subunits Asa2, Asa4 and Asa7 and the corresponding amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal halves of Asa4 and Asa7 in order to explore their interactions in vitro, using immunochemical techniques, blue native electrophoresis and affinity chromatography. Asa4 and Asa7 interact strongly, mainly through their carboxy-terminal halves. Asa2 interacts with both Asa7 and Asa4, and also with subunit α in the F1 sector. The three Asa proteins form an Asa2/Asa4/Asa7 subcomplex. The entire Asa7 and the carboxy-terminal half of Asa4 seem to be instrumental in the interaction with Asa2. Based on these results and on computer-generated structural models of the three subunits, we propose a model for the Asa2/Asa4/Asa7 subcomplex and for its disposition in the peripheral stalk of the algal ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The structure of F1-ATPase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae inhibited by the yeast IF1 has been determined at 2.5 Å resolution. The inhibitory region of IF1 from residues 1 to 36 is entrapped between the C-terminal domains of the αDP- and βDP-subunits in one of the three catalytic interfaces of the enzyme. Although the structure of the inhibited complex is similar to that of the bovine-inhibited complex, there are significant differences between the structures of the inhibitors and their detailed interactions with F1-ATPase. However, the most significant difference is in the nucleotide occupancy of the catalytic βE-subunits. The nucleotide binding site in βE-subunit in the yeast complex contains an ADP molecule without an accompanying magnesium ion, whereas it is unoccupied in the bovine complex. Thus, the structure provides further evidence of sequential product release, with the phosphate and the magnesium ion released before the ADP molecule.  相似文献   

The role of αPhe-291 residue in phosphate binding by Escherichia coli F1F0-ATP synthase was examined. X-ray structures of bovine mitochondrial enzyme suggest that this residue resides in close proximity to the conserved βR246 residue. Herein, we show that mutations αF291D and αF291E in E. coli reduce the ATPase activity of F1F0 membranes by 350-fold. Yet, significant oxidative phosphorylation activity is retained. In contrast to wild-type, ATPase activities of mutants were not inhibited by MgADP-azide, MgADP-fluoroaluminate, or MgADP-fluoroscandium. Whereas, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl) inhibited wild-type ATPase essentially completely, ATPase in mutants was inhibited maximally by ∼75%, although reaction still occurred at residue βTyr-297, proximal to αPhe-291 in the phosphate-binding pocket. Inhibition characteristics supported the conclusion that NBD-Cl reacts in βE (empty) catalytic sites, as shown previously by X-ray structure analysis. Phosphate protected against NBD-Cl inhibition in wild-type but not in mutants. In addition, our data suggest that the interaction of αPhe-291 with phosphate during ATP hydrolysis or synthesis may be distinct.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive reaction intermediate of F1-ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
F(1)-ATPase is a rotary molecular motor that makes 120 degrees stepping rotations, with each step being driven by a single-ATP hydrolysis. In this study, a new reaction intermediate of F(1)-ATPase was discovered at a temperature below 4 degrees C, which makes a pause at the same angle in its rotation as when ATP binds. The rate constant of the intermediate reaction was strongly dependent on temperature with a Q(10) factor of 19, implying that the intermediate reaction accompanies a large conformational change. Kinetic analyses showed that the intermediate state does not correspond to ATP binding or hydrolysis. The addition of ADP to the reaction mixture did not alter the angular position of the intermediate state, but specifically lengthened the time constant of this state. Conversely, the addition of inorganic phosphate caused a pause at an angle of +80 degrees from that of the intermediate state. These observations strongly suggest that the newly found reaction intermediate is an ADP-releasing step.  相似文献   

Inverted membrane vesicles of Gram-positive actinobacteria Streptomyces fradiae, S. lividans, and S. avermitilis have been prepared and membrane-bound F0F1 ATP synthase has been biochemically characterized. It has been shown that the ATPase activity of membrane-bound F0F1 complex is Mg2+-dependent and moderately stimulated by high concentrations of Ca2+ ions (10–20 mM). The ATPase activity is inhibited by N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and oligomycin A, typical F0F1 ATPase inhibitors that react with the membrane-bound F0 complex. The assay of biochemical properties of the F0F1 ATPases of Streptomycetes in all cases showed the presence of ATPase populations highly susceptible and insensitive to oligomycin A. The in vitro labeling and inhibitory assay showed that the inverted phospholipid vesicles of S. fradiae contained active membrane-bound Ser/Thr protein kinase(s) phosphorylating the proteins of the F0F1 complex. Inhibition of phosphorylation leads to decrease of the ATPase activity and increase of its susceptibility to oligomycin. The in vivo assay confirmed the enhancement of actinobacteria cell sensitivity to oligomycin after inhibition of endogenous phosphorylation. The sequencing of the S. fradiae genes encoding oligomycin-binding A and C subunits of F0F1 ATP synthase revealed their close phylogenetic relation to the genes of S. lividans and S. avermitilis.  相似文献   

To understand the regulatory function of the gamma and epsilon subunits of chloroplast ATP synthase in the membrane integrated complex, we constructed a chimeric FoF1 complex of thermophilic bacteria. When a part of the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit was introduced into the bacterial FoF1 complex, the inverted membrane vesicles with this chimeric FoF1 did not exhibit the redox sensitive ATP hydrolysis activity, which is a common property of the chloroplast ATP synthase. However, when the whole part or the C-terminal alpha-helices region of the epsilon subunit was substituted with the corresponding region from CF1-epsilon together with the mutation of gamma, the redox regulation property emerged. In contrast, ATP synthesis activity did not become redox sensitive even if both the regulatory region of CF1-gamma and the entire epsilon subunit from CF1 were introduced. These results provide important features for the regulation of FoF1 by these subunits: (1) the interaction between gamma and epsilon is important for the redox regulation of FoF1 complex by the gamma subunit, and (2) a certain structural matching between these regulatory subunits and the catalytic core of the enzyme must be required to confer the complete redox regulation mechanism to the bacterial FoF1. In addition, a structural requirement for the redox regulation of ATP hydrolysis activity might be different from that for the ATP synthesis activity.  相似文献   

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