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Retinal proteins (~ rhodopsins) are photochemically reactive membrane-embedded proteins, with seven transmembrane α-helices which bind the chromophore retinal (vitamin A aldehyde). They are widely distributed through all three biological kingdoms, eukarya, bacteria and archaea, indicating the biological significance of the retinal proteins. Light absorption by the retinal proteins triggers a photoisomerization of the chromophore, leading to the biological function, light-energy conversion or light-signal transduction. This article reviews molecular and evolutionary aspects of the light-signal transduction by microbial sensory receptors and their related proteins. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Retinal Proteins - You can teach an old dog new tricks.  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) from Halobacterium salinarum is heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli with a yield of 3-4 mg of purified SRII per liter cell culture. UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy display bands characteristic for native SRII. The resonance Raman spectrum provides evidence for a strongly hydrogen-bonded Schiff base like in mammalian rhodopsin but unlike to the homologous pSRII from Natronobacterium pharaonis. Laser flash spectroscopy indicates that SRII in detergent as well as after reconstitution into polar lipids shows its typical photochemical properties with prolonged photocycle kinetics. The first functional heterologous expression of SRII from H. salinarum provides the basis for studies with its cognate transducer HtrII to investigate the molecular processes involved in phototransduction as well as in chemotransduction.  相似文献   

The new and vibrant field of optogenetics was founded by the seminal discovery of channelrhodopsin, the first light-gated cation channel. Despite the numerous applications that have revolutionised neurophysiology, the functional mechanism is far from understood on the molecular level. An arsenal of biophysical techniques has been established in the last decades of research on microbial rhodopsins. However, application of these techniques is hampered by the duration and the complexity of the photoreaction of channelrhodopsin compared with other microbial rhodopsins. A particular interest in resolving the molecular mechanism lies in the structural changes that lead to channel opening and closure. Here, we review the current structural and mechanistic knowledge that has been accomplished by integrating the static structure provided by X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy with time-resolved spectroscopic and electrophysiological techniques. The dynamical reactions of the chromophore are effectively coupled to structural changes of the protein, as shown by ultrafast spectroscopy. The hierarchical sequence of structural changes in the protein backbone that spans the time range from 10− 12 s to 10− 3 s prepares the channel to open and, consequently, cations can pass. Proton transfer reactions that are associated with channel gating have been resolved. In particular, glutamate 253 and aspartic acid 156 were identified as proton acceptor and donor to the retinal Schiff base. The reprotonation of the latter is the critical determinant for channel closure. The proton pathway that eventually leads to proton pumping is also discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Retinal Proteins — You can teach an old dog new tricks.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of proteorhodopsins, the ubiquitous marine light-driven proton pumps of eubacteria, a large number of other eubacterial rhodopsins with diverse structures and functions have been characterized. Here, we review the body of knowledge accumulated on the four major groups of eubacterial rhodopsins, with the focus on their biophysical characterization. We discuss advances and controversies on the unique eubacterial sensory rhodopsins (as represented by Anabaena sensory rhodopsin), proton-pumping proteorhodopsins and xanthorhodopsins, as well as novel non-proton ion pumps. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Retinal Proteins — You can teach an old dog new tricks.  相似文献   

In 2003, channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was discovered to be a light-gated cation channel, and since that time the channel became an excellent tool to control by light neuronal cells in culture as well as in living animals with high temporal and spatial resolution in a noninvasive manner. However, little is known about the spectral properties and their relation to the channel function. We have expressed ChR2 in the yeast Pichia pastoris and purified the protein. Flash-photolysis data were combined with patch-clamp studies to elucidate the photocycle. The protein absorbs maximally at ∼ 480 nm before light excitation and shows flash-induced absorbance changes with at least two different photointermediates. Four relaxation processes can be extracted from the time course that we have analysed in a linear model for the photocycle leading to the kinetic intermediates P1 to P4. A short-lived photointermediate at 400 nm, suggesting a deprotonation of the retinal Schiff base, is followed by a red-shifted (520 nm) species with a millisecond lifetime. The first three kinetic intermediates in the photocycle, P1 to P3, are described mainly by the red-shifted 520-nm species. The 400-nm species contributes to a smaller extent to P1 and P2. The fourth one, P4, is spectroscopically almost identical with the ground state and lasts into the seconds time region. We compared the spectroscopic data to current measurements under whole-cell patch-clamp conditions on HEK 293 cells. The lifetimes of the spectroscopically and electrophysiologically determined intermediates are in excellent agreement. The intermediates P2 and P3 (absorbing at 520 nm) are identified as the cation permeating states of the channel. Under stationary light, a modulation of the photocurrent by green light (540 nm) was observed. We conclude that the red-shifted spectral species represents the open channel state, and the thermal relaxation of this intermediate, the transition from P3 to P4, is coupled to channel closing.  相似文献   

Archaeal phototaxis is mediated by sensory rhodopsins which form complexes with their cognate transducers. Whereas the receptors sensory rhodopsin I and sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) have been expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli) only shortened fragments of HtrII from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpHtrII) are available. Here we describe the heterologous expression of full length NpHtrII which was achieved in yields of up to 0.9 mg per litre cell culture. Gel filtration analysis reveals the tendency of the transducer to form dimers and higher-order oligomers which was also observed when complexed to NpSRII. A circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of NpHtrII is comparable to those obtained for the E. coli chemoreceptors indicating a similar folding with predominantly alpha-helical structure. NpHtrII dissociates from the NpSRII/HtrII complex with an apparent K(D) of about 0.6 microM. Photocycle kinetics of the complex is comparable to that obtained for NpSRII in complex with a truncated transducer with slight differences in the M-decay. The data indicate that the heterologously expressed NpHtrII adopt a native like structure, providing the means for elucidating transmembrane signal transduction and activation of microbial signalling cascades.  相似文献   

Channelrhodopsin-1 from Chlamydomonas augustae (CaChR1) is a light-activated cation channel, which is a promising optogenetic tool. We show by resonance Raman spectroscopy and retinal extraction followed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) that the isomeric ratio of all-trans to 13-cis of solubilized channelrhodopsin-1 is with 70:30 identical to channelrhodopsin-2 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CrChR2). Critical frequency shifts in the retinal vibrations are identified in the Raman spectrum upon transition to the open (conductive P2380) state. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra indicate different structures of the open states in the two channelrhodopsins as reflected by the amide I bands and the protonation pattern of acidic amino acids.  相似文献   

Microbial organisms utilize light not only as energy sources but also as signals by which rhodopsins (containing retinal as a chromophore) work as photoreceptors. Sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) is a dual photoreceptor that regulates both negative and positive phototaxis in microbial organisms, such as the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum and the eubacterium Salinibacter ruber. These organisms live in highly halophilic environments, suggesting the possibility of the effects of salts on the function of SRI. However, such effects remain unclear because SRI proteins from H. salinarum (HsSRI) are unstable in dilute salt solutions. Recently, we characterized a new SRI protein (SrSRI) that is stable even in the absence of salts, thus allowing us to investigate the effects of salts on the photochemical properties of SRI. In this study, we report that the absorption maximum of SrSRI is shifted from 542 to 556 nm in a Cl-dependent manner with a Km of 307 ± 56 mM, showing that Cl-binding sites exist in SRI. The bathochromic shift was caused not only by NaCl but also by other salts (NaI, NaBr, and NaNO3), implying that I, Br, and NO3 can also bind to SrSRI. In addition, the photochemical properties during the photocycle are also affected by chloride ion binding. Mutagenesis studies strongly suggested that a conserved residue, His131, is involved in the Cl-binding site. In light of these results, we discuss the effects of the Cl binding to SRI and the roles of Cl binding in its function.  相似文献   

Pharaonis phoborhodopsin (ppR, or pharaonis sensory rhodopsin II, NpsRII) is a sensor for the negative phototaxis of Natronomonas (Natronobacterium) pharaonis. Arginine 72 of ppR corresponds to Arg-82 of bacteriorhodopsin, which is a highly conserved residue among microbial rhodopsins. Using various Arg-72 ppR mutants, we obtained the following results: 1). Arg-72(ppR) together possibly with Asp-193 influenced the pK(a) of the counterion of the protonated Schiff base. 2). The M-rise became approximately four times faster than the wild-type. 3). Illumination causes proton uptake and release, and the pH profiles of the sequence of these two proton movements were different between R72A mutant and the wild-type; it is inferred that Arg-72 connects the proton transfer events occurring at both the Schiff base and an extracellular proton-releasing residue (Asp-193). 4). The M-decays of Arg-72 mutants were faster ( approximately 8-27 folds at pH 8 depending on mutants) than the wild-type, implying that the guanidinium prevents the proton transfer from the extracellular space to the deprotonated Schiff base. 5), The proton-pumping activities were decreased for mutants having increased M-decay rates, but the extent of the decrease was smaller than expected. The role of Arg-72 of ppR on the photochemistry was discussed.  相似文献   

So Young Kim  Leonid S. Brown 《BBA》2008,1777(6):504-513
Proteorhodopsin is photoactive 7-transmembrane protein, which uses all-trans retinal as a chromophore. Proteorhodopsin subfamilies are spectrally tuned in accordance with the depth of habitat of the host organisms, numerous species of marine picoplankton. We try to find residues critical for the spectral tuning through the use of random PCR mutagenesis and endogenous retinal biosynthesis. We obtained 16 isolates with changed color by screening in Escherichia coli with internal retinal biosynthesis system containing genes for beta-carotene biosynthesis and retinal synthase. Some isolates contained multiple substitutions, which could be separated to give 20 single mutations influencing the spectral properties. The color-changing residues are distributed through the protein except for the helix A, and about a half of the mutations is localized on the helices C and D, implying their importance for color tuning. In the pumping form of the pigment, absorption maxima in 8 mutants are red-shifted and in 12 mutants are blue-shifted compared to the wild-type. The results of flash-photolysis showed that most of the low pumping activity mutants possess slower rates of M decay and O decay. These results suggest that the color-tuning residues are not restricted to the retinal binding pocket, in accord with a recent evolutionary analysis.  相似文献   

The genome of thylakoidless cyanobacterium Gloeobacter violaceus encodes a fast-cycling rhodopsin capable of light-driven proton transport. We characterize the dark state, the photocycle, and the proton translocation pathway of GR spectroscopically. The dark state of GR contains predominantly all-trans-retinal and, similar to proteorhodopsin, does not show the light/dark adaptation. We found an unusually strong coupling between the conformation of the retinal and the site of Glu132, the homolog of Asp96 of BR. Although the photocycle of GR is similar to that of proteorhodopsin in general, it differs in accumulating two intermediates typical for BR, the L-like and the N-like states. The latter state has a deprotonated cytoplasmic proton donor and is spectrally distinct from the strongly red-shifted N intermediate known for proteorhodopsin. The proton uptake precedes the release and occurs during the transition to the O intermediate. The proton translocation pathway of GR is similar to those of other proton-pumping rhodopsins, involving homologs of BR Schiff base proton acceptor and donor Asp85 and Asp96 (Asp121 and Glu132). We assigned a pair of FTIR bands (positive at 1749 cm−1 and negative at 1734 cm−1) to the protonation and deprotonation, respectively, of these carboxylic acids.  相似文献   

A conformational change of the transducer HtrII upon photoexcitation of the associated photoreceptor sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) was investigated by monitoring the kinetics of volume changes and the diffusion coefficient (D) of the complex during the photochemical reaction cycle. To localize the region of the transducer responsible, we truncated it at various positions in the cytoplasmic HAMP (histidine kinases, adenylyl cyclases, methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, and phosphatases) domain. The truncations do not alter receptor binding, which is dependent primarily on membrane-embedded domain interactions. We found that the light-induced reduction in D occurs in transducers of lengths 120 and 157 residues (Tr120 and Tr157), which are both predicted to contain a HAMP domain consisting of two amphipathic α-helices (AS-1 and AS-2). In contrast, the change in D was abolished in a transducer of 114 amino acid residues (Tr114), which lacks a distal portion of the second α-helix AS-2. The volume changes in SRII-Tr114 are comparable in amplitude and kinetics with those in SRII-Tr120 and SRII-Tr157, confirming the integrity of the complex, which was previously concluded from the similar SRII binding affinity and similar blocking of SRII proton transport by full-length HtrII and Tr114. Our results indicate that a substantial conformational change occurs in the HAMP domain during SRII-HtrII signaling. The data presented here are the first demonstration of stimulus-induced conformational changes of a HAMP domain and provide evidence that the presence of AS-2 is crucial for the conformational alterations. The reduction in diffusion coefficient is likely to due to structural changes in the AS-1 and AS-2 helices such that hydrogen bonding with the surrounding water molecules is increased, thereby increasing friction with the solvent. Similar structural changes may be a general feature in HAMP domain switching, which occurs in diverse signaling proteins, including sensor kinases, taxis receptors/transducers, adenylyl cyclases, and phosphatases.  相似文献   

The photophobic receptor from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpSRII) forms a photo-signalling complex with its cognate transducer (NpHtrII). In order to elucidate the complex formation in more detail, we have studied the intermolecular binding of both constituents (NpSRII and NpHtrII157; truncated at residue 157) in detergent buffers, and in lipid bilayers using FRET. The data for hetero-dimer formation of NpSRII/NpHtrII in detergent agrees well with KD values (∼ 200 nM) described in the literature. In lipid bilayers, the binding affinity between proteins in the NpSRII/NpHtrII complex is at least one order of magnitude stronger. In detergent the strength of binding is similar for both homo-dimers (NpSRII/NpSRII and NpHtrII/NpHtrII) but significantly weaker (KD  ∼ 16 μM) when compared to the hetero-dimer. The intermolecular binding is again considerably stronger in lipid bilayers; however, it is not as strong as that observed for the hetero-dimer. At a molar transducer/lipid ratio of 1:2000, which is still well above physiological concentrations, only 40% homo-dimers are formed. Apparently, in cell membranes the formation of the assumed functionally active oligomeric 2:2 complex depends on the full-length transducer including the helical cytoplasmic part, which is thought to tighten the transducer-dimer association.  相似文献   

Pharaonis phoborhodopsin (ppR), also called pharaonis sensory rhodopsin II, NpSRII, is a photoreceptor of negative phototaxis in Natronomonas (Natronobacterium) pharaonis. The photocycle rate of ppR is slow compared to that of bacteriorhodopsin, despite the similarity in their x-ray structures. The decreased rate of the photocycle of ppR is a result of the longer lifetime of later photo-intermediates such as M- (ppR(M)) and O-intermediates (ppR(O)). In this study, mutants were prepared in which mutated residues were located on the extracellular surface (P182, P183, and V194) and near the Schiff base (T204) including single, triple (P182S/P183E/V194T), and quadruple mutants. The decay of ppR(O) of the triple mutant was accelerated approximately 20-times from 690 ms for the wild-type to 36 ms. Additional mutation resulting in a triple mutant at the 204th position such as T204C or T204S further decreased the decay half-time to 6.6 or 8 ms, almost equal to that of bacteriorhodopsin. The decay half-times of the ppR(O) of mutants (11 species) and those of the wild-type were well-correlated with the pK(a) value of Asp-75 in the dark for the respective mutants as spectroscopically estimated, although there are some exceptions. The implications of these observations are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The 3D structures or dynamic feature of fully hydrated membrane proteins are very important at ambient temperature, in relation to understanding their biological activities, although their data, especially from the flexible portions such as surface regions, are unavailable from X-ray diffraction or cryoelectron microscope at low temperature. In contrast, high-resolution solid-state NMR spectroscopy has proved to be a very convenient alternative means to be able to reveal their dynamic structures. To clarify this problem, we describe here how we are able to reveal such structures and dynamic features, based on intrinsic probes from high-resolution solid-state NMR studies on bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as a typical membrane protein in 2D crystal, regenerated preparation in lipid bilayer and detergents. It turned out that their dynamic features are substantially altered upon their environments where bR is present. We further review NMR applications to study structure and dynamics of a variety of membrane proteins, including sensory rhodopsin, rhodopsin, photoreaction centers, diacylglycerol kinases, etc.  相似文献   

Hemocyanins are multimeric copper-containing hemolymph proteins involved in oxygen binding and transport in all major arthropod lineages. Most arachnids have seven primary subunits (encoded by paralogous genes ag), which combine to form a 24-mer (4 × 6) quaternary structure. Within some spider lineages, however, hemocyanin evolution has been a dynamic process with extensive paralog duplication and loss. We have obtained hemocyanin gene sequences from numerous representatives of the spider infraorders Mygalomorphae and Araneomorphae in order to infer the evolution of the hemocyanin gene family and estimate spider relationships using these conserved loci. Our hemocyanin gene tree is largely consistent with the previous hypotheses of paralog relationships based on immunological studies, but reveals some discrepancies in which paralog types have been lost or duplicated in specific spider lineages. Analyses of concatenated hemocyanin sequences resolved deep nodes in the spider phylogeny and recovered a number of clades that are supported by other molecular studies, particularly for mygalomorph taxa. The concatenated data set is also used to estimate dates of higher-level spider divergences and suggests that the diversification of extant mygalomorphs preceded that of extant araneomorphs. Spiders are diverse in behavior and respiratory morphology, and our results are beneficial for comparative analyses of spider respiration. Lastly, the conserved hemocyanin sequences allow for the inference of spider relationships and ancient divergence dates.  相似文献   

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