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Previous studies have shown that the carcinogen N-hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene is converted by one-electron oxidants to a free nitroxide radical which dismutates to N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene and 2-nitrosofluorene. The present study shows that the same oxidation can be achieved with horseradish peroxidase and H2O2. The free radical intermediate was detected by its ESR signal, and the yields of N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene and of 2-nitrosofluorene were determined under a number of conditions. Addition of tRNA to the reaction mixture containing N-acetoxy-N-2-acetyl[2′-3H]aminofluorene yielded tRNA-bound radioactivity; addition of guanosine yielded a reaction product which appears to be N-guanosin-8-yl)-2-acetylaminofluorene. The latter compound has previously been identified as a reaction product of N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene and guanosine. Preliminary attempts to demonstrate the formation of a nitroxide free radical or its dismutation products with rat liver mixed function oxidase systems were not successful.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the cellular bases of the effects of NaCHOleate (2-hydroxyoleic acid; 2OHOA; Minerval) against glioma and other types of tumors. NaCHOleate, activates sphingomyelin synthase (SGMS) increasing the levels of cell membrane sphingomyelin (SM) and diacylglycerol (DAG) together with reductions of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine (PC). The increases in the membrane levels of NaCHOleate itself and of DAG induce a translocation and overexpression of protein kinase C (PKC) and subsequent reductions of Cyclin D, cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDKs 4 and 6), hypophosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein, inhibition of E2F1 and knockdown of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) impairing DNA synthesis. In addition in some cancer cells, the increases in SM are associated with Fas receptor (FasR) capping and ligand-free induction of apoptosis. In glioma cell lines, the increases in SM are associated with the inhibition of the Ras/MAPK and PI3K/Akt pathways, in association with p27Kip1 overexpression. Finally, an analysis of the Repository of Molecular Brain Neoplasia Data (REMBRANDT) database for glioma patient survival shows that the weight of SM-related metabolism gene expression in glioma patients' survival is similar to glioma-related genes. Due to its low toxicity and anti-tumoral effect in cell and animal models its status as an orphan drug for glioma treatment by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was recently acknowledged and a phase 1/2A open label, non-randomized study was started in patients with advanced solid tumors including malignant glioma. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Membrane Structure and Function: Relevance in the Cell's Physiology, Pathology and Therapy.  相似文献   

Peptide-membrane interactions have been gaining increased relevance, mainly in biomedical investigation, as the potential of the natural, nature-based and synthetic peptides as new drugs or drug candidates also expands. These peptides must face the cell membrane when they interfere with or participate in intracellular processes. Additionally, several peptide drugs and drug leads actions occur at the membrane level (e.g., antimicrobial peptides, cell-penetrating peptides and enveloped viruses membrane fusion inhibitors). Here we explore fluorescence spectroscopy methods that can be used to monitor such interactions. Two main approaches are considered, centered either on the peptide or on the membrane. On the first, we consider mainly the methodologies based on the intrinsic fluorescence of the aminoacid residues tryptophan and tyrosine. Regarding membrane-centric approaches, we review methods based on lipophilic probes sensitive to membrane potentials. The use of fluorescence constitutes a simple and sensitive method to measure these events. Unraveling the molecular mechanisms that govern these interactions can unlock the key to understand specific biological processes involving natural peptides or to optimize the action of a peptide drug.  相似文献   

A novel 114 kDa hexameric lectin was purified from the fruiting bodies of the mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Biochemical characterization revealed it to be a glycoprotein having 9.3% neutral sugar and it showed hemagglutinating activity on pronase treated human erythrocytes. The lectin was stable in the pH range of 5–9 and temperature up to 50 °C. The hemagglutinating activity was inhibited by glycoproteins that possessed N-as well as O-linked glycans. Chemical modification of the G. lucidum lectin revealed contribution of tryptophan and lysine to binding activity. The thermodynamics of binding of bi- and triantennary N-glycans to G. lucidum lectin was studied by spectrofluorimetry. The lectin showed very high affinity for asialo N-linked triantenary glycan and a preference for asialo glycans over sialylated glycans. The binding was accompanied with a large negative change in enthalpy as well as entropy, indicating primarily involvement of polar hydrogen, van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions in the binding.  相似文献   

Caspase-8, the initiator of extrinsically-triggered apoptosis, also has important functions in cellular activation and differentiation downstream of a variety of cell surface receptors. It has become increasingly clear that the heterodimer of caspase-8 with the long isoform of cellular FLIP (FLIPL) fulfills these pro-survival functions of caspase-8. FLIPL, a catalytically defective caspase-8 paralog, can interact with caspase-8 to activate its catalytic function. The caspase-8/FLIPL heterodimer has a restricted substrate repertoire and does not induce apoptosis. In essence, caspase-8 heterodimerized with FLIPL prevents the receptor interacting kinases RIPK1 and -3 from executing the form of cell death known as necroptosis. This review discusses the latest insights in caspase-8 homo- versus heterodimerization and the implication this has for cellular death or survival. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Proteolysis 50 years after the discovery of lysosome.  相似文献   



The endoplasmic reticulum enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase catalyzes the hydrolysis of glucose-6-phosphate to glucose and inorganic phosphate. The enzyme is a part of a multicomponent system that includes several integral membrane proteins; the catalytic subunit (G6PC) and transporters for glucose-6-phosphate, inorganic phosphate and glucose. The G6PC gene family presently includes three members, termed as G6PC, G6PC2, and G6PC3. Although the three isoforms show a moderate amino acid sequence homology, their membrane topology and catalytic site are very similar. The isoforms are expressed differently in various tissues. Mutations in all three genes have been reported to be associated with human diseases.

Scope of review

The present review outlines the biochemical features of the G6PC gene family products, the regulation of their expression, their role in the human pathology and the possibilities for pharmacological interventions.

Major conclusions

G6PCs emerge as integrators of extra- and intracellular glucose homeostasis. Beside the well known key role in blood glucose homeostasis, the members of the G6PC family seem to play a role as sensors of intracellular glucose and of intraluminal glucose/glucose-6-phosphate in the endoplasmic reticulum.

General significance

Since mutations in the three G6PC genes can be linked to human pathophysiological conditions, the better understanding of their functioning in connection with genetic alterations, altered expression and tissue distribution has an eminent importance.  相似文献   

The previously identified membranotropic regions of the HCV E1 envelope glycoprotein, a class II membrane fusion protein, permitted us to identify different sequences which might be implicated in viral membrane fusion, membrane interaction and/or protein-protein binding. HCV E1 glycoprotein presents a membrano-active region immediately adjacent to the transmembrane segment, which could be involved in membrane destabilization similarly to the pre-transmembrane domains of class I fusion proteins. Consequently, we have carried out a study of the binding and interaction with the lipid bilayer of a peptide corresponding to segment 309-340, peptide E1PTM, as well as the structural changes which take place in both the peptide and the phospholipid molecules induced by the binding of the peptide to the membrane. Here we demonstrate that peptide E1PTM strongly partitions into phospholipid membranes, interacts with negatively-charged phospholipids and locates in a shallow position in the membrane. These data support its role in HCV-mediated membrane fusion and suggest that the mechanism of membrane fusion elicited by class I and II fusion proteins might be similar.  相似文献   

Three in vitro experiments were conducted to determine the rumen fermentability of Mucuna (M) pruriens (24 g 3,4-dihydroxy-l-phenylalanine (l-dopa)/kg dry matter (DM) and soybean meal treated with (SBD) or without (SB) 138 g l-dopa/kg DM). Additional objectives were to determine if l-dopa inhibits rumen fermentation, and if ruminal microbes can adapt to l-dopa or M. In Experiment 1, ground (1 mm) substrates were incubated in triplicate at 38 °C in 9 ml nutrient media and 1 ml rumen fluid in a series of six, 48 h, consecutive batch cultures. The first culture was inoculated with rumen fluid from two donor cows. Subsequent cultures were inoculated with fluid (1 ml) from the previous culture. The DM digestibility (DMD, 616 g/kg vs. 540 g/kg; P<0.01) and gas production (51.7 ml/g vs. 44.2 ml/g DM; P<0.05) were higher from fermentation of M versus SB but similar for SB and SBD (540 g/kg vs. 554 g/kg and 44.2 ml/g DM vs. 43.5 ml/g DM, respectively). The slopes of the relationships between DMD (g/kg) or gas production (ml/g DM) and fermentation period were not reduced by fermenting M (−0.014 DMD slope; 2.28 gas production slope) or SBD (−0.014 DMD slope; 0.459 gas production slope), instead of SB (−0.002 DMD slope; 1.039 gas production slope), indicating microbial adaptation to M and SBD. Total volatile fatty acid concentration (VFA; 53.7, 54.9 and 54.9 mmol/l) and molar proportions of VFA were similar among substrates. Gas production kinetics of M versus SB (Experiment 2), and SB versus SBD (Experiment 3) were also measured after substrates were incubated in triplicate in buffered rumen fluid for 24 h using a non-linear exponential model to fit the data. Residual l-dopa was measured after separate fermentation of substrates in triplicate for 0, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h. Fermentation of M versus SB produced more (P<0.05) gas (250 ml/g vs. 100 ml/g DM) and total VFA (203 mmol/l vs. 180 mmol/l) and a lower (P<0.05) acetate:propionate ratio (1.35 vs. 1.87; P<0.05). Adding l-dopa to SB increased (P<0.01) gas production (92 ml/g DM vs. 200 ml/g DM), and total VFA concentration (132 mmol/l vs. 188 mmol/l), but reduced (P<0.05) gas production rate (0.08 ml/h vs. 0.05 ml/h). The concentration of l-dopa in fermented M and SBD decreased by 53 and 47%, respectively during fermentation. In conclusion, M was more fermented than SB and degradation of l-dopa during ruminal fermentation and microbial adaptation to l-dopa were confirmed. Adding l-dopa to SB did not impair ruminal fermentation.  相似文献   

Background: CO-releasing molecules (CO-RMs) are potential therapeutic agents, able to deliver CO – a critical gasotransmitter – in biological environments. CO-RMs are also effective antimicrobial agents; although the mechanisms of action are poorly defined, haem-containing terminal oxidases are primary targets. Nevertheless, it is clear from several studies that the effects of CO-RMs on biological systems are frequently not adequately explained by the release of CO: CO-RMs are generally more potent inhibitors than is CO gas and other effects of the molecules are evident. Methods: Because sensitivity to CO-RMs cannot be predicted by sensitivity to CO gas, we assess the differential susceptibilities of strains, each expressing only one of the three terminal oxidases of E. coli — cytochrome bd-I, cytochrome bd-II and cytochrome bo′, to inhibition by CORM-3. We present the first sensitive measurement of the oxygen affinity of cytochrome bd-II (Km 0.24 μM) employing globin deoxygenation. Finally, we investigate the way(s) in which thiol compounds abolish the inhibitory effects of CORM-2 and CORM-3 on respiration, growth and viability, a phenomenon that is well documented, but poorly understood. Results: We show that a strain expressing cytochrome bd-I as the sole oxidase is least susceptible to inhibition by CORM-3 in its growth and respiration of both intact cells and membranes. Growth studies show that cytochrome bd-II has similar CORM-3 sensitivity to cytochrome bo′. Cytochromes bo′ and bd-II also have considerably lower affinities for oxygen than bd-I. We show that the ability of N-acetylcysteine to abrogate the toxic effects of CO-RMs is not attributable to its antioxidant effects, or prevention of CO targeting to the oxidases, but may be largely due to the inhibition of CO-RM uptake by bacterial cells. Conclusions: A strain expressing cytochrome bd-I as the sole terminal oxidase is least susceptible to inhibition by CORM-3. N-acetylcysteine is a potent inhibitor of CO-RM uptake by E. coli. General significance: Rational design and exploitation of CO-RMs require a fundamental understanding of their activity. CO and CO-RMs have multifaceted effects on mammalian and microbial cells; here we show that the quinol oxidases of E. coli are differentially sensitive to CORM-3. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the stage of maturity at which the dry matter (DM) yield and nutritive value of velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) is optimized. Mucuna was harvested at 77, 110 and 123 days after planting (DAP) from quadruplicate 5 m × 1 m plots within each of 6 blocks. At each DAP, DM yield, chemical composition, botanical composition, in vitro rumen fluid-pepsin DM digestibility (IVDMD) and concentrations of total polyphenols, l-dopa and tannins were determined on the whole plant and botanical fractions. Whole-plant Mucuna DM yield increased (P<0.01) linearly with maturity; proportions of leaves and stems decreased linearly (P<0.01), whereas proportion of pods increased (P<0.01). Concentrations of neutral-detergent fiber (aNDF) in whole plant, leaf, and stem increased (P<0.05), or tended (P<0.10) to increase linearly with maturity, as did the acid-detergent fiber concentration of leaves and stems. Maturity decreased (P<0.05) ether extract concentrations of leaves linearly, and stems quadratically, but increased (P<0.05) whole-plant and pod starch concentrations. Pods contained relatively high concentrations of lysine, histidine, phenylalanine, aspartate, glutamate, leucine, isoleucine, and valine, but low concentrations of methionine and cystine. The essential amino acid index did not vary with maturity. Most minerals in Mucuna are concentrated in the leaves and the whole plant contains sufficient Ca, P, K, Mg, Fe, Cu, Na, Mo, Mn, and Zn for growing sheep, although their bioavailability of these minerals is unknown. Total polyphenol concentration quadratically (P<0.01) increased with maturity in the whole plant, tended to increase (P<0.10) in pods, linearly (P<0.01) decreased in stems and fluctuated in leaves. Maturity quadratically increased l-dopa concentration of the whole plant (P<0.05) and stems (P<0.01), but did not affect those of leaves and pods. Maturity quadratically increased (P<0.05) total tannin concentration in the whole plant, but decreased (P<0.10) that of pods. The l-dopa was concentrated in the seeds and pods of mature (110–123 DAP) plants, but tannins were concentrated in leaves and stems. Whole-plant IVDMD was not affected by maturity, but digestible DM yield linearly (P<0.01) increased with increasing DM yield. There was a 2-week harvest window (110–123 DAP) during which whole-plant crude protein and IVDMD remained unchanged. Nevertheless, harvesting at 123 DAP gave the best combination of biomass yield and nutritive value.  相似文献   

Large-scale features of the spatial arrangement of protein-coding segments (PCS) are investigated by means of the inter-PCS spacers' size distributions, which have been found to follow power-laws. Linearity in double-logarithmic scale extends to several orders of magnitude in the genomes of organisms as disparate as mammals, insects and plants. This feature is also present in the most compact eukaryotic genomes and in half of the examined bacteria, despite their very limited non-coding space. We have tried to determine the sequence of events in the course of genomes' evolution which may account for the formation of the observed size distributions. The proposed mechanism essentially includes two types of events: (i) segmental duplications (and possibly paleopolyploidy), and (ii) the subsequent loss of most of the duplicated genes. It is shown by computer simulations that the formulated scenario generates power-law-like inter-PCS spacers' size distributions, which remain robust for a variety of parameter choices, even if insertion of external sequences, such as viruses or proliferating retroelements is included. Moreover, power-laws are preserved after most of the non-coding DNA has been removed, thus explaining the finding of this pattern in genomes as compact as that of Takifugu rubripes.  相似文献   

Recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) has been used clinically to alleviate cancer- and chemotherapy-related anemia. However, recent clinical trials have reported that rhEPO also may adversely impact disease progression and survival. The expression of functional EPO receptors (EPOR) has been demonstrated in many human cancer cells where, at least in vitro, rhEPO can stimulate cell growth and survival and may induce resistance to selected therapies.  相似文献   

We have studied the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP) under oxidizing conditions with mitochondria-bound hematoporphyrin, which generates reactive oxygen species (mainly singlet oxygen, 1O2) upon UV/visible light-irradiation and promotes the photooxidative modification of vicinal targets. We have characterized the PTP-modulating properties of two major critical sites endowed with different degrees of photosensitivity: (i) the most photovulnerable site comprises critical histidines, whose photomodification by vicinal hematoporphyrin causes a drop in reactivity of matrix-exposed (internal), PTP-regulating cysteines thus stabilizing the pore in a closed conformation; (ii) the most photoresistant site coincides with the binding domains of (external) cysteines sensitive to membrane-impermeant reagents, which are easily unmasked when oxidation of internal cysteines is prevented. Photooxidation of external cysteines promoted by vicinal hematoporphyrin reactivates the PTP after the block caused by histidine photodegradation. Thus, hematoporphyrin-mediated photooxidative stress can either inhibit or activate the mitochondrial permeability transition depending on the site of hematoporphyrin localization and on the nature of the substrate; and selective photomodification of different hematoporphyrin-containing pore domains can be achieved by fine regulation of the sensitizer/light doses. These findings shed new light on PTP modulation by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

We have identified a membrane-active region in the HCV NS4B protein by studying membrane rupture induced by a NS4B-derived peptide library on model membranes. This segment corresponds to one of two previously predicted amphipathic helix and define it as a new membrane association domain. We report the binding and interaction with model membranes of a peptide patterned after this segment, peptide NS4BH2, and show that NS4BH2 strongly partitions into phospholipid membranes, interacts with them, and is located in a shallow position in the membrane. Furthermore, changes in the primary sequence cause the disruption of the hydrophobicity along the structure and prevent the resulting peptide from interacting with the membrane. Our results suggest that the region where the NS4BH2 is located might have an essential role in the membrane replication and/or assembly of the viral particle through the modulation of the replication complex. Our findings therefore identify an important region in the HCV NS4B protein which might be implicated in the HCV life cycle and possibly in the formation of the membranous web.  相似文献   

The cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I (PKG I) is an essential regulator of cellular function in blood vessels throughout the body. DT-2, a peptidic inhibitor of PKG, has played a central role in determining the molecular mechanisms of vascular control involving PKG and its signaling partners. Here, we report the development of (d)-amino acid DT-2 derivatives, namely the retro-inverso ri-(d)-DT-2 and the all (d)-amino acid analog, (d)-DT-2. Both peptide analogs were potent PKG Iα inhibitors with Ki values of 5.5 nM (ri-(d)-DT-2) and 0.8 nM ((d)-DT-2) as determined using a hyperbolic mixed-type inhibition model. Also, both analogs were proteolytically stable in vivo, showed elevated selectivity, and displayed enhanced membrane translocation properties. Studies on isolated arteries from the resistance vasculature demonstrated that intraluminally perfused (d)-DT-2 significantly inhibited vasodilation induced by 8-Br-cGMP. Furthermore, in vivo application of (d)-DT-2 established a uniform translocation pattern in the resistance vasculature, with exception of the brain. Thus, (d)-DT-2 caused significant increases in mean arterial blood pressure in unrestrained, awake mice. Further, mesenteric arteries isolated from (d)-DT-2 treated animals showed a markedly reduced dilator response to 8-Br-cGMP in vitro. Our results clearly demonstrate that (d)-DT-2 is a superior inhibitor of PKG Iα and its application in vivo leads to sustained inhibition of PKG in vascular smooth muscle cells. The discovery of (d)-DT-2 may help our understanding of how blood vessels constrict and dilate and may also aid the development of new strategies and therapeutic agents targeted to the prevention and treatment of vascular disorders such as hypertension, stroke and coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

We report here initial studies on d-lactate metabolism in Jerusalem artichoke. It was found that: 1) d-lactate can be synthesized by Jerusalem artichoke by virtue of the presence of glyoxalase II, the activity of which was measured photometrically in both isolated Jerusalem artichoke mitochondria and cytosolic fraction after the addition of S-d-lactoyl-glutathione. 2) Externally added d-lactate caused oxygen consumption by mitochondria, mitochondrial membrane potential increase and proton release, in processes that were insensitive to rotenone, but inhibited by both antimycin A and cyanide. 3) d-lactate was metabolized inside mitochondria by a flavoprotein, a putative d-lactate dehydrogenase, the activity of which could be measured photometrically in mitochondria treated with Triton X-100. 4) Jerusalem artichoke mitochondria can take up externally added d-lactate by means of a d-lactate/H+ symporter investigated by measuring the rate of reduction of endogenous flavins. The action of the d-lactate translocator and of the mitochondrial d-lactate dehydrogenase could be responsible for the subsequent metabolism of d-lactate formed from methylglyoxal in the cytosol of Jerusalem artichoke.  相似文献   

The validation of housekeeping genes (HKGs) for normalization of RNA expression in Real-Time PCR is crucial to obtain the most reliable results. There is limited information on reference genes used in the study of gene expression in milk somatic cells and the frozen whole blood of goats. Thus, the aim of this study was to propose the most stable housekeeping genes that can be used as a reference in Real-Time PCR analysis of milk somatic cells and whole blood of goats infected with caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). Animals were divided into two groups: non-infected (N = 13) and infected with CAEV (N = 13). Biological material (milk somatic cells and whole blood) was collected 4 times during the lactation period (7, 30, 100 and 240 days post-partum). The expression levels of candidate reference genes were analyzed using geNorm and NormFinder software. The stability of candidates for reference gene expression was analyzed for CAEV-free (control) and CAEV-infected groups, and also for both groups together (combined group). The stability of expression of β-actin (ACTB), glyceraldehyde-3P-dehydrogenase (GAPDH), cyclophilin A (PPIA), RNA18S1, ubiquilin (UBQLN1) and ribosomal protein large subunit P0 (RPLP0) was determined in milk somatic cells, while ACTB, PPIA, RPLP0, succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit A (SDHA), zeta polypeptide (YWHAZ), battenin (CLN3), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3K (EIF3K) and TATA box-binding protein (TBP) were measured in frozen whole blood of goats. PPIA and RPLP0 were considered as the most suitable internal controls as they were stably expressed in milk somatic cells regardless of disease status, according to NormFinder software. Furthermore, geNorm results indicated the expression of PPIA/RPLP0 genes as the best combination under these experimental conditions. The results of frozen whole blood analysis using NormFinder software revealed that the most stable reference gene in control, CAEV-infected and combined groups is YWHAZ, and – according to the geNorm results – the combined expression of PPM/YWHAZ genes is the best reference in the presented experiment. The usefulness in gene expression analysis of whole blood samples frozen immediately in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 °C was also proved.  相似文献   

Proton-pumping nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase from Escherichia coli contains an α and a β subunit of 54 and 49 kDa, respectively, and is made up of three domains. Domain I (dI) and III (dIII) are hydrophilic and contain the NAD(H)- and NADP(H)-binding sites, respectively, whereas the hydrophobic domain II (dII) contains 13 transmembrane α-helices and harbours the proton channel. Using a cysteine-free transhydrogenase, the organization of dII and helix-helix distances were investigated by the introduction of one or two cysteines in helix-helix loops on the periplasmic side. Mutants were subsequently cross-linked in the absence and presence of diamide and the bifunctional maleimide cross-linker o-PDM (6 Å), and visualized by SDS-PAGE.In the α2β2 tetramer, αβ cross-links were obtained with the αG476C-βS2C, αG476C-βT54C and αG476C-βS183C double mutants. Significant αα cross-links were obtained with the αG476C single mutant in the loop connecting helix 3 and 4, whereas ββ cross-links were obtained with the βS2C, βT54C and βS183C single mutants in the beginning of helix 6, the loop between helix 7 and 8 and the loop connecting helix 11 and 12, respectively. In a model based on 13 mutants, the interface between the α and β subunits in the dimer is lined along an axis formed by helices 3 and 4 from the α subunit and helices 6, 7 and 8 from the β subunit. In addition, helices 2 and 4 in the α subunit together with helices 6 and 12 in the β subunit interact with their counterparts in the α2β2 tetramer. Each β subunit in the α2β2 tetramer was concluded to contain a proton channel composed of the highly conserved helices 9, 10, 13 and 14.  相似文献   

This review focuses on structure and functions of spectrin as a major component of the membrane skeleton. Recent advances on spectrin function as an interface for signal transduction mediation and a number of data concerning interaction of spectrin with membrane channels, adhesion molecules, receptors and transporters draw a picture of multifaceted protein. Here, we attempted to show the current depiction of multitask role of spectrin in cell physiology. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Reciprocal influences between cell cytoskeleton and membrane channels, receptors and transporters. Guest Editor: Jean Claude Hervé.  相似文献   

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