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Mutations in the gene encoding Cav1.4, CACNA1F, are associated with visual disorders including X-linked incomplete congenital stationary night blindness type 2 (CSNB2). In mice lacking Cav1.4 channels, there are defects in the development of “ribbon” synapses formed between photoreceptors (PRs) and second-order neurons. However, many CSNB2 mutations disrupt the function rather than expression of Cav1.4 channels. Whether defects in PR synapse development due to altered Cav1.4 function are common features contributing to the pathogenesis of CSNB2 is unknown. To resolve this issue, we profiled changes in the subcellular distribution of Cav1.4 channels and synapse morphology during development in wild-type (WT) mice and mouse models of CSNB2. Using Cav1.4-selective antibodies, we found that Cav1.4 channels associate with ribbon precursors early in development and are concentrated at both rod and cone PR synapses in the mature retina. In mouse models of CSNB2 in which the voltage-dependence of Cav1.4 activation is either enhanced (Cav1.4I756T) or inhibited (CaBP4 KO), the initial stages of PR synaptic ribbon formation are largely unaffected. However, after postnatal day 13, many PR ribbons retain the immature morphology. This synaptic abnormality corresponds in severity to the defect in synaptic transmission in the adult mutant mice, suggesting that lack of sufficient mature synapses contributes to vision impairment in Cav1.4I756T and CaBP4 KO mice. Our results demonstrate the importance of proper Cav1.4 function for efficient PR synapse maturation, and that dysregulation of Cav1.4 channels in CSNB2 may have synaptopathic consequences.  相似文献   

Proper function of Cav1.4 L-type calcium channels is crucial for neurotransmitter release in the retina. Our understanding about how different levels of Cav1.4 channel activity affect retinal function is still limited. In the gain-of-function mouse model Cav1.4-IT we expected a reduction in the photoreceptor dynamic range but still transmission toward retinal ganglion cells. A fraction of Cav1.4-IT ganglion cells responded to light stimulation in multielectrode array recordings from whole-mounted retinas, but showed a significantly delayed response onset. Another significant number of cells showed higher activity in darkness. In addition to structural remodeling observed at the first retinal synapse of Cav1.4-IT mice the functional data suggested a loss of contrast enhancement, a fundamental feature of our visual system. In fact, Cav1.4-IT mouse retinas showed a decline in spatial response and changes in their contrast sensitivity profile. Photoreceptor degeneration was obvious from the nodular structure of cone axons and enlarged pedicles which partly moved toward the outer nuclear layer. Loss of photoreceptors was also expressed as reduced expression of proteins involved in chemical and electrical transmission, as such metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR6 and the gap junction protein Connexin 36. Such gross changes in retinal structure and function could also explain the diminished visual performance of CSNB2 patients. The expression pattern of the plasma-membrane calcium ATPase 1 which participates in the maintenance of the intracellular calcium homeostasis in photoreceptors was changed in Cav1.4-IT mice. This might be part of a protection mechanism against increased calcium influx, as this is suggested for Cav1.4-IT channels.  相似文献   

Proper function of Cav1.4 L-type calcium channels is crucial for neurotransmitter release in the retina. Our understanding about how different levels of Cav1.4 channel activity affect retinal function is still limited. In the gain-of-function mouse model Cav1.4-IT we expected a reduction in the photoreceptor dynamic range but still transmission toward retinal ganglion cells. A fraction of Cav1.4-IT ganglion cells responded to light stimulation in multielectrode array recordings from whole-mounted retinas, but showed a significantly delayed response onset. Another significant number of cells showed higher activity in darkness. In addition to structural remodeling observed at the first retinal synapse of Cav1.4-IT mice the functional data suggested a loss of contrast enhancement, a fundamental feature of our visual system. In fact, Cav1.4-IT mouse retinas showed a decline in spatial response and changes in their contrast sensitivity profile. Photoreceptor degeneration was obvious from the nodular structure of cone axons and enlarged pedicles which partly moved toward the outer nuclear layer. Loss of photoreceptors was also expressed as reduced expression of proteins involved in chemical and electrical transmission, as such metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR6 and the gap junction protein Connexin 36. Such gross changes in retinal structure and function could also explain the diminished visual performance of CSNB2 patients. The expression pattern of the plasma-membrane calcium ATPase 1 which participates in the maintenance of the intracellular calcium homeostasis in photoreceptors was changed in Cav1.4-IT mice. This might be part of a protection mechanism against increased calcium influx, as this is suggested for Cav1.4-IT channels.  相似文献   

At least 48 mutations in the CACNA1F gene encoding retinal Ca(v)1.4 L-type Ca(2+) channels have been linked to X-linked recessive congenital stationary night blindness type 2 (CSNB2). A large number of these are missense mutations encoding full-length alpha1-subunits that can potentially form functional channels. We have previously shown that such missense mutations can confer their phenotype by different pathological mechanisms, such as complete lack of alpha1 subunit protein expression or dramatic changes in channel gating. Here we investigated the functional consequences of CSNB2 missense mutations R508Q and L1364H. We found no (R508Q) or only minor (L1364H) changes in the gating properties of both mutants after heterologous expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes (at 20 degrees C). However, both mutants resulted in altered expression density of Ca(v)1.4 currents. When expressed in the mammalian cell line tsA-201, the current amplitude of L1364H channels was reduced when cells were grown at 30 degrees C and both mutations affected total alpha1 protein expression. This effect was temperature dependent. Our data provide evidence that, in contrast to previously characterized CSNB2 missense mutations, the clinical phenotype of R508Q and L1364H is unlikely to be explained by changes in channel gating. Instead, these mutations affect the protein expression of Ca(v)1.4 Ca(2+) channels.  相似文献   

Congenital stationary night blindness 2A (CSNB2A) is an X-linked retinal disorder, characterized by phenotypically variable signs and symptoms of impaired vision. CSNB2A is due to mutations in CACNA1F, which codes for the pore-forming α1F subunit of a L-type voltage-gated calcium channel, Cav1.4. Mouse models of CSNB2A, used for characterizing the effects of various Cacna1f mutations, have revealed greater severity of defects than in human CSNB2A. Specifically, Cacna1f-knockout mice show an apparent lack of visual function, gradual retinal degeneration, and disruption of photoreceptor synaptic terminals. Several reports have also noted cone-specific disruptions, including axonal abnormalities, dystrophy, and cell death. We have explored further the involvement of cones in our ‘G305X’ mouse model of CSNB2A, which has a premature truncation, loss-of-function mutation in Cacna1f. We show that the expression of genes for several phototransduction-related cone markers is down-regulated, while that of several cellular stress- and damage-related markers is up-regulated; and that cone photoreceptor structure and photopic visual function – measured by immunohistochemistry, optokinetic response and electroretinography – deteriorate progressively with age. We also find that dystrophic cone axons establish synapse-like contacts with rod bipolar cell dendrites, which they normally do not contact in wild-type retinas – ectopically, among rod cell bodies in the outer nuclear layer. These data support a role for Cav1.4 in cone synaptic development, cell viability, and synaptic transmission of cone-dependent visual signals. Although our novel finding of cone-to-rod-bipolar cell contacts in this mouse model of a retinal channelopathy may challenge current views of the role of Cav1.4 in photopic vision, it also suggests a potential new target for restorative therapy.  相似文献   

Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is an inherited and non‐progressive retinal dysfunction. Here, we present the crystal structure of CSNB‐causing T94I2.61 rhodopsin in the active conformation at 2.3 Å resolution. The introduced hydrophobic side chain prolongs the lifetime of the G protein activating metarhodopsin‐II state by establishing a direct van der Waals contact with K2967.43, the site of retinal attachment. This is in stark contrast to the light‐activated state of the CSNB‐causing G90D2.57 mutation, where the charged mutation forms a salt bridge with K2967.43. To find the common denominator between these two functional modifications, we combined our structural data with a kinetic biochemical analysis and molecular dynamics simulations. Our results indicate that both the charged G90D2.57 and the hydrophobic T94I2.61 mutation alter the dark state by weakening the interaction between the Schiff base (SB) and its counterion E1133.28. We propose that this interference with the tight regulation of the dim light photoreceptor rhodopsin increases background noise in the visual system and causes the loss of night vision characteristic for CSNB patients.  相似文献   

We present active‐state structures of the G protein‐coupled receptor (GPCRs) rhodopsin carrying the disease‐causing mutation G90D. Mutations of G90 cause either retinitis pigmentosa (RP) or congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB), a milder, non‐progressive form of RP. Our analysis shows that the CSNB‐causing G90D mutation introduces a salt bridge with K296. The mutant thus interferes with the E113Q‐K296 activation switch and the covalent binding of the inverse agonist 11‐cis‐retinal, two interactions that are crucial for the deactivation of rhodopsin. Other mutations, including G90V causing RP, cannot promote similar interactions. We discuss our findings in context of a model in which CSNB is caused by constitutive activation of the visual signalling cascade.  相似文献   



The neuroendocrine Cav1.3 L-type Ca channels have been recently found in the Human fetal heart and shown to play a vital role in Ca entry from the sarcolemma into the cell and in Ca homeostasis. Calreticulin, a Ca binding endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein, has been recently shown to translocate to the cell surface where its role and function are just emerging. Here, we demonstrated a novel mechanism of Cav1.3 and calreticulin interaction resulting in downregulation of Cav1.3 channel densities in native Human fetal cardiac cells and Human Embryonic Kidney cell lines (tsA201).

Methods and results

Cell surface and cytoplasmic staining of calreticulin was demonstrated first in cultured human fetal cardiomyocytes (HFC), gestational age 18–24 weeks, using confocal microscopy thereby establishing that calreticulin is present at the cell surface in HFC. Co-immunoprecipitation from HFC using anti-Cav1.3 Ca channel antibody, and probing with anti-calreticulin antibody revealed a 46 kDa band corresponding to calreticulin suggesting that Cav1.3 Ca channel and calreticulin co-assemble in a macromolecular complex. Co-expression of Cav1.3 and calreticulin in tsA201 cells resulted in a decrease in surface expression of Cav1.3 Ca channels. These findings were consistent with the electrophysiological studies showing that co-transfection of Cav1.3 Ca channel and calreticulin resulted in 55% reduction of Cav1.3 Ca current densities recorded from tsA201 cells.


The results show the first evidence that calreticulin: (1) is localized outside the ER on the cell surface of HFC; (2) coimmunoprecipitates with Cav1.3 L-type Ca channel; (3) negatively regulates Cav1.3 surface expression thus resulting in decreased Cav1.3 Ca current densities. The data demonstrate a novel mechanism of modulation of Cav1.3 Ca channel by calreticulin, which may be involved in pathological settings such as autoimmune associated congenital heart block where Cav1.3 Ca channels are downregulated.  相似文献   

Cav1.4 L-type Ca2+ channels are crucial for synaptic transmission in retinal photoreceptors and bipolar neurons. Recent studies suggest that the activity of this channel is regulated by the Ca2+-binding protein 4 (CaBP4). In the present study, we explored this issue by examining functional effects of CaBP4 on heterologously expressed Cav1.4. We show that CaBP4 dramatically increases Cav1.4 channel availability. This effect crucially depends on the presence of the C-terminal ICDI (inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent inactivation) domain of Cav1.4 and is absent in a Cav1.4 mutant lacking the ICDI. Using FRET experiments, we demonstrate that CaBP4 interacts with the IQ motif of Cav1.4 and that it interferes with the binding of the ICDI domain. Based on these findings, we suggest that CaBP4 increases Cav1.4 channel availability by relieving the inhibitory effects of the ICDI domain on voltage-dependent Cav1.4 channel gating. We also functionally characterized two CaBP4 mutants that are associated with a congenital variant of human night blindness and other closely related nonstationary retinal diseases. Although both mutants interact with Cav1.4 channels, the functional effects of CaBP4 mutants are only partially preserved, leading to a reduction of Cav1.4 channel availability and loss of function. In conclusion, our study sheds new light on the functional interaction between CaBP4 and Cav1.4. Moreover, it provides insights into the mechanism by which CaBP4 mutants lead to loss of Cav1.4 function and to retinal disease.  相似文献   

How we see our environment is the result of a multi-level, parallel processing effort by the central nervous system. This computation is initiated within the retina at the very first synapse in the visual pathway – the photoreceptor ribbon synapse. Two recent studies shed light on the critical role of balanced calcium channel activity in maturation of this highly specialized synapse.1, 2  相似文献   

Mutations in the GUCY2D gene coding for the dimeric human retinal membrane guanylyl cyclase (RetGC) isozyme RetGC1 cause various forms of blindness, ranging from rod dysfunction to rod and cone degeneration. We tested how the mutations causing recessive congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB), recessive Leber''s congenital amaurosis (LCA1), and dominant cone–rod dystrophy-6 (CORD6) affected RetGC1 activity and regulation by RetGC-activating proteins (GCAPs) and retinal degeneration-3 protein (RD3). CSNB mutations R666W, R761W, and L911F, as well as LCA1 mutations R768W and G982VfsX39, disabled RetGC1 activation by human GCAP1, -2, and -3. The R666W and R761W substitutions compromised binding of GCAP1 with RetGC1 in HEK293 cells. In contrast, G982VfsX39 and L911F RetGC1 retained the ability to bind GCAP1 in cyto but failed to effectively bind RD3. R768W RetGC1 did not bind either GCAP1 or RD3. The co-expression of GUCY2D allelic combinations linked to CSNB did not restore RetGC1 activity in vitro. The CORD6 mutation R838S in the RetGC1 dimerization domain strongly dominated the Ca2+ sensitivity of cyclase regulation by GCAP1 in RetGC1 heterodimer produced by co-expression of WT and the R838S subunits. It required higher Ca2+ concentrations to decelerate GCAP-activated RetGC1 heterodimer—6-fold higher than WT and 2-fold higher than the Ser838-harboring homodimer. The heterodimer was also more resistant than homodimers to inhibition by RD3. The observed biochemical changes can explain the dominant CORD6 blindness and recessive LCA1 blindness, both of which affect rods and cones, but they cannot explain the selective loss of rod function in recessive CSNB.  相似文献   

Wang X  Zheng H  Liu C  Zhu C  Wang W  Li Z 《Neurochemical research》2008,33(5):826-832
Astrocytes are activated by ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) in vivo and in vitro, however, the consequences on the L-type calcium channel (LCC) of neurons are still poorly understood. Therefore, in the present study, whole-cell patch clamp, western-blot and RT-PCR assay were performed to evaluate the effects of CNTF-treated astrocyte conditioned medium (CNTF-ACM) on LCC current (ICa-L) and the expression of Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 in Sprague–Dawley rat cortical neurons. The results revealed that CNTF-ACM enhanced the amplitude of Ica-L and the expression of Cav1.3 significantly, but had no effects on Cav1.2 expression. We also found an increase in the concentration of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) in CNTF-ACM by ELISA assay. Taken together, these findings indicate that CNTF induces the release of factors, including FGF-2, from astrocytes, thereby potentiating the activity of LCC in cortical neurons. Xiaojing Wang and Honghua Zheng contributed equally.  相似文献   

The α1 subunit (Cav1.2) of the L‐type calcium channel (LTCC), which is presently existing in both excitatory cells and non‐excitatory cells, is involved in the differentiation and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), MSCs derived from dental pulp, exhibit multipotent characteristics similar to those of MSCs. The aim of the present study was to examine the contribution of Cav1.2 and its distal C‐terminus (DCT) to the commitment of rat DPSCs (rDPSCs) toward chondrocytes and adipocytes in vitro. The expression of Cav1.2 was obviously elevated in chondrogenic differentiation but did not differ significantly in adipogenic differentiation. The chondrogenic differentiation but not adipogenic of rDPSCs was inhibited by either blocking LTCC using nimodipine or knockdown of Cav1.2 via short hairpin RNA (shRNA). Overexpression of DCT rescued the inhibition by Cav1.2‐shRNA during chondrogenic differentiation, indicating that DCT is essential for the chondrogenic differentiation of rDPSCs. However, the protein level of DCT decreased after chondrogenic differentiation in wild‐type cells, and overexpression of DCT in rDPSCs inhibited the phenotype. These data suggest that DCT is indispensable for chondrogenic differentiation of rDPSCs but that superfluous DCT inhibits this process. Through the analysis of differentially expressed genes using RNA‐seq data, we speculated that the regulation of DCT might be mediated by the mitogen‐activated protein kinase/extracellular‐regulated kinase and c‐Jun N‐terminal kinase signaling pathways, or Chondromodulin‐1.  相似文献   

A physical map internal to the markers DXS1368 and DXS228 was developed for the p11.4 region of the human X chromosome. Twenty-four BACs and 10 PACs with an average insert size of 149 kb were aligned to form a contig across an estimated 1.4 Mb of DNA. This contig, which has on average fourfold clone coverage, was assembled by STS and EST content analysis using 46 markers, including 8 ESTs, two retinally expressed genes, and 22 new STSs developed from BAC- and PAC-derived DNA sequence. The average intermarker distance was 30 kb. This physical map provides resources for high-resolution mapping as well as suitable clones for large-scale sequencing efforts in Xp11.4, a region known to contain the gene for complete X-linked congenital stationary night blindness.  相似文献   

1. Synchronous oscillation of intracellular Ca2+ in the central nervous system is essential for neural development. We previously reported that endogenous dopamine was involved with synchronous Ca2+ oscillation of primary cultured midbrain neurons, and that regulation of dopamine in synchronous oscillation was distinctly different through dopamine receptor 1 (D1R) and 2 (D2R): the action of dopamine through D1R or D2R was facilitative or suppressive, respectively, to the Ca2+ influx of synchronous oscillation.2. In the present study, we confirmed that the suppressive effects of D2R were mediated by the regulation of the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel, not by the regulation of NMDA receptor on the Ca2+ influx in the midbrain neural network showing synchronous oscillation.3. This evidence promotes better understanding of the regulation of neural activity by endogenous dopamine in networked neurons.  相似文献   

Inactivation of potassium channels plays an important role in shaping the electrical signalling properties of nerve and muscle cells. While it has been assumed that the rapid inactivation of the Kv1.4 channel is controlled by a “ball and chain” inactivation mechanism, the chain structure of the channel has not been well defined. Here, by conducting electrophysiological studies on variants containing mutations of the positively charged and negatively charged segments of the NH2-terminal of the channel protein, we show that neutralization or deletion of the positively charged segment (residues 83-98) significantly slowed the inactivation process. Replacement of this positively charged segment with the negatively charged segment (residues 123-137), and vice versa, so that both segments were simultaneously positively or negatively charged, also slowed the inactivation process. Furthermore, the inactivation process was not changed when the positively charged and the negatively charged segments were interchanged. In contrast, the voltage dependence of activation and inactivation of the channels was not significantly altered by these mutants. These results indicate that the electrostatic interaction between the positively and negatively charged segments plays a critical role in the inactivation process of the Kv1.4 channel. Taken together, we propose that the electrostatic interaction accelerates the inactivation of the Kv1.4 channel by making it easier for the inactivation ball to access its binding site.  相似文献   

Drugs targeting different calcium channel subtypes have strong therapeutic potential for future drug development for cardiovascular disorders, neuropsychiatric diseases and cancer. This study aims to design and synthesize a new series of C2 substituted dihydropyrimidines to mimic the structure features of third generation long acting dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers and dihydropyrimidines analogues. The target compounds have been evaluated as blockers for CaV1.2 and CaV3.2 utilizing the whole-cell patch clamp technique. Among the tested compounds, compound 7a showed moderate calcium channel blockade activity against CaV3.2. Moreover, the predicted physicochemical properties and pharmacokinetic profiles of the target compounds recommend that they can be considered as drug-like candidates. The results highlight some significant information for the future design of lead compounds as calcium channel blockers.  相似文献   

It is generally expected that 2-pore domain K+ (K2P) channels are open or outward rectifiers in asymmetric physiological K+ gradients, following the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz (GHK) current equation. Although cloned K2P channels have been extensively studied, their current-voltage (I-V) relationships are not precisely characterized and previous definitions are contradictory. Here we study all the functional channels from 6 mammalian K2P subfamilies in transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells with patch-clamp technique, and examine whether their I-V relationships are described by the GHK current equation. K2P channels display 2 distinct types of I-V curves in asymmetric physiological K+ gradients. Two K2P isoforms in the TWIK subfamily conduct large inward K+ currents and have a nearly linear I-V curve. Ten isoforms from 5 other K2P subfamilies conduct small inward K+ currents and exhibit open rectification, but fits with the GHK current equation cannot precisely reveal the differences in rectification among K2P channels. The Rectification Index, a ratio of limiting I-V slopes for outward and inward currents, is used to quantitatively describe open rectification of each K2P isoform, which is previously qualitatively defined as strong or weak open rectification. These results systematically and precisely classify K2P channels and suggest that TWIK K+ channels have a unique feature in regulating cellular function.  相似文献   

Cav3.1 T-type Ca2+ channels play pivotal roles in neuronal low-threshold spikes, visceral pain, and pacemaker activity. Phosphorylation has been reported to potently regulate the activity and gating properties of Cav3.1 channels. However, systematic identification of phosphorylation sites (phosphosites) in Cav3.1 channel has been poorly investigated. In this work, we analyzed rat Cav3.1 protein expressed in HEK-293 cells by mass spectrometry, identified 30 phosphosites located at the cytoplasmic regions, and illustrated them as a Cav3.1 phosphorylation map which includes the reported mouse Cav3.1 phosphosites. Site-directed mutagenesis of the phosphosites to Ala residues and functional analysis of the phospho-silent Cav3.1 mutants expressed in Xenopus oocytes showed that the phospho-silent mutation of the N-terminal Ser18 reduced its current amplitude with accelerated current kinetics and negatively shifted channel availability. Remarkably, the phospho-silent mutations of the C-terminal Ser residues (Ser1924, Ser2001, Ser2163, Ser2166, or Ser2189) greatly reduced their current amplitude without altering the voltage-dependent gating properties. In contrast, the phosphomimetic Asp mutations of Cav3.1 on the N- and C-terminal Ser residues reversed the effects of the phospho-silent mutations. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that the multiple phosphosites of Cav3.1 at the N- and C-terminal regions play crucial roles in the regulation of the channel activity and voltage-dependent gating properties.  相似文献   

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