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Dark-operative protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (DPOR) is a nitrogenase-like enzyme consisting of two components, L-protein as a reductase component and NB-protein as a catalytic component. Elucidation of the crystal structures of NB-protein (Muraki et al., Nature 2010, 465: 110–114) has enabled us to study its reaction mechanism in combination with biochemical analysis. Here we demonstrate that nicotinamide (NA) inhibits DPOR activity by blocking the electron transfer from L-protein to NB-protein. A reaction scheme of DPOR, in which the binding of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to the NB-protein precedes the electron transfer from the L-protein, is proposed based on the NA effects.  相似文献   

Engineering photosynthetic bacteria to utilize a heterologous reaction center that contains a different (bacterio) chlorophyll could improve solar energy conversion efficiency by allowing cells to absorb a broader range of the solar spectrum. One promising candidate is the homodimeric type I reaction center from Heliobacterium modesticaldum. It is the simplest known reaction center and uses bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) g, which absorbs in the near-infrared region of the spectrum. Like the more common BChls a and b, BChl g is a true bacteriochlorin. It carries characteristic C3-vinyl and C8-ethylidene groups, the latter shared with BChl b. The purple phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter (Rba.) sphaeroides was chosen as the platform into which the engineered production of BChl gF, where F is farnesyl, was attempted. Using a strain of Rba. sphaeroides that produces BChl bP, where P is phytyl, rather than the native BChl aP, we deleted bchF, a gene that encodes an enzyme responsible for the hydration of the C3-vinyl group of a precursor of BChls. This led to the production of BChl gP. Next, the crtE gene was deleted, thereby producing BChl g carrying a THF (tetrahydrofarnesol) moiety. Additionally, the bchGRs gene from Rba. sphaeroides was replaced with bchGHm from Hba. modesticaldum. To prevent reduction of the tail, bchP was deleted, which yielded BChl gF. The construction of a strain producing BChl gF validates the biosynthetic pathway established for its synthesis and satisfies a precondition for assembling the simplest reaction center in a heterologous organism, namely the biosynthesis of its native pigment, BChl gF.  相似文献   

Saga Y  Hirai Y  Tamiaki H 《FEBS letters》2007,581(9):1847-1850
Substituent-dependent demetalation kinetics of natural bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c and e homologs purified from two green sulfur photosynthetic bacteria was first studied. Separated BChl e homologs, which possessed a formyl group at the 7-position of their chlorin macrocycles, exhibited a significantly slow removal of central magnesium to free-base bacteriopheophytins in acidic aqueous acetone compared with the corresponding BChl c homologs, which possessed a methyl group at the 7-position. Additional methyl groups at the 8(2)-position of both BChl c and e molecules had little effect on the demetalation kinetics.  相似文献   

The Zn-BChl-containing reaction center (RC) produced in a bchD (magnesium chelatase) mutant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides assembles with six Zn-bacteriochlorophylls (Zn-BChls) in place of four Mg-containing bacteriochlorophylls (BChls) and two bacteriopheophytins (BPhes). This protein presents unique opportunities for studying biological electron transfer, as Zn-containing chlorins can exist in 4-, 5-, and (theoretically) 6-coordinate states within the RC. In this paper, the electron transfer perturbations attributed exclusively to coordination state effects are separated from those attributed to the presence, absence, or type of metal in the bacteriochlorin at the HA pocket of the RC. The presence of a 4-coordinate Zn2 + ion in the HA bacteriochlorin instead of BPhe results in a small decrease in the rates of the P* → P+HA → P+QA electron transfer, and the charge separation yield is not greatly perturbed; however coordination of the Zn2 + by a fifth ligand provided by a histidine residue results in a larger rate decrease and yield loss. We also report the first crystal structure of a Zn-BChl-containing RC, confirming that the HA Zn-BChl was either 4- or 5-coordinate in the two types of Zn-BChl-containing RCs studied here. Interestingly, a large degree of disorder, in combination with a relatively weak anomalous difference electron density was found in the HB pocket. These data, in combination with spectroscopic results, indicate partial occupancy of this binding pocket. These findings provide insights into the use of BPhe as the bacteriochlorin pigment of choice at HA in both BChl- and Zn-BChl-containing RCs found in nature.  相似文献   

The development of functional photosynthetic units in Rhodobacter sphaeroides was followed by near infra-red fast repetition rate (IRFRR) fluorescence measurements that were correlated to absorption spectroscopy, electron microscopy and pigment analyses. To induce the formation of intracytoplasmic membranes (ICM) (greening), cells grown aerobically both in batch culture and in a carbon-limited chemostat were transferred to semiaerobic conditions. In both aerobic cultures, a low level of photosynthetic complexes was observed, which were composed of the reaction center and the LH1 core antenna. Interestingly, in the batch cultures the reaction centers were essentially inactive in forward electron transfer and exhibited low photochemical yields FV/FM, whereas the chemostat culture displayed functional reaction centers with a rather rapid (1-2 ms) electron transfer turnover, as well as a high FV/FM of ∼0.8. In both cases, the transfer to semiaerobiosis resulted in rapid induction of bacteriochlorophyll a synthesis that was reflected by both an increase in the number of LH1-reaction center and peripheral LH2 antenna complexes. These studies establish that photosynthetic units are assembled in a sequential manner, where the appearance of the LH1-reaction center cores is followed by the activation of functional electron transfer, and finally by the accumulation of the LH2 complexes.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis converts absorbed solar energy to a protonmotive force, which drives ATP synthesis. The membrane network of chlorophyll–protein complexes responsible for light absorption, photochemistry and quinol (QH2) production has been mapped in the purple phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter (Rba.) sphaeroides using atomic force microscopy (AFM), but the membrane location of the cytochrome bc1 (cytbc1) complexes that oxidise QH2 to quinone (Q) to generate a protonmotive force is unknown. We labelled cytbc1 complexes with gold nanobeads, each attached by a Histidine10 (His10)-tag to the C-terminus of cytc1. Electron microscopy (EM) of negatively stained chromatophore vesicles showed that the majority of the cytbc1 complexes occur as dimers in the membrane. The cytbc1 complexes appeared to be adjacent to reaction centre light-harvesting 1-PufX (RC–LH1–PufX) complexes, consistent with AFM topographs of a gold-labelled membrane. His-tagged cytbc1 complexes were retrieved from chromatophores partially solubilised by detergent; RC–LH1–PufX complexes tended to co-purify with cytbc1 whereas LH2 complexes became detached, consistent with clusters of cytbc1 complexes close to RC–LH1–PufX arrays, but not with a fixed, stoichiometric cytbc1–RC–LH1–PufX supercomplex. This information was combined with a quantitative mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of the RC, cytbc1, ATP synthase, cytaa3 and cytcbb3 membrane protein complexes, to construct an atomic-level model of a chromatophore vesicle comprising 67 LH2 complexes, 11 LH1–RC–PufX dimers & 2 RC–LH1–PufX monomers, 4 cytbc1 dimers and 2 ATP synthases. Simulation of the interconnected energy, electron and proton transfer processes showed a half-maximal ATP turnover rate for a light intensity equivalent to only 1% of bright sunlight. Thus, the photosystem architecture of the chromatophore is optimised for growth at low light intensities.  相似文献   

Nomata J  Kitashima M  Inoue K  Fujita Y 《FEBS letters》2006,580(26):6151-6154
Dark-operative protochlorophyllide reductase (DPOR) in bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis is a nitrogenase-like enzyme consisting of L-protein (BchL-dimer) as a reductase component and NB-protein (BchN-BchB-heterotetramer) as a catalytic component. Metallocenters of DPOR have not been identified. Here we report that L-protein has an oxygen-sensitive [4Fe-4S] cluster similar to nitrogenase Fe protein. Purified L-protein from Rhodobacter capsulatus showed absorption spectra and an electron paramagnetic resonance signal indicative of a [4Fe-4S] cluster. The activity quickly disappeared upon exposure to air with a half-life of 20s. These results suggest that the electron transfer mechanism is conserved in nitrogenase Fe protein and DPOR L-protein.  相似文献   

The mode of carotenoid (Crt) binding to polypeptide and specifying its function is as yet largely unknown. Statistical analysis of major photosystems I and II suggests that aromatic residues make up a significant part of the Crt binding pockets. Phenylalanine residues ensure approximately 25%—at some carbon atoms even up to 40%—of the total contacts with Crts. By use of an alanine-leucine model transmembrane helix that replaces the native helix of the bacterial light-harvesting complex 2 (LH2) α-subunit, we study the effects of polypeptide residues on cofactor binding in a model sequence context. Here, it is shown that phenylalanine residues located in the close vicinity of the Crts' polyene backbone significantly contribute to the binding of the Crt to the model protein. The replacement of a phenylalanine with leucine in the model helix results in significant reduction in the complexes' Crt content. This effect is strongly enhanced by the removal of a second phenylalanine in close vicinity to the Crt, i.e., of the wild-type (WT) β-subunit. Remarkably, the mutation of only two phenylalanine residues in the LH2 WT sequence, α-Phe at position − 12 and β-Phe at − 8, results in the loss of nearly 50% of functional Crt. Resonance Raman spectra indicate that the Crt conformation is fundamentally altered by the absence of the phenylalanines' aromatic side chains, suggesting that they lock the Crt into a precise, well-defined configuration. Thus, binding and specific functionalisation of Crt in the model and WT light-harvesting complex is reliant on the aromatic residue phenylalanine. The use of the light-harvesting complex as a model system thus substantiates the notion that the aromatic residue phenylalanine is a key factor for the binding of Crt to transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

Nomata J  Ogawa T  Kitashima M  Inoue K  Fujita Y 《FEBS letters》2008,582(9):1346-1350
Dark-operative protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) oxidoreductase is a nitrogenase-like enzyme consisting of the two components, L-protein (BchL-dimer) and NB-protein (BchN-BchB-heterotetramer). Here, we show that NB-protein is the catalytic component with Fe-S clusters. NB-protein purified from Rhodobacter capsulatus bound Pchlide that was readily converted to chlorophyllide a upon the addition of L-protein and Mg-ATP. The activity of NB-protein was resistant to the exposure to air. A Pchlide-free form of NB-protein purified from a bchH-lacking mutant showed an absorption spectrum suggesting the presence of Fe-S centers. Together with the Fe and sulfide contents, these findings suggested that NB-protein carries two oxygen-tolerant [4Fe-4S] clusters.  相似文献   

Identical time-resolved fluorescence measurements with ~ 3.5-ps resolution were performed for three types of PSI preparations from the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: isolated PSI cores, isolated PSI–LHCI complexes and PSI–LHCI complexes in whole living cells. Fluorescence decay in these types of PSI preparations has been previously investigated but never under the same experimental conditions. As a result we present consistent picture of excitation dynamics in algal PSI. Temporal evolution of fluorescence spectra can be generally described by three decay components with similar lifetimes in all samples (6–8 ps, 25–30 ps, 166–314 ps). In the PSI cores, the fluorescence decay is dominated by the two fastest components (~ 90%), which can be assigned to excitation energy trapping in the reaction center by reversible primary charge separation. Excitation dynamics in the PSI–LHCI preparations is more complex because of the energy transfer between the LHCI antenna system and the core. The average trapping time of excitations created in the well coupled LHCI antenna system is about 12–15 ps longer than excitations formed in the PSI core antenna. Excitation dynamics in PSI–LHCI complexes in whole living cells is very similar to that observed in isolated complexes. Our data support the view that chlorophylls responsible for the long-wavelength emission are located mostly in LHCI. We also compared in detail our results with the literature data obtained for plant PSI.  相似文献   

With the use of low temperature spectrofluorometry and matrix calculations it was demonstrated that the chlorophyll a pool of higher plants is made up of four different chlorophyll a chromophores. The latter were segregated by high pressure liquid chromatography on a silica column. They were designated Chl a (E432 F664), Chl a (E436 F670), Chl a (E443 F672) and Chl a (E446 F674), where E refers to the Soret excitation maximum and F to the fluorescence emission maximum at 77 K in ether. Likewise the Chl b pool was shown to consist of at least four different Chl b chromophores which were designated: Chl b (E465), Chl b (E470), Chl b (E475) and Chl b (E485). It was proposed that the various chlorophyll chromophores differed by the degree of oxidation of their side chains at the 2 and 4 positions of the macrocycle. It was also suggested that the chemical modifications at the 2 and 4 positions of the macrocycle may play an important role in positioning the different chlorophyll chromophores in the thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   

The reaction center-light harvesting complex 1 (RC-LH1) purified from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides has been studied with respect to the kinetics of charge recombination and to the phospholipid and ubiquinone (UQ) complements tightly associated with it. In the antenna-RC complexes, at 6.5 < pH < 9.0, P+QB recombines with a pH independent average rate constant <k> more than three times smaller than that measured in LH1-deprived RCs. At increasing pH values, for which <k> increases, the deceleration observed in RC-LH1 complexes is reduced, vanishing at pH > 11.0. In both systems kinetics are described by a continuous rate distribution, which broadens at pH > 9.5, revealing a strong kinetic heterogeneity, more pronounced in the RC-LH1 complex. In the presence of the antenna the QAQB state is stabilized by about 40 meV at 6.5 < pH < 9.0, while it is destabilized at pH > 11. The phospholipid/RC and UQ/RC ratios have been compared in chromatophore membranes, in RC-LH1 complexes and in the isolated peripheral antenna (LH2). The UQ concentration in the lipid phase of the RC-LH1 complexes is about one order of magnitude larger than the average concentration in chromatophores and in LH2 complexes. Following detergent washing RC-LH1 complexes retain 80-90 phospholipid and 10-15 ubiquinone molecules per monomer. The fractional composition of the lipid domain tightly bound to the RC-LH1 (determined by TLC and 31P-NMR) differs markedly from that of chromatophores and of the peripheral antenna. The content of cardiolipin, close to 10% weight in chromatophores and LH2 complexes, becomes dominant in the RC-LH1 complexes. We propose that the quinone and cardiolipin confinement observed in core complexes reflects the in vivo heterogeneous distributions of these components. Stabilization of the charge separated state in the RC-LH1 complexes is tentatively ascribed to local electrostatic perturbations due to cardiolipin.  相似文献   

Pierre Joliot  Anne Joliot 《BBA》2005,1706(3):204-214
The kinetics of reoxidation of the primary acceptor Qa has been followed by measuring the changes in the fluorescence yield induced by a series of saturating flashes in intact cells of Rhodobacter sphaeroides in anaerobic conditions. At 0 °C, about half of Qa is reoxidized in about 200 ms while reoxidation of the remaining fraction is completed in several seconds to minutes. The fast phase is associated with the transfer of ubiquinone formed at site Qo of the cytochrome bc1 complex while the slowest phase is associated with the diffusion of ubiquinone present in the membrane prior to the flash excitation. The biphasic kinetics of Qa oxidation is interpreted assuming that the electron chain is organized in supercomplexes that associate two RCs and one cyt bc1 complex, which allows a fast transfer of quinone formed at the level of cyt bc1 complex to the RCs. In agreement with this model, the fast phase of Qa reoxidation is inhibited by myxothiazol, a specific inhibitor of cyt bc1. The PufX-deleted mutant displays only the slowest phase of Qa oxidation; it is interpreted by the lack of supramolecular organization of the photosynthetic chain that leads to a larger average distance between cyt bc1 and RCs.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in purple bacteria is performed by pigment–protein complexes that are closely packed within specialized intracytoplasmic membranes. Here we report on the influence of carotenoid composition on the organization of RC–LH1 pigment–protein complexes in intact membranes and cells of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Mostly dimeric RC–LH1 complexes could be isolated from strains expressing native brown carotenoids when grown under illuminated/anaerobic conditions, or from strains expressing green carotenoids when grown under either illuminated/anaerobic or dark/semiaerobic conditions. However, mostly monomeric RC–LH1 complexes were isolated from strains expressing the native photoprotective red carotenoid spheroidenone, which is synthesized during phototrophic growth in the presence of oxygen. Despite this marked difference, linear dichroism (LD) and light-minus-dark LD spectra of oriented intact intracytoplasmic membranes indicated that RC–LH1 complexes are always assembled in ordered arrays, irrespective of variations in the relative amounts of isolated dimeric and monomeric RC–LH1 complexes. We propose that part of the photoprotective response to the presence of oxygen mediated by synthesis of spheroidenone may be a switch of the structure of the RC–LH1 complex from dimers to monomers, but that these monomers are still organized into the photosynthetic membrane in ordered arrays. When levels of the dimeric RC–LH1 complex were very high, and in the absence of LH2, LD and ?LD spectra from intact cells indicated an ordered arrangement of RC–LH1 complexes. Such a degree of ordering implies the presence of highly elongated, tubular membranes with dimensions requiring orientation along the length of the cell and in a proportion larger than previously observed.  相似文献   

In photosynthetic organisms, membrane pigment-protein complexes [light-harvesting complex 1 (LH1) and light-harvesting complex 2 (LH2)] harvest solar energy and convert sunlight into an electrical and redox potential gradient (reaction center) with high efficiency. Recent atomic force microscopy studies have described their organization in native membranes. However, the cytochrome (cyt) bc1 complex remains unseen, and the important question of how reduction energy can efficiently pass from core complexes (reaction center and LH1) to distant cyt bc1 via membrane-soluble quinones needs to be addressed. Here, we report atomic force microscopy images of entire chromatophores of Rhodospirillum photometricum. We found that core complexes influence their molecular environment within a critical radius of ∼ 250 Å. Due to the size mismatch with LH2, lipid membrane spaces favorable for quinone diffusion are found within this critical radius around cores. We show that core complexes form a network throughout entire chromatophores, providing potential quinone diffusion pathways that will considerably speed the redox energy transfer to distant cyt bc1. These long-range quinone pathway networks result from cooperative short-range interactions of cores with their immediate environment.  相似文献   

Emission and absorption spectra in the temperature range 4–300 K have been obtained for bacteriochlorophyll light-harvesting complexes (B800–850 complexes) from several mutants of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and a nonphotosynthetic mutant of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. The energy-transfer properties of these complexes were remarkably similar despite differences in carotenoid composition. Between 300 and 200 K the excitation densities in B800 and B850 are in thermal equilibrium, indicating rapid energy transfer from B800 to B850 and vice versa. The temperature dependence of the ratio of the B800 and B850 emission yields allows the determination of the ratio of the number of B800 and B850 molecules in the complex which is close to 0.5. Below 200 K thermal equilibrium no longer exists. At 4–100 K the B800 emission yield increases with decreasing temperature and becomes dependent on the wavelength of excitation. From the B800 emission yield at 4 K the B800–850 dipole-dipole distance was calculated to be equal to or smaller than 21 Å for all B800–850 complexes. Excitation spectra for B800 and B850 emission show that the overall energy-transfer efficiencies from carotenoid and B800 to B850 are greater than 90% at all temperatures. At 4 K the carotenoid transfers its excitation energy preferentially to B850. Experiments with chromatophores indicated that the energy-transfer properties of the B800–850 complexes were not modified by the isolation procedures.  相似文献   

The Stay-Green Rice (SGR) protein is encoded by the SGR gene and has been shown to affect chlorophyll (Chl) degradation during natural and dark-induced leaf senescence. An SGR homologue, SGR-like (SGRL), has been detected in many plant species. We show that SGRL is primarily expressed in green tissues, and is significantly downregulated in rice leaves undergoing natural and dark-induced senescence. As the light intensity increases during the natural photoperiod, the intensity of SGRL expression declines while that of SGR expression increases. Overexpression of SGRL reduces the levels of Chl and Chl-binding proteins in leaves, and accelerates their degradation in dark-induced senescence leaves in rice. Our results suggest that the SGRL protein is also involved in Chl degradation. The relationship between SGRL and SGR and their effects on the degradation of the light-harvesting Chl a/b-binding protein are also discussed.  相似文献   

Lucy I. Crouch 《BBA》2010,1797(11):1812-1819
In purple photosynthetic bacteria the initial steps of light energy transduction take place in an RC-LH1 complex formed by the photochemical reaction centre (RC) and the LH1 light harvesting pigment-protein. In Rhodobacter sphaeroides, the RC-LH1 complex assembles in a dimeric form in which two RCs are surrounded by an S-shaped LH1 antenna. There is currently debate over the detailed architecture of this dimeric RC-LH1 complex, with particular emphasis on the location and precise function of a minor polypeptide component termed PufX. It has been hypothesised that the membrane-spanning helical region of PufX contains a GxxxG dimerisation motif that facilitates the formation of a dimer of PufX at the interface of the RC-LH1 dimer, and more specifically that the formation of this PufX dimer seeds assembly of the remaining RC-LH1 dimer (J. Busselez et al., 2007). In the present work this hypothesis was tested by site directed mutagenesis of the glycine residues proposed to form the GxxxG motif. Mutation of these glycines to leucine did not decrease the propensity of the RC-LH1 complex to assemble in a dimeric form, as would be expected from experimental studies of the effect of mutation on GxxxG motifs in other membrane proteins. Indeed increased yields of dimer were seen in two of the glycine-to-leucine mutants constructed. It is concluded that the PufX from Rhodobacter sphaeroides does not contain a genuine GxxxG helix dimerisation motif.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll (Chl) d is a major chlorophyll in a novel oxygenic prokaryote Acaryochloris marina. Here we first report the redox potential of Chl d in vitro. The oxidation potential of Chl d was + 0.88 V vs. SHE in acetonitrile; the value was higher than that of Chl a (+ 0.81 V) and lower than that of Chl b (+ 0.94 V). The oxidation potential order, Chl b > Chl d > Chl a, can be explained by inductive effect of substituent groups on the conjugated π-electron system on the macrocycle. Corresponding pheophytins showed the same order; Phe b (+ 1.25 V) > Phe d (+ 1.21 V) > Phe a (+ 1.14 V), but the values were significantly higher than those of Chls, which are rationalized in terms of an electron density decrease in the π-system by the replacement of magnesium with more electronegative hydrogen. Consequently, oxidation potential of Chl a was found to be the lowest among Chls and Phes. The results will help us to broaden our views on photosystems in A. marina.  相似文献   

Previous pulse-chase studies have shown that bacteriochlorophyll a-protein complexes destined eventually for the photosynthetic (chromatophore) membrane of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides appear first in a distinct pigmented fraction. This rapidly labeled material forms an upper band when extracts of phototrophically grown cells are subjected directly to rate-zone sedimentation. In the present investigation, flash-induced absorbance changes at 605 nm have demonstrated that the upper fraction is enriched two-fold in photochemical reaction center activity when compared to chromatophores; a similar enrichment in the reaction center-associated B-875 antenna bacteriochlorophyll complex was also observed. Although b- and c-type cytochromes were present in the upper pigmented band, no photoreduction of the b-type components could be demonstrated. The endogenous c-type cytochrome (Em = +345 mV) was photooxidized slowly upon flash illumination. The extent of the reaction was increased markedly with excess exogenous ferrocytochrome c but only slightly in chromatophores. Only a small light-induced carotenoid band shift was observed. These results indicate that the rapidly labeled fraction contains photochemically competent reaction centers associated loosely with c-type and unconnected to b-type cytochrome. It is suggested that this fraction arises from new sites of cytoplasmic membrane invagination which fragment to form leaky vesicles upon cell disruption.  相似文献   

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