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The homotrimeric, secondary active betaine carrier BetP from Corynebacterium glutamicum is a model system for stress-regulated transport in bacteria. Its activity responds to hyperosmotic stress and it harbors two different functions, transport catalysis (betaine uptake) and stimulus sensing, resp. activity regulation. Structural information from 2D and 3D crystals as well as functional analysis of monomerized BetP suggested the presence of conformational crosstalk between the individual protomers. To study whether the oligomeric state is functionally significant on a mechanistic level we generated heterooligomeric complexes of BetP in which single protomers within the trimer can be addressed. By testing dominant negative effects in a trimer of one active protomer combined with two protomers in which transport and regulation were abolished, we provide experimental evidence for the absence of functionally significant conformational crosstalk between the protomers on the level of both transport and regulation. This is supported by experiments using mutant forms of putative interacting signal donor and acceptor domains of individual BetP protomers. This result has important consequences for oligomeric transport proteins in general and BetP in particular.  相似文献   

The transporter BetP in C. glutamicum is essential in maintaining bacterial cell viability during hyperosmotic stress and functions by co-transporting betaine and Na+ into bacterial cells. Hyperosmotic stress leads to increased intracellular K+ concentrations which in turn promotes betaine binding. While structural details of multiple end state conformations of BetP have provided high resolution snapshots, how K+ sensing by the C-terminal domain is allosterically relayed to the betaine binding site is not well understood. In this study, we describe conformational dynamics in solution of BetP using amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry. These reveal how K+ alters conformation of the disordered C- and N-terminal domains to allosterically reconfigure transmembrane helices 3, 8, and 10 to enhance betaine interactions. A map of the betaine binding site, at near single amino acid resolution, reveals a critical extrahelical H-bond mediated by TM3 with betaine.  相似文献   

As a response to hyperosmotic stress bacterial cells accumulate compatible solutes by synthesis or by uptake. Beside the instant activation of uptake systems after an osmotic upshift, transport systems show also a second, equally important type of regulation. In order to adapt the pool size of compatible solutes in the cytoplasm to the actual extent of osmotic stress, cells down-regulate solute uptake when the initial osmotic stress is compensated. Here we describe the role of the betaine transporter BetP, the major uptake carrier for compatible solutes in Corynebacterium glutamicum, in this adaptation process. For this purpose, betP was expressed in cells (C. glutamicum and Escherichia coli), which lack all known uptake systems for compatible solutes. Betaine uptake mediated by BetP as well as by a truncated form of BetP, which is deregulated in its response to hyperosmotic stress, was dissected into the individual substrate fluxes of unidirectional uptake, unidirectional efflux and net uptake. We determined a strong decrease of unidirectional betaine uptake by BetP in the adaptation phase. The observed decrease in net uptake was thus mainly due to a decrease of Vmax of BetP and not a consequence of the presence of separate efflux system(s). These results indicate that adaptation of BetP to osmotic compensation is different from activation by osmotic stress and also different from previously described adaptation mechanisms in other organisms. Cytoplasmic K+, which was shown to be responsible for activation of BetP upon osmotic stress, as well as a number of other factors was ruled out as triggers for the adaptation process. Our results thus indicate the presence of a second type of signal input in the adaptive regulation of osmoregulated carrier proteins.  相似文献   

The high-affinity glycine betaine uptake system BetP, an osmosensing and osmoregulated sodium-coupled symporter from Corynebacterium glutamicum, was overexpressed in Escherichia coli with an N-terminal StrepII-tag, solubilized in beta-dodecylmaltoside and purified by streptactin affinity chromatography. Analytical ultracentrifugation indicated that BetP forms trimers in detergent solution. Detergent-solubilized BetP can be reconstituted into proteoliposomes without loss of function, suggesting that BetP is a trimer in the bacterial membrane. Reconstitution with E.coli polar lipids produced 2D crystals with unit cell parameters of 182A x 154A, gamma=90 degrees exhibiting p22(1)2(1) symmetry. Electron cryo-microscopy yielded a projection map at 7.5A. The unit cell contains four non-crystallographic trimers of BetP. Within each monomer, ten to 12 density peaks characteristic of transmembrane alpha-helices surround low-density regions that define potential transport pathways. Small but significant differences between the three monomers indicate that the trimer does not have exact 3-fold symmetry. The observed differences may be due to crystal packing, or they may reflect different functional states of the transporter, related to osmosensing and osmoregulation. The projection map of BetP shows no clear resemblance to other secondary transporters of known structure.  相似文献   

Two different kinds of mechanoreceptive hairs (smooth and feathered) on the second antennae of the freshwater crayfish, Orconectes virilis, have been investigated for their stimulus coding propertics. These mechanoreceptors show a great deal of non-linear behaviour both in threshold and in directionality. An effective appraoch for the investigation of such systems is noise analysis in the frequency domain. This method has been used here to calculate zero-, first- and second-order kernels. Sensory cells reveal different first- and second-order kernels, depending on which type of hair is being stimulated. The first-order kernel has a pronounced peak in the frequency response at 110 Hz if a feathered hair is stimulated and at 60 Hz if a smooth hair is stimulated. The second-order kernel shows a number of pronounced peaks in the frequency response between 40 and 110 Hz, but only if a feathered hair is stimulated. Smooth hair stimulation results in less sharp peaks but in higher gain for the same range of stimulus frequencies.  相似文献   

The Na+-coupled betaine symporter BetP senses changes in the membrane state and increasing levels of cytoplasmic K+ during hyperosmotic stress latter via its C-terminal domain and regulates transport activity according to both stimuli. This intriguing sensing and regulation behavior of BetP was intensively studied in the past. It was shown by several biochemical studies that activation and regulation depends crucially on the lipid composition of the surrounding membrane. In fact, BetP is active and regulated only when negatively charged lipids are present. Recent structural studies have revealed binding of phosphatidylglycerol lipids to functional important parts of BetP, suggesting a functional role of lipid interactions. However, a regulatory role of lipid interactions could only be speculated from the snapshot provided by the crystal structure. Here, we investigate the nature of lipid-protein interactions of BetP reconstituted in closely packed two-dimensional crystals of negatively charged lipids and probed at the molecular level with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The FTIR data indicate that K+ binding weakens the interaction of BetP especially with the anionic lipid head groups. We suggest a regulation mechanism in which lipid-protein interactions, especially with the C-terminal domain and the functional important gating helices transmembrane helice 3 (TMH3) and TMH12, confine BetP to its down-regulated transport state. As BetP is also activated by changes in the physical state of the membrane, our results point toward a more general mechanism of how active transport can be modified by dynamic lipid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Scotopic vision in horses (Equus caballus) was investigated using behavioral measurements for the first time. Four horses were tested for the ability to make simple visual discriminations of geometric figures (circles and triangles) under various brightness levels within an enclosed building. Measurements of brightness ranging from 10.37 to 24.12 magnitudes per square arcsecond (mag/arcsec2; in candelas per square meter—7.70 to 2.43E-05 cd/m2) were taken using a Sky Quality Meter. These values approximated outdoor conditions ranging from twilight in open country to a dark moonless night in dense forest. The horses were able to solve the discrimination problems in all brightness settings up to 23.77 mag/arcsec2 (3.35E-05 cd/m2). Moreover, they easily navigated their way around obstacles located within the testing area in extremely dim light (>23.50 mag/arcsec2; 4.30E-05 cd/m2), which were in conditions too dark for the human experimenters to see. These findings support physiological data that reveal a rod-dominated visual system as well as observations of equine activity at night.  相似文献   

Rats were given exposure to a compound flavour (AX) and to one element of that compound (X). Two drinking tubes were made available to the rat on each exposure trial. For group concurrent (CNC) one tube contained AX and the other X. For groups alternating (ALT) and blocked (BLK), however, both tubes contained the same flavour (AX or X). Group ALT received AX and X on alternate trials; group BLK received AX in the first block of trials and X on the second, or vice versa. After an aversion had been established to X the groups were tested with AX. It was found that group ALT showed less generalization from X to AX than did group BLK. This difference was not accompanied by a parallel difference in the level of conditioning to X. However, group CNC showed both stronger conditioning to X and greater generalization from X to AX than groups ALT and BLK. Implications for the role of stimulus comparison in the perceptual learning effect are discussed.  相似文献   

In the brain, transporters of the major excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate remove their substrate from the synaptic cleft to allow optimal glutamatergic neurotransmission. Their transport cycle consists of two sequential translocation steps, namely cotransport of glutamic acid with three Na(+) ions, followed by countertransport of K(+). Recent studies, based on several crystal structures of the archeal homologue Glt(Ph), indicate that glutamate translocation occurs by an elevator-like mechanism. The resolution of these structures was not sufficiently high to unambiguously identify the sites of Na(+) binding, but functional and computational studies suggest some candidate sites. In the Glt(Ph) structure, a conserved aspartate residue (Asp-390) is located adjacent to a conserved tyrosine residue, previously shown to be a molecular determinant of ion selectivity in the brain glutamate transporter GLT-1. In this study, we characterize mutants of Asp-440 of the neuronal transporter EAAC1, which is the counterpart of Asp-390 of Glt(Ph). Except for substitution by glutamate, this residue is functionally irreplaceable. Using biochemical and electrophysiological approaches, we conclude that although D440E is intrinsically capable of net flux, this mutant behaves as an exchanger under physiological conditions, due to increased and decreased apparent affinities for Na(+) and K(+), respectively. Our present and previous data are compatible with the idea that the conserved tyrosine and aspartate residues, located at the external end of the binding pocket, may serve as a transient or stable cation binding site in the glutamate transporters.  相似文献   

Iontophoresis is a technology for transdermal delivery of ionic small medicines by faint electricity. Since iontophoresis can noninvasively deliver charged molecules into the skin, this technology could be a useful administration method that may enhance patient comfort. Previously, we succeeded in the transdermal penetration of positively charged liposomes (diameters: 200–400 nm) encapsulating insulin by iontophoresis (Kajimoto, K., Yamamoto, M., Watanabe, M., Kigasawa, K., Kanamura, K., Harashima, H., and Kogure, K. (2011) Int. J. Pharm. 403, 57–65). However, the mechanism by which these liposomes penetrated the skin was difficult to define based on general knowledge of principles such as electro-repulsion and electro-osmosis. In the present study, we confirmed that rigid nanoparticles could penetrate into the epidermis by iontophoresis. We further found that levels of the gap junction protein connexin 43 protein significantly decreased after faint electric stimulus (ES) treatment, although occludin, CLD-4, and ZO-1 levels were unchanged. Moreover, connexin 43 phosphorylation and filamentous actin depolymerization in vivo and in vitro were observed when permeation of charged liposomes through intercellular spaces was induced by ES. Ca2+ inflow into cells was promoted by ES with charged liposomes, while a protein kinase C inhibitor prevented ES-induced permeation of macromolecules. Consequently, we demonstrate that ES treatment with charged liposomes induced dissociation of intercellular junctions via cell signaling pathways. These findings suggest that ES could be used to regulate skin physiology.  相似文献   

Based on sequence similarity, the mscCG gene product of Corynebacterium glutamicum belongs to the family of MscS-type mechanosensitive channels. In order to investigate the physiological significance of MscCG in response to osmotic shifts in detail, we studied its properties using both patch-clamp techniques and betaine efflux kinetics. After heterologous expression in an Escherichiacoli strain devoid of mechanosensitive channels, in patch-clamp analysis of giant E. coli spheroplasts MscCG showed the typical pressure dependent gating behavior of a stretch-activated channel with a current/voltage dependence indicating a strongly rectifying behavior. Apart from that, MscCG is characterized by significant functional differences with respect to conductance, ion selectivity and desensitation behavior as compared to MscS from E. coli. Deletion and complementation studies in C. glutamicum showed a significant contribution of MscCG to betaine efflux in response to hypoosmotic conditions. A detailed analysis of concomitant betaine uptake (by the betaine transporter BetP) and efflux (by MscCG) under hyperosmotic conditions indicates that MscCG may act in osmoregulation in C. glutamicum by fine-tuning the steady state concentration of compatible solutes in the cytoplasm which are accumulated in response to hyperosmotic stress.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum accumulates the compatible solutes proline, glycine betaine, and ectoine under conditions of high osmolality. Uptake of proline is mediated by both a high-affinity and a low-affinity secondary transport system. The low-affinity uptake system also accepts glycine betaine and ectoine as substrates. In the present study, the gene encoding the high-affinity proline uptake system PutP was isolated by heterologous complementation of Escherichia coli mutant strain WG389, which lacks the transport systems BetT, PutP, ProP, and ProU and is unable to synthesize proline and glycine betaine. This gene (putP) encodes a protein of 524 amino acids that shares identity with the proline transport systems PutP of E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhimurium, Haemophilus influenzae, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Functional studies of PutP synthesized in E. coli mutant strain MKH13, which also lacks the transport systems for compatible solutes and is unable to synthesize glycine betaine, revealed that this carrier system is not regulated by the external osmolality on the level of activity. K m values of 7.6 mM for proline and 1.3 mM for sodium as cotransported ion were determined. Deletion of the putP gene allowed the functional characterization of another proline uptake system with low affinity. Received: 27 February 1997 / Accepted: 24 April 1997  相似文献   

The di-tripeptide transport system (DtpT) of Lactococcus lactis was purified to apparent homogeneity by pre-extraction of crude membrane vesicles with octaethylene glycol monodecyl ether (C10E8), followed by solubilization with n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside (DDM) and chromatography on a Ni-NTA resin. The DtpT protein was reconstituted into detergent-destabilized preformed liposomes prepared from E. coli phospholipid/ phosphatidylcholine. A variety of detergents were tested for their ability to mediate the membrane reconstitution of DtpT and their effectiveness to yield proteoliposomes with a high transport activity. The highest activities were obtained with TX100, C12E8 and DM, whereas DDM yielded relatively poor activities, in particular when this detergent was used at concentrations beyond the onset of solubilization of the preformed liposomes. Parallel with the low activity, significant losses of lipid were observed when the reconstitution was performed at high DDM concentrations. This explained at least part of the reduced transport activity as the DtpT protein was highly dependent on the final lipid-to-protein ratios in the proteoliposomes. Consistent with the difference in mechanism of DDM- and TX100-mediated membrane protein reconstitution, the orientation of the DtpT protein in the membrane was random with DDM and inside-in when T100 was used. The methodology to determine the orientation of membrane-reconstituted proteins from the accessibility of cysteines for thiol-specific reagents is critically evaluated.  相似文献   

All living cells need zinc ions to support cell growth. Zrt-, Irt-like proteins (ZIPs) represent a major route for entry of zinc ions into cells, but how ZIPs promote zinc uptake has been unclear. Here we report the molecular characterization of ZIPB from Bordetella bronchiseptica, the first ZIP homolog to be purified and functionally reconstituted into proteoliposomes. Zinc flux through ZIPB was found to be nonsaturable and electrogenic, yielding membrane potentials as predicted by the Nernst equation. Conversely, membrane potentials drove zinc fluxes with a linear voltage-flux relationship. Direct measurements of metal uptake by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy demonstrated that ZIPB is selective for two group 12 transition metal ions, Zn2+ and Cd2+, whereas rejecting transition metal ions in groups 7 through 11. Our results provide the molecular basis for cellular zinc acquisition by a zinc-selective channel that exploits in vivo zinc concentration gradients to move zinc ions into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Despite vast knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying photochemical damage of photoreceptors, linked to progression of age-related macular degeneration, information on specific protein targets of the light-induced oxidative stress is scarce. Here, we demonstrate that prolonged intense illumination (halogen bulb, 1500 lx, 1–5 h) of mammalian eyes under ex vivo (cow) or in vivo (rabbit) conditions induces disulfide dimerization of recoverin, a Ca2+-dependent inhibitor of rhodopsin kinase. Western blotting and mass spectrometry analysis of retinal extracts reveals illumination time-dependent accumulation of disulfide homodimers of recoverin and its higher order disulfide cross-linked species, including a minor fraction of mixed disulfides with intracellular proteins (tubulins, etc.). Meanwhile, monomeric bovine recoverin remains mostly reduced. These effects are accompanied by accumulation of disulfide homodimers of visual arrestin. Histological studies demonstrate that the light-induced oxidation of recoverin and arrestin occurs in intact retina (illumination for 2 h), while illumination for 5 h is associated with damage of the photoreceptor layer. A comparison of ex vivo levels of disulfide homodimers of bovine recoverin with redox dependence of its in vitro thiol–disulfide equilibrium (glutathione redox pair) gives the lowest estimate of redox potential in rod outer segments under illumination from −160 to −155  mV. Chemical crosslinking and dynamic light scattering data demonstrate an increased propensity of disulfide dimer of bovine recoverin to multimerization/aggregation. Overall, the oxidative stress caused by the prolonged intense illumination of retina might affect rhodopsin desensitization via concerted disulfide dimerization of recoverin and arrestin. The developed herein models of eye illumination are useful for studies of the light-induced thiol oxidation of visual proteins.  相似文献   

Three mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCP1, 2, 3) have been described. The proton transport activity of UCP1 triggers mitochondrial uncoupling and thermogenesis but the roles of UCP2 and UCP3 remain debated. Accordingly, compounds able to finely control the proton permeability of the mitochondrial inner membrane where and when needed may have enormous practical consequences. Using purified hamster brown adipose tissue UCP1 reconstituted in liposomes, we describe herein a robust assay allowing the measurement of this artificial membrane conductance to protons in a format compatible with high-throughput screening. The assay was initially developed with a known chemical protonophore in an aproteic system. Then, using the proteolipid reconstituted UCP1 preparation, we assessed the assay with known modulators of UCP1, particularly retinoic acid and guanosine 5'-triphosphate. The system was developed for a 96-well plate format. We then exemplified its use by generating primary data on a set of compounds screened in this system. These primary data will open new routes for the search of candidate compounds that will help biochemical studies on UCPs.  相似文献   

The disappearance of 2-13C-acetate and the subsequent incorporation of label into cellular metabolites were followed in denitrifying cells of Thiobacillus versutus by 13C NMR spectroscopy. In cells grown under acetate-limitation, the specific rate of consumption was idependent of the density of the cell suspension. An isotopic steady state was reached within 30 min if sufficient substrate was added to the cell suspension. In cells grown under nitrate-limitation, the consumption of 2-13C-acetate proceeded at a significantly lower rate. The decrease and final disappearance of 2-13C-acetate were accompanied by incorporation of 13C into glutamate, glutamine, and by the release of labeled HCO 3 and CO2. The appearance of a broad resonance being the methyl endgroup of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) was indicative for PHB mobilization during the incubation. The sequence of label incorporation and the distribution among the various carbon nuclei were consistent with the operation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle.  相似文献   

The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum is a widely used model organism for studying basic functions of protozoan and metazoan cells, such as osmoregulation and cell motility. There is evidence from other species that cellular water channels, aquaporins (AQP), are central to both processes. Yet, data on D. discoideum AQPs is almost absent. Despite cloning of two putative D. discoideum AQPs, WacA, and AqpA, water permeability has not been shown. Further, WacA and AqpA are expressed at the late multicellular stage and in spores but not in amoebae. We cloned a novel AQP, AqpB, from amoeboidal D. discoideum cells. Wild-type AqpB was impermeable to water, glycerol, and urea when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Neither stepwise truncation of the N terminus nor selected point mutations activated the water channel. However, mutational truncation by 12 amino acids of an extraordinary long intracellular loop induced water permeability of AqpB, hinting at a novel gating mechanism. This AqpB mutant was inhibited by mercuric chloride, confirming the presence of a cysteine residue in the selectivity filter as predicted by our structure model. We detected AqpB by Western blot analysis in a glycosylated and a non-glycosylated form throughout all developmental stages. When expressed in D. discoideum amoebae, AqpB-GFP fusion constructs localized to vacuolar structures, to the plasma membrane, and to lamellipodia-like membrane protrusions. We conclude that the localization pattern in conjunction with channel gating may be indicative of AqpB functions in osmoregulation as well as cell motility of D. discoideum.  相似文献   

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