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Summary Using techniques for enhanced microtubular preservation, including albumin pretreatment (Gray, 1975), occipital cortex of rats was studied electron microscopically at various ages of development. A close structural relationship was seen between microtubules, sacs of SER and the postsynaptic thickening in primordial spines and with the dense plate material of spine apparatuses. Stereoscopic preparations in addition show a more complicated substructure than previously described for the plate. Microtubules may contribute to the formation of the plate of the spine apparatus which in turn is associated with the postsynaptic thickening of the mature spine. Possible functional correlates are discussed.Dr. L.E. Westrum is an affiliate of the CDMRC at the University of Washington and a recipient of a Burroughs-Wellcome (USA) — Wellcome Trust (U.K.) Research Travel Grant. The research was also supported in part by NIH Grants NS 09678, NS 04053 (NINCDS) and DE 04942 (NIDR), DHHS  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of MAP2 and actin in dendritic spines of the visual and cerebellar cortices, dentate fascia, and hippocampus was determined by using immunogold electron microscopy. By this approach, we have confirmed the presence of MAP2 in dendritic spines and identified substructures within the spine compartment showing MAP2 immunoreactivity. MAP2 immunolabeling was mainly associated with filaments which reacted with a monoclonal anti-actin antibody. Also, by immunogold double-labeling we colocalized MAP2 with actin on the endomembranes of the spine apparatus, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and in the postsynaptic density. Labeling was nearly absent in axons and axonal terminals. These results indicate that MAP2 is an actin-associated protein in dendritic spines. Thus, MAP2 may organize actin filaments in the spine and endow the actin network of the spine with dynamic properties that are necessary for synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Previous work has established that dendritic spines, sites of excitatory input in CNS neurons, can be highly dynamic, in later development as well as in mature brain. Although spine motility has been proposed to facilitate the formation of new synaptic contacts, we have reported that spines continue to be dynamic even if they bear synaptic contacts. An outstanding question related to this finding is whether the presynaptic terminals that contact dendritic spines are as dynamic as their postsynaptic targets. Using multiphoton time-lapse microscopy of GFP-labeled Purkinje cells and DiI-labeled granule cell parallel fiber afferents in cerebellar slices, we monitored the dynamic behavior of both presynaptic terminals and postsynaptic dendritic spines in the same preparation. We report that while spines are dynamic, the presynaptic terminals they contact are quite stable. We confirmed the relatively low levels of presynaptic terminal motility by imaging parallel fibers in vivo. Finally, spine motility can occur when a functional presynaptic terminal is apposed to it. These analyses further call into question the function of spine motility, and to what extent the synapse breaks or maintains its contact during the movement of the spine.  相似文献   

The inhibitory glycine receptor of mammalian spinal cord is a ligand-gated chloride channel that, on affinity purification, contains two subunits of 48-kilodalton (kD) and 58-kD molecular mass in addition to an associated 93-kD protein. Ligand-binding 48-kD subunit and 93-kD protein were quantified in the CNS of the adult rat using a newly developed dot receptor assay (detection limit less than or equal to 1 fmol/assay) which employs monoclonal antibodies specific for glycine receptor polypeptides. The 93-kD protein was found to codistribute at a fixed stoichiometry with the 48-kD subunit throughout the CNS of the rat. Moreover, the 93-kD protein cofractionated with the ligand-binding subunit on solubilization and affinity chromatography or immunoprecipitation. However, both proteins were separated on sucrose gradient centrifugation of detergent extracts of spinal cord membranes in accord with earlier observations on purified receptor. These data prove that the 93-kD polypeptide is selectively associated with the membrane core of the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor. The regional distribution of glycine receptor polypeptides was also determined in the CNS of the spastic rat mutant. In contrast to hereditary spasticity in mouse and cattle, no reduction of glycine receptors was found in the spastic rat.  相似文献   

AMPA receptor trafficking in dendritic spines is emerging as a major postsynaptic mechanism for the expression of plasticity at glutamatergic synapses. AMPA receptors within a spine are in a continuous state of flux, being exchanged with local intracellular pools via exo/endocytosis and with the surrounding dendrite via lateral membrane diffusion. This suggests that one cannot treat a single spine in isolation. Here we present a model of AMPA receptor trafficking between multiple dendritic spines distributed along the surface of a dendrite. Receptors undergo lateral diffusion within the dendritic membrane, with each spine acting as a spatially localized trap where receptors can bind to scaffolding proteins or be internalized through endocytosis. Exocytosis of receptors occurs either at the soma or at sites local to dendritic spines via constitutive recycling from intracellular pools. We derive a reaction–diffusion equation for receptor trafficking that takes into account these various processes. Solutions of this equation allow us to calculate the distribution of synaptic receptor numbers across the population of spines, and hence determine how lateral diffusion contributes to the strength of a synapse. A number of specific results follow from our modeling and analysis. (1) Lateral membrane diffusion alone is insufficient as a mechanism for delivering AMPA receptors from the soma to distal dendrites. (2) A source of surface receptors at the soma tends to generate an exponential-like distribution of receptors along the dendrite, which has implications for synaptic democracy. (3) Diffusion mediates a heterosynaptic interaction between spines so that local changes in the constitutive recycling of AMPA receptors induce nonlocal changes in synaptic strength. On the other hand, structural changes in a spine following long term potentiation or depression have a purely local effect on synaptic strength. (4) A global change in the rates of AMPA receptor exo/endocytosis is unlikely to be the sole mechanism for homeostatic synaptic scaling. (5) The dynamics of AMPA receptor trafficking occurs on multiple timescales and varies according to spatial location along the dendrite. Understanding such dynamics is important when interpreting data from inactivation experiments that are used to infer the rate of relaxation to steady-state.  相似文献   

Abstract: The postsynaptic apparatus is associated with a number of glycoproteins with apparent molecular masses of 180, 116, and 110 kDa, which are highly concentrated in and may be uniquely associated with this structure. These glycoproteins, purified by concanavalin A lectin-affinity chromatography, showed immunoreactivity in the present study with subunit-specific antibodies to glutamate receptors as follows: GP 180, NMDA receptor subunits NR2A/NR2B; GP 116, NMDA receptor NR1 (1a); and GP 110, pan-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (pan-AMPA) receptors. Sensitivities to the glycosidases peptide N -glycosidase F and endo -β- N -acetylglucosaminidase H on both western blots and silver-stained gels suggested that the glutamate receptors were at least major constituents of the glycoprotein bands. Similar detailed glycosylation was observed for all three glycoproteins, with neutral oligosaccharides being dominant. Oligomannosidic glycans (with from five to nine mannoses) accounted for ∼50% of the neutral sugars, with Man 5 (at almost 20% of the neutral sugars) always the major glycan. Other abundant neutral oligosaccharides were of the complex type. Similar sensitivities to peptide N -glycosidase F and endo -β- N -acetylglucosaminidase H were observed for cell line-expressed NMDA receptor subunits, suggesting that irrespective of the glycosylation processing available, the least highly processed oligosaccharides will be expressed. This may be indicative of glycosylation sites in these receptors that are inaccessible to the later processing enzymes and favours the oligomannosidic class of glycans in functional roles.  相似文献   

Tomosyn is a 130-kDa cytosolic R-SNARE protein that associates with Q-SNAREs and reduces exocytotic activity. Two paralogous genes, tomosyn-1 and -2, occur in mammals and produce seven different isoforms via alternative splicing. Here, we map the structural differences between the yeast homologue of m-tomosyn-1, Sro7, and tomosyn genes/isoforms to identify domains critical to the regulation of exocytotic activity to tomosyn that are outside the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive attachment receptor motif. Homology modeling of m-tomosyn-1 based on the known structure of yeast Sro7 revealed a highly conserved functional conformation but with tomosyn containing three additional loop domains that emanate from a β-propeller core. Notably, deletion of loops 1 and 3 eliminates tomosyn inhibitory activity on secretion without altering its soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive attachment receptor pairing with syntaxin1A. By comparison, deletion of loop 2, which contains the hypervariable splice region, did not reduce the ability of tomosyn to inhibit regulated secretion. However, exon variation within the hypervariable splice region resulted in significant differences in protein accumulation of tomosyn-2 isoforms. Functional analysis of s-tomosyn-1, m-tomosyn-1, m-tomosyn-2, and xb-tomosyn-2 demonstrated that they exert similar inhibitory effects on elevated K(+)-induced secretion in PC12 cells, although m-tomosyn-2 was novel in strongly augmenting basal secretion. Finally, we report that m-tomosyn-1 is a target substrate for SUMO 2/3 conjugation and that mutation of this small ubiquitin-related modifier target site (Lys-730) enhances m-tomosyn-1 inhibition of secretion without altering interaction with syntaxin1A. Together these results suggest that multiple domains outside the R-SNARE of tomosyn are critical to the efficacy of inhibition by tomosyn on exocytotic secretion.  相似文献   

Abstract: The distribution of a glycoprotein component of the muscle dystrophin complex, β-dystroglycan, has been determined in subcellular fractions of adult rat forebrain. The results show that β-dystroglycan is enriched in several membrane fractions, including synaptic membranes, but in marked contrast to dystrophin is not detectable in the postsynaptic density fraction. The antiserum also recognises a second molecular species of apparent molecular mass of 164 kDa which is highly enriched in the postsynaptic density fraction. Preabsorption of the antiserum with the antigen (a 22-mer peptide corresponding to the C-terminal sequence of rabbit skeletal muscle β-dystroglycan) abolished reactivity against both β-dystroglycan and the 164-kDa postsynaptic density-enriched protein, confirming that the two species are immunologically related. Enzymatic removal of N-linked oligosaccharide lowered the apparent molecular mass of β-dystroglycan by 3 kDa but did not alter the mass of the 164-kDa species.  相似文献   

Modulation of hippocampal synaptic plasticity by estrogen has been attracting much attention. Here, we demonstrated the rapid effect of 17beta-estradiol on the density and morphology of spines in the stratum oriens (s.o., basal side) and in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare (s.l.m., apical side) by imaging Lucifer Yellow-injected CA1 neurons in adult male rat hippocampal slices, because spines in s.o. and s.l.m. have been poorly understood as compared with spines in the stratum radiatum. The application of 1nM estradiol-induced a rapid increase in the density of spines of pyramidal neurons within 2h. This increase by estradiol was blocked by Erk MAP kinase inhibitor and estrogen receptor inhibitor in both regions. Effect of blockade by agonists of AMPA receptors and NMDA receptors was different between s.o. and s.l.m. In both regions, ERalpha agonist PPT induced the same enhancing effect of spinogenesis as that induced by estradiol.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of protein tyrosine kinase in rat forebrain was determined using [Val5]-angiotensin II as exogenous substrate. Enzyme activity was present in each of the fractions analyzed and was enriched in synaptic membranes (SMs) and the synaptosomal soluble fraction (2.2- and 2.5-fold over the homogenate, respectively). SMs also phosphorylated polyglutamyltyrosine (pGT; molar ratio of 4:1), the Vmax for angiotensin and pGT phosphorylation being 26.3 +/- 1.6 and 142 +/- 4 pmol/min/mg, respectively. Extraction of SMs with several different detergents resulted in enhanced enzyme activity and the solubilization of 33-37% of the angiotensin and 43-70% of the pGT-phosphorylating activity. Isolated postsynaptic densities (PSDs) contained tyrosine kinase and phosphorylated angiotensin and pGT. The Vmax values for angiotensin and pGT phosphorylation by PSDs were 17 +/- 5 and 23 +/- 1 pmol/min/mg, respectively. Six putative endogenous substrates for SM tyrosine kinase, with molecular weights of 205K, 180K, 76K, 60K, 50K, and 45K, were identified. Each of these proteins, except p76, was phosphorylated in the detergent-insoluble residue obtained following the extraction of SMs with Triton X-100 as well as in PSDs, indicating that the postsynaptic apparatus is an active site of tyrosine phosphorylation. The phosphorylation of p76 was localized to the Triton X-100 extract and also occurred in the synaptosomal soluble fraction. The results indicate that tyrosine kinase and its substrates are located in both pre- and postsynaptic compartments and suggest a role for this enzyme in synaptic function.  相似文献   

Structural and functional aspects of peroxisomal membranes in yeasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: The peroxisomal membrane compartmentalizes specific metabolic functions in the intermediary metabolism of various aerobic eukarya. In yeast, peroxisomal membranes are typified by their small width (±7–8 nm) and absence of large integral membrane proteins in freeze-etch replicas. They show a unique polypeptide profile which, in contrast to their phospholipid composition, differs from that of other membranes in the cell. Part of these proteins are substrate- inducible and are probably related to specific peroxisomal function(s). In vivo, the observed proton motive force across the peroxisomal membrane may play a role in the function of the organelle in that it contributes to the driving force required for selective transport of various enzyme substrates and/or metabolic intermediates. To date only few peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs) have been functionally characterized. A major constitutive 31-kDa PMP present in the peroxisomal membrane of Hansenula polymorpha has been purified and was shown to display poreforming properties. In addition, a peroxisomal H+-ATPase has been identified which most probably is involved in the generation/maintenance of the in vivo pH gradient across the peroxisomal membrane. Other functions of peroxisomal membrane proteins remain obscure although the first genes encoding yeast PMPs are now being cloned and sequenced. Studies on peroxisome-deficient yeast mutants revealed that specific peroxisome functions are strictly dependent on the intactness of the peroxisomal membrane. In this contribution several examples are presented of metabolic disorders due to peroxisomal malfunction in yeast.  相似文献   

Induction of long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP) in excitatory neurons triggers a transient enlargement of dendritic spines followed by decay to sustained size expansion, a process termed structural LTP which contributes to the cellular basis of learning and memory. The activity-induced structural changes in dendritic spines involve spatiotemporal coordination of actin cytoskeleton reorganization, membrane trafficking and membrane remodeling. In this review, we discuss recent progresses in understanding the complex mechanisms underlying structural LTP, with an emphasis on the interplay between the spine plasma membrane and the actin cytoskeleton. We also highlight open questions and challenges to further understand this interesting cell neurobiological phenomenon.  相似文献   

The structural, compositional and mechanical properties of the spines of the dorsal fin in mature anosteocytic blue tilapia Oreochromis aureus and osteocytic common carp Cyprinus carpio are described, as well as their temporal growth pattern and regenerative capacities. The three‐dimensional architecture of both spines, from macro to sub‐micron levels, is shown to be axially oriented and therefore highly anisotropic and the spines of both species are able to regenerate after partial amputation.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin (Syt) constitutes a large family of putative membrane trafficking proteins that share a short extracellular domain, a single N-terminal transmembrane domain, and C-terminal tandem C2 domains. In this study, I identified and characterized a novel member of the Syt family (named Syt XV-a) in the mouse, the rat, and humans. Although Syt XV-a protein has a short hydrophobic region at the very end of the N terminus (i.e., lacks a putative extracellular domain), biochemical and cellular analyses have indicated that the short hydrophobic region (amino acids 5-22) is sufficient for producing type I membrane topology in cultured cells, the same as in other Syt family proteins. Unlike other Syt isoforms, however, the mouse and human Syt XV have an alternative splicing isoform that lacks the C-terminal portion of the C2B domain (named Syt XV-b). Since the expression of Syt XV-a/b mRNA was mainly found in non-neuronal tissues (e.g., lung and testis) and Syt XV-a C2 domains lack Ca(2+)-dependent phospholipid binding activity, Syt XV-a is classified as a non-neuronal, Ca(2+)-independent Syt.  相似文献   

Dynamic synapses facilitate activity‐dependent remodeling of neural circuits, thereby providing the structural substrate for adaptive behaviors. However, the mechanisms governing dynamic synapses in adult brain are still largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that in the cortex of adult amyloid precursor protein knockout (APP‐KO) mice, spine formation and elimination were both reduced while overall spine density remained unaltered. When housed under environmental enrichment, APP‐KO mice failed to respond with an increase in spine density. Spine morphology was also altered in the absence of APP. The underlying mechanism of these spine abnormalities in APP‐KO mice was ascribed to an impairment in D‐serine homeostasis. Extracellular D‐serine concentration was significantly reduced in APP‐KO mice, coupled with an increase of total D‐serine. Strikingly, chronic treatment with exogenous D‐serine normalized D‐serine homeostasis and restored the deficits of spine dynamics, adaptive plasticity, and morphology in APP‐KO mice. The cognitive deficit observed in APP‐KO mice was also rescued by D‐serine treatment. These data suggest that APP regulates homeostasis of D‐serine, thereby maintaining the constitutive and adaptive plasticity of dendritic spines in adult brain.  相似文献   

The initial line of defense against infection is sustained by the innate immune system. Together, membrane-bound Toll-like receptors and cytosolic nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat-containing receptors (NLR) play key roles in the innate immune response by detecting bacterial and viral invaders as well as endogenous stress signals. NLRs are multi-domain proteins with varying N-terminal effector domains that are responsible for regulating downstream signaling events. Here, we report the structure and dynamics of the N-terminal pyrin domain of NLRP12 (NLRP12 PYD) determined using NMR spectroscopy. NLRP12 is a non-inflammasome NLR that has been implicated in the regulation of Toll-like receptor-dependent nuclear factor-κB activation. NLRP12 PYD adopts a typical six-helical bundle death domain fold. By direct comparison with other PYD structures, we identified hydrophobic residues that are essential for the stable fold of the NLRP PYD family. In addition, we report the first in vitro confirmed non-homotypic PYD interaction between NLRP12 PYD and the pro-apoptotic protein Fas-associated factor 1 (FAF-1), which links the innate immune system to apoptotic signaling. Interestingly, all residues that participate in this protein:protein interaction are confined to the α2-α3 surface, a region of NLRP12 PYD that differs most between currently reported NLRP PYD structures. Finally, we experimentally highlight a significant role for tryptophan 45 in the interaction between NLRP12 PYD and the FAF-1 UBA domain.  相似文献   

The results of full-atom molecular dynamics simulations of the transmembrane domains (TMDs) of both native, and Glu664-mutant (either protonated or unprotonated) Neu in an explicit fully hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer are presented. For the native TMD peptide, a 10.05 ns trajectory was collected, while for the mutant TMD peptides 5.05 ns trajectories were collected for each. The peptides in all three simulations display stable predominantly -helical hydrogen bonding throughout the trajectories. The only significant exception occurs near the C-terminal end of the native and unprotonated mutant TMDs just outside the level of the lipid headgroups, where -helical hydrogen bonding develops, introducing a kink in the backbone structure. However, there is no indication of the formation of a bulge within the hydrophobic region of either native or mutant peptides. Over the course of the simulation of the mutant peptide, it is found that a significant number of water molecules penetrate the hydrophobic region of the surrounding lipid molecules, effectively hydrating Glu664. If the energy cost of such water penetration is significant enough, this may be a factor in the enhanced dimerization affinity of Glu664-mutant Neu.  相似文献   

NalP is an autotransporter secretory protein found in the outer membrane of Neisseria meningitidis. The crystal structure of the NalP translocator domain revealed a transmembrane β-barrel containing a central α-helix. The role of this α-helix, and of the conformational dynamics of the β-barrel pore have been studied via atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. Three simulations, each of 10 ns duration, of NalP embedded within a solvated DMPC bilayer were performed. The helix was removed from the barrel interior in one simulation. The conformational stability of the protein is similar to that of other outer membrane proteins, e.g., OmpA, in comparable simulations. The transmembrane β-barrel is stable even in the absence of the α-helix. Removal of the helix results in an influx of water into the pore region, suggesting the helix acts as a ‘plug’. Water molecules entering the resultant pore form hydrogen bonds with the barrel lining that compensate for the loss of helix-barrel hydrogen bonds. The dimensions of the pore fluctuate over the course of the simulation revealing it to be flexible, but only wide enough to allow transport of the passenger domain in an unfolded or extended conformation. The simulations help us to understand the role of the central helix in plugging the pore and in maintaining the width of the barrel, and show that the NalP monomer is sufficient for the transport of the passenger domain in an unfolded or extended conformation.  相似文献   

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