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The influence of cholesterol and POPE on lung surfactant model systems consisting of DPPC/DPPG (80:20) and DPPC/DPPG/surfactant protein C (80:20:0.4) has been investigated. Cholesterol leads to a condensation of the monolayers, whereas the isotherms of model lung surfactant films containing POPE exhibit a slight expansion combined with an increased compressibility at medium surface pressure (10-30 mN/m). An increasing amount of liquid-expanded domains can be visualized by means of fluorescence light microscopy in lung surfactant monolayers after addition of either cholesterol or POPE. At surface pressures of 50 mN/m, protrusions are formed which differ in size and shape as a function of the content of cholesterol or POPE, but only if SP-C is present. Low amounts of cholesterol (10 mol %) lead to an increasing number of protrusions, which also grow in size. This is interpreted as a stabilizing effect of cholesterol on bilayers formed underneath the monolayer. Extreme amounts of cholesterol (30 mol %), however, cause an increased monolayer rigidity, thus preventing reversible multilayer formation. In contrast, POPE, as a nonbilayer lipid thought to stabilize the edges of protrusions, leads to more narrow protrusions. The lateral extension of the protrusions is thereby more influenced than their height.  相似文献   

Melittin is a cationic hemolytic peptide isolated from the European honey bee, Apis mellifera. The organization of membrane-bound melittin has earlier been shown to be dependent on the physical state and composition of membranes. In this study, we covalently labeled the N-terminal (Gly-1) and Lys-7 of melittin with an environment-sensitive fluorescent probe, the NBD group, to monitor the influence of negatively charged lipids and cholesterol on the organization and dynamics of membrane-bound melittin. Our results show that the NBD group of melittin labeled at its N-terminal end does not exhibit red edge excitation shift in DOPC and DOPC/DOPG membranes, whereas the NBD group of melittin labeled at Lys-7 exhibits REES of approximately 8 nm. This could be attributed to difference in membrane microenvironment experienced by the NBD groups in these analogs. Interestingly, the membrane environment of the NBD groups is sensitive to the presence of cholesterol, which is supported by time-resolved fluorescence measurements. Importantly, the orientation of melittin is found to be parallel to the membrane surface as determined by membrane penetration depth analysis using the parallax method in all cases. Our results constitute the first report to our knowledge describing the orientation of melittin in cholesterol-containing membranes. These results assume significance in the overall context of the role of membrane lipids in the orientation and function of membrane proteins and peptides.  相似文献   

Biological membranes are characterized by a high degree of dynamics. In order to understand the function of membrane proteins and even more of membrane-associated peptides, these motional aspects have to be taken into consideration. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a method of choice when characterizing topological equilibria, molecular motions, lateral and rotational diffusion as well as dynamic oligomerization equilibria within fluid phase lipid bilayers. Here we show and review examples where the 15N chemical shift anisotropy, dipolar interactions and the deuterium quadrupolar splittings have been used to analyze motions of peptides such as peptaibols, antimicrobial sequences, Vpu, phospholamban or other channel domains. In particular, simulations of 15N and 2H-solid-state NMR spectra are shown of helical domains in uniaxially oriented membranes when rotation around the membrane normal or the helix long axis occurs.  相似文献   

Fructans are a group of fructose-based oligo- and polysaccharides, which appear to be involved in membrane preservation during dehydration by interacting with the membrane lipids. To get further understanding of the protective mechanism, the consequences of the fructan-membrane lipid interaction for the molecular organization and dynamics in the dry state were studied. POPC and DMPC were investigated in the dry state by (2)H, (31)P NMR, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using two types of fructan and dextran. The order-disorder transition temperature of dry POPC was reduced by 70 degrees C in the presence of fructan. Fructan increased the mobility of the acyl chains, but immobilized the lipid headgroup region. Most likely, fructans insert between the headgroups of lipids, thereby spacing the acyl chains. This results in a much lower phase transition temperature. The headgroup is immobilized by the interaction with fructan. The location of the interaction with the lipid headgroup is different for the inulin-type fructan compared to the levan-type fructan, since inulin shows interaction with the lipid phosphate group, whereas levan does not. Dextran did not influence the phase transition temperature of dry POPC showing that reduction of this temperature is not a general property of polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Biologically important peptides such as the Alzheimer peptide Abeta(1-40) display a reversible random coil <==>beta-structure transition at anionic membrane surfaces. In contrast to the well-studied random coil left arrow over right arrow alpha-helix transition of amphipathic peptides, there is a dearth on information on the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the random coil left arrow over right arrow beta-structure transition. Here, we present a new method to quantitatively analyze the thermodynamic parameters of the membrane-induced beta-structure formation. We have used the model peptide (KIGAKI)(3) and eight analogues in which two adjacent amino acids were substituted by their d-enantiomers. The positions of the d,d pairs were shifted systematically along the three identical segments of the peptide chain. The beta-structure content of the peptides was measured in solution and when bound to anionic lipid membranes with circular dichroism spectroscopy. The thermodynamic binding parameters were determined with isothermal titration calorimetry and the binding isotherms were analysed by combining a surface partition equilibrium with the Gouy-Chapman theory. The thermodynamic parameters were found to be linearly correlated with the extent of beta-structure formation. beta-Structure formation at the membrane surface is characterized by an enthalpy change of DeltaH(beta)=-0.23 kcal/mol per residue, an entropy change of DeltaS(beta)=-0.24 cal/mol K residue and a free energy change of DeltaG(beta)=-0.15 kcal/mol residue. An increase in temperature induces an unfolding of beta-structure. The residual free energy of membrane-induced beta-structure formation is close to that of membrane-induced alpha-helix formation.  相似文献   

Kóta Z  Páli T  Marsh D 《Biophysical journal》2004,86(3):1521-1531
Gramicidin A was incorporated at a peptide/lipid ratio of 1:10 mol/mol in aligned bilayers of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC), phosphatidylserine (DMPS), phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG), and phosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE), from trifluoroethanol. Orientations of the peptide and lipid chains were determined by polarized attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy. Lipid-peptide interactions with gramicidin A in DMPC bilayers were studied with different spin-labeled lipid species by using electron spin resonance spectroscopy. In DMPC membranes, the orientation of the lipid chains is comparable to that in the absence of peptide, in both gel and fluid phases. In gel-phase DMPC, the effective tilt of the peptide exceeds that of the lipid chains, but in the fluid phase both are similar. For gramicidin A in DMPS, DMPG, and DMPE, the degree of orientation of the peptide and lipid chains is less than in DMPC. In the fluid phase of DMPS, DMPG, and DMPE, gramicidin A is also less well oriented than are the lipid chains. In DMPE especially, gramicidin A is largely disordered. In DMPC membranes, three to four lipids per monomer experience direct motional restriction on interaction with gramicidin A. This is approximately half the number of lipids expected to contact the intramembranous perimeter of the gramicidin A monomer. A selectivity for certain negatively charged lipids is found in the interaction with gramicidin A in DMPC. These results are discussed in terms of the integration of gramicidin A channels in lipid bilayers, and of the interactions of lipids with integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion requires restructuring of lipid bilayers mediated by fusogenic membrane proteins. Peptides that correspond to natural transmembrane sequences or that have been designed to mimic them, such as low-complexity “Leu-Val” (LV) peptide sequences, can drive membrane fusion, presumably by disturbing the lipid bilayer structure. Here, we assess how peptides of different fusogenicity affect membrane structure using solid state NMR techniques. We find that the more fusogenic variants induce an unaligned lipid phase component and a large degree of phase separation as observed in 31P 2D spectra. The data support the idea that fusogenic peptides accumulate PE in a non-bilayer phase which may be critical for the induction of fusion.  相似文献   

Nicole Pfleger 《BBA》2009,1787(6):697-11946
Proteins of the proteorhodopsin (PR) family are found abundantly in many marine bacteria in the photic zone of the oceans. They are colour-tuned to their environment. The green absorbing species has been shown to act as a light-driven proton pump and thus could form a potential source of energy. The pKa of the primary proton acceptor is close to the pH of seawater which could also indicate a regulatory role. Here, we review and summarize our own recent findings in the context of known data and present some new results. Proton transfer in vitro by PR is shown by a fluorescence assay which confirms a pH dependent vectoriality. Previously reported low diffracting 2D crystal preparations of PR are assessed for their use for solid-state NMR by two dimensional 13C-13C DARR spectra. 15N-1H HETCOR MAS NMR experiments show bound water in the vicinity of the protonated Schiff base which could play a role in proton transfer. The effect of highly conserved H75 onto the properties of the chromophore has been investigated by single site mutations. They do show a pronounced effect onto the optical absorption maximum and the pKa of the proton acceptor but have only a small effect onto the 15N chemical shifts of the protonated Schiff base.  相似文献   

An expanded polyglutamine (Q) tract (>37Q) in huntingtin (htt) causes Huntington disease. Htt associates with membranes and polyglutamine expansion in htt may alter membrane function in Huntington disease through a mechanism that is not known. Here we used differential scanning calorimetry to examine the effects of polyQ expansion in htt on its insertion into lipid bilayers. We prepared synthetic lipid vesicles composed of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine and tested interactions of htt amino acids 1-89 with 20Q, 32Q or 53Q with the vesicles. GST-htt1-89 with 53Q inserted into synthetic lipid vesicles significantly more than GST-htt1-89 with 20Q or 32Q. We speculate that by inserting more into cell membranes, mutant huntingtin could increase disorder within the lipid bilayer and thereby disturb cellular membrane function.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interactions between the antimicrobial peptide Novicidin (Nc) and vesicles containing the phospholipid DOPC, with various amounts of DOPG and cholesterol using circular dichroism spectroscopy, calcein release, equilibrium dialysis and isothermal titration calorimetry. Nc adopts a random coil structure in the absence of lipids and in the presence of vesicles containing 100% DOPC. Lipids with 25–40% DOPG induce the highest level of helicity in Nc; higher DOPG levels lead to lower helicity levels and an altered tertiary arrangement of the peptide. However, the ability of Nc to permeabilize vesicles correlates not with helicity but rather with its overall membrane affinity, which is enthalpically favorable but opposed by entropy. Permeabilization declines with increasing mole percentage PG. Changes in helicity correlate with changes in enthalpy, reflecting the enthalpy of helix formation, but not with affinity. There is also a large favorable enthalpic interaction between Nc and lipids in the absence of negative charge and structural changes. Cholesterol slightly reduces membrane permeabilization but has little effect on Nc affinity and secondary structure, and probably protects the membrane by inducing the liquid ordered state. We conclude that helicity is not a prerequisite for activity, and charge–charge interactions are not the only major driving force for AMP interactions with membranes. Our data are compatible with a model in which a superficial binding mode with a large membrane surface binding area per peptide is more efficient than a more intimate embedding within the membrane environment.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates by means of FTIR/ATR analysis that water molecules intercalate at different extents in the acyl chain region of lipid membranes in correlation with the hydration of the phosphate groups.This correlation is sensible to the chain length, the presence of double bonds and the phase state of the lipid membrane.The presence of carbonyl groups CO modifies the profile of hydration of the two regions as observed from the comparison of DMPC and 14:0 Diether PC.The different water populations in lipid interphases would give arrangements with different free energy states that could drive the interaction of biological effectors with membranes.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental factors may contribute to high blood pressure, which is termed essential hypertension. Hypertension is a major independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke and renal failure; thus, elucidation of the etiopathology of hypertension merits further research. We recently reported that the platelets and neutrophils of patients with hypertension exhibit altered biophysical characteristics. In the present study, we assessed whether the major structural elements of erythrocyte plasma membranes are altered in individuals with hypertension. We compared the phospholipid (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, sphingosine) and cholesterol contents of erythrocytes from individuals with hypertension (HTN) and healthy individuals (HI) using LC/MS-MS. HTN erythrocytes contained higher phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine contents and a lower cholesterol content than HI erythrocytes. Furthermore, atomic force microscopy revealed important morphological changes in HTN erythrocytes, which reflected the increased membrane fragility and fluidity and higher levels of oxidative stress observed in HTN erythrocytes using spectrophotofluorometry, flow cytometry and spectrometry. This study reveals that alterations to the lipid contents of erythrocyte plasma membranes occur in hypertension, and these alterations in lipid composition result in morphological and physiological abnormalities that modify the dynamic properties of erythrocytes and contribute to the pathophysiology of hypertension.  相似文献   

To gain further insight into the antimicrobial activities of cationic linear peptides, we investigated the topology of each of two peptides, PGLa and magainin 2, in oriented phospholipid bilayers in the presence and absence of the other peptide and as a function of the membrane lipid composition. Whereas proton-decoupled 15N solid-state NMR spectroscopy indicates that magainin 2 exhibits stable in-plane alignments under all conditions investigated, PGLa adopts a number of different membrane topologies with considerable variations in tilt angle. Hydrophobic thickness is an important parameter that modulates the alignment of PGLa. In equimolar mixtures of PGLa and magainin 2, the former adopts transmembrane orientations in dimyristoyl-, but not 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-, phospholipid bilayers, whereas magainin 2 remains associated with the surface in all cases. These results have important consequences for the mechanistic models explaining synergistic activities of the peptide mixtures and will be discussed. The ensemble of data suggests that the thinning of the dimyristoyl membranes caused by magainin 2 tips the topological equilibrium of PGLa toward a membrane-inserted configuration. Therefore, lipid-mediated interactions play a fundamental role in determining the topology of membrane peptides and proteins and thereby, possibly, in regulating their activities as well.  相似文献   

The composition of the lipid bilayer is increasingly being recognised as important for the regulation of integral membrane protein folding and function, both in vivo and in vitro. The folding of only a few membrane proteins, however, has been characterised in different lipid environments. We have refolded the small multidrug transporter EmrE in vitro from a denatured state to a functional protein and monitored the influence of lipids on the folding process. EmrE is part of a multidrug resistance protein family that is highly conserved amongst bacteria and is responsible for bacterial resistance to toxic substances. We find that the secondary structure of EmrE is very stable and only small amounts are denatured even in the presence of unusually high denaturant concentrations involving a combination of 10 M urea and 5% SDS. Substrate binding by EmrE is recovered after refolding this denatured protein into dodecylmaltoside detergent micelles or into lipid vesicles. The yield of refolded EmrE decreases with lipid bilayer compositional changes that increase the lateral chain pressure within the bilayer, whilst conversely, the apparent rate of folding seems to increase. These results add further weight to the hypothesis that an increased lateral chain pressure hinders protein insertion across the bilayer. Once the protein is inserted, however, the greater pressure on the transmembrane helices accelerates correct packing and final folding. This work augments the relatively small number of biophysical folding studies in vitro on helical membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Phospholamban (PLB) is an integral membrane protein regulating Ca2+ transport through inhibitory interaction with sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA). The Asn27 to Ala (N27A) mutation of PLB has been shown to function as a superinhibitor of the affinity of SERCA for Ca2+ and of cardiac contractility in vivo. The effects of this N27A mutation on the side-chain and backbone dynamics of PLB were investigated with 2H and 15N solid-state NMR spectroscopy in phospholipid multilamellar vesicles (MLVs). 2H and 15N NMR spectra indicate that the N27A mutation does not significantly change the side-chain or backbone dynamics of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains when compared to wild-type PLB. However, dynamic changes are observed for the hinge region, in which greater mobility is observed for the CD3-labeled Ala24 N27A-PLB. The increased dynamics in the hinge region of PLB upon N27A mutation may allow the cytoplasmic helix to more easily interact with the Ca2+-ATPase; thus, showing increased inhibition of Ca2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Human LANCL2, also known as Testis-specific Adriamycin Sensitivity Protein (TASP), is a member of the highly conserved and widely distributed lanthionine synthetase component C-like (LANCL) protein family. Expression studies of tagged LANCL2 revealed the major localization to the plasma membrane, juxta-nuclear vesicles, and the nucleus, in contrast to the homologue LANCL1 that was mainly found in the cytosol and nucleus. We identified the unique N-terminus of LANCL2 to function as the membrane anchor and characterized the relevant N-terminal myristoylation and a basic phosphatidylinositol phosphate-binding site. Interestingly, the non-myristoylated protein was confined to the nucleus indicating that the myristoylation targets LANCL2 to the plasma membrane. Cholesterol depletion by methyl-β-cyclodextrin caused the partial dissociation of overexpressed LANCL2 from the plasma membrane in vitro, whereas in vivo we observed an enhanced cell detachment from the matrix. We found that overexpressed LANCL2 interacts with the cortical actin cytoskeleton and therefore may play a role in cytoskeleton reorganization and in consequence to cell detachment. Moreover, we confirmed previous data that LANCL2 overexpression enhances the cellular sensitivity to the anticancer drug adriamycin and found that this sensitivity is dependent on the myristoylation and membrane association of LANCL2.  相似文献   

The fusion peptides of HIV and influenza virus are crucial for viral entry into a host cell. We report the membrane-perturbing and structural properties of fusion peptides from the HA fusion protein of influenza virus and the gp41 fusion protein of HIV. Our goals were to determine: 1), how fusion peptides alter structure within the bilayers of fusogenic and nonfusogenic lipid vesicles and 2), how fusion peptide structure is related to the ability to promote fusion. Fluorescent probes revealed that neither peptide had a significant effect on bilayer packing at the water-membrane interface, but both increased acyl chain order in both fusogenic and nonfusogenic vesicles. Both also reduced free volume within the bilayer as indicated by partitioning of a lipophilic fluorophore into membranes. These membrane ordering effects were smaller for the gp41 peptide than for the HA peptide at low peptide/lipid ratio, suggesting that the two peptides assume different structures on membranes. The influenza peptide was predominantly helical, and the gp41 peptide was predominantly antiparallel beta-sheet when membrane bound, however, the depths of penetration of Trps of both peptides into neutral membranes were similar and independent of membrane composition. We previously demonstrated: 1), the abilities of both peptides to promote fusion but not initial intermediate formation during PEG-mediated fusion and 2), the ability of hexadecane to compete with this effect of the fusion peptides. Taken together, our current and past results suggest a hypothesis for a common mechanism by which these two viral fusion peptides promote fusion.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are able to translocate problematic therapeutic cargoes across cellular membranes. The exact mechanisms of translocation are still under investigation. However, evidence for endocytic uptake is increasing. We investigated the interactions of CPPs with phospholipid bilayers as first step of translocation. To this purpose, we employed four independent techniques, comprising (i) liposome buffer equilibrium dialysis, (ii) Trp fluorescence quenching, (iii) fluorescence polarization, and (iv) determination of ζ-potentials. Using unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) of different phospholipid composition, we compared weakly cationic human calcitonin (hCT)-derived peptides with the oligocationic CPPs pVEC and penetratin (pAntp). Apparent partition coefficients of hCT-derived peptides in neutral POPC LUVs were dependent on amino acid composition and secondary structure; partitioning in negatively charged POPC/POPG (80:20) LUVs was increased and mainly governed by electrostatic interactions. For hCT(9-32) and its derivatives, D values raised from about 100-200 in POPC to about 1000 to 1500 when negatively charged lipids were present. Localization profiles of CPPs obtained by Trp fluorescence quenching were dependent on the charge density of LUVs. In POPC/POPG, hCT-derived CPPs were located on the bilayer surface, whereas pVEC and pAntp resided deeper in the membrane. In POPG LUVs, an increase of fluorescence polarization was observed for pVEC and pAntp but not for hCT-derived peptides. Generally, we found strong peptide-phospholipid interactions, especially when negatively charged lipids were present.  相似文献   

Fluorescence interference-contrast (FLIC) microscopy is a powerful new technique to measure vertical distances from reflective surfaces. A pattern of varying intensity is created by constructive and destructive interference of the incoming and reflected light at the surface of an oxidized silicon chip. Different levels of this pattern are probed by manufacturing silicon chips with terraces of oxide layers of different heights. Fluorescence collected from membranes that are deposited on these terraces is then used to measure the distance of the fluorescent probes from the silicon oxide surface. Here, we applied the method to measure the distance between supported lipid bilayers and the surface of oxidized silicon chips. For plain fluid phosphatidylcholine bilayers, this distance was 1.7 +/- 1.0 nm. The cleft distance was increased to 3.9 +/- 0.9 nm in bilayers that were supported on a 3400-Da polyethylene glycol cushion. This distance is close to the Flory distance (4.8 nm) that would be expected for a grafted random coil of this polymer. In a second application, the distance of a membrane-bound protein from the membrane surface was measured. The integral membrane protein syntaxin1A/SNAP25 (t-SNARE) was reconstituted into tethered polymer-supported bilayers. A soluble form of the green fluorescent protein/vesicle-associated membrane protein (GFP-VAMP) was bound to the reconstituted t-SNAREs. The distance of the GFP from the membrane surface was 16.5 +/- 2.8 nm, indicating an upright orientation of the rod-shaped t-SNARE/v-SNARE complex from the membrane surface.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids are ubiquitous components of animal cell membranes. They are constituted by the basic structure of ceramide with its hydroxyl group linked to single carbohydrates or oligosaccharide chains of different complexity. The combination of the properties of their hydrocarbon moiety with those derived from the variety and complexity of their hydrophilic polar head groups confers to these lipids an extraordinary capacity for molecular-to-supramolecular transduction across the lateral/transverse planes in biomembranes and beyond. In our opinion, most of the advances made over the last decade on the biophysical behavior of glycosphingolipids can be organized into three related aspects of increasing structural complexity: (1) intrinsic codes: local molecular interactions of glycosphingolipids translated into structural self-organization. (2) Surface topography: projection of molecular shape and miscibility of glycosphingolipids into formation of coexisting membrane domains. (3) Beyond the membrane interface: glycosphingolipid as modulators of structural topology, bilayer recombination and surface biocatalysis.  相似文献   

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