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All-atom molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on cimetidine in the presence of a palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) bilayer. The free energy profile of a single cimetidine molecule passing across POPC bilayer displays a minimum at the interface of bilayer and water. Ten cimetidine molecules were inserted into POPC bilayer to obtain an 8 mol % drug model, and molecular dynamics results showed that cimetidine molecules reside at the polar region of POPC bilayer with sulphur atoms directing to the hydrophobic region. By comparing the one drug model with 8 mol % drug model, one can see that the central barrier to cross the membrane increases while the free energy in bulk water decreases, indicating that the ability of cimetidine passing across the POPC bilayer weakens at increased concentration. In addition, the free energy minimum shifts closer to the hydrophobic core. Our results indicate that with the increased drug concentration, it is more difficult for cimetidine to enter and pass across POPC bilayer.  相似文献   

A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with atomistic details was performed to examine the partitioning and transport behavior of moderately cytotoxic ionic liquids (ILs), namely choline bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate (CBEH), choline bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinate (CTMP) and choline O,O-diethyl dithiophosphate (CDEP) in a fully hydrated dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayer in the fluid phase at 323?K. The structure of ILs was so selected to understand if the role of dipole and dispersion forces in the ILs distribution in the membrane can be possible. Several analyses including mass density, electrostatic potential, order parameter, diffusion coefficients and hydrogen bond formation, was carried out to determine the precise location of the anionic species inside the membrane. Moreover, the potential of the mean force (PMF) method was used to calculate free energy profile for transferring anionic species from the DPPC membrane into the bulk water. While less cytotoxic DEP is located within the bulk water, more cytotoxic TMP and BEH ILs were found to remain in the membrane and the energy barrier for crossing through the bilayer center of BEH was higher. Various ILs have no significant effect on P–N vector. The thickness of lipid bilayer decreased in all systems comprising ILs, while area per lipid increased.  相似文献   

Amphotericin B (AmB) is a polyene macrolide antibiotic used to treat systemic fungal infections. The molecular mechanism of AmB action is still only partly characterized. AmB interacts with cell-membrane components and forms membrane channels that eventually lead to cell death. The interaction between AmB and the membrane surface can be regarded as the first (presumably crucial) step on the way to channel formation. In this study molecular dynamics simulations were performed for an AmB–lipid bilayer model in order to characterize the molecular aspects of AmB–membrane interactions. The system studied contained a box of 200 dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) molecules, a single AmB molecule placed on the surface of the lipid bilayer and 8,065 water molecules. Two molecular dynamics simulations (NVT ensemble), each lasting 1 ns, were performed for the model studied. Two different programs, CHARMM and NAMD2, were used in order to test simulation conditions. The analysis of MD trajectories brought interesting information concerning interactions between polar groups of AmB and both DMPC and water molecules. Our studies show that AmB preferentially took a vertical position, perpendicular to the membrane surface, with no propensity to enter the membrane. Our finding may suggest that a single AmB molecule entering the membrane is very unlikely.Figure The figure presents the whole structure of the system simulated—starting point. AmB is presented as a space-filling model, DMPC molecules—green sticks, water molecules—red sticks  相似文献   

Amphotericin B (AmB) is an effective but very toxic antifungal antibiotic. In our laboratory a series of AmB derivatives of improved selectivity of action was synthesized and tested. To understand molecular basis of this improvement, comparative conformational studies of amphotericin B and its two more selective derivatives were carried out in an aqueous solution and in a lipid membrane. These molecular simulation studies revealed that within a membrane environment the conformational behavior of the derivatives differs significantly from the one observed for the parent molecule. Possible reasons for such a difference are analyzed. Furthermore, we hypothesize that the observed conformational transition within the polar head of AmB derivatives may lead to destabilization of antibiotic-induced transmembrane channels. Consequently, the selective toxicity of the derivatives should increase as ergosterol-rich liquid-ordered domains are more rigid and conformationally ordered than their cholesterol-containing counterparts, and as such may better support less stable channel structure.  相似文献   

The results of full-atom molecular dynamics simulations of the transmembrane domains (TMDs) of both native, and Glu664-mutant (either protonated or unprotonated) Neu in an explicit fully hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer are presented. For the native TMD peptide, a 10.05 ns trajectory was collected, while for the mutant TMD peptides 5.05 ns trajectories were collected for each. The peptides in all three simulations display stable predominantly -helical hydrogen bonding throughout the trajectories. The only significant exception occurs near the C-terminal end of the native and unprotonated mutant TMDs just outside the level of the lipid headgroups, where -helical hydrogen bonding develops, introducing a kink in the backbone structure. However, there is no indication of the formation of a bulge within the hydrophobic region of either native or mutant peptides. Over the course of the simulation of the mutant peptide, it is found that a significant number of water molecules penetrate the hydrophobic region of the surrounding lipid molecules, effectively hydrating Glu664. If the energy cost of such water penetration is significant enough, this may be a factor in the enhanced dimerization affinity of Glu664-mutant Neu.  相似文献   

Order parameters from deuterium NMR are often used to validate or calibrate molecular dynamics simulations. This paper gives a short overview of the literature in which experimental order parameters from 2H NMR are compared to those calculated from MD simulations. The different ways in which order parameters from experiment are used to calibrate and validate simulations are reviewed. In the second part of this review, a case study of cholesterol in a DMPC bilayer is presented. It is concluded that the agreement between experimental data and simulation is favorable in the hydrophobic region of the membrane, for both the phospholipids and cholesterol. In the interfacial region the agreement is less satisfactory, probably because of the high polarity of this region which makes the correct computation of the electrostatics more complex. Presented at the joint biannual meeting of the SFB-GEIMM-GRIP, Anglet France, 14–19 October, 2006.  相似文献   

In order to investigate structural and dynamical properties of local anesthetic articaine in a model lipid bilayer, a series of molecular dynamics simulations have been performed. Simulations were carried out for neutral and charged (protonated) forms of articaine inserted in fully hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer. For comparison purpose, a fully hydrated DMPC bilayer without articaine was also simulated. The length of each simulation was 200 ns. Various properties of the lipid bilayer systems in the presence of both charged and uncharged forms of articaine taken at two different concentrations have been examined: membrane area per lipid, mass density distributions, order parameters, radial distribution functions, head group tilt, diffusion coefficients, electrostatic potential, etc, and compared with results of previous simulations of DMPC bilayer in the presence of lidocaine. It was shown that addition of both charged and neutral forms of articaine causes increase of the dipole electrostatic potential in the membrane interior.  相似文献   

Liposomal formulation of curcumin is an important therapeutic agent for the treatment of various cancers. Despite extensive studies on the biological effects of this formulation in cancer treatment, much remains unknown about curcumin–liposome interactions. Understanding how different lipid bilayers respond to curcumin molecule may help us to design more effective liposomal curcumin. Here, we used molecular dynamics simulation method to investigate the behavior of curcumin in two lipid bilayers commonly used in preparation of liposomal curcumin, namely dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG). First, the free energy barriers for translocation of one curcumin molecule from water to the lipid bilayer were determined by using the potential of mean force (PMF). The computed free energy profile exhibits a global minimum at the solvent–headgroup interface (LH region) for both lipid membranes. We also evaluated the free energy difference between the equilibrium position of curcumin in the lipid bilayer and bulk water as the excess chemical potential. Our results show that curcumin has the higher affinity in DMPG compared to DPPC lipid bilayer (?8.39 vs. ?1.69 kBT) and this is related to more hydrogen bond possibility for curcumin in DMPG lipid membrane. Next, using an unconstrained molecular dynamic simulation with curcumin initially positioned at the center of lipid bilayer, we studied various properties of each lipid bilayer system in the presence of curcumin molecule that was in full agreement with PMF and experimental data. The results of these simulation studies suggest that membrane composition could have a large effect on interaction of curcumin–lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

We have examined the temperature-dependent reorientation dynamics of perylene imbedded in bilayers of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC), where the bilayers exist in the form of unilamellar vesicles. Previous work using 100-nm diameter DMPC vesicles has shown that the phase transition from the gel phase to the fluid phase can be detected using the reorientation dynamics of perylene. In this work we explore the vesicle size dependence of the perylene reorientation dynamics in DMPC vesicles. The size of the vesicles is determined by extrusion and the reorientation dynamics of perylene are measured as a function of vesicle size between 100-nm and 5-microm diameter. We find that, while the phase transition for DMPC is seen in smaller vesicles, perylene becomes insensitive to the phase transition for vesicles larger than ca. 800-nm diameter. We also find a discontinuous change in perylene reorientation dynamics with increasing vesicle size, and we consider this result in the context of the location of perylene within the bilayer.  相似文献   

In this research, for the first time, molecular dynamics (MD) method was used to simulate aspirin and ibuprofen at various concentrations and in neutral and charged states. Effects of the concentration (dosage), charge state, and existence of an integral protein in the membrane on the diffusion rate of drug molecules into lipid bilayer membrane were investigated on 11 systems, for which the parameters indicating diffusion rate and those affecting the rate were evaluated. Considering the diffusion rate, a suitable score was assigned to each system, based on which, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. By calculating the effect size of the indicative parameters and total scores, an optimum system with the highest diffusion rate was determined. Consequently, diffusion rate controlling parameters were obtained: the drug–water hydrogen bond in protein-free systems and protein–drug hydrogen bond in the systems containing protein.  相似文献   

The end-to-end stretching of a duplex DNA oligonucleotide has been studied using potential of mean force (PMF) calculations based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiments. Near quantitative agreement between the calculations and experiments was obtained for both the extension length and forces associated with strand separation. The PMF calculations show that the oligonucleotide extends without a significant energetic barrier from a length shorter than A-DNA to a length 2.4 times the contour length of B-DNA at which the barrier to strand separation is encountered. Calculated forces associated with the barrier are 0.09±0.03 nN, based on assumptions concerning tip and thermal-activated barrier crossing contributions to the forces. Direct AFM measurements show the oligonucleotide strands separating at 2.6±0.8 contour lengths with a force of 0.13±0.05 nN. Analysis of the energies from the MD simulations during extension reveals compensation between increases in the DNA-self energy and decreases in the DNA-solvent interaction energy, allowing for the barrierless extension of DNA beyond the canonical B form. The barrier to strand separation occurs when unfavorable DNA interstrand repulsion cannot be compensated for by favorable DNA-solvent interactions. The present combination of single molecule theoretical and experimental approaches produces a comprehensive picture of the free energy surface of biological macromolecular structural transitions. Received: 2 June 1998 / Revised version: 25 January 1999 / Accepted: 11 February 1999  相似文献   

Oxidation of unsaturated membrane phospholipids by oxidative stress is associated with inflammation, infection, numerous diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. Lipid oxidation is observed in experimental samples when the parent lipid is exposed to oxidative stressors. The effect of phospholipid oxidation on the properties of biological membranes are still being explored, while low concentrations (0.1–2.0?mol%) of oxidised phospholipids are associated with disease states [1]. Previous computational studies have focused on the effect of high concentrations (~50?mol%) of oxidised phospholipids on binary lipid bilayers. This work systematically characterises the effect of lower concentrations (~10?mol%) of two oxidised lipid species, PoxnoPC (1-palmitoyl-2-(9′-oxo-nonanoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) or PazePC (1-palmitoyl-2-azelaoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), on POPC/cholesterol and pure POPC bilayers. During μs atomistic simulations in pure POPC bilayers, PoxnoPC and PazePC reoriented their oxidised sn-2 acyl chains towards the solution, and PazePC adopted an extended conformation. The addition of 20?mol% cholesterol not only modulated the fluidity of the bilayers; it also modulated the flexibility of the PoxnoPC oxidised sn-2 tail, reducing bilayer disorder. In contrast, the addition of cholesterol had little effect on bilayers containing PazePC. Our studies show that the effect of oxidised lipids on the biophysical properties of a multicomponent bilayer cannot be intuitively extrapolated from a binary lipid system.  相似文献   

Ion conduction in K+-channels is usually described in terms of concerted movements of K+ progressing in a single file through a narrow pore. Permeation is driven by an incoming ion knocking on those ions already inside the protein. A fine-tuned balance between high-affinity binding and electrostatic repulsive forces between permeant ions is needed to achieve efficient conduction. While K+-channels are known to be highly selective for K+ over Na+, some K+ channels conduct Na+ in the absence of K+. Other ions are known to permeate K+-channels with a more moderate preference and unusual conduction features. We describe an extensive computational study on ion conduction in K+-channels rendering free energy profiles for the translocation of three different alkali ions and some of their mixtures. The free energy maps for Rb+ translocation show at atomic level why experimental Rb+ conductance is slightly lower than that of K+. In contrast to K+ or Rb+, external Na+ block K+ currents, and the sites where Na+ transport is hindered are characterized. Translocation of K+/Na+ mixtures is energetically unfavorable owing to the absence of equally spaced ion-binding sites for Na+, excluding Na+ from a channel already loaded with K+.  相似文献   

Ion channels catalyze the permeation of charged molecules across cell membranes and are essential for many vital physiological functions, including nerve and muscle activity. To understand better the mechanisms underlying ion conduction and valence selectivity of narrow ion channels, we have employed free energy techniques to calculate the potential of mean force (PMF) for ion movement through the prototypical gramicidin A channel. Employing modern all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) force fields with umbrella sampling methods that incorporate one hundred 1-2 ns trajectories, we find that it is possible to achieve semi-quantitative agreement with experimental binding and conductance measurements. We also examine the sensitivity of the MD-PMF results to the choice of MD force field and compare PMFs for potassium, calcium and chloride ions to explore the basis for the valence selectivity of this narrow and uncharged ion channel. A large central barrier is observed for both anions and divalent ions, consistent with lack of experimental conductance. Neither anion or divalent cation is seen to be stabilized inside the channel relative to the bulk electrolyte and each leads to large disruptions to the protein and membrane structure when held deep inside the channel. Weak binding of calcium ions outside the channel corresponds to a free energy well that is too shallow to demonstrate channel blocking. Our findings emphasize the success of the MD-PMF approach and the sensitivity of ion energetics to the choice of biomolecular force field.  相似文献   

Because the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) functions as approximately half of the transmembrane domain of the amyloid precursor protein and interaction of Aβ with membranes is proposed to result in neurotoxicity, the association of Aβ with membranes likely is important in the etiology of Alzheimer’s disease. Atomic details of the interaction of Aβ with membranes are not accessible with most experimental techniques, but computational methods can provide this information. Here, we present the results of ten 100-ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the 40-residue amyloid β-peptide (Aβ40) embedded in a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayer. The present study examines the effects of insertion depth, protonation state of key residues, and ionic strength on Aβ40 in a DPPC bilayer. In all cases, a portion of the peptide remained embedded in the bilayer. In the case of deeper insertion depth, Aβ40 adopted a near-transmembrane orientation, drawing water molecules into the bilayer to associate with its charged amino acids. In the case of shallower insertion, the most widely-accepted construct, the peptide associated strongly with the membrane-water interface and the phosphatidylcholine headgroups of the bilayer. In most cases, significant disordering of the extracellular segment of the peptide was observed, and the brief appearance of a β-strand was noted in one case. Our results compare well with a variety of experimental and computational findings. From this study, we conclude that Aβ associated with membranes is dynamic and capable of adopting a number of conformations, each of which may have significance in understanding the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

Piscidin 1 (Pis‐1) has a high broad‐spectrum activity against bacteria, fungi, and viruses but it also has a moderate hemolytic activities. To improve the antibacterial activity and to reduce toxicity, mutants Pis‐1AA (G8A/G13A double mutant) and Pis‐1PG (G8P mutant) have been designed based on the crystal structure of Pis‐1. Eighteen independent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of Pis‐1 and its mutants with membranes are conducted in this article. Furthermore, 60 independent MD simulations of three peptides in water box have also been discussed for comparison. The results indicate that the unfolding process starts at the middle of the peptide. Pis‐1 disrupts easily in the region of Val10‐Lys14. Pis‐1PG has a flexible N‐terminal region, and the interaction between N‐terminal and C‐terminal is very weak. Pis‐1AA has the most stable helical structure. In addition, percentage of native contacts and hydrogen bonds analysis are also performed. Lipid‐peptide interaction analysis suggests that Pis‐1 and Pis‐1AA has a stronger interaction with the zwitterionic dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) lipid bilayer than Pis‐1PG. When compared with the results of peptide with membrane, peptides are unstable and unfolding quickly in water solution. Our results are applicable in examining diversities on hemolytic, antibacterial, and selectivity of antimicrobial peptides. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 97:998–1009, 2012.  相似文献   

Phase modulation fluorescence spectroscopy was used to investigate the influence of cholesterol (0 to 50 mol%) on acyl chain dynamics in multilamellar vesicles of phosphatidylcholine. Four different phosphatidylcholines (DPPC, DOPC, POPC, and egg PC) and six different fluorescent probes (diphenylhexatriene and five anthroyloxy fatty acids) were employed. We found that: (1) Increased cholesterol content had only slight effects on fluorescence lifetimes of the six probes. (2) Increased cholesterol content increased the steady-state fluorescence anisotropy (r) of all the probes except 16-anthroyloxy palmitate (16-AP) in each of the four phosphatidylcholines. (3) Added cholesterol tended to limit the extent of probe rotation (as reflected by r, the infinite-time anisotropy) to a much greater extent than it altered the rate of probe rotation. (4) The tendency for cholesterol to order the structure of the bilayer was greatest in the proximal half of the acyl chains and diminished toward the center of the bilayer. (5) In some phosphatidylcholines the rotation rates of probes located near the bilayer center (diphenylhexatriene and 16-AP) were apparently increased by increasing levels of cholesterol. (6) In several respects dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles responded differently to increased cholesterol than vesicles of the other three phosphatidylcholines. (7) A single second-order equation described the relationship between rand r for the five anthroyloxy fatty acid probes in the four different phosphatidylcholines over a wide range of cholesterol content. The data for diphenylhexatriene in the different phosphatidylcholines could not be fit by a single equation.  相似文献   

Gentamicin is a potent antibiotic that is used in combination therapy for inhalation anthrax disease. The drug is also often used in therapy for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcusaureus. Gentamicin works by flipping a conformational switch on the ribosome, disrupting the reading head (i.e., 16S ribosomal decoding bases 1492-1493) used for decoding messenger RNA. We use explicit solvent all-atom molecular simulation to study the thermodynamics of the ribosomal decoding site and its interaction with gentamicin. The replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations used an aggregate sampling of 15 μs when summed over all replicas, allowing us to explicitly calculate the free-energy landscape, including a rigorous treatment of enthalpic and entropic effects. Here, we show that the decoding bases flip on a timescale faster than that of gentamicin binding, supporting a stochastic gating mechanism for antibiotic binding, rather than an induced-fit model where the bases only flip in the presence of a ligand. The study also allows us to explore the nonspecific binding landscape near the binding site and reveals that, rather than a two-state bound/unbound scenario, drug dissociation entails shuttling between many metastable local minima in the free-energy landscape. Special care is dedicated to validation of the obtained results, both by direct comparison to experiment and by estimation of simulation convergence.  相似文献   

The dynamics of lipid hydrocarbon chains in phosphatidylcholine (dimyristoyl- or dipalmitoyl-) and cholesterol/dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine membranes were investigated by nanosecond time-resolved fluorescence depolarization measurements on a lipophilic fluorescent probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene embedded in the membranes. In the pure lipid membranes, both the range (amplitude) and the rate of the wobbling motion of the probe increased sigmoidally with temperature reflecting the thermotropic phase transition of the lipid. The rise in the rate slightly preceded the increase in the range, suggesting that the fluctuation of lipid chains is activated to a high level before the ordered array of chains melt into the liquid-crystalline phase. Above the transition temperature, incorporation of cholesterol resulted in a dramatic decrease in the range of wobbling motion while the rate remained high. Below the transition, on the other hand, cholesterol had little effect on the range, whereas the rate was greatly increased. These effects of cholesterol are remarkably similar to the effects of cytochrome oxidase on lipid chain dynamics (Kinosita, K., Jr., Kawato, S., Ikegami, A., Yoshida, S. and Orii, Y. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 647, 7–17).  相似文献   

Liposomal cytarabine, DepoCyt, is a chemotherapy agent which is used in cancer treatment. This form of cytarabine has more efficacy and fewer side effects relative to the other forms. Since DepoCyt contains the cytarabine encapsulated within phosphatidylcholine and the sterol molecules, we modeled dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC)/cholesterol bilayer membrane as a carrier for cytarabine to study drug–bilayer interactions. For this purpose, we performed a series of united-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for 25?ns to investigate the interactions between cytarabine and cholesterol-containing DOPC lipid bilayers. Only the uncharged form of cytarabine molecule was investigated. In this study, different levels of the cholesterol content (0, 20, and 40%) were used. MD simulations allowed us to determine dynamical and structural properties of the bilayer membrane and to estimate the preferred location and orientation of the cytarabine molecule inside the bilayer membrane. Properties such as membrane thickness, area per lipid, diffusion coefficient, mass density, bilayer packing, order parameters, and intermolecular interactions were examined. The results show that by increasing the cholesterol concentration in the lipid bilayers, the bilayer thickness increases and area per lipid decreases. Moreover, in accordance with the experiments, our calculations show that cholesterol molecules have ordering effect on the hydrocarbon acyl chains. Furthermore, the cytarabine molecule preferentially occupies the polar region of the lipid head groups to form specific interactions (hydrogen bonds). Our results fully support the experimental data. Our finding about drug–bilayer interaction is crucial for the liposomal drug design.  相似文献   

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