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The development of the motor reaction to i.v. injection of the sodium salt of penicillin G in a dose of 0.9 x 10(6) I.U./kg egg weight was studied in chick embryos (normal and spinal) from the 11th to the 19th day of incubation. Penicillin first caused standard activation of embryonal motility from the 15th day of incubation, in both normal and spinal embryos. Activation was at first continuous in character (a twofold increase in the frequency of spontaneous movements). In 17- and particularly in 19-day embryos a typical paroxysmal reaction developed, with pronounced intervals of motor rest. The proportion of the spinal component in the penicillin reaction was abut 40% and of the supraspinal component about 60% of total motor activity. In older embryos (after the 15th day of incubation), the motor reaction to penicillin could be effectively modified by the systemic administration of glycine and GABA. It is concluded from the results that penicillin does not activate embryonal motor activity until a given stage of development of the CNS has been attained. It is a developmental phenomenon with a spinal and a supraspinal component, in which central inhibitory mechanisms participate.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic studies have been made of the nervous tissue in three parts of the tecto-thalamo-telencephalic visual system--i.e. tectum opticum, nucleus rotundus of thalamus and ectostriatum of telencephalon--of 13-day chick embryos. Neuroblasts and neurones at various stages of differentiation were described together with various types of synaptic and nonsynaptic intercellular contacts in the neuropil of these brain structures. Heterochronous maturation of these parts of the visual system in embryogenesis was noted which reflects the level of their phylogenetic maturity. Being phylogenetically more ancient structures, tectum opticum and nucleus rotundus reveal differentiation earlier than ectostriatum which is phylogenetically younger.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic investigation has been made of the main structural components of the nervous tissue in two divisions of the telencephalon (the dorsal ventricular ridge and striatum) in 10-day chick embryos. Special attention was paid to the degree of maturation of cellular elements of the nervous tissue, the development of neuropil and the level of synaptogenesis. The data obtained suggest heterochronous maturation of the divisions investigated. Striatum, being phylogenetically more ancient structure, is formed prior to the dorsal ventricular ridge.  相似文献   

The amounts of estradiol released into culture media by ovaries from 19-day-old hypophysectomized (decapitated) and sham-operated chick embryos were determined by RIA. Per single ovary, ovaries from decapitated embryos secreted slightly less estradiol than ovaries from sham-operated ones during a 4-h culture period (837 +/- 413 vs 935 +/- 378 pg), but this difference was not significant. On an ovarian weight basis, ovaries from decapitated embryos secreted slightly more estradiol than ovaries from sham-operated ones (1.15 vs 0.91 ng), but this difference was not significant either. It is concluded from these results that the hypophysis does not control estradiol secretion by the ovary in the 19-day-old chick embryo.  相似文献   

N. L. Chub 《Neurophysiology》1991,23(3):257-261
The effects were investigated of applying L-DOPA, dopamine (DA), and noradrenaline (NA) on spontaneous activity (cyclic fluctuations in electrotonic dorsal and ventral root (DR and VR) potentials generated by a section of spinal cord isolated from 16 to 20-day-old chick embryos. A low concentration of L-DOPA (30–150 µm) intensified operation of the spinal generator, giving rise to above-threshold rhythm (i.e., spike activity in the DR and the VR). At a high concentration, L-DOPA produced inhibition of generator operation, although spontaneous activity did intensify during subsequent washout of the substance, with the onset of above-threshold rhythm. Both DA and NA failed to affect spontaneous activity in the VR and the DR at a concentration to 50 µM but a concentration of 100 µM produced inhibition. Application of 20 µM 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid blocked the reinforced spontaneous activity produced by low L-DOPA concentrations. Activity generated by the neuronal network of the isolated dorsal horn rose under the effects of low L-DOPA concentrations; rhythmic activity was observed neither before nor after applying this substance in isolated ventral horn. Findings obtained would point to the occurrence of a direct (i.e., non-catecholamine dependent) excitatory influence of L-DOPA on the neuronal network of the chick embryo dorsal horn.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 338–343, May–June, 1991.  相似文献   

The effects of the acute and chronic administration of a pure opioid antagonist--naltrexone--was studied in chick embryos from the 4th to the 19th day of incubation. In acute administration, naltrexone (40 mg/kg egg weight) induced paroxysmal activation of spontaneous motility in both normal and spinal embryos from the 13th-15th day of incubation. Activation attained 3- to 4-fold the resting activity of chick embryos of the same ages. The chronic administration of naltrexone (7.46 +/- 1.18 mg/kg e.w. per 24 h) from the 4th to the 16th day of incubation was not manifested either in the embryos' somatic development or in the weight of the brain hemispheres, but it depressed the development of spontaneous motility to 26.1-75.8% of the activity of the control embryos. This developmental effect was not demonstrably correlated either to the length of time for which naltrexone was administered, or to when, in the course of incubation, it was administered to the chick embryos. The results are evaluated as evidence of the participation of opioid elements in the development and effectuation of central motor input functions in the early stages of ontogenetic development.  相似文献   

The effect of apomorphine (1 mg/kg egg weight) on a base of the pre-administration of reserpine (2.5 mg/kg e.w.) 30 min or 2 or 4 hours previously was studied in chick embryos from the 13th to 19th day of incubation. Only the depressant effect of apomorphine was manifested in 13-day embryos. In 15-day embryos summation of the depressant effect of both drugs was recorded for the first time. In 17-day and especially 19-day embryos apomorphine raised the frequency of spontaneous movements high above the level of reserpine-induced depression of motor activity. This activating effect of apomorphine depended upon the supraspinal parts of the CNS, as it disappeared in 17-day embryos after decentralization of the spinal cord (particularly after chronic decapitation). We consider these findings to be further experimental evidence of the participation of catecholaminergic (in particular dopaminergic) central systems in supraspinal control of embryonic motor activity.  相似文献   

In vivo heart rates of 5-day-old chick embryos were recorded from electrodes placed in close proximity to the heart. L-epinephrine (4X10(-10) mole), 1-norepinephrine (1X10(-9)mole) and 1-isoproterenol (1.6X10(-10)mole) in 5 microliter of isotonic saline transiently accerlerated the mean heart rate by almost 9 percent. L-phenylephrine (2X10(-9)mole/5microliter) and the experimental procedure produced no appreciable effect. The positive chronotropic effect of the catecholamines was found to be highly significant (P less than 0.0005) as computed by Student's t test. However, no direct relationship could be established between the chronotropic response and the aortic arch anomalies produced. A prolonged reduction of blood flow in the primitive heart tube and the sixth aortic arch after administration of epinephrine and isoproterenol is apparently related to the induction of hypoplastic right pulmonary artery with absent or hypoplastic right ductus arteriosus.  相似文献   

While isoelectrofocusing the extracts obtained after dissociation of the retina of eight day old chick embryos, two active protein fractions were found: AF I with pI 3 and AF II with pI below 3. The content of these fractions in the extracts depended on the method of dissociation: treatment with EDTA increased the content of AF II, whereas trypsin treatment increased the yield of AF I. After electrophoresis in the denaturating conditions both fractions were divided in two components. The effect of AF I on aggregation of retinal cells, unlike that of AF II, does not depend on the presence of bivalent cations in the medium and is realized within 1 h of interaction with the cells at 4 degrees. It is suggested that the retinal extracts of eight day old chick embryos contain substances providing two types of adhesiveness: Ca2+-independent (AF I) and Ca2+-dependent (AF II).  相似文献   

The author studied the development of the interaction of GABA and oxazepam on embryonic spontaneous motility in chick embryos during the second half of incubation. In 13-day-old embryos the two substances already potentiated each other's action, despite the fact that GABA, by itself, did not yet have an inhibitory effect. In older embryos this potentiation increased until spontaneous motor activity was almost completely depressed.  相似文献   

The effect of the systemic administration of picrotoxin (1 mg/kg egg weight) and GABA (103 mg/kg e.w.) on the spontaneous motility of 11- to 21-day check embryos was studied intact eggs. Embryonal motility was recorded by the method of Kovach (1970). The activating effect of picrotoxin on 11- and 13-day embryos was unaffected by the administration of GABA. In 13- and 17-day-old embryos, GABA did not modify the paroxysmal effect of picrotoxin, but when the two substances were administered together, it prolonged the interparoxysmal intervals. The effect of GABA was most pronounced in 19- and 21-day-old embryos, in which it either stopped picrotoxin paroxysms from developing at all, or noticeably altered the length of the paroxysms, the amplitude of the movements and the length of the interparoxysmal intervals. The results show that the sensitivity of central apparatuses of embryonal spontaneous motility to GABA develops later than the early activatory effect of picrotoxin and are evidence of specific antagonism of these two neutrotropic substances.  相似文献   

The participation of central monoaminergic systems in the regulation of spontaneous motility in developing chick embryos was tested by systemic administration of several drugs, which affect the different sites of central aminergic systems. Amphetamine (2 mg.kg-1 egg weight) evoked an age-dependent depression of spontaneous motility, which first occurred in a significant fashion on day 13 of incubation. Two thirds of this depression depended upon supraspinal influences. The effect of p-chlorophenylalanine (100 mg.kg-1 e.w.) consisted from day 15 of incubation in a short-lasting depression followed by partial recovery of resting motility. alpha-methyldopa (100 mg.kg-1 e.w.) depressed the spontaneous motility from day 13 of incubation, without any signs of recovery within the first hour after drug administration. The most pronounced depressive effect was evoked by melatonin (25 mg.kg-1 e.w.) even in 11-day-old embryos. Along with the increased depth of depression the recovery of motility declined until full cessation of motility was achieved in 17-day-old embryos. The results were interpreted as constituting further evidence for the involvement of central aminergic systems in the development of supraspinal control over spontaneous motor activity generated by the CNS.  相似文献   

The consequences of systemic administration of aminergic transmitters (n-adrenaline 16 microgram/kg egg weight; serotonin 2.5 and 5 mg/kg e.w.; dopamine 2.5 and 5 mg/kg e.w.) for the spontaneous motility and heart rate of 11- to 19-day chick embryos were studied intack eggs. The following results were characteristic for all three transmitters: a) when administered to 11- and 13-day embryos their effect was non-significant; the first signs of activity did not appear until the 15th day of incubation. The effect on 17- and 19-day embryos was stronger. b) After the 15th day of incubation, all these transmitters had a predominantly inhibitory effect on spontaneous motility; in 17- and 19-day embryos this acquired a periodic character. c) The changes in spontaneous motility did not correlate significantly in any way with the relatively small heart rate changes. It is concluded from the results that aminergic mechanisms begin to participate in regulation of the spontaneous motility of chick embryos from the 15th day of incubation, and not before.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic studies have been made on degenerative changes in the nervous tissue induced by experimental destruction of the median brain bulb at the 5th day of incubation, in parts of the tecto-thalamo-telencephalic visual system in 13-day chick embryos (in the visual tectum, round nucleus of the thalamus and ectostriatum of the telencephalon). It was shown that to this period tecto-thalamic connections are already formed in the visual system, whereas thalamo-telencephalic connections are, presumably, indirect ones.  相似文献   

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