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Micro RNAs and Short-interfering RNAs in Plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The photooxidation of the dimers of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, (NAD)2, is catalyzed by adriamycin under aerobic conditions. (NAD)2 and O2 react in 1:1 molar ratio to yield 2 mol of NAD+. Experiments carried out by irradiating at 340 and 485 nm, corresponding to the absorption maxima of (NAD)2 and adriamycin, respectively, clearly indicate that the process is primed by photoexcitation of adriamycin. The key step of the process is the redox reaction between (NAD)2 and adriamycin with formation of the semiquinone radical anion, identified by the EPR spectrum. The semiquinone is then oxidized back to adriamycin by oxygen with formation of the superoxide radical.  相似文献   

小RNAs(长度小于40 nt)是nc-RNAs重要的一部分,现在植物中已发现了多种小RNAs,如小干扰RNAs(siRNAs)、微小RNAs(miRNAs)、反式作用的小干扰RNAs、天然反义转录小干扰RNAs、异染色质小干扰RNAs、长小片段小干扰RNAs、天然反义转录的微小RNAs及其一些未命名的小RNAs.成熟的小RNAs聚集相关的蛋白质因子,可以抑制转录,导致转录水平的基因沉默(TGS);或介导目标mRNA的剪切,抑制翻译,导致转录后水平基因沉默(PTGS).就这些植物小RNAs产生及其作用的研究进展作一概述  相似文献   

The equilibrium dissociation constant of NAD+ and pertussis toxin was determined by equilibrium dialysis and by the quenching of the protein's intrinsic fluorescence on titration with NAD+. A binding constant, Kd, of 24 +/- 2 microM at 30 degrees C was obtained from equilibrium dialysis, consistent with the previously determined value for the Michaelis constant, Km, of 30 +/- 5 microM for NAD+ (when the toxin is catalysing the ADP-ribosylation of water and of dithiothreitol). The intrinsic fluorescence of pertussis toxin was quenched by up to 60% on titration with NAD+, and after correction for dilution and inner filter effects, a Kd value of 27 microM at 30 degrees C was obtained, agreeing well with that found by equilibrium dialysis. The binding constants were measured at a number of temperatures using both techniques, and from this the enthalpy of binding of NAD+ to toxin was determined to be 30 kJ.mol-1, a typical value for a protein-ligand interaction. There is one binding site for NAD+ per toxin molecule.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial NAD pool is particularly important for the maintenance of vital cellular functions. Although at least in some fungi and plants, mitochondrial NAD is imported from the cytosol by carrier proteins, in mammals, the mechanism of how this organellar pool is generated has remained obscure. A transporter mediating NAD import into mammalian mitochondria has not been identified. In contrast, human recombinant NMNAT3 localizes to the mitochondrial matrix and is able to catalyze NAD+ biosynthesis in vitro. However, whether the endogenous NMNAT3 protein is functionally effective at generating NAD+ in mitochondria of intact human cells still remains to be demonstrated. To modulate mitochondrial NAD+ content, we have expressed plant and yeast mitochondrial NAD+ carriers in human cells and observed a profound increase in mitochondrial NAD+. None of the closest human homologs of these carriers had any detectable effect on mitochondrial NAD+ content. Surprisingly, constitutive redistribution of NAD+ from the cytosol to the mitochondria by stable expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial NAD+ transporter NDT2 in HEK293 cells resulted in dramatic growth retardation and a metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis, despite the elevated mitochondrial NAD+ levels. These results suggest that a mitochondrial NAD+ transporter, similar to the known one from A. thaliana, is likely absent and could even be harmful in human cells. We provide further support for the alternative possibility, namely intramitochondrial NAD+ synthesis, by demonstrating the presence of endogenous NMNAT3 in the mitochondria of human cells.  相似文献   

Bioconversion of cinnamyl alcohol to cinnamaldehyde was carried out in an aqueous-organic two-phase reaction system by the repeated use of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase (HLADH) and NAD + with coenzyme regeneration. Both HLADH and the coenzyme were efficiently entrapped in the aqueous phase, while the substrate was supplied successively from the organic phase and the product was accumulated in the organic phase. Optimum conditions for cinnamaldehyde production in the aqueous-organic two-phase system were also examined, including substrate concentration, pH, and organic solvent type. Under suitable conditions, both HLADH and NAD + in the aqueous-organic two-phase system could be reused, and NAD + cycling numbers of 3040 were obtained after repeated operation for 40 &#117 h.  相似文献   

Bioconversion of cinnamyl alcohol to cinnamaldehyde was carried out in an aqueous-organic two-phase reaction system by the repeated use of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase (HLADH) and NAD + with coenzyme regeneration. Both HLADH and the coenzyme were efficiently entrapped in the aqueous phase, while the substrate was supplied successively from the organic phase and the product was accumulated in the organic phase. Optimum conditions for cinnamaldehyde production in the aqueous-organic two-phase system were also examined, including substrate concentration, pH, and organic solvent type. Under suitable conditions, both HLADH and NAD + in the aqueous-organic two-phase system could be reused, and NAD + cycling numbers of 3040 were obtained after repeated operation for 40 λh.  相似文献   

The perfused rat liver responds intensely to NAD+ infusion (20-100 microM). Increases in portal perfusion pressure and glycogenolysis and transient inhibition of oxygen consumption are some of the effects that were observed. The aim of the present work was to investigate the distribution of the response to extracellular NAD+ along the hepatic acinus. The bivascularly perfused rat liver was used. Various combinations of perfusion directions (antegrade and retrograde) and infusion routes (portal vein, hepatic vein and hepatic artery) were used in order to supply NAD+ to different regions of the liver parenchyma, also taking advantage of the fact that its extracellular transformation generates steep concentration gradients. Oxygen uptake was stimulated by NAD+ in retrograde perfusion (irrespective of the infusion route) and transiently inhibited in antegrade perfusion. This indicates that the signal causing oxygen uptake inhibition is generated in the periportal area. The signal responsible for oxygen uptake stimulation is homogenously distributed. Stimulation of glucose release was more intense when NAD+ was infused into the portal vein or into the hepatic artery, indicating that stimulation of glycogenolysis predominates in the periportal area. The increases in perfusion pressure were more pronounced when the periportal area was supplied with NAD+ suggesting that the vasoconstrictive elements responding to NAD+ predominate in this region. The response to extracellular NAD+ is thus unequally distributed in the liver. As a paracrine agent, NAD+ is likely to be released locally. It can be concluded that its effects will be different depending on the area where it is released.  相似文献   

Small Nucleolar RNAs and Pre-rRNA Processing in Plants   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

A series of NAD+ analogues, modified on the pyridinium ring, have been tested for their enzymic properties in reactions with D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase form sturgeon muscle, rabbit muscle and Bacillus stearothermophilus. The observed activity, inhibition and binding data are correlated to the structure of the enzyme and coenzyme analogue by model building on a Vector General interactive graphic display system using coordinates from the B. stearothermophilus holoenzyme structure. Most of the analogues with substituents in the pyridinium-3 position could be bound to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, either in manner similar to NAD+ or in a completely different way with the substituted pyridinium ring rotated 110 degrees or more around the glycosidic bond. This indicates different possible modes of binding of NAD+ analogues within the pyridinium binding subsite. Analogues with substituents in the pyridinium-4 position are shown to be weakly bound to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. This is explained by a strong interaction of the substituent in the 4 position with the residues Asn-313 and Cys-149.  相似文献   

Denu JM 《Cell》2007,129(3):453-454
Recent genetic evidence reveals additional salvage pathways for NAD(+) synthesis. In this issue, Belenky et al. (2007) report that nicotinamide riboside, a new NAD(+) precursor, regulates Sir2 deacetylase activity and life span in yeast. The ability of nicotinamide riboside to enhance life span does not depend on calorie restriction.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)) is both a coenzyme for hydride-transfer enzymes and a substrate for NAD(+)-consuming enzymes, which include ADP-ribose transferases, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases, cADP-ribose synthases and sirtuins. Recent results establish protective roles for NAD(+) that might be applicable therapeutically to prevent neurodegenerative conditions and to fight Candida glabrata infection. In addition, the contribution that NAD(+) metabolism makes to lifespan extension in model systems indicates that therapies to boost NAD(+) might promote some of the beneficial effects of calorie restriction. Nicotinamide riboside, the recently discovered nucleoside precursor of NAD(+) in eukaryotic systems, might have advantages as a therapy to elevate NAD(+) without inhibiting sirtuins, which is associated with high-dose nicotinamide, or incurring the unpleasant side-effects of high-dose nicotinic acid.  相似文献   

The catabolic pathway of nicotinamide adenin dinucleotide (NAD) in cultured pheochromocytoma rat cells (PC12) was investigated. The first evidence obtained in these studies was that, despite inducing cell differentiation, NGF treatment did not modify NAD catabolism. Following incubation of PC12 homogenate with NAD, ADP-ribose, AMP, IMP, and HYP was produced. The catabolic fate of AMP and ADPR so obtained was followed by monitoring to a final production of inosine and hypoxanthine through several enzymatic steps. When intact PC12 cells were incubated with NAD in the culture medium AMP, IMP and HYP were found but, no ADPR and cADPR were present in the growth medium. "Nucleotides analyses" carried out on the homogenate obtained from these cells, confirmed the absence of cADPR and an increase of intracellular ADPR. These results led us to believe that in PC12 cells the ADP ribosyl cyclase activity is absent and that NADase is an ecto-enzyme able to transfer the ADPR, produced from NAD catabolism, inside the cells.  相似文献   

R D LaReau  W Wan  V E Anderson 《Biochemistry》1989,28(8):3619-3624
The isotope effect on binding [4-2H]NAD+ and [4-3H]NAD+ to lactate dehydrogenase has been shown to be 1.10 +/- 0.03 by whole molecule isotope ratio mass spectrometry and 1.085 +/- 0.01 by 3H/14C scintillation counting. These values demonstrate that specific interactions of the nicotinamide ring with the enzyme make the C-H bond at C-4 less stiff in the binary complex.  相似文献   

Yeast deprived of nutrients exhibit a marked life span extension that requires the activity of the NAD(+)-dependent histone deacetylase, Sir2p. Here we show that increased dosage of NPT1, encoding a nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase critical for the NAD(+) salvage pathway, increases Sir2-dependent silencing, stabilizes the rDNA locus, and extends yeast replicative life span by up to 60%. Both NPT1 and SIR2 provide resistance against heat shock, demonstrating that these genes act in a more general manner to promote cell survival. We show that Npt1 and a previously uncharacterized salvage pathway enzyme, Nma2, are both concentrated in the nucleus, indicating that a significant amount of NAD(+) is regenerated in this organelle. Additional copies of the salvage pathway genes, PNC1, NMA1, and NMA2, increase telomeric and rDNA silencing, implying that multiple steps affect the rate of the pathway. Although SIR2-dependent processes are enhanced by additional NPT1, steady-state NAD(+) levels and NAD(+)/NADH ratios remain unaltered. This finding suggests that yeast life span extension may be facilitated by an increase in the availability of NAD(+) to Sir2, although not through a simple increase in steady-state levels. We propose a model in which increased flux through the NAD(+) salvage pathway is responsible for the Sir2-dependent extension of life span.  相似文献   

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