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In a study of chemosynthesis (the fixation of CO2 by autotrophic bacteria in the dark) in Thiobacillus thiooxidans, the data obtained support the following conclusions: 1. CO2 can be fixed by "resting cells" of Thiobacillus thiooxidans; the fixation is not "growth bound." 2. The physiological condition of the cell is of considerable importance in determining CO2 fixation. 3. CO2 fixation can occur in the absence of oxidizable sulfur in "young" cells. The extent of this fixation appears to be dependent upon the pCO2. 4. CO2 fixation can also occur under anaerobic conditions and the presence of sulfur does not influence such fixation. 5. However, in the CO2 fixation by cells in the absence of sulfur, only a limited amount of CO2 can be fixed. This amount is approximately 40 µl. CO2 per 100 micrograms bacterial nitrogen. After a culture has utilized this amount of CO2 it no longer has the ability to fix CO2 but releases it during its respiration. 6. Relatively short periods of sulfur oxidation can restore the ability of cells to fix CO2 under conditions where sulfur oxidation is prevented. 7. It is possible to oxidize sulfur in the absence of CO2 and to store the energy thus formed within the cell. It is then possible to use this energy at a later time for the fixation of CO2 in the entire absence of sulfur oxidation. 8. Cultures of Thiobacillus thiooxidans respiring on sulfur utilize CO2 in a reaction which proceeds to a zero concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. 9. CO2 may act as an oxidizing agent for sulfur. 10. Hydrogen is not utilized by the organism. 11. It is possible to selectively inhibit sulfur oxidation and CO2 fixation.  相似文献   


It is found that clotting of fibrinogen by thrombin does not occur on the acid side of the isoelectric point of the fibrinogen. At such pH values, however, a primary reaction between thrombin and fibrinogen takes place, leading to the formation of profibrin, a compound of thrombin and fibrinogen. At pH values at which clotting is possible, fibrinogen is negatively, thrombin positively charged, whereas profibrin has a pattern of positive and negative charges. The primary reaction, the formation of profibrin by combination of thrombin and fibrinogen, is inhibited by urea but not by neutral salts. The combination of thrombin with fibrinogen most probably takes place by hydrogen bonds. The second reaction, the polymerisation of profibrin to fibrin, is inhibited by neutral salts in the same way as complex or autocomplex coacervates. It is caused therefore by electrostatic attraction between the positive and the negative charges of the profibrin.  相似文献   

An analysis of the growth curves of a cladoceran for one adult instar at each of two temperatures is made by comparing the apparent gains or losses in time when the animals are transferred from one of these temperatures to the other during the course of the developmental period. Since the curves for the two temperatures when brought together at their end-point do not coincide, the equation used to describe growth must have at least two velocity constants unequally affected by changes in temperature.  相似文献   

1. The presence of 0.25 M NaCl during the reaction between a staphylococcus phage and susceptible organisms results in a five to tenfold increase in the amount of phage produced. 2. Analysis of the reaction indicates that normal kinetic relationships exist until just before lysis occurs. At this time the organisms enter the stationary phase, lysis is delayed approximately 0.7 hour as compared with control mixtures and phage continues to be produced at the usual rapid rate. 3. Apparently there are conditions under which phage can be produced in the absence of bacterial growth although previous work has uniformly emphasized growth of the bacterial substrate as the prime conditioning factor for formation of phage.  相似文献   

Leading off from two places on the same cell (of Nitella) with 0.001 M KCl we observe that a cut produces only a temporary negative current of injury. If we lead off with 0.001 M KCl from any cell to a neighboring cell we find that when sap comes out from the cut cell and reaches the neighboring intact cell a lasting negative "current of injury" is produced. This depends on the fact that the intact cell is in contact with sap at one point and with 0.001 M KCl at the other (this applies also to tissues composed of small cells). If we employ 0.1 M KCl in place of 0.001 M the current of injury with a single cell is positive (and is more lasting when a neighboring cell is present). Divergent results obtained with tissues and single cells may be due in part to these factors.  相似文献   

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