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Darwin viewed species range limits as chiefly determined by an interplay between the abiotic environment and interspecific interactions. Haldane argued that species' ranges could be set intraspecifically when gene flow from a species' populous center overwhelms local adaptation at the periphery. Recently, Kirkpatrick and Barton have modeled Haldane's process with a quantitative genetic model that combines density-dependent local population growth with dispersal and gene flow across a linear environmental gradient in optimum phenotype. To address Darwin's ideas, we have extended the Kirkpatrick and Barton model to include interspecific competition and the frequency-dependent selection that it generates, as well as stabilizing selection on a quantitative character. Our model includes local population growth, movements over space, natural selection, and gene flow. It simultaneously addresses the evolution of character displacement and species borders. It reproduces the Kirkpatrick and Barton single-species result that limited ranges can be produced with sufficiently steep environmental gradients and strong dispersal. Further, in the absence of environmental gradients or barriers to dispersal, interspecific competition will not limit species ranges at evolutionary equilibrium. However, interspecific competition can interact with environmental gradients and gene flow to generate limited ranges with much less extreme gradient and dispersal parameters than in the single-species case. Species display character displacement in sympatry, yet the reduction in competition that results from this displacement does not necessarily allow the two species to become sympatric everywhere. When species meet, competition reduces population densities in the region of overlap, which, in turn, intensifies the asymmetry in gene flow from center to margin. This reduces the ability of each species to adapt to local physical conditions at their range limits. If environmental gradients are monotonic but not linear, the transition zone between species at coevolutionary equilibrium occurs where the environmental gradient is steepest. If productivity gradients are also introduced into the model, then patterns similar to Rapoport's rule emerge. Interacting species respond to climate change, as it affects the optimal phenotype over space, by a combination of range shifts and local evolution in mean phenotype, while solitary species respond solely by range shifts. Finally, we compare empirical estimates for intrinsic growth rates and diffusion coefficients for several species to those needed by the single-species model to produce a stable limited range. These empirical values are generally insufficient to produce limited ranges in the model suggesting a role for interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

Sensory systems are attractive evolutionary models to address how organisms adapt to local environments that can cause ecological speciation. However, tests of these evolutionary models have focused on visual, auditory, and olfactory senses. Here, we show local adaptation of bitter taste receptor genes in two neighboring populations of a wild mammal—the blind mole rat Spalax galili—that show ecological speciation in divergent soil environments. We found that basalt-type bitter receptors showed higher response intensity and sensitivity compared with chalk-type ones using both genetic and cell-based functional analyses. Such functional changes could help animals adapted to basalt soil select plants with less bitterness from diverse local foods, whereas a weaker reception to bitter taste may allow consumption of a greater range of plants for animals inhabiting chalk soil with a scarcity of food supply. Our study shows divergent selection on food resources through local adaptation of bitter receptors, and suggests that taste plays an important yet underappreciated role in speciation.  相似文献   

Identifying the signature and targets of local adaptation is an increasingly important goal in empirical population genetics. Using data from 443 balsam poplar Populus balsamifera trees sampled from 31 populations, we tested for evidence of geographically variable selection shaping diversity at 27 homologues of the Arabidopsis flowering-time network. These genes are implicated in the control of seasonal phenology, an important determinant of fitness. Using 335 candidate and 412 reference single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), we tested for evidence of local adaptation by searching for elevated population differentiation using F(ST)-based outlier analyses implemented in BayeScan or a Hierarchical Model in Arelquin and by testing for significant associations between allele frequency and environmental variables using BAYENV. A total of 46 SNPs from 14 candidate genes had signatures of local adaptation-either significantly greater population differentiation or significant covariance with one or more environmental variable relative to reference SNP distributions. Only 11 SNPs from two genes exhibited both elevated population differentiation and covariance with one or more environmental variables. Several genes including the abscisic acid gene ABI1B and the circadian clock genes ELF3 and GI5 harbored a large number of SNPs with signatures of local adaptation-with SNPs in GI5 strongly covarying with both latitude and precipitation and SNPs in ABI1B strongly covarying with temperature. In contrast to several other systems, we find little evidence that photoreceptors, including phytochromes, play an important role in local adaptation. Our results additionally show that detecting local adaptation is sensitive to the analytical approaches used and that model-based significance thresholds should be viewed with caution.  相似文献   

Continental copepods have been derived from several independent invasive events from the sea, but the subsequent evolutionary processes that account for the current diversity in lacustrine environments are virtually unknown. Salinity is highly variable among lakes and constitutes a source of divergent selection driving potential reproductive isolation. We studied four populations of the calanoid copepod Leptodiaptomus cf. sicilis inhabiting four neighboring lakes with a common history (since the Late Pleistocene) located in the Oriental Basin, Mexico; one lake is shallow and varies in salinity periodically (1.4–10 g L-1), while three are deep and permanent, with constant salinity (0.5, 1.1 and 6.5 g L-1, respectively). We hypothesized that (1) these populations belong to a different species than L. sicilis sensu stricto and (2) are experiencing ecologically based divergence due to salinity differences. We assessed morphological and molecular (mtDNA) COI variation, as well as fitness differences and tests of reproductive isolation. Although relationships of the Mexican populations with L. sicilis s.s. could not be elucidated, we identified a clear pattern of divergent selection driven by salinity conditions. The four populations can still be considered a single biological species (sexual recognition and hybridization are still possible in laboratory conditions), but they have diverged into at least three different phenotypes: two locally adapted, specialized in the lakes of constant salinity (saline vs. freshwater), and an intermediate generalist phenotype inhabiting the temporary lake with fluctuating salinity. The specialized phenotypes are poorly suited as migrants, so prezygotic isolation due to immigrant inviability is highly probable. This implication was supported by molecular evidence that showed restricted gene flow, persistence of founder events, and a pattern of allopatric fragmentation. This study showed how ecologically based divergent selection may explain diversification patterns in lacustrine copepods.  相似文献   

We tested whether local abundance of rain forest trees in the medium elevation wet forests of the southern Western Ghats (WG) was related to environmental tolerance, life form, and geographical range. We selected trees in medium elevation wet forests (750–1700 m asl) of the southern WG, using two data bases: a small plot (30 × 30 m) data base of 288 species of trees (≥ 3 cm dbh) in 33 plots totaling 2.97 ha, and a data base of 135 species of tree (≥ 10 cm dbh) in larger plots of 1 ha each, totaling 4.84 ha. The species density per hectare and number of records in the plot network was used in a factor analysis to give a measure of the local abundance of each species. The altitude and seasonality ranges of these species in the WG was assessed from independent data bases and used to generate an environmental tolerance score. Results indicated that as a species became locally more abundant, it occurred across a wider range of environmental gradients, but regional distribution was not related to geographical distribution. Understory species tended to be rarer with smaller range sizes and lower environmental tolerances than overstory species. Climate change is predicted to have drastic effects on restricted range species with limited environmental tolerances.  相似文献   

The release of genetically modified plants is governed by regulations that aim to provide an assessment of potential impact on the environment. One of the most important components of this risk assessment is an evaluation of the probability of gene flow. In this review, we provide an overview of the current literature on gene flow from transgenic plants, providing a framework of issues for those considering the release of a transgenic plant into the environment. For some plants gene flow from transgenic crops is well documented, and this information is discussed in detail in this review. Mechanisms of gene flow vary from plant species to plant species and range from the possibility of asexual propagation, short- or long-distance pollen dispersal mediated by insects or wind and seed dispersal. Volunteer populations of transgenic plants may occur where seed is inadvertently spread during harvest or commercial distribution. If there are wild populations related to the transgenic crop then hybridization and eventually introgression in the wild may occur, as it has for herbicide resistant transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Tools to measure the amount of gene flow, experimental data measuring the distance of pollen dispersal, and experiments measuring hybridization and seed survivability are discussed in this review. The various methods that have been proposed to prevent gene flow from genetically modified plants are also described. The current “transgenic traits” in the major crops confer resistance to herbicides and certain insects. Such traits could confer a selective advantage (an increase in fitness) in wild plant populations in some circumstances, were gene flow to occur. However, there is ample evidence that gene flow from crops to related wild species occurred before the development of transgenic crops and this should be taken into account in the risk assessment process.  相似文献   

We have limited understanding of how tropical canopy foliage varies along environmental gradients, and how this may in turn affect forest processes and functions. Here, we analyse the relationships between canopy leaf area index (LAI) and above ground herbaceous biomass (AGBH) along environmental gradients in a moist forest and miombo woodland in Tanzania. We recorded canopy structure and herbaceous biomass in 100 permanent vegetation plots (20 m × 40 m), stratified by elevation. We quantified tree species richness, evenness, Shannon diversity and predominant height as measures of structural variability, and disturbance (tree stumps), soil nutrients and elevation as indicators of environmental variability. Moist forest and miombo woodland differed substantially with respect to nearly all variables tested. Both structural and environmental variables were found to affect LAI and AGBH, the latter being additionally dependent on LAI in moist forest but not in miombo, where other factors are limiting. Combining structural and environmental predictors yielded the most powerful models. In moist forest, they explained 76% and 25% of deviance in LAI and AGBH, respectively. In miombo woodland, they explained 82% and 45% of deviance in LAI and AGBH. In moist forest, LAI increased non-linearly with predominant height and linearly with tree richness, and decreased with soil nitrogen except under high disturbance. Miombo woodland LAI increased linearly with stem density, soil phosphorous and nitrogen, and decreased linearly with tree species evenness. AGBH in moist forest decreased with LAI at lower elevations whilst increasing slightly at higher elevations. AGBH in miombo woodland increased linearly with soil nitrogen and soil pH. Overall, moist forest plots had denser canopies and lower AGBH compared with miombo plots. Further field studies are encouraged, to disentangle the direct influence of LAI on AGBH from complex interrelationships between stand structure, environmental gradients and disturbance in African forests and woodlands.  相似文献   

The family Orchidaceae is not only one of the most diverse families of flowering plants, but also one of the most endangered plant taxa. Therefore, understanding how its species richness varies along geographical and environmental gradients is essential for conservation efforts. However, such knowledge is rarely available, especially on a large scale. We used a database extracted from herbarium records to investigate the relationships between orchid species richness and elevation, and to examine how elevational diversity in Yunnan Province, China, might be explained by mid-domain effect (MDE), species–area relationship (SAR), water–energy dynamics (WED), Rapoport’s Rule, and climatic variables. This particular location was selected because it is one of the primary centers of distribution for orchids. We recorded 691 species that span 127 genera and account for 88.59% of all confirmed orchid species in Yunnan. Species richness, estimated at 200-m intervals along a slope, was closely correlated with elevation, peaking at 1395 to 1723 m. The elevational pattern of orchid richness was considerably shaped by MDE, SAR, WED, and climate. Among those four predictors, climate was the strongest while MDE was the weakest for predicting the elevational pattern of orchid richness. Species richness showed parabolic responses to mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP), with maximum richness values recorded at 13.7 to 17.7°C for MAT and 1237 to 1414 mm for MAP. Rapoport’s Rule also helped to explain the elevational pattern of species richness in Yunnan, but those influences were not entirely uniform across all methods. These results suggested that the elevational pattern of orchid species richness in Yunnan is collectively shaped by several mechanisms related to geometric constraints, size of the land area, and environments. Because of the dominant role of climate in determining orchid richness, our findings may contribute to a better understanding of the potential effects of climate change on orchid diversity, and the development of conservation strategies for orchids.  相似文献   

Breeding for climate resilience is currently an important goal for sustainable livestock production. Local adaptations exhibited by indigenous livestock allow investigating the genetic control of this resilience. Ecological niche modeling (ENM) provides a powerful avenue to identify the main environmental drivers of selection. Here, we applied an integrative approach combining ENM with genome-wide selection signature analyses (XPEHH and Fst) and genotype−environment association (redundancy analysis), with the aim of identifying the genomic signatures of adaptation in African village chickens. By dissecting 34 agro-climatic variables from the ecosystems of 25 Ethiopian village chicken populations, ENM identified six key drivers of environmental challenges: One temperature variable—strongly correlated with elevation, three precipitation variables as proxies for water availability, and two soil/land cover variables as proxies of food availability for foraging chickens. Genome analyses based on whole-genome sequencing (n = 245), identified a few strongly supported genomic regions under selection for environmental challenges related to altitude, temperature, water scarcity, and food availability. These regions harbor several gene clusters including regulatory genes, suggesting a predominantly oligogenic control of environmental adaptation. Few candidate genes detected in relation to heat-stress, indicates likely epigenetic regulation of thermo-tolerance for a domestic species originating from a tropical Asian wild ancestor. These results provide possible explanations for the rapid past adaptation of chickens to diverse African agro-ecologies, while also representing new landmarks for sustainable breeding improvement for climate resilience. We show that the pre-identification of key environmental drivers, followed by genomic investigation, provides a powerful new approach for elucidating adaptation in domestic animals.  相似文献   

Phototropism and Local Adaptation in Phycomyces Sporangiophores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Phototropic responses to unilateral ultraviolet stimuli were studied to determine whether the response of one side of the cell is affected by the previous exposure of the opposite side to ultraviolet. It has been found that the direction of bending is not parallel to the stimulus direction, but is along a straight line rotated 17° clockwise from the stimulus direction. This deviation indicates that the photoreceptors may be in a state of continual clockwise rotation. If before the stimulus the cell is exposed briefly to ultraviolet and rotated through 90°, the response is not along the 17° line, but is deviated a greater or lesser amount, depending on whether the 90° rotation is clockwise or counterclockwise. This difference is evidence that the first ultraviolet exposure leaves a persistent patch of light-adapted receptors and the shaded part of the cell remains dark adapted. The phototropic stimulus straddles the edge between light- and dark-adapted regions, and the differing responses of the two regions affects the direction of phototropic bending. A phototropic mechanism is proposed which combines the features of local adaptation and photoreceptor rotation.  相似文献   

At the local scale, interconnected production, consumption, waste management, and other man‐made technological components interact with local ecosystem components to form a local production system. The purpose of this work is to develop a framework for the conceptual characterization and mathematical modeling of a local production system to support the assessment of process and component options that potentially create symbiosis between industry and ecosystem. This framework has been applied to a case study to assess options for the establishment of a local energy production system that involves a heathland ecosystem, bioenergy production, and wastewater treatment. We found that the framework is useful to analyze the two‐way interactions between these components in order to obtain insight into the behavior and performance of the bioenergy production system. In particular, the framework enables exploring the levels of the ecosystem states that allow continuous provisioning of resources in order to establish a sustainable techno‐ecological system.  相似文献   

We outline several principles that we believe define the gating of two bacterial mechanosensitive channels, MscL and MscS. Serving as turgor regulators in bacteria and other walled cells, these molecules are tangible models for studying conformational transitions in membrane proteins driven directly by membrane tension. MscL, a compact pentamer, reversibly opens a gigantic 30-Å pore at near-lytic tensions. MscS, a heptameric complex, exhibits transient activation of a smaller pore at moderate tensions, thereby entering a tension-insensitive inactivated state. By comparing the structures and predicted transitions in these channels, we concluded that opening is commonly achieved through tilting and outward motion of the pore-lining helices, which is kinetically limited by hydration of the pore. The intricate adaptive behavior in MscS appears to depend on specific interhelical associations and the flexibility of the pore-lining helices. We discuss physical factors that may direct the transitions and stabilize main functional states in these channels.Osmotic forces are strong, which necessitated development of osmoregulation along with the first semipermeable membrane delineating the early cell. A simple estimation shows that a 1-μm cell behaving as an ideal osmometer would sustain a downshock no stronger than 20 mm, after which membrane tension would exceed the lytic limit of 10–12 dynes/cm. Thus, a cell without a reinforcing envelope or protective valves is very vulnerable. Free-living and enteric microorganisms cycling through the soil and experiencing drastic environmental changes developed robust mechanisms to maintain volume and integrity (1). The mechanosensitive channels MscS and MscL (mechanosensitive channels of small and large conductance, respectively) have been identified as primary osmolyte release valves limiting the turgor pressure under acute osmotic shock (24).Without mscS and mscL genes, Escherichia coli survives a 300 mosm osmotic downshock (2), its resistance attributed to the peptidoglycan layer partially restraining swelling. However, expression of either MscS or MscL allows cells to withstand a 700–800 mosm downshock through release of small osmolytes (2). Purification and reconstitution proved that MscL and MscS respond directly to tension in the lipid bilayer (57). Both channels reside in the inner (cytoplasmic) membrane (8), with MscL localized at the cell poles, bearing high curvature (9).As primary components of the turgor regulation system, E. coli MscS and MscL became convenient models for studies of tension-driven conformational transitions in membrane proteins (10). The crystal structures of closed-state Mycobacterium tuberculosis MscL (11) and E. coli MscS in two distinct conformations (12, 13) provided invaluable initial points to explore their gating mechanisms, in which computational methods play increasingly important roles.  相似文献   

Pollen mediated gene flow is the most widely debated biosafety issue in case of genetically modified crop plants and is a primary determining factor for permitting their field release, particularly major food crops like rice. The alleged consequences of gene escape into wild/weedy relatives that coexist together with cultivated forms in rice fields in several countries is perceived to be a major concern. In an effort to estimate the gene flow in rice in a tropical environment, rice varieties stacked with three bacterial blight (BB) resistance alleles and a cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line were used as donors and receiver of pollen respectively and the pollen flow was tracked with molecular markers that are closely linked to BB resistance genes. The study could detect gene flow up to 20?m distance with environmental factors like temperature and humidity influencing it. The gene flow observed at longer distances than the 10?m distance suggested earlier advocate caution and suggests that all the relevant biosafety issues need to be addressed prior to release of GM rice in tropical countries where sympatric association of wild relatives with cultivated rice with frequent crop-weedy gene flow both ways is quite common.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation along environmental clines is often observed as a result of interplay between gene flow and natural selection. In order to understand the relative roles of these processes in shaping this differentiation, we designed a study in which we used two approaches that have not previously been combined, the Q STF ST comparison and crossbreeding. We examined (1) interpopulation phenotypic and genetic (AFLP) variation, and (2) performance of interpopulation hybrids in a common annual Senecio glaucus. Fitness of interpopulation hybrids (F1 and F2) was tested under simulated population natural conditions in terms of aridity and analyzed for a relationship with (1) spatial distance and (2) environmental differences (amount of annual rainfall). While phenotypic variation corresponded to the clinal changes in aridity along population locations, viz. narrower and longer leaves, longer leaf outgrowths and advanced flowering in more arid environments, the F ST < 0.1 calculated from AFLP data suggested intensive interpopulation gene flow, with little if any contribution of genetic drift. Performance of hybrids in simulated natural environments revealed heterosis in F1, but a hybrid breakdown in F2 generation. These effects were related to both the spatial distance between hybrid parents and their population rainfall differences. The detected clinal phenotypic variation and outbreeding depression in F2 strongly support presence of aridity-induced clinal natural selection, which is matched by the observed Q ST ≫ F ST. From this we conclude that Q STF ST comparison can detect effect of diversifying selection when patterns of phenotypic variation across sampled locations can be reliably predicted from environmental variation.  相似文献   

Soil Respiration along Environmental Gradients in Olympic National Park   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although mountainous landscapes dominate large areas of the Earth, our understanding of how elevation and aspect influence soil respiration in complex mountainous terrain is very limited. Therefore, we measured soil respiration throughout the growing season in 1999 and 2000 at 11 forested sites in Olympic National Park, Washington, USA along elevation-climatic gradients. The study sites ranged from temperate rain forest to alpine forests near tree line. Soil temperature was a significant predictor of soil respiration at all sites, and soil moisture explained additional variability at three sites (R2 from 0.42 to 0.90, P ≤ 0.01). Soil temperatures at the highest-elevation sites were 4.5°C cooler than those at the lowest elevation, but there were no relationships between soil respiration rates at a given temperature and elevation or mean annual temperature that would indicate acclimation of soil respiration to the cooler temperatures at high-elevation sites. Experimental urea additions (1.0 and 2.0 g N m-2 y-1) made at seven of the sites had no consistent effect on soil respiration. Total soil carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux during the growing season (May-September) varied from 0.34 to 0.75 kg C/m2 and was greater at low-elevation sites with warmer soil temperatures and longer growing seasons. Elevation and the length of the frost-free season could both be used to predict growing season (r2 = 0.53) and annual (r2 = 0.81) soil CO2 efflux for the 10 sites located in steep mountainous terrain. Significant correlations also existed with mean annual temperature. These results suggest that warmer soils and a longer snow-free season associated with climatic warming could cause the mountainous ecosystems of the Olympic peninsula to evolve increasing amounts of CO2 from all elevations and aspects.  相似文献   

Questions centered on the development of local and traditional ecological knowledge and the relationship of that knowledge to the development of conservation and management practices have recently attracted critical attention. We examine these questions with respect to the dynamic commercial fisheries of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The knowledge of fish harvesters coevolves with fishing practices and is embedded in a dynamic socioecological network that extends into and beyond the fisher, fishery households, and communities to include management, technologies, markets, and marine ecological conditions. Changes in these networks have moved knowledge and practices related to fishing in directions defined by policy, science, economic rationality, and new ecological realities. We characterize this movement as a shift along a continuum from local ecological knowledge (LEK) towards globalized harvesting knowledge (GHK) as harvesters become increasingly disconnected from socioecological relationships associated with traditional species and stocks. We conclude with a discussion of how LEK/GHK have interacted over time and space with other knowledge systems (particularly science) to influence management, and suggest that contingent, empirical evaluations of these interactions will provide a fruitful avenue for future interdisciplinary research.
Grant MurrayEmail:

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