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The intracerebral injection of 32Pi into guinea-pig cortex resulted in a steady rate of incorporation into all phospholipids over a 20 h period. The specific radioactivities of phosphatidate and phos-phatidylinositol in synaptosomes prepared from cortex prelabelled, in vivo, were at a maximum after 2 h and the respective activities were 3–8 times higher than in whole cortex. This peak in labelling corresponded with the maximum specific activity of the brain ATP. No similar differential labelling pattern was observed for phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine. Electrical stimulation of the prelabelled synaptosomes produced a rapid drop in the specific activity of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidate and an increase in the specific activity of CDP-diacylglycerol. The specific activity of synaptosomal ATP was not affected. Study of the subsynaptosomal fractions obtained after osmotic rupture of the synaptosomes revealed that the most highly labelled phosphatidylinositol was in the synaptic vesicle fraction (D) and the most active phosphatidate was in a ‘microsomal’ fraction (E). Electrical stimulation caused a loss of phosphatidylinositol radioactivity from fraction D and a loss of phosphatidate radioactivity from fraction E. The specific activity of these lipids in other fractions was not affected. A possible role for presynaptic phosphatidylinositol is suggested.  相似文献   

Synaptosomes prepared from guinea-pig cerebral cortex were suspended in a medium containing [32P]orthophosphate and subjected to electrical stimulation. When the synaptosomal phospholipids were subsequently separated, the most highly labelled was phosphatidic acid and electrical stimulation over a 10 min period increased incorporation of 32P1 into this lipid. Stimulated synaptosomes were osmotically lysed and subsynaptosomal fractions isolated. The electrically stimulated increase in phosphatidic acid labelling was localized in a fraction enriched in synaptic vesicles. This phospholipid effect was not merely a reflection of an increased specific radioactivity of synaptosomal ATP, due to the electrically stimulated increase in respiration. The time course of the phosphatidic acid effect suggests that it is synchronous with release of transmitter.  相似文献   

Nerve ending fractions from guinea-pig cerebral cortex contained more than one-half of the Na-K ATPase activity present in the original homogenate. Ethanol at concentrations ranging from 0·043 to 2·57 m inhibited the Na-K ATPase to a significantly greater extent than the Mg-activated ATPase or AChE. The inhibition of membrane-bound Na-K ATPase by ethanol was of the non-competetive type and the activity of Na-K ATPase was increasingly inhibited by alcohols of increasingly longer chain length. The ability of various alcohols to inhibit membrane-bound Na-K ATPase activity was correlated with their lipid solubility.  相似文献   

The effects of Type A botulinum toxin on acetylcholine metabolism were studied using mouse brain slice and synaptosome preparations. Brain slices that had been incubated with the toxin for 2h exhibited a decreased release of acetylcholine into high K+ media. Botulinum toxin did not affect acetylcholine efflux from slices in normal K+ media. When labeled choline was present during the release incubation, a‘newly-synthesized’pool of acetylcholine was formed in the tissue. In toxin-treated slices exposed to high K+, both the production and the release of this‘newly-synthesized’acetylcholine were depressed. A possible explanation for these actions of botulinum toxin would be via an inhibition of the high affinity uptake of choline. This hypothesis was tested by measuring the high affinity uptake of [3H]choline into synaptosomes prepared from brain slices. Previous exposure of slices to botulinum toxin caused a significant reduction in the accumulation of label by the synaptosomes. These data are discussed in terms of our current understanding of the mechanism of action of botulinum toxin and the toxin's interaction with the mechanisms regulating acetylcholine turnover.  相似文献   

  • 1 Triglyceride has been isolated from brain by thin-layer chromatography and determined by absorption of the carbonyl group at 1740 cm?1. The means of yields from whole mouse brain, whole rat brain, rat brain grey matter, rat brain stem, and incubated slices of rat brain cortex were 0.15–0.17 μmole/g tissue.
  • 2 The distribution of fatty esters varied from preparation to preparation. Palmitate, stearate and oleate usually occurred in greatest amounts. Hydrolysis of a preparation of triglyceride from whole rat brain with pancreatic lipase indicated that palmitate was equally distributed between the α and β esters.
  • 3 [1-14C]Acetate was rapidly incorporated into triglyceride of slices of incubated rat brain cortex. When the resulting triglyceride was hydrolysed with pancreatic lipase the distribution of radioactivity amongst the hydrolysis products was consistent with both the α and β esters of the triglyceride having been radioactively labelled.

Abstract— (1) Swelling of synaptosomes was measured spectrophotometrically by recording changes in extinction at 520 nm.
(2) Synaptosomes behaved as osmometers in NaCl solutions. When the tonicity of the medium was changed, synaptosome volume changed in accordance with Boyle and van't Hoff's Law. These changes were reversed on restoring the tonicity of the medium.
(3) The rate at which a solute entered the synaptosome was determined from the rate of swelling in the presence of that solute. Permeability of synaptosomes to non-electrolytes was in the order glucose ≪ glycerol < thiourea = formamide < propylene glycol = dimethylsulphoxide.
(4) Synaptosomes were freely permeable to ammonium and acetate ions and impermeable to Ca2+, Mg2+, PO42−, SO42− and oxalate ions.  相似文献   

The metabolism of N-acetyl-l -aspartic acid (NAA) was studied in rat brain. [Aspartyl-U-14C]NAA was metabolized predominantly by deacylation. Studies of NAA biosynthesis from l -[U-14C]aspartic acid have confirmed previous reports that NAA turns over slowly in rat brain. However, intracerebrally-injected N-acetyl-l -[U-14C]asparticacid was rapidly metabolized. Exogenous NAA appears to be taken up rapidly into a small, metabolically-active pool. This pool serves as substrate for a tricarboxylic acid cycle associated with the production of glutamate for the biosynthesis of glutamine. The bulk of the NAA content in brain appears to be relatively inactive metabolically.  相似文献   

The uptake of inositol by rat brain synaptosomes occurs via an unsaturable process that even at substrate concentrations as low as 1 μM is unable to achieve a concentration gradient indicative of active transport. Dinitrophenol, ouabain and cytochalasin B did not affect uptake of the cyclitol. The data indicate that inositol uptake by rat synaptosomes occurs by diffusion or by a system with an affinity so low it is difficult to discern. The low capacity, saturable inositol uptake system observed in rabbit brain slices may reflect a species difference or uptake by elements of the slice other than neuronal membranes.  相似文献   

Abstract— The concentrations of putrescine and the polyamines, spermidine and spermine, along with the specific activities of the enzymes involved in their biosynthesis, ornithine decarboxylase, S -adenosylmethionine decarboxylase and spermidine synthase have been measured in brain and liver of the developing Rhesus monkey from mid-gestation, through birth and neonatal life to maturity. The results suggest that it is an increased concentration of putrescine and an increased specific activity of ornithine decarboxylase which are associated with the rapid growth of fetal brain during the middle of gestation. By the end of two-thirds of gestation, both of these parameters have attained values similar to those found in mature brain. The concentration of spermidine in brain and the specific activities of S -adenosylmethionine decarboxylase and spermidine synthase are lower in fetal brain than adult brain and increase slowly after birth to reach values similar to those of the adult only after several months. These results provide additional evidence that in the mature brain spermidine serves some function other than one associated with rapid growth.
Fetal liver at mid-gestation was characterized by increased concentrations of both putrescine and spermidine and increased specific activities of the enzymes which synthesize them. By two-thirds of gestation, values similar to those found in adult liver had been attained. Liver has thus reached maturity with regard to polyamine metabolism by this time.  相似文献   

Abstract— The incorporation in vivo of [U-14C]glucose into the galactolipids of the brain of control and Jimpy mutant mice was examined. Over a 24-h period of incorporation there was no indication of an increased rate of turnover of brain galactolipids in the mutant. The Jimpy mutant was identified at ages prior to and at the inception of myelination (7–10 days post partum) with a coat marker (Tabby). There was similar total radioactivity in galactolipids of the Jimpy at these ages but a reduction to 13 per Cent of control at 13 days and to 6 per cent at 16 days of postnatal age. This devetopmental pattern of galactolipid synthesis in Jimpy brain is not in accord with a primary defect in the biosynthesis of cerebrosides and sulphatides.  相似文献   

Abstract— A simple combination of acid- and base-exchange resin columns enabled a more complete separation of amine, acid and neutral metabolites of catecholamines from individual small brain samples to be made. Fractions containing individual catecholamines or metabolites were obtained in aqueous eluates suitable for fluorimetric or radioisotopic analysis. With consistent intraventricular injection and brain dissection techniques, this separation method enables a study of the metabolism of catecholamines in regions of the rat brain and the effects of drugs on this metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract— The levels of tritiated catecholamines and metabolites were measured in regions of the rat brain at intervals after the intraventricular injection of [3H]dopamine, [3H]nor-adrenaline and [3H]normetanephrine. The disappearance of catecholamines and appearance of metabolites with time and the regional turnover rates of these amines indicate that the major pathway of the metabolism of noradrenaline and dopamine actively released from physiological storage sites is to the neutral alcoholic metabolites. The acid metabolites, homovanillic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid appear to be only minor products of normal dopamine metabolism in rat brain regions including the striate, but are the main end products of the metabolism of excess exogenous dopamine.
The active metabolism of stored noradrenaline to alcohol metabolites is also indicated by the increase in neutral alcohol metabolites accompanying the increased noradrenaline turnover when rats were subjected to electroshock stress. Therefore in the rat brain, neutral alcohol metabolites of dopamine and noradrenaline have great significance in the study of physiological catecholamine turnover in any region.  相似文献   

The accumulation of [3H]homocholine (3-trimethylamino-propan-1-01) by isolated synaptosomes prepared from rat brain was resolved kinetically into a high (KT= 3.0 μM) and a low (KT= 14.5 μM) affinity system. Although homocholine was not acetylated by solubilized choline acetyltransferase, 64% of the homocholine accumulated by intact synaptosomes via the high affinity uptake process was acetylated. Homocholine was also acetylated in the superior cervical ganglion of the cat, and the amount of acetylhomocholine formed was increased (12-fold) by preganglionic nerve stimulation. In ganglia, acetylhomocholine was available for release by preganglionic nerve impulses, and its release was Ca2+-dependent, It is concluded that homocholine can form a cholinergic false transmitter, and that the substrate specificity of choline acetyltransferase in vitro might be different from that in situ.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ataxic and non-ataxic lambs reared under field conditions which gave rise to low copper status were treated with copper intravenously. Untreated ataxic animals served as controls. The neurotransmitter amines, dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, were determined in the anterior and posterior regions of the brain stem. Dopamine levels in the anterior region, including the corpus striatum, were significantly lower in the untreated animals than in those treated with copper. Norepinephrine levels were also lower but serotonin concentrations were not different. Plasma amine oxidase activity was markedly higher in the copper treated animals but monoamine oxidase activity in brain stem homogenates was not significantly affected. The monoamine oxidase activity in cortical and cerebellar homogenates was significantly lower in the treated animals than in the untreated animals.  相似文献   

Abstract— δ-Aminolaevulinic acid (δ-ALA) is an omega amino acid structurally similar to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and l -glutamate. We have examined the effect of δ-ALA on the uptake and efflux of radiolabelled GABA and l -glutamate in rat cortical synaptosomes and report: (1) low concentrations of δ-ALA reduced the potassium-stimulated release of [3H]GABA from the synaptosome preparation. This effect was reversed by the GABA receptor antagonist bicuculline. We postulate that GABA release is modulated by a feedback mechanism on presynaptic GABA receptors, and that δ-ALA has agonist activity at these receptors. (2) δ-ALA at high concentrations (0.75-5.0 m m ) stimulated the efflux of l -[14C]glutamate from preloaded synaptosomes. (3) δ-ALA had no effect on potassium-stimulated release of l -glutamate. (4) Uptake of labelled l -glutamate was inhibited by δ-ALA in a noncompetitive fashion. (5) Synaptosomes did not accumulate [14C]δ-ALA in the range 0.5-50 δ m . These results are discussed in relation to the control of GABA release from nerve endings, and the role of δ-ALA in the neuropsychiatric manifestations of the acute porphyric attack.  相似文献   

Abstract— Tryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroindoleacetic acid were found to be greatly increased in various parts of the brains of rats in acute hepatic failure following two stage hepatic devascularization. However, the increases in 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid varied by region and are not explicable solely in terms of increased concentrations of tryptophan. The results are discussed in terms of differences in the regional metabolism of 5-hydroxyindoleamines. Plasma free fatty acids, albumin, total tryptophan and free tryptophan were measured in plasma in hopes of elucidating the mechanism responsible for the cerebral elevation of tryptophan. Increased plasma free tryptophan appears sufficient to explain the rapid increase in brain tryptophan. The relationship between these results and recent observations in hepatic encephalopathy is discussed.  相似文献   

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