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L-glutamate stimulation of Na+ efflux from brain synaptic membrane vesicles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The characteristics of 22Na efflux from 22NaCl-preloaded synaptic plasma membrane vesicles and the stimulation of such efflux by gramicidin D and L-glutamate were determined. The rate and magnitude of passive Na+ efflux were dependent on the initial intravesicular NaCl concentration. A Na+:cation exchange process was also observed. Gramicidin D markedly enhanced Na+ efflux in a concentration-dependent manner and at 10 microM it caused total loss of intravesicular 22Na. The neuroexcitatory amino acids L-glutamate and D-glutamate, and the amino acid analog kainic acid, also stimulated Na+ efflux in a dose-dependent fashion, but their effects were weaker than those of gramicidin D. The mechanism of glutamate stimulation of Na+ flux is presumed to be through the activation of the glutamate receptor . Na+ channel complex in these membranes.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicles contain a H+-ATPase that generates a proton electrochemical gradient (delta mu H+) required for the uptake of neurotransmitters into the organelles. In this study, the synaptic vesicle H+-ATPase was examined for structural and functional similarities with other identified ATPases that generate a delta mu H+ across membranes. The synaptic vesicle H+-ATPase displayed immunological similarity with the 115-, 72-, and 39-kDa subunits of a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase purified from chromaffin granules. Functionally, the ATP-dependent H+ pumping across synaptic vesicles and ATP hydrolysis were sensitive to the sulfhydryl-modifying reagents, N-ethylmaleimide and 4-chloro-7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole, at concentrations known to affect vacuolar-type H+-ATPases. In addition, as with vacuolar-type H+-ATPases, the presence of NO3-, SO4(2-), or F- inhibited the generation of a delta mu H+, but addition of vanadate or oligomycin had no effect. The delta mu H+ is a function of the pH gradient (delta pH) and membrane potential (delta psi sv) across the synaptic vesicle. Acidification (delta pH) of the synaptic vesicle interior was enhanced in the presence of permeant anions, such as Cl-, or the K+ ionophore, valinomycin. In the absence of permeant anions, the H+-ATPase generated a delta psi sv that effected the transport of L-glutamate into the synaptic vesicles. Dissipation of delta psi sv by incubation with increased external Cl- or nigericin resulted in the abolition of glutamate uptake, despite the continued maintenance of a delta mu H+ across the synaptic vesicle as a substantial delta pH. The results suggest that the synaptic vesicle H+-ATPase is of a vacuolar type and energizes the uptake of anionic glutamate by virtue of the delta psi sv component of the delta mu H+ it generates.  相似文献   

gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is an endogenous metabolite of mammalian brain which is derived from GABA. Much evidence favours its role as an endogenous neuromodulator, synthesized, stored and released at particular synapses expressing specific receptors. One key step for GHB involvement in neurotransmission is its uptake by a specific population of synaptic vesicles. We demonstrate that this specific uptake exists in a crude synaptic vesicle pool obtained from rat brain. The kinetic parameters and the pharmacology of this transport are in favour of an active vesicular uptake system for GHB via the vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter. This result supports the idea that GABA and GHB accumulate together and are coliberated in some GABAergic synapses of the rat brain, where GHB acts as a modulatory factor for the activity of these synapses following stimulation of specific receptors.  相似文献   

A crude preparation of neurotransmitter storage vesicles was obtained by differential centrifugation and the ability to take up 3H-dopamine was evaluated invitro. The uptake was highly dependent on temperature, had an absolute requirement for ATP and Mg2+ and was inhibited totally by reserpine. The uptake displayed saturation kinetics, with a Km of 0.26 μM at 20°. 3H-dopamine uptake was inhibited competitively by norepinephrine, with a Ki of 0.69 μM. Vesicles derived from a primarily dopaminergic region (corpus striatum) exhibited the same ratio of uptakes of 3H-dopamine/3H-norepinephrine as did those from a primarily noradrenergic region (cerebral cortex). These results indicate that viable rat brain storage vesicles can be readily prepared and used for evaluation of pharmacologic effects on 3H-dopamine uptake, and that dopaminergic and noradrenergic storage vesicles exhibit identical uptake properties.  相似文献   

Energy coupling of L-glutamate transport in brain synaptic vesicles has been studied. ATP-dependent acidification of the bovine brain synaptic vesicles was shown to require CI-, to be accelerated by valinomycin and to be abolished by ammonium sulfate, nigericin or CCCP plus valinomycin, and K+. On the other hand, ATP-driven formation of a membrane potential (positive inside) was found to be stimulated by ammonium sulfate, not to be affected by nigericin and to be abolished by CCCP plus valinomycin and K+. Like formation of a membrane potential, ATP-dependent L-[3H]glutamate uptake into vesicles was stimulated by ammonium sulfate, not affected by nigericin and abolished by CCCP plus valinomycin and K+. The L-[3H]glutamate uptake differed in specificity from the transport system in synaptic plasma membranes. Both ATP-dependent H+ pump activity and L-glutamate uptake were inhibited by bafilomycin and cold treatment (common properties of vacuolar H(+)-ATPase). ATP-dependent acidification in the presence of L-glutamate was also observed, suggesting that L-glutamate uptake lowered the membrane potential to drive further entry of H+. These results were consistent with the notion that the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase of synpatic vesicles formed a membrane potential to drive L-glutamate uptake. ATPase activity of the vesicles was not affected by the addition of Cl-, glutamate or nigericin, indicating that an electrochemical H+ gradient had no effect on the ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), a widely used antioxidant food preservative, has been found to be a potent inhibitor of norepinephrine uptake into synaptic vesicles isolated from rat brain. BHT levels as low as one per 400 phospholipid molecules were sufficient to cause 75% inhibition of norepinephrine accumulation at 30°C. The same levels of BHT which inhibited neurotransmitter transport also caused a significant increase in the fluorescence polarization of the membrane probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene embedded in synaptic vesicle membranes, suggesting that BHT may block transport indirectly by decreasing the transmembrane mobility of a norepinephrine carrier protein.  相似文献   

Protein I is a neuron-specific, synaptic phosphoprotein highly localized on the surface of synaptic vesicles. We have recently isolated anti-Protein I IgG by affinity chromatography and shown that these antibodies inhibit specifically the phosphorylation of Protein I (Naito, S., and Ueda, T. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 10657-10663). In an effort to characterize Protein I-associated synaptic vesicles with respect to the types of neurotransmitters, we have now developed a procedure, using the affinity-purified anti-Protein I IgG, which allows immunoprecipitation of those synaptic vesicles which contain Protein I. The isolated vesicles are largely free of contamination from other intracellular organelles and plasma membranes. We present evidence that these vesicles isolated from bovine cortex are able to accumulate L-glutamate specifically in an ATP-dependent, temperature-dependent but Na-independent manner. Thus, the structurally similar aminoacid neurotransmitters aspartate and gamma-aminobutyric acid, as well as other neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, and glycine, failed to show a significant ATP-dependent uptake into these vesicles. Moreover, the ATP-dependent glutamate uptake was not inhibited effectively by glutamine, aspartate, or gamma-aminobutyric acid. The ATP-dependent glutamate uptake requires ATP hydrolysis; thus there was little accumulation of glutamate in the absence of ATP or Mg2+, or when ATP was replaced by an unhydrolyzable beta, gamma-methylene ATP analog. The glutamate uptake appears to be driven at least in part by a membrane potential generated by Mg2+-ATPase, similar to that of the catecholamine and serotonin uptakes into storage granules. These observations suggest that Protein I may be involved in some aspect of the function of glutamate-containing synaptic vesicles in the brain.  相似文献   

The lipid composition of synaptic vesicles isolated from adult rat brain was determined. Vesicles contained cholesterol and phospholipid but very little ganglioside, galactolipid, free fatty acid and triglyceride was detected. Ethanolamine and choline phosphoglycerides were the dominant phospholipids. Lysophosphatidyl choline was present in very low amounts. The fatty acid composition of the phosphoglycerides was characterized by high levels of docosahexaenoic acid in the ethanolamine and serine phosphoglycerides, and the absence of long chain fatty acids from the sphingomyelins. All the characteristic features of the lipid composition of the synaptosomal plasma membrane (with the exception of the ganglioside content) were seen in the synaptic vesicle lipids. The results are discussed in terms of the exocytosis mechanism of transmitter release.  相似文献   

The effects of Mg-ATP, EGTA, EDTA and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide on the changes in the intensity of light scattering were studied in rat brain synaptic vesicles (SV) suspended in saccharose-buffer medium. Specific interactions between SV and isolated synaptic junctional complex were observed in the presence of Mg-ATP and calmodulin. An in vitro model of exocytosis is discussed.  相似文献   

Preferential glutamine uptake in rat brain synaptic mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Steib  A Rendon  J Mark  J Borg 《FEBS letters》1986,207(1):63-68
Glutamine uptake has been studied in purified rat brain mitochondria of synaptic or non-synaptic origin. It was taken up by an active saturable transport mechanism, with an affinity two-times higher in synaptic than in non-synaptic mitochondria (Km = 0.45 and 0.94 mM, respectively). Vmax of uptake was 7-times higher in synaptic mitochondria (Vmax = 9.2 and 1.3 nmol/min per mg protein, respectively). Glutamine transport was found to be inhibited by L-glutamate (IC50 = 0.64 mM) as well as thiol reagents (mersalyl, N-ethylmaleimide). It is suggested that differential uptake of glutamine in mitochondria of synaptic or non-synaptic origin may be a major mechanism in the regulation of the synthesis of the neurotransmitter glutamate.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicles were isolated from adult rat brain in a form which seemed to be 90–95% pure by chemical and enzymatic assay. The only significant contaminant was the synaptosomal plasma membrane. Contamination with Golgi apparatus and lysosomes appeared limited although some uncertainty remains on this point. The vesicles are sufficiently pure for valid analytical studies to be performed, but the possibility of internal heterogeneity of the preparations must be taken into account.  相似文献   

G Pines  B I Kanner 《Biochemistry》1990,29(51):11209-11214
Membrane vesicles from rat brain exhibit sodium-dependent uptake of L-[3H]glutamate in the absence of any transmembrane ion gradients. The substrate specificity of the process is identical with (Na+ + K+)-coupled L-glutamate accumulation. Although these vesicles are prepared after osmotic shock and are washed repeatedly, they contain about 1.5 nmol/mg of protein endogenous L-glutamate, apparently located inside the vesicles. The affinity of the process (Km approximately 1 microM) is similar to that of (Na+ + K+)-dependent accumulation by the L-glutamate transporter. Membrane vesicles have been disrupted by the detergent cholate, and the solubilized proteins have been subsequently reconstituted into liposomes. The reconstituted proteoliposomes also exhibit the above uptake--with the same characteristics--provided they contain entrapped cold L-glutamate. Counterflow is optimal when sodium is present on both sides of the membrane, but partial activity is still observed when sodium is present either on the inside or on the outside. Increasing the L-glutamate concentration above the Km results in counterflow completely independent of cis sodium. The initial rate of counterflow is 100-200-fold lower than that of net trans potassium dependent flux. The rate of net flux in the presence of trans sodium or lithium is about 10-fold lower than when choline or Tris are used instead. However, the rate of counterflow (no internal potassium present) was not stimulated by replacing internal sodium or lithium by internal choline. Therefore, optimal functioning of the transporter requires internal potassium while internal sodium and lithium are inhibitory.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of vasopressin (VP) from extra-hypothalamic areas of rat brain was investigated by measuring its distribution (a) along a continuous sucrose gradient; (b) during the preparation of isolated nerve endings (synaptosomes) and (c) during the preparation of synaptic vesicles.Quite large amounts of vasopressin are isolated in the same fractions as mitochondria, as well as synaptosomes. Osmotic rupture of membrane bound organelles in the homogenate results in the vasopressin being measured largely in the fraction containing synaptic vesicles. These results would suggest that vasopressin could be released by nerve terminals which is consistent with the hypothesis that it may have a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator function in the CNS.  相似文献   

The environmental levels of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are increasing, but little is known about their toxic effects. In this paper, we show that some of the most important BFRs in commercial use today, have a neurotoxicological potential. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) inhibit plasma membrane uptake of the neurotransmitters dopamine, glutamate and gamma-amino-n-butyric acid (GABA) at a concentration level similar to what previously found for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and even for ecstasy. The IC(50) value for HBCD on dopamine uptake was 4 microM, and the IC(50) values for TBBPA were 9, 6 and 16 microM for dopamine, glutamate and GABA, respectively. HBCD also inhibited glutamate uptake at low concentrations, but never achieved more than 50% inhibition. The inhibition was primarily due to their effect on the membrane potential, measured by the membrane potential marker tetraphenylphosphonium bromide (TPP(+)). Other brominated flame retardants such as octaBDE and decaBDE did not have any effects on uptake. TBBPA, HBCD and even the pentabrominated diphenylether mixture (pentaBDE, DE-71, Great Lakes) also inhibited the vesicular uptake of dopamine with an IC(50) value of 3, 3 and 8 microM, respectively. The neurotoxicological consequences of these findings for environmental contaminants such as BFRs and PCBs are discussed.  相似文献   

The dopamine (DA)-translocating mechanism of synaptic vesicles isolated from rat brain has been studied in the presence of an artificially imposed delta pH on the vesicle membranes (acidic inside with respect to the external medium) without the aid of ATP-Mg2+. Under the experimental conditions, [3H]DA uptake by the synaptic vesicles was driven by two different, i.e. delta pH-dependent and -independent processes. Both processes appeared to be carrier-mediated based on the inhibition by NEM (N-ethylmaleimide), an -SH reagent, and by nomifensine, a DA uptake blocker at nerve terminals. The DA carrier of the vesicles was similar to that of the nerve terminal plasma membrane with respect to their susceptibility to nomifensine. The delta pH-dependent uptake was transient and most of the incorporated DA was easily lost from the vesicles. On the other hand, the delta pH-independent uptake increased with time and the amine was retained in the vesicles. The initial rate of the delta pH-independent uptake was lower than that of the delta pH-dependent one but their extents were comparable with each other. These results indicate that rat brain synaptic vesicles have a DA uptake system requiring no ATP hydrolysis. A preparation of synaptic vesicles used here exhibited an inwardly directed proton translocation in the presence of ATP-Mg2+ when monitored by following changes in the fluorescence of ANS (8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate). However, the time course of the delta pH-generation was not influenced by the addition of 1 mM DA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have employed sulfhydryl group reagents in an attempt to determine the mechanism by which the transport of nucleotides into synaptic vesicles is controlled. Transport proved to be sensitive to N-ethylmaleimide; radiolabelled N-ethylmaleimide was used to locate the sulfhydryl group to the translocase-associated molecule previously identified as a polypeptide of Mr 34,000 [Lee and Witzemann (1983) Biochemistry 22, 6123-6130]. The nucleotide uptake was 75% inhibited by the mercurials rho-hydroxymercuribenzoate and rho-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate. Uptake was also sensitive to the reagents phenylarsine oxide and iodosobenzoic acid, which are specific for dithiols. These results indicate that a readily accessible dithiol is critical for nucleotide transport. Using the lipophilic oxidants iodosobenzoic acid and plumbagin, we demonstrated that nucleotide uptake was inhibited upon oxidation of the dithiol but that this did not involve an alteration in the affinity of the translocase for its substrate.  相似文献   

The specific binding of radioiodinated concanavalin A (125I-con A) to rat brain synaptosomes was shown to be saturable. In the presence of excess on A binding was rapid and was completed within 5 min (t1/2 was 25 s) at 37 degrees C, and at saturation the amount bound did not change over time. Under the electron microscope, concanavalin A-ferritin (con A-ft) bound to synaptosomes in two regions: in the extra-junctional plasma membrane and within the synaptic cleft of Gray type 1 and 2 synapses. Synaptosomes incubated with con A-ft at 37 degrees C internalized bound lectin by endocytosis through coated pits. Endocytosis took place in the extra-junctional membrane, because it can occur before con A-ft has penetrated into the synaptic cleft, and continued for a considerable time (more than 30 min) after saturation of the receptor(s). Synaptic vesicles, which have at least two con A receptors on the internal aspect of their membranes, and cisternae, become labelled. When exocytosis was induced in synaptosomes by K+ depolarizations, synaptic vesicle con A receptors became incorporated into the plasma membrane and were labelled with 125I-con A causing a 2.5-fold increase in con A binding that was Ca2+ dependent. These experiments thus provide evidence for the transient incorporation of synaptic vesicle membrane glycoproteins into the plasma membrane during transmitter release.  相似文献   

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