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We determined the melting temperatures (Tm) and thermodynamic parameters of 15 RNA and 19 DNA hairpins at 1 M NaCl, 0.01 M sodium phosphate, 0.1 mM EDTA, at pH 7. All these hairpins have loops of four bases, the most common loop size in 16S and 23S ribosomal RNAs. The RNA hairpins varied in loop sequence, loop-closing base pair (A.U, C.G, or G.C), base sequence of the stem, and stem size (four or five base pairs). The DNA hairpins varied in loop sequence, loop-closing base pair (C.G, or G.C), and base sequence of the four base-pair stem. Thermodynamic properties of a hairpin may be represented by nearest-neighbor interactions of the stem plus contributions from the loop. Thus, we obtained thermodynamic parameters for the formation of RNA and DNA tetraloops. For the tetraloops we studied, a free energy of loop formation (at 37 degrees C) of about +3 kcal/mol is most common for either RNA or DNA. There are extra stable loops with delta G degrees 37 near +1 kcal/mol, but the sequences are not necessarily the same for RNA and DNA. The closing base pair is also important; changing from C.G to G.C lowered the stability of several tetraloops in both RNA and DNA. These values will be useful in predicting RNA and DNA secondary structures.  相似文献   

The relationship between hairpin ribozyme structure, and cleavage and ligation kinetics, and equilibria has been characterized extensively under a variety of reaction conditions in vitro. We developed a quantitative assay of hairpin ribozyme cleavage activity in yeast to learn how structure-function relationships defined for RNA enzymes in vitro relate to RNA-mediated reactions in cells. Here, we report the effects of variation in the stability of an essential secondary structure element, H1, on intracellular cleavage kinetics. H1 is the base-paired helix formed between ribozyme and 3' cleavage product RNAs. H1 sequences with fewer than three base-pairs fail to support full activity in vitro or in vivo, arguing against any significant difference in the stability of short RNA helices under in vitro and intracellular conditions. Under standard conditions in vitro that include 10 mM MgCl(2), the internal equilibrium between cleavage and ligation of ribozyme-bound products favors ligation. Consequently, ribozymes with stable H1 sequences display sharply reduced self-cleavage rates, because cleavage is reversed by rapid re-ligation of bound products. In contrast, ribozymes with as many as 26 base-pairs in H1 continue to self-cleave at maximum rates in vivo. The failure of large products to inhibit cleavage could be explained if intracellular conditions promote rapid product dissociation or shift the internal equilibrium to favor cleavage. Model experiments in vitro suggest that the internal equilibrium between cleavage and ligation of bound products is likely to favor cleavage under intracellular ionic conditions.  相似文献   

Kinetic values of the BamHI endonuclease interaction with synthetic oligonucleotides, containing some defects, have been determined. These defects were: the absence of the one internucleotide phosphate in the GGATCC sequence; substitution of a phosphate linkage by a methylphosphonate one; 5'-protruding end of the double-stranded oligonucleotide substrate. Some modifications resulted in the increase of the initial rates of cleavage due to higher Vmax values for these substrates. Several structural defects in the oligonucleotide substrates have been shown to intensity the formation of productive complexes with the enzyme, which can be explained by the significant role of the polynucleotide chain kinks in the recognition process. Studies on oligonucleotides with different defects made it possible to reveal the phosphate groups essential for the interaction with BamHI endonuclease.  相似文献   

Within the hairpin ribozyme, structural elements required for formation of the active tertiary structure are localized in two independently folding domains, each consisting of an internal loop flanked by helical elements. Here, we present results of a systematic examination of the relationship between the structure of the helical elements and the ability of the RNA to form the catalytically active tertiary structure. Deletions and mutational analyses indicate that helix 1 (H1) in domain A can be entirely eliminated, while segments of helices 2, 3, and 4 can also be deleted. From these results, we derive a new active minimal ribozyme that contains three helical elements, an internal loop, and a terminal loop. A three-dimensional model of this truncated ribozyme was generated using MC-SYM, and confirms that the catalytic core of the minimized construct can adopt a tertiary structure that is very similar to that of the nontruncated version. A new strategy is described to study the functional importance of various residues and chemical groups and to identify specific interdomain interactions. This approach uses two physically separated and truncated domains derived from the minimal motif.  相似文献   

Kinetics of lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of esters were modeled using reactant activities for aqueous-organic, biphasic systems. By using thermodynamic activities of the substrates in ordinary rate equations, the kinetic parameters were corrected for the contribution of substrate-solvent interactions and a uniform quantification of the substrates for lipase attached to the interface can be achieved. The kinetic parameters, on the basis of their thermodynamic activities, should be constant in different systems, provided that the solvents do not interfere with the binding of the substrates to the enzyme nor affect the catalytic mechanism. Experimental and computational methods on how to obtain the thermodynamic activities of the substrates are presented. Initial rates were determined for Pseudomonas cepacia lipase (PcL)-catalyzed hydrolysis of decyl chloroacetate in dynamic emulsions with various solvents. The thermodynamic equilibrium and corrected kinetic constants for this reaction appeared to be similar in various systems. The kinetics of PcL in an isooctane-aqueous biphasic system could be adequately described with the rate equation for a ping-pong mechanism. The observed inhibitory effect of decanol appeared to be a consequence of this mechanism, allowing the backreaction of the decanol with the chloroacetyl-enzyme complex. The kinetic performance of PcL in systems with toluene, dibutyl ether, and methyl isobutyl ketone could be less well described. The possible causes for this and for the remaining differences in corrected kinetic parameters are discussed. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A novel assay for surface DNA hybridization, which is free of sample and probe labeling, convenient and of low cost, sensitive and capable of differentiation of single-base mutations, is reported. Hairpin oligonucleotides are carefully designed as probes and are covalently attached to Si chips. Segments of the human p53 gene are chosen to demonstrate the major features of the novel technique. Impedance measurement is used to detect the hybridization. To further optimize the performance, electric potential is applied on the chip. The apparently different responses of the chip to the complementary strand and the single-base mutant are shown under electric potential control. The criteria on the design of the hairpin oligonucleotides are discussed.  相似文献   

We explore the possibility for the native structure of a protein being inherently multiconformational in an ab initio coarse-grained model. Based on the Wang-Landau algorithm, the complete free energy landscape for the designed sequence 2DX4: INYWLAHAKAGYIVHWTA is constructed. It is shown that 2DX4 possesses two nearly degenerate native structures: one is a helix structure with the other a hairpinlike structure, and their free energy difference is <2% of that of local minima. Two degenerate native structures are stabilized by an energy barrier of ~10 kcal/mol. Furthermore, the hydrogen-bond and dipole-dipole interactions are found to be two major competing interactions in transforming one conformation into the other. Our results indicate that two degenerate native structures are stabilized by subtle balance between different interactions in proteins. In particular, for small proteins, balance between the hydrogen-bond and dipole-dipole interactions happens for proteins of sizes being ~18 amino acids and is shown to the main driving mechanism for the occurrence of degeneracy. These results provide important clues to the study of native structures of proteins.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of a stable yeast 5.8S rRNA hairpin helix.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The 5. 8S ribosomal RNA of bakers yeast contains one particularly stable hairpin helix which is isolated by partial T1 ribonuclease digestion. Thermal hyperchromism analysis of the hairpin fragment showed that it dissociates cooperatively with 18% hyperchromism, with a Tm of 83 degree C at 2.7 mM sodium ion concentration, and with a hyperchromic difference spectrum indicative of over 90% G + C content. The probable secondary structure for the fragment was used to predict a helix free energy, delta G = -16.2 kcal/mole, which was the same as that determined from the melting equilibrium. The predicted enthalpy however, was 77% of the value, delta H = -114 kcal/mole, determined from the van't Hoff relationship. The effect on these data of a G.U base pair within the 9 base pair helix is discussed.  相似文献   

The class I glutamine (Gln) tRNA synthetase interacts with the anticodon and acceptor stem of glutamine tRNA. RNA hairpin helices were designed to probe acceptor stem and anticodon stem-loop contacts. A seven-base pair RNA microhelix derived from the acceptor stem of tRNAGln was aminoacylated by Gln tRNA synthetase. Variants of the glutamine acceptor stem microhelix implicated the discriminator base as a major identity element for glutaminylation of the RNA helix. A second RNA microhelix representing the anticodon stem-loop competitively inhibited tRNAGln charging. However, the anticodon stem-loop microhelix did not enhance aminoacylation of the acceptor stem microhelix. Thus, transduction of the anticodon identity signal may require covalent continuity of the tRNA chain to trigger efficient aminoacylation.  相似文献   

The effect of crystal packing on oligonucleotide double helix structure   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
One of the questions that constantly is asked regarding x-ray crystal structure analyses of macromolecules is: To what extent is the observed crystal structure representative of the molecular conformation when free in solution, and to what degree is the structure perturbed by intermolecular crystal forces? This can be assessed with DNA oligomers because of an unusual aspect of crystallization self-complementary oligomers should possess a twofold symmetry axis normal to their helix axis, yet more often than not crystal of such oligomers do not use this internal symmetry. The two ends of the helix are crystallographically distinct though chemically identical. Complexes of DNA oligomers with intercalating drugs such as triostin A tend to use their twofold symmetry when they crystallize, whereas complexes with non-intercalating, groove-binding drugs ignore this symmetry unless the drug molecule is very small. A detailed examination of crystal packing in the dodecamer C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G provides an explanation of all of the foregoing behavior in terms of the mechanism of nucleation of DNA or DNA-drug complexes on the surface of a growing crystal. Asymmetry of the ends of the DNA helix is the price that is paid for efficient lateral packing of helices within the crystal. The actual end-for-end variation in standard helix parameters is compared with the experimental noise level as gauged by independent re-refinement of the same oligonucleotide structure where available, and with the observed extent of variation of these same parameters along the helix. Oligomers analyzed are the B-DNA dodecamer C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G, the A-DNA octamer G-G-T-A-T-A-C-C, and the phosphorothioate analogue of the B-DNA hexamer G-C-G-C-G-C. End-for-end variation, presumably the result of crystal packing is typically double the experimental noise level, and half the variation in the same parameter along the helix. Analysis of crystal packing in the phosphorothioate hexamer, which uses the same P212121 space group as the dodecamer, shows that the highly unsymmetrical B1 vs. BII backbone conformation probably is to be ascribed to crystal packing forces, and not to the sequence of the hexamer.  相似文献   

The measured curves of alpha-lactalbumin denaturation kinetics in the presence of urea are described in terms of a single phase. Its rate constant does not depend on the parameter detected. Both kinetic and equilibrium measurements show an accumulation of a protein molecule state in the denaturation region which differs from the native one in its fluorescence properties.  相似文献   

Kissing hairpin interactions form when the loop residues of two hairpins have Watson-Crick complementarity. In a unimolecular context, kissing interactions are important for tertiary folding and pseudoknot formation, whereas in a bimolecular context, they provide a basis for molecular recognition. In some cases, kissing complexes can be a prelude to strand displacement reactions where the two hairpins resolve to form a stable extended intermolecular duplex. The kinetics and thermodynamics of kissing-complex formation and their subsequent strand-displacement reactions are poorly understood. Here, biophysical techniques including isothermal titration calorimetry, surface plasmon resonance, and single-molecule fluorescence have been employed to probe the factors that govern the stability of kissing complexes and their subsequent structural rearrangements. We show that the general understanding of RNA duplex formation can be extended to kissing complexes but that kissing complexes display an unusual level of stability relative to simple duplexes of the same sequence. These interactions form and break many times at room temperature before becoming committed to a slow, irreversible forward transition to the strand-displaced form. Furthermore, using smFRET we show that the primary difference between stable and labile kissing complexes is based almost completely on their off rates. Both stable and labile complexes form at the same rate within error, but less stable species dissociate rapidly, allowing us to understand how these complexes can help generate specificity along a folding pathway or during a gene regulation event.  相似文献   

We have investigated the binding of a 26-mer antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to a 69-mer DNA hairpin with a 13 base pair stem, bearing an Rsa1 restriction site. The 5' part of the 26-mer annealed to a stretch of six purines at the bottom of the hairpin. The 3' part was designed to fold back to form a triplex with both the stem of the hairpin and with the sequence paired to its own 5' region. Using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, melting curves (Tm) and chemical footprinting, we were able to show the formation of a 'double-hairpin' complex between the 69-mer and the 26-mer antisense oligopyrimidines. The association was both sequence and pH-dependent. The formation of a double hairpin complex was shown to prevent the alkylation of the 69-mer DNA target by an oligonucleotide-nitrogen mustard conjugate and to selectively inhibit the action of Rsa1.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of electrogenic ion pumps   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Recent single-molecule pulling experiments have shown how it is possible to manipulate RNA molecules using laser tweezers. In this article we investigate a minimal model for the experimental setup which includes an RNA molecule connected to two polymers (handles) and a bead trapped in the optical potential and attached to one of the handles. We start by considering the case of small single-domain RNA molecules, which unfold in a cooperative way. The model qualitatively reproduces the experimental results and allows us to investigate the influence of the bead and handles on the unfolding reaction. A main ingredient of the model is to consider the appropriate statistical ensemble and the corresponding thermodynamic potential describing thermal fluctuations in the system. We then investigate several questions relevant to extract thermodynamic information from experimental data. The kinetics of unfolding is also studied by introducing a dynamical model. Finally, we apply the model to the more general problem of a multidomain RNA molecule with Mg(2+) tertiary contacts that unfolds in a sequential way.  相似文献   

A kinetic hairpin transfer model for parvoviral DNA replication   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The DNAs encapsidated by parvoviruses show distinctly different patterns with respect to the ratio of plus-to-minus strands and sequence heterogeneity at the ends. A kinetic model, based on differential rates of hairpin transfer at 3' termini, is described and shown to account for all known parvoviral DNA distributions.  相似文献   

A scheme of equilibrium formation of concatamers by two different oligonucleotides has been considered. It is shown that in the general case, the dependence of the concentration of oligonucleotide components on temperature cannot be found in analytical form. Therefore, it is impossible to find the thermodynamic parameters of concatamer formation (ΔH 0, ΔS 0) and melting temperatures by analyzing the profiles of thermal denaturation of oligonucleotide complexes. An algorithm for numerical solution of implicit dependences has been developed. A number of approaches are considered that simplify the analysis of heat denaturation curves for concatamer complexes. It is shown that the dependence of the efficiency of concatamerization on temperature can be described analytically when duplex fragments have close stability and there is no cooperativity at the oligonucleotide junction. In this case, the dependence of melting temperature on thermodynamic parameters and oligonucleotide concentration has the same form as in the case of the duplex structure formed by a pair of non-self-complementary oligonucleotides. The ability of various model approaches to describe the experimental curves of concatamer heat denaturation is evaluated. For concatamer structures used as signal amplifiers in DNA hybridization analysis, a function is introduced that shows the relative contribution of a concatamer of given length to the magnitude of signal amplification. The dependence of the maximum of this function on the concentration of oligonucleotides, the thermodynamic characteristics of their complexes, and temperature has been determined. It is shown by the gel retardation assay that the function of the length distribution of concatamers qualitatively correlates with the experimental dependences.  相似文献   

We analyzed the thermodynamics of purine motif triplex formation by isothermal titration calorimetry. The signs of calorimetric enthalpy change, delta Hcal, and entropy change, delta S, of the triplex formation were negative in the temperature range between 15 and 35 degrees C. Since an observed negative delta S was unfavorable for the triplex formation, the triplex formation was driven by a large negative delta Hcal. delta Hcal decreased with increasing temperature, yielding a negative heat capacity change, delta Cp, of approximately -1.2 kcal mol-1 K-1. We found that the binding constant, Ka, increased with increasing temperature, leading to an apparent positive van't Hoff enthalpy change, delta Hvh, which was in sharp contrast with the large negative delta Hcal. The analyses of the observed temperature dependence of Ka and delta Hcal and the negative delta Cp suggest that the purine motif triplex formation near room temperature is not a simple two-state binding process but exhibits multiple states, which was previously observed for the pyrimidine motif triplex formation near room temperature.  相似文献   

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