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Free-ranging rhesus monkeys on Cayo Santiago (Puerto Rico) give five acoustically distinct scream vocalizations during agonistic encounters. These calls are thought to be an important mechanism in the recruitment of support from allies against opponents. Alliance formation during agonistic encounters is known to vary with the dominance rank and matrilineal relatedness of opponents, as well as with the severity of aggression. In contrast to previous interpretations of screams as graded signals reflecting the level of arousal of the caller, we found these calls to be much more discrete, with each of the five acoustic types significantly associated with a particular class of opponent and level of physical aggression. We performed a series of field experiments in which tape-recorded screams of immature rhesus monkeys were played to their mothers in the absence of any other information. The results suggest that the information necessary for differential responses is conveyed by the scream vocalizations themselves. We conclude that screams are representational signals that refer to external objects and events and function in the system of agonistic alliance formation.  相似文献   

Our research was made observing 6 infants for a period of 6 months in a group of 13 Macaca Rhesus in captivity conditions. We pointed out that mother-infant body contact behavior in Macaca Rhesus is strictly related to the mothers' rank order. In fact, as the infants of the same age grow up, the higher is the mother's rank order, the more frequent and varied are the infants' interactions with the other members of the group and the more frequently the body contact initiatives are taken by the infants. The behaviors observed in the first months of life can be also considered as the indispensable background of the subjects' future status in the group social structure.  相似文献   

The induction of reciprocal translocation in stem-cell spermatogonia of the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) was studied after testicular X-irradiation of mature males (50, 100 and 200 rad) or whole-body irradiation of young males (200 and 300 rad). After the recovery of the germinal epithelium, cytogenetic analysis was carried out on spermatocytes descended from irradiation spermatogonia. Preparations of C-banded diakinesis-metaphase I were screened for translocation configurations. The frequencies of abberations obtained were 0% at 0 rad, 0.36% at 50% rad, 0.86% at 100 rad, 0.99% at 200 rad and 0.68% at 300 rad, suggesting a humped dose—response relationship. There was no evidence for the contribution of a quadratic component to the yield in the lower dose range. A comparison of these results with those obtained for other mammals by a number on investigators shows that the frequencies of translocations in the rhesus monkey are much lower than those published for most other mammalian species.  相似文献   

Behavioral and endocrine data were collected over a 3 yr period from a rhesus monkey breeding colony maintained in an outdoor enclosure. Routine data collection included recording all observed reproductive behavior and the date of all births. Blood samples were obtained at least once monthly from the sexually mature males in the group, and testosterone content determined via radioimmunoassay. The breeding group exhibited a seasonal pattern of mating and births such as is typical of the species. Copulatory activity was restricted to a 5 month period commencing in the early fall of each year, with all births recorded in a corresponding span between March and August. Plasma testosterone concentration showed a distinct seasonal rhythm, peaking each year in October or November at a mean of about 1200 ng/100 ml. During periods of sexual inactivity, plasma testosterone values fell to a low of about 200 ng/100 ml. The results demonstrate a correlation between seasonal breeding activity and increased levels of circulating testosterone in the rhesus monkey, and are supportive of the postulate that other seasonally observed behavior patterns (e.g., increased aggression) also may be mediated by higher testosterone levels.  相似文献   

Data on the rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) of Cayo Santiago demonstrate both intergroup and seasonal variability in spatial defence. Of the five groups only one defends an area, and only during the birth season. The four non-defensive groups share two feeding stations and live in such close proximity that spatial defence would require high outputs of energy. In contrast, the group that maintains an exclusive area has its own feeding station and lives in semi-isolation on an easily defensible end of the island. Its defence of this end of the island during the birth season provides a protected area for infants and assures the group exclusive access to flowering and fruiting plants. Relaxation of this defensive behaviour during the mating season maximizes opportunities for intergroup matings.  相似文献   

An all-male rhesus group was added to a second group, one animal at a time, at weekly intervals, in reverse order of their dominance ranks. Significant positive correlations prevailed for the host group dominance ranks throughout the study, but the dominance ranks of the introduced males were random with respect to their original ranks. A second experiment repeatedly introduced the alpha and beta males of a multi-male heterosexual group into a second group where they were the lowest-ranking animals. On each return they reclaimed alpha and beta positions. When the alpha and beta males of the second group were introduced to the first group, they became the lowest-ranking animals in the group. Reversal of the direction of introduction again demonstrated that relative ranks were dependent on the social context.  相似文献   

The development of the metanephric kidney was studied immunohistochemically across gestation in monkeys to identify markers of cell specification, and to aid in developing experimental paradigms for renal precursor differentiation from human embryonic stem cells (hESC). PAX2, an important kidney developmental marker, was expressed at the tips of the ureteric bud, in the surrounding condensing mesenchyme, and in the renal vesicle. Vimentin, a mesenchymal and renal marker, was strongly expressed in the metanephric blastema then found to be limited to the glomerulus and interstitial cells of the medulla and cortex. A model of gene expression based on human and nonhuman primate renal ontogeny was developed and incorporated into studies of hESC differentiation. Spontaneous hESC differentiation revealed markers of metanephric mesenchyme (OSR1, PAX2, SIX2, WT1) that increased over time, followed by upregulation of kidney precursor markers (EYA1, LIM1, CD24). Directed hESC differentiation was also evaluated with the addition of retinoic acid, Activin-A, and BMP-4 or BMP-7, and using different culture substrate conditions. Of the culture substrates studied, gelatin most closely recapitulated the anticipated directed developmental pattern of renal gene expression. No differences were found when BMP-4 and BMP-7 were compared with baseline conditions. PAX2 and Vimentin immunoreactivity in differentiating hESC was also similar to the renal precursor patterns reported for human fetal kidneys and findings described in rhesus monkeys. The results of these studies are as follows: (1) provide additional data to support that rhesus monkey kidney development parallels that of humans, and (2) provide a useful model for hESC directed differentiation towards renal precursors.  相似文献   

Do monkeys anchor their numerical judgments based on the context in which their choices are presented? We addressed this question by varying the numerical range across sessions while macaque monkeys made ordinal judgments. Monkeys were trained to make a conditional discrimination whereby they were reinforced for ordering arrays of dots in ascending or descending numerical order, dependent on a color cue. Monkeys were tested using two ranges of numerosities that converged on a single pair. Similar to the findings of Cantlon and Brannon (2005), we found a semantic congruity effect whereby decision time was systematically influenced by the congruity between the cue (ascending or descending) and the relative Numerical Magnitude of the stimuli within each range. Furthermore, monkeys showed a context effect, such that decision time for a given pair was dependent on whether it was a relatively small or large set of values compared to the other values presented in that session. This finding suggests that, similar to humans, the semantic congruity effect observed in monkeys is anchored by the context. Thus our data provide further evidence for the existence of a shared numerical comparison process in monkeys and humans.  相似文献   

The relationship between dominance rank and female sexual behaviour was examined in rheusus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) living in a social group. High-ranking females engaged in copulatory series as frequently as lower-ranking females. Furthermore, lower-ranking females copulated with as many available males as did high-ranking females. Social rank did appear to influence the pattern of sexual activity exhibited, in that copulatory series were more often initiated by the higher-ranking animal of the mating pair. Copulatory series involving high-ranking females were characterized by more mounts by males and were longer in duration. Higher-ranking animals interfered more often with copulatory series involving other animals, but such interference was not effective in preventing completion of the series. These data indicate that any reproductive advantage conferred to high-ranking females is not the result of sexual competition in social-living rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

中华巨囊吸虫(Megacystium sinensis)是从广西猕猴(Macaca mulatta)体内检获的一种小型枝腺科吸虫。本文运用组织形态学方法对该虫形态特征作进一步观察。虫体的排泄囊很大,顶部有两个长35~37 μm呈V形管状排泄管,排泄囊壁黏膜单层柱状上皮。卵巢、卵黄腺、梅氏腺与输卵管连接,输卵管连接子宫。阴道开口生殖孔与子宫末端连接,阴道壁具有厚的肌肉质,阴道内有虫卵。雄茎囊很大,椭圆形,雄茎囊开口生殖孔,末端位于腹吸盘背后。雄茎囊内有S弯曲射精管、U形贮精囊和输精管。射精管中段黏膜表面有条束状肌肉组织。输精管位于雄茎囊末端,在腹吸盘背面分成2支与2睾丸内侧连接。本文补充了该虫排泄囊、雄茎囊和雌性生殖器官的形态特征。  相似文献   

To determine the lowest doses of testosterone propionate (TP) that cause clearcut behavioral changes in castrated male rhesus monkeys (behavioral thresholds), observations were made on eight males during successive 4-week treatment periods while they received daily doses of TP ranging from 25 μg to 12.8 mg subcutaneously. Males were tested with each of the same four ovariectomized females (32 pairs, 1408 one-hour behavior tests). Two females were untreated and the other two received either 5 or 15 μg estradiol benzoate sc per day. TP injections were given at 1600 hr, and plasma samples were obtained at 0800 hr (352 samples). Individual males had widely different behavioral thresholds from 50 μg up to 3.2 mg TP per day. Males showed two types of response: A, a graded increase in ejaculatory activity as plasma testosterone values increased, and B, an all-or-none type of response in which there were ho further increases in ejaculation with increasing plasma levels once the behavioral threshold had been reached. At levels below the physiological range, small changes in plasma testosterone were associated with marked changes in behavior. The female partner exerted a pronounced effect upon the responses of males to TP treatment.  相似文献   

Frequencies of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in spermatogonia, peripheral blood lymphocytes and bone-marrow cells of the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) and in human blood lymphocytes, were determined at different exposures of X-rays. The dose-response curve for the induction of reciprocal translocations in spermatogonia suggested a “hump” at about 200 rad. The absolute frequencies of chromosome aberrations in somatic and germ cells of the rhesus monkey were low in comparison with most other mammalian species and the ratio between aberrations in the two tissues was 25 to 1 at the 100 rad level. Although the numbers of “effective chromosome arms” in man and rhesus monkey are similar (81 vs. 83), the rhesus monkey showed a lower rate of induction of dicentrics in blood lymphocytes than man at all doses, reaching statistical significance at the 300 rad level.  相似文献   

Each offspring born into three captive groups of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) during the spring of 1981 was assigned (1) a most probable behavioural father and (2) a subset of all possible behavioural fathers, on the basis of intensive observations of sexual activity during the 1980 fall breeding season. These predictions were then compared with true paternity determined by electrophoretic and serological analyses of polymorphic blood proteins of mothers, infants, and all adult and subadult males. Coincidence between the assignments of paternity based upon behavioural and biochemical data occurred no more frequently than chance would allow. Furthermore, there were no significant relationships between biochemical and behavioural rankings of overall reproductive success. It was concluded that conventional estimates of sexual activity during the breeding season are not a reliable indicator of true paternity and relative reproductive success in rhesus macaques.  相似文献   

The objective was to develop a freezing protocol using a directional freezing (DF) technique for cryopreservation of rhesus macaque sperm and achieve a survival rate comparable to that achieved with a conventional freezing (CF) technique. Rhesus macaque sperm frozen with a DF technique, with cooling rates of 12 or 16 °C/min, had higher post-thaw motility (P < 0.05) than those cooled at 7 °C/min (59.3, 61.1, and 50.3%, respectively). Furthermore, sperm cryopreserved with 5% glycerol and a DF technique had similar frozen-thawed sperm motility to those cryopreserved by a CF technique (63.7 vs. 53.9%, P > 0.05). The function of sperm cryopreserved at the optimized cooling rate using a DF technique was evaluated by in vitro fertilization of oocytes collected from gonadotropin-stimulated rhesus macaques. Of the 38 mature oocytes collected, 78.9% were fertilized and 71.1, 47.4, and 42.1% of the oocytes developed to the 2-cell, morulae, and blastocyst stages, respectively. In conclusion, rhesus macaque sperm was effectively cryopreserved using a DF technique, providing a new and effective method for genetic preservation in this important species.  相似文献   

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