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Antioxidative and antimutagenic effect of yeast cell wall mannans, in particular, extracellular glucomannan (EC-GM) and glucomannan (GM-C.u.) both from Candida utilis, mannan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (M-S.c.) and mannan from Candida albicans (M-C.a.) was evaluated. Luminol-dependent photochemical method using trolox as a standard showed that EC-GM, GM-C.u., M-S.c. and M-C.a. have relatively good antioxidative properties. EC-GM exhibited the highest antioxidative activity, followed by GM-C.u. and M-S.c. M-C.a. showed the least antioxidative activity. These mannans were experimentally confirmed to exhibit different, statistically significant antimutagenic activity in reducing damage of chloroplast DNA of the flagellate Euglena gracilis induced by ofloxacin and acridine orange (AO). We suggest that the antimutagenic effect of EC-GM, GM-C.u., M-S.c. and M-C.a. against ofloxacin is based on their ability to scavenge reactive oxygen radicals. With AO, the reduction of the chloroplast DNA lession could be a result of the absorptive capacity of the mannans. The important characteristics of mannans isolated from the yeast cell walls, such as good water solubility, relatively small molecular weight (15-30kDa), and antimutagenic effect exerted through different mode of action, appear to be a promising features for their prospective use as a natural protective (antimutagenic) agents.  相似文献   

The physiological characteristics, proton magnetic resonance spectra of cell wall mannans, DNA base composition and DNA sequence similarity of some strains of Candida utilis, Hansenula jadinii and Hansenula petersonii were examined. It was found that C. utilis was not distinguishable from H. jadinii by any of these criteria. These findings show the close genetic relationship between C. utilis and its perfect form H. jadinii. In contrast, H. petersonii was found to differ from C. utilis and H. jadinii on account of insignificant DNA reassociation as well as a number of other properties.This investigation was supported by a Project of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR, Italy) on Nuove fonti proteiche: proteine da microrganismi.  相似文献   

The mannolipid synthesized from GDP-mannose and lipid acceptors in a particulate enzyme preparation from the yeast Hansenula holstii (R. K. Bretthauer, S. Wu, and W. E. Irwin, (1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 304, 736–747) has the properties of dolicholmonophosphate mannose. Transfer of [14C]mannose from exogenously supplied, purified mannolipid to endogenous protein acceptors of the particulate enzyme fraction has now been demonstrated. The synthesis of radioactive products which are insoluble in chloroform-methanol and water is dependent upon time and concentrations of substrate, particulate fraction protein, and detergent. Addition of MgCl2 or MnCl2 to incubation mixtures prepared in the absence of these ions had only small stimulatory effects (20–25%), suggesting that the reaction is not dependent upon metal ions. Relatively high concentrations (0.005 m-0.05 m) of EDTA did partially inhibit the reaction, but this is considered to be due to secondary effects.Seventy percent of the radioactivity in the chloroform-methanol insoluble residue was solubilized with hot, neutral citrate buffer. The Chromatographic properties of this material on Sephadex gels and on DEAE-Sephadex were very similar to the properties of glycoprotein products derived from GDP-[14C]mannose. The chloroform-methanol insoluble products were also solubilized with Pronase which subsequently resulted in the isolation of a radioactive glycopeptide that contained 25% of the radioactivity transferred from mannolipid. The radioactive component of this glycopeptide was shown by β-elmination experiments and by amino acid analyses to be [14C]mannose residues linked O-glycosidically to serine and threonine residues. It was concluded, therefore, that one function of the mannolipid is to serve as mannosyl donor in the synthesis of the mannosyl-O-serine (threonine) linkage region of glycoproteins which may be part of the cell wall mannan-protein complex. Other mannose-containing products may also be synthesized from the mannolipid, as β-elimination of the chloroform-methanol insoluble fraction or of the Pronase soluble fraction did not result in recovery of all of the radioactivity as [14C]mannose.  相似文献   

Hansenula mrakii secretes extracellularly a killer toxin which kills sensitive Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In protoplasts of this yeast, the killer toxin selectively inhibited the synthesis of alkali-insoluble acid-insoluble polysaccharides consisting mainly of beta-glucan, but did not inhibit either the synthesis of other cell wall polysaccharides, such as mannan, chitin and alkali-insoluble acid-soluble polysaccharides, or the synthesis of protein. Consistent with these results, the toxin was inhibitory to the beta-(1,3)-glucan synthetase activity of a cell-free extract from sensitive S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Purified human arginase I preparations homogeneous in SDS-PAAG test were obtained by the affinity chromatography on the synthesized sorbent L-arginine-macroporous glass. Some physico-chemical characteristics of the isolated arginase preparation have been estimated: thermo- and pH-stability, temperature- and pH-optima of the enzyme. The influence of some bivalent metal ions and other additives on enzymatic activity for stabilization of the enzyme and optimization of its storage conditions was studied.  相似文献   

Kim MW  Rhee SK  Kim JY  Shimma Y  Chiba Y  Jigami Y  Kang HA 《Glycobiology》2004,14(3):243-251
Presently almost no information is available on the oligosaccharide structure of the glycoproteins secreted from the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha, a promising host for the production of recombinant proteins. In this study, we analyze the size distribution and structure of N-linked oligosaccharides attached to the recombinant glycoprotein glucose oxidase (GOD) and the cell wall mannoproteins obtained from H. polymorpha. Oligosaccharide profiling showed that the major oligosaccharide species derived from the H. polymorpha-secreted recombinant GOD (rGOD) had core-type structures (Man(8-12)GlcNAc(2)). Analyses using anti-alpha 1,3-mannose antibody and exoglycosidases specific for alpha 1,2- or alpha 1,6-mannose linkages revealed that the mannose outer chains of N-glycans on the rGOD have very short alpha 1,6 extensions and are mainly elongated in alpha 1,2-linkages without a terminal alpha 1,3-linked mannose addition. The N-glycans released from the H. polymorpha mannoproteins were shown to contain mostly mannose in their outer chains, which displayed almost identical size distribution and structure to those of H. polymorpha-derived rGOD. These results strongly indicate that the outer chain processing of N-glycans by H. polymorpha significantly differs from that by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, thus generating much shorter mannose outer chains devoid of terminal alpha 1,3-linked mannoses.  相似文献   

The bag shaped peptidoglycan layer of Rhizobium cell wall was isolated from intact cells after treatment with sodium dodecylsulfate and trypsin, chymotrypsin or pepsin digestion. Results of chemical analysis of acid hydrolyzed peptidoglycan revealed beside two amino sugars: glucosamine and muramic acid, three major amino acids; alanine, glutamic acid and 2,6-diaminopimelic acid and also significant amount of glucose. Evidence were provided that the polyglucose found in peptidoglycan preparations of three strains of Rhizobium trifolii, one of Rhizobium leguminosarum and one of Rhizobium meliloti consist of cellulose microfibrils. The content of cellulose present in Rhizobium peptidoglycans ranged from 60 to 80%. Methods of peptidoglycan purification from the cellulose microfibrils are described.  相似文献   

The location of chitin in the yeast cell wall.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Incubation of galactose treated Kluyveromyces bulgaricus yeast cells in EDTA/phosphate-buffered saline led to an extract possessing hemagglutinating and yeast flocculating properties. Purification of this extract by affinity chromatography and gel filtration gave two lectin forms, Kb-CWL I and Kb-CWL II, with an apparent molecular mass of 38,000 and 150,000 Da, respectively. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that Kb-CWL I and Kb-CWL II were dimeric and octameric of a subunit of 18,900 Da. At high concentration, purified Kb-CWL I associated to give Kb-CWL II. This association seemed to be independent on pH. The two lectin forms were glycoproteins, the peptide counterpart was very rich in Lys, Glu, and Gly, and the carbohydrate part represented 1% of the whole molecule and was composed of Glc, Man, and Ara. The two lectin forms (KB-CWL I and Kb-CWL II) agglutinated human red blood cells and flocculated EDTA-treated K. bulgaricus yeast cells. The activity of both lectin forms required Ca2+ ions, while Sr2+ showed some competitive inhibition. Optimal activity was obtained within a pH range of 4-6.5 for both forms. Temperatures of 80-90 degrees C for 20 min, or proteolytic treatment reduced irreversibly the activity of Kb-CWL I and Kb-CWL II. The role of the cell wall phosphopeptidomannan as a ligand and a potential physiological receptor of these lectin forms was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Proteoheteroglycan (PHG) was prepared from Neurospora crassa cells by extraction with hot water followed by cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide fractionation. The polymer was purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography followed by gel filtrations. The PHG was fractionated into five subfractions containing carbohydrate (65-88%), protein (19-36%), and a trace amount of phosphate (0.3-1.9%). The sugar compositions of the fractions were similar to each other (D-mannose, 47-60%, D-galactose, 35-50%, D-glucose, 2-5%) while the fractions showed significant heterogeneity in molecular size. Mild alkali treatment of the PHG in the presence of sodium borohydride yielded three kinds of reduced oligosaccharides. Structural studies using a methylation-GC-MS method, and proton and carbon NMR indicated that the tetrasaccharide fragment is beta-D-Galf(1-5)-beta-D-Galf(1-2)-alpha-D-Manp(1-2)man nitol, the trisaccharide is beta-D-Galf(1-2)-alpha-D-Manp(1-2)mannitol, and the disaccharide is alpha-D-Manp(1-2)mannitol.  相似文献   

A recombinant yeast clone, a derivative of the recipient Hansenula polymorpha strain NCYC 495, was chosen as an NAD and glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase overproducer. Optimal cultivation conditions for the highest yield of enzyme were established. A simple scheme for the isolation of formaldehyde dehydrogenase from the recombinant strain was proposed, and some characteristics of the purified enzyme were studied. An enzymatic method for formaldehyde assay based on formaldehyde dehydrogenase was developed and used for testing real samples.  相似文献   

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