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Abstract: We document here a new taxon of sphenodontian, Whitakersaurus bermani gen. et sp. nov., that is also the most complete sphenodontian fossil from the Upper Triassic Chinle Group in the south‐western USA and the first Chinle sphenodontian represented by more than a single fragmentary dentulous element. The holotype was recovered during preparation of block C‐8‐82 from the famous Coelophysis (Whitaker) quarry at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, and is the most complete small vertebrate recovered from the quarry. Detailed lithostratigraphy and geologic mapping demonstrate that the Whitaker quarry is in the Rock Point Formation of the Chinle Group, so Whitakersaurus is the first sphenodontian reported from this unit. Records of the phytosaur Redondasaurus at the quarry and elsewhere in the Chinle Group demonstrate that the quarry, and thus Whitakersaurus, is of Apachean (late Norian–Rhaetian) age. The sphenodontian specimen consists of incomplete left and right dentaries, a partial left? maxilla?, and impressions of a probable palatal element, all of which preserve multiple teeth. Whitakersaurus is distinct from other sphenodontians in possessing a unique combination of the following features: marginal dentition pleurodont anteriorly and posteriorly acrodont; pronounced heterodonty in dentary, with as many as 15 smaller, peg‐like teeth anteriorly and several larger, posterior teeth that are conical and striated; faint radial ornamentation of posterior tooth crowns; presence of c. 19 dentary teeth; and absence of a distinct flange on posterior teeth. Numerous other details distinguish it from both more primitive and more derived taxa. Whitakersaurus, therefore, helps to document further mosaic evolution and an extensive diversification event of sphenodontians during Triassic time. Although sphenodontian taxa are relatively easily recognized, widely distributed, and common small‐ or microvertebrate fossils, the long stratigraphic ranges of taxa known from multiple specimens hinders their utility as index fossils with which to correlate strata across Pangaea.  相似文献   

青海曲麻莱-治多地区巴颜喀拉山群(上三叠统)遗迹化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首次对青海南部曲麻莱-治多地区巴颜喀拉山群上部(上三叠统)遗迹化石进行了系统采集,共采获遗迹化石33属54种。据遗迹化石的形态、习性、水深等环境成因特征,可划分为两类组合:一类以Cosmorhaphe,Helminthopsis,Helminthoida,Megagrapton,Paleodictyon等为主,产生于浊流事件前;另一类以Chondrites,Neo-nereites,Palaeophycus,Phycosiphon,Planolites,Zoophycos等为主,产生于浊流事件后,两者均为半深海-深海Nereites遗迹相的典型代表,反映晚三叠世研究区应为浊流沉积发育的复理石相沉积。  相似文献   

记陕北子长晚三叠世一新的古鳕类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
记述了陕北子长晚三叠世古鳕科(Palaeoniscidae)一新属新种──子长瓦窑堡鳕(Wayaobulepis zichangensis gen. et sp. nov.)。其一般形态特征如身体长纺锤形、背鳍基长,后部对着腹鳍和臀鳍之间的空隙、鳍条粗壮、饰缘棘鳞细小、悬挂骨倾斜、鳃盖骨很高大、鳞片小及横列鳞数目多等,与澳大利亚中至晚三叠世的Myriolopis很相似,但新属具有吻较尖、背鳍鳍条数目较少、鳞片具有众多的斜嵴、后缘成梳齿状以及具有背嵴鳞等显著特征区别于Myriolopis。瓦窑堡鳕在体形、鳍的位置、鳃盖骨高大及鳞片的纹饰等方面也与欧洲中至晚三叠世的 Gyrolepis相似,但新属以背鳍基较长、臀鳍基较短、背峪鳞发达及鳍条粗壮等特征区别于Gyrolepis。根据瓦窑堡鳕的性质和化石层位的情况,将合鱼化石地层的时代定为晚三叠世。  相似文献   

Abstract:  A seed-bearing pinnate leaf found in the Chinle Formation of Late Triassic age in Arizona appears to be an archaic seed fern that more closely resembles typical Carboniferous–Permian seed fern leaves than any younger form. The fossil, which is described here as Chilbinia lichii gen. et sp. nov., incorporates characters of several Palaeozoic taxa. These characters include pinnules that have reticulate venation resembling that in some species of Lonchopteris , cordate bases similar to those found in many species of Sphenopteris , and, except for a significant difference in size, linear ovate seeds that resemble the radially symmetrical seeds found attached to a species of Alethopteris in the Permian of China. The presence of this fossil in strata of Late Triassic age is further evidence that plant extinctions after the Permian–Triassic ecological crisis followed a stepwise pattern and apparently continued for at least 20–25 myr after the end of the Permian in western parts of the Triassic paratropical belt.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In the 1970s the Upper Triassic strata of the Argana Basin yielded archosaurian remains that were tentatively attributed to the rauisuchian Ticinosuchus . Restudy of this material together with new remains reveal new anatomical data and show that it in fact belongs to a new taxon, Arganasuchus dutuiti gen. et sp. nov. The systematics of the Rauisuchia are still unresolved; nevertheless, a monophyletic suprageneric group can be defined within the probable non-monophyletic rauisuchians. Arganasuchus dutuiti differs from all adequately known rauisuchians in three autapomorphies: acetabular rim on pubis runs anteroventrally parallel to pubic shift rather than being terminal and perpendicular to it; large contribution of pubis to acetabular depression; palatal process of maxillary low and confluent with interdental crest, rather than separated from it by a large area. The maxilla of Arganasuchus resembles those of Batrachotomus and Fasolasuchus in having a Y-shaped rather than a U-shaped form. As in rauisuchids, Arganasuchus dutuiti has short cervical vertebrae and a dorsal border of the proximal extremity of the pubis that is convex in lateral view. It shares one derived character state with Batrachotomus and Postosuchus (a tear-shaped and anteriorly orientated rugosity on the lateral side of the pubis, lying on a deep, longitudinal depression) and one more derived character state with Batrachotomus (narrow ante-acetabular part of the pubis; hence, the anterior border of the proximal extremity of the pubis is almost contiguous with the actabular rim).  相似文献   

描述了产自美国北卡罗来纳州上三叠统横齿兽类北方阔齿兽新材料的牙齿。基于牙齿的特征,尤其是犬后齿的形态,这些标本被暂归入杰斐逊北方阔齿兽Boreogomphodon jeffersoni;不过它们的下阔齿型犬后齿前横脊一般有两个而不是3个齿尖。根据牙齿大小、直接替换情况,推测阔齿型齿从后部萌发,从前部脱落。这个类群仅有一代阔齿型犬后齿;至少有一代,可能是两代裂齿型犬后齿。  相似文献   

首次对青海中部下三叠统巴颜喀拉山群下亚群孢粉组合进行综合研究。共发现孢粉:下岩组59属89种(包括1新种),按在组合中百分含量的平均值,蕨类植物孢子占55.71%,裸子植物花粉占36.3%,疑源类9属2种占7.36%,称之为Lundbladispora-Cycadopites-Veryhachium组合;上岩组86属119种(包括3新种),蕨类植物孢子占46.03%,裸子植物花粉占31.91%,疑源类13属16种占21.64%,称之为Limatulasporites?Cycadop-tes?Tubermonocolpites-Micrhystridium组合。上述孢粉组合特征,大体可与国内外早三叠世孢粉组合对比,因此,巴颜喀拉山群下亚群的时代应属早三叠世。  相似文献   

贵州关岭晚三叠世一大型鱼龙类头骨   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
记述了产自贵州关岭上三叠统杯椎鱼龙属一新种——亚洲杯椎鱼龙(Cymbospondylusasiaticus sp. nov)。标本为两件几乎完整的头骨,产于法朗组瓦窑段的泥质灰岩中,这是目前已知惟一的晚三叠世(Cymbospondylus属的标本,也是该属时代最晚的一个种。亚洲杯椎鱼龙头部最明显的特征是下颌牙齿仅分布于齿骨的前半部分。此外,新种的吻部极长,超过头骨全长之半,上颌骨非常发达,并且具有已知鱼龙类中最小的眼眶。亚洲杯椎鱼龙是这一大型鱼龙类在北美和欧洲以外地区的首次记录。  相似文献   

吴肖春  刘俊  李锦玲 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(4):251-265,T001
初步研究了山西省永和县桑壁镇铜川组二段产出的两件初龙形类化石标本 (IVPPV1 2 3 78,V 1 2 3 79) ,在此基础上建立了一新属新种———桑壁永和鳄 (Yonghesuchussangbiensisgen .etsp .nov .)。它以下列共存的衍生特征区别于其他初龙形类 (archosauriforms) :1 )吻部前端尖削 ;2 )眶前窝前部具一凹陷 ;3 )眶前窝与外鼻孔间宽 ;4)眶后骨下降突的后 2 / 3宽且深凹 ;5 )基蝶骨腹面有两个凹陷 ;6 )齿骨后背突相当长 ;7)关节骨的反关节区有明显的背脊 ,有穿孔的翼状的内侧突 ,以及指向前内侧向和背向的十分显著的后内侧突。由于缺乏跗骨的形态信息 ,目前很难通过支序分析建立永和鳄的系统发育关系。但可以通过头骨形态来推测永和鳄在初龙形类中的系统位置。永和鳄有翼骨齿 ,这表明它不属于狭义的初龙类 (archosaurians)。其通过内颈动脉脑支的孔位于基蝶骨的前侧面而不是腹面 ,在这点上永和鳄比原鳄龙科 (Proterochampsidae)更进步 ,这表明与后者相比永和鳄和狭义的初龙类的关系可能更近。在中国早期的初龙形类中 ,达坂吐鲁番鳄 (Turfanosuchusdabanensis)与桑壁永和鳄最接近 ,但前者由于内颈动脉脑支的孔腹位而比后者更为原始。根据以上头骨特征以及枢后椎椎体之间间椎体的存在与否 ,推测派克鳄 (Euparkeri  相似文献   

Abstract: Diverse freshwater aquatic palynomorphs are present among rich terrestrial palynofloras from the upper part of the Potrerillos and Cacheuta formations outcropping in the Cuyana Basin at the southern extremity of the Precordillera of Argentina. The Potrerillos/Cacheuta sequence includes fluvial, deltaic and lacustrine facies deposited in the early Late Triassic fault‐bounded syn‐rift Cacheuta hemigraben. The phytoplankton described and illustrated consist of representatives of colonial chlorococcalean algae belonging to the Hydrodictyaceae (Plaesiodictyon) and Botryococcaceae (Botryococcus), a diverse group of Zygnemataceae zygospores, a freshwater dinoflagellate cyst (Bosedinia) and acritarchs (sphaeromorphs). Zygnematacean zygospores are represented by species of Gelasinicysta?, Lecaniella, Mougeotia, Ovoidites, Peltacystia and Schizocystia. Of these, Gelasinicysta? cuyanensis sp. nov. is newly described. Quantitative analysis of the palynofloras permits interpretation of changes in the local vegetation and phytoplankton communities controlled by changes in environmental setting. Two algal associations are recognized as belonging to different stages in the evolution of the basin. Diverse zygnematacean assemblages along with hydrodictyacean, botryococcacean and leiosphere/sphaeromorph algae are common in fluvial–deltaic environments of the upper part of the Potrerillos Formation and the lowermost part of the Cacheuta Formation. Higher in the sections (in the Cacheuta Formation) Botryococcus dominates, in association with amorphous kerogen, representing deposition in a relatively deep, quiet‐water, lacustrine environment where anoxic conditions prevailed. In the Cacheuta hemigraben the lacustrine shales have average TOC values of 4 per cent (locally reaching 20 per cent), with some terrigenous components (Type II/III kerogen), but dominant amorphous, algal‐like, organic matter (Type I/II kerogen). Oils derived from these source rocks are predominantly waxy.  相似文献   

依据在云南富源中三叠世法郎组竹杆坡段发现的新材料,对关岭贵州空棘鱼(Guizhoucoelacanthus guanlingensis)进行了补充描述,并修订了鼻骨、顶骨、后顶骨、额外肩胛骨、眶后骨、偶鳍、鳞片等特征。系统发育分析表明,贵州空棘鱼属与Whiteia+Piveteauia构成姐妹群,其共有离征包括:两对顶骨的大小相近,第一背鳍鳍条数小于8。建议将贵州空棘鱼属归入怀特鱼科(Whiteiidae)。  相似文献   

1992年,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所从人民来信中得知,在山西永和县桑壁镇附近的河沟中发现了陆生四足动物化石。不久古脊椎所的专业人员就到化石产地进行了实地调查,并发掘出了几具保存较好的爬行动物化石。化石保存在坚硬的细砂岩中,已经修理出其中一个头骨(如图1所示)。经初步鉴定,这批化石是一类初龙形类动物,与产自新疆吐鲁番盆地中三叠世克拉玛依组的达板吐鲁番鳄(Turfanosuchusdabanensis)(Youns,1973)关系较近,但是其内颈动脉孔位于基蝶骨侧面,而不是位于腹面,这表明…  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Carnian (Late Triassic) flora of Lunz in Lower Austria is famous for an abundance of well-preserved bennettitalean and cycadalean foliage and reproductive structures. However, only the fertile remains have been studied in detail to date. Recently completed systematic macromorphological and cuticular analyses of leaf fossils from Lunz revealed that several forms previously accommodated in the genus Macrotaeniopteris do not represent ferns but rather Bennettitales assignable to the genus Nilssoniopteris . We describe three species of Nilssoniopteris , which represent the first records for this genus from Lunz, and one of the earliest accounts of Nilssoniopteris in the Northern Hemisphere. The following new combinations are introduced: Nilssoniopteris haidingeri (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov., N. angustior (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov. and N. lunzensis (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov. The discovery of Nilssoniopteris further substantiates the significance of the Lunz flora as one of the richest and most diverse early Late Triassic floras from the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

贵州兴义发现最原始弓鳍鱼   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
记述在贵州兴义著名的贵州龙化石层(上三叠统卡尼介)中发现的最原始弓鳍鱼而建立了一新属新种-优美贵州弓鳍鱼(Guizhouamia bellula gen.et sp.nov.)。  相似文献   

记述了甘肃玉门上二叠统西大沟组上部恐头兽类Anteosauridae科一新属新种——玉门中华猎兽(Sinophoneus yumenensis gen.et sp.nov.),该化石与俄罗斯伊舍夫地区Ⅱ带的Titanophoneus处于同一进化水平,其时代应为晚二叠世早期.这是我国首次发现的原始肉食anteosaurid恐头兽类头骨化石,甘肃西部成为继俄罗斯、南非之后该类原始似哺乳爬行动物化石的又一重要产地.  相似文献   

Abstract: Doswellia sixmilensis is a new species of the doswelliid archosauromorph genus Doswellia named for an incomplete skeleton from the Upper Triassic Bluewater Creek Formation of the Chinle Group in west‐central New Mexico, USA. D. sixmilensis differs from D. kaltenbachi Weems, the type and only other known species of Doswellia, in its larger size, higher tooth count and greater heterodonty, possession of keels on the cervical centra and the presence of discrete knobs or spikes on some osteoderms. The holotype of D. sixmilensis is the fourth occurrence of Doswellia and only the second occurrence of a Doswellia skull, which includes the previously unknown premaxilla and maxilla (and therefore the best dentition) and has the best‐preserved cervical vertebrae. Although it adds to our knowledge of the anatomy of Doswellia, this new information does not alter previous concepts of the phylogenetic relationships of the doswelliid genera, largely because they are so poorly known anatomically. The genus Doswellia is known from the Newark Supergroup in Virginia, and the Chinle Group in Texas, New Mexico and Utah, in strata of Otischalkian–Adamanian age. The type locality of D. sixmilensis is c. 43 m stratigraphically below a bed from which U‐Pb dating of detrital zircons yields a maximum depositional age of c. 220 Ma, so this is a reasonable approximate numerical age for D. sixmilensis.  相似文献   

滇西晚石炭世一早二叠世苔藓虫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述了4个双壳类化石组合特征及沉积环境,描述了双壳类2新属(Sichuatrigonia, Pseudoburmesia)和11新种(包括新亚种).  相似文献   

Abstract:  A lower jaw with multicusped teeth and a number of unique characteristics was discovered in an extensive exposure of the Upper Triassic Kössen Formation in the Northern Calcareous Alps. The ramus of the jaw is high and dominated by a row of large, oval foramina that lies parallel to the tooth row. In addition, the anterior portion of the dentary exhibits a large number of nutritive foramina and small pits, which might indicate an association with a soft tissue structure and/or the presence of a keratinous cover of that area during life. All elements of the jaw are thin-walled and hollow, possibly pneumatic. Two teeth are preserved within the dentary. One is tricuspid and the other bears four cuSPS. The teeth are noticeably small in comparison with the overall size of the ramus, being only one-third of the height of the ramus. The teeth show a strong similarity to those of the well-known basal pterosaur genus Eudimorphodon , whose jaw morphology, however, clearly differs from the specimen described in this study. The dentition and the pneumatic bone structure make an assignment to the Pterosauria plausible. Based on the great number of distinct morphological characters the specimen is described as Caviramus schesaplanensis gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

长江源区晚三叠世伟齿蛤科(双壳类)一新属--Quemocuomegalodon   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
记述青海唐古拉山北坡雀莫错附近晚三叠世甲丕拉组灰岩中的一类铰齿构造特殊的伟齿蛤类化石,建立新属Quemocuomegalodon gen.nov.及Q.orientus gen.et sp.nov.和Q.longitatus gen.et sp.nov.2新种,并简述伟齿蛤类的生活习性。  相似文献   

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