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Cochliobolus heterostrophus race T, causal agent of southern corn leaf blight, requires T-toxin (a family of C35 to C49 polyketides) for high virulence on T-cytoplasm maize. Production of T-toxin is controlled by two unlinked loci, Tox1A and Tox1B, carried on 1.2 Mb of DNA not found in race O, a mildly virulent form of the fungus that does not produce T-toxin, or in any other Cochliobolus spp. or closely related fungus. PKS1, a polyketide synthase (PKS)-encoding gene at Tox1A, and DEC1, a decarboxylase-encoding gene at Tox1B, are necessary for T-toxin production. Although there is evidence that additional genes are required for T-toxin production, efforts to clone them have been frustrated because the genes are located in highly repeated, A+T-rich DNA. To overcome this difficulty, ligation specificity-based expression analysis display (LEAD), a comparative amplified fragment length polymorphism/gel fractionation/capillary sequencing procedure, was applied to cDNAs from a near-isogenic pair of race T (Tox1+) and race O (Tox1-) strains. This led to discovery of PKS2, a second PKS-encoding gene that maps at Tox1A and is required for both T-toxin biosynthesis and high virulence to maize. Thus, the carbon chain of each T-toxin family member likely is assembled by action of two PKSs, which produce two polyketides, one of which may act as the starter unit for biosynthesis of the mature T-toxin molecule.  相似文献   

Ca2+ channel Cch1, and its subunit Mid1, has been suggested as the protein complex responsible for mediating Ca2+ influx, which is often employed by fungal cells to maintain cell survival. The abilities of morphological switch and response to stress conditions are closely related to pathogenicity in Candida albicans. Cch1 and Mid1 activity are required for virulence of Cryptococcus neoformans and Claviceps purpurea, respectively. To investigate whether Cch1 and Mid1 also play a role in the virulence of C. albicans, we constructed cch1Δ/Δ and mid1Δ/Δ mutant strains for functional analysis of CCH1 and MID1. Although both of the mutants displayed the ability of yeast-to-hypha transition, they were defective in hyphae maintenance and invasive growth. Interestingly, deletion of CCH1 or MID1 in C. albicans led to an obvious defect phenotype in oxidative stress response. Moreover, the virulence of the mutants was reduced in a mouse model. Our results demonstrated that Cch1 and Mid1 activity are related to the virulence of C. albicans and may provide a new antifungal target.  相似文献   

Genes at two unlinked loci (Tox1A and Tox1B) are required for production of the polyketide T-toxin by Cochliobolus heterostrophus race T, a pathogenic fungus that requires T-toxin for high virulence to maize with T-cytoplasm. Previous work indicated that Tox1A encodes a polyketide synthase (PKS1) required for T-toxin biosynthesis and for high virulence. To identify genes at Tox1B, a wild-type race T cDNA library was screened for genes missing in the genome of a Tox1B deletion mutant. The library was probed, first with a 415-kb NotI restriction fragment from the genome of the Tox1B mutant, then with the corresponding 560-kb fragment from the genome of wild type. Two genes, DEC1 (similar to acetoacetate decarboxylase-encoding genes) and RED1 (similar to genes encoding members of the medium-chain dehydrogenase/reductase superfamily), were recovered. Targeted disruption of DEC1 drastically reduced both T-toxin production and virulence of race T to T-cytoplasm maize, whereas specific inactivation of RED1 had no apparent effect on T-toxin production (as determined by bioassay) or on virulence. DEC1 and RED1 map within 1.5 kb of each other on Tox1B chromosome 6;12 and are unique to the genome of race T, an observation consistent with the hypothesis that these genes were acquired by C. heterostrophus via a horizontal transfer event.  相似文献   

Fatty acids (FAs) are the major structural component of cellular membranes, which provide a physical and chemical barrier that insulates intracellular reactions from environmental fluctuations. The native composition of membrane FAs establishes the topological and chemical parameters for membrane-associated functions and is therefore modulated diligently by microorganisms especially in response to environmental stresses. However, the consequences of altered FA composition during host-pathogen interactions are poorly understood. The food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes contains mostly saturated branched-chain FAs (BCFAs), which support growth at low pH and low temperature. In this study, we show that anteiso-BCFAs enhance bacterial resistance against phagosomal killing in macrophages. Specifically, BCFAs protect against antimicrobial peptides and peptidoglycan hydrolases, two classes of phagosome antimicrobial defense mechanisms. In addition, the production of the critical virulence factor, listeriolysin O, was compromised by FA modulation, suggesting that FAs play a key role in virulence regulation. In summary, our results emphasize the significance of FA metabolism, not only in bacterial virulence regulation but also in membrane barrier function by providing resistance against host antimicrobial stress.  相似文献   

Two types of xylanase gene, XYN11A (XYL1) and XYN11B (XYL2), were amplified by PCR and partially sequenced in four phytopathogenic species of the ascomycete fungal genus Cochliobolus (anamorph genus Bipolaris). Three of the species, C. heterostrophus (B. maydis), C. sativus (B. sorokiniana), and Bipolaris sorghicola (no teleomorph known), are interrelated; the fourth, C. spicifer (B. spicifera), was found, through analysis of the 5.8S RNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of its ribosomal DNA, to be more distantly related to the other three. Isolates from all four species contain orthologous XYN11A and XYN11B genes, but a set of laboratory strains of C. heterostrophus gave no product corresponding to the XYN11B gene. The patterns of evolution of the two xylanase genes and ribosomal DNA sequences are mutually consistent; the results indicate that the two genes were present in the common ancestor of all Cochliobolus species and are evolving independently of each other. Received: 12 July 2001 / Accepted: 6 March 2002  相似文献   

Cochliobolus heterostrophus, a heterothallic Ascomycete, has a single mating type locus with two alternate forms called MAT-1 and MAT-2. MAT-1 was cloned by complementing a MAT-2 strain using a cosmid library from a MAT-1 strain and screening for a homothallic transformant. The cosmid recovered from this transformant was able to re-transform a MAT-2 strain to homothallism and MAT identity was proven by restriction fragment length polymorphism and conventional genetic mapping. All homothallic transformants could mate with either MAT-1 or MAT-2 strains, although the number of ascospores produced by self matings or crosses to MAT-2 strains was low. Progeny of selfed homothallic transformants were themselves homothallic. MAT-2 was cloned by probing a cosmid library from a MAT-2 strain with a fragment of insert DNA from the MAT-1 cosmid. A 1.5 kb subclone of either MAT-containing cosmid was sufficient to confer mating function in transformants. Examination of the DNA sequence of these subclones revealed that MAT-1 and MAT-2 contain 1297 by and 1171 bp, respectively, of completely dissimilar DNA flanked by DNA common to both mating types. Putative introns were found (one in each MAT gene) which, when spliced out, would yield open reading frames (ORFs) that occupied approximately 90% of the dissimilar DNA sequences. Translation of the MAT-1 ORF revealed similarity to the Neurospora crassa MATA, Podospora anserina mat?, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae MATα1 proteins; translation of the MAT-2 ORF revealed similarity to the N. crassa MATa, P. anserina mat+, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe mat-Mc proteins. These gene products are all proven or proposed DNA binding proteins. Those with similarity to MAT-2 are members of the high mobility group.  相似文献   

The plant pathogenic fungus Cochliobolus heterostrophus produces melanin, a black pigment, via 1, 8-dihydroxynaphthalene. The deficiency of C. heterostrophus Brn1(-) mutant was complemented with the cosmid clone pCOS/ML6, screened by heterologous hybridization with the genes involved in the melanin biosynthesis of Alternaria alternata. We determined the DNA sequence of the Brn1 gene and its flanking regions. The Brn1 gene contains one open reading frame consisting of three exons separated by two introns. A comparison of the nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence of the Brn1 gene with those of other fungal reductase genes involved in melanin biosynthesis indicates significant similarity as well as the pathway of melanin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Conserved eukaryotic signaling proteins participate in development and disease in plant-pathogenic fungi. Strains with mutations in CGA1, a heterotrimeric G protein G alpha subunit gene of the maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus, are defective in several developmental pathways. Conidia from CGA1 mutants germinate as abnormal, straight-growing germ tubes that form few appressoria, and the mutants are female sterile. Nevertheless, these mutants can cause normal lesions on plants, unlike other filamentous fungal plant pathogens in which functional homologues of CGA1 are required for full virulence. Δcga1 mutants of C. heterostrophus were less infective of several maize varieties under most conditions, but not all, as virulence was nearly normal on detached leaves. This difference could be related to the rapid senescence of detached leaves, since delaying senescence with cytokinin also had differential effects on the virulence of the wild type and the Δcga1 mutant. In particular, detached leaves may provide a more readily available nutrient source than attached leaves. Decreased fitness of Δcga1 as a pathogen may reflect conditions under which full virulence requires signal transduction through CGA1-mediated pathways. The virulence of these signal transduction mutants is thus affected differentially by the physiological state of the host.  相似文献   

Two of the four WNK (with no lysine (K)) protein kinases are associated with a heritable form of ion imbalance culminating in hypertension. WNK1 affects ion transport in part through activation of the closely related Ste20 family protein kinases oxidative stress-responsive 1 (OSR1) and STE20/SPS1-related proline-, alanine-rich kinase (SPAK). Once activated by WNK1, OSR1 and SPAK phosphorylate and stimulate the sodium, potassium, two chloride co-transporters, NKCC1 and NKCC2, and also affect other related ion co-transporters. We find that WNK1 and OSR1 co-localize on cytoplasmic puncta in HeLa and other cell types. We show that the C-terminal region of WNK1 including a coiled coil is sufficient to localize the fragment in a manner similar to the full-length protein, but some other fragments lacking this region are mislocalized. Photobleaching experiments indicate that both hypertonic and hypotonic conditions reduce the mobility of GFP-WNK1 in cells. The four WNK family members can phosphorylate the activation loop of OSR1 to increase its activity with similar kinetic constants. C-terminal fragments of WNK1 that contain three RFXV interaction motifs can bind OSR1, block activation of OSR1 by sorbitol, and prevent the OSR1-induced enhancement of ion co-transporter activity in cells, further supporting the conclusion that association with WNK1 is required for OSR1 activation and function at least in some contexts. C-terminal WNK1 fragments can be phosphorylated by OSR1, suggesting that OSR1 catalyzes feedback phosphorylation of WNK1.  相似文献   

A melanin biosynthetic gene, Sal1, in the southern corn leaf blight fungus Cochliobolus heterostrophus, was identified by degenerate and inverse PCR. Structural analysis revealed that the open reading frame is 555 bp in length, interrupted by one intron. Melanin deficiency of the sal1 mutant strain, which accumulates the intermediate scytalone, was successfully complemented by introducing the gene fragment. These results suggest that Sal1 is a scytalone dehydratase gene of C. heterostrophus.  相似文献   

A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) map has been constructed of the nuclear genome of the plant pathogenic ascomycete Cochliobolus heterostrophus. The segregation of 128 RFLP and 4 phenotypic markers was analyzed among 91 random progeny of a single cross; linkages were detected among 126 of the markers. The intact chromosomal DNAs of the parents and certain progeny were separated using pulsed field gel electrophoresis and hybridized with probes used to detect the RFLPs. In this way, 125 markers were assigned to specific chromosomes and linkages among 120 of the markers were confirmed. These linkages totalled 941 centimorgans (cM). Several RFLPs and a reciprocal translocation were identified tightly linked to Tox1, a locus controlling host-specific virulence. Other differences in chromosome arrangement between the parents were also detected. Fourteen gaps of at least 40 cM were identified between linkage groups on the same chromosomes; the total map length was therefore estimated to be, at a minimum, 1501 cM. Fifteen A chromosomes ranging from about 1.3 megabases (Mb) to about 3.7 Mb were identified; one of the strains also has an apparent B chromosome. This chromosome appears to be completely dispensable; in some progeny, all of 15 markers that mapped to this chromosome were absent. The total genome size was estimated to be roughly 35 Mb. Based on these estimates of map length and physical genome size, the average kb/cM ratio in this cross was calculated to be approximately 23. This low ratio of physical length to map distance should make this RFLP map a useful tool for cloning genes.  相似文献   

In Agrobacterium tumefaciens, the balance between acquiring enough iron and avoiding iron-induced toxicity is regulated in part by Fur (ferric uptake regulator). A fur mutant was constructed to address the physiological role of the regulator. Atypically, the mutant did not show alterations in the levels of siderophore biosynthesis and the expression of iron transport genes. However, the fur mutant was more sensitive than the wild type to an iron chelator, 2,2′-dipyridyl, and was also more resistant to an iron-activated antibiotic, streptonigrin, suggesting that Fur has a role in regulating iron concentrations. A. tumefaciens sitA, the periplasmic binding protein of a putative ABC-type iron and manganese transport system (sitABCD), was strongly repressed by Mn2+ and, to a lesser extent, by Fe2+, and this regulation was Fur dependent. Moreover, the fur mutant was more sensitive to manganese than the wild type. This was consistent with the fact that the fur mutant showed constitutive up-expression of the manganese uptake sit operon. FurAt showed a regulatory role under iron-limiting conditions. Furthermore, Fur has a role in determining oxidative resistance levels. The fur mutant was hypersensitive to hydrogen peroxide and had reduced catalase activity. The virulence assay showed that the fur mutant had a reduced ability to cause tumors on tobacco leaves compared to wild-type NTL4.  相似文献   

A metallo-oxidase gene from a phytopathogenic filamentous fungus, Cochliobolus heterostrophus was cloned. Structural prediction of ChMco1 indicated that this protein lacks a transmembrane helix and is soluble, whereas other known fungal metallo-oxidases including Saccharomyces cerevisiae FET3 are localized to the cell membrane. The results of searches in fungal genomic databases and phylogenetic analysis of fungal metallo-oxidases revealed that ChMco1 and its allies are distinct homologues of Fet3 and unique to filamentous ascomycetous species including C. heterostrophus. We performed a functional analysis of ChMCO1 by generating null mutants for the ChMco1 gene. The ChMco1 null (∆ChMco1) mutants clearly had reduced melanization, although they showed normal growth and conidiation. Results also show that ∆ChMco1 mutants lost laccase activity. These results suggest that ChMCO1 is a novel class of metallo-oxidase that is necessary for laccase activity and melanization.  相似文献   



Cochliobolus heterostrophus is a dothideomycete that causes Southern Corn Leaf Blight disease. There are two races, race O and race T that differ by the absence (race O) and presence (race T) of ~ 1.2-Mb of DNA encoding genes responsible for the production of T-toxin, which makes race T much more virulent than race O. The presence of repetitive elements in fungal genomes is considered to be an important source of genetic variability between different species.


A detailed analysis of class I and II TEs identified in the near complete genome sequence of race O was performed. In total in race O, 12 new families of transposons were identified. In silico evidence of recent activity was found for many of the transposons and analyses of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) demonstrated that these elements were actively transcribed. Various potentially active TEs were found near coding regions and may modify the expression and structure of these genes by acting as ectopic recombination sites. Transposons were found on scaffolds carrying polyketide synthase encoding genes, responsible for production of T-toxin in race T. Strong evidence of ectopic recombination was found, demonstrating that TEs can play an important role in the modulation of genome architecture of this species. The Repeat Induced Point mutation (RIP) silencing mechanism was shown to have high specificity in C. heterostrophus, acting only on transposons near coding regions.


New families of transposons were identified. In C. heterostrophus, the RIP silencing mechanism is efficient and selective. The co-localization of effector genes and TEs, therefore, exposes those genes to high rates of point mutations. This may accelerate the rate of evolution of these genes, providing a potential advantage for the host. Additionally, it was shown that ectopic recombination promoted by TEs appears to be the major event in the genome reorganization of this species and that a large number of elements are still potentially active. So, this study provides information about the potential impact of TEs on the evolution of C. heterostrophus.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-536) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Conserved eukaryotic signaling proteins participate in development and disease in plant-pathogenic fungi. Strains with mutations in CGA1, a heterotrimeric G protein G alpha subunit gene of the maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus, are defective in several developmental pathways. Conidia from CGA1 mutants germinate as abnormal, straight-growing germ tubes that form few appressoria, and the mutants are female sterile. Nevertheless, these mutants can cause normal lesions on plants, unlike other filamentous fungal plant pathogens in which functional homologues of CGA1 are required for full virulence. Deltacga1 mutants of C. heterostrophus were less infective of several maize varieties under most conditions, but not all, as virulence was nearly normal on detached leaves. This difference could be related to the rapid senescence of detached leaves, since delaying senescence with cytokinin also had differential effects on the virulence of the wild type and the Deltacga1 mutant. In particular, detached leaves may provide a more readily available nutrient source than attached leaves. Decreased fitness of Deltacga1 as a pathogen may reflect conditions under which full virulence requires signal transduction through CGA1-mediated pathways. The virulence of these signal transduction mutants is thus affected differentially by the physiological state of the host.  相似文献   

植物铁蛋白是植物体重要的铁调节蛋白。许多研究表明植物铁蛋白与氧化胁迫抗性之间具有较强关联。植物铁蛋白不仅能抵御高铁产生的氧化毒性,在很多氧化胁迫及环境胁迫抗性中也发挥作用。对植物铁蛋白在氧化及逆境胁迫中的应激加以综述,为铁蛋白在生物工程领域的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Previous work established that mutations in mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase (CHK1) and heterotrimeric G-protein alpha (Galpha) subunit (CGA1) genes affect the development of several stages of the life cycle of the maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus. The effects of mutating a third signal transduction pathway gene, CGB1, encoding the Gbeta subunit, are reported here. CGB1 is the sole Gbeta subunit-encoding gene in the genome of this organism. cgb1 mutants are nearly wild type in vegetative growth rate; however, Cgb1 is required for appressorium formation, female fertility, conidiation, regulation of hyphal pigmentation, and wild-type virulence on maize. Young hyphae of cgb1 mutants grow in a straight path, in contrast to those of the wild type, which grow in a wavy pattern. Some of the phenotypes conferred by mutations in CGA1 are found in cgb1 mutants, suggesting that Cgb1 functions in a heterotrimeric G protein; however, there are also differences. In contrast to the deletion of CGA1, the loss of CGB1 is not lethal for ascospores, evidence that there is a Gbeta subunit-independent signaling role for Cga1 in mating. Furthermore, not all of the phenotypes conferred by mutations in the MAP kinase CHK1 gene are found in cgb1 mutants, implying that the Gbeta heterodimer is not the only conduit for signals to the MAP kinase CHK1 module. The additional phenotypes of cgb1 mutants, including severe loss of virulence on maize and of the ability to produce conidia, are consistent with CGB1 being unique in the genome. Fluorescent DNA staining showed that there is often nuclear degradation in mature hyphae of cgb1 mutants, while comparable wild-type cells have intact nuclei. These data may be genetic evidence for a novel cell death-related function of the Gbeta subunit in filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

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